THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, lor2 Fricassee Fowl 59c Hcavy-mcatccl birds Ready to pop in the pin. Fresh Fryers Pyd 69c Beef Rib Steaks lavorful tt. 89c Beef Short Ribs 5Ttaur fc. 45c Pure Ground Beef n, 65c Corned Beef Boeiess briskets,. 65c Veal Shoulder Roast b 79c HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Safeway Meats are trimmed according to rigid specifi cations which assure you greatest value and greatest enjoyment from every cut. Try buying top grades of meat from Safeway and see the difference proper trimming makes. PAGE ELRVEfc Link Sausages ILm 59c Pork Loin Roast iff" :45c; Pork Shoulder Roast & 39c Pork Chops nnlereuu ib. 68c Pork Spare Ribs 255 59c Bacon V 53c JS b, 45c Leg 0' Lamb Roast . 97c Lamb Shoulder Roast &. 75c lb. lb. Mai well ." I ne in n, "7. neetvv -.t. -T oe,w it is JuL" Ton PORTER BRAND SPAGHETTI i MACARONI j! ' Teje your favorite Elbow Macaroni, large Cut Macaroni, Coil Spaghetti, Long upaghttti or Elbow Spaghetti. 24-oz. Pkg. rale IT'S TIME TO SAVE ON DRY BEAKS Serve economical meals with beans. Your choice of large white, rt'! v1 " or red beam at thit price. Beef Round Steak A VERY GOOD VALUE ON TOMATO CATSUP j lb. pk. Red ripe tomatoes are used in the making of this delicious addtion to your meat d'rl-es. 14-ox. Bottle Mci la this ad ere fctlv through Jot., Jon. S, at Safeway Slaret UliwJ brtnd. No pooling, no cooking, horo't i o 1 1 c I o u i 2 No. 303 Cans 5 ii Applesauce Hfl VPA tjoreVnido b r o n e. A CHUGS JTCUS V' No. 303 Can Facial Tissue a 2 56 45c ToileS 1 issue ? -;s 4 Woodbury Soap SS? 225e SS 327e Ivory Soap Large Sit Bar 231' 29 Duz Soap Granulated Soap Reg. tin pkg. 32c EGGS ' "Cream of " crop- "AA" Large Dot 65c butter i 84 j : Shody Lone Quality Butter f BrCuMl Mrs. WrleM's White t W.oat, IVi.lfc. leaf 22' Potato Bread Mrs. wri m.. i.h17c Kitchen Craft Flour 10.1.. ,.,. 99c American Cheese c..,... mix- ,..66c Fresh.Milk o,.23 Pork Means. v..c.,. 19' Spaghetti fr.J. 17c Cherub Milk t.,... .. W Sunnybank Margarine ,..34f Alpine Locker Wrap'; Sw'lM, White King Soap Granulated 0)C Soap Reg. slit pkg. Oath White Magic Soap Granulated '9 Ac Soap Reg. site pkg. 3U Joy Liquid Soap Easy to e e use o-ox. bottle a4 Surf Powder Detergent Reg. pkg. 32 ROYAL SATIN , , F ' CRISCO DETERGENT s Shortening Shortening jVel Powder 3-lb. cen 93e 3- b. con 99' Reg. siit pkg. 32c OSCAR MAYER'S SWIFT k CO.'s GERBEA'S ' Canned Prem Baby Wieners Meat Foods 11 -os. can 50' I 12-ot. eon you. -J PUSS N lOOTi Cat Food tr LARGE h CW aviAueie I ii I I A reel favorite In tie Orange lino ore these juicy, seedless Navels Take ad vantage of the ertra savings offered , Buy the bag. : Salmi iSIfoi sr. , t Avocadoes Ariiona Desott Graps fruit. No setds nej lots of juict. r8t.49i A nict vrity of shred ded vegetables for eesy to-prepare salads. , Bag 8-oi Pkg. California 42 Fuertes Size each 10 10' juice Oranges : It Fresh Dates Carrots Parsnips Squash Snaaev crltp one1 froiti. " bi!t!if !nor flo.Ofl Turnips Mubkore' or Morblonooo! orittr. firm ana tnowy whlto. i ib. pkg. 29c lb. 11c lb. 13c lb. 7c lb. 9c ROMAN BEAUTY APPLES The perfect apple for plot one) sauce. Exceptionally nice for fceUna , 2 lbs. C 5? HYDROX KRISPY SODA FOR GRAND ttKIN".' Cookies Crackers Reef Mix ) 12-oi. pkg. 29' ' Mb. box 45';