HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY. JANUARY 4, 10B2 PAGE TWELVE i J ! iv kf 77 V HEADLINING the new vaudeville bill opening at the Pine Tree theater here Sunday afternoon are Joan Olsen and Tony Bredice (above). Joan, billed as "the bombastic blonde of comic ditties" has been widely acclaimed for her night club and theater work. Bredice is a clever foil for the fetch ing blonde's funnies and is a recognized star on the accor dion. Three other acts complete the bill. Mistake Slaps Arizona Ranch LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. Wl An Arizona citrus ranch was accidentally strafed with 90 rounds of SO caliber ammunition by an F-51 fighter. Luke Air Force Base officials announced Thursday. An area 200 yards square three and a half miles north of here was peppered with the plane's en tire load of bullets when a switch slipped and failed to work properly, a base spokesman said. . The Public Information Office said no one was hit. The ranch is owned by Murray Finton. who was not home at the time of the 'Incident. DE-ICER ' AMHERST, Canada, W A new piece of equipment here, a salt spreader has been placed in opera tion with the purpose of keeping streets fre"e of ice and snaw during the winter months. Fed from a truck, the spreader covers a width of 30 feet. Ransomed Flier's Father Dies SYRACUSE , N. Y. Lfl John J. Swift, Sr. died of cancer Thursday night, three days after his flier-son had reached his bedside from a prison in Communist Hungary. Capt. John J. Swift. Jr. 34. ar rived by air from Germany Mon day on emergency leave after 39 days in a Hungarian prison. He naa Deen jauea with three other Air Force men when their c-47 transport landed in Hungary. They were "ransomed" by the U.S. last week. Symington To Quit As RFC Chief WASHINGTON 'W Stuart Svmington. un ace pinch hitter for the Truman administration for six vcurs, will bow out in a few weeks as head of the Reconstruct ion Finance Corporation, probably tHklnir a sir.enble slice of top RFC otliemls with him. President Truman told his news conference Thursday he expects to accept a resignation from Syming ton Inter this month. Symington is planning to return to private busi ness. Indications are that resignations also will bo forthcoming from a number of key officials Installed bv Svmington In the RFC to help him "with a sweeping cleanup Job. Svmington and his housecleaning crew took over the big government lending agency last May when it was a storm center. A Senate sub committee had charged the RFC with yielding to a political influ ence ring with White house con tacts. ' Symington was out of town and not available for comment, but his close associates made-it clear the abruptness of Mr. Truman's an nouncement took them by surprise. , Mr. Truman said RFC .policies were not involved in the resig nation. Symington has been at iodds, however, with some State ; Department officials over dead locked negotiations with Bolivia on new tin prices. KPCA To Meet January 26 The 18th annual meeting of the Klamath Production Credit Associa tion has been scheduled for Jan. 26. KPCA Secy.-Treas. Lee McMul len announced today. 1 As in past years, the farm stock- i ' .1 .... n In f Vio tflnmftth uuiutria Mm iiicv, " - Falls Armory. This will be the third meeting; since me Rrvn u utxii completely taken over in owner ship by farmers. Two directors' terms expire as a ii Thai; a ra V.. , M Hammond and A. R. Campbell, who 1 .... . L. i ,Avm nf ttW, nave servea uuv men ... - vears. An election will be held for the posts left open. Pres. Bill Kittredge will preside over the meeting. However, the principal speaker has not yet been named. Vejar Goes 'Big Time' NEW YORK Wi Chico Vejar, the 20-year old collegian from Stamford. Conn., faces his first "olg name" fighter Friday night when he takes on the Veteran En rique Bolanos of Los Angeles at Madison Square Garden. Ring time for the 10 rounder Is 7 p.m. (PST) with network radio (ABC) coverage. CHEVY CHASE. Md. Wl Mrs. Joseph P. Tumulty, 71, wife of a former secretary to the late Presi dent Woodrow Wilson, died Thurs day at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Philip A. Caulfield, in this suburb of Washington. - DANCE Modern and old time danc ing Every Saturday night. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. K.C. HALL. Public invited. treat yourself to a Bulova! ... for accurancy . . . beauty com plete dependability all you want in a watch! Wise choice, a Bulova! Bulova's enviable reputation 'is .your assurance of a superior watch. Its sensible pries is your assurance of value! Come in for your Bulova today! - ' from 33.75 v Federal Tox Included It only takes a mo ment to open a charge account at . . I HST Says Murphy Once . Turned Down Offer; Coy On Subject Of McGrath WASHINGTON yun president many rumors were jolng around Truman said Thursday that J udne Thomas F. Murphy once accepted and then turned down an appoint ment to head up an Investigation of government employes. Mr, Truman made this statement during a news conference discus sion of his plans to eliminate wrong doers from the government. In other highlights of the con ference, Mr. Truman: Said he will accept W. Stuart Symington's resignation as head of the Reconstruction Finance Cor poration sometime this month. Refused to answer a question as to whether Atty-Oen. J. Howard McOrath has signified his willing ness to be relieved of duly. At the outset of the meeting with reporters, the President said so Salem Park Laws' To Be Enforced SALEM Vfi State and city po lice will begin Friday to enforce parking limits on streets in the state Capitol group. Parking is restricted to one hour and two hours. Secretary of State Earl T. New bry. who asked for enforcement of the parking limits, said that the public doesn't get a chance to park now because employes park their cars on the streets all day. STILL PACKING 'EM IN SAIGON. Indochina ifv-The film "Gone With the Wind", even though it's ancient now as Ameri can movies go. still is drawing crowds at cinemas in Saigon. A single seat costs $3.50. about what action might bo taken in connection with the government cleanup program that he was not going to answer any of them. But later, In response to ques tions, Mr. Truman confirmed thut he had asked Judge Murphy of New York to head an inquiry Into any corruption and wrongdoing in the government. The President said Murphy ac cepted Uie appointment but alter he got back to New York he turned it down. A reporter asked whether Mur phy , submitted conditions under which he would accept appoint ment. No, the President ' said, adding that ho himself gave all the con ditions under which he thought Murphy could serve. Asked whether he would name a substitute for the New York Judge. Uie President said he didn't care to talk about that. Oregon Car Toll-- 440 SALEM Oft Trnlflo accidents In Oregon took 440 Uvea in 1WS1 an Increase of 13 over the 11)50 toll, Secretary o( state Earl T, Newbry said Thursday, The all-time high was 483 killed In 1M0. Nowbry estimated that 13.500 persons were Injured In traffic ac cidents, a new record. The 1060 total was 13,333. The total number of accident was 0, 000, compared with 74,100 In 1050. Oregun courts and Nen-bry's of fice cracked down on drivers to Uie tune of 41.444 traftlo violation convictions, plus several thousand driver license . suspensions. There were 3.740 licenses nun pendrd for drunken driving, MX) for reckless driving, and 30'i for speeding. YOUR CHILD MAY NttDITTLViiem . . .now ooap"mmmm Amirln' For Chlfifr.n Ist.joseph handy I Omni. II.-1 ASPIRIN adult do... Buy It! FOR CHIluRI muw. bv unwi JSC. 9th and Pint 'at Phono 3181 KENO PROMENADERS BE SURE TO COME TO THE SQUARE DANCE AT KENO SATURDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK ONLY Dress Length Remnants PRICES REDUCED UP TO 50 Assorted Cotton Prints 3'i Yord Pleco Values to 69c yd. 80-sq. percales, Q"T printed plisse, chambray, others. C Assorted Rayon Prinfi 3'i Yardi Values' to 98c yd. Hawaiion prints, I At rayon gabardine, taffeto, suitings. I i 'Assorted Cotton, and Rayont 3'i Yardi Values to 1.29 yd. Royon suitings, I Q"T corduroy, rayon plaids, ginghams. I Assorted Pre-Shrunk Woolens 2'l Yards Values to 3.49 yd. Plaids & checks, A An jersey crepes, tweeds, ond flannels. O Smooth New Power I to" (7.0tol)enp'iv - 1 xLJ Mew Tone-Tailored fgssaam g interiors .. 1 w1 . CrnnnlnCf POWer Cvclebond lininjs. ttut nvets. .nc effective owns Interiors .thin"M,',,b,i tlewlus"-lon,m" ' B a whole flock of fine new features! 4 . . 'V 'trs. A Fresh New Look 111 and new ornamentation. .new mouldine 5 - m aw 1 Synchro-Silent Transmission .S nmoUi sud nws eflo.U. to ..1.. RMinn Clprtric tasiei-nvii"6 ...j.u;nA Winers. Sixeo VVinUaiiiciu type, iney nirei extra cost , I 1 1 i 1 hpe.theynevt.down. . a. i..-aamaSSR 1 n kmi ' mm I I mm mak Mm Vm,- taH)SriMuJ LwaJ fLm, u 1 1952 Safety low Ride lnduto ous Onflow moolhet.l"",", 700 Main St. iicistiie mix I I "il.l.'J.,1."-?)1..1," J Phono 3151 IqulpmiiM ind trim irt ubjt to villiblhly of mittiiili IT'S AT YOUR PLYMOUTH DEALER'S NOW-the finest of all fine Plymouths ever built! And the features described here only begin to tell you its value story. Plymouth designers, decorators, engineers have crammed still more quality into every part-have made it, more than ever, "the low-priced car most like the high-priced cars." See it yourself. Drive it yourself. Compare it with the others in the lowest-priced field, or even compare it with cars costing hundreds , of dollars more. Then you be the judge of the car for the money-the car for youl n. V nou on maim PLYMOUTH Divillon Ol CHRYSLER CORPORATION, Otlrat 31, MlcdilH