TIIUItSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1 (I.V2 in i mi mi iiil HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN Old Timers' At State Pen Worry About OtEllook For ; 'Young Men; Condition! Congress Keeps Close Eye On High-Level RFC Bosses lly I'Al'L V. IIMIVI V Jll linixli- whin Ihi'v n-iul hi HHr li-xl-HALWM Oil 'llm vrlenui unite ' lioiikn Mirlilmlv hciiuiiii ullun mul jiiium oimvliiii WIhi luivu 2D yrurn . mil. '"' "I"!",,,'.'!1 1Vl!,,el'l,"'l V"- All tin.- mur.,1 ihnt ll- cimvlcU, brhliid llirn inn wurrli-d iili.mt kr t .,,,. , , ,., ,,.,! Il. ymiiwcr u-m-iuiion. ,.,,, (nf.mulitl i ' correction-1 'llie-io olil-tlmi-iit miy llirv wrrt-M I11..I il ul 1011 (ho vie; linn 'I Hw (liivn l,Mli.w,iii; qil rM.r!, lrr nit ,hp llr Wurld VVnr 1. wliru in -j cum.; w , , ,.,..,. , ,.,, ., cy. Wivti. wor , liU,l,-a,i ol l,,k-:Krl. rlll , ,,,. crliiiliii.l Inicl.-ii-IIIK care ul Uwlr Uilldim, unci ,.,,. ,,, ju i , u,.Mul( iiiuiiv Imnirn Mi-rn urokrn mi. fcu ,, vi-nm- ninny children iM-iiiinn clrlliiciucul:. r'lililiiiiin miUI "Hip prl.nini-iH lire lllltl CIHll-ll till III IHIMMI Hl ,,, , ,y n,,,.,.,,,,!,, NoW tho vrtrrnii 11 liiiliuil,, r.i. v ' ,., l win-re IIk-v Miuid. but llwv tlity rail we cxuotly Hit- m,n,-, knmv the liiMilulliiii If, hecoinlin 1IUHK ImppniliiK nlti-r World Wi,r ,. roniillzid. They me lu ll, 'they Mm wirry lu wi nii.ny !,. Hume,, inricad ul mini- U11HK ll',i"o iiiiiuiik 111,11 till: pur.- un, mid the olil-tlnum wNi ihev toitld inuko llietio hnyi, iec wliitt i, fcOllli 10 Imppen to tin-in uiiIi-m Ihev revrno tln-lr eilmliuil liiililm. Ihi) old-tlmci'B leel Him un,-,. miinrboily doc rtiiiiictliliut lor the joinm fellows, thev will riul up where the olil-Utnii i me now In heri, ' ltnrher Ki,l '"niere'H n Ion: wnv to no yet, hut the c-Jiiincr-ri Ihe werdrn iut:, niude lire a i.tejl In the I luhl iHri-rllim." Warden VIikII O'Miill'-y i.hvk It will lukit two ur three yeiim to net the iiiiiki'iiiii well under way. The men In ,rul ruiillciil. Jneohun ntrli'l MKreKntlon, cut oil limn ,inui, "I.Ike the. new pi hki n m he. cuiiiimiiilciilli'li cvpii . with oiiicr !,,iU..p n.v m-- ii'ii not built lor cniivlulfi. , hii'n ii'v.'i " lie Ihluk.i scum- n! Till" Infill iniillon wan leiiined in- i ther e nien mli'lil even he lelornu il. er llm ClirlMmiih unci New Year I Th,. mnvli'ti liked ihe Idea ol holidays by K. W. Juicibiir,. :-!lii-lim Interviewed hv the Mutlonl-. enr old tJlilvrrnllv ul Ori-iimi ii,rrair.c u drimiiiMi idi l that l)eo KrndUBlo nlurleut In psyiholoay. lie tpi ,),,. (,til.- till nre Interested and tun koi IoIiihv Mudentt, mm, i,e, L'ouvltlK don't like to be the unlvemity Clyde Kahluiiin. 'JO. ( Ki c (. n men Junior from Kniti-nr. and Hill llu-! Unrc Mudenls m,v that the ber. 27. itrnrtinte ntunent fruin Ha- ,ul,i,- bat !,, beeonie better In-lem-nprnt IU daya wurklim at the ,ir, i,m,i n. prison and lt rlhnn. proi'.iain. They learned a lut. loo. tli:eov , Akin hot-es to net more hlndentn rrlnu tlilnua Hint can be leaim d dm un Hie Mirlnv vai ailon. and lie tnily bv homebody not toiimxnd eertiuiilv will have mine durum with the prison. "Itio linrdened rrliulnaln." i.av: .tacobii.H, who spent bin whole III tlava with the men In ih-ui citation, "think the younit rrlminals todnv V. Ill liavn a better chance beeause under the new iirottruni, Hie pilr.on olltelala are Intpresled In helulnit Iheni, Uistead of Just puulshiiiK Uinin.' Jacobuit anld lie louud the old lliueis very cooperative unci Irlenti- WAHIIINOON m What In hiin- penliiK lit the mileh-liiventlKiited IteuoiiKtiiicllon l''lliiiucc Corpora tion nuiiln elalmed Ihe iitlcntlun uf neim'.oin 'I hunidiiy, Ken, l-'iillirlKlit (IVArk.l, who headed Hie original Keniilu probe ol Ihe blK Kovniniiietil lendln nKcnc'V, told a reporter that inembeia ol Ilia bniikhiK Mibr-ouimlltRn tno. koIiik to "wntcli very clom-ly" nil chaliunh at tho Iilf.ht-r luvela ol Rl-'C nian iiKenient. - 1 Ills eurloslty wuh aroused by Hie way the While House hunched tin: sudden departure from IIKO of Pp.. ter I. Ilukowrkl, who has been No. 2 man to W. Utuni t Hymlnijton In a liou.-.eeliiiiiiliiK of the uncnc;'. Kvinlnton lilinsell la reported by reliable botirre-t to have linked I'lesldeitl Truman lor iprmlK::lon to ri slnn and rnlurn fo prlvnto Hie. HymiUKUni and liukowskl went lo RKC Inal miiiuncr to become the MIK two In hiire of a ino.'rup Job resiiltliiK li'om the Senate aiibeom inlltcn'n idiat'Kea that the uxency liiid yielded to pretaurt-a ol a io- Cardinal Visits U.S. Naval Base TOKYO, cl'i -- -'nin;l.i Cardinal Kpclliiinii, anlibhhop of New York, toured the U M Naval Base ol i nearby Yokosuka Thursday and jntc cl brlelly Willi sailor In a chert line. The Cardinal eelebrated mass In Ihe Chapel of Hope on the Naval station and Inspected Nnvrtl Instnl 'la, Ions on the sprawling base. In cluding the hospital. Illle.ul Influence ring huvlni; White ; Housto controcla. ' ' . Kitlbrlnht fiild lie wic concerned by rnpnrta Hint the Whlto House ! possibly thrmmh nn overslnht i fulled to notify liukowskl bclnre : annouucliiK that Mr. Trumau hud ' accepted hl rcslKnntlon. , Bukowskl, a Hepiilillcan, had won ; pralae from both Uemocrallc audi Itepubllcnn inembera of the Ful- i hrlKht Hubconimltlee for his wurk i with Hyinlnxton. Prices effctiv Friday and Saturdir w reserve the . right to limit, FRtE DELIVERY on gro eery and meat orders total ing $5 or more Deliveries at 10:30 and 2:30. ri'niimiiiiHMin the summer vacation. Doq Populailon In City Gains Did vou noticM llvri ucrp more don runniiiK n round tuvn Hind ihe count iv i in 'V. (tiiui UMJUI7 i Tlicro musrvr 1rrn. Cfnmty Clrrk f'lmrlir' DcT.nn re- Tim thrrw vouuir nifn wuikpil purl he run out ol llCLMir.es lo ihsuc lindPf Jnlui Ft. Akin. ijiImhi r.oci-1 llir,n . olftKbt. who v.n m iinurps.trif with "(' 1,1 1IHI 1,p twuuht l.wm r.t nr 'T3vL SAVE ON "HONOR BRAND' ORANGE JUICE ... CYH0E GREEN PEAS , ,2 CUT CORH ('.leant dlnhei In bin time, make glMnware, tlilna iparkle. oouiil itiinoih or II0UUH Al SODA Ihelr uood work Hint 11 will he. he metal come a permanent project durum sued only .l.'J college vucatlon.n. ! Hi',0. he Iiouk They didn't net anv pav. but received their food and luditinu In the Kunrd'a onarlrra. Fahlmait and Ilnrlier worked villi first oflendera who had been admitted recently hceii-.e taes unci 1't 200. 'Ihe nest year, bought 4.0IHJ lacs and Is- sin-d 3. BOO Ko lor 1951 he bought 4.000 auln and ran out. CAM. ON HANKS WASHINGTON lIVThe Comiv Belore they came here, none ,, IrolP-r ol the Currency Thurday the three atudrnta hud any desire issued , call lor a statement ol Hie In no Into prison work Hut now they are nerlously conslderlni; It Thev lav their exnerlenee has condition of nil mitlonal banks at Hit close of business Mundnv. Dec. 31. ' - I SPINACH Lt" ,4 M W SQUASH ""- H iJpKo. potatoes Jtf&to. BTW W9 POST TENS CHEESE Assorted cereols, troy 29c 8?c 29c Pobstctt cheese food. 2 lb. loaf CHILI CON CARNE SM,N.,., GREEN BEANS c..,... , No. 303 2 ,.,29c COFFEE Maxwell House Instant 2 oz. Vf v CAKE FLOUR Occident, 20 oz. pkg. 33c i4 tin 29c SARDINES "M"1- No. Maxwell House or SAW PORK end BEANS VAN CAMP'S 300 Siie 2 ,27c BORENE GRANULATED Lge. Jff 0C Size Lla If BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FISHER'S, PURE EASTERN 21. 35c Phenix Yellow Cubes lbs. SORGHUM purmowa 34et tar 65c PMC PiCTSWEET )) l) (5lc EZnAiS No 303 Tins JL for CJ BLACK-EYED PEAS Dtr cooked 18c TiUDplA VAN CAMP'S y Pyxlinl Grqted no. y2 rm TOMATO JUICE DEL,t05UE 4 25c SALT 2 f0r19c Values to $60 Cut to Pyramid, plain or iodized. 26 oz. for CRACKERS Hi Ho, 1 lb. pkg. 35c COCONUT v:. s . 29c SALAD DRESSING Durkee's, whipped, qt. 63c DOG FOOD Timberline, No. 1 tins 3 ,29c CRACKERS s""'i,'" ,b 31c MATCHES c"""' cL (i ... 39c PRODUCE FEATURES! 2 ,b. 25c Dmmmmmc- Golden ripe. Bananas No. , quoVlty, U.S. No. 1 I WlUIWtJ Red. Carrots Freshonderisp Green Peppers Oranges Ne"No 8blb9 39c 10 i 59c 2buns. 1 9C ,b 21c BUD HANSON'S MARKET SATISFACTION ALL -WAYS QUALITY MEATS ONLY 701 PINE ST. IN THE PIGGLY WIGGLY STORE 50 To Choose From Yes - Right from our Regular Stock-a fine selection of new Topcoats Harris Tweeds, Imported Tweeds, etc. Regulars and Longs - Come Early. At this price they will sell fast. Sizes 34 to 46. IT'S A REAL CUT PRICE SALE All Other Coats Reduced -Don't Miss This SALE Dick REEDER is always glad to cash your pay check BEEF KOASTSik 69c TENDERIZED MAMS Skinned, Short Shank lb 59c PURE 9 A Vtr MJfc M95 can RED FRYERS l43c IS. Corner 5th and Main BSiP RED Fancy, Fresh Dressed C SMOKED PICNICS - 43c PORK STEAK 35c PORK ROAST ,49c