I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK ELEVEN 55 AUTOMOTIVI AUTOMOTIVE ASTOUNDING! AMAZING! SENSATIONAL! Only 7C0 Down (On Approved Credit) On These Pre-War Bargains STOCK NO. STOCK NO. 3-E 1938 Plymouth Coach $127 54-B 1939 Olds Sedan $397 72-C 1941 Chevrolet 2-Door $347 79-B 1940 Olds Sedan $297 83-E 1937 Dodge Sedan $127 93-B 1937 Plymouth Sedan $127 166-A 1937 Chevrolet Sedan $ 97 169-C 1938 Lincoln .' $147 106-C 1936 Pontiac Coach $ 97 113-A 1941 Studebaker $447 142-C 1941 Chrysler $397 126-B 1938 Chevrolet $127 139-A 1941 GMC Pickup $397 154-A 1937 Dodge $127 159-A 1929 Model A $ 97 168-B 1937 Plymouth Coupe $127 You Get The Best At Dugan and Mest Dodge -Plymouth -Dodge "Job Rated" Trucks 522 S. 6th St. Phone 810 10 SIRVICES beptic lanks Cleaned Nrwttt 8in!tai7 Methodi Aln ftOTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Biwcr Linn of Roots, Ete ED P. KINO 14.14 Orrhard Phone B84I TUFTS for SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES OIL BUHNER SERVICE Phone (1S05 or 2-3316 EXCAVATING Mobil tihovel and Trench Hot Bulldoier rill Dirt Topaoll Criuhed Hoc It . Driveway Clnden Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 834 I or HI 0 RADIO Our .BuiIiwm is Round CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phont 61)78 FJtPKnT drtuniak.ng and alteration. t nanm nioi, f'AINTINU, det-ora tlnf, "paper baTiflinB, 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT CI.fcAM two room and btiifin ituix-cj aparlint-nl. Cm equipped. Klccinc rr-ffigt-rator. Suil.ihip (u- rmiplr. Incjuirt? rnn T. Main nrphone tllfii tiefnre 3pm A l A H TM knt h for rent."" ...quire iY Mrnad.Jfea MTntftr: KJtJH rooiiw. nice y iuriiTt7td. attune HTM. 217 Commercial. Y6r 11 : K N V, t h r room furnifhed anorimeni. Hoi water btat. Adults. Phone airft. Foil ItKNT. I To Iwiroum ' ftirniihed atarlmnnl. Clou in. Phong g-gimt. CUXlhllKO two n0!ii aiiarunettT Moilrrn. .t per month. Inquire 3126 )trinitlnn. H'MMbJILD two room Urge otic room cabin. S3 II Inrludr'I. 41 No. i)th, yon HKNT apartment 941. 127 W, all Ulil- PRICES SLASHED!! INVENTORY CLEARANCE To make ready for 1952 Models all these cars must be sold NOW. HERE'S PROOF WE HAVE SLASHED PRICES TO CLEAR OUR STOCK; Here are a few examples -Many more to choose from at same reduced prices! 1851 Olds cuslom "98' 4-door. 7200 actual miles. Radio, heater, Hydramatic, tf;01-7 COMPARE OP3 Ceiling Price tu-tone paint, white sldewall tires, undercoatcd. A company car 1050 Cadillac 61 srrlcs 4-door. Radio and heater. Hydramatic. Very clean and low mileage .... $3602 1319 Olds "08" Custom 4-door. Radio, heater, Hydramatic. Good tires, rrsc-m low mileage. A one owner car .L zU J 1919 Olds "88" Club Sedan. Radio, heater. Hydramatic, sun visor, one owner K170 i Buy the most modern used car today ... buy a Rocket Engine car 4 1 04 ' 1949 Studebaker' Champion Regal Deluxe. Motor Just overhauled. Radio, heater, overdrive. Another one owner car '. 1947 Olds "76" 4-door. Radio, heater. Hydramatic. Body good, tires excellent, clean $1505 $1225 N.A.D.A. Used Car Guide's Average Retail Prica $2895 $3602 $2015 $1765 $1400 $1130 Our Clearance Price $2795 $3295 $1695 $1685 $1295 $960 PRE-WAR'Models - 1 939 to 1 941 - Make us an offer on any pre-war model all run and in good shape. DICK B. MILLER CO. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . LARGE SUNNY ,1 Rooms in this well built two bed room home. High concrete founda tion. Fine 'i acre. Fenced lawns, garden, pasture. $450 below F.H.A. appraisal, Price $5300. Gomer Jones, Realtor 111 S. 4th Tel. 7597 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $600 Olf'lMlUK apartment In:- rent. 71U Ma n run HK.Vi', nlca unlui nulled duplex I OK HKNT, two room apartmtnt wiln inrw pr'vnie num. serine r.M, tl vr. rrfrliteratnr and hntvtrr. (134 N. nth V OilNISIIKD partnieni-lor rent."-sue Market Am. 1. run HUNT, lurnisliea milre 91ft Unit apartr ent. In- Phone 3038. t.t.'RTAINS launclied and lrctclie Phnne 41114 J. L. UKAN " Public Accountant and Aiiriltnr Offlre at an No. 7th. Phont km 12 EDUCATIONAL CHU.DAni and ed'ucatlonTTre-lchool .-enter, rnone 4370. nouKKKEI-lNO. shorthand tvnlnl kin drad auhjecla, office machine!. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE ''Jflin Phont 47WI 16 HELP WANTED. MALE Ut:ut' WANTKU. cxnertanred chire ntv. Home furnished. Good wages. Poe V.iller. Write nox 4.1S, Ilerald and News 18 SITUATIONS WANTED Semi-Accountant College Graduate 30 yrs. Ago Auditing and Tax Experience Write Box 457 Herald & News 1'AHY tit ling, ffionc jMSHT ' jlAflgVinina. Phone Mi. ' Witt, cart lor children In my home 1'lMS Cr 5"" '"m v,nln1' c"" tiuim work. Phone fiiis! 22 ROOMS FOR" RENT KouMkf.epIno and eloopln rnomi 1 r rent. 1117 )Mn. l''1 uoiH'U lor Komiemeii. i'uu.m ' gMg. Wwg!!i!. Jccroii, iijufiil, Va Muck oK Main. I'none NEWI.V decorated, private bath. kit. chenette. Steam heal, electric ranae in week Rex Arm. Anartnient ONE bedroom unfurnTthrd aparimont. (la. equipped. Ceil s-oflll. I itnr.E room furtttthad court anan- ment. 14:1 Wall. Adults, no pcta. I'none ..lltU. .SMAI.l. clrnn aiarllnent. Lleclrtcaltv pnmnnMi, rii rvortn tnin. at 1003 Main. Clean, u'a furnlihed (wo mom upartmthu Electric rnnne una rc friyerator. t IIKr.E room lurnl.thrd npartinenl. .vnirniiv tcirnico. izi no, 2nn. H'HNlfiUKI) hichrlor Bpnrtmrnt. Vlifc met paui. ?J2.30, Phone mm, 1C03 Mar 26 HOUSES FOR JRINT F6fn.ENT, two" be"(irobnTT"urrj tVu'ea iViT NUIri apArtrntnt. llrnt and water fur- mmifn. i;si isranl. Fhnna 3-0213. KOK KKNT, throp room cabin. Ltgnn and tvnicr furnished, 18. Aiociatcd Gi, znn So. nth. VOiX HKNT. Oicg. Ave. two bed room furnlahcd home. 94,1. 1220 Bmvn, Two he c I room unfurniithed, $45. 320 N. 10th, three bedroom unfurnlihcd apart .m en. Wr. Pnone MP3 . KOK HKNT. one bedroom furuiahed And three bedroom iinfurnlahed houte. t-none a-iynu. ftir. r:ni;tor. FOB HKNT. two- hrirmt lurm.ri house. 3073 Board man. Inquire at 3701 urnv. NhWi.Y rfuect.rAieri two mnm mr. nlshed house. Low rent. LlRhli and wnii-r mrnmnrn. t-non .lituj. KtJRNI.siiKU cnbln. 33. Good sara&e. Phnnr anaR. TWO auto court houiTkeeplnv rahhit .ions in. i'none ONK HOOM cabin. Llht- and water furnhhed. Acrnm from rellcan irhrvnl. X0 Hank Street. FOR SALE BY OWNER BEAUTIFUL 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOME Automatic Oil Furnace PHONE 2-1881 OH HttNT. nn North nidn rinan In miAine: center, tinntnini, modern, amnil .1-room flat, unfurnlnhnd. Does have eiecirte move, ko do". Sultnble. for rourtle. Uner of atroliollc beveraien nreu not armiy. iteirrenrea reau red. W per month. For informntlon Inquire iiuai ".Mvrnn. nnvume a iter nine am KOK HKNT. four room iinfiirnlihecl hotue nn Oregon Aveniin. Phono B44:t. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT I.OVfiLVruo.ni rfor'Tont, W. T. a wetlT t,0,bT Phont 4259; b.'fcdlAL weekly" rates. Modern" clean L"ul"'i p.v weeK. it i lean Hotel. fcl'LLAlu -U'-A'iiSD tuom for rent, "5u7 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT IOi( IIRN'fTvlcnn two room opartment. tn equipnod, RefrlRerntar. hoi of x.flter fumlflhecl. 14a So. ltivcr- aide. BEEHIVE II FRUCKS I J DRIVE Move Yourself SAVE 12 New Tracks for Long Trips ncKups &taKcs vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8301 OrTIC'K for rent. 023 Main. Phont 7 m. FOk HKNT floor aandera latent type tnulpment. suburban Lumber Co. 1 1th and W.ilnut Phone 7709 CAI1 STOIIAOB HEATED, day week or month. Earl Lamb, phont 4073 or 7709. MILLS INCOME DUPLEX Each unit hns one btd ronm. livlni room, kitchen and modern bath. Concrete foundation. now roof, IN ADDITION a modern two bedroom home with living and dining room, kitchen, bath and util ity, concrete foundation, new roof. Tills property Is located in out atandln locntion In Mills Addi tion. 146 per month Income. $12,000, terms. " ON THE LEVEL Large well constructed home close in location. Oversize living and din ing room, wall to wall carnntlnc. fireplace,, two lnrgc bedrooms and bath, den,' beautiful kitchen nnd utility room, basement with excel lent natural hot water well heat plus, air conditioning setup for summer. Oarage, two extra lots included. $18,000 with $6000 down, 6 per cent interest. SIX BEDROOMS HOT SPRINGS Largs family home consisting of living room with fireplace, spacious dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath on Main floor. Four bed rooms, den, bath on second floor, full bascmenti two garages, excel lent location. $11,500, terms. , HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 - 6330 Down buys this modern 2 bedroom suburban home. Attached carase. plenty garden space. Total price A QUALITY HOME In Hot Springs. A home you'll be proud to own. 3 bedroms, 2 baths. i ocautuui fireplaces, one of them in a rumpus room you will enjoy. Large, well landscaped lot. Natural hot water heat. Price $23,500. Terms avsnaDie. SUBURBAN Well constructed, modern 2 bed room all rooms extra large. Elec trie heot, Insulated, 'i acre good auu. ruu price SBsuu. Terms. WANT ACTION? Right now buyers are waiting to h".v But a price jor your home. i-aii us now u you want to sell. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Phone 5658 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1909 111 N' 9th St. Phone 4564 or 5529 EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don KlrkDatrlelt. Bale.m. 1?1 N 8th Phnn. aaoi L5. ."'V,."'..?." Potting 1 - , ie eioi macninej. th fi Si ""n'lJ rd Ublea. Write Idaho "4 p.iuna 110, jeromt KOK SALE, four year old. two bedl wi. cioae to feter.nn s.hnnl Electric heat and Venetian bllntli.' - t-. room 34 FUEL HEATING ' TAVERN Located In center of town now doing flno buslnoss. Piico Includes nil fixtures, equipment and stock. New three year lease available. Rental Si 25 a month. Excellent opportunity for young couple. $7350 takes all. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Evos. 2-0527) . AL SCHMECK. REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 or 6330 NEW HOMES for .ale. U'llllam k. iuT. ell. phont 8939. BLOCK WOOD,. DOUBLE LOAD $8.50 QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5149 o!?,S'1i?L.ous o plckuP or delivered; '!"oy'd'n.,.?,n1 Sfrvit- "so so nth Phone 3Cill or a MM. ? J? 5?iN STAMPsTlven on hear ini olia. Phont 3681 or 14280 for Dromul delivery. CLUT YADENS SIGNAL StRVICl 2360 Sogth STANDARD HEATINO Oli' ftovt. furnace, light fuel, coal, wood. f,U ',. M oo maratt. 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES ' COLllE DUDI. Litter reelmterri TTTi 309J KOK SALE. Boiton toy bull dnea. ii,n... .1.131. ton SALE, a female Dachshund pupa. One red, one black and tan. Wormed and tllMemper ihot. Call attar B p.m. 34.H Eberlein. Phont 8288. ANDERSON Boarding Ktnntl, PhoiS 047 S6B8 Delaware off Homedalt BOARDINa KENNtXS) Dog boarding by day, week or month Sanitary kennela Well balanced dltt Clean Individual outdoor runa for tach doi. Doga nandltd durlta mating, will pick up and dtllvtr. VUllori Welcome Phone (07 Mtrrlll Rd SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS M 40 TO EXCHANGE TRADE, 11140 Vj ton Ford pickup. Good contlltlon for three ouarter ton nlpkiin or light truck. L. W. Garrett, Keno, uragon, OLDS - CADILLAC. 7th and Klamath Phone 4103 46 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL ! Up to $500 on your auto On your salary or furniture up to $300 -Pay Day" loans a tpecialty - $10. $25. $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer. $25 costs but 18 centi for one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th St. M-354 DON MuINTYRE. Mgr. 43 Veart Friendly Service Phone 2-2537 S-276 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY FOUL I RY WANTED Cash paid for tny amount Top maricei prices rrr good quality. For quotations PHONR 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS PALLETS. ltW w rTn'mnthip;. h7 1-.4H ii. t b.. ntain. tnore AZr2. NEW HAMPSHIRE Red frvrn roasters locker pa?l;ed and delfverrd. Also nurebred police pup 4' months TUHKEYS (or saV. dreesed or altvo. Phrne 5721 M C. (Chucki Warran. Bt WANTED colored hem Phone 4391 HIGHEST pricea paid for poultry, boil BIG if MEAT MARKET l,av.cw Junction Phone 44 MISCELLANtOUS WANTED ATTENTlnW Watch this paper for the miMt f)aHf money savlnu sale In years, Hafter r urnmirc. corner inn ana Klamath. WANTED, good i id clothing for needy ATTENfinv-" Watch this paper for the moit gi ran tip iiionrv savina naic in years. Matter Furniture. Corner Pth nnd Klamath. kVE NEED CAHS Rel Inn nrirm nnw Rote Motor Co flth end Plum WANTED used bagscotton or burlap rturLi. a warihui'se WANTED to rent. Four hedrnnm fni. nixnea noue or iwo nouses on came lot. Phone 2-2638. WANTED, alfalfa hay. Otto Bocht, 1015 S.E. Division. Portland 2. Ore. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Put Onl $100 $7.27 MO Repay In 18 installments UP VO $300 ON FURNITUR8 OR 8 ALAR? UP TO $1200 ON CARS ' fHE rDGAl PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location t Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pa; Locally owned New Cart 'tnancfl at Ouni rate WONSV IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 yean serving R.'jtmath Baiit See "Chuck" Bailey Mgr. 1H N 7U1 SU Ptlone 3325 8-341 M-27 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FOR SALE. 90 ton excellent oat hay. Hou.-e Broa. Bly. Ore. USED Bex Air cleaner. J17.50. raone 920O. attention: Watch th'a paper for tne most f'KtMie money aavinx aale In years. Hafter Furniture. Corner 9th and Klamath. 4 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash; CASH LOANS $50 to $300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automohtles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your dealt CASH deals) Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Uc. 8-251 N-223 107 No tth Phone 7711 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 KLf.CTROLUX CLEANER and pollshei ar.d euDDllea. Phont 7167 farkel Tweel. marital CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders'. Phone BMt. etc. MONARCH electric stove. Good condi tion. Phont 2-31S1. OIL storago tahkZ Peyton and Co 033 Market. FIR body wood. Phont P03oT FOR SALE. Stroud player piano, S135. Sectional bookcase SU. Rollaway bod table top tltctrio ranje $35. '"13 So. Sixth. ADAM Schaf bunsalow type uprlaht piano. Flemish oak finish. Good con dition. F.asy terms. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY Hi c Main 57 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE 7 ft, Coronado refrigerator, table model radio with table, chest of drawers. Montgomery Ward De luxe washing machine, davenport with new tailor made covers. White electric sewing machine. See at 3616 Boardman SINGER SPECIALS Westinghouse Console Sewing' Ma chine $32.50 National Portable Sewinj Ma chine $22.50 Challenge Console Sewing Ma chine . $27.50 White Console Sewing Machine Free button-hole maker .... $52.50 Montgomery Ward Console Sewing Machine (like new) .-. $62.50 National 2 Spool Portable Sewins machine, 1 spool Is bobbin $40.00 Singer Treadle Round Bobbin Sew ing Machine $32.50 Singer Electric Portable Sewlnu Machine ( guaranteed) $-15.00 SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main Phone 2-2513 FOLKS who like tood with the home made ttwle. . .like to ihoo at Jtihnnv'i Big V Bakery. Merrill - Lakeview Junc- uon. . LANDSCAPING, evergreens. shrubs, and trees. We trim, spray and remove targe trees. LAKESHORE GARDEN'S NURSERY Phone 4286 GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy u-.ed tires. O.K. Rubber Weld r. 2391 So, 6th. Phonw 4313. rULLUR brur.hea. Phono 9ti04 or 3(J77 ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs (ties for sslt or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY TOO Main Phone 7412 CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phone 2-1167. CRUSHED ROCK, black or red cinders for driveways. Phone 0753. Joe Bart. PUMICE BLOCKS, drain tile, concrete culvert pipe. PEYTON St CO. . 8S3 Market SALE. u?ed spinet pianos.""Takii in during holidays. $393, 9443. S425, etc, . Tarms. $13 down, 913 monthly. Louis R. Mann Piano Company, 120 North Seventh. ROUND Oak gat cooking stove. Used four years. Good condition. $63. Phone 5283. FOR SALE. 7 jjiece walnut dining set, Montgomery Ward refrigerator. 844 ! dorado. Phone 8733. a AUlOMOIIVfc tSESI VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED VVesr-Hirchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER $77 8 7th Phone IW rOR SALE, 1950 Plymouth Special Oe luxt club coupt, Phont a-0483. JUCKELAND'S ; DECLARE: ; The Time Is NOW'to Take Advantage of US! Come in . . .-let us tell and show you why you should buy DEMONSTRATORS 21951 HUDSON SEDANS Mechanically Perfect ', 1 Prices Greatly Discounted $1795 $1895 C-V HUDSON 0J 2-dr. Sedan A Q PONTIAC "i 47 2-dr. Sedan 49 49 48 '48 48 47 $1650 $1645 $1460 $1295 PACKARD "8" Sedan DODGE 4-dr. sedan HUDSON Super 6" 4-D., PACKARD tM A Q C 4-Dr. Sedan M)l4yj CHEVROLET ttllQC Styline Cpe. CD I 1 03 OLDS "8" Sedan COMMERCIALS; 1947 Dodge Panel 4-speed ... $899 1946 Dodge Panel $995 1946 Ford V-8 M T Pickup $795 1949 Int. KB-8 $3995 1950 Ford F7 wtag $379,1 1950 Ford F8 Air $3795 1948 Q.M.C. - COE Tag. 2-sp. $3595 1942 Q.I, 4x4 $693 JUCKELAND'S ' BLOCK-LONG LOT lUhto 12th on Klamath Ph. 2-3581 CUMf-LKlJi Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER ;, MOTOR CO. r ' Main at e.tolanad t t'ot a ; NEW or USED TRUCK Always See I "JERRY',' or "JUCK".J ?our International Truck Dealer - JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath ?hnn 1.251 NaitU CAHS: (Ml top pnet OOW1 Koet Motor Co 6th and Plum WHY WU.KJ DRIVE MORI MOTORS ' 303 aV Main. Phont M'i -We will Mil your car for you." We bur and trade roRTfALe. 1P39 Plymouth ' door ataeS ' Good condition. Cen bt) attn at AMI WanUand or phone Ml.