HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREC.ON Watch Your Post Holiday Wax Leather For Service, Long Wear ' r Budget With Riling Dishes As winter ttti In. entertaining ger. even In new shapes and guises become more and more ine rule and many budget minded browj erow deeper furrowa aearcnina; tor glamorous compny (are. Hambur- la becoming run-of-the-mill. Why not serve a moderate price meat with rice, and In a really different curry sauce rich and full flavored. If Santa brought you a calfskin purse or belt tor Christmas, wax PAGE EIOHT CHT. Shut Parent Teachers Associa tion met In the school gymntrcuir. on Wednesday, December 19. The Krouo sang Silent Mcht art! Save the fmg aalute under the di rection ol Mrs. Jansscn and Mrs. Ocna. Mrs. Boothby and Mrs. Piiter'j first grade students rave a Christ mas play. The Itfih grades, under the direction oi Miss Mabel Han lon sang the Christmas carolj. A new secretary. Mr. Raich Fu! ler. -rat elected during the business meeting. I Refreshments were r.rved In the cafeteria which was decorated with various Christmas scenes. ions, celery, apples and sundry jT M'eTcZe e& so.ces is rn old-morld treat wel- J? e.J f come to American palates. Iron- !Se5?l" P:!Usl 0rlm h.hII?,?2Jn0lSSC, U "! Either' a neutral shot polish or secret of tne p,, floor wax can be u,ed. Apply tAI- cicby i, thjj, cot and rub It In thoroughly J'i pounds boned, cut up vtal with a straight rather than circular 3 medium onions. mtnccU 6 stalks celery, minced 1 apples, minced 6 tablespoons shortening 4 cups meat slock - 2 tablespoons rurry powder 2 teaspoons salt ' 4 teaspoon pepper i teaspoon g.ascr 1 cw drops tooa.'co 'j teaspoon liuce j cup New Orleans molasses i z eg yoits. weu beaten Hot boiled rice motion. Then buff with a soft cloth j develop the sheen. J The specialist recommends p- ;lvtnx two roatx of wax to the heather article the tirsl time, fol lowed by re-waxina: about one a month, depending on how often usd. This treatment prevent water oola and minor scratches, keeps Worcestershire iUie leather from cracking, and gen erally prolongs Us u.e. Song Birds In OSC Winter Choral Groups OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis, (Special) Seven Ore gon State college students from Klamath Falls are members of OSC choral groups. Men's glee club members are Douglas Barker. Howard Renner, and Russell Smith. Members o! the a cappella choir arc Bud Deller, Gary Rose, and Celia Speece. Mary Jane Howard Is a member of the women's Madrigal club. A major concert Is presented each term either sinsly or as a combination of the three choral groups. GLAMOVR TOPPING Give a vanilla cream pie. niada Saute veal, onions, celery and ap-! ! packaged pudding mix. this .lies in shortening until light brown. ! glamorous P"-V""' iod men stock Blend together I w1hJ iTiB'1 J??. i curry powder, salt, pepper. inSer ! dried ori enspre, adT with a t a b a Vc o auce. WoSUriture ' b.ye?m ?Bn!Br?,n01 -uce and a little meat stock. Add i M J . ", ?n .iulaJ M iwilh moiasses to meat mixture: cooking 'ouW- '"P ', cover. Cook 20 minutes or until r nd 1 tablespoon cornstarch. : icncer. teason rice ,th buuer. I sa.t and pepper and pack tn.o ring ' Jk Tir.n M,f T... t ....... STI tir.g stir a little hot curry gravy ;in;o esg yolks. Stir into meat ani jvegetaole mixture, stirring con stantly. Pour Into rice ring. Makes B servings. With the curry serve as imany ol these condiments as de- sired: chutney, shredded fresh co conut, peanuts, sieved hard-cooked egg yolks and whites, chopped : crisp bacon or finely diced orange ;nnd. I Note: 4 cups leftover cooked veal I may be used: reduce cooking time I to 20 minutes. Canned bouillon or bouillon cubes with water may be used for meat stock. SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT $6 per month We DELIVER SINGER SEWING CENTER Ph. 2-2513 633 Mala THE SALE THAT IS MAKING BARGAIN HISTORY! SHOP and COMPARE! ANNUAL STOREWIDE JANUARY ORANGE JUICE STANDBY VALENCIA .. 46 ex. Tin Grapefruit Juice LIBBY'S 46 or. Tin Tangerine Juice SUN PEP 46 ox. Tin Pineapple Juice LIBBY'S SMILAX 46 ox. Tin Tomato Juice HUNT'S 46 ox. Tin Bartlett Pears HUNT'S Quartered 2 Tin WONDERFUL VALUES IN SMARTEST STYLES --.WINTER COAT FLARED FITTED BOXY and MODIFIED PYRAMIDS VALUES to 39.95 VALUES to 44.95 VALUES to 52.95 CO 30OO 00 US, 2b Sensational SALE of Current Styles Failles - Rayon - Crepes - Gabardines - Velvet Bolero's - Dressy - Casual VALUES to 8.99 Values to 10.99 Values to 12.99 & IS! is o Elberta Peaches Freestone Tropic Brand No; 2Vx Tin Dole Pineapple SLICED 9 ox. Tin 2 For Apple Sauce Fancy Royal Club No. 303 Tin 2 For 29c 25c 25c 25c 25c 35c 29c 29c 29c SOLID PACK Rpr. " , m Three Shfr m '-"to j .1. hominT 8 pas Meco I" 303 Tin Cream (ii. . viria Corn Meco 29c 29r ivi'Mr DPOnt mm Cr.,w. No. 303 Tin Htt Sauer Kraut 0C Libby' 2Vt tin U V P'nut Butter OQr f lonttf'l .. 1 o- i"f Wf Pearl. Rice OCp 2 lb. Cello Boa aVaUv Cut Macaroni OQ Porter! 24 ox. bof , V Ptp'i r.rln' to wh.n ho goes the-plnf it EMIL'Sl Thff because he can fill hit basket quickly and easily cHoek out tht order fast and conveniently. Our aisles are wide . evr earrleff are free-wheelini . . . our bountiful displays put our auper vtvi right at hit fingertips. And best of all our prlcet are lew all foods he likes so much. These are the very ged reasena why wf market is so pepular with Pep whether he helps with the ping or does it himself. TUNA FISU SWPock tilK:' 49c TUNA FISH Own Cratsd -g A Albecer. J lfl AO M TOMATOES IV Tin 2 For 49c I 70c I 1U I ... III! If .r. Ti. X CATSUP ;7V 14ox.Bot. I 2 forgJtJ) 1 UltaJT'C I V TOMATO SAUCE liSsessHeijBxjsexjBxaiaw rrm n f5: DURKEE'S m Marqanne In 4 YtHow Cubes lb li It rlv, M riAnckic CAiB TISSUE 1 Dr" 4 Rolls m 1 Bor Double Refined Borex Ber Seep 1!i HONOR BRAND roz&7 food EXTRA VALUE! NEW LOWER PRICE PERFECT FULL FASHIONED 15 DENIER 5T GAUGE PLAfN cr BLACK SEAM CLEARANCE! QUILTED RAYON SATIN, CHENILLE RAYON SATIN, FLANNEL Vilues to 6.79 3e00 Voues to 8.99 5.00 9.00 1.19Vaues ' ' Values to 12.99 617 Main BUY YOUR CHOICE ORANGE JUICE con, . 6 r. GREEN PEAS .... 12 07. CUT CORN 10 sz. SPINACH u.( .... 14 sl SPINACH ch.pp.4 ... 14 r. SQUASH c.i.d . . , Uti, POTATOES rnnch Pri.j . 9 ei. "iS, SUGAR 95c FLOUR EESrs." 4.19 Vt P' l Met : 1 1 1 1 iinseejejejssssssfv BEEF ROAST ,b. 69c Federally graded Good, shoulder cuts. PORK CHOPS- .5?c Cut from lean light loins. PURE PORK SAUSAGE lb. 35c Seasoned ust right. PORKuTER lfc.2?C Sliced, wrapped in convenient sixed pockoges. WIEHERT " ,,49c Skinless, no waste. CHEDDAR CHEESE , 59c Crater Lake, well aged. Ik65c GROUND BEEF Ground fresh, absolutely no cereal or preser vative. Compiles with OPS And state regulations. Newtovvn Apples 2 Try these for baking. eating or sauce. 25 c GOLDEN BANANAS 2 Extra fancy ' 29c White Grapefruit Juicy, Ariione lb. CARROTS 10c SPINACH 25c a. a a mmMmmmmmmmmmmmmd L. I I III III II M pmi mmi . White 3 con V&d fib)