l-'UIDAV, JANUARY f 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN' 1 f f'i-'v 46 FINANCIAL i:$$MON EY$$ t ;'i ' nki Tiiif t'ltiCT rAi i i ON THE FIRST CALL I UP to IMX) on your auto On vaur salary or furnltun up to 100 "Pay Dy" loans tpec laliy - 110. lib. 150 loaned . UII "pay day' or longer fit cost but II centi (or oni week No other cnarges, LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th St. M-3M ': 42 LIVISTOCK 1 POULTRY KUULIKY WANTED Si Cash paid (or my amount. Top market prlto IT gouri quality. 4 For quotations- PHONK 38M liVl I i llVPirlt ' I'in.rriKjy.V In p'n tir U lull ml lut mail t.nilt nl t.Fe-iii. ' , i.iltf view juiifllnn. Will ilrliver. ' . U,OVD ultima Thi-ni MW III. 'J lluv nu IMiLI.V.Yft. IryTTvw rt"mpiirrr ""re'il, .) vln. tB r. Main. I'horm 4in? VVlKlT.iAi, nHKMilMi NCNVU7. : Phini 5711 M C iChurki Warren Hi 2 Ho 532 J44 MlJCILLANEOUPwXNflb U'AN'ifcl"Y6 ItrNlrSrirllTrVS M t ) (l room unriirnlhl hnu in t'tttri-on f. H' hool rtltrlr1. Phono '1-2UI0 j ' WAN'rcb io m;Y!"sori.ui""hjiyr"r. y- 1 vmed rjsht wv. fiOM'U r fm. 1 ;( 1'" Inng WilltBmion River Htoie, i' riiMnmiln. Oreon. jjl VXSf'fKh to rni,Rprrt"lhrrVilrooni iiniiaw ir oinr inijfer. mnviii to a. KUniAth palU within next tn rtuvi. Phone KUmAth rail Crimrv. fUOl. ; nir.u, good iied ciulhltif ui Hd now burl ftp WARriiriinr V'AKTrni"r'.ii) fc-n i u-.t .7.. .".7 nithrrf house or two houiti til iimi Inl Phn 2-21.1. Km iAt.jCon ton i(Vfjlentt'Tieir. Moid Mroi lllv Ora t'lf O hex Air clinrTlT5o7"PIinii P3O0 44 FINANCIAL LOANS ; IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow pay Onl $100 17.37 Mo. Repay In 13 Installment! UP TO MOO ON rURNITURB OR SALARY UP TO 11300 ON CARS w TaE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convtnlent to Borrow ' ) Convenient to pa; Locally owned : Hew Care financed at f bank raua "WONt? IN A HURRY" 'Motor Investment Co. 20 yeara earring Klamath Bailr 8ee ''Chuck" Bullfy Mgr. IK N 7th St Phone 332b R-341 M7 Commercial Furnishes - Vr a c i 1 1 CASH LOANS 50 to 1300 Auto Fumltuw Livestock Salarj ISO to 1900 Automohllea (paid for or not) ' Private 80 H of Autos Financed Make your deala CASH dealt I Commercial Finance. Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. S-3S1 N-3311 107 No 8th Phona Till SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE "DRIVEWAY MATERIAL" FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. .7650 Ph. 7091 llilTANE la heater for .e. Call uuuo mt1r a n n. WAHir.S Efertrlc nlanliat, ainiie con lr.?'i.'uil " am.os. Equala othera at .I7.0. 7H percent wool, 2B percent cot-trn-eaiy to wn.h. J-veir guarantee atalnsl mechanical defect Chnoae from aevitral rich eolora. Sama blanket Avllh two aeparata conlrnla, s.l7.flS! Montfomery Ward. lh and Pine. Phone ;i6v"8 Birvn.K. aio. phnna ' jtsiiST ,.n,,n,ui, rieciric ivpawriter. ! k?. tat hl" Pr'ca. Phona Mr. Hal? aTnn ..ofllKM'SSkU 0:ta wool irlere m. . was I1R 30, now (M.20. 10-BMI wool frlero. was i37.nn, now II no.no. Monl. "j1"' w,r. ' and Pine. Phona I)e:SK$2(i Drea.wr, targe mtrror.Sia, . pinlni labia chalra Iwlna eeataj- a.13. Phone g-leon. KOK SA1.E. Incinerator, rilnlng eeT. hreakfail let, hlh chair. Iwby buanv, : eleak. molting utenalla. anlo Summers I. ana nfternoona and evenlnaw. ' I.fNOI.KUM remnnnta up to 0x13 1.1 off. Montgomery Ward, ath and pina maa. '"SHJ1 w.r1"' w"'ell. Mm'i late t t'o-t f!7 rail fnrS rah. Phnna 3-Q44B. ' VOR SALE. Complete needa for new born baby, from dinners to hatninetle. . yaryreaaonahle. Phone 3-n20S. M)R SALE. BenutriuTillghtly ued Onaolelte Klmhnll piano. New S7an. aelllng price S373. Call 0003 or lea at ina.l Acntlemv. Ton SALE, 40 ton nlfn'fn hay. bur him rlvcr. Phona 320.in. KlCCTKOHIX CLRANRR and pollihtr w-.q auppiica. rnoni Yin larKei TWttt 0 Mwrkat tj"ituni:i ROCK, driveway cinder.. T'-,rrt RH4t, etc. MONARCH elrrtric Have. GooUcdndT I nn Phnn 2-11(11. . Oil Ktnmse tanki, Peyton and Co F'i' borfy v.-oofj.' Phone nnffft."" OR SALr, Stroud player pfeno. T'CUon,-! honkrnre S23. Rollaway bfd fi.l lib'e top electric rania t33. '"is j mjaM Schaf puimatnw type uprlttht K.7. ryrii.ipii uo linMII. UOOQ COO SirKPIIERD MUSIC COMPANY 345 R Main BALL, med ipinet planoi. Taken In r-nrlnfl hnltclays. 9305, 449, 42S, etc. . m3rmr. 10 down. $18 monthly. Loul It Manit Piano Company, 120 North i OA HAha. 7 piece walnut dining let. Montgomery Ward refrigerator. 044 El c'urado. Phont 8733, im Motor Co mtt Plum. " WANtrr) url bif. 7(itionori 4 propi.r.R WARriioiiBr LOANS DON Mi:lHTYRE, Mgr. Plione 3-3537 43 Vtara Friendly 8ervite S-374 SI MISCILLANIOUS FOR SAH F,OR SALE I 7 It. Curonndo red lerrntor, tablf ! model radio will) table. chrl of ! drawer. Monliiomcry wnrd Ui--luxe wa.lilnit mnchlne, ilavrnuort Willi new tailor made cover. White electrlr aewlng mnchlnc. Urn at 3(110 Boardinan AUCTION SALE FRIDAY NIOIIT-JANUARY 7:00 P.M. IlitH AUCTION MART, WOCUS New roofing paper and compo:.ltlnn Mimelm, fkn, beda, laundry tiayo and fittings. ITKMS NEW AND USED Com gu your Items lor s.ile any time. COL. I''RFD HOWARD. AUCTIONKKR Phone 0410 AUCTION Sunday - 12 Noon Complete furnishings of a two bed room homo all In perfect condition Including 0 cubic (oot refrigerator, automatic washing machine, bed 100m act. cheterfleld net. MOO gas range and other excellent lurnl lure. SUMMERS LANE AUCTION MART 3609 Summers Lane 'OUiOCwho llkiTooduirtYiHm' mad tail. . .Ilk to ahop at Juhnn't Hn V Bakary, Merrill Lakavltw June tlon. L'ATifoH?jTrFr(7"varratnTiruF and traaa. Wa Irlm, apray and ramova tar(a traai. LAKEsiionr OAitDrNs Nunsinv Phona aM atTYSiM Nbw caps now; Wa bur uaad llraa. O K. Ruhbar Wald- ar i.lCl 80 lh, Phonalta rttTT.inhruifi. I'h'nna 9m or MI1 MimVa MACiirNkaTValcuTatori. lyp'a wrltara. caih railaiara, ilaaka. chairs tllai ror tala or rant. PIONEER orriCE ItTPLV rtyi Maln Phnna 74IJ crrG'fir:T' rock and drivaway Vlnda'ra Phnna aJie7 fTlMlCE FlXoCKS. drain Ilia, concrate eulverl plpa PEYTON It CO. HM Markal SS AUTOMOTIVt JUCKELAND'S DECLARE: The Time Is NOW to Take Advantage of US! Come in ... let us tell and show you why you should buy ; DEMONSTRATORS ! 21951 HUDSON SEDANS : Mechanically Perfect 1 Prices Greatly Discounted 50 49 49 49 48 '48 48 47 HUDSON 3- dr. Sedan PONTIAC "I-3-dr. Sedan PACKARD "8" Sedan DODGE 4- dr.' sedan. HUDSON Super '6' 4-D., PACKARD X 4-Dr. Sedan CHEVROLET Styllne Cpe. OLDS "I" Sedan $1795 $1895 $1650 $1645 $1460 v$1495 $1185 $1295 COMMERCIALS 1947 Dodge Panel 4-speed .... 1595 1948 Dodgo Panel Sri0.r 1948 Ford V-8 'i T Pickup S795 1949 Int. KB-8 S399S 1950 Ford F7 W'tag $3795 19S0 Ford F8 Air S3795 1948 Q.M.C. - COE Tg 3-sp. J3595 1943 O.I. 4x4 $695 JUCKELAND'S BLOCK-LONG LOT llth to 12th on Klnmnth Ph. 2-3S81 CHEAP TRANSPORTATION AT DYES' 1939 Bulck. really in fine condition, good rubber $395 1939 Studebaker Commander $395 1940 Nash. Needs a little work, but only $56 193S DcSoto. Runs Ilka a mil lion $135 It Always Pays To SEE DYE before YOU BUY! Open Sundays and Evenings 733 East Main Phone 9326 IfltO tfr" IrvHI tlvi a ' ' It uuie. iwo uuor leann. ah extras. Original owner. Low mileage ...yarn III well. UllillU. mnnB 1117. OH SALE. 1IW0 1 Lii ion Klalnan t'lim' rolet trek. 49 motor. 1400. Ca'l 7-1601 lcl"ilrv Ceor Rlebtn. Tulelake Cab- IMBI O llOp, lino ciieviioLeV. hve good nre. ,. L?3i.CH,:VBOI'RT two floor deluxe. 34.009 mllea. Har"n, heater, othar extras, new llraa. Excellent condition. Phone nM. . 3 EAROAINS n.1 Ford coupe, good. lsa. l(:in Ford Sedan, not bad, 970. 1943 Dodre Pickup, w.iiiii. w. ui, to iranar. i;ia K. main. 1 AMI ' 'llvOh'Al fVtn1 ' VU a, HT a. ants (.HOT WWJUB. DbLonili, I'DWOT- Hide radio, heater, spotlight, only 4,000 niiaiuini aiacuuiii.r V.HJI (MUU imv ai;.iu p m Will SALE, 1047 kaiaer Sedan, .V0. HHn CHKVROLKV KLKtTLtNK uonr HBonn, ,nqio na neater, excellent ron flitinn. Will take a trade 11293. Phone 77 P.O. KOH BAlaK or trade, Kquity in iimi Hudion. 4000 mile, on nw mntor. Will take llvctloetc or older car. Phont 01 IB. I 55 AOTOMOTIVI Chevrolet . . THE LEADER! Listed Below Are Some i SPECIALS ' For.the First Saturday in 1952! 1941 PLYMOUTH COUPE $195, 1942 CHEV. 5-PASS. COUPE .$395, 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. SEDAN $2951 1941 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DR '$445 1941 MERCURY 5-PASS. COUPE $395 , 1946 CHEV. 4-DR. R&H $895 j Ashley Chevrolet ''Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th Ph. 4113 j WHY SHOP? I MAKE A DEAL WITH KLAHN and you'll COME OUT ON TOP! ft SOME SUPER SPECIALS ft 1949 Buick SUPER 4-Dr. Sedan. $10 Dynaflow, radio, heater ). PlvJJ 1946 Buick SUPER 2-Dr. Sedan 00 Radio, heater 47 J 1942 Buick SUPER 4-Dr. Sedan Q Radio, heater PJ J OTHER GOOD BUYS 1940 NASH "600" Radio and heater 1947 STUDEBAKER Business Coupe 1947 DODGE Club Coupe Radio, heater If anyone can . . . relieve your car worry and let you sleep . . . KEN CAN KLAHN NASH CO. 606 South 6th phone 3650 Frank Elliott. Salesman . . . Home phone 2-0432 THE RUSH IS ON!! PEOPLE ARE COMING IN . BY THE DOZENS WHY? ?70o ONLY DOWN (On Approved Credit) ON ANY OF THESE USED CARS '38 Plymouth Coach .$127 '36 Pontiac Coach .... $ 97 '39 Olds Sedan $397 '41 Chcv. 2-Dr $347 '40 Olds Sedan $297 '37 Dodge Sedan $127 '37 Plymouth Sedan $127 '37 Chev. Sedan $ 97 '38 Lincoln , $147 '37 Plymouth Coupe $127 DUGAN&MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated'' TRUCKS ' 522 So- ct" Phone 8101 .. HERE ARE TWO REAL Specials at DYES'. WE REALLY BELIEVE THEY ARE THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN! 1949 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SEDAN ClOO Clean and snappy. Tops in every way' vPlatU 1947 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN Loaded with extras ; IT ALWAYS PAYS TO SEE DYE before YOU BUY! r,, 0Pcn Sundays 733 East Mam LOOKINO FOH nRATj BUYS Used Car Department V hav n r'-o rlr't ef varlnn mattes and mnrleli of tired care to aelecl from. IMO'a ti lOM'a nrleed from M50 in sanoo. Prleed right! Dr;v right! Look rlphtl Trnt!r.r. terms 10 suit vou. H, E, HAUGF.n nilICK OARAGE Used Car Department Main nt Tlroad Phona .VM LATE MODEL Jeep in emmacuiae condition. Factory lop. Phona also avt nlnftn. BE IN THE! KNOW I Read Her ald & News Classified ads dally Oet the latest Information on what's what In everyday business trends. .. '41 Studebaker $447 '41 Chrysler $397 '38 Chevrolet $127 '41 G.M.C. Pickup .... $397 '37 Dodge $127 '29 Ford Model A .... $ 97 . $995 and Evenings Phone 9326 .y50K. THIS one oven I"" ld " ' -cum SjadaV R,di0 heater, Hydramatlc drive, plaaiic teat f nlah. A real keen loaklnf ear. riral clans condition In avary way. A steal at 91195. II. E. HAUOER-BMCK GARAGE Heed Car Department Main al Broad Phona Dial FOR 8ALE J091 Mercury two door sedan. Radio, healer, overdrive. Per fect throughout. Cnmider trade in older model. Phona S-32n. 1047 CHEVROLET Aaro Hedan. fully equipped, sni. Sea at 3S78 Ebarlaln. PRICES SLASHED !! INVENTORY CLEARANCE HERE'S PROOF WE HAVE SLASHED Here are a few examples -Many more to choose from at same reduced prices! 1949 Bulck Super Sedan. New car condition throughout. Low mileage. Fully equipped and guaranteed. 1950 Cadillac 61 aeries 4-door. Radio and heater. Hydramatlc. Very clean and low mileage 1950 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, Hydramatie, cadet visor, new seat covers, beautiful tutone green. A one-owner car with best of care 1947 Olds '78' 4-Door Sedan. Radio, Recently reconditioned. A one 1349 Studebaker Champion Regal Deluxe. Motor Just overhauled. Radio, heater, overdrive. Another one owner car 1917 Olds "76" 4-door. Radio, heate. Hydramatlc Body good, tires excellent, clean . PRE any DICK 7th and Kla.nath PARKER PONTIAC CO. Removal SALE Must Clear Out All Cars Before Moving To New Down-Town Location. For Example . . 1950 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN DELUXE 8 4-DR. Extra clean. frrrQ c Tutone gray. Loaded with extras. Hydramatlc CpU O 1950 OLDSMOBILE "88" SEDAN COUPE Lovely light blue MOO car with all extras and Hydramatlc v() I 7 7 O 1950 NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DR. SEDAN The car With l QQ C the built-in bed. Radio, heater, Hydramatlc. A good buyCp I WD 1949 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN DELUXE "8" 4 DR. Radio, M70 heater. Hydramatlc, lustrous light green color Cp I 70 1948 PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. "8" SEDAN-COUPE Just as clean as a new car. (' A A C Loaded and has Hydramatlc .." p 1 440 1947 PONTIAC STREAMLINER 4-DR. SEDAN Lots of tll i C good transportation, Ounmetal color. Radio, heater ... CJ) I 140 1946 PONTIAC STREAMLINER SEDAN-COUPF tO i C A beautiful car at a real low price , ' p740 1946 LINCOLN 4-DR. SEDAN triQ C Spotless black and In top condition vpOO PRE-WAR CARS CUT TO THE BONE LOOK" A93d?ycolPE $87.50 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! : DOLLAR for DOLLAR You can't beat a PONTIAC and .' . ' - DOLLAR for DOLLAR You can't beat a PARKER PONTIAC DEAL ! PARKER PONTIAC 4th and Klamath Ave. Ph. 8164 fWO HEAL GOOD BUYS t41 Olds "" 74 4 Door Sedan. Radta. heater. Hydranallc drive, origi nal black finish. A dandy car at a low prlce SMS. lull Ford Super Deluxe Fordor Sedan. Radio, heater. A-l me chanical condition. Good rubber. A bar fain at ISM. H. E. HAUGF.R-BUICX GARAGE llred Car Department Main at Broad Phona SHI FOR SALE. 1837 Packard. Good condt. tlon. One owner. Phona S-I4BS. GOOD 1841 Ford 4 door sedan, rradto, heater, lood tires. S300. 1749 Menlo Way. Apt. FOR SALE. 1912 Sedanet Bulck. A-l shape, clean. 1600. 817 East Main after a p. n FOR SALE. m Plymouth 4 door sedan Good condition. Can ba seen at 1333 Wantland or phona Mil. a AUTOMOTIVt To make ready for 1952 Models all these cars must be sold NOW. CLEAR OUR STOCK: heater, Hydramatlc drive. - owner car - WAR Models - 1 939 to pre-war model all run B. MIL OLDS - CADILLAC East Main at Wantland Ph. 6221 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS-CARS ' GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 677 S 7th- Phona- IW WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 303 B. Main. Phone 3371. "Wa will sell your car lor you." Wa buy ana tradel OPS Celling Price N.A.D.A. Used Car Guide's Average Retail Price tl AAA I OUO t1AfiO CpsjOUz. tOTAA .... I 00 $1735 $3602 $2145 $1150 $1400 $1130 $1220 $1505 $1225 1 94 1 - Make us an offer on and in good shape. LER CO DIM BETTER DEAL USED CARS South Sixth at Plum NOT SPECIALS just every day LOW PRICES 950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB Only 16,000 miles. A real buy 950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR NEWPORT America's most beautiful car. Radio, heater, white sidcwall tires .... 950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE 4-DR. " . Clean as can be. Has all extras .950 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-DR. Really sharp and priced right 949 BUICK SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN A real buy. Radio, heater, Dynaflo 949 DESOTO CUSTOM CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, fluid-drive. A .949 DODGE CORONET CLUB Eye It! Try it!! Buy it!!! 949 FORD CUSTOM DELUXE TUDOR , Radio, heater, overdrive, seatcovers 941 BUICK SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN Look it over. It can't be beat 940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Extra good at this price ,. 939 DODGE PICKUP 4-speed transmission, heater. -oetter man good tires DIMBAT USED CARS Where YOU are GUARANTEED a BETTER Deal So. 6th at Plum ' Phone 9139 Evenings & Sundays phone Layton Sleight 8825 SEE IT NOW The New Chrysler 180 h.p. & more Also the new PLYMOUTH For '52 Friday, Jan. 4th NOW AT OUR MAIN SHOWROOM 3rd & Main See Ray Morris Phone 7763 For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Tri'ck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath ?hone 3-2581 THE ONE YOU WANT 1048 Bulck Super Sedanat. Radio, heal er, plaatla aeat covera, low ml'eage, new car appearance and condition. Truly a beautiful car. I143S. H. F. H AUGER BUICK GARAGE Ured Car Department Main al Broad Phona 3151 iv"ai NEED CARSi Uai lop erica now. Row Motor Co, Itb d Plum. PRICES TO COMPARE Our . Clearance Price $1675 $3295 . $1995 $1095 $1275 $960 Phone 4103 BAT COUPE $2095 $2395 $1645 $1545 $1695 $1595 $1495 $1295 $495 $225 $350 SEDAN ' once - in - a - lifetime deal ... COUPE ' . COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Bsolanaaa try thiS One out1! 1049 rord v-8 Custom Fordor Sedan, Radio, heater overdrive. ' Wall equipned. less license. A vary elaaai car. 11433. H. E. HAUGER-BU1CK OARAGE Uaert Car Department Main at Broad Pimm lUt