PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATft FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 10B2 1 1 American Lejrlon-Auxlllary Post No. 8 will holtf Important meeting tonight In the Vtlerans Memorial Hall t 8 p.m. All members are requested to attend. " Vlaltori Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mulhall, Ban Francisco, are visit ing with the Dr. Richard Currln's. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. James Howard, Los Angeles, has been Bpendlmr the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Foster, ian Portland. Earlier the Howards visited his parents in Portland, and went on to visit in Seattle and Vancouver. To Los Gitos J. D. Vertrees and lamlly plsn a trip to Los Gatos, Calif. for the Jan. 9 cele bration by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vertrees, of their 50th wadding anniversary. A reception States To Talk Fees SALEM ffl Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho molor vehicle au thorities will meet soon in an ef fort to extend the truck reciprocity agreement. Assistant Secretary of Stae Wiliam E. Healy said Mon day. Healy said that in the meantime, the truck reciprocity agreement, under which the state's don't tax each others trucks, will be con tinued until January 15. . Healy said the agreement to try lo continue the reciprocity was made Monday in telephone con versations between Gov. Len Jor dan nf Idaho. J. D. Macdougall. Assistant Director of Licenses in Washington, ana Healy. Governor Jordan will fix the time and place for the conference TJpnlv RAiri. Idaho authorities eerved notice several weeks ago that Idaho is cancelling the agreement January 1 because a new state law loroms such agreements. This . would mean that other states would levy their license and other fees against Idaho trucks, and that Idaho would similarly tax the trucks of the other states. Healy said he believes that re ciprocity can be continued even under tne new laano Jaw. has been planned for the Old Homestead in Modesto. Vertrees is a member of the county agent staff here. Sees Rama Francis SkUiner, 4-H agent here, traveled with his fumily to Los Angeles over the holidays and saw - the world's championship Rams-Browns profes sional football game in me lios Aneeles coliseum. Miss Peg Bruiv dage, local 4-H agent, accompanied the Skinners, who visited lriends and relatives there. Meets Wednesday The Shut In Friends club Is scheduled to meet Wednesday, 8 p.m. at the Chamber ot commerce Dunning. Holiday Guests Dr. and Mrs. William R. Sweetman and sous have returned to Portland niter spending the holidays with Mrs. Sweetman's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson, 5159 Summers Lane. From Portland Mr. O Mattoon of Portland spent Ui t,m-inas and New Year's holiday here with her son and family, the Dale Mat-toons. Power Curb To Continue SEATTLE HI The Defense Electric Power Administration or der curtailing power in the Pacific Northwest will continue until at least Jan. 10. The order was to have ended at midnight Monday. James P. Fairman, DEPA ad ministrator notified the Northwest , Utilities Conference Monday, how ever, the order will remain in ef- fai, until thtt cn-niin'e mkrotinff committee holds its scheduled Jan. 9-10 meeting. The DEPA recently- announced It would cancel the power curtail ment order due to improved water conditions In the Northwest. Portland On Growing Side ; PORTLAND Wl There were 41,000 fewer registered voters in Portland at the end of 1951 than during the previous year. But the city grew in other ways. Here are some measurements: Power customers Increase of 4, 604 for Portland General Electric and about 100 for Pacific Power and Light. Telephones Increase of 8,608 for a total of 210.520. School enrollment Increase of 3, 000 for a total of 45,000. Water meters Increase of 26,000 for a total of 393,179. Elections Registrar James Glea son said the reason for the drop in registrations was that 1951 was an off-year for elections. New Year's Quiet In KF An appaj-ently safe, sane and al most sober New Year's Eve was spent by most people in Klamath Falls. Only six persons were admitted to the city jail over the night, five of tnem Being arrested on drunk and disorderly conduct charges fol lowing a slight difference of opin ion during a dance at the Armory last night. One person was admitted to the county jail for intoxication to serve a 20-day jail term on conviction of intoxication from the Wood River Justice Court at Chiloquin. Hospitals reported no accident victims admitted: Kaler's reported no emergency runs and City and State Police reported no accidents Involving injuries last night. - L j . i CPL. DALLAS GIVAN JR., of Blv. who is with the 158th Field Artillery of tfcs 45th Army Division, is re ported now in combat in Korea. The division was stationed in Japan from last June until it landed at In chon, Korea, in December. Givan is the son of Mrs. L. L. Griffin of Bly and Dallas Givan Sr. of Beatty. HifcaWttlataaaiS&JtaMkala COMPLAINTS FILED Betty L- Prattler . Paul K. Prat her, rait for divorce. Couple married Nov. 9, 197. Sacramento. Calif. Charitc, cruelty. Plaintiff seeks custody one minor child. SSO per month child tup- pon. properiy seiuement. J. c u Mem, attorney for Plaintiff. Charles W. Adams vs. Antes Adams. sun lor aivorce. oupie married Aug. t, mys, xuma. Ariz, j (large, cruelty. nainuu seexs custody one minor cnua. u. . Proctor, attorney for plaintiff. DECREES GRANTED Amelia C. Maleska vs. John Malesks. Ethel M .ZuIell vs. Andrew B. Zudell Jr. Beverir J. Miller vs. Frederick E. sillier. MARRIAGE LICENSES HIMELWRIGHT CLOSE. Dale H.m- eiwrignt. jo. mechanic. Native of Ore gon. Resident of Klamath Falls. Ore. Lois Close. 21. clerk. Native of Cali fornia. Resident of Klamath Falls. Ore. STRINGER MCCLURE. David F. Stringer. 37, mi 1 1 worker. Native of Tex as. Resident of Klamath Falls. Ore. Irene J. McClure. 23. housewife. Na tive of Oklahoma. Resident of Klamath Falls, Ore. JENNIE 5 CAFE Lottie M. Wriffht ana e. raincia bjui, sio uain, Klam ath Falls. Ore. MUNICIPAL COURT 7. M. Afford, drunk. Forfeit SI 5 ba'V Hush T. Byrne, drunk. Sentence. 25 days. Arvid Carlson, drunk. Forfeit SIS bail. David Vincent, violation basic rule. Forfeit $15 bail. 1951 Hunting Accidents Low PORTLAND Lfl Oregon's bunt. ing accident record during 1951 was one of the lowest in recent years, the State Came Commission reports. Three persons were killed and 13 wounded, the commission said. Nine accidents involved deer hunt ers, one an elk hunter and one a waterfowl hunter. DEATHS Those killed were: Marvin G. Sunderland. Spring field. Sept. 30. mistaken for a deer in the Fall Creek area east ol Eugene. Robert Moore. Madras,- Oct. 6. hit by a bullet accidentally dis charged from a companion's gun in the Deschutes National Forest. Brad Tillotson. Ontario. Oct. 19. killed when his own gun accident ally discharged. . BREAKDOWN The commission said there had been 100 hunting accidents in the past six years. Of these, 21 per cent were mishaps in which a mail was mistaken for game, 2S sui fered self inflicted wounds and the other 60 percent were shot in gen eral accidents. The greatest number of fatalities occurred in 1949 when 10 were killed. OLDEST DRIVER SHEET HARBOR. N.S. Iff Nova Scotia's oldest licensed automobile driver ts 93-year-old Henry Hall of this Eastern Shore town. Active and alert despite his years, he has had only one accident in 36 years of drivine he nocked the hub cap off another car while passing on a narrow road 35 years ago. M Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath Fb. 2-2581 MI P1 fb WATCH THIS SPOT FOR THE MOST GIGANTIC MONEY SAV ING SALE IN YEARS!! 8th & Klamath TERMS TO SUIT YOU Phone 4878 Flaming Xmas Tree Fatal For Three Tuesday ot the parents and sister of Mrs. A. C. "Scrappy" Mooro, wlfo of the University of Clnitta- nnnun fnnt.hiill rnnih. CHATTANOOGA, Tcnn. Wl - Mr. nnri Mrs W. P. Femusoil. Flames apparently starting from the parents, died in tho Humes, a Christmas Tree caused tho death and their daughter, Mrs. Jchii 23 tyeaU Afa Monday, December 31, 128 Word has been received from Dr. L. 0. Goss, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, tolling of. seiiifl in Chicago where he Is studying. Miss Ida Momyer, prominent businoss woman of this city left today for Chlco where she will transact businoss. Tuesday, January 1, 1929 Instollotion of the officors of the Spanish-Amoricon war veterans will be hold Thursday In the courthouse. Officers to be Installed include J. H. Carnohan, rommonder; John C. Turenic, senior vice-commander; J. D. Brisbois, H. W. Bathiony, Fred H. Beihn, E. A. Schulmire and Thomas Ruddy. Wednesday, January 2, 1929 Miss Lorraine Lavenlck will leave this afternoon 'w Pendleton where she will enter the convent. Miss Lavenic has made her home In Klamath Falls for many years and attended Sacred Heart Academy. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. lavenick. Thursday, January 3, 1929 Word has been received from Mrs. Everett Hardenbrook ond Mr. and Mrs. Byron Toed who left this city severol days ago for a visit In California. Before returning they plan to go to Tijauna. Friday, January 4, 1929 A. Kalino, prominent merchant of Molin is Installing o new pressure system for his store, apart ments and several tesidences. During the recent zero weather the automatic switch which controls the electric pump frore causing several hot woter tanks and the large pressure tank to burst. Saturday, January 5, 1929 Among the cattlemen of the county who attended a meeting yesterday to discuss means of slopping beef stealing were: Jesse N. Drew, Doiry; Charles E. Drew, Merrill Rood; W. R. Campbell, Bly; W. D. Campbell, Ldnoell Valley; D. E. Alexander, Rock Creek Ranch; A. R. Campbell and Lyle Mills of Pine Grove; K. Looslcy, Fort Klamath . and G. L. Holbrook, Klamath Falls. THE "Injure With Landry" LIABILITY FIRE V. T. Johnson John A. McCall D. L. Thomas AUTO PROPERTY 419 Main Street Phone 5612 Rogers, SO, auccumbed several hours Inter to burns suffered In llio rescue of her two children, Kicky, 7, and Diana. 6. The Fergusons wore In their late seventies. NKW HKl'OUU PORTLAND Iff Portland's 1051 bank clearings totaled $8,170.(144.233 uncording to flmiio compiled Into Momluy ny clearing hounes. Thut wua nit Hll-tlmo high record. The enrllor top 1000. Wim 7,UU0,7U4,037 In The Urndunte School nf Joui nul lum at (jtmiinmu uiuvnrniiy wna founded mill endowed by the Into Joseph Pulltxer. ate an r -... Paul 0, Landry v0utfoeW 9th and Pine Phone 3188 THIS WEEK-SAVE $25 229.95 BLOND-OAK COMBINATION REG. 189.95 FM-AM-PHONOGRAPH FM-AM-Phono 204.88 Terms, 15 Down Complete radio entertainment concert clear FM and mellow AM broadcasts plus 3-speed automatic record changer. Large PM speakerautomatic bass boost full range tone control. Modern blond-oak veneer cabinet, lighted slide-rule dial. Ait line 174.88 Terms, 15 Down Now at savings concert-clear FM, mellow AM broadcasts plus smooth, fast acting 3-speed automatic phono. Large speaker-i-built-in antennas fine tone. Out standing period-styled cabinet of fine ma hoaanv veneers, mahogany-finish doors. ONLY $5 HOLDS ANY AIRLINE ON WARDS LAY-AWAY PLAN ASK FOR DETAILS