Thiihsimv, janitahy n, im HKJIALD AND NEWS. KLAMATI1 FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN ism This mad 'H im: Edited by Roth Kino : t o A Woman's World5' r 1 111. Oil 1 JUrll Ll J biJ l:l """"lit- .. ' VoV Vi 114 j ULLlii u7 III im i ran rnmn m rrwirn 1 1 Clf' - .,- WEBSTER SAYS A MA TRON is. calm, tranquil, composed, serene, quiet, unruffled, undisturbed, but what Webster doesn't ad;' is that' sho has a twinkle in her eye, a sense oi humor, deep compassion and plenty of grit when it comes to her "guests" at the Klam ath County jail. ' Mrs. Dor othy Post, jail matron for the past eight years has never yet had to seek mas culine support in getting any of "her" women com-, forlably "settled" in close quarters . . she works hap pily six days a week . . is on call 24 hours of the day and has a way with the la dies. She supervises care of their quarters . . trave's with them, cajoles, comforui. and' clamps down with an iron will when the Roing gets rough . . she never makes one go to bed who prefers to sit up all night waiting for the dawn . feels sorry for those who repent and smiles over the bride and groom who looked sad when a barred door swung between them on their honeymoon . . she wouldn't change places with the wife of the Maharaiah of Jodpur . . she'd rather be here in our town writing letters to a son in Yokaha ma who is heloing army engineers build bridges where no bridges were be fore . . would rather be go ing to meetings of Aloha Chapter, OES, the White Shrine of Jeruselem and helping women who have erred back on "the straight and narrow." Retail Prices On Some Foods Push Higher, But Eggs Show Sustained Drop Take Time To Look Lovely For Family When your children grow up nd leave home will they carry with them pleasant and warm memories of you? Every time you walk, speak or laugh you are creating an Indelible Impression upon their youni? mlnda. They know, even un consciously, If you are graceful nnd gentle: If you are laughing at inem or wiui mem. Let your family know from the start they are dealing with a wom an who cares about her daily ap pearance. Spend a few extra mo ments In the morning on your hair and make-up. Refuse to wear that rinmflv uitrnnlrvu in hrpflkfAKt Tt rinpun't tuiro holt no miih clintT oeach slices Into a bak time to be glamorous as you might i dish. Stir in 2 tablespoons qui By The Amoclated Prew I and Independents. Production Is on Retail prices of . several Impor- "e seasonal upswing now and tnnt food Items pushed a little high-' 'de sources report that a a to 4 or in this first' week of the new !ner cent increase In laying Hocks year. , tnouid soon put additional pressure I Mtntcr rose two to six cents a H Prices. . ! pound in most places as produc-! Cucumbers and peppers were jtion declined when storms slowed! about the only fresh vegetables ; shipment of cream. Some beef cuts, I generally lower this week. Carrots particularly prime rib rousts, were and old cabbage were down slightly marked up a few cents In many Bpeclals advertised by major ..lores. Lamb and chicken edged! chains and independents for the higher. (next few days showed little unlfor- In fresh produce departments, po- imlty. Most stores held their fresh tatocs. onions, new cabbage, caull-1 and smoked ham prices at the spe nower, celery, radishes, sweet po-! cial pre-New Year's Day levels, but tntoes and citrus fruits especially otherwise their meat features va- tungerine:v all averaged higher. ! ried from sliced bacon and frank- Pood market observers reoorted Tomatoes and lettuce, though about furters to pork loin roasts, leg- of that processors' holdlfigs of canned unennngea irom last week, con-1 lamb and Wisconsin treese. Other tomoaloes and corn In both the tlnued relatively high. . ladvertlsed leaders: Frozen-halibut I Eost and Midwest are unusually Retailers said canned milk prob- steaks, frying chickens, canned 1 light, indicating that somewhat ably would advance a penny or two pork and beans and canned hash, higher prices for those Items may within the next couple ol weeks, oatmeal, split peas, dried prunes, ! be on the way in the next several refleclum higher costs for fluid graham crackers, fresh string j months. mil, beans, carrots and oranges. Price Stabilizer Michael V. Di- Eggs led the small number of ; The Agriculture-Department head Salle said a 2.000 store survey over foods running counter to the up- lined processed orange projects as the past few months showed retail trend this week, dropping two to six I the week's most plentiful food for .food prices were averaging about cents a dozen in major store chains 'thrifty buying. '4 per cent below their ceilings. velvet evening coat, you can trav .. form It Into a housecoat to be re membered. - And Just watch the family perk, up when they see the change. To protect your disposition agslnst the ups-and-downs of Ju venile behavior, try to get as much rest as possible. No matter how busy you are, you can certainly manage a short nap, either when the children are off to school, or taking naps of their own. It you are relaxed, your family will be, too. . . Think of your life not only M It exists today, but as it will exist " In the minds of th(we you love most In the years to come. With your help the memory can be truly beautiful one. . , EASY TO PREPARE - No trick to this easy warm trr-' sen that tastes so wonderful oi cold day. Empty a No. Vk can imagine. If you have an outmoded cooklns taoioca. '.4 cud sugar 1 teaspoon lemon rind. Blend gether until crumbly Vt cup sugi 3'4 cup flour and Va cup butti Sprinkle over peaches and bake moderate oven 45 minutes. GOOD TO EAT Maybe you were among the lucfcv ones who got a chafing dish I'r Christmas. Try it out with a gor.-l Welsh rarebit. Serve the rareb.t over toast with a sprinkling I chopped roasted almonds over to I It's wonderful on a cold day. -' ,v v i' a i' p i N msm a lI Prices effective Friday and Saturday. Klamath, Merrill, Stewart-Lennox. Leap YecrfSos SfyEes Leaping Wii.i Al.ure i iiy ihikiiiiiv mil-; Atsnriatrd !'rr i'aftlllou- :dltar Appropriately enough lor Lean Year. l'JW luiiiluiis will be loaded! wlUi the subtler ingredient ol feni-1 tumo allure, with accent on curves. ' Hie siiiuli waist, the rounded hip line, the arcented bu nud the ladylike look nre all prominent In the spring collerllon.H of top UcMgn rrs. while resort wenr goes nil out lor glorifying the leinale lorm tic- vino una If It's not divine the new fashions will do Uieir to mulcc It appear so. ! Two major silhouettes nre In 1 prospect for the New Year. One in Mlm nnd tubular, the oilier draped mikI hnuflnnt. Lilly Dm he, design er of "lip to lop" fa.shluns de scribed the Jckyll-IlyUo Inshion prospect thus: "Women have a choice nf tn-o 1 dlsllni t ways lu lank in 1K3 and Itnth are good. Fur the first Inok, the hair Is very short, warn , in Hie 'pnmllc' cut, and the sll- 1 houelte Is strulglil it ti cl supple, with a corseted effect si Hie uutstllnc, sleeves pushed up to lliree-qunrler j length nnd slincs with slightly law- er squared spool heel. i "For the second look, the hair I Is lung and worn In a chignon, the ; skirt is full and one Inch shorter than the straight skirt, the neck-! line Is deep, the bodice draped ; and sleeves high and lull In Uib-! son Girl style. Hlghheclcd pumps go with this one." As for hilts, Mine. D.K-hc says they will bo "very largo or very fiinall," and Mr. Fled, o( John ! Fredericks says: j "You'll he able ( sec the hnls next spring', no matter how high the pnmlla hairdo gees. We'll have no more rif those controversies ahnut 'Was or was not the Duch ess wearing n hat'." " On the bench, the body lakes IWy spotlight, .says Frances Sulci-, designer of bnlhlng suits, sports wear and,, morn recently, a new Inundation garment which she culls "the body." Slin snys: "For true fashion In lfif2, wom en must strive for n sculptured, supple look, ji light nnd modern look ol complete case nnd comfort. This Is achieved by the Inside story of swim suits nnd bench wenr a cniciully titled foundation to keep the curves under control. The correct hotly lines prepni cs the wenrer for the outer look of small wnlst, high defined bust, smooth midriff and general slroumllned look.." The'voinigpr set will go In lor (lie Gibson Girl look, says Emily Wllkcns, designer ol Junior lnsh Jons. She ndds: "The 11)10 silhouette Is still good Happy Is The Day When Backache Goes Away ; . . NnRRlftfT hurkneti, Im if prp ftnilmorffy, ticndhrliM And fllMincft mny Im due tnnluw riowii of kldnr-y function, (tirctnrn nity good kidney fnnctlnrt l very imiiartnnt In Rcod hinll h. Wtinn nutria (rvrydy mndit Ion, nurli Hn ren nnd ntriiln, rnuntfn thtu 1m purl nut SncttfrtAuvilttvf, doti, ninny ffilknmiirrr imH sliB hufUtnnltr-fncI'mlAi'rnlili'. Minor hind tUr Irrltntlomtflun (o cold ur w(n diet mny cn,.iii()fl'tllnttiipnlRhiiinrfrcniinntpnfiHiift'''ri. nrt nt'ffloct, your jddnoya If ll o ntnidU timn b(ithr you. Try Uimn'n mild diif tl. ;Uc(l ducdoMfiilly by hillHonu for ivi'i50 yrnrrt, H'n nmiiKlnn how nmny tlmm rinnn'i trtvff hupiiy rclluf from thvv dlHQom-fortn--lw'HlioU.mileof kidney l,tilirHnntl III tn iIubIi guI wutt. 4t Dun's 1'ilJw tudayj (or Vm. We'll be ncrtnir a bustle rfftrl on many fnihlons, hi? nlrcvra nml a pretty, feminine look. The ftlrlK mill will wear peltU-otUft hut not so many and not so full as those of the la:t year." So 1052 Is the year In which you pay your money and lake your choice. II you Inncy the i streamlined look, go In lor slim i skirts, smooth, dropped shoulders, slim wnlst, rounded hlplliie und a I short haircut. If vou're the frilly lype. make a beclinc lor the leg o' mullein sleeves nnd the fluffy RAKED CTSTARD GOOD One ol ihe most delicate flavored of nil desserts is a baked custard. Give It this deluxe treatment for a really elegant touch. Prepare the cuslnrd mixture as usunl and bake : In custard cups. Unmold and serve ; In your prettiest glass dishes with a circle of canned cling peach slices around It. Top with a spoon l ti 1 of rasnberry preserves or thin i Jam. skirts that also will be In the pic-1 ture. In any event, you can't lose, i It's Leap Year, and open season for all-out allure. I ORANGES Florida, Fine juicers. lb. 8c I pIis HEIP YOU GET YOUR MAN! GRAPEFRUIT 8-59c APPLES Newtown. Fine for cooking. lb. 10c SPERRY DRIFTED .SNOW FIOUR t ran W 5 ; 49c CA 10 B:b; 95c Poteei's Market Owned and Operated By Bob & "Peanuts" Poteot Lfw Pfrk Roast Center Cut Small Sixe 39c Bratton's Best U.S. No. 2 PRODUCE NAVEL ORANGES POTATOES RED POTATOES TOMATOES SPECIALS baa49C lb. 1 0Q boa 1A lb. 5 50 Bluebird C0 bag 3?c tube Durkce's Lean Slabs Anv Sixo Pierc Carton Lord Skinless lb. 49c DEPEND ON US FOR QUALITY Oiecwgsnne 2 lbs. 57c ' MAYOSSAISE 43c Pint Trupak Light Meat 35c Can Chili Con Came Stidd's 23C Con Party Time For Pie 29c Con Anytime Strawberry Jam 25c Pint Jar Tavern COFFEE 79c lb.. Kraft Cooking Oil 59c quort Meco BEANS No. 2's 15c SPINACH 10 ox. cello bag 19c Can Royal Club KRAUT No.2'i Can 19c Prices Effective t Friday v'lThru- . Saturday niOOrcaon Are. . . . . Phone 3860 Free ''"Delivery On $5.00 Orders Or Over Brussel Sprouts j,?-29c CARROTS . 19c GERBER'S .;. DEL MONTE cnnrTc CORN FOODS 303 Tin, . 3 25c 2 for 35c DEL ROGUE DEL MONTE TOMATO PEAS JUICE 303 Tins 25c 2 ,., 35c Item&i0 Franco-American SPAGHETTI F fZ , - . 'OBaia6 'Swift's HONOR BRAND CRNEDdl?"F SpeCa $ Pork and Beans -i Vo" Camp's OC BUY M n 2' Tin AOC YOUR I I 3i choce jn y T FRISKIES ORANGE JUICE b. .Hn, DOG FOOD GREEN PEAS .... 12.z. 7 t 29C CUT CORN ..tllB T"" SPINACH uoi . ... 14.:. Sunih.Be SPINACH ch.pp..i . . . H oi KRISPY SQUASH cook.d . . . 6. COM A C POTATOES Pr.nsf,i.d . ?oz. WUA immsT nb. 29c GRIGG'S FOODS AND Klamath Falls FRYERS Fresh Frosted Pan Ready Smoked Picnics PURE LARD 4 PORK ROASTS lb. lb. lb. pkg. lb. Merrill 49c 43c 89c 49c Lean shoulder cuts. Old Fashioned Oregon Chief Frankfurters - 65c Gov't. Grade Good ' Cut and Wrapped for your locker. p (side about 200 lbs.) FRESHCRABT" lb. lb. 61c 39c STARLAC 35c QlJQ.. Swanson'i Colored, lb. TOMATO JUICE Libby,,No 2,iM 2 ,or 25c ORANGE JUIGE Royoiciub'46ox' 29c MD TISSUE 2-25c JY Kerr's, 12-o. tumbler IC PUREX hoth' Vi 'o"ob 25c