PAGE FOUR HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAV, JANUARY 3, mi MARKETS and FINANCIAL Grain Prices Show Some Gains CHICAGO Wl After an early dip which- carried xome groins to new lows on the decline that started '. about three weeks ago, prices firmed on the board of trade 'i'hurs ' daV. Soybeans and oats particularly p attracted buying attention. Corn was something of a lag . gard. Wheat had a mixed appear- - ance, circling around the previous - close. In general, the 1952 crop con 'tracts showed a better undertone than the near-by 1951 crop months. Wheat closed -'i higher, March " 57 51 57 corii Ms ' higher. ..ot t.oi ,s, -wwi 4 .'"' March 94 '.94. rye 1 4-2 ' high er, May 2.09 i. soybeans 3 ' to 4 cents higher, January $2.94 '.;., and lard 5 to 27 cents a hundred pounds higher. January 814.07. WHEAT Open High Low Close Mar 2.55 'i 2.57 2.55 2.51 Mav 2.54 2.55 i 2.53 ?i 3.54 .Inlv 9 4A S 2.47 'i 2.48 2.47's Sep 3.47 't 2.48 4 247 3.48?s . Roils Lead Today But Gains Slight .A,r.K'neram- ' remilur stock market Thursday. ""Ti.. m.rt.i ThnrcrS.v Oabis among Uic carriers ranged to around 2 a share, against nar row price changes . in other sec tions of the list. Total transfers were, around I. 300,000 stares. . Quotations New York Stocks By Ihe Associated Press Admiral Corporation 26 'i Allied Chemical 76 Allies Chalmers 51 '4 American Airlines 16 U American Power : Light 21 American Tel. & Tel. 154 American Tobacco 62 Anaconda Copper 50 ' Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Sieel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burrov-s Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolllated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtlss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric Genera Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire - Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper L.bby. McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew s Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator Mew York Central . Northern Pacific ' Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric ' Pacific Tel.- & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penny (J. C.) Co. ' Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation .' Rayonie'r Incorp Rayon! er Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United. Corporation' United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Un'on Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Lctric Woolworth Company , Mi 46 a 64 18 29 35 48 70 J4 102 33 ", 17 J 52 H 9, 59 V 91 46 'a 14 -4 59 4 44 61 ?. 22 44 33 35 49 69 'i 6 '1 ? 23 18 39 i 66 18 3, 18 63 a 17 34 109 3, 4 .i 68 9 'i 26 24 V 61 34 -47 57 54 : SI 56 2 35 1, 62 a, 50 H H 33 10 i 33 , 23 A 19 38 i 102 33 3, 31 ,4 34 . 40 15 42 i 25 34 40 1', 43 3. Portland Grain PORTLANn IPi rv.- ;- , - , , . wwcioe siajiu, IS day shipment, bul. coast de livery: Oats No. 2 38 lb white unquoted; Barley No. 2 45 lb B.W. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 2.43: soft white (ex cluding Kexl 2.43; white club 2.43. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2 44 JO per cent 2.44; 11 per cent 2.45; , 12 per cent 2.46. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 2.44; 10 per cent 2.44; 11 per cent 2.45; 12 per cent 2.46. Today's car receipts: Wheat 8, flour 4, corn 1, millfeed 2. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Wl (USD A I Sal able hogs 14,000; unevenly 50-15 cents higher on both butchers and sows; choice butchers 180-220 lb 18.15-19.00; 230-210 lb 11.7518.65:' 280330 lb 17.0011.15: odd lots up to 360 lb down to 16.25; sows 14.00 16.60. Salable cattle 4,000; salable calv es 400; slaughter steers and heifers grading good and better strong to 50 cents higher; lower grades and other classes steadv: load high prime 1,064 lb steers 38.25; few sal es high-choice and prima steers' and yearlings 35.1531.25: choice steers 33.25-35.50; commercial to low-choice grades 28.0033.00: pack age prime heavy heifers 36.15; most good and choice heifers 31.0034.00; commercial cows 24.00-25.50; utility to good bulls 26.50-30.00: commer cial to prime vealers 29.0031.00. Salable sheep 3,(00; higher ask int? prices retarded market: ask ing 31.15 and up on choice to prime wooled lambs and above 25.50 on yearlings: slaughter ewes firm at 12.00-15.50. -. Potato Shipments CHICAGO 1AV (USDA) - Po tatoes: Arrivals 121, on track 215: total U.S. shipments 611; market unsettled; Colorado McClures 85.75; Idaho Russets 86.40-60. issoji lsi -82 January .3 '. tail Month to data ...... ., 7ss -noa . ' Seston to date .-..........soeg -5415 . : January 2 10 It San Francisco ' Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO tFS MNi Cattle: 25. Supply too light to test market, one lot good 825 pound yearling feeder steers steady at 31.00. Wednesday small lot good slaughter steers 31.00, small lot high commercial and low Rood heifers 33.00. two head out at 30.00, short load medium CCS pound stock steers 29.00. - Calves: None. Hogs: 100. Butchers 2S cents higher, sows steady, 200-240 pound ouicners JV.a, one lot choice 368 pnuna sows 16.00, odd 6head stags I '. Wednesday butchers SO (.pn, honor "Hin-in Mu.nJ K..t.k. cents higher, 200-240 pound butch ers 20.00. Sheep; None. Portland Livestock PORTLAND UTI ll'SDAl Cattle Salable 250; market active mostly steady; 1 lot commercial ianri onrut l,,.h,.il,. n utility steers 33.00-3S.00; utllitv and " low commercial heifers 22.00-29.00; maimer ana culler cows mostly 19.00-22.00: . shells down to 15.00": utility cows 22.50-25.00: commer cial up to 27.00; utllitv bulls 23.50- j.uu: commercial 36.50-29.50. I Me 50: market active, sieaoy; cnoice vealers 35.oo-.ifi on- iuuq price si.oo; utuilv and com itnercial calves and vealers 20.00 j 30.00. I Hogs; salable 300: market ac-,160-170 lbs 19.00: choice 250-290 lbs ' 19.00-20.00; choice 350-500 lb sows stronger at 16.50-17.50; lighter weights to 18.00: few good-choice I light feeder pigs unsold. Sheen salable 250: large lo; most ly good 95 lb wooled lambs steady at 27.50 with u'ilitv end at 26.00: ; choice under 110 lbs fed wooled lambs quotable to MondaVs top of 1 29.00: good slaughter ewes salable around 13.50-13.00. Weather Western Oregon Cloudy Thurs- way iwiva snow mixea wun ram ThilMi-.. m . night. Friday partly cloudy with scattered showers or snow flurries. Warmer Thursday and Thursday night. Highs both days 35 to 50. Lows Thursday night 30 to 40. Winds off coast southeasterly and 25 to 35 miles an hour, becoming northwesterly Thursday night. Winds will diminish to IS to 25 miles an hour late Friday. Eastern Oregon Clear and con tinued cold Thursday. Increasing cloudiness followed by light snow late mursaay mgnt or early Fri day. Highs Thursday 15 to 25. Lows Thursday night 5 to 15 above. War mer Friday with highs of 20 to 30. Northern California Cloudy in north with light showers ' In ex treme north Thursday, extending kj near sania itosa mursaay even ing and clearing by Friday. Gen erally fair in southern half Thurs day and Friday. Not so cold Thurs day night. Winds off coast westerly and 8 to & miles an hour except southerly and 2 to 25 miles -n hour Thursday north of Cape Men docino and northwesterly and 13 to 25 miles an hour Friday.: Grants Pass and Vicinity Cloudy with snow, changing to rain Thursday afternoon. Snowflur nes Thursday night. Rain or snow flurries Friday. High Thursday 42 Low Thursday nleht 34. m.h tvi day 45. " - i hours to 4:30 a.m. Thundav. liti.d .. 21 f.ud ZZvn Lweevjew t 3 Grande - 20 -Med ford KortJi Bend - OnUrio Pendleton PorUand Roaeburg . . Sjlem . - . Boise . Chicago Denver Eureka i-oa Angeles . New Yo:k Bed Bluff San Francisco SeatUe Spokane . - 40 43 30 14 30 33 31 22 -I 10 7 33 -31 37 27 31 17 J . , Obituary JONES Samuel Henry Jones. 51. passed lu-ir tn Tulelake. California J.m,an. . i.v. Survivors include his 4 children and his mother Mrs. Laura Santra aU of Marrsvllle. California. Funeral ar rangements wUl be announced at a S"!, b" Memorial Chapel Slh As Pine. First Federal Tells Of Gains Another year of growth for the First Federal Savings and Loan Association is reported by Geo W Mclntyre, President of the Associa tion. Total assets of the association now stand at $1,460,543.19 and total savings reported at 6.615,111.56. Gain for the year in savings amounted to 8765,456. Mclntyre stated that the people of the Klam ath Basin are doing their part In fightiriK . Inflation by increasing their personal savings and thus aiding in the stability of the dollar Cooperation of the association in the Vountary Credit Restraint pro gram of the Federal Reserve Sys tem was cited bv Mclntyre as an other step in fighting the inflation trend. 110,099 was added to the reserve and undivided profit account for the year. Farm Safety Meet Set For Friday A meeting; to set un a farm safety program in Klamath county has been scheduled for 1:30 p.m. tomorrow In the Klamath county agent's office. Postofflce building. The meeting has been called by Field Representatives Sam Brown and Verne Edney. Oregon Indus trial Accident Commission. Heads of all county farm organ izations have been invited to at tend. Samuel Jones Dies In Tulelake TULELAKE A Tulelake mn, resident here for the Dast fiv. years died suddenly about 1:50 p.m Wednesday while loading irumioes in a reirizerated freight car. Samuel Henry Jones. 61, em ployed by Charles Blumenthal, local potato shipper Is believed to have suffered a cerebral hemor- niaRe. An auinnsv is ho ttr- i formed today to definitely estab- I lish cause of death. Surviving are his mother. Mrs. ! Laura Santa and four children Marysvllle, Calif. NO arrangements f hava Keen : Knotty Query , For USW Men ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Wl Should a steel company vico presi dent ba willing to sweep up the office. The CIO Steelworker convention took up that Question brielly when USW counsel Arthur Qnldberg quot ed an exchange he said took place at recant contract talks between the union and the U, S. Steel Cor poration. Goldberg said the company pro posed to permit the firm to assign a skilled worker, like a, to floor sweeping. Goldberg de clared a union bargainer then asked Vice President John A. Stephens of Big Steel If he would be willing- to sweep the office at Ihe direction of President Ben jamin F. Falrless of U.S. Steel. The union attorney quoted anoth er company official as saylr: "He damn well would." Farm Labor Problem Eyed MEXICO CITY in Mexican and U.S. farmers will try to agree m-v-t week on rnnrfllinn. Inr ,h shipment of Mexican harvest hands to the U.S. for temporary work. The agreement. If reached, will then go to their governments for guidance. The practical level talks between the farmers will come just a few days before the government nego tiations begin. The present pact which permits Mexicans to go to the U.S. for temporary harvest work will expire Feb. 11. The National Farmers Associa tion of Mexico said it had invited leaders of the American Farm Bu reau Federation to comelicre for the talks. district rnriT Bernard I. Chase, violation basic rule. Forfait S2S bail. Fredrtck B. Hadlock. vtoUtion basic rule. Pine 913. Joseph M. Riley, no vehicle license plates, Tint 95. Robert C. Murphy, violation basic rule, forfeit 15 bail. municipal" coi-rt John Leaeuna, vaxranu-. Fine 530 and 30 da-a. Arvid Carlson, drunk. Pine 933 or 139 days. Fred Schmidt, drunk. Fine SIS and 23 dv. Ore 1 11 Wrisht, drunk. Fine S25 or 12 ' davf- John Baker, drunk. Fine S33 or 12't days. Paul Hdnf. failure yield right wai ts vehicle. Fine S3. Keith Rice, no operator's license. Posted S3 ball. Keith Rice, U-turn between intersec tions. Posted S3 bait. Egyptian Police Battle British CAIRO Ul Egyptian police bat Ued today with an 1.800-man Brit ish force armed with tangs and artillery in the Suex area, an Egyp tian communique reported. It said 15 Britons were killed and 14 Egyp tians were wounded. A British spokesman said he had no report of such & battle. The Egyptian communique Is sued by the interior ministry said police came to the rescue when British forces "opened fire" on Egyptian state railway shops near Suez. Funeral ROBi.vsoy neral services for Loretta Lrnch I w -w una w ikdcm. i tho Besttr Methodist Church. Fririav Jan. 4. lasa with services at loun , - wm? N ' 1 ''-', . tf L-yf yt'''vtyi (SM jUjJJxs ! , i, "v., . v.. - ' - ; .. -..-': Lions Hear Fisher Talk Don Fisher, Lava Beds Nnllonal Monument Ulrectov. was speaker last night at a niecltag of the Tokc tec Lions club. ' He gave a history of foundation of national parks and also discussed establishment and imitntenanco of Uie Lava Beds. Announcement was also made concerning launching of the Hons' school- traffic safety program at Fremont school Jan. 8. The pro ject Is miller direction of Dr. Rob ert Wood. Car Theft Case Slowed Dale Rhodes. 41. named In a secret Indictment charging larcrnv by bailee, appeared in Circlili Court this morning and was given 4u wis 5 10 gei a lawyer. He said he believed he would be able to hire an ntlornev. His ar raignment on the charge was post poned until Saturday, 10 a.m. Rhodes was brought lo the count v illtl frn.. CI... . . 1 ... ... ' jlY' "c WBS I owned ibvLViin & r ; .? L toil Sleight Of Klaill- 'The lnitettUJ-M ?urnrd s luuincd ego. Oct. Snow Covers Oregon Scene 4ndnted Oregon Weather By The Associated Snow bcffan to cover much of Western Oregon late Thursday niorninp. The Weather Bureau ronnrirt! au.uc siigm icmperuture rise from mmimuins of the day betore. bul two State Highway Department re porting stations In Grant Countv hardly noticed it: Seneca reported minus 25 and Austin minus 18. The official low at 4:30 a.m. was minus 8 at Burns, dtrecilv south of those two cold Grant County towns. The forecasters estimated Port land's snow downtown likely would not exceed on inch bv Frldav morning but hills around the city might get as much as 3 to 4 incnes. The snow Friday change to ruin. may Pair Held In Hoi el Stickup HILLSBORO IT Two men. wanted in the $1200 holduo of a Cleveland hotel, were arraigned here Wednesday In District Court on a larceny charge and were bound over to the grand Jury. The two. Richard Miller. 18. and Kenneth Franklin Shmigal, 19. both of Akron. O., were accused ol taking two pistols from a Forest Grove gunshop last Friday. Sher iff R. H. Busch said. Thev were arrested at a Hillsboro hotel where they had been siaying for the past 10 days. Busch said they also were being questioned about the J 264 robbery of a Cornelius tavern. The sheriff said the two told him they would agree to extradit ion to Cleveland where they are wanted in the armed robbery of hotel. a m. and 1:30 pm.. Rev. Tlsrler Zeller oiiicuiini. tommtimfni lervlce end '" WarH-. trt,n..ii. r..i i u i.'. charge of the arrangements. 1 v,: j,' (xS' 14 AIRLINER SURVIVORS EXPECTED TO RECOVER Rescuers prepare to evacuate Thomas Patterson of New-, castle. Pa., one of the 14 survivors of crash of a non scheduled airliner, from a snow-covered crest. The sur vivors spent nearly two days unattended in tho snowy wilderness before being reached by rescue parties. Twenty six persons died in the crash. rvjiiipo i wb ooo srf-u-,J ' WHERE WASHINGTON WROTE, w. Stagjerg opens drawer of wingdrsk. once a poaseulen of George -. Washington, ia main hall of Laurel, Md.. estate where desk Is kept. KFLW Man Takes Teaching Post Ed Miller. KFLW radio fechnl. clan and until recently a part-time Instructor at Oreffon Terhlilrat Tn. Stltute, has been named as full- I V' mrt ss I time Instructor In OTl'a radio de partment. The announcement was made In a faculty staff meeting yesterday afternoon. Miller will retain his assignment with radio station KFLW, accord ing to Mgr. Bud Chandler. 1951 Stayed Pretty Warm,, .a ai -'v ' ' ' JA M ' t mean lemperarure 4y.z ft was warmer In ISM than you might think. v v . Btatlatlr released today by 'the Bureau of Reclamation ofllc at Municipal Airport Indicated tht mean yearly temperature last yaar waa 49.1 degraaa. Over a apan pi 44 voars tht normal mean yearly teniptratura has been .l dagreM. Other year-end compilations how: The hottajt day was K dfgrtea on July 23. ,, Minimum tamparatura reading Chains Good On Higher Ore. Passes BAI.EM Ml The State Highway Commission advlaed motorists, to day to carrv chains on the muia to Ttmberllne Lodge, the Pacllie Highway over the alsklyous and over cantlmn Pan. It reported packed now -n thoae routes, as well aa on the John ! Day. Central Oregon, Ochoco and Ilhe Dallrs-Calllomla highways. The road report: Government Camp Packed snow, sanded. I Timberllns Packed anow, plowing, carry chalni. Wilson River Highway Snow ing lightly, apota of Ice. Hunset Summit Spots of Ire. Warm 8prlngs Junction - Pack ed snow, sanded. i Astoria, Salem, Corvallls i Snowing lightly, roads nil.:, Ralmon River Summit Huowlng ' chains required. . Orants Pass Spots of Ice. chains. Union Creek and Siskiyou Packed snow, plowing, carry chains. Ochoco Packed anow, plow ing, rarry chains. Sanllam Pass Packet gnow, plowing, carry chains. Willamette Packed mow. sanded. Chemult Packed anow, plow lug, carry rhalni. Klamath Tails, Blv. Lakevljw Bare In exposed areas. McKeuale Bridge Packed anow, plowing, carry chains. Pendleton. Meacham Tacked gnow, sanded. La Grande, Baker Spots of Ice. John Day Spots of Ire. Austin Packed snow, plowing. carry mains. Seneca, Burns Packed snow sanded. Horses Killed By Daylighter Three horses wera reported killed late yesterday when they were atruck by Southern Pacltlrg northbound Bhuli Daylight streamliner luat north of loan. tp olflelals could not sav this i morning to whom (ha animals be-!0' longeo. - ' The Daylight's dleael.powered lo-' cumoiiva was nos aamagea ny tne : unpici ar uie animaia. inouen onm olfieial aald last night aevere dam age can bo caused to the trains tn accident of this type. The train proceeded northward after a ghort delay during svhlch damages wera ascertained. Insure year fori with Hang Nor- : land. (31 Mna St. BE AMONG TO CHOOSE FROM THESE ENCHANTING AND EXCITING! PURE SILK PRINTS i Put on on and tfooi for you, Prints hero iuch talont for molting you look one)' fool protty. You'll lovo tho agiloty' of tho bright, bravo colon or then,! quiet olegonco of tho imallor do. igni. Wo the thogo in Pur Silk t Surah at 29.95 and 39.95 . . . juit ft two from a brilliant collodion, priced 10.95 and up. .Ufflt .an nlmoflt rord-br.k lug 4 1) J IncliM of precipitation lui month, lha yearly rainfall at Inches i leas than the H.iO ii.i of n.l lnoh-!. . Wt The highest tnlal praclpltallon , any year In (he past it w, 1. conletl at SO l Inches In ! J? pared Willi the normal yearly do Z iwiir of I3 0 Inches based - rerords of tin last 41 years. Thero wore more sunny niv . lOal than cloudy ones, lie,-.; ahoweil ISO clear daya. S3 pari, nloiidy and 118 cloudy tlayg durln. lha year. " Ouuiila of an abnormal amount o precipitation, last month'a wet., or alallatlva wera not too ettrtor. dlnary, iwo , espeniauy wtt nava rl Dee. 1 and 37 wllh 1.03 and i i. Inches of preclpltAlion rBpeciit,'lr As slated before the mnnihiJ precipitation waa i n Inches com. pared with Ilia year-by-yaar not. mal of I. HO lor Ihe month: 3ii mines in won aim me record of ,,30 recorded In IU30. The lowest temperature (or u,i month wan recorded ott Den. t ,t live above aero, and the hlghtit was w nHitirn on ijeu. jj. There weie I clear dayg. 2 name viouuy HIIU WIV 4. IUUHX US vs. "Agent" Tries Wrong Call An atlemplad long rthtinr lo Ihe FBI was mora cosily thin 33-year-om rren Hrnmini, no given address, probably antlelnaied. Schmidt was fined till and glvtn 35 days on pleading guilty ihn mnrning in Municipal court drunk charge. to Police reported Schmidt a In (lias Town L.iun mgnt, told wallresi he was FBI agent No, It, and asked her to place a collect call for til lit to FBI headquarters in waaninginn, u.v. The waitress refused - to de and ao Old a telephone npeittsr when Srhmldt r'portaitly tried to mate ine ran nimscin While Schmidt waa trying ta place the call Pollca were ralln! and ha wag arrested on (ha drunk count. UMT Forum To I Be Held Here A forum on universal milstsrf training hag been aehedultd for 1:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Conns. grftlonal Church, with Rer. Don Cat- isidy as moderator.- ' Hpeakera In the forum will Is ! Frank Jenkins, editor and pubi:dier of the Herald and News: Charles Hahn, local electrlelsn and presi dent of the Modoc Toa.ilmssters; Fdward Lander, minister of ths Church of BreOiren, and Orvsl E;. ter. secretary of tha Fellowship of Reconciliation, Berkeley, Calif. There will ba opnorlnulty Int d;V evasion irom tna noor. t ST. tOUIS ifl . Norman . I Patrick. 13, attorney and national secretary of the (Jathnlix trn'evi America, collapsed and diesfit pmion aution Wednesday on ait return to HI. fuis from a holuliy vs incuanapoiis, INVISTMINY sicuritih ' owins INVfSTMINT SHVICI Ul.; losrllse. Csllileg set Ostr-laa-r.ealtr aasgi a.4 . . aiscki. Insatlssssl Fss4s III aUj.nsa. atae. rksss t l KLAMATH FALLS THE FIRST juif look what If - made for the funeral. I