WEDNESDAY, .JANUARY 2, 10!2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THRES Hot Stove Causes Minor Fire Damage Fire mound nil apparently loo lint nIovo plpo damaged u wall In tint 11. P. Aktua home, Ml N. loth , liifit nlghl, . city firemen wore culled tit 9.40 THE TODDS ' "Conine Cul-Upi" WALLY BLAKE "Th. Gloom Cru.h.f" TRUDY O'SHEA "Mill TwInklfTo.i" .KAY MACK "Sl Swing" (W i". &r G0DDARDARMENDAR1Z I 2 TOP HITS I ft WW GRMIR 1 1 Mm lVNFfRS : In YOURSELF TUIS If TW SHtpt U.S. Helping To Train Chiang's Forces, But Laws Block Use of Army 4. W7' r ' Sr.! .-1 ' k" RETURNED to Lowry Field. Denver, CoUi,, after spend ing the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mis. Charles Thurman, 3307 llilyard, is Lt. Charles R. Thurmnn. An instructor in auditing in the Air Force Training C o m m a n d. LI. Thurmnn is a 1940 graduate of KUHS and also of Ore gon State College where he majored in business and technology. I II IClP HIT "2 KXPkQOtS c7 ruwmji 'Jv TtiiitCM 135 Postal Limits in Effect Now Kflecltve yrslerdny. Jan. 1. par cel po.l mulling mailer to bo sent llirouiih the U.S. mulls has been reduced In lc nd weilit by Con Krettalonul ucl. According to Pojtniiuilcr Chet I.miKsli-i. purceU orlKlinitlng nt llit clniui poriuifllces and nd dieucd to other first dims pojl ollli rn ura limited to 72 liirhen In IciiKih unci Kirtli. nnd 40 ounds In weiuht II niitllcd to tha or secoiut znnrn. The welKht l limited to 20 poundii II the parcel Is destined wlihm the third nnd eiuht one. 'there Hie Mime exceptions to ihenc rules, the Postmaster re jiorttd. He noted that the U.S. Postal Dept. did not Initiate or advocate Die new postal mailliiR laws. ColdCiaims Fourth Life VANCOUVER, B. C. Wl Brit ish Colinnlilu's prnlonited cold wave claimed lis lourlh victim Tuesdiiy. Itnyal Ciiniullan Mounted Police said Dm body o( nn unldentllled iniiii was round In the snow near White Rock, 30 miles south ot here. Earlier victims of tho cold wave which spread ncross the province Christmas Evo Included a woman lo death near Williams Lake In Ihe Cariboo, an elderlv man found at Waldo, near the Aluerta boundary, and a man found dead near his home at Yale Creek, lao miles east ol here. . WAflHINOTON, (Pi-The United Btates Is helpline build up Chinese Nationalist forces on Kormosa with tho Idea Unit some doy they may play an Important role, In Asia. Until there Is a break In the Korean crisis or a shift of present American policy, hnwnvor, an ad ministration roadblock stands In Ihe wav of any plan to use Chiang Kal-shnk'a UM0,600-man army In any attack on the Communist held mainland. , This restatement of U. S. policy came from diplomatic authorities Plane Death Suits Filed SAN FRANCISCO ij The wid ows of Kour Portland men who were killed In a Cultl-irnla airplane crush have sued United Airlines lor (1,450.000. The men were nmonR 0 per sons killed Auk. 24 when . an air hncr crw.hcd near Dccoto, Alame da County, Their widows charge In the suit that the plane was op erated recklessly and was flying below the minimum altitude pre scribed by tho CAA. The women who tiled the suits on behalf of themselves and their children are: Mrs. Rdlth M. Johnson and her two children, (400,000. lor tiie den ill of Ernest K. Johnson. Mrs. Ruth Robertson Johnson and two children, (350.000, lor the death of Dean Johnson. Mrs. Lucy R. Van and three children, (500,000, lor the death ol Eric P. Van. Mrs. Lillian L. Petrle, and four children, (200.000, lor the death of Robert T. Petrle. Tuesday after MaJ. Clen. William C. Chime spoke out on the possi bility of a U.B.-Natlonallst mili tary "team" In action outside For mosa. Chase, who Is head of the Ameri can Military Advisory group in the Inland, called In a New Year statement for closer cooperation between the mission and Oeneral Isslmo Chiang's forces. He wanted in make sure that the 'team' Is ready for whatever action Is called for whether It be on this Island or In other troubled areas." With out challenging this sugges tion of possible future "action" by Nationalist and American forces, officials here told a reporter: 1. President Truman's order of June 27, 150 neutralizing Formosa for the duration of the Korean struggle remolns In force un changed. 2. Chiang's proposal to contri bute some 33,000 Nationalist troops to tho U.N. lorces In Korea has become a stale Issue. Gen. Douglas MacArthur turned the offer down when it was made soon alter the Hurt of the Korean fighting. It could, of course, be rencwea anu accepted by Ocn. Matthew B. Rldgwav, but there has been no evidence ol anything like thlB. Mother Gets Draft Notice CHICAOO. P Mrs. Joe Willie Riley, a Gold Stor mother who was classified 1A by a draft board last spring, has been ordered to report at an Induction station next Mon day. Mrs. Riley, who describes her self as middle-aged, says she will report. But she doubts that she Is si rong enough to be a very good soldier. "I don't believe I'm In danger of i being drafted." she said. "But I'M jHKADY IF THEY WANT ME!1 Mrs. Riley said she had re ceived frequent notices from a south side draft board but she re turned all except the latest or dering her to report at an Induc tion station. She said she had called the draft board and said lt was all a mistake after she re ceived her first notice from the draft board more than a year ago. Charles W. Tripp, chairman of the daft, board which sent Ihe In duction notice, said he was In vostlgullnc Mrs, Riley's case. Singapore Vice, Cost Rises SINGAPORE I.H The cost ol vice Is Increasing In Slngaiiorc. Young girls and women arc going up In price on the market. Racketeers are paving as high . 1,11 f.UU lN Mil: t-iiii.ii; ui n ' vrar-old girl lor nrnsliliition pur- pones. Plenty of easy money nnd the soaring cost of living here re sulted In Increased sales ol women by poorer families. "Wc cannot wipe out prostitution, said an anll-vlce officer, "but we can make things difficult for Ihe operators." There have been many cases ol girls under 18 used for prostitution. Reports tell of 14 nnd even 7-ycar-old girls found In broth els. They hud been sold Into prostitution. Youngster On Visit To Ike SUPREME ALLIED HEAD. QUARTERS IN EUROPE t Klevcn-year old 8icphen West of jDnllos. Tex., visited General El senhower's headquarters Wednes day but failed to get an appoint jment with his Idol, the general. I Young West, and his mother. Mrs E. A. Adams, drove to headqunr jlcrs with a newspaper photograph 'er. They were told the general was I tied up with other appointments for the day. Stephen got a visit to Paris as a Christmas present when he ex pressed a wish to visit General El senhower and find out if the gen eral would be a candidate (or Pres ident. He arrived bv air last week I end wearing 'i like Ike" cam Ipalgn buttons. King Honors War Officials LONDON W Four members of Winston' Churchill's wartime cabinet were made Viscounts Tues day by King George VI in his traditional New Year's honors list. Honoring hundreds ol British and rlli7enS for Iheir service, the King's Palm fell upon scientists, two ol nis doctors, pnuu who signs the Monarch's checks, daughters overseas, the man wltn the longest unbroken service in Lie House of Commons, and the man who signs the Monarch's checks. The lour new Viscounts are Robert S. Hudson, war-time minis ter of agriculture; St. John Ander son, chairman of the port of Lon don authority who was chancellor of the exchequer 1943-45: Sir Archl tlme RAP as air minister, and Ham H. Oohn, who Joined the Brendan Bracken, publisher of the Influential "Financial Times" who was minister of Information 1941-45. Gunman Shot By Police REDWOOD CITY. A gunman who wounded a police man alter stealing two cabs was killed Tuesday In a pre-dawn run. nlng gun battle along Buysiiore Highway. The dead man was identllied as Reed Butler. 28. of nearby Menlo Park. Menlo police sold he had convictions of assault with a dead ly weapon nnd burglary. Butler was killed by Reserve Olllccr Wil liam H. Golln. who Joined tho Belmont force only two days ago. Menlo Police Olllcer Daniel D. Harris, 27, was shot in the hand and Uilgh by Butler but was re ported In good condition. His quick alarm put police on Butler trail. Building Cost Goes Over 1950 WASHINGTON I The nation's building In 1951 kept pace with the year belore, according to tj(e irov ernment, but the cost nearly 30 billion dollars was 7 per cent high er and volume Is falling oil. A year-end report, by the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Sta tistics nnd the Commerce Depart ment's Building Materials Division, was Issued Tucsdov, It snld the year's total of (29. 813,000.000 for all new construction marked a 7 per cent Increase over 1950. The total Included more than a billion for new military facilities, nearly six times as much as 1960, and 880 million! for atomic energy and defense plant construction, lour times more. "Despite larger dollar outlays In 1951 the Joint report said, "the physical volume of new construc tion put In place did not rise over 1950 levels. The additional dollars spent were absorbed by higher con struction costs." The report said construction be gan to slow In the last half of 1951, compared with record levels of the preceding 18 months. Materials Miortagcs and restrictions on pri vate budding were cited as causes. "Indications are that these fac tors will continue to have a de- Dressing ellect on the total volume ! ol new construction In 1852," the i report said. j Eastern Star Meet Slated Regular merlin; ol Cascade Crest Chapter OES, will be tonight at 8 p.m. In the Methodist church building in Chtloquin. Theie will also be Installation of new ollicers. Those to be Installed ure: Eva Cook, Worthy Matron, Harold Wing, Worthy Patron. Donls Hidenour. Associate Matron, Dwight Kirchcr. Associate Patron, Ethel Zimmerman, Secretary, Ruth Mercer. Treasurer. Wanda Pes cott. Conductress, Rosalce Hoback, Associate Conductress. Elizabeth Zeller, Chaplain, Sadve, Mar shal. Athel Roscr, Organist. Doris K'rcher, Adah, Georgia Page. Ruth Audrev Kcllison. Esther, Helen Wing. Martha, Marie Hale. Electa, Mary Nordal. Warder and Gene Fage. Sentinel. Installation will be an open meet ing, and will begin at 9 p. m. Blood Donors Get Good Break SAN PEDRO. Calif. I Any one who donates a pint of blood to a Red Cross blood bank can get 10 percent off on meat pur chases at Eddie Krakoffs market during the month of January. Krukoft announced his offer Mon day and said he was making it out of gratitude for Red Cross blood he received by transfusion alter a recent major operation. Krakolf said a receipt from a blood bank Is all that's necessary to get the reduced price. nim'imiwM aw i i M M'T wen'.' OPERATION BIRDFEED FUNDS are being asked of Klam ath residents by the Izaac Walton League and the Klam ath Sportsman's Assoc. Here Sportsman's Pres. Virgil Davis displays a carton and poster, one of many being distributed to downtown business places for accepting contributions. The money will be used in furthering the winter feeding of game birds in this area. Bird Feeding Drive Started Local sportsmen and conserva tionists have Joined together In sponsoring a drive for funds In tho Klamath area to provlds feed lor local game birds. The Izunc Walton League and the Klamath Sportsmen Assoc. have combined forces In order to gather funds for the Job. Sports man Pres. Virgil Davl reported this year's crop of game birds I the largest holdover crop In recent years. He added, too, that the early and harder winter was causing aom trouble among the birds searching for food. So far, three tons of grain hav been donated and purchased for distribution to feeding stations throughout tho county, Davis said. Tulana Farms and Lost River ranch have been heavy contribu tors, he said. HEALTH SPRAY CALGARY, Alta. I School trustees are considering using a germicidal mist sprayed In class rooms to reduce the risks of Infec tion during the winter months. Pure orange flnv that children like. Accuracy that Moth em prefer. Tablets are ' adult dose. Buy it today. 29c. ST.JOSEPH ASPIRIN FOR CHHDRER Norblad Ruins Film Scene WASHINGTON, (JPt Rep. Walter Norblad R.-Ore. ruined a scene being filmed for a movie at the Capitol Monday. Van Johnson, star of the film, was talking to Louis Calhern, an other actor, during the iilmlng o! the scene for "Mr. Congressman." As the filming got underway. Norblad came sauntering through Statuary Hall. 'He didn't get In the camera's range, but the nail-studded leather heels on his shoes clicked so loudly that the sound was picked up by the sound camera. The scene had to be re-shot. iifillllli Wmre tender wP(more delicious) N Vmacaroni J One Call Gets Them All! One cM to CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS oeti you all tho services you need to solva your transportation problems. Of offers COMMERCIAL AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS STORAGE, LOCAL CARTAGE, POOL CAR DISTRIBUTION, HEAVY HAUL ING SERVICE. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING in all major Western distribution centers plus fast, dependable MOTOR FREIGHT SERVICE to mora than 900 important points from tha Great Lakes to tho Pacific Coast. RIGHT NOW , we have 1,000 sq. ft. of WAREHOUSE - SPACE for vou at . . . KLAMATH FALLS call 4151 today! KLAMATH FALLS TERMINAL: 645 Broad Sr. OFFERING TOLEDO. O. Ofi Catholic war veterans of the U.S. will present Pope Pius XII next week a spirit ual bouquet of 350.000 offerings pledges of prayers and devotions. The presentat'on will be made by Donald J. Mc Quake of Swan ton. O.. national commander, in a private audience with the Pope. Expert Gun Repairing and Rebluinq THE GUN STORE HURRY! THIS EVENT ENDS SATURD A Y HONEYSUCKLE FLANNEL Our best quality honeysuckle diaper in soft absorbent white flannel. Full 27 x 27 inch size. One dozen package. Rep. 2.91. HONEYSUCKLE BIRDSEYE A buy in Sears best quality Honeysuckle . Birdseye cloth. 27x27 inch size. Regularly j priced at 2,96 a dozen. CLEARANCE ! White Cotton. Union Suits Sizes 2 to 6 Regular 98c 9 ( DOZEN lmf Store Hours 9 a.m. to 530 p.m. 133 So. 8th Phone 5188 ANOTHER GREAT LAPOINTE'S tos Ii Joyce Penaljo School Shoes Debs Floutfs All Colors All Types FORMERLY PRICED TO 11.95 De Liso Deb Hill & Dale Kimel Red Cross Arch Preserver All Heel Heights All New Shoes FORMERLY PRICED T0 18.95 Red Cross Fern Sample Shoes Ail Types Terrific Values Many Other Makes FORMERLY PRICED TO 16.95 J7 SPECIAL PURCHASE! 100 Pair Goodrich WHITE GALOSHES . r Zipper Style Mid Heels Over 50 Off FORMERLY PRICED TO 5.95 SHOE SALON