PACE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY, HgU' jANUAiiy 1.1052. u. Cur la Ik - 1 FWM t.r. I H K.e. B.l.t r. V 1 1 ( luti fl Boone,,. ! H Outm4 N.wa 4.BC I '4 Tu l lb. Homu( III kmc I HrMklMt C1uk ADC ' Hai. Hew Sli. BieS Ih. B.ok ABC !aqCrl Husitler AIH-' I" 1 I .w Joj. . A1-.' 16 :d Mr Tru. dorr ABC It- "O ru-aid Arnold AI C II Ul Hetty Cmclu AJ.C II tin A Shop II M ..emit Storm ABC II II aimtral Rounut.a II H l.ark.l Report IS 9U Kew, r-'wrn lAhtan II It fa)!.. SK'.walk. Blum 11 W Ucki-U H.nch A8C I Hav" A 9t J IS Baiter Living 1 I II Mil) Marge, el Hclrllla .ABC t V Berln Bnefi , I IS Aeccr-t on MrMy i::OJ..!'i Jc-lan, flil. A1IC II II mil elvn Winter. ABC S.X Td Malono AUC 4:11 Whon Ul'l ABC E .10 FVrieet luibiifi AUC 4 03 Mary sliilln ABC 415 Itafjuastfii ly Yt-unl J (10 Mirk Tru l ABC a a v cior Bur .ac :. C ict Huntley AUC S:"1 It'll Hliv'T '"'Ima, 6:00 SlKirtl Hlllhllfhtl 6:13 Home To'iTi Ni-m'S 6:21 World N ws s ummary 6:30 Suburban Seremide il:45 Hetidlln. Kdtttai ABC l!:M Coming AtlrarWom on A1IC 1:05 Tin Lone Banniir ARC 1:31 Mjsttry tilleatei I AI1C mtmnaumamwmwmm DOORS OPEN 12:30 A.M. - ft Mb Us' 'WEBB & 'ChTS m pt fliUCiJ" i:wn.Y'. mm. OlftON a, ... Tm ll'iv A1! at Komee Oa;Wor ABC kui ,'twuaiy l.e ..all 0 30 Northwe-.l Arllita I0O0 10 P M Headlines !(l:IS Dream Harbor 10 M Insomnia Club 11.00 News Summary ll:0 B:n Oil KFJI Wedneaday, Jan. I O) M islcal Bfvflllt 14, .ami Pepoiwr tii Local Nawa 1 00 He.ninlay News MBS T:li Breakfast Gang MBS 1:90 Newa t: Pelt Buy. 1:00 Cecil Brown MBS t IS Breakfast Can! MBS . :30 Blbla Initllule MBS ' 1:00 Homemakers Harmonies' 81S Planer Party 1:15 Favrrltes of Yeiterday 10:00 Olmn Hardy MBS 10:19 Tello Tail MBS 10:30 LaPolntei 10:19 Helen Doeea 10:99 Newa MBS 11:00 l4dlel Fair U:S9 Newa MBS ll:.m Queen for Day MES 12:00 Name Bands 12:' k News 12:90 . '.nee Tunes 12:45 -ket It Livestock 'l:J JacV Klrkwood MBS l:.10 Tuna Test 1:55 Local KtWl 2:00 Platter Party 3:.0 Talk Back MBS 2:45 Answer Man MoS 3:00 Kicxya mqurti t ,tt. 4:00 rulton Lewis News MBS 4:15 KeiUnfway News MBS 4 :J.t: S ,vd GIDson AtiS 4:45 Sam Hayes-News MBS 5:00 Narns the Record 5:30 Cly ll Beatty MBS S:.15 Nm MBS 6 00 Car il Heatter MBS 6:19 KU.oii'th Theater Uuu 6:30 Town Nes I d Sara Hae Nea MES 6 55 Bill Henry MBS too Mritcrtoue Tra.elar MBS J0 Ciso Kid MBS k tvi Whil e Nair- of f ' Mil t 30 Behlio the Story MBS I 45 Heidllosrt Hirmaii O0 Clear. Ilar4r-e WBS t il ru ii"i Leu) li aia s wio';m 91 t-Vin uMl Mt loci toilie l I Uia Uses V6 Ie9l Uai aslneal Am part s4 II . K 1 1 41 ess ( .a U46 - on Many Basin Pioneers Passed Away in 1951 " By DAVE INDERHILL Mnny times this year seemingly more Uinn m the past few yeors this reporter and others on the edi torial staff, have written this or a similar lead paragraph to story. "John (or Jane! Doe. lonsrtlme Klamath . basin resident, died tw "'six" pages of our newspkper clip pings filed on death are filled with the last stories of who lived, worked and died In this '"here Is no other way to sum marire these stories than chrono logically. "Wr"" 1 J. E. McCain, chiloqum water CTPMn?y8.arborn?i:.ngeUv.l- '"j.udge'- Joseph A. Mahoney. Llnkville justice of lie peace tor 12 years. nd basin resident since 1916. I. John D 6lDy. op:in auto wrrc ,-,. court op-'"'" h''i o mm . ..ri.ii ranch, a C Arthur R WHson. founder of ,eUntFi;!1Sch&;- ' CaiV0Ha"rev O. M"- u known U,.iclJrjbSr OwSt insursnce J4. George t.. " , man, prertie- HeaSth Board Info Denied WASHINGTON Ml The White House declines comment on a appointment of a commission on health needs Is "a braaen misuse ol emergency funds" for propa ganda purposes, Joseph Short, presidential press secretary, was asked about a awte nieiu made at Chicago by Dr. John W. Clme. president of the Ameri can Medical Association. Short said 1. Joscpn rl;,,.th v.iu since he had no comment. i r . . . Carman. Inn law in 1911. a a. years rallroaaer. , ,(, m,n I the ?; ii? l.eslle W. Pel. led It aa "an Instrument ol practical poinirs." Shnrl all I ..1H , I. I n n..H veteran ar Qundersen at La! Wis, halcl ha declined appointment to 15. Dr. Lesno h'or,0 h V "simmons. highway de- As lo that, Bltort aald the White House had been ariviard om'a ilmi Uuudenen waa willing to lake 'he OCTOBER .,.,. 'lii and had recelvej no further 20 Weslev O. sum". word ron, hlm, legator onetime publisher of the J aundn MlJ ,.,, Eenlng .cr,V,,.i... of well-known "is iea t Dr Paul B Mninuson 20. Charley , r... klllej tmrago orthoiwxtie surgeon and ,m vi ii c-wiiiniiaaiun. rir. iril tUkey rai nchlnK "''' Selby . vuiyi mo."t Yri,.-. Ki.m. - 57 year.. 13. Mrs. Alary n- mwr. ' ioVFMBKR '"laTsthiVopraC. ,0 John Melin. part owner of j,,,,, orilll, ,(nUl , . M' f'25..7I cmien: Wr'tTii. hotel In.Tulelake. !,v, No. , nm,lg w tor and u4 cMtn. e'I'a,!,?I?tmi Wallace tWhiteyi . H ,hn. w.lw,u UnlL a M.r .7 Worllrr. .ctlvt In over 20 years. In auio,.B l7j4. . , - nnalim -:J- ... bartering " i;u""- Houston, who came iirraident en m""1 . .... i !doofl.J,. aorumt (Xettoa ooea) jjlere ai-aafs I n. Jon a' ,h . a4 aa atx4 I . iSIIL I 6 Urt VI try V 1"4 "-' M ,4. -i',u...Ua died exactly two months aUH4 l4. Lr. l LMcmieia. i a ii.. kh ostendorf, ' M insw' " a,iv4 mho came here In lsae. IT7t-a a ' t4ry Coiad. 81. longtime con as I 'namaani and deputy sheriff. I I aa " ar . 7 ' Jl. Ethel Vlcory. motor cuwwiaauoa ftaluiday. , M. rami Btatirlf Ml Lodge Installs New Officers ' MERRILL Mulln Lodge A.P. and A.M. No. 104 recently installed new officers fur the coming year. Lawrence Clcrnghty. Merrill, Is tho worshipful muster; Walter Cosebcer, senior warden; Richard Hulousck, Junior wiudvui liiugeuo Beasley. senior doncom Josso Smith, Junior deacon; Ted De.Mer rut, treasurer; Frank Paygr Jr. aecretury; Harvey Ciugston, senior stewurd; Homer Dcpuy, Junior steward; Wilber Brlcknvr, tyler; Bernace Wilson, chaplain: Charles Hninilton, maishnl; Andy Street was the Installing master, and P.O. Wilson the Installing marshal. Klamath Students Win SOCE Honors Three Klamath Falls students at tending Southern Oregon college won scholastic honors during the recently completed full term, an nounces Mrs. Mnbel W. Winston, regiatrar and dean of women. Klamath students who achieved grade point averages o( 3.0 or bet ter during the quarter are Cleorge Adler. Beverly Jones and Janet Russell. Highest honors for perfect class work were won by Edgar Orahaiu, Ashland; Max Larson, Lakevlew; and Coileen Tlegs, Talent. Military Cost Cut Pondered WASHINGTON Wl Chairman Cannon D-Mo. of the - House Appropriation! Committee said Tuesday, "an easing of the tension" migni miiKo it possiDio to reciuvo military spending In the new year, Cannon would give no estimate of how much Congress should ap propriate for the aimed services during the fiscal year starting July 1, but said ho believes It may be less than was provided this yeni'J.IO, 037,900, 030. "In any event," lie said "We are going lo thoroughly scrutinise the requests lor money for nntlonul dofeiise. Last year 11 was a citao AMERICAN CHINISI P44o at rash ktf Mi. Fi 0f44ra T Take 04 Bon B. Leo, Mgr. ol taking no vhaiicon mul givlnif thom ovorylhlng they asked foi There was tho posslbillly then th4' lluaslii mlnht strike at any mo ment, and wo Just couldn't ulloiil lo tiiko a chance." Last year's appropriation guve the armed services a baliimn on liuiid of about 94 billion dollars, Including previous carryovers. Right now, Iho military ludtjet Is a not subject bolwccn the Whlto House ami the Penlnguli. PresUlnit ,i' la I'liiiiit lm ii n bit king nt figure presented by his Joint I'hlels or stuff and us asking lor econo mies. The Lanuim Is not a tree, al though II grows as high as 30 reel. I Bring th gang In n I II CeHse Hm ...It aro am 'uamitS county" with parent. U. DECEMBER I . AHred B. tTony) Castel. Tort -4L.?uSlnrrscoii ..nrrafT many years. Bwtn . , an. Auausi : .... . .. , 1 ' 14 nd brother of cnariey ar, t z"f : -, two months ear- wife el vho came area German a 4l numan main - r---: uACs p , l'r III TV-rU- a 4.1 ssMillUallllV """ rz5E 0,d,, r-TE'Off Formosa.' iMiiaiaaxtlisaw I Utt - - ' M 44 I ayan-EH Formosa. M"-A V 8 1, - '' M , -M a ms f a. .. ' iNtmn depth charged a uprov aasaaa6aaa4aBstaaaaaaaaa4aa 4i,f ., , ,aMPea a44l , i,,, submarine in rorme) SJMBaaaarBaaaBBBaB' jjaaaam e--4 mhW m ft . 4 ari4 (W(an4. Fridav. a reliable aeurc . T 1 4 H . Tuesdav. but the target may f. S tfc.. been only a porpoise. J7""7 r " " i rr a (m 4a - Mrtartnes and porpoises sound f ' ' i m I.., ' . . . V., to a ship's listening devk-. L JrTM !"!! " Via r4 9-n 4-4-i t-v 40urce said the dealroyer. I' 7l S-v 1 4 . .m 4..ja4 en h the Hurbee due In . 4kT - a g a... aw-w ill 2JaiTa I - (I fTk I I a e.- a aU4.aai 44a. ' '"' TY'i I I I W 6.4 ll Ha4 44,14 '. ), . - . 4.U 4- ; Naif J I j -- 444 a a-a f., w , 4 1 CYrJ f) it -'''itn; TfT' ItaV I I aa 4 a4 l - aaaj V,. I I ii Ul M rTi I ,..TV . aaa. f I I LILLlaUA l ' .M t 111 P Biea g rj i aaaaaj . . il K BiM I J 1 Mailt) (rrfr aw. IB... .4 U. I IfJ AT ny uri a4gaaa) -axtk tastes a ., pa) l"4 .. t cm m T-,rj SBoactupf OQXTI i Darling,' . you.' r lfnrani incra I -1'lilUILU. ILtOL.4. xaa. o.., a a f a i a iiuaaan mm aU I hi i aW4vJal T4a 14 a4 f-W-a-" t" r- s 4 ali.aa B) 44 44? 4-4 i4a, t ! 44,1. Kani Wednesday, picked up i m si sound equipment wlial ap 1 aaMrxi to be i submersrb'e flrinf reaoea. t made four attacks, but inert 44 no evidence ol a kill no 4l mm e w ater and no wreckage. V . warships have been patrol. around Formosa since earlr Ni K Korean war when PreaMianl T4man ordered the Seventh Mo the area to neutralize in toetw-een Red Chlra and tru 4snciallst Chinese hesdquartetl at- Crash Victims' Bodies Found r-4 ' ' ' . ' . " aT said Tuesday on H M ' ' ! a-KDa-a had b-n recovered I J4r 1. a-aa) r, larwn w wreCk;aKe ol a craahed A-etv ran amphibious plane under M feet mt ater off Hong Koni A navy statement addH 1 the condition of four tumvwa was sa'Ufactory. The PBM Martin Marmef. tier plane from the US. Nm B at Sangley Point near Xiaiu. crashed on takeoff Mondar. rsr stunned and Injured mn T4 11. n twee fl A t. ". f-arssfta. -r as) ia al IrawrMt iir ' m Brtre t aasa 3 trayeri Mailt) (rf I a Dr. D D H4. M : le-nlir-rr fiw SB Tr4. I 77. trarraj A Wn.fT'tr, fRtmafll I sra ir-Ma-iH 47 rear, awirinta and poral er-T' AlOtaT I. Col. O Jhrtn. InW man and fmn&r f KsamarJi De vopajment C . Vi-VW of avhit Pelican hl and Harrtmaa lodre. I t. Chet lirue, trrominrrt Pee I Taller rancher, earner of famed TO OUR THEATRE PATRONS During the past five years Theatre admissions in this area Have remained at our Present low prices. Due to the increase in film P roduction . . Taxes . . Salaries . . and the Overall Higher Cost of operating our theatres - s t I i i 1 i: 1' Effective Tvcidoy, January First -Tli Following Admissions Will Prtvail Central Admission .. 65c Students , 50c Children 20e Week Day Matinees -. hquire and Pelican .. 55c Lo'jti at Pelica.. 80c Jl All Prices include Federal Tax ESQUIRE-PELICAN-TOWER en out of the craft by Britis) eras) boat crewmen. U.S. Population Continues Up WASHINGTON" P Tbf Cs-ft P,'ir?u said Happy pr 4wr M i.8O0,000 America-.- r .v.Dlrlctor RT V. Pert 4rr4nre4 Iv" ,. bureau s Jan I eaiaira'e an united State, prya1aii H IVS n -rr'JPeced to tut m trtUiK tts month. The ISM -an eat 14 . ??L-meI1cr' mTr and aa Use r orcr-a a)tKsrL l aaats, (I J if fWtrii; O'SHEIT 7JJ ft ! nnatif .ran pilly BUKE raSJ? MCK 1 liJjjTt" 1 "nrrt'" III V" I aaufisun" IU JANUARY mMmmm SUITS - TOPCOATS HATS All Merchandise on this sale was received since Oct. 1,1951 No other store can make this claim' SUITS and TOPCOATS Values J (fa (0) now vyvy Values $fP(fT50 To 75 I NOW JJiJ SALE OF THE YEAR! TWEEDS FLANNELS SHARKSKINS GABARDINES WORSTEDS Values $ ? ? Tow; nii NOW ivjj now Ll LT V Values $ NOW QzA VzJ 0 LEE CHI ATS ul SAVE ON NATIONALLY ADVERTISED MERCHANDISE! Eagle -Campus Others EVERY FIRST QUALITY SUIT -TOP f COAT and HAT ON SALE! NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS! f w NOW $795 NOW $595 $10 Values $7" Values ...A- if, S" . M'jK-.