PAGE TWELVE Div Allen Takes Over Office To Set Up US. Answer To Red Smear WASHINGTON M Dr. Ray mond B. Allen, 49-year old educa tor physician, Wednesday -starte to rat more ateam behind th "campaign of truth. Allen, until recently president of the university 01 AT taking over temporarily Uie post ol ji . ih. Hallnnal PsvchOlOR- it c-ot.o-o Board. This is the White House aRency which Presi dent Truman set up six months ago to bring Into better focus scat tered American propaganda efforts in the global tug of war with Com- "strategy board officials said they re Just beginning to work out -....-.ill nl.Tw for the State and De fense Departments to use in com bating Moscow's -naie campaign. While trying to pull together SPENDING the Christmas' holidays with his parents, Mi and Mrs. P. F. Hender son of Weyerhaeuser Camp . 6, was Cpl. Waymon Hen derson and his wife. On return to his base in Louis ville, Ky., Cpl. Henderson Hill leave for Heidelberg, Germany. He is attached to the 767th Dental Service Unit of the U. S. army. Hurricane Kills SYDNEY. Australia Wl Reports reaching here Wednesday said nearly 100 persons were killed by a Christmas day hurricane on Epl Island in the New Hebrides. The reports were relayed through the Presbyterian Church Headquar ters in Wellington. N. Z. In recent months hundreds of South Sea Islanders have moved to Epl from Ambrim Island to es cape volcano eruptions. Epl, one of the most fertile islands in the Brit ish and French-ruled New Hebrides group, has a normal population of about 3.000. The group lies about 1.500 miles east of Australia's northwest coast. Old Timer Has No Trouble In Surf - HONOLULU Wl Rough surf Wednesday tossed Kakuzo Takata out of bis lobster fishing rowboat 500 yards offshore. By the time the Wailupe fire de partment emergency rescue squad arrived, Takata was sunning him self on the beach. He had pad dled to safety with an oar from bis capsized boat. . Takata, is 98 years old.' tHted pocket t'mefabfel Sevrtibwmf Malnllntri Uov of wjii 5:10 p.ju, SAN FRANCISCO 3 hr. IOS ANOELIS . Jfthrs. Nwthhevnd Meinllrxn Uov. t4! 5 12:35 P. M, PORTLAND . 2V, hr. SEATTUE Shrla , hi, hMwbv, lll,hl ' h "n it,, ir UNITED AIR LINES Airport Termlnol. Call M7r, ' an avthorlnd Iravri agent. I IT . ' US" '(l.4 loose ends of the cold war cam paign, Allen mav be in the center of a conUnuing dispute over a pro-, posal in Congress to remove In formation and propaganda opera tions from the State Department and combine them in a single big agency like the former Oillce ol War Information. The strategy board.' second ol two agencies created after the start of Korean fighting. Is concerned only with top level policy. It lays down general objectives 10 oe enr rled out mostly by the State De partment's "Voice of America' ra dio, films, posters, pamphlets and libraries, and by Army psycholog ical warfare operations on the Ko rean battlefront. ' The airencv has the added re sponsibility of advising toe Presi dent and the National Security Council on Communist propaganda strokes and on the effectiveness of American 'white", "grey" and black" weapons in the world war for men's minds. "White" propaganda is the open information campaign of the State Department. Black operations inciuae ru mor campaigns ana propaganda whose source is hidden. "Grey" is in between with its source pur posely kept vague. Idle Pay List Gets Probe WASHINGTON W The govern ment is putting the squeeze on unemployment insurance frauds. Robert C. Goodwin, director of the Bureau of Employment Se curity, reported Tuesday a sharp drop in the detected number of overpayments due to willful mis representation. The period covered was the July- ! September quarter, as compared with tne previous tnree monuis in 1951. "A substantial reduction also was achieved in the amount overpaid due to fraud." Goodwin said. "Overpayments due to " wilful misrepresentation and fraud dur ing the July-September quarter totaled $725,602 as contrasted with $1,151,234 during the quarter end ing June 30." Clothesline Raids Lead To Plug HERNE Bay. Egn. W Work men investigating a sewer stop page in front of Peter Addley's bouse found the pipe blocked with 81 pairs of women s panties. In court Wednesday, Addley. 22, admitted stealing the panties, plus IT slips and a number of brassieres, during a series of clothesline raids which began 18 months ago. He said be had acted on an 'uncon trollable urge.' The Judge put him on probation, with orders to consult a psychiatrist. - MIMIMHHtHHMMHHlMMHHM ZZ Is CALIFORNIA ' V - 'i-.'Ss. i: I!! STATE FAIR - HI !i! AQb. f M . - v 111 ::: sSLST S ! 9 &0nLAD. K " ' " ' ' ' ' V. III ::: MEDAL A . . - vr ::t ::: AWARD W-- J ,r V 555 I MOT HODDCTS j - V. ,:'' jf , ' XV i J ,4 :v, . : B i 9j:5 M tuly (rem the flsett dairy praJuela, Croter Lake lee Craem hltvtt I thevery HIGHEST temJofat f QUALITY I Pure, sweet whipping craom, kJ jJ iit RANCH-FRESH wtt.ne4 cemitneta milk . . . end nly TRUE I l TRAWfl FS R V Iki V.l jjj '""t eh as frtth freten strawberries, 100 Vermont mople syrup, I "nill J :; jjj hljhest auellry venllla extracts, elden-tlpe henenaa, end ethers, add r!TTT"Vt S J:: T,llrldellelsCrterUkteC(eeBiheadand ahauldert above thtr. . 1 jftj y jfJ "j Old Debt All Paid Up Now " NEW YORK Wl Somebody In the spirit of the holiday Is starting out 1953 on a new leaf. He's Just paid up a debt more than 20 years oia. - George B.' Mason, a mailman, said Tuesday he received an anony mous greeting card with $22 tucked inside and a note saying "Please accept tills money for a debt owed Mr. Mason when he was assistant postmaster." Mason said the reference was to his lather, George N. Mason, who died 20 years ago. Buttons OK, Suspenders No WASHINGTON M Rep. Norblad (R.-Ore.) asked the Armv Wednes day why it puts suspender buttons on uniforms and prohibits the wear ing of suspenders. The button complex. Norblad said, was called to his attention by an unidentified constituent who claimed it doesn't make sense. The constituent said his son. an Army man. told him about the buttons for and the ban against galluses. With an Army of around two million men, .Norblad said, there are approximately 12 million sus pender buttons six per' pair of pants going to waste. Norblad told newsmen he had called this to the attention of Army Secretary Pace in the h--" tt some small economy might be achieved. Taverns Get OK On Licenses PORTLAND LP Only a few Portland taverns were closed Tues day because of lack of licenses, the State Liquor Commission re ported. . Some 300 tavern owners had not received licenses for 1952. But let ters authorizing operation were mailed to many of them. George S. Woodworth, license division super visor, said. The president of the Oregon Li censed Beverage Association, Oren F. Campbell, said he knew of no one who had not received a li cense. Twins Born But A Year Apart ONEIDA. N. Y. i Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parteko of Lebanon have brand new twins born in dif ferent years. A girl. Anita una. was oorn at 11:27 p.m. Monday. 1951. A boy, Terrv Lewis, arrived at 13:01 a.m. Tuesday. 1952. The Partekos have a 3 year oio son. Eugene Paul. WHEM WAS WAR DEPT. CREATED? Check your 1952 SL Joseph Calendar and Weather Chart. Facts CDCC galore! At any drug counter T KC C HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Court Reporting Brings Gasps ROME, Wt ' Italy Is thinking of doing something about the lurid court reporting which makes for eigners tsp. The Italian press skips nothing in stories of trials. Detain ot crimes, sex perversion, dope ad diction and other subjects which American and British editors would blue-pencil are described in detail. A bill prepared for submission to the Chamber of Deputies would change all this. At present the press can publish anything brought up in court and It is privileged. The new law would allow publication only of prosecution charges, de fense pleas and established facts. Marine Bugler Lures Reds WITH THE FIRST MARINE DI VISION IN KOREA in A Ma rine bugler Is luring Communists into U.N. traps. At strategic moments, he blares the Chinese call for attack, which brings the enemy running straight into the muzzles of Leatherneck guns. He learned the call, note for note, when his patrol surprised four enemy soldiers, and a Red bugler called for aid. STOLKN WEALTH KUALA LUMPUR. Malaya I A Malayan leader says Commu nism in Malaya is "nothing more or less tnan a inouiousiy weaitny of the Council of the Malayan As sociation, said he estimated con servatively that the Communists In the Jungles were collecting some thing like $3,300,000 monthly from the sale of stolen rubber. d.hes.6bld8 Brings relief 2 ways at once! Modorn mother! know you can't beat Vicks VaooRub for miseries of coids. The moment you ruo it on throat, cnest and bacc VapoRuo starts rlgnt to work 2 ways at once . . . IF THERE'S MUCH COUGHING O get deep-ncfion boiling relief in seconds with VapoRub In steam 2 heaping spoonfuls of Vicks VapoRub in vaporizer or bowl of rected In package. Every single breath relieves upper bron chial congestion and coughing spasms! !;5!!!S!5Ii!;!!!!f!!!i!!!!!;;5!!!!l!!!!!!!:if !!;!;!!!;!!!!!! Catholic Sister Tells Of Brutal Beating At Hands Of Chinese Communists By FRED IIAMPSON HONU KONQ i A Catholic sister related Tuesday this story of bestiality at the hands of Chinese Communists; She and two other nuns of Swiss nationality were slapped, knocked down ana spit upon for 11 hours bv a ' r!ninmimlxt.lniltiH! nrmvrl in Changchun. Manchuria. Each time lliey fell they were forced to rise for more slapping and spittle. wnen a Communist otllrer nut a stop to their ordeal, the three were Boeing Names Beall To Post SEATTLE MPI W. E. Beall was named senior vice president of Uie Boeing Airplane Co. Tuesday In an announcement by the firm's presi dent, William M. Allen. Beal will have general direction of management, engineering and related activities at the Boeing Se attle headauarters and general su pervision of all activities at the company s wicnita division. He was .formerly vice president In charge of engineering and sales. IT'S POOLE'S For SKIS ond SKI BOOTS SKI BOOTS from $9.75 And it keeps up this special oenetrating - stimulating ac tion for hours. It cases muscu lar soreness and tightness and brings warming, comforting relief even while you sleep. STUFFINESS... water as m I so bruised and drenched with spittle they could hardly see. The three, all more than 50 yearn old, then were returned to Jail. Next day they were put on n train for Tientsin. They reached Hong Kong Dec. 10. Marguerite Do Reading nibereng, whose religious name In Blnivr Mary Rudolf, told the slory nlti'i' rest and recovery. The others nro Anna Fung and Agnes Swlckcr. The sisters, like other mission aries who ran orphanages, wore charged bv the Reds with the "murder" of children. The charge 9th and Pin phon 3181 JANUARY WHITE SALE Sheets, Towels Domestics, All Cut-Priced 2.99 DE LUXE PERCALE SHEETS 2.69 72 x 108" Enjoy the luxury of sotin-smooth Percale ot White Sale savinqs. Tightly woven with 180 sturdy cot ton threads per square inch. Combed for extra smoothness. 81 x 108", Req. 3.29 : 2.99 42 x 38 V2" Cases, Reg. 71c. 63e 39c COTTON FLANNEL 34c 36" width yd. Medium-weight Flannelette firmly woven of good quality yarns. Downy nop on both sides for warmth, comfort. White, pastels. REG. 22c MUSLIN I9c 36" width yd. Has many household uses. Creom color whitens in wash. Firm 64x60 thread count. Reg. 32c Bleached Muslin, 36" 29c 1.89 PLAID BLANKET 1.67 Extra low Soft cotton, deeply napped for warmth, Blue, green, peach or rose plaids with white. Lockstitched ends. 70 x 80 inches. la a standard one, based on the dentha n( abandoned children, many of whom were dead on arrival at the orphanages. Ulster Mary Rudolf nalrt many Chinese turned in horror from the niieoluclo of their beating, despite prodding by Communist. Sister Mary Hudoll said the nuns feared nil the time they would bo burned. They recalled, she said, that Reds burned three Catholics ftmr years ago. She said Bishop Augustn Cliupnls and five priest and brothers, nil of the Klrln diocese, were arrested (jjlibilfwol AUTOMATIC WASHERS and DRIERS NOW AVAILABLE The Automat Tulslak or dial 9578 Klamath Falls 4" top hem 72" x 45c Soft nap 18" wide 4.49 Unbleached Box quilted Bleached with pure edges. 3.47 Twin 1 Va lbs. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1M2 In August. She said the bishop and three or tlio priesls atlll urt In Jail, T Hi Bon Morrison, Mqr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath Ph.2-2311 2.79 TREASURE CHEST SHEETS 2.39 108" Real buy 4 Wards finest quality muslins for longer wear, qreatcr strenqth. Woven with 1 40 threads per squore inch for smooth finish. 72 x 99" Lonqwear 1.99 81 x 108" Lonqwear 2.23 42 x 36" Lonqwear Cases 46c LINEN TOWELING I yds. Bleached Stevens' "P" quality All-Linen Toweling for roller or dish towels. Absorbent crash weave, Woven washfast borders. MATTRESS PAD 3.67 Full Size white cotton muslin filled white cotton. Tape bound Size Mattress Pad .. 2.87 25c FLOUR SQUARES ' R 30" square ' for Many uses Laundered, bleached and opened Flour Sacking for a multitude of home uses drying dishes, dusting, wrapping meal;