i TIIUKSDAY, JANUAHY 3, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN 26 HOU5($ FOR NT , i(N'(f)ll0M tulilif. I.ihl anil water li wttMhril. AuniMt from I'ellcall trlluul. ;r v hunk Hlrral. . 1 li IIKK'i1, iPMN'orlir"alie', clu.'ii io Itti.lne.a i'ttitltl', liilHlra, iitoilaril, email n riiiitii (Inl. u'llurnl.lted. Uitaa have laulilu lctv. No tint. hullatile tor cmilile. ol nli'i.hntlo liaverflM" t tiriutl nut apply. Iteliram-e, lefiulred. Mt per month, for Infnrjiiallrin Inquire ' nM tnvaiia. anytime afirr nine am lYV6IIKilil')OM ""hnu.e,' lUNiLlieciT" In mini' :inl tfnlMnln. Vtllt ItrlNT. Mullein "lwu limiil - rirnn.li.il h'Mi.e. I'hnne 7:11111. ' WiitNIHll'KljT iVre rimm. "lit lluiilnji. 1 N.et unit .'Iran, akuti Irelly e'luipp.il. I'arterl fnf wiirlilni couple. . U'i7 Jeffrr.in. Hume jl2. ' ilNK " llrlllllOOM fiiiiiiitiri'l atlif in 1 twilriiiiin miturnl.hed hnu.e. Minli ii ; I'hoiii- H'im I ioli llr.NT. i mi rii.iiH ln iiikIipiI ! home. e'JV Light, anil water lurnlahefl. i I'lmiio awa. - Villi "tlKN'iTKinall linn. fin tll'tit-it. - rln.e tn. tiultelila lur working nipple. fall llMlt allPl-t p in 1 jif MISCILLANIOUS FOB KtNT BEEHIVE TRUCKS U DRIVE Movo Yourself SAVE y2 New Trucks for Long Trips Pickups Stiikcs Vjuis BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E Main Phono 8301 ilUFli ("Tor Vent, nil MaiiK "i'lione 1M4. . OK HltNT-?ioor aalulrra iet..l I) im equipment Buliilrlien Lumbar Co. lllti and Walnut I'hmie 17UU fAif BtoilAor. lir.ATr.t). day week month, tafl Lamb, phone 4073 or 30 RIAL ISTAft FOR SALf WE ARE IN NKKD OK GOOD EX CLUSIVE LISTINGS. See or Coll Jam" Heieluna Grayce Knlon 80(19 1 Salesmen with M. L JOHNSON HKAL ESTATE 434 Mnln St. Office Dtone 6113 X SEE THIS X Beautiful two aero mtburbnn home near thoppliiK center and 111 an up and routing community. Two large bedroom house. Shown by appointment. Prlrcd not loo high. House Is three years old. X YALTA XI Splc and Span. Two bedroom home, beautifully lundr.cnped yard, double Karaite. Located on Dryunt Ave nue among the best of iieople for only $0500. X WEYERHAEUSER X EMPLOYEES. If you need a three bedroom home, completely lur limited, we hate It. lvrtird on I-iwn for only $5000. Will go Gl 1 r n. X GRADE A DAIRY X lua acres of very good still. All leveled and Irrigated. Three bed room home plus lots of bams ami tennnnt houses. Close In and on sehool bus line. Priced for only $30,000. FRED E. FLEET Real tor DENNIE COATES. Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Evea. 2-1305 South Sixth Street BUILDING: PROPERTY. 150 foot frontage x 135 deep plus 150x135 cross alley. Price $15,000, terms. ' MILLS ADDITION Two bedroom home. Oak floors throughout, picture window ward robe closets, automatic gas furnace, large attached garage. Very good terms. Price $0000. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 8714 3-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 0th Phone 72C0 , A LOOK WILL ' CONVINCE YOU Have you $800 down for this ex- reptlonal boy? Then why wait, let ns snow you una 2 beclroom home, plus 2 good acres for only $4250. Vtu can keep a cow, chickens or rum a miniature farm. Bo euro and aee this today, South Suburban Two bedroom home, one bedroom not yet finished, but n very good buy for only $4500. Original C1I loan was $4000 so come In and lot's talk this ono over. We are sold out of listing and have ready buyers for your home. Just call 7521 for outstanding service. Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 2-2050 Jay P. Griggs Eves. Ph. 4254 W. W. Thompson at Mnlln, Ore. J. W. SANDERS REALTORS Phono 7521 1313 Mnln St. Humes rdn sai.k fVKItEIJ DKNNIS REALTOR ... U"1 Klrtoalrlek. Sale. man w Phona S4U1 ton SALE, tavern, oafc and portina ""'d., enmblncil. Nine alnt machine, lnal Two Mren.ed enrrl Inhlei. Wrlto tlin Dog House or phona 1711, Jerome. Mnhn. Kill HAI.E, four year old, two bmi. room homo clone to Peternon School, Mrclrlc hent and Venetian lillnda. Jfjvad street. Price $11300, terms. Plione I'Olt SATK TVn mnnll iiouTea on pnveil ilroot. flood Income nropnrlv. Only "anno if told by Saturday. Phono Tllnlr.t.! nMiiiinnu Vrr' er Mm, I liveable home. Largo rooma, aep- dlnlhff room, rnnllnnniu fntmrln. larao ilnnhla ear eni'nir,.. on lmiw iuj iooi corner lot. unod terma. NEWHOUSS HEAL KSTATK 3000 S. Sixth I'll. 00JJ-3713 11)40 Ford Htiilloti Wnnon, Hit- (lit), licntcr, overdrive, new Benin. Good I'ondlUon llirouKliotit II14D 1060 Fold "U" Custom Deluxe Tudor Sedun, radio and hmtter flMA 1040 Kurd 0 Ciintoni Drluxo Tor dor Bedim, radio, Iirittcr .... tViM 1040 Ford V 8 Bupcr Deluxe For-' dor Bedim, Healer $706 1040 For (ICilBtom Deluxe Bedim. Ilitdlo mid heater $UUS 1947 FRAKEIl SEDAN Heater and overdrive SPECIAL $745 1041 Kord V-8 8uper Deluxe For dor Sedan, radio and heater $445 1041 Chevrolet Super Deluxe Club Coupe, radio, heater $445 1030 Chevrolet Mauler Deluxe 2-door Sedan. Radio, healer $345 1038 Ford Tudor Sedan, nndio. heater, n lira, motor Juil re conditioned. Car Is nice and clean . . $105 1037 Ford Coupe. 'CO' molor M Phone 4354 30 REAL 1ST ATI FOR SALE $600 Down buys this modern 2 bedroom suburban home. Attached Karaite, plenty garden space. Total price $4800. A QUALITY HOME In Hot Sprlnef). A home you'll be proud to own. 3 brdromx, 2 baltin, 2 beautiful flrcplncc.i. onn of them in a rumpuft room you wl)) enjoy. Ijirite, ui-ll InndnrujHrd lot. Natural hoi water heat. Price 23,5O0. Terms mailable. SUBURBAN Well constructed, modern 2 b?d I room all rooms extra large. Elec- trie heat, Insulated. S acre good j soil. Full price $8500. Terms. WANT ACTION? Rli,-hl no'v buyers are waiting to pay a go'jtl price for your home. Call ui now If you want to sell. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Phone 6D5B Eves. Homer Stiles 2-34IIU Eves. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Sinco luoO 111 N. 0th St. Phone 4504 or 5529 34 FUEL HEATING BLOCK WOOD" D0UBLK LOAD $3.50 QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5149 HltKS'l't)LO(;S pickup or delivered Cilff Variant Hlfnal Service U60 So SlhPhone 3snlnr 8"i H Oltr.KN STAMPS i'lven on haaT ln nlla Phona seal or 2-Oou for prompt del'very. CLIKr VADENS SIONAL HERVICt asno go eih STANDARD HEATING Oil Stove, furnace. Ilrht fual, coal, wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co tM Market. Phona 3140. SrioAfsprTTlpMtTHdBBiir" Ctil. LIE pupa, Liilcr i reiTiitored; CTil :mia. r'OH SAXErUoVioV'toyulToVTThohe saa I. FOR SALE,' 3 female Dacnahund pupa One red. one black and tan. Wormed and rilatemper allot. Call after 3 p.m. 24.'IS Eherleln. Phone R2M. A Nl 1EIISON noaFdlng-! Kennaia pTiont 1047 BfiHB Delaware off Homedale BOARDING KENNEU Dog boarding by day, week or month Sanitary kannela. Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor runt for each doa. iinia bandied durtei mating. Will pick up and deliver. Visitor! Welcome Phone 8078 Merrill flu Rt. 2. Don 304 WHA.irA CASCADE KENNEI.M 40 TO EXCHANGE Pan.ready. In plastic bnizs. Turn left ' mile on l't road aoulh of Merrill Lakevlew Junction, will deliver. l.LOVD CHIFFIS Phnne a-ll:u Ri. 1 llnx S17 TIIADE, triio "i ton Ford pickup. Good condlllnn for three mtnrter ton pickup or light truck. L. W. Garrett, Keno, Oregon. 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY POUL1RY WANTED Cash paid for wny amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONF1 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY PAR MS PULLETS. 100 New Laying, flip E. Mnln. llnmpshire recti. Phone 4i.H2. NEW IIAMPSHinK lied frvirs. hrn rrnftiem lorKrr imrKed and dclivprril A ho p.ircbrrd police pup 4 t months old. Phnne R:i-ll. AUTIKK.IAl. RRKKDINO HKHVICK Phnne (.731 M C (Chuck) Wirrcn. Rt 'J nnx K2 WANf ED cnlortd htm Phont T" HlfiHEST prtcei paid (or poultry, hum and llveiinrk. BIO V MEAT MARKET l.nkevicw Junction Phnnt 4flr't 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to rent, Npcu tlirco Uctiroom hmmfl fur office mnnaser, movlnn to Klnn.nth Falls wllhlii nr:;l irn dnvn. Photic Knnint h VnU Crenmery. 5101. U HUE NT BIT January 10. iwo ied rnnm furnlihed house. CI ore In. Up to OS. Permanent, refined, iinner. in Iwsl neiil In Klamalh KaIIh. Two ehilrlren. 0 months, 2,a yean. Rcfercncoa. Phone Dir.0, ATTENTION I Wntch this paper for the mont g I untitle money Kaylng nale In yearn. Hotter rmnUure. Corner nth and Klamath. WANTK13. Hood imed clothing idr liceuy inmiiy, r-nnne ncm. ATTENTION! Wnlrh this paper for the most giflnntle money Having inle In yeari. Hafter Furniture. Corner fith and Klamnfh, iVb NKEU CAHS' al Inn nrieii rinwi rinse Motor Co fltn sod .Plum. WANTKD uned bKB cotton or burlap AUTOMOTIVI 1950 C1IEV. 4-DR. SEDAN rtitdio $1(106. licntcr. Wm SPECIAL $1545 A-l SPECIAL 1948 KURD STATION WAGON Ju.it like new. rtndlo, heater . $1095 See Jack or Lloyd BALSIGER USED CAR LOT 46 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL ! Up to 1500 on your auto On voui salary or furniture up to $300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty $10. $25. $50 loaned .III "pay day' or longer $25 costs but 18 cents for one week No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10th St. M-3&4 DON Mi-INTYP.E. Mgr. 43 Veart Friendly Service 44 MISCaUNEOUS WANTED tt'A".TD to rrnt tin'r llroWi fur. nlahrri hnuie or two houtca on tan.f Wivvi'!-,? ?,"-ir ,r-p , ,. WANTt.D. alfalfa hav. Olio Rochl. 101 J R "J IllViilnn. Portland 2. Ore KOK KALE. On ton r-xcel cnl oat hay. I llou-ilrn ntv. Ore. t'HKD ItcK Air "clearer. 17"50. I'none ' naon. ATTENTION! Watrh thlt n.iper f.pr mo moat f'Ti-tlr monev aavlns alr In yeft'p. Ilafter Kurnllurr. Corner lull amt Klamath 4& FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pnr Onl $100 J7.27 Mo. Rcpny In 18 InstnllmenU UP i'O IJOO ON FURNITUrvH OH SALARY UP TO 11200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to paj Locally owned New Cara ''nancfei at Dunk raira "WVNtiY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 10 ycara tervliig KUmath Ba-:1I Bee "Chuck" Bailey Mgr 114 N 7U1 SL Pnnne 332b 8-341 M27S c OMMERCIAL URNISHES c ASH! CASH LOANS ISO to $300 Auto Furniture Llreatoclc Salary ISO to ISOO Atltomohlles (paid tor or not) Private Sale ot Autos Financed Make your den Is CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. S-2S1 - N--m 107 No 81 h Phone tilt SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY TMTEKTAl. FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. .1. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph7i9L T6n SALE. Comi-leto necdi for new born baby, from rt in pern to hathlnette. Veryreflionnble. Phone 2-:C0."V. OR 8 ALE. Ben u tlfn I Hi i g h tiy iXsrc. Cnnsolette Klmbnll pinno, New KT-f.V telling price 373. Call D!)03 or see at 11121 Arjwemv- fo'H SALK, ton alfa la Hay. lii hi'ncalves. Phone 2-mit fcLt.CTROLUX CLRANRR and pollthei and Ktippllci. Phona 7107 Tarkel Tweet Oil Market CltLiSIIKL) HOCK, druowuy ctnuur. I'hiff. j.541. rtc MONAliCII clrrlrlu atovc. Uood coi.UI tlon, Phone a-.M.Tl. OIL Htornga tanka. Peyton and Co im Market. Kilt bodv wood. Photie IH)3(1. KOit SALK, Stroud nlnvcr ntano. Sli!,V Bnctlonnl bookenso i'id, no! lawny bod Sll, table top eleotrlo range 933. '"25 So. Sixth. ADAM Schnf bniiRulow type tiprlnni piano. Flemlih onk finish. Qnnd con dition Kflsy terms. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANV . Main IDfiO Ford V-8 Pickup, '1 Ton 4 npeed trnnarnlasion, heater and defroster i4J 1060 Ford 6 Pickup, '. Ton 4 Bpted trnnsmlislon, heater and defroslem $1305 1040 Ford 6 Pickup, !,Ton, 4 npeed trnnmlulon, healer and deft-outer ., $1206 1047 Ford V-8 '1 Ton Pickup, Ktnke bed. 4-iipeed transmls lun $705 1949 MERCURY CLUB COUPE Otcrdrlve, heater. Was $1005. SPECIAL $1545 1050 Ford 6 Panel, rndlo and heater, new paint $1303 1030 Ford V-8 Panel, 3-J.pced trantmi.Y'ilon, heater $1295 1048 Ford V-8 Choil.i and Cab. 2-Ton truck, heater . . . $1503 1040 International KB7 Chauis and Cab, truck heater. Ion? wheel bate $1005 1940 Ford V-8 Slake l'a Ton healer and defroster, new paint, good rubber $395 2152 So. 6th LOANS Phone 2-2537 8-278 l" MISCELLANEOUS fOR SALE FOR lAI F 1 I 7 ft. Coronado refrigerator, table i . . ,4, .....u nui. f model radio With table, elicit Of drawers. MontRomery waru ue- luxe washing machine, daventxirt with new tailor made covers. White clcctrl'! sewing machine. See at 3618 Boardman AUCTION SALE FRIDAY NIGHT JANUARY 4 7:00 P.M. H&H AUCTION MART, WOCUS New rooflnR paper and composition shingle, iskls, beds, lnundry trays and fittings. ITEMS NEW AND USED Consign your items or sale any time. COL. FRED HOWARD, AUCTIONEER Phone 8410 FOLKS who like food with the hume niade butt. . -like to .hop at JuMnny'a nig Y Baker. Merrill . Lakevlew June tlon. LAM OSCAPING. cvercreena. altruba and tree.. Wa trim, apray and remove targe trcea. LAKESHOrtE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4206 l.ET YOl'R SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld ar. 2.HH So 6th Phone 4315 lLKRtrunr- phone ih04 or 561 AUlllNG MACHINES, calculators, lype writer., cash register., ucika. chaira. (ties for .ale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE St'PPl.V Phone 74H t:i!t'SliKL) rock and driveway clndera. Phonea-lHi7. CHVsilEO ROCK, blaca or red cuiaera : tor urivcwaya. lJnone g755. Joe Bart. I PUMICE BLOCKS, drain tile, concrete culvert pipe PEYTON ti CO. fC3 Market SALK. Uhcrt hplnet piano.. Taken in , ciurlng holldaya. S303. S445. St25. etc. . j Ternis. $15 clown. SIS monthly, Louix ; It. Mann Tiano Company, Uu. North S.vcnlli. f oil SALE. 7 lece walnut dining act. . Montgomery Ward refrigerator. 844 El ; tiurndo. Phone 37:'.s. ; ss AUTOMOTIVE i JUCKELAND'S ! DECLARE: :The Time Is NOW to ! Take Advantage of ! US! I Come in . . . let us tell and show you why you should buy DEMONSTRATORS 21951 HUDSON SEDANS Mechanically Perfect Prices Greatly Discounted 50 49 49 49 48 '48 48 47 HUDSON 2-clr. Sedan PONTIAC "8 2-dr. Sedim PACKARD "8" Sctlnil DODOE 4-dr. sednn $1795 $1895 $1650 $1645 HUDSON (ti i ir Super 4-D.. C(I40U PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan $1495 CHEVROLET t 11 Q C Styllne Cpe. vP I I O J OLDS "8" Sedan $1295 COMMERCIALS 1047 Dodge Panel 4-specd ...) $895 1948 Dodge Pnnel S59S 1946 Ford V-8 M T Pickup $795 1940 Int. KB-8 ' $3996 1950 Ford F7 wtng S3795 1950 Ford FB Air S3795 1948 O.M.C. - COE Tag. 2-sp. $3595 1942 O.I. 4x1 $605 , JUCKELAND'S BLOCK-LONG LOT . 1 1th to 12th on Klamath Ph. 2-2581 tATE MODEL. Jeen 'n em"--vi - contiltlon. Factory top. Phone 31U0 evenings. ASTOUNDING! AMAZING! SENSATIONAL! Only 700 Down (On Approved Credit) On These Pre-War Bargains STOCK NO. 3-E 1938 Plymouth Coach $127 54-B 1939 Olds Sedan $397 72-C 1941 Chevrolet 2-Door $347 79-B 1940 Olds Sedan $297 83-E 1937 Dodge Sedan $127 93-B 1937 Plymouth Sedan $127 166-A 1937 Chevrolet Sedan $ 97 169-C 1938 Lincoln $147 You Get The Best At Dugan and Mest Dodge - Plymouth - Dodge "Job Rated" Trucks 522 S. 6th St. Phone 810 PARKER PONTIAC CO. R emova Must Clear Out All Cars Before Moving To New Down-Town Location. For Example . . 1950 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN DELUXE 8 4-DR. Extra clean. $r(r r Tutone gray. Loaded with extras. Hydramatic 4ZU YD 1950 OLDSMOBILE 88" SEDAN COUPE Lovely light blue MOOn car K ith all extras and Hydramatic v) I 7 YD 1950 NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DR. SEDAN The car with (MnOC the built-in bed. Radio, heater, Hydramatic. A good buyvj) I 7 YD 1949 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN DELUXE "8" 4 DR. Radio, 1 1 VO C heater. Hydramatic. lustrous light green color J I YD 1948 PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. "8" SEDAN-COUPE Just as clean as a new car. A A C Loaded and has Hydramatic p 1 440 1947 PONTIAC STREAMLINER 4-DR. SEDAN Lots of n l r good transportation. Gunmetal color. Radio, heater .... s I 140 1046 PONTIAC STREAMLINER SEDAN-COUPE A beautiful car at a real low price $740 1946 LINCOLN 4-DR. SEDAN a-,. Spotless black and in top condition 47O0 PRE-WAR CARS CUT TO THE BONE LOOK" i:3lZCOVPB $87.50 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! DOLLAR for DOLLAR You can't beat a PONTIAC and DOLLAR for DOLLAR You can't beat a PARKER PONTIAC DEAL! PARKER PONTIAC 4th and Klamath Ave. Ph. 81b4 LOOK THIS ONE OVER 1947 Olds " 8" 76 Club Sedan. Radio, heater, Hydramatic drive, plastic seat coven, lot of accessories, new tutone finish. A real keen looking car. First c'ass condition in every way. A steal at SI 193. II. E. HAUOER RtllCK GAltAUE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 8131 FOR SALE 1031 Mercury two door sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive. Per fect throughout. Consider trade in older model. Phone 3-n2fl.'.. 1947 CHEVROLET Aero Sedan. Fully equipped. .VHHV See at 2(178 Eberletn. LOOK1NO FOR REAL BUYS Used Car Department We have a nice Flock of various makes and models of used cars to select from. 1940's to lOM'i priced from 5250 to $2000. Priced right! Drive right! Look right! Tradci, terms to suit you. H. E. H AUGER BUICK OARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 5151 FOH SALE. 1039 Plymouth 4 door sedan Good condition. Csn be seen at 2333 Wantland or phona 0918, SS AUTOMOTIVI SALE East Main at Wantland Ki. 6221 THE ONE YOU WANT 1948 Quick Super Sedanet. Radio, heat er. plastic seat covers, low mfeage, new car appearance and condition. Truly a beautiful car, 314.13. H. E. H AUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main nt Broad Phone 3131 A'fc NEED CARSi Get top prica now Rose Motor Co 6th and Plum TWO REAL GOOD BUYS 1941 Olds "6" 74 4 Door Sedan. Radio, heater, Hydramatic drive, origi nal black finish. A dandy car at a low price 9325. 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Fordor Sedan. Radio, heater, A-l me chanical condition. Good rubber, A bar ff.iln at 1.193. H. E. H AUGER BUICK GARAGE lifted Car Department Mainat Broad Phone 5131 FOR SALE. 1037 Packard. Uood condi tlon. One owner. Phone 2-1493. GOOD 1941 Ford 4 door sedan, heater, Rood tires. 9300. 1749 Way. Apt. 6. Radio, Menlo FOR SALE. 1042 Sedanet Bulck. A-l shape, clean, S600. 6X7 East Main after 3 p. n. STOCK NO. 1 06-C 1 936 Pontiac Coach $ 97 113-A 1941 Studebaker $447 142-C 1941 Chrysle: $397 126-B 1938 Chevrolet $127 139-A 1941 GMC Pickup $397 154-A 1937 Dodge $127 159-A 1929 Model A $ 97 168-B 1937 Plymouth Coupe $127 DIMBAT - BETTER DEAL USED CARS South Sixth at Plum . NOT SPECIALS just every day LOW PRICES 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB COUPE (tOHO Only 16,000 miles. A real buy .' CpZU 70 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR NEWPORT America's most tfcnonat beautiful car. Radio, heater, white sldewall tires .... CpOO 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE 4-DR. fh-j il C Clean as can be. Has all extras .. Cp 1 040 1950 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN (f-i r A C Really sharp and priced right 1 040 1949 BUICK SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN tlAON A real buy. Radio, heater, Dynaflow Cf I OO 1949 DESOTO CUSTOM CLUB COUPE , rQr Radio, heater, fluid-drive. A once-in-a-lifetlme deal .... f) IO7O 1949 DODGE CORONET CLUB COUPE ET ACC Eye ltl Try it! I Buy It!!! : 4I4V0 1949 FORD CUSTOM DELUXE TUDOR ' (tlOOC Radio, heater, overdrive, seatcovers I 2.YD 1941 BUICK SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN & A H C Look It over. It can't be beat p470 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN COOC Extra good at this price .. j)0 1939 DODGE PICKUP 4-speed transmission heater. (forr. Better than good tires CpOOU DIMBAT USED CARS Where YOU are GUARANTEED a BETTER Deal So. 6th at Plum Phone 9139 Evenings & Sundays phone Layton Sleight 8825 SEE IT NOW The New Chrysler 180 h.p. & more Also the ,nev PLYMOUTH For '52 Friday, Jan. 4th NOW AT OUR MAIN SHOWROOM 3rd & Main See Ray Morris Phone 7763 For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Trtck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath ?hnne J-2581 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER JTJ a 7th . Phone mi COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING , FLUSHING KEr-AUUNO J BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at ExDlanad rOft SALE, ISM Plymouth Spaclal Oc luxe club coupa. Phona 2-04B3. WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 301 E. Main Phona 9379 "Wa will nil your car for you." Wa buy anrJtrartaf TRY THIS ONE OUTI 1040 Ford v-S Cuitom Fordor Badaa Radio, heater. overdrive. Wall equipped. 1002 ilcente. A very clean car. 11463. It. E. HAUOER ntllCK OARAGE Uaad Car Pepartment Mala at Broad Phont 8131