TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALIS. OREGON PAGE SIX STARTS TOMORROW! DREWS JANUARY ST0REWIDE Fairless Nixes Union Address PITTSBUROM 11 The Presi dent of the United States Steel Corn,,' has turned down an Invita tion to address .. the CIO United Bteelworkers convention when II meets Thursday to decide tuturc policy In the current wage dispute. The Invitation to spen had been extended to Benjamin F. Fairless by Philip Murray, president of the CIO and the steelworkers. Replying Monday, Fairless said he believes the opinions of the delegates al ready are fixed. "Your organization has yet to explain satisfactorily how this court ' try can have round after round of largo wage Increases and resulting price increases without more and inore Jpilatlon which is certain to injure everyone," he 'said. The union is demanding an 18 cent hourly pay boost and other contract gains which steel officials say would amount to a total hourly edvance of nearly BO cents an hour. Workers now average about 1.9b an hour. President' Truman has referred the dispute to the Wage Stabilisa tion Board and the .union, which previously announced It would not work unless it obtained a new con tract to replace the one wh.ch ex pired Monday midnight, agreed to postpone any strtko action .pending a decision by the special conven tlon which meets at Atlantic City. A strike appears to be Inevitable If the convention refuses to let the VVSB make a recommended settle ment. Registration At SOCE Set Registration for winter quarter at Southern Oregon college will be gin Wednesday, Jan. 2 announces Mrs. Mabel W. Winston, registrar and dean of women. Classes will reconvene the following day and registration for new courses will continue through Jan 16. Faculty members will attend reg istration meetings to give counsel ing sarvice to students, assuring thut proper course work Is planned. The curriculum offered will be the came as that of fall term with the addition of a class in comparative governments to be taught by Dr. Arthur S. Taylor, professor of so cial science. Forty-two Klamath county stu dents were enrolled in the Ashland institution during the recently com pleted quarter, Mrs Winston re ports. Thirty-two of that number are residents of Klamath Falls. Extra-curricular activities will begin with a registration dance on Jan. 2 followed by a weekend bas ketball series with Oregon College of Education;- Special events planned during the winter term in , elude the third annual high school speecn conierence.- a jesuvai 01 arts and the annual B school bas ketball tourney. Physical expansion of the cam pus plant will continue as construc tion is started on an annex to the women's dormitory. A scenic mall will also be landscaped in front of the new library-classroom building. Blaze Suit Said Settled EUGENE, Wl A suit arising out of the 3-month-long Little Fall Creek forest fire of 1950 has been settled out of court. The Lane County Circuit Court last week dismissed the case of the State of Oregon vs. Portland Manufacturing Co., M. and M. Woodworking Co., Rasor Logging Co., and the C. W; Guerrier Lum ber Co. The suit asked $80,000 of the four companies as repayment of funds spent in suppressing the fire. Dis missal of the case followed receipt of a statement by Eliot Jenkins, president of the Eastern Lane For est Protective Association, that the suit "has been compromised and settled." Another suit, brought by Booth Kelly Lumber Co., Is still pending. It asks damages of more than S300.000 from the same four com panies. Portland Manufacturing and the M. and M. Companies were the owners of the land where the fire started, later spreading over Booth Kcllv lands. Guerrier was purchas ing the timber from the two firms, rnd Rasor was under contract to Guerrier to cut the timber. A desert bonanza In California lias made the United States sudden ly rich in the scarce Industrial min erals called the 'Irare earth?." . . . the lettert Mart. Then many reader) of THE CHRIS TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR tell the Editor how much they enjoy this daily world-wide newspaper, with inch com; menu at: ; "The Monitor it tht most v cartlully tdlted new i paper In tht U.S...." ) "Valuable aid in Inch ' ing , . , . . ; "Ntwt thai It eomphtt and lair . , ." ' "Tht Monitor tartly it a : reader' t nocenUy . ." Yon, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world newt , and aa nocc sary at your HOME TOWN tper. Via thlt coupon (or a Special Introdnctory anbaerlption 3 MONTHS FOR ONLY 13. t. n.l.lla Imm WmIU, Oik, Itemr to- Bt,M IS, Man, O. I. A, TIm, it4 mm MrMtNUry nftmlp I'm I. Tka CbfUIU. Sic MmUm ft km,. 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