Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 03, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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Siinremp Court Rules Out
Use Of Stomach Pump In
Conviction Of
WAMtiiwoioN tn ivb ue oi.io anew why M anouid not ne
a Hlumucih piirnn to kI narcotlca
evidence (nun u aunpcol atrappecl
tlemned Wodiioaduy by Uio Supreme
, C'uurt,
The miKpnct, Anlonlo nichrd Re
ditu ol Aiwalca, waa aliened
Id have awulliiwnd .two oapnulee
cnntutnliiR morphlno aa three drp
lily elierllfa broko Into Ills bed
room. Ills Inter conviction on n chartte
nf llleunl nwiNFHNloii of Uie druK
wan unned luritoly on un ol
iiuniped-out cnpmilea aa evidence.
JunUce KruiikJurter delivered the
80 ileol.ilon overlurnliw Hochln'i
conviction on the uround thin use
ol Uie btmnnch pump violated the
G'onMltutlon'H due procenH ol Inw
vlnwie. Frankfurter mild Iho Incl
drnt "nhook the conitctcnco" and
reminded htm of the rack and
hciew of medieval torture.
Jimlleo Black mid DmikIhh wrote
ecpiirnle opInloiiH omicurrliw with
Die result. JuMIco Mlnton took no
'"'in' oilier actions, the hlKh trlbu-
n"l.' Inmird an order mupenrllnK
' Alrr nine from l,r"llre. ''"J""
Hie court mid kivIhk him 40 duy
'Car Credit
Lid Lifted
Credit re.lrlcllona on 1043 or old
er model ol uoed curs were lilted
yenlerdav, bill there i no ureal
ruhh lo take up nny oltera by local
uird enr Mile.imiin.
one local nuio imency mid there
win a ttrcnt Incrriuie In Interest,
Inn It wns Mill too enrly this morn
Iiik to tell how the public would
reiici to freeing of credit on the
union. ,.
Another cor aiilemnnn, dealing
Mrtctly In urd iiiwIcIb, anld he
would not chiuiKc hl credit pro
Krniu even thouKli re.ntrlcllolis had
been lifted.
'Hie restrictions removed celled
for one-third down on tho cetlliiu
jirlco or the snlirs price o( the
cur, whichever wns lower.
One nuency kicked olf Ihe re
etrlctloiu by offering lite curs for
a Utile aa 11 down.
Charge Filed
nf Price Htiiblllxnllnn eneruUvo lac
Itix adultery cunrKCB hus bi-cn sun
Vended until the cute 1 cleared up.
An OPH niwkeamnn ssld Rlchnrd
J. Turrnnt, nctlim chief of the
luels. aervlnes und rxiwrt-linport
branch of Uie enforcement office
here hn been "temporarily su-
peiuled . . . pendlnK Uie outcome
ot the ntlunUon."
Tarrant, M. and Mm. .Mnry Pnt
. Tlclu Bheehnn. 38. wero token Into
cu.-itody Dec. 38 at the Shcelmn'e
home In Weal Drill, N. J.
' Police snld Mrs. Slieehen lima
lo the door clud tu nlKhlclotlica,
mid Tarrant wn found tlmllarly
liurbed hiding In the little.
Complaint was filed by Dr. Dan
iel Shcehnn of Newark. A divorce
suit. broiwJil by Dr. Sheehan
nxnlnst his wife, 11 set for Jan. 7
In Newark.
Tarrant, married end father of
five children, and Mn. Sheelian
were released on ball.
fD.-N.Y. Isiild Thursday he will
Introduce legislation to puy holders
of the Cniigresslnnal Medal ol Hon
or tlOO monthly for life. Ho said
the 18 a month that Mcdnl holderH
now receive Is "ridiculously Inad
equate," , NO PUNCHES
Tha Low.Down '
lY. ' ' CT.I 0n ,h Hloh-Upe
I'm Her Watch Dog . fttpjh
and you should see '"sp
the thlnRS
MB) . UT.1 . .msK7 tW I i
Dope User
disbarred. Hlas Is the former hlnh
Htste Department official serving
it five year prison sentence for ly
ing when he denied having passed
government secret to a pro-World
War II Communist spy ring.
3. Turned down Hafewsy Stores,
Inc., In Its plea that the court In
tervene In the grocery chain's ef
forts to compel the Office of Price
Htablllr.atloti to raise price ceilings
on various foods.
3. Set aside a lower court de
cision that native born American
clllxens of Japanese parentage may
not be denied tholr clllzennhlp sim
ply because they- served in the Jap
anese army during World War II.
At Uie same time the tribunal or
dered the Honolulu court to gather
more Information about the clr
cumstances under which two Jap
anese Americans served In the en
emy army end rule anew on the
basis of that Information. The Hon
olulu Indue had ruled that a citizen
by bfrth can lose his American
nationality only by going through a
formal process of naturalization In
a foreign country.
4. A it reed to rule on the validity
of a section of the McCarrun Sub
versive Control Act which requires
aliens to make "timely" applica
tion for travel papers sftrr they
are ordered deported. U.S. District
Judge William C. Mathes of Los
Angeles has ruled the section Is
unconstitutional because ol vague
S. Agreed to review an Inter
states Commerce Commission or
der raising railroad freight . rates
within Florida. The rates were
bowled to correspond with In.
creases ordered previously In Inter.
stule rail freight charges. The Fie
lds Railroad and Public Utilities
Commission Is seeking to have the
ICC order amiulled,
Basin Pioneer
Passes Away
Herman 8 e h m o r, M-yttLr-oM
Klamath pioneer who died here
Dec. 36. was a KlamaUl county
resident for 63 years.
He died In Hillside hospital the
day following Christmas.
Born In Oermany In 1883, Schmor
came to Uie Untied States In 1883.
He lived a few years in Beatrice.
Nebr., then came Went and setUed
In Uie Swan Lake Valley here In
KlamaUl county.
His birthday was Dee. 33 three
days prior to his death.
Survivors Include two nephews:
Henry Schmor. Bonanza; John
Schmor. Deadwood, - Ore. ; nieces
Mary Sparks, Bonanza; Margaret
Heath and Anna Allred, KlamaUl
Funeral services were held from
the Memorial Chapel Monday, the
Rev. Richard K. Oraef. Zlon Lu
theran Church, officiating. Inter
ment was In Uie family plot In
Llukvllle cemetery.
Santa Claus Now .
On Honeymoon
Clsus Is on a honeymoon.
With the Christmas rash out of
the way, Mr. Claus found time to
get married New Year's Dav. The
bride was Margaret Viola Poston
of St. Louis.
Santa Claus that's his real name
Is a minister of the Church of
God. .
Pure nylon cordtex bras
sieres fashioned right for
you. Save of Sears, '"A",
"B", ond "C" Cups In sires
32 to 38.
Matching Peek-a-Bow
pantle girdle.
White only. Small,
medium and largo,
'v mj m ar
1" ' ''TTaaaaai iU tn eilva vau oil' the
1 ft), J J a.J I
iSr' J"" Vi -. "J-"'
thur R. Kirk 'above), 34,
pastor of the Biggs, Calif.,
Community Church, has
been named winner of the
annual tall-talc contest con
ducted by the Burlington,
Wis., Liars Club for his
story of rapidly growing
melon vines which damaged
melons by dragging them
along the ground. Rev.
Kirk wins the title of
"World Champion Liar" for
his Imaginative narrative.
Ski Trail At
Collier Open
A cross-country ski run following
fire breaks around Collier park has
been offered as a recreational feu
lure, according lo Park Caretaker
Leonard Swuiuon. Forcstlands 111
the winter are beautiful, he said.
The trail la about one and a half
miles long, and runs up and down
hill, Bwanson said.
The caretaker counted 40,000 per
sons travelling through the state
park this past year, and Improve
ments are already planned for this
uprlug, among them the construc
tion of a drain ditch through the
park area.
Unow removal has been the
greatest Job this winter. Swanson
said, with about 27 Inches on the
ground there.
December Fire
Loss Figure High
EUGENE (At December fire
losses added up to nearly one
third of Uie year's total fire dam
age figure lor Eugene, the fire
department reported Wednesday.
Crews answered 84 alarms in
December, compared to SI the
month before, for an estimated loss
of $19,025. Most of the damage
resulted In house fires.
Despite December, the year's
total of 835 fires at an estimated
loss of 162,802.53 Is the lowest since
1043 when Iho loss was $27,000.
Officials Attend
Wilson Funeral
PORTLAND t. Funeral serv
Ices were held Wednesday for State
Sen. Manlev J. Wilson, 48, with
300 state dignitaries, labor offi
cials and friends attending.
Wilson, former editor of the CIO
Woodworkers publication. The
after an operation.
The party of state officials was
headed by Governor McKay, Sec
retary of State Earl Newbry, and
Treasurer Walter Pearson.
Fashion At Your Price
Lady Kathleen
Lustrous white satin Lody
Kothleen brassieres. . "A"
Cup, sizes 32 to 36. "B"
Cup, slics 32 to 38. We
think this price is terrific,
don't you? White only.
Lithe, lovely Peek-o-bow
figure control and free
dom you1 dreamed of.
"A" ond "B" Cups.
Sues 32 to 38. Colors:
White, pink, and blue.
Young, Light Beef Need
Demand tor younger and lighter
weight feeder cuttle Is bringing
about changes- In the stale's live
stock picture.
Whether the trend 'Will continue
or not Is a topic being discussed
preparatory to the state agricul
tural conference to be held on the
Oregon Stale college campus In
March by a beef cattle and horse
committee headed by Larry Wil
liams, Canyon City.
Harry . Llndgren, OSO extension
livestock specialist, la secretary to
the committee which includes rab
bit, sheep and goat, and swine
While a percentage of the feeder
cattle are sold to out of state
feeders, recent pasture Improve
ment In the western portion of the
state has brought problems to be
considered. Among them Is the fact
that eastern Oregon livestock oper
ations are "big" In comparison
with western Oregon set-ups where
comparatively few heed are kept.
Large operation cattlemen prefer
selling feeders and other stock in
large-number sales. This works to
the disadvantage of the smaller
western Oregon operator who must
shop for a caniparatlvely few head,
the committee has found.
While It Is customary to sell
feeder caule In the fall In eastern
Oregon, most western Oregon grass
cattlemen prefer to obtain acres. Favorable weather condi
cattle In the spring at the tlons and high market prices have
start of the pasture season.
The state's beef cow population
Percale Pillowcase
Harmony House Better Quality
42x38,j-ln.... 63 C
Smooth and luxurious at Soars budget
wlia prkal ftalnforcad ogalnil fraying,
taarlng. Ftna white combed yams.
36 -inch Sheeting
Hundreds of Home Ussl
Bleached Cotton, yd. . , 29c
Strong, Ana quality ineww! "
81" Unbleached Sheetlnf 69t
Oregon Picture
two years of age and older now ap
proximates 323,000 head of which
60,000 head are located In western
Oregon. This latter Is a compara
tively recent development. In the
past, a large number of cattle
wore sola as t-wo ana mree-year
olds. Today, feeders are looking
for younger, lighter weight stock,
the committee says.
Steers produced annually approx
imate 110,000, the committee adds,
and a considerable number of
them go Into California feed lots.
Development of more feeding oper
ations In Oregon Is ono of the
points being considered.
Indian Cotton
Predictions Up
KARACHI, Pakistan, Mv-Cotton
crop forecasts for 1051-52 In Pakis
tan predict an increase of 6.8 per
cent, including a 7.7 percent in
crease for American varieties and
a 3.3 percent decrease for local
Acreage of American varieties
for the forecast period Is 3,747,000,
official.' said. Local varieties are
expected to have an acreage of
323,00. In the previous year Amer
ican varieties totalled 3,551,000
nr.rf nnrl lornl vnr pi pa .130 Don
I been listed as responsible for the
I increase in acreage.
Pillow Ticking
Assorted Patterns and Colors
Choot now from a hugs anorlment ot
great tavjng to you. Featherproof,
dust tlohl, wash fail. Savo at Soarsl
Soft Diaper Flannel
Ot Fine Absorbent Cof'eii
Bleached While .. yd. 25c
Thilfty J7-l. Ilonnal b sollly r.aiipsd
en both sldoi, clotsly wevon of quallly
cotton yarns, Ivy yours at Stanl
' l
" W' "'-V -v I itv4 i
OSC Chemists
Make Find
A new procedure for making chem
icals which retard cellular growth
and which may ultimately help In
unraveling problems o f uncon
trolled tissue growth has been dis
covered by a group of Oregon
State college chemists.
After a year's study, Dr. Bert
E. Chrlntensen. OSC chemistry
professor, and associates found an
easy way to "build up' new pur
ines and pyrlmldlnes which are
cleavage product of nucleic acid.
This acid plays an Important role
in tne growth of living cells.
Several of a series of purines
and pyrlmldlnes to be synthesized
In Uie OSC chemistry department
laboratories have already proved
to slow down cell growth. Dr.
Chrlstcnsen reported. Later, these
chemicals will be applied to can
cerous cells.
After these growth - stopping
chemicals are turned out here they
are tested on certain microorgan
isms by Dr. Vernon H. Cheldelln,
OSC biochemist, and Dr. Agnar
Nygaard, post-doctorate fellow from
OSC, who Is now at Cornell
To carry on this promising syn
thesis work for a year, the U.S.
public health service has granted
5260 to Dr. Chrlstensen. Associat
ed with the OSC scientist on this
project are Dr. C. H. Wang, OSC
research chemist, and Roland K.
Robins, graduate student from
Delta. Utah.
A detailed report of this new
proof that Sears keeps prices down.,
p-fff you
muslin sheets
81 x 103-inch
Reg. 2.99
Cears does it again! Best quality muslin sheets .
so you know they're made for long service . . .
1k i
riuw ui new
white, firm finish. Feel the smoothness of their
close, even weave. Compare! You'll know why we
say Sears keeps prices down.
72xl08-in. Best Qualify Sheet . 2.39
42 x 36-in. Best Quality Pillow Case 53c
Pillow Cover
Economical Pillow Protection
For 21 x28-in. Pillow.. 78c
Special purthasol Ctoar plosHc. zlpptr
clow. Eoy to clean . . , protects hard
tocloan pillowi. Buy Mvorall
Fine Cotton Sacking
ForTowels, Jumbo Slie
37x40 Inches .... 33e
Blaachad and manglad, islect first qual
ity cotton. Highly absorbanl, lost-dry
big. Parfact knehan lowalt, dull ctolhs.
Farmers To
Get More Cash
CORVALLIS IIP) Oregon farm
ers will have more cash In 1053
but It won't do them much good
because they'll have to spend
more. A report just published here
at Oregon State College says
that's the outlook.
M. D. Thomas, Extension Econo
mist, said the year money-wise
would be a case of "In one pock
et and out the other" with an In
creasing amount of "out."
The farmers' net income likely
will be down this year because
of continuing Increase In cost of
production, Thomas said. He said
costs were certain to stay high
tnrougn ioz.
Fire Gun Top
Blows, Man Hurt '
The lid literally blew off yester
day for 33-year-old Joe Stewart of
Bly who Is In Klamath Valley Hos
pital today with more than 30
stitches In his nose and upper lip.
Biewart, an employe of Bpang
ler Lumber Co. at Bly, said he
was trying to 1111 a foamlte fire
extinguisher when the top blew off,
hitting him in the face.
He was brought to the hospital
by Al Schultz, foreman at the
Spangler operation In Bly.
chemical method will appear In the
Journal of the American Chemical
Society, professional and scientific
publication. .
save on Harmony House
I : - r
iuw jri(.e:. v-ume in, bee
Extra Absorbent, Soft
Cotton Terry Towel
Specially Purchased ,C
A fine quality, all white towel made to exacting Navy
specifications. Hundreds of fluffy cotton terry loops for
extra absorbency with firm underweave, woven sel
vages and neat even hems for longer wear. Generous
22x44-'tn. bath size. Stock up today at Sears!
CHins .: i'orn at UlmUi Valley
Hoapltal. Jan. 2, tasl, to Mr. an Mr.
Cell Crltaur, 17111 Wall St. to
Weight: 7 pounda 4 ouncaa.
WHITE Bom at Klamath Vallay
Hospital, Jan. 3, IOA1, to Mr. and Mra.
Hilary Whila. Dorrla. Callt.. a IlfL
rWalglit: S pounds lVi ounca.
MAnsuriR LlrKiiail
23. palntar. Natlva of Taxaa. Reailpni
of Klamath ralli, Or. Sarah jl.
0'Kn, 91, bank teller. Natlva of 'tlx
(on. Reildent of Malln, Ore.
Martha T. Wllcher vi. John H. W :ih.
er, lull for dlvorre. Cotipla marrte4
July 19. 1MI, Xmo, Ner. Chart. Cruel,
ty. Plaintiff aeeka custody three minor ;
cmiqren, aiou par momn cniia euppors :
$280 attorney fees and court eaata,
G. H. Proctor, attorney for plaintiff.
Muriel I. Heavllln vs. Louis R. Heevfe
Hn, suit for divorce. Coup' mar- teat
Dec. 13, 1M7. Ashland, Ore Ch ea,
cruelty. Plaintiff seeks custody net
minor child, f73 par month child j
port, siso attorney leas ana costs,
McLaren, attorney for plaintiff.
ineir snuwy-
crawt rr inf stortH
Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
133 So. 8th Phone SISt
Houn: 9 a.m. to 5:30
8th Phone 5188