IIERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE NINE Homemade Mother Patted fhtr k Ik rngvArU Mn!i noma Me re to w t. wmu kitafeto f I U U bl "Oln4 Vlui Ceftt (m," Jit ur m anUir mf ogat. WUr ' en tW. ' lvr lilt a WW of liar Ui 4fK. prlntl wtu uri Ullferiue 1th targe Kim ef otla waltufa ir.1 ,urter4 nt nd drUal with Ikt Itytrt M let tli begot eh w! log-. . Becv uasld dewa with U urn i w mill eup ntault4 iunr iMOMa nit 1 J uup welt hrtnlnt; ti4 itaea rW4 (toa (j cup hutur or tntrgtrla , 1 omprad rUI ee 1- Up ITinUII I ttMoeea nit I l J ton r li lee! auteaetl I I t I eup lift tll-aur puryaoe neur ir 4 Like Oh So Good a Ubltapt&na corn yrup (light or.trk 3 tabieapoon rlr .. 1 qua walnuts large pieces) to t caedled cherries .foald milk and cool u lukewarm. Add orualId leant, tnd atlr until It dleaolrea. Blend In eugar, Halt, lightly beaten bc, aberienlng, rind 4 aplc. Ada i eup flour nrt beet until smooth. Blond In re melaliig (lour to make oft dough. 0Tr end lit In worm plac until daugh rlae ( double hulk (about Hi hoijre). runoh down. P.nch off bll ( dough and hap Into small btfit (About 1 Ineb In diameter). Hit brown uf ar. bultar, ayrup and wtler, tnd hat until butter l mailed, Spoon about 1-8 of ayrup Into bottom of greened t-lneh rlnm mold. Make laytr of dough bail : ayrup, Bprinkle with walnuts and quartered eherrte. Drltzle mora syrup' eyrer balla. Repeat layers. Oevtr and let rlae In warm plac 141 minute. Bake In moderately hot ve 'ITt dtreee V.) M to 45 mlnutee. Invert pan ever aervlni plat and alio' nyrup to drain a nlnute. flerr hot. . Makea 1 tins Use Lots Of fruit For for Mentis and Health la tli time. tU Ue titer- maaneto' hierlrj vtii rrt U ms4 heure In the klthe mIIm raVttreaemle dellihU te la tsii flmlly. Here are teme nitr ,iUll lXa 1ll llll the bill ml lee you dm to 4eh all (M i reuad ef krldf ith Ami. Mi ix tiwt wni siled wt et tlokl 111" c MVfPa i Tfrlti 4 MP. S!-22! fcntu;- of ararui. I blfjoo aakei fmely-tvoUM aeekrt bam, IM:' fitrv w Wl"ter S,or Hour,i 8 t0 8 P-"- Shop during the week Closed Sundoys. "y Time No. 2 Tin 38535? aktit, k,u aaub el uve r iU eUMftWn ew arte.. fir mt'ki tit ad pwhu)4 R "fit t " t?MVt- !' ' en tath li 4 lt4l i'ti. he? tuV H I1' Extension Now Ceaar V rlmtew rjaif erl rkaie ViMea 4l' a UMlt ( )MM'4l IM m f Mt. Jr i . liepvrty. it wi vfe'"' ) SitJf.cUrlf ftK' : tn lUBMi Call trl at t th lrt4l .Uth t i9 i a. in, ley u . . .,-! U if pc foe I m 1 I K1UI ,..'! tk sit: UIIA,-fT 3 i Boieal Cnlt nll kr "lr ... Ixla" i Utr (. tf? , L'i!wnrUlU' wttt ' : n taatn i m dim vie; ii ? Rivrrt4 l UiW m. rt40 luaekee at . : k qm t kama I tOifO. PlhJo lunch ai iv el int. will mM Nlr? a lit n I noon. .JO tl414 Unit tll mt i W itii fli t. trite at . I.IMIBT M8rl Hh (U)v Helfbt unit ml 9 lull call T Vr; Vdk e rtierred M and eariley, Cut re- memla 4 alleei of toaet In trlan- fuiar nalven and plioe one en earn td of ham toaai. Benre at once. Mk I lenermn aervlnra. KVRNlNfl KNACK 4)nlek. Prune Kfacliy Fruit nd l-ut Sol ever a (e )OIC PHtNF IOI.ACHT Inat4lenui: 4 eup ceoked runea, I takleapsena auiar, 1 t levpooaui prune ceekln liquid, 3 cupa alfted all-purpoae flour, eup nifu, 4 teajpoona baklnc powder, I timon aall, 1-1 oup bortenlng. 't cyp milk, cup silted coniec Uooeri' eutar, 'S tablenpoona or- aft Julci, t teaapoon vrttad or au rind, M eup chopped roaited unbleached plmond. Uethed: Cut prune from plUi In U (mill pletet; ml with I Uble- Rtvtn lueer and pruae cooking jule). f oak and ntlr over lew heat until mliture ti coaalstency of rhlek Jam; cool. Rllt tefeUier Hour, V cup autar, bakln powder, and alt. . Out la ahortenjng. Add milk tad ml well. Turn tut onto llchtly fteured beer 4 and roll tbtn. lit tle test the 1,-lnch. Cut bat 13 la -uin fouaaa. Place a emeu poeaAiraf Prua fllllaa la center ! eh elrcl ad fold over, ptneb iar adea te aeal. riac close to lBf la (hallow ereaaed pan. tk la hot (4W r vea about W wtarKe.- Umv from even and let eeol I mmutee. Mtanwhll ml eeafeetleaere' ruer, orani Jule nd fini, and tlanondi; drtrile over (p I rail ad nerve at once, T VAMU.T DINNER - Kamburier on Toasted Bunc artth Tmt Sauc ttrgc end Carrot (elid 41 tee Pet Bread tnd Butler Mi Orlap ruddlni Trf MCTAR cmsr PUDDIVO tatTtdleati: 8-1 ' cup anted til fttrpM fleur, teaspoon (alt, 2-3 vitt bran auaar .tBekd). ti cu: rta W bt4T frumb, cup crisp ernal flalfe. M, cup " but! rr or rnrrie, li, cum tpricev nea tr, 'i oup (Uftr, I tabltupoonc aematareh. few gralm alt, 1 tfg. 4Wpoi lemoa Juice, t lea pon nt4 lemon rind. Mut4v-Ulr flour,-U teaapoon ll,' brtfm luiar, crumb, and toteal letbr. cut In butter or nif rta4 until crumbly, Spread kui two-third ol mixture In bot- teen of (aaied t-latb round baking diefi. Matt Btcttr. Ml ur, corn ttarc aaer lew pun aii tnor uakly leatther tad at.r Int nec ter, Cok and tlr until clear and tale, iteatv from neat and aiow ly arUr lata llthtly beaun Re nia i atuceptn na coof i mmuie letter, atlrrla cenntanlly. Remove ftata baa. tl tn leaiea ult and rnaVead aur ever orlitab mixture. Tap rtth raaalnl erumba. Bake In nuatfiat area (SM P 4 mln ntei. iativt warm or cold. Make I U afrtlaia. reM f.V I.Vi W? eirU ht !. ' th iauer I meetJai uriala :i. offered her bent ur I meetJei, kitaii aleichaaara .'1 awktlMi elated krith !? tf ft) ' : ' AMtMitil tfltian nlt ht4 Ue- Peeambf meettw at h Uwnt f iim. Ben arii' aa daaiutyan ' Wi!fcmkr )? ( Tvm let " tXtjeltt taut tiM tritki I1t, MMMiNrltt I Hal iff mw i "Vn .ki iirnMWl1aft kW W mlaufta), - bMlk. I Mr. Mjtg AaAtNMi, nU4 pl- efe, inda BlWB Bomr Mrfn t PrfH tut4 (or famUjr metlt f (eraAal ejiaaen. V"i too, HQ Itrt It delleau, tunny-aweet Urn. Ami Bivt Bonnev (rive your famfly rati nourishment. No other tpratd for krttd b Heher in year. m1 VlumUi AI W(iafa more, Iht hlk-prie4 It4 fer bre coat up W 4t mu4? mtft tktu turn tttum Mrfral So kuy Blvb BOKvat M enjey 'll"r-nvofl NutrltWa! Eoo.aoml . . T ft ' -i . .'i f,! tlDSAUCS of Hi 'i un ,IT a aVjMj talat bftuif itr da.Ti kw Fancy, colored. A real bargain at this low price! HENS GROUND BEEF SAUSAGE ROAST porkloin FRYERS c SLICEDSACON PORK LIVER 5 PORK STEAK All meat Fresh 35 55 DURKEES WHIPPED C lb. c lb. $100, Grain fed pork Fresh dressed Good and lean Fresh, sliced Lean 9 KEF ROAST LARD Grade "A" Beef 50 lb. con 45 43 43 25 49 65 $775 Fine for breakfast, pies, desserts. True M-M Tree ripened fruit MARGARINE 29 IRESSINGtS $43 23' DSALaD II Nalley's Lumberjack 10-lb. tin ES lbJ C lb. lb. c lb. lb. c lb. ES SYRUP PKKL SPAGHETTI FRtSKI OATS "8UTTER KERNEL" MIXED VEGETABLES Pancake Flour AHPurefflilk2roR25l Nalley'i "Treasure" 1 12-oz. Nalley's--Quick To Fix Alber's Dog Food 10 lbs. Alber'i "Silver Plate" For a hearty breakfast With Mild spices Added No. 1 Tint Occident 8 lbs. 1 FOR 29 PI Pure Apple Cider CHERRIES GRAPEFRUIT COFFEE TOMATO JUICE INSTANT COFFEE EST C.. Lt- mmI,am Unsalted Gallon Standby Red Sour Pitted No, 2 Tins Garden No. 2 Tins Broken Segment Golden West 1 lb. vacuum tin Del Monte 46-o. lb. Snowflake Sodas AMAZO Instant Dessert JEWEL OIL LtSTU $2.19 SNOWDRIFT 49c 25c 2 , 35c 79c 27c 35c 31c 57c OXYDOL TIDE JOY Large , 6b Large "Q U,ui, Q Si" Size YC Soap 7C CAKE FLOUR 25 LARGE "AA" Fresh Ranch, Doz. 2 lb. 2 f.r 25c 89c I aB&Ll It r t llli a i .a i I tilt J m AT A ' m -'" SAVE MORE - CHILDREN'S ANKLETS 29c fBlUhtly colled, values to 49c Children's Stocking Cops $1.49 Kj 100 wool, stripes, solid colors, "cold-fire" with rabbit "a u lur uusei. t BABY PANTS 25c Goodyear, plutle. Non-chafe, waterproof, washable,. f ail Bitej. STATIONERY 29c ColortAil Dogwood design. 24, sheet ani envelopes. Reg. esc. CHILDREN'S OVERALLS .... $1.69 V Y'- "Biueoeu" red and green denim. Site 1-6. . y NYLON HOSE $1.49 "Hllmar." Qurntcd for 30 days against run, snags, etc. 15 denier, 51 or 49 gauge. , HOVtOlt BR All D rozen food BUY YOUR CHOICE ORANGE JUICE c... 6 or. GREEN PEAS .... 12 oz. CUT CORN 10 or. SPINACH f .... 14 oz. SPINACH chopped ... 14 iz. SQUASH ced.d . . . 16 oz. POTATOES ft.n.hf.,. j . 9 or. 65 Avocadoes CELERY Giant, Florida grown. Reg. 49e eo. DrvOn AT . Marblehead ions SQUASH Green Peppers BANANAS ORANGES Crisp, green, long stalks lb. Rogue River grown, No. Ti 2 lbs. lb. Ideal stuffing size I lb. Fancy, No. 1 quality, golden fruit 2 lbs. 29e Sweet Valencia juice oranges I 981 Buy the Case and Save! . 'ft W"lf tMi 05 GEB QSESBS CSS QEIB I. :.i a. :i. - , .