TUESDAY, JANUARY 1. in.V2 IIKRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN - Herald & News Want Ad Agents BLY HUNT'S CAMIi QIIOOKKY I'timi 1M Una. 343 DCRKIS MRS DOHA HHAN'H.VM phmif m r. Haven C FUNEIlAl"HOMEj Vi.t.iijn t.la'nntu l-minel" ii,e ""ejf iinu ini I'ihiii xm 'l " MEETING NOTICES I OOF No. 13 7 Evcrv Tucstlnv 8.00 P.M. 'Iltlijiwl Main Sis. ALCOIICIUIH ANONYMlillH ni.u I'rldes. 0 pin., fur lufoi iil.lluu, wilt tli.K jtni, Phone X.n'J 3 " LOIY AND FOUND ion'srriidirr WrUtwHleh Ownrr MiV rUlm Willi mm. pi itii tn tun and pay fur ed. VUvitm 2 16U.1 evening., after '( n ".ifcVPAn'.i i..rri..ini utllvSrulu Itcrrlurd hull jtlmwij frfun nty r.nn M .Sfirut Hiver. lUt. lattoa "I. .070 on lft ear, iniri on horn. J.cvi (.rlffilM. TnlrUkr. ft l.OJtY, nmv9 : i.nrli refit fitm. nrrarrltirfl hy Mot-tor fllly l plotlir 1)311). IIH'J l.-iU female (Eltlrit Vlirr nail!! Mm Vo.NT nirnnrti iiuvi. n.'l IN UIM l.ubt .iivmiiii uuil, ll,.mic(i J iiit hli, lhoni (1710. Vos'l. rhliiftioiif' Mri-kico.lc ward J'hnna B.12D allrr (I p tit. a j""iiV.WA7lll!"li."iKirl iaiKp IhhTu ,in mnnlhi njil Labrador male tint: t'Hiratui (mm limns on Wailihnrn Wav litter mrpufl. Aiuwrra In nam of I' I Wmrlna Inalhrr roll a r ulh "HUmUrtl Implement, I'Mon tKttfl " aiain)tl plait , If found -flnlfi I John Qulffey (if (Standard littplritmnt. 4 GENERAL NOTICE 1UIit tinner Hewing Center-irown 1 U public. Triuraday 3 JO to & M) lor lra attachment trulrtn-nnnt. HINGE It HEWING LTNTM .U Mam Phone I MH 6 JERS0NALS WK matt record! f anything Ftv'e ' Uncording C. at Conncra Service, Co 1 I'hone (una or 2-aou. j WATKIlt'HOOriNd pnrrfurir"..Vlrl.) tinenU of rnfs. rtign BJ47. OH )Ctl NOW. I 10 SERVICES beptic Tanks Cleaned NrwMt Banlury Method! Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clem bwer Lines of Roola, Etc m P, KINO 24.14 Orchard Phnne 0A41 TUFTS lor SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES OIL BURNER SERVICE Phnnr BJOS or 2-3H(I EXCAVA1ING Mobil Siiovfl finrl Trench Ho Bulldntrr Kill Olrl . lopioll Ciiuhcd Rork Orlvcwtjr Clndcn Compreuor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phot.e 6541 or 0110 t . IiT'r rAk i nj" d t riorir Phono initl. lAiSlTlNfi, ilrcofaiiTif, papr ' bantfTtif, .i Tiiiianinrr tpmy pakntliifl. ana itrtchH C-l'hTAINS UundTetfT J L dKaIJ Public Arrouniant , uni Auditor Offlr MaMNATlh. - Phftn HlK )'AINTiNti and p4pfKanging. I'hoitr 7illT. 0 Hli,Pra"AUt6 patnilng, body and ft n (worli Phon 4UQ C A H PKNtriT" Work, liaaijr. ftmndrT. ing and nawponilrurtlnn. I'hont 3-0017 MAC SVi;rm Kqu'ipntcht CbrtrfuTon rUKCTiucT WlRfooik by kour'Vr it SITUATIONS WANTTD" Semi-Accountant J College Graduate 30 yrs. Ago Auditing and Tax Experience Write Box 457 . Herald & News Legal Notice Hcalfll piopoMlt will ha rrnivf1 hv tht Common Counrlt o( the Clly at wrmnn, lor tne pur inuo of irwrr IninriivpinAnl hnnrf. ?.?."..' mrrritKllnii. Kour ThoiiMnd j ivy lluiidrnl 'l uonly.two und M-IOO Do nr., i lU3 X1 duly am linn jed bv !'!,! J"")" ?i "" c"y Klum.lh "inuurnnii una myinii "I uor line. In Hcwcr Unit No. 20, or .aid city nnd frrvlnff tha prnnrrlv iiciiyrrn Houlli Swill Slrool, Ills 6.C.& J Ur0nd "'hl ' SIlMW Wily .Huniiurii nirrri.. PrOOOHUla In .l I.I ...... u ; H..,iiiru nniti iinnti. will ',lv''l l 'he mir'cr.lmicil up lo -...i ,n0 ""V or rrlirunry. TIMi, HI (ho hour at .rvon-lhlrtv o'clock p.m. of .aid dHy nml nlM.Prt m a lriilni- meeting of Ihr Colninou Conn. ... .....ucuiMiriv inrrrnncr: anld bond: lUICll Pa ttalod Vrhnmru I inn ... " " '" nmnul,t of 'enrli. which iholl be for the frnctlonnl pnrt of mid .tint, and all ahnll bo due ten er. after the dnte of l.iue, pnvmeut Til . bond, optional with ald II .utiimii paying onto on ana iruiu ino ciiiio inercol. anin iKiiMig win boor InteiTit at the rale or not 1u exceed alx iter cent per V- ""'u wMi-niiniii:iiy on (ehrunry l.t. aid Augu.t Ul. of each .--ivii-i.i nun interrHi p.ivalile at Si 1 ,rrllll"r of Iho City . rnim. wreiton. All Propo.R. Inlt.t hn liner.t.rlllln. and ii'coniponlrd by n certified ohecli 'Tm'',,P'r cent of the propo.nl, rhd Loinmon Council reserve, the IBM. in rcjcci any and all bid.. Mlrccm.ful bidder for inld bondi , ,. i 'iniivii .vim an opinion a. lo the legality thereof bv the Inw firm ... '"". i.i.iiuocn, nnuier ft Hnyro Ki.lf.Bff lllllldli.n ll..tl.j n ' Thif notice I. litlinrlred by ordinance V,. "V.".. " hol,nrl1 OI ,na Lily o K'nmnth Fnlln, Oregon, dated Decern no'nERT M. ELDRR, Police Judge . u ninmntll rails. Oregon. 1 l).jl-J.l.j.j,.4.s. . - 0 t in . ii . u . 4 . tj m . 17 in - in . at . an . si - 2.1 - sti - 23 - m . ao - 31 J l -2 No. 020. NOTICE Of FINAl. ACCOUNT Notice In hereby given, thnt the bnderKlgncd Adnilnlalr.ttrlx of toe e. Into of Henry Ktiwin ncnnl, derea.ed hnn filed her finnl nccinint with the rounty Clerk of Klnnuith County, Ore. gon, nnd the court Mm iet Wedneidny I' it luili dny of January, 1(152, at the hour of Ion o'clock of an Id dnlo, In tha Circuit Court 00m In the Court Home, In Klntnnlh Kail., Orogon, m the time and plnre for henring objection, there ij and the nettlcmont tboreof, fr)nlcd thli ivth ilny of December. 1031. Chrynlnl Bhoptnw Admlnl.lrntrlx of the EKtale of Henry Edwin Flcnrd, deccueed. I A. W. Srhniipp, Altorpry 1 D-18-M J-l-0-15 No. 021 OVER 90 THOUSAND WANT ADS APPEARED IN THE HERALD & NEWS During 1951 j (A gain of more than 10,000 ads over 1 950) j As Want Ads are the pulse of the na-1 tion the day to day barometer of the business life in every community this substantial gain in Classified Advertising indicates a definite up ward trend in business in the Klamath Basin. Tremendous increases in the use of Classified Advertising are also re ported on a national scope. This points out that Classified is basic and essential for the small businessman or individual who seeks to earn his ovn livelihood through his own ef forts without benefit of government agency or direction as is the case under Socialist-Communist or dicta torial forms of government. 24 HOUSES FOR RENT f6H ItENT, a Bedroom unfurnl.lied hoil.e 111 Mill. Addition. Ha. waler healer, etove In living room. I'hone ait7: Mill KURT, four room uii(iirnlHhni tmiiM nn Ota gnu Avnti. fhimn J144;i 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE TRUCKS (J DRIVE Move Yourself SAVE y2 New Trucks for Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E Main Phonc830J OrVlL'K" for lent, tt'h Main. Thone 71111 roit IIKNT 'floor .ander. i.u.t tviitf eiiulpmenl. Suburban l.umber Co. Ilth and Wliuit Phone 7709 CAR ftTORACK - HBATKb. day week or month. Karl Lamb, phone 4073 or 7700 AUTOMOTIVI 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE BY OWNER BEAUTIFUL 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOME Automatic Oil Furnace PHONE 21881 PRICES SLASHED! ! INVENTORY CLEARANCE To make ready for 1952 Models all these cars must be sold NOW. HERE'S PROOF WE HAVE SLASHED PRICES TO CLEAR OUR STOCK: WANT ADS ARE FUNDAMENTAL TO DEMOCRACY IN ACTION IN '52 SEE WHAT WANT ADS CAN DO FOR YOU! GET THE HABIT READ and USE THE WANT ADS DAILY! PHONE 81 11 MILLS INCOME DUPLEX Each unit has we bed room, living room, kitchen nnd modern bnlh. Concicto foundation, new roof, IN ADDITION a modern two bedroom home with living nnd dining room, kitchen, bath and util ity, concrete foundation, new roof. Thlri property is locaiea ill oui- stnndln? localloi In Mill" Add' Hon. $140 per month Income. $12,000, terms. ' ON THE LEVEL LfirKe well constructed home close In loc.iilon. Oversize living nnd din ing room, wall to wall carpeting, fireplace, two lorgc bedrooms nnd bath, den, beautiful kitchen nnd utility room, basement with excel lent nnlurnl hot water well heat pjuV air conditioning setup fo; summer. Oararte, two extra lots Included. $18,000 with $0000 down, 5 per cent Interest. SIX BEDROOMS HOT SPRINGS Large family home consisting; of living room with fireplace, spacious dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath on Main floor. Four bed rooms, den. bath on second floor, full basement, two garages, excel lent location. $ 11,500, terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eve's. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 - 6330 Here are a few examples Many more to choose from at ps Celling same reduced prices! Price 1D51 Olds Custom "98" 4-door. 7200 actual miles. Radio, heater, Hydramatic, p. -7 tu-tonc paint, white sidewall tires, undercoated. A company car vJJO I U 1950 Cadillac 61 series 4-door. Radio and heater. fj" 1 Z. V Hydramatlc. Very clean and low mileage vPOOUZ 1949 Olds "93" Custom 4-door. Radio, heater. Hydramatic. Good tires, frn,r71 low mileage. A one owner car j)U O 1949 Olds 88" Club Sedan. Radio, heater. Hydramatic, sun visor, one owner, ft-1-70 1 Buy the most modern used car today ... buy a Rocket Engine car v I 04 1949 Studebaker Champion Regal Deluxe. Motor Just overhauled frt rrr Radio, heater, overdrive. Another one owner car vpl JUO 1947 Olds "W 4-door. Radio, heater, Hydramatic. rf-i r- Body good, tires excellent, clean : vpl225 COMPARE N.A.D.A. Used Car Guide's Average Retail Price $2895 $3602 $2015 $1765 $1400 $1130 Our Clearancs Price $2795 $3295 $1695 $1685 $1295 $960 i FINANCIAL LOANS MONEY$$ to N THE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On vow .alary or furniture up to 1300 P7 Day . loan, . .pecialty - no. $25. $50 loaned ,,. , . . , Ul Py day' or longer 125 eosu but 18 cenu. for on. week No other charge. MS No. 10th St. M-354 . ' - " k no otner charj LOCAL LOAN CO. DON M1INTVPB m. 43 Veirn Friendly Service 2 EDUCATIONAL cent.rT Ph,' ,27,. ".-'cnool ?,. Kif.tf ''lSa: ."'"nd typing' Kl.Afi'iVS Si '.'Ji,"Unl .... TMPIne Rhone 47(111 ' HELP WANTED, MALE Phone 2-2537 8-278 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 11KI.1 w a Si r ' 1 . : - ti- 1,0Si-. fftir riliir rt. Good warni. PoJ -J"wLJiyf( .,,,il!l'raln and Krwn 8 SL'ATIONi WANTED UAHYjiiJifnt. Vhono 2.TM1K ' liAHY Htlnr Phone .17(11 fiuiilit work. PhonefitiT 22 ROOMS FOR-RENT HOUSEKEKPINU and iTeephiA roomt i.ni " ,w v....w.un. i nunc TlOOMH. S'i week. (Urt .Trrr.nr, ?MA.t roon?"- Pnelftc 'I'errnre HUUMS. I hlnt'k ntt Mil., i.i,n It ( it )k "nria n7ZZT.7ZiCfZ iSiT."-. "" 'a.H.TX Cmmc In. Phon 4259. Hjj.OMS (W4 High SPECIAL weekly rotes. Modern clem. SiL'AM 11KA1LU louni ror rent, 007 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT, clean two room apnrtment. wan equipped. Refrlfterntor, lots of wnler furnished. $J3.S0. 142 So. River- CUKAN two room and bath furniihcd .tiiiuiK. oquippea. Aieciric re- iTo,rriwr' Slli"h,a for couple. Inquire ... i.ieiu in iniuiir oiut uciorr n p. m APARTMENTS for nut. lnqulr 24U Wiliu e-A. ..'ri ..;...,....'. ' .... . V6n RENT, til'ree rooiirl furnished Phone anon. , , ' . FOB RENT, two bedroom furuljlicd r. ""-'ii' fc-mnq in. -nQiq a-oail. J'UllNisill5D two room apartment. Modern. vi per month. Inquire alio FUHNlSllltl) two room apnrtment .40; large one room cnblu, .27.30; all ulll- inn iiH-Minco. i ii oil). IUIII f'OR HKNT. two room furntihed aparl- OUf slUli apartment lor rent, 710 Main. FfiH li.'Vn "Tm :- . . PKi Oni" uniurnl.hed duplex l"e 'mfrr,nm' ; "- u'-J Anni Aoarlment ONE bedroom "iifurnl.hcdiTirTiiienT C.n. enmpncdf.-nll.o,,!! '1"r'l"l. )nVn,lKE142TO.i1,T.,l!"' wrT fiui. "' Auul" no ' rnon 2 YEARS OLD St. Francis Park, two bedroom home, oak floors, electric heat, wardrobe closets, Insulation. Ga rage, lot 50x150. Lawn and shrubs, conveniently located to store and buses. FHA loan. Payments less .han rent. Price $8000. NEW 3 BEDROOM On northsldc. Oak floors through out, fireplace, over-tub tile shower, lots of closet apace. Weatherstrlp ping and Insulation. Piped automa tic furnace. Immediate possession. $11,700, good terms. Anne. Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hoslcy 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor '23 S. 9th Phone 7266 TAVERN Located In center of town now doing fine business. Price Includes all fixtures, equipment and stock. New three year lease available. Rental $125 a month. Excellent opportunity for young couple. $7350 takes all. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204)' JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR nnd TNRfTP a vpp 517 Main Phone 3211 or 6330 IVFW Ttr.Mi.-c -sa .-: ell phone 8.120. PRE-WAR Models - 1939 to 1941 - Make us an offer on any pre-war model all run and in good shape. DICK B. MILLER CO OLDS - CADILLAC , 7th and Klamath Phone 4103 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day. weeK or month Salutary kennel. Ull hlBnH Clean Individual outdoor mm for each w uo n.noieo aunt g mating, wul f.va ui anu uciivrr. Visitor. Welcome Phone S07 Merrill Ra Rt 2. Box S04 QUASI A APE KENNELS 40 TO EXCHANGE TRADE. 1940 ton Ford Dickon, r.nnri condition for three quarter ton pickup ur nun. irucK. i.. w. uarrett, Keno, Oregon. 42 LIVESTOCK 4 POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for t.ny amount Top market prices trr good quality. For quotations phone axvi KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS PULLETS. 100 New Hampshire red. . ...a. p.g c. nirtin. rnone '" nn,nrsmn. nea irjer., nen . . Re. iiai.cu ana aciiverea. A1.0 purebred police pup 4'. month. TURKEYS for .ale. dressed or alive. 2304 Emerald St. Phone 2-1952. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING SERVICk rnnne si-ii m i. linucai warren Rl 2. Box S22 WANTED colored hen. Phone 4391 HIGHEST price, paid for poultry, ho.i and livestock. BIG V MEA1 MARKET Lakevlew Junction Phone 4reti 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED .,;.n,ne,.,. EJHFnT VACANCY at lnoa Main, clean warn. ;an'-t-n..nlnE!ecr"e Jlle. paid. .32.30. Phone 46U0. 1603 Mar ? HOUSES FOR RENT i'Li it it ir wfp .Trrt-Trr - stair, apartment. Heel and er l!H. IVll'A ja.rjinLoneToK: FOR UK NT, three rooiir cublnTTnTnT. FOR RENT, 1(102 Orei." Ave. two bei". i.SS Mdroom imfurnlshcd. .43. 620 n! mint o Bron.,.,inI"rn',he1 ' iTI iiHliN- bedroom nimnlicu T.i,A. n .... "murniinea nou.e. Phone 2-02flO:r:jEiMitrr. f..". "."SS?'1- ,wo twdrbom lurnlshed D b : Boardman. Inquire at 2701 t. "-'". iiiou iwo room lur- ?..,1'd.'"',."f' .L!"v pei,t' Llilil. and waler furnlnheil. Phono 3202. . w ..mi. wuri noirieKeepinf rnntna if?tnron r wlntcr- Cl0 n- Phon ONk room cabin. Ughts and water Tifi it u J. irom i-eucan acuooi. 'tH RENT, on Norm aide, clone to hunlneii center, uputnlm, modern, amall D-iuim, uni, uniurniKnca. uoei nnve elcotrio tove. No cIors. Suitable for L-uupic. users 01 aicnnouc Orvernpfs need not apply. References required. losa Oweni, anytime after nine a.m. HOMES FOR 5Al.il EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don K irk di trick fi.i.Gm.n N 8th Phon, ,.401 ,00l!' 'ntlned. Nine slot machine., legal Two licensed card tables. Write i i h Hou" or phone 176, Jerome, FOR SALk, four year o)d. two bed. room home close to Peterson School. Electrlc heat and Venetian blinds, paved street. Price $0500, term.. Phone 34 FUEL HEATING BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE LOAD $8.50 v QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5149 P1IESTOLOGS pickup or delivered. Cilff Yadens 8lgnal Service. 23U0 80 w.n r-none .mm or 2-H2(Hr S A II green STAMPS given on hesT Ing oils Phone 30S1 or 2-S26U (or prompt delivery. CLirr yaden's signal service 2500 80 6th STANDARD HEATING OIL Stove, furnace, light fuel, coal, wood, :hHrcol. Peyton and Co. 133 Market. Pnnnr 9140. ) BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES COLLIE pun., Utter register jd. Call 30nfl. ' FOR SALE, Boston toy bull dog.. Phone 5331. FOR HALE, 2 female Dachshund pups. One red, one black and tan. Wormed and dletemper shot. Call after A n.m. 2435 Eherleln. Phone 8266. ANDERSON Boarding Kennel. Phon. 1047 36HB Delaware nit Homedale. TWO Mexican Chihuahuas, 5oea Harlan Drive. Phon. 3-2064. Watch this paper for the most gigantic money saving sale 111 years. Hatter WANTED to buy. High side wall tent 10x12. Must be first c!ass condition. Reasonable. Phone 0591. WANTED, good used clothing for needy fumlly. Phone 3733. WANTED two children to care tor In mv home. Good living conditions. Phone 2-2779. ATTENTION: Watch this paper for the most litantle money saving sale in years. Hatter Furniture. Corner 0th and Klamath. Vfc NEED CARS' Gel lop price now Rose Motor Co 6lh end Plum. WANTED used bagscotton ur burlap PEOPLE'S WARFHOllSE WANTED to rent. Four bedroom fur. nlshed houtc or two houses cu same lot. Phone 2-2638. WANTED, alfalfa hoy. Otto tsochl, 1015 S.E. Division. Portland 2. Ore. FOR SALE, 90 ton cxcel.ent oat hay. House Bros. Blv. Ore. USED Rex Air cleaner. $17.50. Phone 9200. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onl $100 $7.27 Ma Repay In 18 Installments UP VO $300 ON FURNITUitS OR 8ALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS ' niE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location . Convenient to Borrow ' Convenient to pay ' Locaiiy owned New Cars "nanc.d at bank rate. "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. IV yean aervlng Klamath Batlti See "Chuck" Bulky Mgr. Ill N 1th St. Phone 3326 8-241 M-375 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED ATTENTlflV Watch this paper for the most (si-tlc money saving sale in years. Hafter rurnunrc. corner Bin and Klamath. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash: CASH LOANS (50 to $300 Auto Furnltur Livestock salary 850 to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Pinanced Make your deal. CASH deal. I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. S-251 - N-223. 107 No Hth Phon 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOK SALE or lease, COFFEE POT res- iMuram. neasonaoic. lerms. Phone C144 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 ELECTROLUX CLEANER and pollshei ar.d supplies. Phon 7167 rarkel Tweel 931 Market FOR SALE, 7 iece walnut dining set, Montgomery Ward refrigerator. S44 El dorado. Phone 3733. CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders, TMlni'e 5341. etc. MONARCH electric stove. Good condi tlon. Phone 2-3131. Oil; storage tanks. Peyton and Co B.15 Market. FIR body wood. Phone 9056. FOR SALE, Stroud player piano, SUS. Sectional bookcase .25. Rollaway b'.-d $5. table top electric range 633. '".5 So Sixth. ' ADAM Schaf bungalow type uprlgnt piano, riemlsh oak finish. Good con dition. Easy terms. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY 34S B. Main FULLER brushes. Phone flp04 or 5077 AODING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs file, for sale or rent. PIONEER OFTICC SUPPLY 629 Main t Phone 7412 CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phone 3-1167. CRUSHED ROCK, black or red cinder. lor orivewayi. Phone 0735. Joe Bart, aitMlM! ni.nr-sre ri,ain i'l mhh.i. culvert pipe. ' ' . . j PEYTON CO. ; 833 Market SALE, used spinet pianos. Taken In during holidays. $393, $445, $425, etc. . Terms. .19 down, .19 monthly. Louis R. Mann Piano Company, 120 North ssevemn. ROUND Oak gas cooking stove. Used four years. Good condition. $65. Phone $269. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SINGER SPECIALS Westinghouse Console Sewing Ma chine $32.50 rjnflrmol TJni-tarila Rujinff Ma chine $22.50 Challenge Console Sewing Ma- ciwiie .. al. ou Wltite Console Sewing Machine fTee outton-hole maker .... $52.50 Montgomery Ward Console Sewing ...atjiuie iiia.e newi ... 202. ou National 2 Spool Portable Sewing umciune, i spool Is OODDln $40.00 Singer Treadle Round Bobbin Sew ing Machine $32.50 Singer Electric Portable Sewing .utti'uuiei guaranteed) $45.00 SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main Phone 2-2513 FOLKS who like food with the home made taste. . .like to shoo at Johnnv'. Big Y Bakery, Merrill - Lakevlew Junc tion. LANDSCAPING. evergreens. shrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove lame trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4286 GET YOUR SNOW CAPS KntU! We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld. er. 2391 So 6th. Phone 4315 A I.UMOllVt- tot a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International T.i'ck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath .''hone 2-258) (JOAlr-LiSTli, Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REr" AIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade BESI VALUES! USED 1 RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 877 8 7th Phon 7771 '50 MERCURY 6.DBSS. ndllDB. R and H. too condition. Leaving States, must .ell. Phon 3812. CORRECTION NOTICE The 1950 Ford '6' V2 Ton Pickup listed in our ad both Thurs day and Friday sjiould have been priced at $1325 instead of $1225. Dick B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath Phone 4103 ' JUCKELAND'S DECLARE: The Time Is NOW to Take Advantage of US! Come in . . . let us tell and show you why you should buy DEMONSTRATORS 21951 HUDSON SEDANS Mechanically Perfect Prices Greatly Discounted 50 49 49 '49 48 48 48 47 $1795 $1895 $1650 $1645 $1460 $1495 $1185 $1295 COMMERCIALS 1947 Dodge Panel 4-speed ... $885 1946 Dodge Panel $595 1046 Ford V-8 M T Pickup $794 1949 Int. KB-8 ;. $3995 1950 Ford F7 wtag $3795 1950 Ford F8 Air $3795 1948 O.M.C. - COE Taj. J-sp. $3595 1942 O.I. 4x4 .i $695 JUCKELAND'S BLOCK-LONG LOT llth to 12th on Klamath Ph 2-2581 HUDSON 2-dr. Sedan PONTIAC "8' 2-dr. Sedan PACKARD "8" Sedan DODGE 4-dr. sedan HUDSON Super '6' 4-D., PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan CHEVROLET Styline Cpe. OLDS "8" ' Sedan Am NEED CARS: Get top price now. Rose rdotor Co Bth and Plum WHY WALK? DRIVE MORK MOTOR 302 E Main. Phon 3379 "We will Mil your car for you," We buy and trade! 931 PLYMOUTH foul- li'nnr. ' f .1 new. . rncca rigni uiai BUZ3, FOR SALE. 1930 Plymouth 4 door sedan Good condition. Can b. Men .t 23; 1 Wantlsnd or phon 0018. FOR SALE, lestTpTymouth Special Uf lux club coup. Phon 8-0483,