wpnNRKDAY. JANIIARV 2- 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE Af W"f " '. ,','I""'J'.IU' U.'piJ'f HiiliB,!lliimHf.'IHI Inalallatlon Of Officers Pro.'ior liy bonKO of Prunpuriiy Iicui'Kiiu will luko plnco iiIIt Ihn rciiliir tiofinloli of, loilno, Thuraduy, 11:30 p.m. tegular Mrrtltiir Job'N DimikII' torn ill Die Munimlc Hull, 'lliumiliiy, b 11. in. Unreal I'lrrln uml Keekers nf Lin hi Hiiiiiluy nclwiol cliina will hold a fiii'DWttll politick dinner lor Mm, Knunn Kinrrxnu ivt llui Kliat l'rojyloi Inn church, Thurnlny, nt 1 p.m. Veterans Fiirrljiii M'ura Auxlllnry IJH3 rcKiilnr liirctliiR nt llbritry club mom Thumliiy, 8 p.m. Women's nluht to wrvo the men. llrlnn sandwiches. Khanta View (Inline IlCKllliir inriHIiw linn bi'cn scheduled lor Frl ilny, 8 ii. in., In tlio Hliaslu tkhuul liyuinimium, , llni'k llomr Dr. nnd Mm. Wll Hum Ii. (iwrrtmmi find, noim have rclurnrd to Portland alter MorndliiK Ihn holidays Willi Mm. Hweelmnn's niirciitn. Mr. nnd Mra. Fred Peter 6011. M&0 Bummer Lane. CircciinprlnK Klerlrlrlans Meet nt Iioiiip ol Uunny Ilruviilln. Knin ltd., Saturday. 3 -p. 111.. Innlcad of nt Jimmy l.uttreH'a ait iitnmird. Frauds Skinner, will JuiIkb com , jtlctpd tool boxr: there will bo a itilro for the bl one. ' lluliy Named Mr. and Mr. John imrvey Uiniiniin liuve nnincd tliclr buby diiuithtcr, born, December !!8, Patricia jonn, The mnuirnul urnnd mother In Mm. Dom Ooddnrd. Mm. Uliinelin llriimiiin In the iintcrnnl Kiuiidmotlii'r, Aloha Mochil -Clul) OICH will meet Friday, 1:41) ii.m, ul the Munonlc trinplo for election of olllcers. All KiiHlnrii Blur member nre welcome, Tiilelake-Merrlll, Mnlln renldent who need to report a flro iniint now dlnl "Operator" nnd Indlcule where Ihn fire In. Tliene nre In nlriii'llmix InhuciI thin week bv the Tulrlitko lrlre Department. All op erator cnlln since Inntnllntlon of the new nyntein no llirotmh the Merrill I'XcliiitiKO nnd the exact locution of the lire nnd tho dcpnrtmenl belnit culle d nuiHl be clearly - Muled In placing calls to prevent contusion. TheU Rho Prncllce for Inntnlln tlon lonlKlit, 1:30. In the IOOF hull. llomr Mr. nnd Mrn. A. J. King, llunrr. hnve returned from Bun Krniirlnra where they attended the irrini-Wr.it Blirlno foolbull name ln.it week. -nrd Party Tlie Bhn.iln View Conimunlty Building Annoc. will hold n curd pnrly nt the Boyd Hoover renldence, Mldlnnd, Bntur dny, 8 p. in. There will bo prizes nnd rofreHhmentn. T. mo.'b, t T. Off. tMt. 1H1 IT NtA tCWVICt. IHO. C'.W.tarted.houkoeplne en Rout 67,' but I always , Jthlnk of U. 8. 40 a homl" :WTC.Camp6:i Br ELEANOR THOMSON Sun Franrlncnnn enjoy while Chrlntmns: Mr. nnd Mrn. Stnnley Heywood nnd their fifteen month old daimhter, Bvdnev Ann arrived nt Camp 8 Saturday Dec. 22 to Miend Chrlntninn with their buoy's pnlernnl ftrnndpnrentn, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Heywood, and her uncle Wayne. The jounuer Hey woods made the trip by cnr. To Ihem the enormous amount of nnow looked beautiful. They left to return to their bny-nren home on Dec. 26, Ju.it beforo another big snowstorm ntnrted. From Louisville, Ky., Cpl. and Mrs. Wnymon Henderson came to .pend ChrlKtmnn and New Years viih ht.i parents and brother. Mr. nnd Mrn. D, F. Henderson nnd l.cvcrl. They made the trip by irnln bcinir met In Kliunnth Falls Dec. 24 by Mr. Henderson of Cnmp 0. Tho younir couplo expected to leave for tho Ku.st Jnn. 2. Cnl. Henderson hns received his travel orders nnd will cmbnrk for Onr iiinnv where he will be Mntloncd nt Holdclbcrir. He Ik with Uie 707th Denial Service Unit of the U. S. Armv nnd hnn been ntntloned t the Kentucky base for the pnst two jenrn. Word wnn received recently bv Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Morehend of Cnmp 8 of the marrlnxo of their non, Loyd, who Is In tho service Vllh tho U, 8. Nnvy nlr forco ntn tloncd nt Pntiixent. Md. He nnd Cnsseo Nell Sellers were united In mnrrlnRe Nov. 17, 1051 nt Leonnrd town, Md., with the Hnv. John Oivs.scll Hllbert of tho Methodist Church performing' the ceremony, l oyd hnn received his snlllntr or ders nnd will leave the Slntes sometime In Jnminry. Frlendn of the Morehend fnmlly extend best wishes to tnyd nnd his bride. Mr. and Mrn. Sterling Olnssbum nnd son. Jkosnr, Tcturned to Cnmp Snturdny, Dec, 22, one week from the dny thev left for Lodpo Pole, Nebrn.skn where they were cnlled bv tlio dentil of Mrs. Olnssburn's fnllier, Mr.. Wesley J. Rlchnrds. who died suddenly of a henrt nt Inck on Dec. 13. The funeral wnn held Dec. 17 nnd ho was buried In the fnmlly plot at Exeter, Ncbr. Mrs, Olansburn'8 dnimhtcr, Elaine Johnson of Lincoln. Nebr. wns pres ent nt tho funernl. Miss Johnson visited her mother hero nt Camp n for one week Inst summer. Tho Glnssburns mndn the trip bv cnr. Mr. and Mrs. Snm Jnmcs of Tnl rut, Oro., formerly of Cnmp 8 be came tho parents of a boy, their nccond, born Dec. IS nt Medford, Ore. . He weighed S lbs. and was named William Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Fairfield and dnUKhter, Karen any, spent the Chrlslmns holldny at Medford at the home of Karen's xreat-Rrand-mother. Mrs. John James. It wns nn occnnlon for a fnmllv reunion of ninny of the James' children. A dniiKliler, Mrs. Lee WlnnliiRhnm, of Dly wan unablo to attend because of Illness In her family. F.lHhly neven yenr old Mrs. Kltsy Burdlck of Mlnncwnuknn. North Dnkotn, Knren'n grrnl urent Rrnndmother, who Is w intering with her dniiRhter, Mrs. Jnmes of Medford, wns the reason for the gathering of rela tives nt Christmastime. Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Kntchls spent Clirl.sUmis art! Uie weekend pre vious as guests nt the George Blan as home In Klamath Fnlls. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oordon Good traveled to Rose burg. Ore. to spend Chrlslmns with Good's pnrents. Uie R. C. Goods. On the way over and returning they stopped In Medford for a visit with former Camp resi dents, the Archie West family, Mrs. Snrnh Ross of Bonanza, Ore spent Chrlslmns with her son nnd fnmlly, tho Bob Ross' of Cnmp 8. Mis. Ross Is the fourth grnde teach er In the Bonnm.n school, The Elmer Moorchcad fnmllv had Christmas dinner at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Woods of Klam nth Fnlls. Their dnughtor nnd her husbnnd, tho George Woods were guests also. Enrly Friday morning Cnmn Six ers discovered that no water came irom their Inucets. On Investigation It was discovered that a fire hy drant at the lower end of cnmp wns broken by the big snow plow Thursday evening. During the night every bit of wntcr drained out of the wnter tnnk supplying the cnmp. A hnsty Job of pumping bv cniay LocKwood, cnmn utilities mnnnger, nnd rcpnirlng of the hy drant, restored the wnter supply. i-nui uunyon may be a fictitious charnctcr but tho "blue nnow" re ferred to In the story is not fic tion. Anyone doubting this mnv vis it Cnmp Six where he will see plen ty of bluo snow. Tho snow nround hero hns reached n hnznrdous dentil, compnrnble to tho total snow full of any winter previous. If the months of January nnd Fcbmnrv bring more snow, which Is highly 1 ke v. tlio s tunllon mnv become critical. The rond out of cnmp has been kept open so far and tho fam ilies hero hope Hint the dlesel snow cats will be able to keep it open, lb has been estimated that. U.S. farmers nnd ranchers ndded from live to eight, million hend or cnt- tlo to their herds in 1051. &i'Buich cut and wrap your beef and pork for your locker And we itill cur your hams and bacon SMOKE HOUSE 427 Market A. G. "Butch" Swelga-' Klamath Falls Phone 7060 ? FortKlrhM lly MVKTI.K WIMKIt In a festive holldny netting of holly, evergreens, wicnths and red ntrriimiu'N, tho unnuul oominunlly ChilMiiiiis. tree nnd etitvrlulnment wun held In the local Methodist church on Friday evening, Doc. 21, with a lurxo crowd attending do niillo tho unpleasant weather con ditions prevailing. T'ha uffulr wns sponsored by the Civic Improvement Club In cooper ntlou with the local church nnd school, and pupils ol tlio elemen tary Krude school took part In the program presented under tho di rection of Mrn, Frank Strnhun, local Instructor, Chrlslmns carols were nuiiK by the choir, composed of Anita Vudiin, Janet Wilson, Enid Williams, Mario Nicholson, nnd Mrs. Bert Oruy, Mrn. Richard H. Wilson, nnd Mrs. Lloyd Nicholson, with Mrs. William Brewer accom panying nt the piano. Stationed at cither side of the stand weru two Cub Scouts In uni form; Ted Vt-atch ucilng as the teller of tnles and Douglns Van Wormer as herald lor the program. Entitled "On tlio Bouglu of the Chrlstmun Tree," the entertnln ment whs opened by a recitation of welcome by petlle Mnrtlia Wll llumn, nnd consisted of musical iiunioem, recitations nnd Biblical readings by tho children. During the progrnm, tho large Christinas tree wan brought in and decorated by the children' to the accompani ment of appropriate music and songs. A highlight of the evening was the singing of "Jingle Bells" by Utile lire-school age Cathy Den ton, who delighted the crowd with her rendition of the old song. An unexpected contribution to the pro gram was made by Joan Loosley, homo from Oregon State College for the holidays, who gave a read ing "The Other Wlso Mun," niter which a prayer nnd benediction were given by Rev. C. Ellery Kchlln, pastor of Chlloquln and Fl. Klamath Methodist c Ii u r c h c, which marked the end of the pro gram, Slclghbells were heard outside, a dog burked furiously, and in bound ed Jolly old Santa Clans, much to the Joy of small children who were greeted by him and presented with Kills which had been placed under the gaily decorated Chrlslmns tree. Each person attending was given a generous suck of nuts, candy nnd fruit as part of the annual Christmas ente rtnlnment which has been a tradition here for many years. Yhe community owes a vote of thankn to Mrs. Frank strnhan for her work in preparing the pro gram. In spite of the fnet that she hnn a full-time Job leaching 22 elementnry grnde pupils, Mrs. Strahan took time to attend to ar rangements Incidental to presenta tion of such an entertainment, which Involves endless work, time and patience. On behalf of the community, the sincere thanks and appreciation of Wood River Valley people are tendered to Mrs. Strahan by means of this column. Members of the Civic Improve ment Club who wero responsible for all other arrangements for the community affair wore Mrs. Jnmes Vnn Wormer. Mrs. Lloyd Nichol son and Mrs. Joseph Halford, this committee also deserving a hearty vote of thanks and appreciation for their efforts which helped make Uie entertainment such a success. The evening of Dec. 24 was cele brated by the majority of Fort Klamath people by family Christ mas tree parlies, opening of gifts, listening to the boaqtlful carols and programs on the radio, etc., and among these festive gaUierings was thnt held, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Englc. Present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. En glc's sons nnd their families, Mr. und Mrs. Weston Englc nnd two children, and Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Engle and their two small chil dren; also Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cope land, the former being Mrs. Harry Englc's brother. However, while most people were home at their family firesides, skull duggery wns going on In our midst, persons unknown having different Idens, in fact, they were intent on securing the "piece do rcsistnnce" for their Chrlslmns dinner Uie fol lowlng dny. So, whilo Mr. and Mrs. Copelnnd were enjoying the "Silent NiRht, Holy Night", these above golden opportunity when the owners wero absent from home, sneaked stealthily and unobserved onto the Copeland premises and rig hi into the chicken house, where there were two lone, turkeys, the Inst of n flock of 20 raised this summer for market by Mrs. Copeland. The Intruders wero obviously no strang ers, ns the Iny of the Innd on the Copelnnd property had to be famil iar to them in order to find and make off with the turkeys, which they did, no doubt envisioning in their mind's eye a fine roast tur key dinner for Christmas Dny. The Ironlcnl twist to this story is the fact thnt these two solo sur vivors of her turkey flock were sick, nnd had for some tlmo been Isolnted from Mrs. Copelnnd's chickens, having been placed In n "chicken hospital" coop reserved for nlllng birds. Mrs. Copelnnd hnd been trying unsuccessfully to cure the sick turkeys, but as her treat- KLAMATH COMPANY ft'mK m Klamath fall. Main at Link River Brldca OPEN SATURDAY FOR YOUR CONVIHrdNCE Strvtl PROPANE Relrlitralon I c. General Water lleatirl Dearhnrn at Rentier .. llealerl . Wertrewoed and O'Keefe Merrill Kaniea ntnrat .Taakf. FnrnUhed over Th Entire Klamath Boiin Bill Sttppo, Managar Phone 2-2541 fCQngall Valley 3 By COB A I.KAVITT Mr. and Mrs. Frank fckviimltz of Beutty entertained with a dinner at tliclr home on Clirlnlinns. Ouests Included Mr. and Mrn. Louis Old field, nnd Mr, and Mrs. Alex Curl- son, Helen und Charles, all of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Harris, Virginia and Allan, Mr. and Mrn. Lchtiid Harris, und Mr. ni Mrn, Ted Albeit, Wllina and Ken neth nil of Lungell Valley. Betty Noble litlt for her homn nt Santa Monica, alter spend Inn sever al wees wun nor parents' Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Nobis and her nlslcrs, June und Churlolto. Muynnrd Hrlc zlscse returned to San Diego with her. Hn hnd been home on leave from his Nuvy Busc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orohs enter tained on Christmas Dnv for her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ervln Bchanz of Dairy, hln mother, Mrs. Neva Orohs, and his grnndmothor, Mrs. Mclleynolds. and Eric McKcynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Ccorgo Bnkcr and Mike spent Christmas and Christ mas Evo at Tulelnke with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hodgcn, Cora lee and Bruce spent Christmas Eve with her pnrcnln Mr. and Mrs. Les Lcnvltt. Mnry Anne Leavltl re turned home with them for a few dayu. Mr. and Mrn. Tom House and children, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dnve House ol Bly and Mr. and Mrn. Don Ross and sons of Klamath Fulls spent Christmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Houf-e. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burnett went to Klamath Fulls to spend Chrlst mun Eve with her pnrents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester Plnclll and otlicr relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brown and Mnrtln were Christmas Dny dinner guests of the Burnetts. Mnrtln Brown hnd been In Hillside hospltul recovering from food pois oning and Just got out Christmas Duy. Mr. and Mrs. Jnck Smith and sons of Lnkeport, Calif., and Mr. und Mrs. Oeorgo Smith nnd Joe of Yuba City came up for the Christ mns holidays with their mother, Mury J. Smith, and their sister, Mrs. Hurry Fru.lcr and family. Christmas Duy dinner guests were Rev. and Mrs. Oordon Ashbee and Roy and John. Mr. nnd Mrs. Art Monroe enter tnlned with a dinner on Christmas Eve for Mr. and Mrs. Pnul Mon roe and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dear born and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Novotny and Mr. and Mrn. Jack Murray spent Christmas Day In Klamath Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Curlev Evatt. Mr. and Mm. Wesley Dearborn and family entertained on Christ man Day for Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leav ltt and Mnry nil of Lnngell Vnlley, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hodges and chil dren of Tulelake. and Mrs. Ruby Brown of Bonanza. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dearborn and sons had Christmas dinner for Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Thomas and family and Mr. and Mrs. Art Monroe and family- . , Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones had a big family dinner on Christmas dny for Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Jones and son and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mar rhnnt and children, nil of Klamath Fnlls, and Mrs. and Mrs. John Brown and Mnrgy. nnd Mrs. and Mrs. Ouy HItson and Snndrn, all of Bonanza. Mr. and Mrs. Jones recently sold their rnnch in Lnngell Vnlley to Mr, and Mrs. Craven of Mnlln. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith Sr. had as guests on Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Parsons of Macdocl, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graves. Marv Jo and Alice Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Earl HILson and Earl Jr., and Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnlter Smith Jr. and Chervl and Craig, all of Lnngell Valley. ment'had been unavailing, she had decided to do away with them. A symptom of the . peculiar disease from which they were suffering was swelling of the birds' heads, which was most noticeable. Among lowest quality reports In the 1951-52 potato season were 75 percent No. 1 spuds, per crop, the rest No. 2 and culls. GoncLu SPREADER Xd , SEEDER OfJr th Candy hat thm euhfartdini ,nd patented Itatvret. Qvlctt rfnvblt rvtor fear, ft DttflchsM rata lliwttar lIMt. FvllflftaHflfftmlt, ft PftllHv n( ctntrvl wHfc 70 Mtftngi. ,Sowi oil commercial ttftifiier, gran, legumo oid grain teedi at ratoi per aero 1 Ibt. Iodine clover to 4,000 Ibi, commercial leriilner. lee the (joiujlj t wIWimI dealer. Patronize your Former Owned Store for: Petroleum Products Spud Twine Hardware & Feeds KLAMATH BASIN CO-OP Ph.7-2321 Tulelake AUCTIONEERING ' v . and - ! Sale Management Certified redl(ree Reader Successful Sales are the Result of Troper Promotion, Manairement and Auctioneering. Specialising In FARM, PUREBRED LIVE STOCK and REAL ' ESTATE AUCTIONS G. W, (Jerry) FALES ' AUCTIONEER 8304 Alva Klamath rails Ph. 2-2415? Free Service on Church A Benefit Auctions I Handle All Details 4.UBaw JPWW . lc,?0f fe e -AW H 17 EE HOrJ.e.STOCK YOUR LINEN CLOSET AND SAVE! SHOP OUR ENTIRE STORE FOR MORE BIG SAVINGS! VALUES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! CLOSE OUT! Men's Bib Overalls Sizei 34 B UU to 40! M i MAIN FLOOR CLEARANCE! WOS. MILLINERY 00 Lots of Styles and Colon! 2' MAIN FLOOR CLOSE OUT! WOMEN'S SHOES Odd Lots! HQ Broken J Sizes! DOWNSTAIRS - m CLEARANCE! MEN'S SHIRTS Odd Lots! Sizes 14i to 17! . MAIN FLOOR 2 00 CLOSE OUT! 50 and 3313J WOOL UNIONS Size 44 end VI 00 46 Only! Syi MAIN FLOOR y REDUCED! Men's Wool and Wool -Nylon Shirts Sizes 14'a "FQ0 B MAIr 1 t M i ,0 1121 3 MAIN FLOOR Penney's luxury; quality ' PENC()f SHEEirS f ;snov-$ofr$upefrfTnjgmusiin!'blg djuesf ' So'superbly oftJ"mo6tlA'ex ,'tured you'll 'saythey're worth. dollars more! That's because I'encos'are made of super-fine,1 . . .i i closelv-woven cotton yarns and ' W .'i - i . fnote .' they're aitwrys first quality of courseCome stock up now; ?) V .' y "" . . .during Penney's. January hite, CoodsJ)vent! BALCONY 9 '69 81"xl08" 90"xl08" : 2.99 72"xl08" 2.49 42"x36" Cases .. 53c A JUMBO SIZE! HASSOCKS Plastic Covered! Plrntv nf ' MM Storage! Jf MAIN FLOOR O90 NEW LOW PRICES! NATIONWIDE SHEETS 81"x108" . .123 63wx99w 1.84 72"x108 1.9 42" x 36" Cases 46c COLORED NATIONWIDE 81" x 108". . .2.79 -Rose, Aqua, Blue, Yellow BALCONY SPECIAL! FOAM RUBBER PILLOWS A" Pastels! Zipper Cover! DOWNSTAIRS SPECIAL! i MEN'S COTTON HANDKERCHIEFS m Stnclc Uo 10 for Hanu jutci MAIN FLOOR 9 NEW LOW PRICES! PENCALE (p&icak SHEETS 81" x 108" . 2.9? 72" x tt"xW" Cases BALCONY 63c NEW LOW PRICES! SPECIAL! CHENILLE SPREADS , Navy Line . Design! High Shades! DOWNSTAIRS 2 99 5 atuxuAy CANNON e" Qualify TOWELS SHOP ALL DAY 9:30-5:30 22"x44" BATH SIZE NEW GLAMOUR COLORS! RICH BLUE! LIGHT LIME! SUN GOLD! PETAL PINK BALCONY Big, thick, wrap-up-slse buth towels sind matching face towels, wash cloths . , . they're made with packed-close loops lor tlngly rubdownsl So long-wearing 1 And oh, the colors you choose from I Hurry I , ; 16"x28" Face Towels , .... ..... . 8 Matching Wash Cloths " Ji