pAgk ten HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON KID AY, .JANUARY 4. 10.12 Gambling Tax Roiling In 07 ins nmiBicH rnn 1 Vn.. MH..J.WMH.nt h.I .AllMtl1 t least 1200,000 in gambling taxes Since Mio now au Hcl w wj went Into force two months ago, an Associated Press survey disclosed loaay. That sum was paid by profession I gamblers In about one-fourth o . a Qn.A ,All,wtfra fit inter IHKDi w." .... . . ... nal revenue declined to make the figures puolio. utners cam men recoras were quite mvuintJicn. ow i.i 41.&., tntftiA nnthlno-. Congressional backers of the tax predicted 11 wouia raise snn, uiuuuu dollars a year. This would average out to more than 30 million dollars a month. Collection sums in five figures were reported in only three states Ohio. Florida and Indiana. At Tacoma, Wash., the collector's otflce said $14,805.42 was collected from gamblers' income by the new tax for the month of November. Some 350 returns were filed. The figures for December bad no "een compiled. Water Power Sale Talked WASHINGTON W Securities and Excnange uammBaiwi mem bers discussed Thursday requests that they hold a hearing on the proposed sale of Washington Water Power Company common stock to Washington State. The discussion was held at a cioocu iiKcw.g v Secretary Orval DuBoise told a re porter. NO decision was reacneo. The commission has until the w. hiicnu fintjirriav tn de cide whether to hold a bearing on we proposed saic American Power ft Light Com pany, which owns the Washington utility's common stock, notified the commission last week the three dis tricts had offered 62 million dollars for the stock. The disclosure hmiittht. niAra than ft rinzen re quests from Washington and Idaho Stale omciais ana mem tiers ui von . gress during the commission to hold hearing. New Man Takes On Coast Survey SEATTLE Wt The Coast and Geodetic Survey announced Thurs day appointment of Cmdr. S. B. Grenell as supervisor of the North western District with headquarters in Seattle. Commander Grenell - succeeds Capt. Jack Senior, retired. The new supervisor has spent 12 seasons on survey work in Alaska, principal ly in the Aleutian Islands and Ber ing Sea. He has been executive of ficer of the Explorer for the past two seasons. - Expert . Gun Repairing and Rebluing THE GUN STORE MIRRORS for any .Room in His Hornet Calhoun A . 357 I. Main SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA Raeeeasallr TmM Eicraslre HttWf SM Ne. 1th Pbm IMi Cbirepraetio Physician HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. ' MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern Jlr. and Mrs. J. K Earley Proprietors , -; and Joe Earley WhvdpDol AUTOMATIC WASHERS and DRIERS NOW AVAILABLE The Automat Tulelake or dial 9578 Klamath Falls Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment 11th & Walnut Ph. 7709 Better Cough Belief When new drugs or old fail to stop your cough or chest cold don't delay. Creomulsion contains only safe, help ful, proven ingredients and no nar cotics to disturb nature's process. It goes right to the scat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal raw, ten der, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or druggist refunds money. Creomulsion has stood the test of many millions of users. CREOMULSION Im Cenghi, Chert Colds, Acatt roacaltl. The JAYHAWK THERE'S NONE Bt yi ucron ethyl GsasesssassKHs JAYHAWK GAS 2135 South th MN CHAMPIONS Mrs. Marion Ladewig. Grand I Rapids, Mich., and Junie McMahon. Fairlawn, N. J., hold trophies ai after winning national individual all-star bowling titles in Chicago. "pstsp -1L A SAFE APPROACH Donnle Tamala. 4. places hand under Bushman's jaw after body of the famous gorilla wis riaced on exhibition in Chicago' Museum of Natural History. & SEEINC IS BELIEVING Strange sights are viewed at racetracks, and Hialeah, Florida, is no exception as a plgeoa racehorse and bulldog form friendly trio at track (table, - S ' if .IHt "'Ito , . i FOR SHADE'S SAKE ipef se,zed the nert object filming, it was a wardrobe hat . . cR Jie r'-3 f I )' I ' f 1 Til 1 AW with sun at Hi lenith, Gary for relief during "High Noon" ) for Grace Kelly, at his side. ' Stockman Falls From Hotel, Dies ELKO, Nev. Wl Golden A. Coffin, 48, Idaho and Nevada stock buyer, fell to his death in a local hotel last Wednesday night. Authorities said he mistakenly opened a door . leading down a flight of steps. Coffin had operated a ranch at La Moilee, near here, for the last 10 years. Before that, he operated at Pocatcllo, Idaho. Americans have' tripled their use of turkeys since 1930, snys tile Na tional Geographic Society. CLASSIFIED RATES Oh day Throe Days Week run ... per word t per word llo per word 30c Month run ... per word tic MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad la 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge of 39c. DEADLINES Classified ada a oc opted up to 6:30 pjn. tor following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up to 11 noon for following day pub lication, ADJUSTMENTS Plea max au claims lor adjust ments without delay. Correction or cancellations r ottTcd by 8:30 p.m., will be mads tn following day's publication FORT ROCK By ROBERTA McGEK A triple Installation ceremony took place Monday evening Dec. 34 at the Summer Lake Grange hall where Valley Falls, Fort Rock and Summer Lake Grange otlicers Aere installed for the coming year. Fort Rock was very well repre sented by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pitcher, Fern. Owen and Jerry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eskelin, Ed Eskelln, Bernle Suit, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klerk. Roberta McGee, Mr. and Mrs. Hasel Ward and Mnrnlyn, Charlie Sttngley, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kaley, Mrs. Leon Gilder and Avon Derrick. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eskelin and Ed were business visitors in Lake view on Monday afternoon. Dec. IT. Ed returned to Lakevtew again on mesaay with Bud Parks wnere they attended a telephone meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trauger ol Portland were overnight guests Monday at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Bud Parks. The Trauger s were on their way to California. Trauger is writing the geological report on underground water m Lake County. The report will ap pear In one of the government bul letins when completed in the near future. The Christmas church service scheduled at the Grange hall Sun day afternoon was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGee instead, due to climatic conditions, such as snow which when meas ured at 7:15 p.m. Sunday evening was 10 inches, which meant that on an average of one Inch ot snow per hour fell. The weather, detained a few of the members that were planning to be on the program. Rev. Darl Hunts sermon was quite touching. Christmas carols were sung by the 17 persons who were present. Saturday the Fort Rock Carol Singers started from Fori Rock and headed east to carol all Uicy could reach. The Fort Rock school children bad a Christmas party on Friday afternoon, December 21, with the children exchanging gifts. There was also a birthday cake, decorat ed in the Christmas theme honoring Joan Perry who is now 8 years old. The children sang Happy Birth day and the class presented her with a lovely pencil. Mrs. Floyd Branch, Joan's mother, served the birthday refreshments. John Har bison furnished the refreshment for the Christmas party. Wednesday morning and it Is snowing some more here In Fort Rock. It is the most snow 1 have seen in a long time. Donald and Howard McGee left for Portland Wednesday morning to see If they can obtain a new diesei motor for the mill. Mrs. Floyd Branch and Clinton and Jdan Perry spent Christmas in Lakeview with Floyd's family. Ralph Webber took his mother. Mrs. Laura Webber, to the bus Monday to return to Medlord to stay with her son Harry and lamily. . Legal Notice NOTICE Or BOND SALE Scaled propoiali will bt received by the Common Council of the City of Klamath FalU, Oregon, for the pur chase of aewer Improvement bonda, Serief 92, aggregating. rour Thousand rive Hundred Twenty-two and 3.1-100 Dollari, IW.522 33) duly authorized by ordinance of the said City of Klamalh Falls, for the construction and laying of sewer lines In Sewer Unit No. 20. of said City and serving the property between South Sixth Street, the O.C I. Railroad Right of Way, Shasta Way and Washburn Streets. Proposals to purchase said bonds will be received by the undersigned up to and including the 4th. day of February. 1BS2, at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock p.m. of said day and opened at a regular meeting of the Common Coun. ell immediately thereafter; said bonds shall be dated February 1. 10.12, and shall be tn amounts of 930000 each, except bond No. 1, of said series, which shall be for the fractional part of said aum. and all shall be due ten years after '.he date of Issue, payment of the entire bonds optional wltii said City at any coupon paying date on and after one year from the date thereof. Said bonds will bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st. and August 1st. of each year, principal and interest pavable at the office of the treasurer of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the proposal. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to the legality thereof by the law firm of Wlnfree. Mcculloch, Shuler At Rayre, Spalding Building. Portland. Oregon. Thla notice is authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamath rails, Oregon, dated Decem ber 17. IBM. ROEERT M. ELDER, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. D-31-J-I-2..1-4-S-T - - - 10 . 11 - 12 - 14 - IS -16 17 lit - 19 - 21 - 22 - 2.1 - 2 No. 828. CITATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE Or OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH tn the Matter of the Estate of PEDRO CONZALAS, Deceased. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: A petition having been filed by Tvy C. Clark, the duly appointed, qualified and actine Administrator nf the Jihnve entitled estate, for an order authoriz ing him to sell at private sale for cash the following described real properly, to-wlt: Portion of Lot 7, Sec. 14. Twp. nfl S . R. 10 E W M Klamath County, Oregon, containing .28 acres, also W", -E" -SW", . NF1', W, SW'. NE'i, E'i-E'i-SEH-NW., Sec. .15, T. .14 S.. H. 7, SEU-SE' Sec. 34 T. 35 &., P. S NE', - NE",. Sec. 3 NWH-NW. Sec. 2. T. 38, S.. R, S E.. W.M.. Klamath County, Oregon, containing inn You, and each of you, are hereby cnea to appear tn trie anove entitled Court on or before the 30th day of January, 1852, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why the aald petition should not be granted. WITNESS the Hon. David R. Vonden. Berg, Judge of the above entitled Court. Dated thla 28th day of December, 1051. ISEALl CHAS. F. DeLAP, . Clerk el the Circuit Court By JANE WEVER Deputy D-,11 J-7-I4-21 No, w BLY www HUNT'S CASH GROCERY Phone 7&3 Box 34a DCRIUS a MRS DORA BHAXHAM Phone 783 301 R Haten Honlev Tulelake RUTH KING Phon 6433 Kte. 3. Box Sit LAKEVIEW BLUh NOTE MUSIC Phone 3701 1US E. 8U No . MERRILL ROBhKTA DKWEV Phone V3U1 Merrill MAUN MRS. JOB HALOUSKK Box 114 Malm Phone 374 CARD OF THANKS !CIIMOIt--Willi hcarttolt gralmulc wo I ,h,"k our n, Irionils for their kindness during the Illness anil I recent bereavement of our ili-ei- Uui-l. Herman Si'hnwr. We especially llisnk ' the Hanktns (aunty for the Mllrmum ! they gave him fur several years ilur- 1 tug nls ageing years, llenrv ttchmor. ! John Schmor. Margaret Heath. Anna , AllrecL Mary Sparks. NKl'HKHT--Ve" wish I elriiu'',.u'r ! heartfelt thanks and ainirecialiiin lor ! me avis Ol Kllltlnrss. mrstage of SVIII. palhy, and bciiutiliil floral ceived from our kind (neniis and nrigli bars during our recent lwic.ivcti.riil in the loss of our beloved tallier and grandfather. We epeciallv lliauk the Krv. Richard E. Urarf. Mr. and Ml John Neutiert and Famtl . Mr. anil Mrs. Will Neuhert and Famllv and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stiles anil Ksnilly. FUNERAL HOMES WARDS Klamath Funeral Hume. lUr High SlrooL Phone 3334 MEETING NOVCES Mtiiuuiiltft Chniiter No. 172, O.eTs. instiilliitlon on Pilriiiy. Jim. 4 nt A ti in in the fljL IOOF hall. Visitors wrl. ronie. Thrliim Crrawrll. W M. Cuthcrmc Wriulit Sec'y. KlnliiiiTli Lotiiic No. 77 A.F.&A.M. will hold a special mretuid Fridn sprclul meeting Friday day. Jnn. 4, 7 p.m. Work In EA degree. Visiting brethren In vited. DALE BERBER Worahlilul Master REGULAR MEETING of Disabled American Veterans and Auxiliary will be held Friday Jan. 4. ill the K. C. at 8 D.m. MAX L. RUOE Commander ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS rneeta Friday, a p m , for Information, wrlto Box 204, Phone XIS2. LOST AND FOUND LOST YOUNG BLACK LABRADOR MALE RETRIEVER Wearing Chain Collar Last Seen On Geary Bridge $50 REWARD For Safe and Immediate Return PHONE 2-2072 Dog Can Be Positively Identified By Owner LOST. Lady's t7itin wiich. Kccpsakir Reward. Phone 3!M3. LOST. tMrge rrtkj.trrfd Scotcn V attic. , Six years old. Enlarged Joint front leg. Reward. Phone 2-0)2-1, llud White. Merrill High wuy LOST. Terrier und Irlih ScTler"pupp) named Coc-oaPhonaj 2-1 4 tSO REWAKD (or relurnof- a"T'ero.d 1 nereiora ouu jiravtHl from my rancn t Sprague River. Has tattoo 'I.-07e" on left ear, stamped on horn. Levi Griffith. Tulelake. Calif. LOST, rhlnestone necklace. Reward. Phone 3328 afler fl p.m. GENERAL NOTICE rOUR Singer Sewing Center is open to the public. Thursday 3 30 to 8. 30 for free attachment Inst ructions. SlNtER SEWING CENTER 33 Main Phone PERSONALS STANLEY Home Product s.Phnne WWT WE make records of anything, riy'a Recording Co. at Conners Service Co. Phone (itt78 or 2-3013. WATERPROOFING products for leiiiy' basements or roofs. Phone 8;H7. Olt DER NOW. 10 SERVICES Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Bewcr Lines of Roots, Etc. ED P. KINO 243 Orchard Phone 9841 . MOVING? Call 7425 Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moviiiR a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekin's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "'Since 1!)18" RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNEH'8 8ERVICE CO. Phone 6878 TUFTS for SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone 6595 or 2-3310 EXCAVATING 1 Mobil Shovel and Trench Ho Bulldozer - Pill Dirt. . Tnn.nll ' Crushed Rock Driveway Cindeit vompressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 6541 or 0110 PAINTING, nhrot rorlt .lnitiln. tex turing, wall pnper clennlng, wnll nnd woodwork wathing by hour or contrnct. Phono 2-324:1 between ft nnrl n n .m W A'JX H M A K I NG , Heoionable. 73 Mo 111 PNTfNG and paperhanging. Phone FloOOK3 pollnhgd. Phone 020(1." CARPKNTER work. Repair, remndr). Intt and new ronttrucllon. Phone 2-0H17. MAC'S Farm Pmilnmnnt fn irTr.TZ denier. Phone 8.1S1. ' ELECTRIC WIRING, work ty hour or EXPERT rireinmoklna and alterulloiia. planter-board finishing, aprny painting. CURTAINS launUtco and trotehotf J. L. DEAN Publto Accountant Anrl AnHitnr Oflet at 306 Ho. 7th. Phons 8346 4 10 SBRVICES i'lrfe 'IiiAWirlu. 'call 4iiu3'eveiuiigs ami weekends. 12 IDUCATIONAL rilll.ll t'A'.IK and educallonrpre-iichool fouler Plume 4J70. mio.tKKKI'INU th'iVliiaml typing mn" droit stitijocls. office machines. KLAMATH IIIISlNKltS L'OI.I.EUK njIW Phono TfHi 14 HELP WAN7ED FIMALt WANlr l) T.iulv" for child "care "hi-vT .uilly ol tlish bV'iool. I'n, .no 11:017 aft er ft n in. VANTKi.r:Mcri. nccir" lumber "serre. Lin. fall 2-2,11)1 .iflice hours ur coll SIIIUI alirr f p. n 16 HELP WANTED, MALI WANi'Kl). thro 'ruT.htiir"l'nniKr. Ore. Phone ;-Iti4 after 5 p. in. Phuilo J.intl Mcforit. "Wo offer nil oiiiioi'liiiiily"'lii"c'slM'lllli yourself In a iiciniineii,. illgnlflpit liusl. lies. KM'ollenl profit. We will nuance vou. (live full particulars aliulil yimr. relr flrat teller. Wrlle the J. It. Wat kins tV, IU7 Dexter Ave.. Seattle W, Vahliultiin, EXI'KltlKN't'Ki) autoniobTC niecWic wauled Must have own tools. Jucke Isiul Tiuck .Sale. I lilt and Klamalh. llt:CfT WANVKl)!" exoer'ic;ii;eii "rhoie bov. Hotue furnished, dimd wages. Poo Vallev. Write Box 4.111, Herald anil News HELP WANTED rXi''KltlE.NOKl car Tiop" Walter; Drive In. So. nit: and Mnrlin. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED Semi-Accountant College Graduate i 30 yrs. Age Auditing ami Tax Experience Write Box 457 Herald & News Jyil.U bO t tiuig "o(" iii"li inTiii '" 'my itiinu. Ie(f rriicr ilvvit Phong noon, CHILD" CahK." Phuntj' 3.174.1.' WILL. CAHK fiir'your rhilclretTnTn liny no'" or yours d. Phone t-UOH. HAIlYsiuinjc )hm 3"-lM0 " WILL can tnr rhildrvn - lirTnyhomi d or your honi vnlnt. Cull 2-1343. (lOttR work. Phone 7ttfS 22 ROOMS FOR RENT UM And Boa rU tor KPtttVeii.ii. j'hon IIKATKIrum 1VU 'tSrlfir Terra,-. HOOMS. ij blovk'oll .Main. Phone LOVELY rooms for rent KI.'4T. Viviat CiO in. Ptioiiti 4259. HOOMS n;i4 Hiitrt. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT rOH KENT Stnrienprttnein in duplex. SuitAhlr or couple. Sum nter Afternoon and evrning KOR RENT. AUr'riivelwo"fo.imp"ru ly ftirnthed apartment Elct(ic heat Cto jo town. Phont? 2 Ou7n. THREE ROOM ApariTnent." f urnithed I'ttlme Included -l7 So. TWO ROOMS 'coniplrlrl(uVnfh"eaeV. ceptgrocerles. 1143 Pine. FOR hi. NT. two room"" aper.menr CmII 3-U3.VI. FOR H E.NT K.irniJirrt n,tf. i,,:ir.m apartment- Private bath. Phone 3-0-t2i1. j FOIMt ltbOMfurniihed'"aparimeni!'"3(JJ i Marr.n. Phone til7 FOR RENT" Three room haiinieVil anaruneni rurnishrd. Electric heat. Phone FrHNISIIEJ) iTirre room" juiTmenT Newly i r decora ted. nice View. 3UQ North Roger Phone rOH It E.NT. Two n'm furmThedTp7rT ment. iwo Owens after A p, m. Phone FOR RENT Nice clean modern apart, menl Quiet. Couple preferred. Villa Marriilr I mi u ire 1 It 14 Onk FOR JIENT."clean two roMiiim7Tii,enT tla eqnip'ed. Krfrlfftalor l.tht and waler furnished. i2..V). 143 So. River side APARTMENTS forr7iiT ImjuTre Ah llroad Sep Manager rrHNISHED two room"'a7ji r i men t40 targe one room cabin. 477 JO. ail Ulll Hies Included. 41ft No, loth KOH llKNT. two room Viirn7sKea aparl. mrnts Couples Phone 7.11a i roll llKNT." nice unfurnished dupleiT I onnOalr j KOH Hl'NT. two room aparlmTiil-with i. -re nr.vsie nin. rrfirie I'est, stive, refriaeralor and hot water. 3i N Bth roit HKNT. furnuliedapaflrrVnt ir quire am iiign NFWI.Y drroratcd. nrlvale bath, kit- chrneile Steam heat, electric ranat ia -T."' Apartment. ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment Ga eouipiwd. Call 2 011 1 THREE room tumUhrd eTrH-t aparu ment. 1421 Wall. Adulti, no pel- Phone VMM H.MAI, I. ciriin aptir linen t. Elect ricalTv efnilonefl. 4:i:t North loth. TIIHKK room furniahed " apartincnt. Centrally Incited 121 So, 2nd. KirRNrSHEo"Vnchf-iorapnrlme Itlea paid. 1.12 50. Phone 4UH0. 10u3 Mar tin. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT KOH RENT, two brdroort. turniihrB hou-e. J973 Donrdman. Inquire at 2701 Ierhy. TWO auto court housekeeping mhln to rent (or winter. Clote In. Phone .Ti.'lfl ONE ROOM rabin. l.lghtfl and wuter fitrnKhcd. Acroa Irom Pelican achool. .1.10 Hank Street. TWO BEDROOM noutc, furnUhed. In quire .Til Eant Main. EOR HKNT! Modern two room furnUhed houie. Phone 73Kfl. ONE HEDROOM furnih "d and one bedroom unfurnlnhed houat. Modem. P h o ne 2-02fl. FOR RENT. Two room Mirlmhd hotue. S2.V Light and water furnUhed. Phone .'1202. FOR RENT, Small hnune JiTriilihed. Cloi;e in. Sul table for working couple. Lnn nn&. nner j p. m. MODERN niblna for rent jfunrtlon Rcrvlco Station, Weyerhaeuier. Phone .won. FOR HENT. 4fl2:j Win lor. two bedroom, f'.ur venr old him, 1 nrre. tin furnliihed. $70 monttf. 1220 Mown Two bedroom unfurnlhca houne. (4.1. Phone S.IO! FOR LEASE. Modern two bedroo'm home. Oil furnace. FurnUhed or un furnKhed. Call 10 a. m. to 4 p. in. Phone 7H3, , FOR RENT, purtly furnished two bed. mom houftc. IfCiO'j Orchard. Open Frl dv nnd Sat'irdoy. . FOR HENT, coxy, coii.plflcly rurnihhcd one hdroom houie. Wall to wall car pet. Elerlrle rnnue, refngfrntor. wann ing muchine. Close tn. Ideal for work ing rouple. Phone 3B74, FOR RENT. Two bedroom MirnUhed hniife with electric heat. Phone 8040 after .i:-IO p. m, FOR RENT. Two bedroom "duplex, fur. niHhed. clone In. Inquire 720 North Uth. MODERN two bedroom unturnlit'hcd houe. fti?t pcr month. Cnll -8-34fl(). FOR. RENT- Clean, nicely furilfhetl one be tl room huuac. Couple only, 223 Lincoln. FOR HKNT. Two bedroom ftirnli hi7l houe. Avnllnblo Jun, 7, Phone 7204 nflor 4 o'elocl:. 28"miscellane6us for rent BEEHIVE TRUCKS (J DRIVE Move Yourself SAVE 2 New Trucks for Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vsns BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 OFriCE or rent, tia.'l Main, Phone 7101. loll HKNT. floor sender, latest tvpe equipment. Suburban Lumbar Co. 11th and Walnut Phona 7709. 28 MISCILLANIOUS FOR HINT tf'ilVon ttrtrr-li t tSTfmtSk or mouth, Karl Uantb, phont 47J or TTOt). 30 REAL ISTATI FOR SALI MILLS ADDITION 3 bedroom ullra-mrilern home. Natural veneer Interior finish. A beautiful and well built homo In beat of cumin ion. Only 3's yearn old. Pi'lre tia.OUU. You can't beat this lor value. CHEAPIES 3 bedroom modern In cllv on paved street. Prlt'e S'JOriO. 'I'ernn or lake eitr ai purt trnde, 1 bedroom modern furnished in city. A mil buy at l'JS(H). MOO down, buliince $.14 per month. Don t mlu thin. 3 mom homo with food bnm on approximately I acre imitated. Price HUSO or make tu an offer. STEWART Wa have two good i bedroom mod ern home in above aiibiirban men Hint are priced to aell quirk. Rnrlt 47SO with good terms. Tliey war runt your Inspection. WALT DIETZ, with T. B. WATTE RS nKAI..TOR.S INaSURANCK 107 80. 7th Phone 4103 tEve. 0400 1 AUTO COURTS We hnve two of the best motels in thin urea. Both are exrellentlv lo cated mid how very goal incomea. Please ee ill for details. Owners of each would corulder taking a ranch In trade. GROCERY STORE 10 Cablni a modern houses Tavern Highway location The above buslnes la all one prop erty. Located close to Klamath Palls. It warrant your Inspection Pleaae see us for details. GROCERY STORE 2 Bedroom Home Tina in a well located community atore ellln for 112.000 Includliw a good modern home. Pleaie tee us lor details. WALT DIETZ. with T. B. WATTERS 107 80. 7th Phone 4IM lEve. M0i THREE BEDROOMS Very livable home. Large room, separate dining room, contlnuoui foundation, large double car garage on 100 x 1SS loot corner lot. Oood lerma. ,-iNewhouse Real Estate 3000 S. Slh Phone SM2-5743 SUBURBAN An unumal buy of live rooirui on 1 acre. Srparate (lliilim room, two bedrooms all on ona floor. Thla property locatrsl In South Suburba on paved atrect. 15260. Immediate Possession OtiUtandlnf lame family home Ideal lorallon cloe lo aclioola and thoppliiK center. Hx30 living room with brntillful atone fireplace. I.arce dining room and kltrhen. Three apaclona bedrooms w ith walk In closew, glaaaed In aleeplim porch, aim deck, double gnrane, full con crete basement, automatic hent to all roma. A home to be proud of. 16.000 terms. Partly Furnished One bedroom home, plastered. lo cated on Northalde. Close to schools and atorea, Karaite, heated with floor furnace. Immollate powev nloii. Ideal for couple or Invest ment for rental purpoaea. Only $5250. HARRY VAN (Evea. 1024 JOE LEONARD Evea. 2-0027) AL SCHMECK REALTOR AND INSURANCE S17 Main P',one ;ml A LOOK WILL CONVINCE YOU Have you JB00 down for this ex ccptlonnl buy? Then why wait, let us ahow you thla 2 bedroom home, plus 2 good acres for only $4260. You can keep a cow, chickens or run a miniature farm. Be sure and see thla today. South Suburban Two bedroom home, one bedroom not ycl finished, but a very good buy for only $4500. Original Ol loan wan $4000 so come In and let's talk this one over. We are sold out of listing and have ready buyers for your homo, Just call 7521 for outstanding service, Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 2-2060 Jay P. Griggs. Even. Ph. 4254 W. W. Thompson at Malln, Ore. J. W. SANDERS REALTORS Phone 7521 1213 Main St. roriSAl7K; fwo small houses on paved street. Clond Income properly. Onlv S2.1W II aold by Saturday. Phone WELL CONSTRUCTED roomy two bedroom home. Newly redecorated. Automatic heat. Hardwood floor,. At tached tarase. Well located In South Silhiir ,. (n, Sku. mat CALIFOHNIA and TIIIIIU 8T. Hacrl flve for SHOOS. Two bedroom home at OIB California. Call i-Palia. VOH HALE, gon'd fiiur room house In be moved, Kred Pope, a mllos fj, W. Malln. MODKHN two bedroom' dunlox. Newiy painted, partly furnished. Small down payment, Rental of one side will make most of monihly payment, Phona 7700 or 4J68 tveninRs, 30 MA.L ISTaWI ton SAll V 1 1 $600 Down buy thla inndern 3 bedroom aiibiii'linn home. Attached garage, plenty garden apace. Total pik $41100. A QUALITY HOME In Hot Bprlnga. A home you'll l piuiid to own. 3 bedroma, 1 baths, 1 beautiful flreplacea, one of them III a minima room you will enjoy. Large, well landscaped lot. Nntuml hot waler hent, Piles J3,600. Termi arnllable, SUBURBAN Well conatiiicleil, modern 2 bed. room all rooms extra large. F.lee. trio heat, Inaulnied. '1 acre good oil, fill I price $11900. Term. WANT ACTION? night now buyeri an walling to PBy a good prlra fur your home. Call ua now If you want to tell, OPEN KVKNINOfl BY APPOINTMENT Bee Don Sloan Phone tmt Evea, Homer HI lira 2-34A0 Evea. Kred Hcott 703 Evea. CHILCOTE & SMITH Ilealtora fhnce 1UO0 111 N. Bth 81. Phone AMi or JV- WE ARE IN NEUD Or OOOU EX CLUSIVE LiariNas. See or Call James lleaeltine Urayc Raton 6M9 7TJ7 - Salesmen with M. L. JOHNSON REAL K8TATE 434 Main St. Office Phone 5113 X SEE THIS X neaullful two acre suburban home near nhopping center and In an up and coming community Two large bedroom house. Shown by appointment, prlred not too high. House u three year a old. X YALTA X Sple and Span. Two bedroom home, beautifully landscaped yard, doubla R-araiie. located on Bryant Ave. nue a motif the beat of people for only I0SOO. X WEYERHAEUSER X EMPLOYEES. If you need a three bedroom home, completely fur nished, we have It. Ixvrated on Fawn for only 15000. Will to Ol loan. X GRADE A DAIRY X 100 acres of very good toll. All leveled and Irrigated. Three be room home plua lot of barna a-,t tennant houara. Cloae In and tP, school bin line. Priced for only JO.000. FRED E. FLEET Realtor DENNIE COATES. Salealady iOt Main Olllce Ph. 2 3333 Evea. 2-1365 South Sixth Street nuiI.DINO PROPERTY. 150 foot frnntnRe x 135 deep plus 150x135 croaa alley. Price JI5.000, terms. MILLS ADDITION Two bedroom home. Oak floori throimhout, picture window ward robe closet,, automatic gas furnace, Inrge attached enrage. Very good terms. Price 0OO0. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. S7M 2-OlDS BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 72g homes ijn SALE IVSR1:1s7. OKNNIE rtEAL'IOR 171 s Ui."k K,r""lcl. Salesman Phona S4SI roll SALE, tavern, rafe and'Tuortins- H'L;, Ui-en.ed rard lahlea. Write Idihr? 0r pBo" J"ome, Kolf sa I.E. fouja7 nld," two tieTi' Kle'rtc'0h:,.Cl0" '""'" SchooT. Kleetric hent and Venetian blind.. E"" Pr"'e mm- Pninli 34 FUEL HEATING " BLOCK WOC!) D""1 A DOUBLE LOAD $8.50 ' QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5149 PtiMroi.otiS Pivujr-S"rdeTve"re-d; 'i"y""e"" Sln Service. U30 I ath Phont .imijiir s-oaso h,.nt Hn?15" STAMM'SvarTonTiiT. del?,ry 1 or I-""" ,'r"np, CLIfr VAOEN'S SIONAL SERVICE . SfANbArlD'HEAtlrcTcJir; Stova. furnact llRht fuel, coal, wood. Pn"ne0"sui.P,y,"n c' " MsrkeL .. hi mn 38 BOATS PITS SPORTS HOIBIIS iiKAirnTmT hrnkf,n. Hen- i "'fonably priced, lieglstered. Phone 9.V.1RII S.?" S ''oouiiibredlViritSel. teri Phmie A7S7. min PUD,Ci''"'eisiTredT ran sSi.r.. a feiBacTiiTiunTTiVi'pr One red. one blarlt and tan. Wormed S?1L "'mPr ahoi. Call after I p.m. Sl.'l.l rherjeiii Phone avso. r ft2i"!.!lSH, f"Ui KenMirnTona HI47 nnnn Delaware oft llomedala nnA'nritMVi ui.MMrs' Dot boarding by day. week or month. Sanitary kennel,. Well balanced diet. Clean Individual outdoor run, far each dot Dogs nandled durlll mating. Will pick up and deliver. VUlton Welcome , Phona 807a Merrill '4d. SHASTA CASCADE KEnVlsY 42 IIVESTOCK A POULTRY v WANtbo "coTofdhen, Phdn""4ill HIOHfisr price, paid for poultry, hogi and livestock. . R,a. V W'AT MARKET ' ' Lakmaw Junction Phont 4M