HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE N1NB (TIME OUT! i TUKSDAV, JANUARY 1, 1052 FCIL J5M1 1 mm "Twenty bui'ki fur rnt on Ihr 50 yard line far Hie lilict nmr of the araami, and you lirlni your hnlltlng!" 'D&DCO' IT'H JI'HT cunjeclurc but aluo n pretty kohI Kiieatlml tin- rt-HMin Jnck Hurley turned down Ihr I11CJ oiler In Jlnrrv Matthew lo mrri rtllllit HeiivywrlKlU Champion Joe rMuxlin lor the title In ronnecird villi 111' dlaluale lor Ihr lioxinu mowuxily tiitclrr Hi" title ul Inter natlonnl BoxIdr Club. Hurley, an cniiv n Unlit nuuiiiKer .i can bo Iminil In tho bualiiuMi Indity, turn been itulclliiK Maltlicwn along- carefuly lor the iin.it three j enrn. He's nude Rood chunk o( mon ey lor tlio Idaho Hot i'otntn (who now cull.i Seattle 111" Iminei but Hi yet there'll been no title chance lor Mntthcw.i, countim iiiunv lo won der wliul cuokr. RI MKMIII It THIS: The IUC l perhaps the ktronmeiil nionopnlv opeiiillim In (he piolc.v iilonnl unorlfi world lodny. Theso boxhm father tell n boy where he can tlitht, when he enn lijrtil tind probnbly everything but how lo llitlil. Such close control doe the 1BC have over lU:hlcm under Its ban ner (and inoi.1 ol them nrei Hint hid who punches (or pnv nrobn bly ha to ak the 1 DC whet kind ol nnlnd dressing he can ue. Jack Deinpfry. at a recent ban quet In Seattle, blasted the IHC'B method In no uncertain terms and backed P Hurley's move In tutnltiR down the Maxim IlKht. IT'S I.OCilCAL to RSkunte that the Matthews-Maxim lluhl contract had clause mi line print, of course I that would have put tho 1BC shackles on Matthews. Hurley has never led snv doubt hstiRlnir around what he thlnki ol Ihr IBC. Ho wants no port ol It. personally. 1 can CO alon with Hurley on Ihls score. What Rood In a title II a champion hiinn'l ,ree rein In flkiit wheio and whom he wishes? Clmniploiu are now mrrely punrh nuopets ol the IBC. k Although tut your writer's miess. Ht seems lonlcal that Hurley's ac tions are tied in with his runnlns llRht with the IBC Matthews himself, who bv the way Is very hannv with Hurley s handling Intimated is murh to rel atives here In Klamath Kali'. Put this down for a certainty: Hurley won't sIrii (or Mnxlm flRht or any other title fhhl un-le-s Its on his lerms and the con tract carries no lasting obllRatlon to the IBC. BIO ni'SINKSS In boxln lead to BiR Business In foMhall and a slorv on Monday morning's wire. I,oyola ol I-os Anceles and the University o( 8m Francisco are the latest lo feel the axe of Rrld Both have folded their football plnnts. Those who don't want collcRe football de-cmphaMs can sav what thev please, but the hard (net re mains that 36 colleges - most of them lrue schools firmly on trenched In the plR'kln plcture rsnt ro on BECAU8E IT COSTS TOO MUCH. Football shouldn't be de-rmpha-alsed In the way Its played. But tonlnn clown should come In the wov Its flnanclaly operated. If It 'isnt, lust as sure as taxes and dealh, there wont be anv col leue football In not too many years. Beavers Upend Wildcats CORVALMS, Ore. I Ouard .lack Orr paced OrcRon State to a tifl-53 upset basketball victory over Northwestern Mondny nlslit. Orr dropped In 18 points as tho Beavors wound up their pre-soason schedule agonist the Invader from the Dlir Ten. Forward Jim Natl tal lied 17 points for the winners and I,rry Delleflcld, a forward, was high for Northwestern will) HI. Alter a Imicli-nnd-r.o first period. OSO Rrabbcd a 35-.13 halftlmo lead and mnnattcri to stay ahead until the final gun. Boss Of Minors OKs Move COLUMBUS, O. I The boss of Minor l-niRiie hanebull Monday Kiive final approval to lewKliitlon Unit limy help the Pacific Coast rise I10111 niluiir to major iilutn-.. CleoiKB M. Traulinail, president of the Niillonul Assoulnllon ol Pro fessional lliinebnll I.eiiRiies, ap proved a new "open" clusslllcatlon lor Ilia western loop. Tho clanMllcatloii, requested by the PCI., whs approved at the Mi ner LcuRiie convention here early in Dcerinl'cr and Inter by I he Mil or I.etiHUUh. Triiulinnn's OK was ncciicd It. pinko It nlllcliil. The Minor Leagues formerly hud only AAA. AA, A, II, C and D clu om. Tho PCI. wus AAA. The new open linn.iilu ullon Is a step above AAA. It ulves the PCL a chance to hold on to Its players pendliiR a pos- ; slble rhaiufe lo a major league. I A player sIriiIiir 11 conn act In 1 the open cliiMUIIc.itlon can elect not lo be drulted by another club ! providing the ball club he Is sum 1 Inn with can meet his salary terms. Freaks Out, Mat Straight Men Take Over Pasadena Classic Sellout E jR 5tk GORGEOUS GEORGE , . he's 'had it' By HARRY GRAVSON NKA HporU ICdltor NEW YORK (NEA) Wrestling promoters tell you that (he clowns, glandular mishaps and freaks are no longer drawing the paying guests, As a mt Iter of fact, they now admit that the Corneous (JcorRes, psuedo Indians, acrobats, contor tionists, bewhlskered behemoths and whatnot hurt the anllquartcd dodije. They drew big houses for a while, but lulled to convince the custo mers thvt they could really apply hammer locks and half and full Nelsons. Enterprising Fred Kohler now sella out In Chicago and throughout the midwest Just olicrlng people wrestlers who can wrestle, or at least go through the motions with a minimum of theatrics. This trend Is bringing more col lege men Into the game. Genuine athletes llko Verne Cagne. Leo No melllna, Hay Clunkd, Don Bellel man and Mile UIHIasf are moving from the amateur to the profession al field. Lou Thes., the National Wrcs tllng Association's heavyweight champion, pucks 285 dlllercnt clubs throughout the land, and he Is ' strictly a straight man, i Such Is the drift back to the dayK of Ootch, Burns, Jenkins, I Bcell, Stecher, Caddock and Lewis that the Police Gazette will pre-1 cnt a belt to the grappler. who 1 during the last year has made the ' most outstanding contribution to ' cleun and scientific wrestling. It will be an exact replica of a ster ling silver band, emblematic of the champion Greco-Roman wrestler of I the world, which the 110-vear-old sports publication gave William ! Muldoon 70 years ago. j It wa Muldoon who popularized wrestling as a sport In the United States, gave It the uplift to catch ' the public's fancy. Ironically, it was the same Muldoon, who years Inter as the Solid Man of the New i York State Athletic Commission I forced "matches" to be billed as : exhibitions, a rule that still stands. He couldn't stand seeing the his- ; trlonlcs pawned off as competition, j was first to label that kind ol rass- j ling ss nothing more than enter- j lainmcnt. 1 Promoters will take care not to get too far away from the tried- and-true formula, however, for even with the television lilt that 1 would be dangerous. We'll still hove the men of extraordinary courage and the villain, and the comic for relief. Otherwise, we'd be right back to the days when the only ones who saw the finish of a big match were night watchmen, six-day bi cycle race habitues and other as sorted night owls. Antonino Rocco will continue to wrestle with his feet, Gene Stan ley's hair-dos will be longer as Mr. America, and there will be the customary number of various An gels, Golden Supermans. Indiana and Lord This-and-Thats. The show must go on. Toots Mondt, the New York and eastern promoter, is au thority for this. "I'd like to find another Angel." he says. He means the original Angel Maurice Tlllet who be came the French Angel when the Swedish Angel ond other editions with egg-shaped heads put in an appearance. Carl Pojella found the French Angel In Paris, where his Job was lightening children away from the entrances of motion picture houses. Wrestling put the real, show on the ttage, and will continue to do so. Stymie mie Outlawed Meet Slated iiv hi ss m:wi.ni PAHAIJICNA. Cullf. 1 Prestige, Krlde and a fierce sectional lool ull rivalry formed a natural back ground Tuesday as Illinois and Stiintord clashed to determine 1951 Rose bowl honors. It was champion against cham pion. Big Tell agulnsl Puclllr Coast Conlereun; in the sixth of this ti tanic post-season series that has seen the Midwest completely dom inate (he show thus fur. 'Ilie more than 100,000 funs, an rarcnilv cold lo any proposals la do-cmnhuslze the sport, streamed In miles long c.iiruvuns to watch the biggest spectacle of Its kind. The grandpappv of all the bowl games was an overflow sellout. Illinois had a good running game spearheaded bv Halfback Ace Johnnv Karros and clever nasslng by fensullonal Sophomore Quarter beck Tommy O'Connell. Even more Imposing Is the fight Inir mini's swllt. stiff chrrgln-; dr. fense. bt'lwarkrd bv cat-line Line backer Chuck Bocrlo, a defense equally as effective deep In the secondary. Hlanlord counters with the deadly pitching ol Gary Kcrkorlun. one of the ton T-forniatlon Quarterbacks 111 college football and the omar.mj pass snugRtng ability of All-America End Bill MeColl. The Insnlrlng long gainers of Bob Mathlus. Olym pic decathlon champion turned full back star In his first season, nosed another threat. inois Cagers Unbeaten NEW YORK i.f Illinois, the nation's second ranked collcRe bas ketball team, heads into the Big Ten campaign with an unbeaten record In seven names. The mini, nosed out by Kentucky In the Associated Tress' la.l week ly poll, whipped Marquette 68-67 Monday night at Milwaukee In one ol the two Rames Involving teams ranked among the ton ten. In the other, Setnn Hall's Pirates, pluvlng alternately Inspired and pathetic ball, deter ted Louisville 67 to 65 for their eighth successive victory. Seton Hall Is ranked tenth. Minnesota, which furnishes the flint with the opposition In the Big Ten onener Saturday night, turned back the touring Arizona live 73-61 on the same card at Milwaukee. Touring teams did not fare too well In major engagements. Yale measured Pittsburgh's Panthers 62 lo 65. and Penn breezed to a 87-64 conquest of South Carolina, Northwestern, which has found rough going In the Far West, ended Its preleagite tour by dropping a 69-58 verdict lo oft-beaten Oregon State tit Corvallls. Change Elates Golfers NEW YORK I Golfers start ing the new year with a round ol their favorite game had a belated Christmas prchciiloullawlng 01 the hated stymie. Linksmen from the lowliest duf fer to the top-money pros alike could reolce In the new. standard ized rules which went Into effect Tuesday all over the world. But tho one which will make the most pcoplo happiest Is the one doing away with the stymie. DISASTROUS A Rolfer whoe ball Is blocked from the cup by his opponent's can politely request the opponent to re move the offending ball and mark the spot. Under the old rules, he had to try and go around or over the ball, with frequently disustrous results. The rule changes came about when the representatives ol tnc U.S. Coll Association and the Roy al and Ancient Goll Club ol St. Andrews. Scotland, got together last May. CHANGES Other rtlle changes Include stan dardizing the penalty lor out-of-bounds, lost bulls and unplayable balls at loss of stroke and dls tunce It used to be only distance 111 Britain: penalties for playing the wrong ball, Improperly drop ping a ball: bull at rest moved by an opponent, his caddie, clubs or other equipment, and for carrying more Hum H clubs or borrowing a club from any other person ploying on the course. CAGE SCORES coi.l.Kfii: Far Weil l'nrlland m Colnrsrto AM (IS Ormnn Stale SB Nortltwentern Sfl Wnhtnflnn Sll a Puet Sound SI HMltle tlnlveriily 08 Camp rendit ion Msrlnm M Portland Jtyveat (I Lower Colum. bis it C. 43. rc.NV.tJ I'nlvoraltv of Puerto Blco 84 Ylt ! Plttnoursh SS Solon Hall (7 l.oiiUvillt 69 Soulh riinjtvnl S7 s.uiih Carolina 84 MHtnl Wlnnoaols 7n Arliona Bl J.awronce Troll 75 Virginia 62 Illinois ea Marnuolln 07 . Southwest Tasaa Toch B7 New Mejcleo M HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND !UGCNt, ORC MEDF0RD Thoroughly Modern Jtr. and Mra. J. B. Earley ' Proprietors and Joe Earley Cougars Whip CPS TACOMA W Washington State College closed Its pro-season bas ketball schedule with a 63-61 win over College of Pnget Sound Mon day night but It was a close cnlll for the Cougars. Ptigct Sound led through most of the game and was out In front 40-44 when WSC opened a scoring drive with seven minutes lclt. Pete Mulllns, Cougar forward, connected for eight points to give the Cou gars a lead they held the test of tho game. Bulldogs Win Cherry Tilt YOKOHOMA, Jnpnn'.fl The Cnmp Drake Army Bulldogs Tues day defeated the Yokosuka Naval Base Scahawks 20-13 In the second annual Cherry Bowl football game. Clarence Stevens of Amarlllo, Tex., scored the final Army touch down In the Inst quarter. The Canada honker la not the largest goose In the world; . the Chinese or swan goose of Asia Is bigger. Sports Afield. MIRRORS i for any K Room In the Horn! A " 3J7 E. Molt, Russia Out At Deadline OSLO. Norway i.H Entries for the 1952 winter Olympic games in February closed with approximate ly 1200 entiles from 28 nations but Russia was not among them. The deadline for the largest In ternational winter Olympics In his tory was reached at midnight Mon day without any word being re ceived by the Norwegian commit tee from Russia. There atlll Is a possibility, how over, that Russia nnd other coun tries may be permitted to compete here Feb. 14-25. They will need to present a valid excuse for falling to accept the invitation by dead line time. Entries were received from five other countries belrlnd the Iron Curtain. They are Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary and Romania. Other nations entered are: Ar gentina. Australia, Austria, Bel glum, Canadn, Denmark, Flnlond, France, Germany, Oreat Britain, Greece, Iceland. Italy, Japan Le banon, New Zealand, Norway, Netherlands. Spain, Sweden, Switz erland, the United States and Yu goslavia. It will be the first time since the Inst world war that Germany and Jnpnn have sent teams to the International competition. Stall Wins nriDqit wn Ian u Portland Uni versity stalled through the final ,i.. nr a wa tinskpthnll rsame with Colorado AM Monday night to preserve a 68-60 triumph over the touring Aggies. romana tea ini-jj at mumiuc. Bad Niqht, SWIFT ON DRIFTS Lean ing against a sharp turn on Dollar Mountain, Sun Val ley, Ida., Katy Rodolf speeds on skis. The Hayden, Colo., miss is the United States women's downhill and sla lom champion. She is picked to place high in the winter Olympics, at Oslo, Norway, Feb. 14-25. Packers Victory Champs Klamath Pack Is the "team to beat" In the Victory league, ac cording to a pre-season tournament that ended yesterday with the Pack ers beating Metier Bros., 38-28. for the double elimination tourney title. Dean Lowell paced the Packers with 14 points as the champions overcame a 4-9 deficit to post n 10-13 halftlmo lead and stay ahead the rest of the way. Ted Robinson was high for Met iers with 9. A Far West league meting wiK ,be held Monday In Redding. Kirk Herrick, business manager of the champion Klamath Falls Gems, an nounced yesterday from his new office in the Coca Cola building, ! Main and Spring. Herrick said he expected an an- . ..w nwu.u IU1 HI U1C meeting on whether a sixth team would enter the league. To date nothing has been heard from Rncehnro- munHnnorf oc Ika most likely site 'to move Pittsburg's iiuiituiM;. Herrick moved his nfflre it week. The telephone number is the same, 6075. b law - .X' i m aa. f'-J i ln BIG SHOTS Wisconsin's Paul Morrow (inset) is compared with Don Rehfeldt, the Badgers All-America of a few years ago. Ohio State's Bill Ebert performs with' the coolness of a veteran. Box arore: METLEB'S at) Lyons 0 Bocttcher t Robinson 0 Metier 3 Crawford J) PACKERS It Umrell S Dixon 0 Barrett 6 Oldham overen PxnPrtS ,RV tHaf 4ho Bnphn vnna of a small boat should be at least iour times longer tnan tne depth of the deepest spot you'll anchor In. Sports Afield. Shh! Printz Makes Jaycee All-America Floyd Printz. Oregon Tech's stel lar guard, was named on the third team of the Junior College All America team, but few besides Paul Williamson, the football rat ing authority, knows it. Buried in an Oregonlan story Friday was mention of Printz' se lection (with a line missing, caus ing question whether the St. Helens lad was on the first or third team). The Herald and News checked with the Oregonian yesterday and learned that Printz was named on the third team of the mythical Jay cee squad. Apparently the story didn't move to every member of the Associated Press circuit. At least Klamath Falls didn't get the story. Broomhall Ski Winner SUN VALLEY, Idaho (P Two skiers from the State of Main led the field in a cross country meet between U.S. Olympic skiers ' and a Washington State College team Monday. Wendell Broomhall of Rumford. Me, finished first covering the seven mile course In 44 minutes flat. Si Dunklee of Rents Hill, Me., was second at 46:11.6 Other finishers Included Sveln Huse, Norwegian exchange student at WSC, 46:146. Metier uhi Dow 2. Roberta 3. Thorn ton 4. Klamath Pack auba Qulnowalct 3, Wright. Bells For Melchiorre PEORIA, III. U Gene (Squeaky) Melchiorre. former Bradley bas ketball player involved in the point rigging scandal, and his university sweetheart, Kay Boles, were mar ried Saturday, It was revealed Tuesday. The 22-year old bride is now a school teacher at Pekin, 111. Melchiorre received a suspended sentence recently in New York on a charge of bribery conspiracy. Cur rently, a Peoria County court is considering a motion to quash an Indictment against him charging ! lanure to report a orioe. mm il If End your cleaning worries! DEMAND New, Time-Saving Only 38 CAMP PENDLETON. Calif Ml Johnny O'Brien sat out part of the game but still mnnaqeo to collect 3R points for Seattle University Mondnv plght as the Chleftnlns edged the Comp Pendleton Marines IT'S POOLE'S : For SKIS 0Bd SKI BOOTS SKI BOOTS from $9.75 Now Sold on Mode-to-Meosuro F Venetian blinds 69c Harmony House Quality I Per Sq. Ft., Low at e Imagine! Removable Slaft Cost Onl; lOcMore per Ft. than Reg. e Seari Beit Venetian Blind Just a few pennies extra give you the time and bother-saving advantages of Removable Slats! Blind has sleek cor nice, durable tapes, cords, positive cord lock. In Harmony House colors. Remove, Replace in a Flash Why? Because new style slat requires removing device at only one end You take just half the usual time. S'ats are held firmly, without cordwear, tool FILL OUT, CLIP, MAIL COUPON TODAY! Sears, Roebuck and Co. 133 Se. 8th Street Klamath Fells, Oregon Send your expert to demonstrate Mew Removable-Slat Venetian Blind. NAME. ADDRESS. CITY. JIHiMUiAtc4 JLHIW J Stare Heurss e.m. to 3:30 p.m. Phone SI 88 .PHONE. .STATE. We at Oregon Woolen Store thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your goodwill and friendship. May your New Year . . . and many more to come ... be filled with health, happiness, friendship and wealth. From all of us our wish is . . . "may the best in life be yours!'' From All of Us at The Oregon Woolen Store r- ?V Harold Eittreim ' r s; ' ll - -' Dick Douglas Jim Kennorly 1JjM$jl1 i Sam Neslin MAIN AT 0TH store, inc. PHONG C073