1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, mi ANOTH vi -1 tQl pott HAPPY HEKALI) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, uKKOOn GCIAMATIHI --irATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF Tp D.7 mm mm i x v Certifies that 51ul)rer Bakeries Jncorporatcb 3lamatf) Suils, Oregon was inspected by a duly qualified sanitarian of the jmericmftsritultplbf feting on OdtbtJi IglW W1951 and at that time, folLjncTTO hlraj a wi ration lepel nhich fulfills the requirements of the department of $aherp Sanitation American Jnstitute or jtfamng 'Director, Uppartrrtthr- of BaJfayr Sanitation -tTrJ'r: THE A -ITnte At C ..iaMAi a 5U Dec. W' We're protfd to bring this honor to Klamath Foils. We pledge our efforts to continue to merit this honor and your support Sincerely, FLUHRER'S . k for0- fc ,f'l WO'.!! J era Klamath's Finest Bakery ALU