PAGE SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Revenue Boss Scoffs At Idea of Widespread Firing In Face of Fresh Scrutiny WASHINGTON Ml Revenue Commissioner John B. Dunlap said Thursday he doesn't expect future tax scandal firings to hit any high officials and flrlnus among the loss er fry probably will be fewer than expected. Six Wives Brings Suit For Husband MESA, Ariz. Wl Preliminary hearing for six women who claim they are the wives of an excomv municated Mormon has been de layed pending a study of an ap peal by their attorneys to dismiss charges of open and notorious co habitation. ... The six women, all of whom claim George Meril Dutson as their husband, were freed on $500 bond each when they appeared before Justice of the Peace Jack Hun saker Wednesday. The women gave their names as Hilda Williams Dutson. 48: Arline Twlstler Dutson, 48; Lura Williams Dutson, 43, sister of Hilda; Hazel Doe Dutson. 55; Sarah Parkinson Dutson, 43; and Anna Merrill Dut son, 33. Bishop Wendel A. Davis of the Alma Ward of the Mesa Stake. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon), had filed the charges against the women and a bigamy charge against Dutson. So far as can be determined, authorities said, Dutson has done nothing to support his wives and 19 children. Hazel operates a small grocery store and service station in Phoenix. The others have been selling cleaning tissue from door to door. All have pooled their re sources and turned the money earned over to Dutson. t Further, he added, any sensa tional new disclosures by the Reve nue Bureau or congressional In vestigators probably will Involve past Instead of present operations. Dunlap told reporters tliftt spe cial agents have Investigated "ev ery rumor" Involving officials still in office. Including all the 64 col lectors in charge of regional of llces. . . "No officials in the revenue serv ice of any stature are causing; me any concern right now,' Dunlap said. "Of course something new could pop up tomorrow." Six of the 64 collectors were fired or resigned during the year. Three have been indicted on bribery or fraud charges. On another front. Dunlap indi- pfllnri h vnMl th Whit House to announce soon appointment of a commission to investigate how I much information the Revenue Bu- reau should give the public. ! specliicaiiy. Dumap saia, me ' 'commission could inquire into such i matters as whether any informa-, jtion can be released on settlement cut of court on delinquent or sus jpected fraud cases, i Another would be how much. In ! formation could be released on fir iings on disciplinary actions such jas those involved in the present scanatu5. Poland Eyes Iranian Oil TEHRAN. Iran U Poland nut out a feeler Wednesday to see if she could strike up a barter for Iranian oil. The tentative bid re portedly Involves a half-million tons oi luei. Poland Is the second Communist land to approach Iran tor oil. Ctechoslovaia Is sending a dele gation here to talk over such deal. Britain has warned she would consider any Iranian oil sales !! legal until the settlement of her dispute with Iran over nationalist lion of the British-owned Anglo- iraman uu company. Western nations, which control the world's oil tankers, have boy- cotteo Iranian on. 275 Marriage Licenses Issued Marriage licenses sold In Klanv ath eounty during 1951 totaled S75, according to County Clerk Charlie DcLap. while Circuit Court granted lis decrees of divorce during the year. The heaviest divorce month was September, when 34 decress were issued. INJURED STOCKHOLM, Sweden W Prince WUhelm, 67, brother of Sweden's King Gustaf, VI, was injured slight ly Wednesday after the car he was driving struck a stone pillar during blinding snowfall. A woman oc cupant was killed. COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE saverStOTonfuel wood heaters jUmu 21 htm mimttie. thermostatic heat CLEANING .FLUSHING, REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade Ph. 3121 AMAi :ing run. SAVINGS , crml iccm4i tf nm mm! to cm pfn ASHLEY WOOD HfATRS Mt I H 50 4 mn m fM befc. Hh9 capacity is Jawit w Wfcohh . . , May itmak cm ftrt for tariff bum, rttra, ackMt MORE COMFORT . , . ASHLEY pt i vita ttavtftiait 24-ttoar beat, cw trotted by rftcnattttt. Ym AqU . fcuW tat m fnt mm, Pf-fae! M vcrgge twy 12 aoun, wnnt sW a vtfco twy 10 4y. NO WOOY . . . hc-rrW, ASHLEY terns o uccw- li. H.flJ vuorf i .iMWMt S4 HOME OWNERS SPECIALTIES On Hi PIi, Ashland Bus. Ph. 7231 Res. 2-7 I P. O. Box 232 r 9th and Pine Phone 3188 (Srf&K cU g i WAEDS ? :-.;.-JARE PERCALES r.Eo. T Z . t'fD S.Se 2.69 EACH 2 FOR 5 NOTE THESE STYLES RETAILS PATTERNS Big,' ipring selection. Coat styles, zipper fronts and shirtwaist types. Generously full skirts, some as wide as 144". Many with 2 deep hand pockets. Flattering . V-shaped, sweetheart or $quore necklines. Generous white trims. Face-framing organ dy ruffles. Eyelet pique collars. Pretty lace trims. Novelty buttons. Gay piping. New spring patterns In colorful combination:. Cheery florals, geometries, plaids, chedt .SIZES FOR MISSES', WOMEN, AISO EXTRAS J THTjn.SDAY, JANUARY 3. I0B2 aganna anenai i to n it i t ar m I .' aT V i f4Ui '8 IJH-TUIff. " . WIT ,9 P STORES OREGON FOOD WHY SHOP AROUND? WE MEET ALL LEGITIMATE ADVERTISED PRICES! 06 o 111 to M s -J LU CQ 1 FIRST Qualify! NYLONS 51 Gauge 15 Denier Pair . . . 89 3 '1?',i', &1 12 ill r ; Ht mi l&a? ...Melts ...ft CUT RIGHTl TRIMMED RIGHT! GUARANTEED FRESH! PORK LOIN ROASTS Loin end. Country style. SPARE RIBS SMOKED PICNICS PORK SAUSAGE FRYERS FRICASSEE CHICKENS FRESH OYSTERS Fryin9 tiie 8 f0 10 eount Hormel's, 4 to 6 lb. eve. Country style, seasoned just right. Colored. Cut up, pon ready, fresh daily. Cut up, pan ready Guaronteod tender, lb 49c ,b. 49c ,. 39c ft 39c 59c , 59c pint 59c SUGAR SOAP SNACK MARGARi COFFEE FLOUR Fine granulated Fluffo Q O O iU. i iz io O WHITE Kfr;G Morrctl's Large Size 12 oz. Swanson's MJB, Golden West, Mission Kitch:n Q :ccn IS LU ca mi r- Q O O SAVE WITH THESE SPECIALS! i 10 89c SHORTENING EGGS Large AA 39c SALAD DRESSING b 25c TUNA sow pock, hght. 79c ALUMINUM FOIL 50-3.59 CIDER 3 lbs. dox. Jane Day qt. No. V. 25 ft. Pure opplc. gal. STOCK UP ON THESE DOLLAR SAVERS! CATSUP-Wesrward, 14 oz. 7 for $1 APPLESAUCE-Norrh Coasr, 303 7 for $1 APRICOTS-Rosedale, halves, No. 2Vi .. 4 for $1 CHERRIES-Dia. A red sour pitted, No. 2 4 for $1 GRAPEFRUIT-Smith, No. 2 tins 6 for $1 PEACH ES-Marker, No. 2Vi 4 for $1 PEARS-Remarkable, Bartletts, No. 2Vi 3 for $1 PINEAPPLE-Vita Gold fancy sliced, 2Vi 3 for $1 PINEAPPLE JUICE-Libby, 46 oz 4 for $1 PRUNE PLUMS-Oregon, No. 1 ... .. ..... 10 for $1 ASPARAGUS-AII Green cuts. No. 2 .... 5 for $1 WAX BEANS-Pittsville, No. 303 ........ 7 for $1 CUT BEANS-Saracen, No. 2 8 for $1 LIMA BEANS-Seaside, No. 2 7 for $1 PORK AND BEANS-Hunt's, No. 2Vi .... 6 for $1 KIDNEY BEANS-Diamond A, 303 7 for $1 CORN-Kounty Kist, cream, 303 7 for $1 CORN-Three Sisters, whole kernel, 303 7 for $1 GOLDEN HOMINY-Burbank, No. 2Vi 6 for $1 SAUERKRAUT-Pel Rogue, No. 2 8 for, $1 Grocery prices effective Thursday thru Sunday . - If . f7 75l DURKII'S MAYONNAISI MADE WITH FRESH IOGS DURKEE'S (AA) YELLOW MARGARINE Is" Khmut t... "f'"'P, lod'd Ariono ft. 23c 2tn- 23c "d No. 3 .., moaer Produce rf ,0. don't sh 0n So" ' St. For fc tP,tm h ""on erjp bnchc 'amorfi Gems, No. 2', Meat and Produce odSfoi fosf our i v9Qtabl0 Specials for Friday & Saturday. 11 Ml 4480 So. 6th WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMITI 2410 So. 6th NO SALES TO DEALERS 1749 Ore. Ave. OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LAbtLS -fc SAVE OREGON FOOD 1 1 69c 69c 39c 23c 39c 59c