HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TIIUIISOAV. PAGE TWELVE BBmDOOBeata!35aiBjassBaamaM3Mrar3DT.."- p .-: Aft h Bete I I , Mil III l LUIil't U . H I. r.'i TIME OUT! IB "For a minute there, I thoutht tempers were joint to flare!" I.F.T'S FACE IT. The brnnd of football played in the BIr Ten is superior to the best tne Pacific Coast cm oiler. ...... ; T.A,tn . ti ,Ji h 11 t. .JXTv s,,n(rrt S.t.ediBonaiua where the Antlers make football Tuesday. Stanford Plaed erfort t0 prove Henleys recent Result: Illinois 40. Stanford 7. I u "i was J"51 "one Tliafs the sixUi straisht year the u,ose ,nmEs Coast has taken its lumps from HIGH the Midwest in the Rose Bowl. j But Coacn MCrton Whipple is get- . , ,, , . , ting his boys high for this one be- THAT. incidentally, is a 1.000 e the Hornets are famous for batting average for the Big Tcn.;Uleir unexpected cage capers. Because It was six years afjo of-1 Despite Henley's recent 41-36 vlc- f'cials of the Bin Ten and Pacilic i tarv over Bonanza, the Antlers Coast conferences got together and ! ciecided to draw un closed-shop conkraci, l-cuik .we 4..-.F (.. aTKlllclt'A fleQf Clf illRt Big Ten and PCC players. Coach Frank DiClio s boys ho'd a I 01 ous- They embarked on a Rue that day! ,57-41 non-league decision over the plan to freeze them out of football It was Illinois. Incidentally that Bobcats. jand have pursued it relentlessly started off the grand slam Janu- But Bill Pohll, making his d.but ' " 7, "to oh u .11 ary 1. 1947. Tliafs the day aj Mason (n Klemath cojmy !v er slnc' And now ,ne job ls 1 UCLA team, one that wanted to;coacnmg circies, may have a sur-'but completed. First Gonsaga. fol play Army in the Rose Bowl in-:prjSe or two tucked away lor the lowed by Portland (Ore.) U. and St. itead of the upstarts from the , Pamners. .MarVa. anrl now l.ovol il.n. An. Bin Ten, lost a 45-14 nod to the Jllini. Armv. that year, was rated as the best team in the nation. A GOOD Southern California team took up the PCC gauntlet in 1948 and decided to do something about it. They didn't. That year, you'll re call, was even more disastrous. Michigan flew the Big Ten colors and the Trojans finished on the short ivery short) end of a'49-O score. There's no doubt things looked up for the Coast the next three years. Because California fielded probably the best teams the West ern slopes have seen in years. And the Bears weren't rammy cackted either. But they lost three straight. Northwestern turned the trick in 1949, 2M4; Ohio State got by in 1950. 17-14. and Michigan again last, year by a 14-6 score. . 71n9 now Number 6 Tuesday when the Indians fell apart in the last quarter. I'M THROWING my crystal ball ,wv I should sro off in a corner and lie down after picking just two of the five maior football games, But I take some consolation in the fact that I was right on the two big ones the Rose and Sugar. I can't go along with those who call Maryland's win over Tennes see an upset. Seems to me the Vols were over rated, the Terps under-rated all season long. . DECKED OUT Tommy Corcoran is only four years old, but he's an old pro when, it comes to baseball. The Madison, Wis., young ' ster has a collection of more than 375 picture cards of big league players, is able1 to identify any one at a glance. . He has an in credible memory, can ident- ify Ted Williams by just . . looking at the Boston slug-. ger's foot. KENO PROMENADERS BE SURE TO COME TO THE SQUARE DANCE '. v ' ' ' t : KENO '.: 'SATURDAY NIGHT Coiiirty Trojans Pick In Cage Run The Klamath County Class B basketball family starts playing lor i keeps Friday night. i Lcacue play in the eight-team ' circuit opens in earnest on four i fronts. i At home here, the Sacred Heart Trojans, tabbed as favorites In the : loop, host tne Maun Mustangs. Blv travels to Chiloquin. Bonanza is home to Henley and Gilchrist makes the long trek to Merrill to complete Uie slate. Actual rate the nod in this one. , But -the same lsnl true rt Chllo-j quin. lhe ranmers win oe A?rea , . Dl., in .Kir A. hi -OIICA lo uueuu Di) in LOSE FIVE .,, . . ' Merrill has gone to the Po,t , times in king's-X play, losing every time, uucnrisi noias a sngnuy oet- .. i t hut .riA lrvlr lit. tnim ' picrS ovS HrtM Hot no vie. boree and could open league play with a surprise. Klamath county cage followers will be watching box scores for j scoring feats of a galaxy of sharp- shooters. Malin has Boo Stevenson ana j Wavne Rick. Franklin Hutchinson is Bly's top bucket threat. CHANCE Bonanza, given a strong chance of upsetting Sacred Heart as it did last year to win the county title in the season-ending tourney, banks mainly on Irwin Crume and Don Hubble for tal.y power. Sacred Heart's Bie Three in the scoring corner are Jim Manoney, Bob Howard and Jac Heiderer. merrm toil tuuic up -.v.. of points with Cliff Honeycutt and Wes Haskins. Henley's Gordon Ramsey and Don Anderson could surprise Bon anza again. Chiloquin operates its scoring machine around Gene Gentry. Freeman and Willingham are Gilchrist's scoring threats. Far West Eyes 6th Member SAN FRANCISCO W Efforts to get a sixth club, replacing Pittsburg, will be uppermost on the calendar when directors of the Far West baseball league meet in Redding next Monday. Jerry Donovan, league president, said-Wednesday the directors were hopeful of getting Roseburg, Ore., to iieia a team in me circuit. Pittsburg dropped out last sum mer. Don Davis, president of the Red ding flub, is in charge of arrange ments for tne meeting at tne Hea ding hotel. it tne directors succeea in nnmg up a sixth team, a schedule for the 1952 season will be drawn up shortly after the meeting. Dono van said. IAST NIGHT By The Associated Press New York (St. Nicholas Arenal Bobby Dykes, 151, San Antonio, Tex. outpointed Raoul Perez, 145, Havana, 10. Expert Gun Repairing and Rebtuing THE GUN STORE LaysDches loopifaire Tomorrow reeze By JACK MCDONALD Sports Editor, The San Francisco Call Bulletin SAN FRANCISCO About 15 years ago the Pacific Coast Con- frrence coldly and deliberately de- -ih-j to put the independents out Jgelesi and USF tSan Francisco. uug' otuuu uiain remains among UeC8lhollc dependents ion the west coast). A score or more of TCC officials athletic directors and coaches - y inen Cel ther reaction to what ue re- ".c event in sports, oORRY . . Amonir those present was Victor Schmidt, the conference commis- sioner. He was verv sorry about It all, too. but was reluctant to make any further comment. He said no- body had come right out and charged the PCC with driving the independents out of business and until someone did he didn't care to initiate any controversy. There isn't much controversy, as we see it, as to who put the screws on the independents. Everyone un derstands that pretty well. No new charges are necessary. USF had an unbeaten team in DECISION Mgr. Cey Stengal looks off into cen ter field at Yankee Stadium and studies the hole left by Joe DiMaggio's decision to retire. The New York pilot has just about decided to turn the big job over to young Mickey Mantle. ' Ben Morrison, Mgr. ' JUCKELAHD TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath Ph. 2-2511 rrrns q p fffSi m 3 '' With Charge 1 1951 but needed a bowl game to Ret off the nut. It didn't get a bowl I bid because it hadn't played a i schedule worthy of a major bowl. ! While conference teams had open i j dates. USF was forced to play San Jose twice. Had USF been able to land a conference opponent or two. aside from .Idaho, to substantiate i its bowl claims after an undefeated ! season, it might have been able to continue In football; NO ROOM Had Loyola landed a spot on the schedule of USC or UCLA which might have ensured them just one , satisfactory pat she cottld have I stayed in the aame, too. But the Trojans and Bruins went on year after year with open Saturdays and still found no room to play Loyola. Schmidt was quick to dash cold water on the hopes Loyola and USF athletes have of transferring to PCC schools without sacrificing a year of eligibility. "We would be put in the position of practically inviting kids who are athletes to come to conference schools." reasons Schmidt. It would put us in the position of encourag ing a boy to transfer for reasons of athletics alone. Presumebly they enrolled at the schools they are attending to study, not to play foot ball." Schmidt has an Idealistic point here, but not a very realistic one. And our beef wttn the PCC is that, like a chameleon it changes the color of its coat in a trice, for protective purposes. The color switch comes to suit its own con. venience. Stanford Wins In Rose Pot PASADENA. Calif. H" Stan ford's Indians took a 40-7 pasting in the Rose Bovl but they will get about twice as much money as victorious Illinois, when the spoils are distributed several weeks hence. After taxes, expenses of the game and stadium rental, the net will be about 8580.000, and the Big Ten and Pacific Coast Conferences divide it equally. Stanford gets a flat 860.000, plm 82.000 traveling expenses. The PCC treasury receives 825,000' and the remaining 8203,000 or so is divided among the nine conference schools. Stanford included about 822,500 each. Stanford therefore gets about 883,000, minus expenses. Illinois' expenses figure at about 820,000, so 8270.000 will be split 12 ways in the Big Ten conference, Illinois figures to get about 45, - 000, plus expenses. Dear Friends:. We wish to thank you for the confidence you have shown in our office bj placing your insurance business with us this year and in the years pasta We want to assure you that we will continue the same policies and principles established and practiced by our late Mr. James Ha Driscoll for the past thirty-three years. We will ap preciate continuing to serve your insurance needs. . May yours be a Happy, Prosperous New Year. Sincerely, IP . '1 REV. BCB RICHARDS . . prayer of thanks Ducks Beat USF, 55-49 SAN FRANCISCO t.P Oregon : 0111 01 me B!V"' used Its fast break-to crack the Spartans, chalking up their 7th In a University of San Francisco's ball ' rw- J" on, r.d halt drive control defense Wednesday night I "h" k"'fa cnn5.'or. ,he IrlJ,,n as the Ducks rolled to a 55-49 bas-l" ' "olre Dames first home de ketball vlctorv over the Dons. l'"J lnce Iow on 00 D"- me uu liming h prr cem oi their field shots, piled up a 38-23! naliume ead and he d the oige de- ""v 7 .Jr. spite a fourth quarter rally sieged ?" ,0 h'P Houston. 64-67, in over by the Dons i lime' Barney Holland, a reserve f6r- Lrrt1h,lm "njrlel by Invading ward who hit three Si-foot shots. I f,h; O. and beating North set the pace for Oregon during the I Carolina state. 03 to 59, In another first half drive, while Forward Bob i Sr1""? ,y' , , Peterson and Center Chet Noe con- 'T!'' mVr. h!. trolled the backboards for the ,D"rL"V'h i?,.?" Ducks throughout the game. ,' . Duk? ,'l Pnn. Bj-5 San Francisco Center irrank ; Dartmouth put up a valiant atrug EvangelL was theTead?ng acorer ! L' ?'"' "nn'" ' with 19 points. Ken Wagner got Le.do' , b"1 iiU,c.d lhe ,econd h" 13 for Oregon and Holland II, lit r Oregon closes its road trip against San Jose Thursday night. j Victory Loop Opens Tonite Victory league basketball play opens tonight at Falrvlew with two games on the docket. Gun Store will meet T k I (Trades and Industryj In the 7 o'clock opener. Men's Hand Laundry and Crater Lake close the show In the afterpiece. 815 Weatherall ' Repeats LAWRENCE. Kas. fi Jim Weatherall. Oklahoma's All-Amerl- , ca tackle, has been named the out- standing lineman of the 1951 foot - bal campaign in the Big Seven - 1 Missouri Valley conference area for I the second year in a row. Driscoll & Padgett Insurance 208 William Buiidino Klamath Falls, Oreoon Vaulting Preacher Honored ROANOKE, Va. in The Rev. Robert (Bobi Richards, whose amaiutig polevaultlng and decath lon performances earned him the lull James K. Sullivan Mmuorlnl Troohy, said Thursday he will de fend his champlniithtpj In all of the Indoor meets the next lew weeks. That means Richards h the "am ateur athlete of the year." Richards, who said winning the Sullivan Trophy Wednesday v. as "probably the greatest honor ol my life," la concentrating on his Olympic preparation. "I'm training with all my heart and Mill for that Olympic team." he said. "I've got my heart net on breaking the world's polevaultlmi and decathlon records. With the help of God, I will." Richards Is shooting at the 15 foot, t 'j Inch mark set by Cor nelius Warmerdam. Houston Pushes St. Louis By The AiuarUlrd fre Michigan State upset Notre Dame S6-5J. and St. Louis, the Sugar Bowl tourney champion, had to go over time to beat Houston, 64-57. These were the chief develop ments in collegiate basketball Wednesday night. I Texas Christian opened the South ' west Conference season bv whip ping Southern Methodist, 58 43. On the Pacific CoraI Oregon took San i Francisco. 55-49. and St, Marys 1 edged Santa Clara, 54-53. I Playing at home Notre Dame was I favored to knock Michigan State :. ' - . . . . . . ... .6'. l?ul!'-. T1"',tid 4lh , " ,hl,l iiU lUi, fQ-UO. LA Open Launched LOS ANGELES, tin The 1952 professional golf campaign will be launched here Friday when about 200 rlavers tee off in the firm round of the 817,500 Los Angeles . Open tournament. I Main target for the field Is the winner's prize of 84,000, a large oost 'rom the previous 82,600 wheu ! the pur.se was 815.000. i NJ Will Pay I Boxer Benefits I TRENTON. N. J. ifi state Athletic Commissioner Abe J. Greene announced In the event a : boxer dies of Inlurles In a New Jersey rlne his estate will be nairl 85.000. Greene said a master insurance ; policy also will provide up to 8500 ifor medical, surgical and hospital care for an Inlured boxer and up I to 850 for dental expenses. i I Krhwi;l('v - MHinp..H,'liuU . . . Mutator' Mm i In - ll..lll.iHI Lowtll' l.iK'krn n in si m .417 l.a.l llrfHB iir.iiiik HhimivNilluK 1 l.iirl 1) Mulliiilllli 4 Hi'liinm'K a II MuUluiv.' a MHIVIIIIl I Hn' lilcli ainrrti llllll Ivmit l.anl Hchnnrk't . . nt iioliiump . . I"" MmA'In'a -l bliiHip-aiiiiiii Via Ihlh Tram nna Marvlnl Mllui-S-tHlll -'.I iiwvil tilth Nlnilf inif Mrth l.iil.v, Hohinwrli ll:n l.ltuil lUtrU, llDUM.lun .. iJll Mary llutliwall, Ht-ltiiiai'k' 'i.'i Auilray Ht-lliulill. Mmvin't 'AU llliu blngla arla Boihwtll . fa llama .. . iicniiiiili a Al Schmerki buwler.n In lhe Ladybug league had better wntch thnlr laurela brcuuas the Schoop Schuli triim l.i cluslng lust on Hie Inside lime. Penny Mi'Cormnck led Shoop Schiilr., tied for jircond place, with a 3l3-r.'-IU8..ra nrrlrs. hull game and line lor the eveplng. The Shoop flchult leiim rolled high Kt'ine and series, S.'tl and 3t)ii5 11ie ki"P nemo was Hd piiotik'h lo tie lur third place In tlm rn Kim's kPKllnu. 'lhe aerlea edged into sreond iiliicc In Hip ltlu Hirer. The big effort gave Hlimip Si-hulir. a 4 0 win over Lowell'i lXH-ker while leauue . lending Scliiurck'n was takliw lis luiiipn from lloumlup by Uio anine count. tiuoan rn IV I. IVI. K-Amutamanl M mi ft luwi lira) Train .HI M It'll Sn. Or. Wall Unit . . 'in III u.ul WariU 14 2n .ll.Nl Mioiiai SKiial Saiv. . 11 :u .Jl Lach Haivloa n IU .lu.l I. ail ' ..ull. K.AmilMinant 3 Warda 1 R(a 'a 4 Hlnc a U Bo. Ora. Wall J l.oarrl I K-Amusenient. Moose Pa's bowl ing leader, edgnj a new Blur into the kegling limelight Innl week i Hint team bloutcd lis lend In llic league. Kdward McConnrll led the Amusement crew with a high nc ries of 555. lopped by a 1143 game. The team also hud high game and series, marks of 923 and 3C&4. 'j CAGE SCORES I C'ollrce Baakrlliall I By The Anaorlalrd I'reaa FA It H'KhT 1 Oregon 55 Han Pranctaco 49 8t. Marys (Call 54 Hnnia Clura 55 MIDWKST Michigan State 00 Noire Dnme 53 I St. Louis 64 Houston 57 (ovcilluic) ' Detroit 63 Mro.iirtie 81 i Bowling Oreen 78 Durtllioutll C8 j Hamlllie 87 Drake 4il I HOL'TIIH'KST I Texan Christian 58 Southern Mcth- ouist 4J KAST Washlngton-Jeffersnn 81 Ailiona Slate iTempei 70 Bullalo IA Colbv 49 Yule 96 Puerto fttco Unlv 40 Duke 83 1'rnn 53 Fordham 83 N.C. State 59 (over time) Tenncuee 59 Enst Tenn 63 Oregon High School Baiketbnll Mllwaukle 60 Wrht Linn 3,1 North Marlon 49 Lake Oswego 41 Wntdporl 69 Hllrtr. 18 Tillamook embolic 47 Clinton 26 Garibaldi 81 Knnupa-Svciiscn 51 Mill City 3B Hcio 33 HercuEcs, Ricky The city basketball leagues Inkrs 1 up where It led oil beforo ChriMt mas In a doublchcndcr tonight ul i Altumont. The 7:30 opener puts Iragur lrnd Ing Rlrkys (2-01 team aguliiM. Her cules (1-2 1. Coca Coin (1-1) lures the cellar ing Herald-News teum (0-2) In the 9 o'clock afler piece. NATIVE HON REOINA. Bai,k. ifl Gordon Grant Is not onlv the 50th mayor In Reglna's history he is the lint naUve ol thr Saskatchewan cnpltul to become Its chief magistrate. JM INSTALL A... I j "ZLJiLEjruifi UERDBQLT EGItiE itEtlTEB IlimlnaU lhe (amble In cold waathir itarlingl Your car, truck, or form troclor itorti quickly and aaiily when quipptd with 0 Frieman Htadbolt ENGINE HE, ICR. limplt, parmantnt Imtallatlci. Electric plug protrudu .through grill. Connect lniion cord to any 110.120 volt AC-DC oullat ... 30 to 50 mlnutai loltr your angina It warm, itarli kiilanlly. UTS ALL CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTOKi ADDS lirE TO YOUR ENGINE The Piaama Maaaaatl INOINI HI At I It warm, ilia walar ana anh.frM In vaur anfllnf Mack . . . pravlotl Inltant luarlcatlan . ajaaaa yawr antlna naatla It maat, Fat luia wlnlar atarllna . . . far aaaMv aaalM Iwatlcaaan ... gal vaur rraaman Heedbelt NOINI M8ATIR Natavl DRIVE IN TODAY . JUCKELAND MUCK SALES 11th and Klamath ond .ft CALVIN GILMORE Gilmore Injusred ( Tlic 1'olli'iins will probnhly piny A'llliiiul llir arrvlcra of Ciilvln Oil lillll'e uhi'll Urn Klutitiilli llvr. in,a.a lli'iKl ii.iiini row mid Malurilny nights un I'rlicnn court. CilliutMc, whu stands out for tilt ilelrnilvp ulillity, di-iliicnird the lit tle limtrr un hia left hmid In drills tins v.ick Coiiili Paul MrCall anld the Nr. H Ki lad would bo uied spaiingly, ii m an. Kllhcr Krn Young nr Doug Pence would probably got (.Minorca atait IliK nMlKinnnit. It'll MrC'nll nddrd Hint Clllmni would bo rrndv fur lhe Irugur opener uiiiilu.M Mm lord hcio Jan. 11. Girls Entry Deadline Set If lliry'rr lo enter a team In thn girls rtly league baakriball triim. tnniiiiRrrs or Iram rrprenrii. mm britrr have thr rnlry fee on thr linn loiiight nl ( o'clock In ii city hull meeting. (Illy Krrrrallun Director Bob flomiry anld the league schedule would be drawn up at the mrei Ing but he Im.i to know what teams are In. Plans for the January 7 nre-ieu-son cnge Inmboree at Mills will alo be completed at the meeting. Kirchcr Could Gal VSC Job MOSCOW, Idaho W BarVfleld Couch Alton 8. Klrcher will Ifn reronimnidrd by lhe aihletir d- 'pnrliuenl to lie head lootball conch nt WnnhliiKlon Stnte Colrge If For rvt Kvnahrvkl leaves. The Dully ; lilnhniilan snld Wednrsilny. I The paper, nuiitlnir "n reliable source. ' unlit 1)1:1111 tlnlden Rom ney of lhe WSC Athletic Depart ment l. rciidv to recommend Kir i lior. Thr source la the nme one ho mild tviishrvskl confrrred with Unlvrrsitv of Iowa officials Inni week iiboul the head coaching Job thrrr. HOCKEY 1'iiclfl,. Coaxl llnlkey I lly Tlir AMoi'ialril I'reaa .Trconin tl Kdmonlon 2 J iCnliinry nt Saskatoon Thursday) IT'S POOLE'S SK!Sond 'SKI BOOTS SKI DOOTS from $9.75 . . 511 C5 H SERVICE. . Phone 2-2581 J L