Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 03, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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TjiunsbAY, JANUAUV n, 1l).V
KFLW-1451 Ktv-PST
Thursday Evening, Jan. 3
..: 6:00 iporU Hihllfhts .
, e:l Home Town Nws
6 Jfl World News Summary.,,:
B-.30 Suburban Beranadt .
, -4 Haadllna edition AEC
, ' fl-.AS Corolnl Attractions on ABC
00 Mr. President ABC ,
, 7:30 Bedtime Stories
t:00 Oris. Amateur Hour ABC
lf-41 Gual Star . .
B QO Hollywood Star Playhouse ABC
'::) Cowert rf Kurrpa ABC
SO-OO SO PM Headline!
, J0:U Club Can Do ABC. .
10-10 Insomn'a Club
11:00 News Summary
.' 11:09 Sim Off
: KFIW-H50 Kc rST
', ' Friday, Jan. 4
J' 6:00 Sifn Ort Vewl
t :08 Corn in tha Morn
' 6:43 Farm rare
7:00 News Bkft Edition
7:10 Charlie's nounoup
7:30 Bob Carrrd St Newl ABC
7:40 Top ef tha Korn;n
y IM Jofin Conte S:n ABC
t:00 Breakfast Club ABC V . '
. ,' MM .Hank Henry Show . ;
IS 0.30 Break' the. Bank ABC
10:00 Cliel HunOcy, Nei ABC
10:15 Lone Journey ABC . .
), 10-30 M.V True Story ABC
'10:55 Edward Arnold ABC
i' 11:00 P.e'.ty Crocker ABC
,. 1I3 Rtoo aV Shop ; : .
.1 11S0 Agalnut the Storm ABC
,' 11:40 Muflcal -Roundup
J 1USS Mrrlel Keport
12;00 News, Noon Sdttlon
. 12:15 r.a Sidewalk Show
H:30 Lucky O Panch ABC
'. 1-Cfl Pa"l He-vev- ABC - '
1:15 Belter Living v :
, 1UW Mary harta.et JIcBrlda ABC
9:00 Basin Eriela
2:15 Accent on Melody '
v 3:30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC .
2:45 Rom. Evelyn Winters AEC
3:00 Ted Malona ABC
3J5 When Girl Marries ABC
3:30 The Perfect Hutbr .J ABC
4iO0 Mary Marlln AB-.
.! 4:15 Requestfully Yours.
.:OI Fun Factory . ABC
"6:30 Chat Huntley ABC
' 5:43 It's Movie Time .
0:00 Sports HUMifhti"
C:15 Home Town Kews
6:35 World News Summary
6:30 Suburban Serenade
6:45 Headline Edition ABC
l-S-S Sk-s Roundup ABC
7.00 Gillette rifhts ABC
8:00 Richard Diamond ABC
8:30 This Is Your TBI ABC
S:00 Ozzie and Harriet ABC
9:30 Cone, of Favorites
10:00 10 P.M. Headlines
10:15 Claremont Oreo. AEC
10:30 Insomnia Club
11:00 News
11:05 Sign Off
KFJ1 1150 Kc FST
Thursday Evening. Jan. 3
6:00 Gabriel Ileatter UES
6:15 Klam. Theater Quia.
6:30 Around Town News
6:45 Sam Hayes News MBS
6:53 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Harmony Time
7:15 Sporti Album
7:30 Family Th-ster. MBS . .
8:00 Tarzan VBS
8:30 Behind the Story ME3 ,
Zack Miller
Dies At 74
WACO. Tex. IM Col. Zack T.
Miller, who with his brothers once
owned the largest ranch in Okla
homa, died Thursday. He was 14.
Miller, who lost the lamed 101
Ranch near Ponca City to mort
gage companies in the 1930's, had
been ill since last summer. .
He was a pioneer of the old wild
west and the last ol three brothers
who built the ranch and the Miller
Wild West Show into nationally
known attractions.
a Miller had been ill ever since a
clinch of donkeys tromped on him
last summer while be was trying
to ioaa inem onto a trailer.
Plane Useci
in Suicide
VAN NTJYS. Calif. Ufl PoIImi
recorded the deaths of a milkman
and his seven-year old daughter in
a plane crash here last jionday
as murder and suicide.
Dets. W. L. Stapp and C. L. Nel
son said Thursday a note found in
the automobile of the father, Jav
William Campbell, 31, and ad
dressed to his wife, Mary, Indi
cates he planned the death of their
daughter, Judy, and himself,
Mrs. Campbell's father, Ralph C.
Schutze of La Crescenta, told news
men: "Mary had been contemplat
ing frolns: to Nevada for a divorce
about two weeks ago." He said the
couple apparently had patched up
their deferences.
Campbell's note to his wife di
rected her to reimburse the owner
of the plane he rented before he
buzzed his house and. while she
watched, dived it to destruction In
a schoolyard nearby.
Bring the gong in .it
Coffee time ...II
Casual ond Sport
Values to 4H88 "88
$9.95 V 5 toh
Dress Mi Street
Values To 13.95
mm i
8:45 Heidelberg Harmonalres
8:M Glenn Hardy News MBS
8:15 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS
0:30 Rnd & Gun Cluh MES
8:35 5-M'nute fnsl MBS
10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS
u:is r'rrd--' by Experts MLS
10.43 U.S. Navy Band
11:00 Night On Is Edition
11:05 Night Owls Club
U:00 8ign Oft
Friday, Jan. 4
6:00 Musical Reveille
.. luiieuu Board
8:38 Local New
?:uo Hemingway News MBS
7:13 Breakfast Galt MCS
1:30 News
7:45 Best uys
8.00 Cec'; Brown MBS
6:15 :-akfast Gang MBS
8:30 Bible Institute MPS
l):Oi Honrms'-m Hsrmomes '
8:13 Sandy's Seranadaa
9:M Muilc for Vttr
9:43 Favorites of Yesterday
10:00 News MBS
10:13 Tello-TeM
!P:n IPf'rl
10:43 Local News
tu:3U cur.'.na
10:53 News
11:00 Ladles rtir ME!
11:35 News
1130 Queen for a Day MES
is:oo jame uanr.s
12:13 Headline News
IS:30 Dance Tunes
12:43 MArket-Uvestock
12:IS News
1:00 Jack Kirkwood UBS
1:30 Tune Test
1:55 Neas
? iiO Vusic
305 Network Newt MLS
.:' P.a.ur Part
2 40 Talk Back MTS
3:43 Answer Man MS
3:00 Ricky's Recuest
4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. MES
4:15 lleirang-wa-t News MBS
4:30 Speed Gibson MSS
4:45 Sam K.iyer--News MBS
SiX) Name the Record
5 .10 Clyue Leatty NtS
3:55 Tex F'etcher MBS
6:00 Gabi'el Heatter MBS
6:15 Quia Show
. 6:30 Around Town N'ewa
6:45 Sam Hayes News UBS
6:35 B:ll Henry MBS
7:00 The K:dden Truth MBS
7:30 Cisco Kid MBS
8:00 Magazine Theater MBS
9:00 Glenn Hard) , News MBS
H:13 ulton 1 ewis J.-. rBS
9:30 Crime Fighters MBS
9:55 5-Mtnute final MBS
10:00 1 Love A Mystery MBS
10:15 John Steele Adven. MBS
10:43 Stars on Parade
11:00 Night Owls Edition
11:03 Night Owls Club
12:00 Sign Off
Jo Davidson,
Death Told
PARIS Wl Jo Davidson
Aninlnn cnilntn. f4it nf
a heart attack Wednesday night at
ms country home in central France.
Tha bearded sculptor, who rose
from New York's lower east side
tenements to the top level of art
and livine. had been regarded ax in
relatively good health despite a
icw minor uean aiiacis in recent
Davidson was stricken at Bech
eron, the estate he owned at Azay-le-Rideau,
near Tours. He was tak-
en to tne lours clinic for emer
gency treatment and died lour
Hours later wnue asleep under sed
Many of th erat mn r v,i.
time sat for Davidson's sculpture
oiiu many pi nis works are on
liermsnem aispiay in museums and
government buildings oyer the
Among his subjects were Prank-
nn u. Koosevelt. John D. Rocke-
leuer. ar, AWert Einstein. Will
Rogers and great 1m
world wars.
Nevada Plotting
Against California
RENO. Nev. ill A state legis
lator wants Nevada to take over
all of Northern California east of
the Sierras.
Assemblvman Dnn rrowfnni n
Washoe) wrote Attorney General
W. T. Mathews, asking him to con
sider court action to brins about
uie annexation.
"After all. this was nort r
Nevada in 1861. included in nu
Roop County, and Susanvllle was
Its county seat," Crawford said in
his letter.
He said he had the backing of
some California residents of the
Pants On Radiator
Blamed For Blaze
Leavinz a nair of nvrnlla nn Inn
of a heater caused a blaze la3t
night at the body and fender works
operated by Delmar Arming at
Broad and Elm St's.
City firemen, called at 9:36 p.m.,
said damage was slight. A city
policeman, discovered the fire.
Foods Hwtt b!
fh. 4M ti (Mm T Tali Oal
Ben B. Lee, Mgr.
Values To 11.95
Children's Shoes
8'2roU 1212 to 3
1 TO J
Values to tf88 J 88
7.95 NowJ and
V'nfWttOKtKXSMmmr n mil aaaiaa mi'in'ni" aannssnaasna a man
HERE'S PLYMOUTH'S smart hardtop club coupe, the Belvedere, the pace-setter in the
lowest price field with its new concents in styling ami beauty. The car lias glistenintr,
lively two-tone colors: suedo tan with sablo bronze top; Belmont blue polychromatic
with sterling grey top; mint green with black top. The color used on the roof follows
the Belvedere's streamlined contours around the spacious rear window and down over
the rear deck, givinq the car the continental look. Sparkling chromo molding outlines
the top and carries back to separate the two colors at their junction at the rear quarter
panel. The interior is luxurious, with colorful quality fabrics and vinyl blended in per
fect harmony with the shades used on the exterior. The new Plymouths are being shown
here by Dimbat Motors, 239 Main St., Dug an and Most, 522 S. 6th St., and Jim Olson
Motors, 816 S. 6th St.
HUNDREDS OF WINTER SPORTS enthusiasts were marooned in California's High
Sierra when heavy snow closed transcontinental highways. Here a lone woman skier
braves the drifts at Donner Summit (elevation 7,150 feet) on U. S. highway 40. Some
automobiles were completely covered by drifts.
Picture by J. F. McBride of the Oakland Tribune
Cable Roil
Wrecks Train
COLUMBUS. O. LB A spool of
steel cable fell through the floor of
a box-car at nearby HHliards
Thursday night, derailing 50 cars
in two freiRht trains and setUng
off explosions of gasoline and am
Three persons were Injured by
shrapnel as a carload of 20-millimeter
shells exploded sporadically
for three hours. None of the in
juries was serious.
More than 150 firemen battled the
fire, which got so hot It melted
steel box cars. A grain elevator
next to the tracks was damaged
The fire was started by the ex
plosion of inflammable fluid in a
derailed tank car. C. J. McCloskey,
division trainmaster for the Penn
sylvania Railroad, said eight tank
cars were in the fire area four
oil. two ammonia, one naphtha and
one gasoline.
McCloskey said the shells were
bound for Fort Meade, Md. No es
timate on the total damage was
TACOMA, tPy Western Interna
tional Baseball League directors
will draft the circuit's 1952 sched
ule at a meeting in Seattle Jan. 12.
Robert Abe'. WIL president, said
Wednesday the publicity director
of the National Association of Pro
,'essional Baseball will attend the
The league recently was raised
from Class B to Class A status.
PORTLAND Wl Dr. J. Gordon
Spendlove, 43, who has been with
the Veterans Administration at
Port Harrison, Mont., will be the
new manager of the Veterans Hos
pltal here. He will take over Feb.2,
succeeding Dr. Paul Carter, who
will retire.
Genuine Lizards
Values To 16.95
2. 5 7
Reduction on
our Entire Stock
of Men's Shoes
germ may sideline Ouard Danny
Johnston for Oregon State's North
ern Division basketball opener
against Washington State Friday.
Johnston, OSC's No. 1 scorer, was
sent to the college infirmary
Wednesday. Dr. Waldo Ball, the
team physician, said Johnston ap
parently was suffering from in
fluenza and it was uncertain whelh-
er be would be able to play Friday.
Eyeing Trade
PORTLAND I tfl A group of
Portland businessmen want to do
some old fashioned trading with
the federcl government.
The businessmen propose to build
a new two million dollar Post-
office for the government. In re
turn they want the government to
give them a downtown block, ap
praises oy me government in 1933
at $1,750,000.
The block they want Is the site
of the Pioneer Postoffice, which
is in the center of the downtown
business area. It Is across (he
street from the big Meier li Frank
Department Store, whose presi
dent, Aaron M. Frank, Is head
of the group making the proposal.
Frank would not disclose what use
his group would make of the block.
Postmaster E. T. Hedlund said
the Postal Department could use
a big, new building, all right. The
businessmen offered to build it to
government specifications on the.
city's East Side. Hedlund said that
location would be fine, for the bio
need now is a building to handle
parcel post. .
The businessmen Raid negotia
tions are being conducted in Wash
ington, D. C, where attorneys are
trying to determine whether the
government has authority to make
sucn a trade.
Swindells Takes
Over Boss' Job,
PORTLAND Wl William Swin
dells is moving up to the presi
dency of the Willamette National
Lumber Company, succeeding Wil
son W. Clark, who is taking over
as chairman of the board.
Directors of the firm Wednesday
named A. R. Morgans assistant to
the- president, in addition to nis
Job as secretary. S. B. Lewis was
named vice-president and general
vice-president for raw material
Quality Food At Reasonable Prices
Lunches Dinners
,;75c ,.1:25
Sourhtrn Oregon' Finest
i in siwsjin iMir"!!
-Li ''VMS
4, 4iv 'fktfrm
Casualty List
Still Growing
U.S. battle casualties in Korea
reached 103.739 Thursday, an In
crease of 321 since last week.
The Defense Department's
weekly summary based on no-
Itilications to families through last
r nuay reported last week s figures
and the new totals respectively
Killed in acUon 15,805. 15,879.
Wounded 74.813. 75,080.
Missing 12.801, 12,780.
Total 103.418, 103.739.
Battle deaths X 17,670, 17,754.
Current missing: V 11,048. 11,027.
X Includes killed in action. 1.688
fatally wounded and 187 dead, orig
inally reported missing.
Y After deducting from gross
total 1,392 returned, 174 known
captured and 187 known dead.
Following Is a breakdown of the
casualties by services for last week
and the new total.
Army 84,849, 85,101. .
Navy 1,193, 1,163.
Air Force 951, 955.
Marine Corp.i 16,425, 16,490.
Gem Sellers
Might Face
A Challenge
DAR-ES-Snlaam, Tanganyida, lPi
A Canadian born geologist who fol
lowed his own theories of diamond
mining to fabulous wealth let his
marketing agreement . with the
world diamond syndicate lapse
Tueiday amid speculation he may
try to break the syndicate's monop
oly on gem trading.
I. C. Chopra, legal adviser to
Dr. John T. Williamson, the one
man diamond prince, said William
son "has not renewed his diamond
sales agreement with De Beers." It
expired at midnight Monday.
"Future sales policy is very con
fidential and I can say no more
now, but an announcement may
ba made at any time," Chopra
Chopra's comment lent fresh sup
port to speculation that William
son may be planning to break the
tight diamond market wide open
by selling the output of his fabu
lously rich diamond mine at
Mwadiu, Tanganyika, at his own
PORTLAND im The price of
alfalfa went up to a record 141
previous high was $46.50 in March,
1949. The price was about 12 above
that of a week ago.
- "J
-rite" lmmmm
PATTY DUNCAN, 10 years old. December 13, i.s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale. Dun
can 931 Kane. "Frosty," the mother of the eight purebred police dogs is proudly
showing off her large family. They are nil males, and an added item of interest is tho
fact that two of them arc white a' very rare occurianco In Itself but still more unusual
is that the mother let them live. In most cites the mother kills whito pups, V
Photo by Gudorian
Seed League
In Rose
(.onsur.irr irrnns in Oregon -
grown seed will be discussed bv
C. 8. Garrison, USDA Bureau of
Plant lndu-stry agronomist, Bett.v
vllle, Maryland, at the Oregon
Seed Growers league eleventh an
nual meeting In Poiilnnd Jun. 7, 8
and 9, the program coinmltleo has
J. F. Short. Hedmond. league
president, reporti that the eastern
cuest apeaicer win oikuui customer
acceptance of the principal grass
and legume seeds produced In this
Malo and give a resume of new
seed crops that are In demand. All
sessions oi tne league win ue ne,i
In the Multnomah hotel. The open
ing session will start at 10 a.m.
Monday, Jan. 7.
Latest developments In chemical
researoh as It applies to agriculture
will be related by Dr. w. A. uew.
Pacific District manager of the
DuPont company public relations
department. Other speaker Include
F. L. Ballard, associate director
of the Oregon 8tat college exten
sion service, wno win aiscuss plans
tor the statewide agricultural con
ference to be held on the slate
college campus March 27, 28, and
Public relations as they apply to
farmers will be discussed by Colo
nel T. H. . Lipscomb. U.8. army
district engineer with the. corn .of
engineers. Portland. liRntenuw fer
tiliser supplies and proapects lor
more plant food materials will be
dLscufaed by Arthur S. King. Ore
gon State college extension soil con
servation specialist.
E. It. Jacman. use extension
farm crops specialist, league secretary-treasurer.
Is handling mat
ing details. Vice-president Is J. It.
Well, It's great to be back to
school again, isn't It? Back to the
homework, studies, and best of all
the finals which will begin next
Wednesday and last through Fri
day, Needless to say, though, most
all the students felt the vacation
was long enough and everyone had
a good time.
Even considering the fact that it
was vacation, there was a good
turn-out In the student's section of
Pelican Court td view the two
Pelican victories over the Spring
field Millers last weekend. Tomor
row night the Pels will meet the
Bend Lava Bears on our home
Klamath Sports Album will be on
over KFJI at 7:15 tonight. Tills
high school program does not only
broadcast news of KUIIS sports but
also facts from Henley, Sacred
Heart and other high schools In
the basin.
a vrmo nsKimn( that la not
1 rtUiitJ Ut)il HMVIiv t.aasxv - -
publicized too greatly but certainly
. I. .... 1 .1 um rtrl fnr What
nullum U,
they are doing. Is the audio-visual
aid department, mis years kiuui
is working harder than it ever has
i r - Trt T.anlniri advisor.
UC:uitp DUW - '
made the statement that "they are
showing more pictures per
than they have In any previous
years." , , , ,
Re - arranging material cata
logues, purchasing new films, rec-
- .-.I Ironna thAm hllHV.
WlUfl it,M j,,uui.in "-' .
Student operators have been show
ing noon movies in order to make
money. For this they earn a dol
lar, which payi for their page in
the El Rodeo. Tills is the only
money-making means the group
a' new movie projector and a
tape recorder have been recently
added to the department. In the
wav oi science, piuiuk mvwctn
. .T u ...... t... .rfri.rf In their
collection of scientific aids, which
include many siuiico. ammuis "
prt.. ..m.vA m1k mMA officers
, i ic uaiiicin w.uu -.
and are now planning projects for
Iho remainder of the year. Plans
include field trips when the weath
.M , ,mi trt inn M. hpcrlnnera
In the art of photography. This will
ni..,Mnl u Msrllvn Millet and
other officers are vice-president
uerry Maaaen wjcrciHij-wtnn-lire
Dixie Glllock. Dick Weed and
Davlri Molatora make uo the plan
ning committee.
The Gulf of Mexico Is approxi
mately Inches higher than the level
of the Atlantic Ocean off the east
coast of Florida.
to Meet
City Monday
ijcrn - iieiit, Hiirrwcod.
Another Mate college specialist
to appeur on the pruurnm will be
Virgil Freed, in rhnrge of Ilia ex
periment station's weed research
program, lie will rtihcuvi control
of annual grasses Uirouiih use of
I'lans announced call for annual
meetings of the Chewlngs and
Creeping Red Fescue Orowers and
the Attn Fescue Orowers assocta
lions to bo held the evening ol
Jan. 7. George McDonald of la
Orando heads the former organlia.
Hon end Oscar Loo ol hllvrrloll
tho alia ic.scuo seed growers.
Speakers will Include. Jru Hodg
son. Joint UHDA and University of
Idaho agronomist from Meridian.
Idaho, who will discus tinlng for
weed sprays. Dr. D. D. Hill, head
of the OSC larin crops drtinrunent.
and Carey Sirome, Junction City,
league una pri'Mdrut, will describe
foundation seed plana.
Ktlk-nr W. Smith, president of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce
and president nf the slate board
of higher education, will be munler
of tcrrmctile at the league's an
nual banquet Tuesday evening.
Jan. 9.
League standing commllleos will
meet the afternoon of January 7.
Committees and Uieir chairmen
are: weeds. Jack SaUicr, CJ a l-sk an
te; turf, Welby Vaiikluih. LiiCH Sluio.
forage iceds, Bert Huynes, Pendle
ton: alfalfa and lotus. C. C. Hoover.
Medlord: seed potatoes, M, B, Mc
Kay, Troutdale; clover seed. Jay
Mncy, Madras; pollination finance,
iGcor-io Nichols. Ashland: Insects.
R. W. 8chaad, La Grande; lexis-
lallve. Howard Helton. Canny and
cover crop seeds, Hubert Wlllough-
by, Hiirruourg.
, WQ ftirri mints'
Alexts bwiun
1 nNiEB r4v4li T'JCllJJiiP " -1 111111
JlBCTra!tffli!MailM Mtmtt imiii
Senator Faces
Damage Suit
suit charging alnuder and breach
nf contract was filed against Hen.
McCarthy iR.-Wla.) here Wednes.
day by the man convicted by Swim
courts of political spying for tha
Charles K. Davis of Pasadena,
Calif., suld in his petition he imtila
a verbal agreement with McCarthy
Sept. 23, 1041) to get certain In
formation about stalo Department
employes In F.urope.
He said he lived up to lil.i part
of Uio bargain until he was ar
retted lanl November, but that Mc
Carthy had not.
McCarthy said tha suit wan "too
ridiculous to require comment" aw!
added he plunncd to find out Klio Is
oenuul 1U
fY ' il l