THURSDAY, JANUARY .'), Utr.a 1 1 ERA lib AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FOURTEEN 4 GENERAL N0TICI VlTtTit "rtniH"prH,wlMa" t'iitl'"rii3pn tn tlio nubile, 't'huradey :t:JI) f .m lor ftco .iltnrltriifiiil uieliucHniikl HIMI.l.ll HKWINO ONTKII M.1 Main t hune l ull 6 PERSONALS Hi ATvl .l?ViM'iiel'rndVri;10Mio (Vk.ii" Wrt itinlie ' rtii'iinte of anvtlilna. " Hei'iMdlitH Co. at Cmtlters lervit't Co I'lHiue imVn or u-nni.l WAThlll'WOUHiJd pMNTwfsrweal. ItHnoinviil. or HHifa. I'luiiio KUT. mi. OVER aft-C , 1. "a T L U 4" jtt - j .-.- -.1.3 :., I'V if ur i wife. I'hiMie IU47. l)u. IIKII NOW SIRVICES" 10 "J m I, 4 ' "TTTfR I GERATION accumulated during Atlantic v - " s-vh- s. fV r,-rr''a- :V-ia.A-- Vl,,-Jlt, n--a-S.-w-rttlrr;.iii..-. COMPLETE TO LAST DETAIL Col. William Bacon bis 5.000-part workint model of s Southern Pacific locomotive in FELINE RECORD KEEPERS Cindy (left) and Frisky, iur returns at me micago Reds Reiecf Excliaocie 40 MUNSAN, Korea lPh-The Com munists Thursday turned down an Allied plan for exchanging war prisoners and civilians as "no more than a barter of slaves." But a U.N. negotiator said he "rejected the categorical rejection oi me Keos." North Korean Ma. Gen. Lee Sang Cho said he wanted no part of the Allied plan because it was "simply and solely on a one-for-one for-all trade. Rear Adm. R. E. Libby said that was the end result o 'the Allied plan. He refused to accent the Red re jection because they "either mis understood our pronosal or thev are deliberately misinterpreting it in order to deliberately obscure the issues." Libby indicated Lee might be wailing lor new instructions. Scientific names of animals are formed according to the two-name system introduced by the Swedish zimurHiist., Linnaeus, anout llaa. Symptoms of Distress Arising from STO&MCI. ULCERS due to EXCESS AC.D QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST 515 Otot four million boulos of tlio Willahd 'Trkatmkmt havo boon Kolrl for roliof of aymntonifl of dlsLi-owi arising from Stomach And Duodenal Ulcer duo to Ekcom Acid Poor DiKostlon, Sour or Upiot Stomach, GaMlncti, Hoartburn, Sleoplestnoce, otc, fluo to Excess Acid. Auk for "Wlllard'l Msesago" wiilrh fully oxplaina tbui remark ablo home troaliiK'iit free at . , Paylees l)ruf Slore Valxreen Druf filora Wood's Drnf Store - Gllrhrhlt Cllrhriat Kexall Store Malln: Malln lru Co, i NOT NEEDED The fishlns trip, maucs naroor at ousiun uu Anunai wellare League where they r L li I LI I LI P W aKa r,r r A '.r U " - Mr- MI,d Kffckovs, a Latvian rclueee licensed by Massachusetts as a barber, is easy on the eyes during a close shave in Boston shop where she is employed. Danish Ship To Be Salvaged PORTLAND W) Salvage opera tlons on the Danish Motor-ship HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modem I It. and Mrs. J. E. Earlcy Proprietors and Joe Earley v V trawler Drift, encased in its luinm. u,vvv 1 mecKS sear for instatliuon a Tucson, Aril., workshop. Siamese cats, act as bookemis are awaiting adoption. Erria will begin Friday. The owner the East Asiatic Line, hopes to tow the burned ship from Astoria to Portland for repairs. The ship caught fire in the Co lumbia River two miles upstream irom Astoria Doc. 20 with the loss of 11 livesi The fire burned for days after the ship was beached. The flames now are out, and water is being pumped from the holds. Erection of new stables for White House horses cost 120.000 In tlio I administration of President Pierce. 1 -i DRESSY TIMELINESS Wives of I'. N. d.lale l r.ri sfions see showing of I . N. -Inspired dress of lisiit blue silk and matching scarf, both embroidered with I. V emblems. iCVi v CHARM AID l'aris ad ditions to iMilady's charms are a diamond fairy, with wings of gossamer gold tissue ederd with rubies, and a two-strand jeweled gold necklace to match. ' "i t S HEW A A U H E A D t) out. as F. Roby, Detroit manu facturer and former Michigan footballer, was named president of the Amateur Athletic Union at Daytona Beach, Ha., convention. Sfosscn Tcsses Topper In Ring WASHINGTON W Harold E. Stasscn unnounceu Thurbtloy he will enter primary contests in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Minnesota in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. Stas.'.cn told a news conference he has decided to go into Ohio be cause he feels that ficn. Robert A. Taft of Ohio, also a candidate for the GOP nomination, has chal lenged him in Pennsylvania and Minnesota. You Can Gel" The Plans Tor Anything CORVALLTS W Next time you want to build a merry ko round, or a manure pit, or a nut drier, Oregon State College can supply construction plans. Since the first plans were drawn in 1936, more than 200 Items have been added, the College's plan serv ice reported Thursday. They were prepared In answer to requests and include barns and houses as well as small structures and devices. KOLON AVE US PORTLAND Wl Mrs. Margaret ClageU and Rep. Homer D. An- geiJ, Oregon Republican, were mar ried in a New Year's Day cere mony here Tuesday. Mrs. Angcll will be her husband's secretary in Washington. They will fly there later this week. GFTS AROUND MINNEDOSA, Man. iM One of the oldest practicing physicians in Manitoba, Dr. J. N, Andrew Is tra veling his rounds In his 10th auto mobile. Besides all the cars he has worn out. he h:i used about 40 different horses in his long career. Timber Topper Dies On The Jcb COTTAGE OROVE l.fl John Oscar Hay. 63. Portland, died near , hero Wednesday w in 1c topping a ; spnr tree. Elmo Aldiidse. a loitRlng onern- I tor. said he saw Hay slump back : into ms siiieiy ocit wnne wortcing on the tree 15 feet from the ground, j When Hay was brought down he 1 was dead. Coroner Fred Buell said Hay i Hlnrl .lilt...- I. .. ; brain hemorrhiiKC. An autopsy was to be performed. The Browing transportation, dls tnbulion nd sole of bnnmmii coin-! bine to make one of the world's 1 leading food industries. Legal Notice ! notick or HE MIt N't; I ON FINAL ACt'Ol NT NOTtCE IS HEHF.BY GIVEN that 1 nave filed my Einal Arrnunl. Rrpnri , of Adminiitratrlx, and Petition for Du trlbutlnn m thr matter o( the Cit-ili-of MAUD r.NGLA.ND. de'enrd. .ihI the Circuit Court ha -t Monday, the 7lh day of January. II02. at tha hour of ten o'clock A M. In tho Circuit i Court Room of the Klamath County l .uua iiuuk, Mmain rail. Urron. as the time and plase for hearing o: exrrptlons and obirclloru to Mid Tlnal Account. If any there be. MARY H. TOTTO.V. Ariminlttratrlx of the Estate of MAUD t.NULANU, IJecearil FDWlN E. DHISCOLL Vine Tree nuildinx Klamath Falls. Oregon Attorney for Estate. U--13-SO-27 J-3 .No. 807 NOTICK OK THE ANNUAL MKJTW' OF MEMBERS OF FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGaS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF K LA MAT ft FALLS Notice ta hereby niven the an nual mnetinii of the member of Firtt Federal Savinjfn and Laan Aiociaiion of Klamath FalU will be held at (he homo office oi the aaaorlaiion at 34 Main Street. Klamath FalU. Oreaun. at two o'clock In the a.'ternoon on thr lth day of January, for the pur- pone of electing three directors and for transaction of ueh butne a may properly come of ore the meeting. Flnt Federal Savmgi and Loan Association of Klaninth iall - - .liy: Van St Molllaon, Secretary A DVTRTISEMENT FOR S A LB O" JOSEPH BALL ALLOTMENT LOG GING UNIT. Klamath Indian Reserva tion. Sealed bids, in duplicate, on forms provided therefor, marked ouUldr "Bid, Joseph Ball Allot mi-nt Logging Unit, and addressed to the Superintend ent. Klamath Indian Agency. Klamath Agency. Oregon." will lie received un til 2 00 o'clock P.M. Pacific Standard Time, on January 7. 1032, for the pur chase of merchantable timber on a tract within the Klamath Indian Recr-v.-ition. described as the Jowph It.ill Allotment No. (110, In the E' of W, Sec. 24, T, .11 Si. H. 7 E WM The nale Includes approximately 75 acre of timbered land wilh an estimated stand to be cut of 81,000 ft B M. or ponder, oiva pine. The foregoing estimate of volume li not guaranteed. Each hid muM state the price per thou.-tnd feel B.M. Scrlbncr Decimal C Log Scale that will be paid for the timber cut and ncaled. No bid will be considered for lens than $20 40 per thousand feet B.M. Each bid must be nrcompnnied by a certified check In the amount of 400.00 on a solvent bank, pnyahle to the order of the Special Disbursing Agent. Klamath Agency. Oregon. The deposit will be returned to unsuccesnful bidders, held m a bond tn guarantee satisfactory performance of the con tract by the Micccuxful bidder, or re tained a liquidated damages tf the successful bidder ahull not execute the contract and make an advance dr poult In the amount of 30 per cent ttl the total purchase price within 'Mi days of notice or the acceptance of his bid. The right to waive technical defects and reject any and all bid in reserved. Th. Mnlrnul will .n,.nir., lew. I ll j Ignated timber shall be cut and , re moved from the allotment prior to De cember til.lflM. For copies of the con tract, regulations, blnnks for Hubmli slon of bids, and other information, apply to the Superintendent, Klamath Agency, Oregon. Dated this 4th day of December. I Ml, at Portland, Oregon. E. Morgan Pryse, Area Director, Bu reau of Indian Affairs. D-27 J-3 No. B20 NOTICE OF BUND SAI.K Scaled proposals will ho received by the Common Council of tha City ol Klamath Falls, Oregon, for the pur rhiiHe of newer Improvement bonds, Scries 02. nggreeatinu. Four Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-two and 33-100 Dona, 14.522. 33) duly authored by ordinance of the said City of Klamalh Falls, for the construction and laying of sewer lines In Sewer Unit No. 2(1, of said City and nerving the propertv between South Sixth Street, tho O.C.& K. Railroad Might of Way, Shasta Way and Washburn Streets. Proposals to purchase said bonds will he received by the undersigned up to and including the 4th. day of February, 1H52, at the hourof seven-thirty o'clock p.m. of said day and opened at a regulor meeting of the Common Cnun. cil immedlnlely Iherenftcr; laid bonds shall bo dated February 1. 1032, and shall be In amounts of ffiOO.OO ench, except bond No. 1, of said series, which shall bo for the fractional part of said sum. and all shall no clue ten years after the date of Issue, payment or ina enure nonas optional wun solo City at any coupon paying data on and after one year from tha date thereof. Smd bonds will bear Interest at the rate of not to exceed six per rent per annum., payable semi-annually on February 1st. and AugiiHt lnt, of each year, principal and Interest pnvoblc at the office of tho treasurer of tha City oi Klamath Falls. Oregon. AH proposals must bo unconditional and accompanied by n certified check lor live oer cent of the nronoini. The Common Council rcscrvea the right to re ect anv and nil olds. The successful bidder for said bonds will bo furnished wilh an opinion as to tne legautv inoreor ny tno law iirm of Wlnfrce, Mcculloch, Shulcr flt Hnyre, Snnldlng Building. Portland. Oregon, This notice 1 authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamath rails, Oregon, aatca uccem bar 17. Iftfl. ROBKHT M. ELDER, Police Judge or the city of Kiomain ram. Oresnn. D-31 - J.I-2.3-4-S-'T - 8 - 9 - 10 - II - 12 - 14 - IS HI - 17 - 10 - 10 - 21 - 21 2.1 24 - 2.1 - 20 - 20 20 - 30 - 31 F.l - 2 No. 826. THOUSAND WANT ADS APPEARED IN THE HERALD & NEWS Durinq 1951 (A gain of more than 10,000 ads over 1950) As Want Ads are the pulse of the na tion the day to day barometer of the business life in every community this substantial gain in Classified Advertising indicates a definite up ward trend in business in the Klamath Basin. Tremendous increases in the use of Classified Advertising are also re ported on a national scope. This points out that Classified is basic and essential for the small businessman or individual who seeks to cam his own livelihood through his own ef forts without benefit of government agency or direction as is the case under Socialist-Communist or dicta torial forms of government. WANT ADS ARE FUNDAMENTAL TO DEMOCRACY IN ACTION IN '52 SEE WHAT WANT ADS CAN DO FOR YOU! GET THE HABIT READ and USE THE WANT ADS DAILY! PHONE 8111 CLASSIFIED RATES Ono day per word 4' Three Days per word lie Week run per word 20c Month run per word 05c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad Ls 50c. BOX NI7MRITRS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper tor a service charac ol 25c. DEADLINES Classified ads accepted up to 5:30 pjn. (or following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up tc 12 noon for following day's pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please mane all claims lor adjust ments wltnout delay. Corrections or cancellations re eelved by 5:30 p.m. will be made in following day's publication. Herald & News Want Ad Agents ' BLY HUNTS CASH GROCERY Phone 752 Box 343 DCRRIS MRS. DORA BKANHAM Phono 7A2 201 E Hnmn Legal Notice NOTICE TO CKRDITOIIH IN THE CIIICUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OI1EUON IN AND POH THE COUNTY Or Kl.AMATII In Ihr, Matter of Urn F.nlalo of HUM I'llREV JOHN 8CUI.LV, Deteneed. Notice li herohy Riven thnt tho undrr fliRnotl, J. L. HTflODE, hne hern ap nolntorl ArlmlnlHtrnlor of Ihe EHtale or IIUMI'llnKY JOHN SCUU.Y, c cniiHOd, by Inn Circuit Court of the Slfite of Orexon for Ihe County ol Klamath, and hat duly nualillcd an uch admlnUtrnlor and Iiltnri of Art. mlniatnillon have duly luaucd. All pnr floni having clnlmn ugnlnat antd Kltule aro hereby notified to present the eame, duly verified ni by law required with proper vouchere to the under- Inner) at tha office of DONALD A. W. PIPER, Attorney at Law. 14 Court Houee, Klamnth Fnlle, Orexon, on or herore llx (i monlha from the date of flrnt publication hereof, which date ll December in, 10.11, (l J. I,. STUODK ADMINISTRATOH OP TUP, ESTATE OF HUMPHREY JOHN SCULLY, Deceeiied. D-ia.20-17 J-3 No. 8IS Henley Tulelako RUTH KINO Phone M52 Hie 2. Dox 5U LAKEVIEW BLUE NOTE MUSIC Phone 2701 120 K. St No MERRILL ROBEHTA DEWEY Phone 8201 Merrill MA LIN MRS. JOE HALOU8EK Box 114 Malln Phone 374 C FUNERAL HOMES WAKlj'H kiaiiiuili ""riiiiarii" Home, iw ...a-, mi,.!, ,-nona MEETING N0VCES Munzunlta Clni)terNo. 17a. O.E.S. win noui a Btulcd meet liiK on Prldiiy, Jan. 4 nt 8 p.m.. In the IOOF hull. Vliiltora welcome Thelma CrexwrJI, w M, C'al.herlneWrlKlit Sec'y. Klamnth Lo'dfto No"-77 A.R&A.M. will hold a special nicotinic Frldii apeclal iiiccHiik Friday ;l?y,i J!'"' 4' 1 r n. Work In EA dofjire. Visiting brethren in. vltcd. DALE BEBDER WomhlpfulMiisttr CiiiterTnicc "LodKo"No". 211 AFiVAM will hold n Htnted meotliin Thura dny Jan, 3, 8 p.m. Visit. HiK Brethren Invited. Kntertiilnmcnt and ro frcNhmentn. O. E. THOMPSON, wormiipful Mauler WILLIAM K. FINK Secretary KLA' - f'H i''ALL8 Acrio No. 20U0 Regular meeting every Friday night 7:43 p.m . '. o. E. Hall, 9lh tnrl Unlmif Vmiung members cordially Invited. Bulfot houra 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. REGULAR MEETING of Disabled American Vetemna and AuxlHnry will be held Fidny Jnn. 4, In tho K, C, at 8 p.m. MAX L. RUOE x OommandCT AlX.'OlIUMCB ANONYMOUS tnceli Friday. B p.m., for in forma lion, write Box 204, Phone D:iH2. LOST AND FOUND $.10 REWARD ior return of 2 vonr nl( Hereford bull trnyffd from my ranch nt HprnKuo Hlvor. Hn tnttno "L.f)70" on loft nnr. "flfl" Hlnmiiffrl on horn, Lovi LOST, rhlnentone ncklac. ltowarUt ihon fi326 after 6 p.m. f Of beptic tanks Cleaned Nrwcflt Bimiuty Mnlhixf, Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE JU'umj bovi-r I. men of Ktioti, Eta KIJ I'. KINO Mi Orrhnrit Phmi fim I "fuFfiT for SERVICE CIIIMNKYH KUllNACna HTOVK8 . Oil, IIUKNKIl BrllVlCB Pimm, imiis (iu-ariui EXCAVATING Mnim tf!uvrl and Trench Ho llilllclorrr I'lll Din . Toiuoll Cruahcd liork . Driveway Clmlen CnmprftKMir CRANIS 'llJUVirK GRAHAM BROS. I'hoi.p nr DUO WA'tt' llMAKINi;. ItruMMialile.'iS" aUiti I'AlNTINti aiul iiiKrhaiigliigr I'huna 1If. Fl.tKMtt')tlaicl PhiHlV'"tOWI.'7 ' ilill'I' s Al I'O i'niitig,"budy "aTit. ftn" tlnf wnrkt Phone 4O40 CAIlPKNTKIt Hiirir lle.iajrreinT."(iti; log and new riiiitttirtiiti I'lttinw J on 17. MAt'H Vat m Kjtilitnttit Co V" rgiuuu dt-rtlrr Phone nlt Kl.Kt Tttir WlltlNiiukriCuror i orttrai I Photi I 101(1 KXPt-'HT ditaiiiAklug NiilalteialiiMui7 PintMr in in PAIN'fINt;, lipciirallng, iiapr hmii'lii 1laalrr lailrrlMrd IliiUhliig. itiray nalntliitt. t't'ltTAlNH "laiiiidfcVd Phnv 4ii4 tratrhcrt. J I. DKA I'ti lit tf Acrounianl and Auditor Office aijwcl No, 7 th. - Phone 0141 12 EDUCATIONAL rilll.I) CAttK aiwt Klucatlon."Pr.Vhopt rrnlor Phone 4J7B. iKMiKKtr.I'lNtl hnrnuniTl vliUiili tu dretl aiihlvrt. otfi niaihlnet Kl MMII Ill'hINr.iH CiM LKCir TTI IMne Phone 470 14 HELP 'WANTED, FEMALE WANTVIV rMrteneed" liimlier 'rr. tut . t oll 3 inn ofllia houra ur ril UXJ after n p lit 16 HELP WANTED. MALE "Ur ..fir i.piMirtuiillv In e.l. Iili.ii miitwii in e itcrinanrnt. illgnirirn hi,l. lie,.. r,r!lrit( pritlll Mi. will lin.itr. iimi ;ive hill ji.rllt'tll.i . atKiill )mit. .!f :r. Irn.r Will, the J It Wat. km ('. . U7 IWlcr Ave , Ktadle u. Waililtif t.m EXI'l'IIIKNf 'Kb MiilnrnTiiiili. merhVn IS w.iilri! Mu,l have nwn ltol. Jurkr. I. tut Triu-a Salr,, lllh anil Klam.ltt. IIKU' WANTI'U. mired rhr. 1,'iy Him.. ftirnl.Hrit doort weee. ) Vallry, Hnlr Itnn 4.-1. Ilrr.lil anil Ni 1 HELC' WANTED fxVkillKNl'ltll rar Walkil i l)-!vii In l i.'li .ml Mainn 18 " SITUATIONS WANTED Semi-Accountant College Graduate 30 yrs. Ac Auditing and Tax Experience Write Box 457 Herald & News WIU. fAIIK r"mirrhll,lie,rlnrnr : In. in. i.r witir. iIavb. I' 1 HUH ilAMY ulltlnif Vhniie'a-IMII "' " Wil.l. rnie Iur rhll.trcn til"oi lionia 'Vw "f "Ur ho,"fl evenlnsa. tell .iiltIK UorlT I'liniie'fllli 22 ROOMS FOR RENT IIOr.VKIiKM'IN'f: a...!-. l..i.. Iur ri-ul :i!7 I'lnr. II I K)M S"' . wvqH. J I IrrnTv! " HKA I KIlriH.ii.. y& l'ei'tlirTerri-e" IKKiMM. bluck oil Main. I'hoiie IKilJMS. irti rw'.'iiM.iuilil'e. I'h.inr 4ilr I.OVKI.V r.u..n. .... . art ..'. u C.u, in. I'hune 2M IIOOMS lll.'H llluti 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT KOl( HTNT. Thrrt r t . n h'Stiti nenl Mimrinirnt rurnUhcd. Klcclrio heat. I'hotif 'J-X:2il. rUHNLSHKIi " hrra'STm apartmen C hctA ly rrdrrorutnl, nh a view. H Nnrlli ItuKi-iK. I'ltone ',KU4. ton hcniV Twn rrturn furnuivnVpiii nriejjl. woo Oweim rier a p. in. i'lioite mrni tjulM. Couple preferred. Villa Mitrtinlnr. Iit-tilre l:t:)4 link. , FOIl ItKNT. rlenn'lwfi rooiit'n'partnirnr tip eiiinpprd Itf rritornl(,r I.ijthl and wntrr fuiiiuhetl. A2W. 142 bo. lllver xltltv CLKAN rwii7oitn ti i id hut 1 1" f iir rnitiril iipiirimrnl. (jnii ntiuipped. Kleclric re Irittpralor. ftultfhlr lor rrmpte. Iiujuhe :i:m K. Mnin nr phonn 11714 hrfore A p m. AHAU'l'MK.N'I'H tor "reiiir"lnuulfo 24S llrnitd. tiro MannKcr. VOU HKNT. Ihrro rTimii rurnC'""'1 npnrlmenl. Hot wnler heat. Aiilitin. I'hone ;milll. Kf Jit HUNT, til iipjirthn tti. Cim hednuiin f urii lahod i. 1147 Knftt, ( UHNISMKIJ iwo ritfiin apartmrnt. Mofif-nt. :io per ntonth. Ingulra UlatH Koi'lfimiif Inn. KUHNISM r'UHNlSMKIJ two rnnm ntmrtment 4(; flllK JIM Incluin-fl mm riihlii, $27.30; all ulll llfl No. Kith. I-'OK ItKNT, two room fMrnlahad apnrt riHntH. Couplcn. Phono 711111, OUTH1MK liparlinfiit" fo "rniiTTTlOM'ilii. FOli ItKNT, nice' "unruri,lVhed duplex! IMlOOiiU. FOIl ItKNT, two rooin n port mint wltli liin?e prlvme Imth. Eleclrlc heat, atove. ri rrKtrrnlor jind hot water. ;14 N. HlH. F'lfHNIHIIKI) "npiirlinei.l for rent, 2H Market Apl,I. h'Oii itKNf. furnlalwdVp7rliPtnt Iiv 1 1 1 1 r a fllil I n h. NKWI.Y drnvtrnied, private bath, klt chcncllo. Stontn hent, electric ranga, I0 wCpk Hex Arrna Apart mant. ONE bedroom unfurnlnlied apartment. Ona eqiMripeirCiili a-UOllL TllltEK room turntntird court aparl ment. lin Wall. Aduim, no poll. Phone 7J1HII. HMAi.i, chum iip.-iMmr'iit. ' JCleelrlcnllv cotHpiiPd. 4:u North loih, TI t it K K room f ii rnTKhed apartment. Cenlrnllyjomtrrl. 121 So. 2nd. VlMINrHllkirimcholonpTirlmeril.' 'iUlT It lea paid. i'hutio 4UlJ(i, 1UUS Mar- tin. 2 HOUSE S FO RJR E NT FOR iircrvif, iwoTpfiniom TiifnTnlird up ftlntri. apartment. Jlent und ntcr fur nlHhf-d. jw.ljjintit. Phone 2-0212. KOn'itKNT. lfMa 6rn'. AveTlH bed room fuinftthed hounc. in. 1230 Mown, Two hedromn linfurnlnheii, KH. -nan N. luih, three bedroom unfurnltihed Apart P.,enl70- 'bono flsiW. Will ItKNT, two bednmirt Mrnlrih hoiiKo, au7J Doordman. Inquire at) 'J7( Herhy. y Writ N IS if Kb cabin, fufl. UoudgarlMeT piinno:intm. TWO onto uourl hotinekeepbiK ' riiTThi