PAOB TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WRDNKSDAY. JANUARY 2, 10,12 Grain Prict Fades At Year Opens CHICAGO Wl Slowly fidlnf prices greeted the New Year on the board o( trade Wednesday, All cereals eased with losses In the near-by wheat and soybean con tracts becoming quite substantial late In the day. Wheat closed 1 i-J i lower. March 2.86 W. corn 1 Ji to J cents lower. March 11-89 U-'i. oata 1 .to 1H lower, March 93-83 rye 3 !, lower. May $2.07, soy beans 1 a lower to Vb higher, Jan. S2.90 Vi-V. and lard 6 to 25 cents a hundred pounds lower, Jan. $13.90. : Open Hinrh Low Close - ; WHEAT Mar 2.59 2.69 . 2.56 a, 2.56 '4 May 2.56 2.56 "t 2.54 ' 2.54 Jly 2.48 "t 2.48 i 2.46 2.46 'i Sep . 2.49 . 2.49 2.47 2.47 i Rails Lead Stocks Up For Today NEW YORK W Railroad shar es led the stock market to slichtly higher levels Wednesday in 1952'( lirst session. Cains ranging to more than a dollar a share were scattered through the carrier list. Elsewhere, demand during the day skipped from steels to motion pictures to aircraft issues, all of them responding with advances. Trading activity was held to a slow pace, amounting to about one million shares compared with 1,440,000 on Monday. i Quotations ! New York Slocks 'By The Associated Press i Admiral Corporation 26 . Allied Chemical 75 a Allis Chalmers 50 s American Airlines 16 i American Power & Light 22 American Tel. ti Tel. 155 'i American Tobacco 62 ss Anaconda Copper 50 3i Atchison Railroad 7 s Bethlehem Steel 51 s Boeing Airplane Co. 4S 3 Borg Warner 63 3 ' Burrows Adding Machine 17 34 California Packing 28 t Canadian Pacific 35 Caterpillar Tractor 47 Ti Celanese Corporation 51 Chrvsler Corporation 70 i rHip Kevlre 102 Consolidated Edison 33 i Consolidated Vultee 17 Crown Zelerbaca 53 1 Curtiss Wright 9 ! Douglas Aircraft 59 duPont de Nemours . 91 Eastman Koda . 45 S Emerson Radio 14 , General Electric 59 General Foods 44 : General Motors 51 i Georgia Pac Flvwooe. 23 3i Goodyear Tire 44 Homestake Mining Co. 34 international Harvester ' international a per 49 -a Johns Manville 67 i Kennecot Copper 86 3i Libby, McNeill 8 Lockheed Aircraft 22 7i Loew's Incorporated 17 3.4 Long Bel A 40 Nash Kelvlnator ' 18 , New York Central - 18 Northern Pacific 62 'i pacific . American Fish 17 'j Pacific Gas & Electric- 34 H Pacific Tel. & Tel. 109 Packard Motor Car 4 T Penny (J. C.) Co. 68 Pennsylvania R. R. 18 'j Pepsi cola Co. 9 ; Philco Radio 27 . Radio Corporation 23 ' Rayonier Incorp 61 c'Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel , 41 'i "" Reynolds Metals 57 '4 Richfield Oil 54 4 Safeway Stores Inc. 32 t Scott Paper Co. 51 Sears Roebuck & Co. 56 'i , Socony-Vacuum Oil 34 3 Southern Pacific 62 Standard Oil Calif 50 , Standard Oil N. J. 75 Studebaker Corp. 33 ' Sunshine Mining 10 -il' Swift is Company 32 S yj Transamerica, Corp. 23 Vi Twentieth Century Pox 19 V, Union Oil Company 38 ? Union Pacific 100 - United Airlines 33 'i "United Aircraft 32 .; United Corporation 4 United States Plywoor1 33 .'United States Steel 40 It Warner Pictures 15 'P Western Union Tel 42 V Westlnghouse Air Brake 25 - Westlnghouse Electric 40 3 V Woolworth Company 43 !, Potato Shipments 1950-51 1931-52 December 31 January 1 ml Month to date .. . Season to date - 2 40 - 0 0 .. 752 993 ...4053 52S7 ? Chicago Livestock x. CHICAGO 11 (USDA) Sal eable hogs 23,000; butchers 25-50 .cents lower; sows 25-50 cents lower bul choice 180-220 lb butchers 18.- 25-18.35; top 18.40 rather sparingly; V230-270 lb 17.00-18.15; numerous loads around 250 lb butchers 17.60; 280-330 lb 16.25-17.00; sows 13.50- 15.75. js, . Salable cattle 11,000: salable calves 300; yearlings, heifers, and --steers weighing up to 1.200 lb grad tins good and better steady to 25 , cents higher; cows mostlv steady; bulls and vealers steady; few loads average-prime to high-prime steers ana yearlings l.zou lb down 37.50- '38.35; bulk choice and prime steers grades 31.00-33.00; most good to low-prime heifers 31.00-35.50; com mercial cows 24.00-26.00: utility to good bulls 26.50-30.00; commercial iv to prime vealers 29.00-37.00. -- Salable sheep 4,500; slaughter lambs steady to strong; bulk good choice to prime woolskins held well above 31.00; clipped lambs 30.00 down; yearlings steady at 25.50 down; ewes strong at 12.00-15.00. Potatoes CHICAGO W (USDA) To fitatoes: Arrivals 163, on track 288; - about steady with unsettled under tone; Colorado McClures $5.60-85; Idaho Russets $6.50-05. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE Listed, Insrtlfe, Unlisted ant Over-the-Cannler bonds and Stocks. Investment Fnnds 101 Med-nen. BMr. Phn-e 2-2110 KLAMATH FALLS Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment :11rh Wolnut Ph. 7709 Weather Western Oregon Mostly clear Wednesday and Wednesday night. Except patches of fog or low cloud iness In valleys. Mostly cloudy Thursday. Occasional rain on north ern coast and occasional snow in northern Interior, changing to rain during day. Highs Wednesday 30 to 40, from 45 to 60 along south ern coast and about five degrees warmer Thursday. Lows Wednes day night 20 to 28 In interior val leys and about 35 along coast. Winds off coast light and variable Wednesday, becoming southerly ana 13 to zs miles an hour Thurs day. Eastern Oregon Local valley fog or low- cloudiness with few light snow Hurries, out otherwise clear and cold Wednesday and Thursday. Highs both days 10 to 20. Lows Wednesday zero to 10 above, ex cept 10 below in high valleys. Northern California Fair Wednes. day and Wednesday night, becom ing cloudy in extreme north with light rain Thursday. Cloudiness will increase Thursday with light rain spreading southward to Santa Ro sa Thursday evening. Slowly ris ing temperatures. Variable winds of 7 to 14 miiess of coast. Klamath Falls and vicinity Clear and cold Wednesday and Thursday. High Wednesday 24. Low Wednesday tero. High Thurs day 27. Grants Pass and vicinity Clear Wednesday and Wednesday night. Cloudy Thursday. High Wednesday 40. Low Wednesday night 22. High Thursdav 42. Read'nss for the 24 hour endinc at 4:30 a.m. w ednesday Max Mle, Baker O -10 Bend 28 Eugene 3fi 2t Klamath Falla - 24 4 La Grande 19 4 Lakevfew 23 J Mediord 3S 21 North Bend 43 CO Ontario : 24 7 Pendleton 19 6 Portland JI 20 Roseburc 35 22 Salem . , 33 19 Boise '.. 21 2 Chicago M IS Denver 16 7 Eureka 43 32 Los Angeles . 39 37 Nw York 51 47 ! Bluff 49 32 San Francisco 47 31 Seattle 24 Spokane - T 4 Portland Poultry PORTLAND Eifgs to wholesal ers: Candled eggs coniainintt no loss, cases included, f.o.b. Portland: A large. Sfiii-SB'i cents. Portland Livestock PORTLAND ( Cattle salable 400: market active, strong to 50c higher: cows up most: , good fed steers in odd lots 33.00-34.00; load good and choice 1.283 lbs 34.00, ightly sorted at 33.00; utility and commercial steers in small lots 23.00-32.00; few commercial heifers 29.00-31.00: utility heifers 22.00-28.-00: canner and cutter cows mostly 18.50-21.50: few 22.00, shells down to 15.00 and below: utility cows mostly 22.00-25.00: few high utility and commercial 26.00-27.00; utility bulls 25.50-28.00; commercial grad es 29.00-30.00: odd good bulls 30.50. Calves salable 5: market active, fully steady: few choice and prime vealers 35.00-38.00: good grades 32.-00-34.00; utility and commercial 20.- 00-30.00. Hogs salable 200; market active: mostly 25c higher; choice 180-235 lbs 20.75-mostly 21.00: few choice 260-290 lbs 19.00; choice 315-500 lb sows 16.50-17.50; lighter weights to 18.00: medium grades light weight feeder pigs 16.50: good and choice salable around 18.50-19.50. Sheep salable 50; market steady. considering poorer quality: few good and choice 85-115 lb wooled lambs 28.00-28.50; 76 lb utility lambs 26,00; choice under 110 lb wooled lambs quotable to 29.00 or above: good slaughter ewes salable around 12.50-13.00 or above. Funeral HICKET Funeral aervices for James Thomas Hickey. 53. who died in Dorris. Calif, on Tuesday. Jan. 1,- will take place from the chapel of Ward's Klamath Funeral Home. 923 High St.. on Thurs day. Jan. 3. 1932 at 11:00 a.m.. Rev. Lester Huffman officiating. Commit ment service and interment In Klam ath Memorial Park. wauTan Funeral aervices for "Nettie" Emily Jenelte Wallan. 79. who died here Dec. 31, 1951 wlU take place from the chapel of Ward's Klamath Funeral Home. 925 High St., on Thursday, Jan. 3. 1952 at 2:00 p.m.. Rev. Lloyd Holloway of the First Methodist Church officiating. Commitment service and vault entomb ment in Klamath Memorial Park. San Francisco Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 'US- DAI Cattle: 50, supply too light to test the market, few sales steady, canner and cutter cows 17.00-20.00. Calves: 5. few utility and com mon vealers 26.00-30.00. Hogs: 25. no early sales. Sheep: 25. small lot good choice number one pelt slaughter lambs steady at 30.00, Monday load good and choice fall shorn and wooled 91-92 pound Oregon slaughter Iambs steady at 30.00, choice fall shorn and wooled slaughter ewes io.ou, cuu ana utility B.oo-12.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. OB Coarse grains, 15 day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: Oats No. 2 38 lb white i.oo; Barley No. 2 45 lb B.W. 71.00. Wheat (bid l to arrive mnrkpf basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.42 '2: Soft White (ex cluding Rex) 2.42 ii; White Club 2.42 .'2. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.44: 10 per cent 2.44: 11 per cent 2.45; 12 per cent 2.46. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 2.44: 10 per cent 2.44; 11 per cent 2.45; 12 per cent 2.46. Car receipts: Wheat 59; Barley 2 Flour 13; Corn 2; Oats 2; Mlllfeed Churchill May Lunch With HST WASHINGTON OB Prime Min ster Winston Churchill may leave the liner Queen Mary at the New York quarantine Saturday morn ing and fly to Washington to have "U'ich w'11 President Truman. Officials said this speed-up ar rangement was being considered so that the week-end program orig inally planned for the British io5. ci t.Hij we carriea out. He Is ar riving a day behind the original schedule because storms delayed the sailing of the Queen Mary. Medford Postal Receipts Gainim MEDFORD tn Medfnrri nn.f.t receipts reached a record high of 1445.317 In 1951. That wa U above the 1950 total. Although par cel post rates were hlsher ,it volume also increased, postal au Ithorities said. 1 -rv " f.-m-m-mi FAMILY DOCTOR HONORED Dr. A. C. Yoder (left). 84, who was named "Family Doctor of the Year" by the Ameri can Medical Association, still practices in Goshen, Ind. He holds six-weeks-old Marsha Elaine Neer while the baby's mother, Mrs. Kenneth Neer, 31, looks on. Dr.. Yoder brought both mother and daughter into the world. The Neers were on hand at a reception of townspeople hon oring the doctor. .... , fx rr a, stfssssteBsssMssste ON ITS OWN Specialists of the 8081st Army unit, work ing with Far East Air Force Combat Cargo groups, have designated special parachute harness and allied equipment to handle such items as this 105mm howitzer, shown leav ing a C-119 Flying Boxcar somewhere over Korea. Three 100-foot parachutes will gently lower the 5,000 pound weapon to UN ground forces in a tight spot. Items rang ing from candy and ammunition to two-ton artillery pieces have composed the almost 18,000 tons dropped to ground forces throughout the period of Korean hostilities. Jaywalker Hit On East Main A man, reportedly javwalking across E. Main in the 1000 block, was treated at Klamath Valley Hospital last night for a head laceration after he was hit by a car. City Police reported George Gib son, 51, of 2361 Orchard was hit by a car driven by Warren Rock, 3654 S. 6th. Rock was traveling about 20 miles an hour officers said, and Gibson was knocked about 6 feet by the car. He hit his head on the bumper of a parked car. Gibson was taken to the hospital by Kaler's ambulance and released aiter treatment. police issued no citations. Niemoeller To Visit In Russia BERLIN, fP) Pastor Martin Niemoeller, West German Protest ant church leader, left by Soviet aircraft Wednesday for Russia. He plans to stay In Moscow about a week. The trip had been arranged by the Russian Orthodox church. Nelmoeller said that one of the problems he would discuss with Russian churchmen Was the quest ion of German Drisoners of war in the Soviet Union. Bond Issue For Park Work Fails SPRINGFIELD. Ore.. 0B Fail ure of an $85,000 bond Issue for park and recreation facilities to pass in a Dec. 18 election, will re sult in a cut-back in activities of the Willamalana Park and rec reation district. Mrs. Irene Squires, superintend ent, said nine persons half the total staff have been .laid off. RALEIGH, N.C. Wl The num ber of people living on farms In the United States has been de creasing steadily since 1910, say North Carolina State College agri cultural economists. The farm pop- ."'"Ji?", is,.20W val?2ut w!at,Jt VM in 1900, although the national popu-1 lation is about 76 million greater. The 1950 farm population of 23,577. 000 was a drop of approximately five million from the 1940 total. PRKIIISTORIC JAWBONE JEFFERSON, la. ITI A 55 pound lower Jawbone of one of Iowa native elephants was found recently by Lynn Deal on his farm near here. Excellently preserved, the bone was Identified as that of a hairy mammoth. The mammoth, a pleistocene-age relative of the ele phant, roamed this part of the world 60.000 years or so ago. It was about the size of the moderi( elephant, fm r I -Am 3. CJ- r ji.-.-.' -swss-a...-i V 1 T4?ff V? ' t -- 7 SAILING Tony Palecki, two-and-a-half-years-old, em ulates the nursery rhyme Rub-a-dub-dub, Three men in a tub," as he sails down a North Hollywood, Calif., street during flood caused by heavy rains. Unemployment Pay Shows Decrease SALEM Ml Oregon's Jobless persons got $10,480,924 in unem ployment compensation In 1951, the State Unemployment Compensation Commission said Wednesday. That was the smallest amount In three years, but the commission said it looks'llke 1052 unempioy- ment will be greater Walter Pierce Taken To Home SALEM Wl Walter M. Pierce. 90-year old ex-congressman and .eir vas taken from a hospital to his home Tuesday aft-.uuc;.. He was taken to the hospital 13 days ago In serious condition, but his condition was much Improved Wednesday. Mncklnao Island In Northern Michigan was the headquarters for John Jacob Astor's fabulous fur trading company. Lumber, Plywood Orders For Oregon, Washington Announced By Capitol SEATTLE (iP Government linn. ber and plywood ' orders ol more than three million dollars were an nounced Monday for Oregon and Washington firms. Figures released by the Depart ment of Commerce olllce here showed 54 lumber product orders approximating tl.840.noo lor Ore gon firms and $1,230,000 for Wash ington. The biggest contract totals were: 8chafcr Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Aberdeen. Wash., six awards totaling $457,346: Cupe Aritgo Lum ber Co., Empire. Ore., live lor $363,999; Dant : Russell. Portland.1 four for $161,331: Al Pierce Co. Coos Bay. Oro., two lor $117,837: Coos Bay Wood Products Co., Coos Bay, one for $116,899: Oregon Washington Plywood, Garibaldi, Ore., two for $170,933. Other Washington lumber awards Included : Weyerhaeuser Sales Co.. Tncoma. two contracts, $63,004; Simpson Logging Co., Seattle, two for $89.- 707; Raymond Lumber Co.. South Senator Raps Army Plan For Training In Hawaii WASHINGTON on Sen. Lvn-1 Secretary of the Army Pace said don B. Johnson (D.-Tex.i sllrred up a ruckus that figuratively set the palm fronds waving Wednesday over the question of training Army recruits in Hawaii. Johnson, chairman of the Sen ate Preparedness Investigating Committee, said It was a waste ot taxpayers' money to send the re cruits ll the way to Hawaii, es pecially If they were due for serv ice later in Europe. Joseph R. Farrlngton. Hawaii's delegate to Congress, declared the people of Hnwnil will "fight to the limit" any attempt to cut down training facilities on the washed Islands. sun - BOOKED IN BABY-SITTING DEATH Delora Mac Camp bell (left). 16-year-old baby sitter, is said by Los Angeles Sheriff's deputies to have related how she watched a mur der mystery on television and then strangled little six-year-old Donna Joyce Isbell (right), with a stocking while baby-sitting with the little jgirl. Booked on suspicion of murder, officers said she told them "I did it, but I don't have any reasons." Sheriff's Captain J. M. Burns identi fied the girl as having run away from her home in Colo rado, and quoted her as saying "she often felt like strang ling someone." Hoop Player Asks Damages BAKER W A $51,800 personal inlurv suit was filed here Wed nesday by a man who said lie was hit by an oil truck and as a re sult couldn't play basketball for two months. Playing basketball, the complaint salu, was his means of livelihood. The suit was wrought by Lance Codgoe who listed himself as a member of the Kansas City Stars basketball team. It says he was hit by a Oranddell Oils, inc., truck driven by Merelo L. Wil liams. They were named defend ants. . The complaint says he was struck as he stood beside Hign way No. 30 some 10 miles east of hsro .tun. 13. 1950. It dOCS not sv whv he was afoot mere, u asks $50,000 general and $1,800 spe cial damages. Hood River Man Files For Office SALEM, (Pi Hamilton Brown, Parkdale Republican, filed his can didacy Wednesday for state rep resentative from Hood River County- The seat now Is held by Rep. John P. Hounsell, Hood River Re publican. Hounsell Is going to run for the Senate scat being vacated by Sen. Ben Musa, the Dalles Democrat. Portland Bank Clearings Gain PORTLAND, im Bank clearings In Portland totaled $8,179,644,233, a year-end check of clearing hous es disclosed, Thnt was an all-time high, the previous high being In 1950 when a total of $7,990,764,037 was re ported. FARM MACHINERY CARE RALEIGH. N. C. IPt The advice of H. M, Ellis, agricultural engineer for the North Carolina State Col lege Extension Service, Is for farm erg to. take good care of their pres ent farm machinery because short supiies or equipment, are in pros pect. Machinery Bhoiild be hous'il when not In use because It deter iorates verv ronlrllv frnm ritut anH other weathering process, he said. Bend, $38,148; Cheney Lumber Co., Tnooum, $50.21)2; St. Paul & i'a oomn, SH4.471; Wngar Co., Abur rieen, $37.8'JO; ltuaillfk, Tnronm, $.16,120: Columbia filvcr Paper Mills, Vancouver, $40,360. Oilier Orr-don conirnt't.t were: Ply-Bill. Kiwrnc, $66,786: Hamp ton Lumber Sulrs, Purtlnild, $116. 1 US Robert Adnir Co., Euucnr. $40,043; Cnscndla, Portland, $45,678; Har bor Co., Coos Bny, $33,392: C. J. Johnson Co., Portland. $31,387; United Lumber Co. $35,803; Coos Head Timber Co., Coos Day, $3b.- 863: United Lumber Co.. Portlnnd, two for $76,813; John F. Kemota. two lor $50,834: Glustlna Bros., Eugene. $33,415; Georgia Pa clllo Plywood, Portland, $33,503; Magnolia Lumber Sulci. Ashland, $34,983: Moore Mill k Lumber. Bnndon. $00,705; Twin Harbors Co., Portlnnd, $76,150: Tldowater Lum ber Co., $37,675; Robert Atlulr Co., Kugene, $33,971; Molnlla Forest Products, Molalln, $33,445; Leo H, Rvan Co., Portlnnd, two or $36, 890. he would think It over. j The Army hud Informed senators that Hawaii provided "terrain fea lures and climatic conditions that are Ideal for training purposes." Moreover Army spokesmen told a reporter that a regiment trained In Hawaii consisted Inrgely of na tives and moved to Koien shortly after the war started there. A replacement regiment was re cruited In the Island and filled up with volunteers and later Inductees from the states. They said no new facilities had been constructed but It was thought 1 wise to use those available and to maintain some defenses In Hnwall. MISS CHEESECAKE OF 1951' Shapely Franca Fal dini (above), 20 -year -old Italian-born film starlet, has been elected "Miss Cheese cake of 1951" by the U.S. Army newspaper Stars and Stripes in Darmstadt, Ger many. The publication dis closes Miss Faldini's selec tion, saying her admirers claim her leg measurements are identical with those of Venus de Milo. Tho actress i.i now in Hollywood, Calif. 47 DIE PORTLAND Wl Traffic accl dents claimed 47 lives In Portland during 1951, police reported Tues diiy. The total for 1060 was 64, The year 1945 was the woi'Ht for traffic fatalities when 70 licrsons were killed In the city. - CINIRAL I have now purchased tho MAUN FIX IT Depot Rond. It will bo known as tho PARIS MACHINE MALIN, Como In fellows wo specialize in building repair work, arc and acelyleno welding. Sortera Preslrer Ben Conveyors Sax Loaders Motors Sprockets niNTHS ELDItmniC nm at Klamalh Vsl lev lliiillal. Jan. I, 10.11, to Mr. anil Mrs. Nteva KUIrlilat. lniO's Witrflati, toy, Wsighl; a pounds S's ouncsa, IIOttSK norn at Klamatn v.ll.v Itiisnllal. Jan. I, lana, tn Mr. and Mrs Norinati llotiif. 4:h4 taVirnt Nt . a buy. Wslaht: S pounds 3's ounrvs. vrTKuS -Horn at Klamath V.ll.v HiMnltal. Jan. 2. !U.t2. la Mr. and Mrs. Kaymond VtlNns. 14.W likaviaw St.. a boy. Weight: 9 pounds 44 ounces. DISTRICT t'Ol'gT Crnaal J. llrtcKnrlda. no rsilslra. Hon card, rins ST Ml. Alan L. Rica, no onaralor'i llctnis. Flno S.I. Albert r. llovay. no oparalor'l ll etiua. rina in. Charles R nottblns, failure tn drive rlsht side highway, fine tl9, SIO sus pended. MI'NinrAI. t'OI'RT Ktiffne Weelrs, drunk, flno 130 or 10 dare. Kenneth Vlrey, drunk, rme S or 13 days. Sam rolvell, AWOI,. Held for Navy Jay Abney Jr.. disorderly conduct tlne US or tl'a days Raymond Meelna. disorderly conduct. Korfell S bell. James Haulston. disorderly conduct. Forfeit ttt hall. Victor Coos, drunk and disorderly, rine MO L'ontance Cook, drunk and disorder ly, rine M. lRny Worden, U-lum between Inler set'limis. fine SI. Jerk Jackson, ran red light. Fine IV Charley Williams, drunk, rortelt l& ball Albert Brooks, vagrancy. Tine ISO or U daya. Commies Lower Boom On Catholics ROME Italian Communists, careful lor five years to akin a slum down with the Roman Catholic church, are attacking it openly now In a full-throttle campaign aimed to halt the creation of a Western European Army. Palmira Toglinttl. boss of Italy's Reds, keynoted the drive with a charge that the Catholic church la trying to control Europe through "clericalism perched on Elsen hower's shoulders." Home Extension Meeting Slated Conger-Falrvlew Home Exlen. slon unit will meet I-Vldnv at 10:30 a m. at the home of Mrs. J. B. McCarty. 116 W. Oregon. A demonstration on frozen foods will be given before the pothick luncheon. Members are to bring their own table service. Child care will be provided. Woman Dies Near Point Of Safety ST. CHARLES. Minn. W An 80-year-old St. Charles woman col lapsed only 30 feet from safety Wednesday as she tried lo escan'e death In sub-zero cold after break ing her arm In a fall. Mrs. Chnrles Stelloh was found near the door of the St. Charles Creamery, dead of exposure. She had crawled nearly 100 feet from the spot where she fell. Leqal Notice NOTirr or rtwM. accoi'N't Nntlre Is hereby given that the tinder final arrount In the office nt the signed administratrix of the estate ol V W. niggs, rierraed. has filed her county clerk of Klamath County. Ore gon, and the court has sel rnnay the llth day of January. IflM, at the hour of ten n'rlork A. M. of aald date, in the Circuit Court room in the court house In Klamalh falls. Oregon, an the time and place for hearing nbjfr tlans thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated tills llth day of Dec, 1031. Louisa niggs Administratrix A.. W. ftchaupp, attorney D.-12-ID-2S-J..2-0 No. 814 NOTtcr to citcniTons In Tiir. circuit coiiiit or THE STATU Or OREGON in and ron Tllfl COUNTY OF KI.AMATIf tn the Matter of the Estate of HUM PHREY JOHN SCULLY. Oeceated. Notice la hereby given that the under sinned. J. L. STRODE, has neen ap pointed Administrator of the Estate of HUMPHREY JOHN SCIII.I.V ri.. reused, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County nf munietn, ana nas duly qilnllllrd at such administrator and Letters of Ad. ministration have dulv I rf am ,... sons having claims against said Eslnle are hereby notified to present t he seme, mny verined as by law required with proper vouchers to the under signed al the office of DONALD A. W. PIPER, Attorney al Law. 14 Court Mouse, mamam rails, Oregon, on or before six ifli months from the date oi urai punncatlon hereof, which date 1st J. 1.. STRODE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE T Mumi'llMbY JUIIN SCULLY, Deceased. D-l;i-2(l-27 J-3 No. SIS Nb'rfCE op hond'aT7e Healed proposala will be recolved hv the Common Council of the City of ..,ia, reus, ureson, lor tne pur chuse of sewer Improvement bonds. Series M, aggregating. Four Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-two and :t:i-10(l uoiiera, las.iwz.a;!) cluly authorized bv prtllnanre of the aald City of Klamalh Falls, for Ihe construction and laying of sewer lines In Sewer ttnll No. 20, nt said City and serving Ihe properlv between South Sixth Slrool. the O.C.ft E. Railroad Right of Way, Shasta Way and Washburn .Streets. Proposals lo purchase said bonds will he received by Ihe undersigned up lo and Including the 4lh. day nf February. 18.12, al the hour of seven-thirty o'clock p.m. nf said day and opened at a regular meeling of the Common Conn, ctl Immediately thereafter; said bonds shall be dated February 1. lfisj, and shall be In amounts of ssno.00 enrh. except bond No. 1, of aald serlea, which shall be for Ihe fractional part of aald sum, and all shall be due ten yeara after the date of Issue, payment of the entire bonds optional with aald City at any coupon paying dale on and aftor one year from the date thereof. Said bonda will hear Interest at Ihe rale of not to exceed six per rent per nnnum, payable semi-annually on February Im. and Isl. of each year, principal and Inleresl pavanle al the eidci of the treasurer of Ilia City 1 j , ) NOTICES SHOP located oft SHOP & GARAGE OMXjON potato equipment, Now open. VIRG. PARIS Proprietor Bearings IIS. Chain Bulk BrcU CLASSIFIED RATES On day per word 4 per word Do per word 20a Three Day Week run ......... Month run per word 65a MINIMUM The minimum cliarne for any on ad Is (0c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to aria may be handled throuiih box numbers al the paper for a service rhunie of 'lie. DEADLINES Classified ad accepted up lo :3 pjn. for following day' publication, www Classified display ad accepted op to 12 noon for tollowinf day pub' llcatlon, ADJUSTMENTS Plraee mimo all claim for adjurt menu without delay. Correction or eancellatton re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will be mad In following day' publication Herald & News Want Ad Agents BLY HUNTS CASH OROCERT Phone 763 Box 14 DCRRIS MRS. DORA BRANHAM Phone. 181 301 It Huen Ilenlcv Tulelako RUTH KINO Phone 4453 - file. i. Box ill LAKEV1EW BLUE NOT! MU8IO Phone 3701 138 t St. No, MERRILL ROHKRTA DEWEY Phone KOI Merrill MALIN MRS. JOB HAXOUSKK Box 114 Malm Phone 374 C FUNERAL MOMIS WAKU a Klamolhrunerej"llMni3 High Slreet. I'hone M.M. MEETING NOS 'CIS ki.AIH"KAlXti Acr'lonioMj f 0 Regular meeting Mil, n muni f:e.o p.m. Vuiuiig iiicinurrs cordially invited. Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 am. LODGE MEETING EVERY THURSDAY and Initiation every third Thursday W, C. HOOPER Secretary 1010 Pine REGULAR MEETING of Disabled American Veterans and Auxiliary will be held P,idav, Jan. 4. In the K. C. at s p.m. MAX L. RUOE Commander Al.COIl6l.ICS ANONYMOUS rnee7e rndey. s p m.. for Information, write llox 3ns. SIW2. 2 LOST AND-FOlND PoiiNi), ndlrrruiwatrh6wfier"'niay rlnltn wllh proper identification and pay for ad. Phone 2-lliUS evenings after six. .w llKWAItl) fir return of 2 vear "In Hereford hull jilrnved from mv ranrh at fiprngue lllvor. Has latino "t,-l70" on lefl car, "S.v Mntnped on horn. Levi (irlfflth. Tulrlake. Calif. LOST, fic.-eroru buiiruraiidcd 3 right hip. Phone H710, LOST. rhlncNlniio necklace. '" HeTward", Phone S:i2H afterjl p.m. 4 GENERAL NOTICI OUK Singer Sewing Center la open l the public, Thursday 3:30 lo 0:30' .or free atlachmenl instructions. SINtiSH 8EWINO CENTER ai3Maln Phone 1-25H 6 PERSONALS SI AN'l.KY Jlnme Products7wiiti,'r WE make records" of " anything! Fly's Recording Co at Connera Service Co. I'hone 11.178 or 3..HI13. WATEIIPHflOKINU iirnducTiTlof-TeaTiy DFr" NOW "r r0W'' ,1,,on fl;M7' on" 1 0 SERVICES MOVING?... Cull 74.75 Locnl-Lontt Distance Piano and npnllnnco moving; a specially Transfer and Slorane Bclcin's Moylnft and Storage Peoples Warehouse . "Since 1018" P(N'flN6 and pnierna5iinirPhonsi FLOOItspollshed. IMimuTfiaiio. Jl"rAloT6 PlntfnirEody and fen': nor work Phono tlMO CAHPKNTF.n work. Itcunlra, remodel" "d""wepnslruclion. Phone 2-01117. f"rm Kqiupnienl Co., Feriuibn denier. Phone MM. electric wiiiiNfiTwork' by"' hour' or ijonnclPhone 2-l.oie. of Klmnnlh Falls, Oregon. All proposals must he unconditional and accompanied by a certified check 'u'Ljl'"r."' proposal. The Common Council reserves Ihe rlabt to relect any and all bids. .. iT.h" ''""' bidder for said bonds win be furnished wllh an opinion as is !f .'"'""'J' ilifrenf by the law firm of Wlnfrcc. MrCulloch, Shiller eV Sayra, tm u""dln' Portland. Oregon. 'r'"" 'iu"rien oy orninance 2-,, 'be Common Council of tho Clly ol he? ti i ' 0'"m' dated Decern; ho'njilT' M. ELDER, Police Judge I ..w,,., ,. ,,WJ,,H I'OIIC JU of Iho Clly of Klamalh Falls, n - in . j . i . a . n - 4 B . n 10 - It - 12 -14-11 J? " ol 111 '" - ai - 22 - 2:1 F.l - 2 No, me.