Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 01, 1952, Page 10, Image 10

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Chronology Of Local Happenings
J Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rowe,
Portland, die in auto crash.
4 Willie McCain found guilty ol
lUtellne murder, given life.
fv Judse Joe Mehoney diea in
10 Nick Carter named Justice of
Pei(lEwlng Felix Graham fatally
burned in house fire.
-15 Cecil Eiunan named top
pud-growing youngster.
, 15 Dairymen aeek more money.
18 M Ilk price increase
announced, . ,,
17 Darrcll Miller named 1950's
"man of year."
20 YMCA building work ordered
to atart.
21 Harold Webster. Indian,
billed bv Childbuln constable.
21 Pa'islev threatened by flood.
23 Richard Lyle Hancock re
ported killed in Korea.
23-Citv buys $36,685 fire truck.
25 Merrill dedicates new ele
mentary school.
29 Chemult registers 20 below.
m rt,ntit. roisters 26 below.
m vtnnri waters rise again at
ath pioneer, dies.
1 Leglslaluie okays district
court here.
1 Pittsburgh beats Klamath 3-1
in home opener of Far West base
ball season.
8 Sabotage causes freight wreck
at Malone.
9 No trace of rail saboteur
10 Newell townsite land sale an
nounced. 11 Body of Hoyt McDonald taken
from canal near Worden.
14 Gov. McKay signs bill against
water diversion.
15 Interior department asks end
to federal liquor prohibition to
16 Wally Hector resigns as
county engineer, Wiliian Canton
18 Klnmath tribe
of federal liquor
2i William Charles England and
Butord Frederick Faust lace fed
eral kidnap charge, taken to
27 Forests closed prior to open
ing of deer hunt season.
28 Jolm Uarfteld Davis, prison
escape artist, cantumi her.
29 Deer season off to bitter, corw
30 City's record-breaking drv
spell ended after 139 days.
2-Clover seed steals harvest thun
der, price goes to 40 cents a pound.
8-John J. Dillurd, hunter from
Redwood City. Calii., found dead
in woods near new Pine Creek.
10-Figures show OTI fastest grow
ing college in state.
10 Local plywood plants sold.
11-R. A Keinu Co low bidder
.ska removal , 0n Upper Lake road project, bid
ban, state i rejected
12-Mahogany industry into opera-
,'i Shasta-Klamath power link
work started. , ,
2 Rail strike brings postal
tl.t mtrhc
tiUArfwatara rAPArto At PaislCV.
3 Inez Trelstad of Seattle killed
in auto wreck.
10 Shasta planing mill moved to
Montague, Calif. ,
10 Air Force plane afire, lands
t Ray Enoul new.
! taii mil nrices go UP.
15 Plans underway for Eldorado
Heights residential aeveiopmem.
17 Lynn Roycroft chosen com'
munlty chest leader.
21 Mrs. Walter England. Pen
lotnn Mm of auto crash hurts.
23 County officers ask pay hike.
28 City police seea more pay.
1 Siskiyou sheriff clamps down
on gambling. ,
i slot machines disappear In
2 Two cirls hurt In downtown
accident. , .
a AFL wins timber wage boost.
3 Fort Bidwell geyser draws
7 Ricliard Keith Owens reported
Villprt in Korea.
7 Burglary outbreak stumps lo
cal police. .
7 Henry O. Cone dies in auto
13 Total farm income for 1950
locally figured at $29,624,000.
13 Teachers assured of pay
140 T I enrollment outstrips
nt.hr -M-hOflls.
14 AFL lumber union strikes
iriomath TVvm- mmnanv.
16 CIO woodworkers reject pay
19 Federal water diversion
scheme unveiled.
21 Pelicans beat West Linn 64-
35 in basketball tourney opening
22 Legal bar asked to water
22 Lombard Motor company
safe cracked. '
24 Charlie. Caotain. Indian,
charged with axe slaying of Nathan
24 Pelicans loose state hoop title
to Jefferson of Portland, t-at.
26 Two men killed in construc
tion accident on Algoma cutoff.
28 OTI student saves wife, baby
in borne blaze.
30 Klamath Door company,
strikebound, folds.
1 Eileen Raulston killed In auto
3 YMCA remodeling started.
5 CIO wins bargaining rights
election at Weyerhaeuser.
6 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pasch
meyer, Minneapolis, die in auto
wreck. '
12 Long dry Silver Jake fills,
v 13 Bill to require state okay of
Klamath water diversion passed by
state house of representatives.
, 16 Copco announces Keno dam
project plans.
19 State senate passes water
diversion barrier bill.
20 Reclamation bureau verbally
spanked for pressing Bonneville
Shasta dam power tieup.
20 Poe Valley people put In crop
for ailing H. H. Haynes.
26 CIO woodworkers, PIRC
reach wage settlement
27 Louis Orville GeRue reported
killed in Korea.
27 KUHS music students win
top honors in competition.
30 W. B. (Billy) Barnes, Klam-
Wallet Lost
In Accident
derson, 48, Klnzua, Ore., logger
. told police he lost a billfold con
taining $4080 In an auto accident
Balderson Was taken to a hos
pital with rib fractures and back
and leg injuries after his jeep
crashed with a car here. It was
there he missed his billfold, he
said. -
. Police searched the jeep and the
surrounding area, but failed to find
the wallet. He said he had saved
the money since 1940 when he re
turned from Alaska.
Balderson's wife and two chil
dren live at Spokane.
18 James Quentin Anderson es- Hon here.
capes from state pen. 17-Frank Root, 65, killed In Ore-
21 Odd lellows m convention i gon 58 highwav niLshmv
here. i 18-John Warner Judd Emiwrinm
23 Dan McEnernv
killed in Korea.
23 Keith Kelsay announced as
winner of Elks scholarship.
25 AFL lumber workers con
sider 8-cent pov boost offer.
26 Burrell Short, resident of
county 66 years, dift.
27 Newsmen make Klamath
Falls to Malone trip by water.
27 Lester Raymond Cochran
killed in motorcycle mishap.
29 Phone company asks rate
29 SP offers $1000 reward for
wreck information.
31 AFL agrees to 8-cent raise
for lumber workers.
2 County court opposes Copco
expansion plans.
4 Some price cutting as result
of reversal of "fair trade" law.
11 Copco dam plans subject of
heated hearing.
13 City announces new budget,
pay raises for employes.
16 Police Judge Leigh Acker
man dies.
16 Margy Brown selected round
up queen.
18 Oregon federation or labor
convention starts here.
IS Dick Maguire named KFJI
21 Sen. Morse speaks before
AFL convention.
21 Newell townsite lots sold.
21 Willie Pigg drowned in Link
river, girl rescued.
24 VFW convention opens.
25 Haskell Hood reported killed
In Korea.
28 Eagles open convention here.
29 Harold McPherson killed In
crop-spray plane accident.
29 weyernaeuser ouys 75 mil
lion board feet of Fremont timber.
2 Jim Shoulders takes lead in
4 Jim Shoulders named best all-
round cowboy in rodeo.
6 con McAuiiffe. Malm, re
ported killed In Korea.
1 tteorge Mclntyre. Nelson Reed
named co-chairmen of community
chest effort.
8 Edward Dahlbere killed in
fairgrounds motorcycle race wreck.
9 Art workshop underway on OTI
12 Klamath Gems put future on
ticket-selling campaign.
iz Young Mexican eirl fiehts
off rapist.
17 Camille Bowles missing in
Alt. McLoughlm area.
18 irs. Bowles found safe.
19 John and Coke Brite. Siski
you county killers, paroled from
21 Police investigate safecrack
ings at Labor Temple and tele
phone company.
a borne telephone workers on
24 Bids called on some Bonne
ville power line work in this area.
at Mrs. Lucille O'Neill aDDOlnted
to state board of education.
m Fire burns 1200 acres nf tim.
ber in Modoc forest.
28 TWO killed in wreck near
28 Bob Gasser. 12. drowned In
Lost river.
30 Clinton Charles drowned in
Williamson river.
31 Oscar ChaDman. Kenretnrv nf
interior, rapped by congress for
pressing Bonneville-Central valley
power tie-in.
2 District court renlaie T.lnk.
ville justice court, colored oleo
goes on sale as result of state
2 Forest fire covers anno ,
at Hackamore on Modoc. j
J MOdOC forest fire snrpnrf !
over 22,000 acres before controlled, i
o uonn e Hermant. 3 in. nnnv, :
of Diamond lake.
6 Hermant bov fnnnH aa i
Umpqua river.
B Teamsters strike n pa met .
local firms.
9 Chet Barton. Poe vallev rnnrh. ;
er. dies. ;
9 Forest fire fought on Fremont. '
12 Blaze SDreads over tnnn
of reservation lands near Beatty. i
R Arnnn rmnrtaj n r '
ti ww in xwgue urn-'
all CO.
Pa., died after U. S. 97 auto wreck,
20-Spud festival opens, Deschutes
growers cop top awards
22-Charlene Radspinner. 5 monthsJ
given oniy oriel time to live
, 23-Vnlley hotel held up.
24-Tulc lands offered for lease.
26-Ranchcrs form stock market
ing setup.
2 -Mining claims tie up more val
uable forest land.
1- Jessie Lee Long named OTI
homecoming queen.
2- Jim Kaler resigned council seat.
2-Frederick V. Heisler. named
for murder at Tucumcari, N. M.,
nabbed at Adin.
3- Heislcr confesses New Mexico
4- Charles B. Knight, 54, dies after
November 2 auto accident.
5- Three Southern California phy
sicians missing in plane downed
in Paulina area.
7-Mrs. Thelma Baker, 33, dies
after auto hits motor scooter.
7- Plane found. Southern Califor
nia doctors dead.
8- Klamath Amusement Co. robbed
10-Local family comes into min,
ing fortune.
10-Buford Faust. William Charles
r-ngiana Kianap trial at Sacramen
to ends with hung jury.
U-Mrs. Jetta L. Perkins, 41, Can-
youviiic. aics in Oregon 66 auto
truck crash.
16-Layton Wallace (Whltey) Cary,
wueu in auto wrecs: near my.
itcuregon Tech considered for
was nose Aowi lootoall bid.
17-Tulelake entertains wounded
war vets with hunting trips.
19-Mark Smith named to fill coun
cil vacancy.
19-School boards buy land for fu
ture development.
23-Modoe officers solve lone thefi
series In Tulelake area.
a-Tu-o officers wounded at Chilo-
29-Tulana Farms appears certain
to get lease land extension.
1-Plan to divert Trinity river
water unveiled.
1-Winter arrives, deep snow cov
ers basin.
4-High winds, snow lash Klamath
4-Klamath Bus Co. announces cur
tailed runs.
4-Copco, bureau of reclamation.
open Klamath water contract re
newal tancs
6-Rail equipment blamed in sum
mers bid Modoc forest fire.
8-Klamath Annex, longtime flop
house, doomed by health depart
ment action.
8-Fire breaks out in Chiloquln
business section.
10-Oregon Food Store robbed,
Thomas Patrick Schram jailed as
14-Two children die in auto wreck
near Yreka.
16- Elmer Adolph Jarvie drowns
in Upper Klamath lake.
17- Weyerhaeuser announces hard
board plant plans.
18- 95 high bidders for Tule lease
land announced.
19- Three local men, Lt. Robert
L. Wood of Klamath Falls, Capt.
Harold Kaschko of Paisley and Pfc.
John D. Martin, Tulelake. renorted
as prisoners of war by Reds.
26-Six teen-ajred bovs Jailed for
strongarm robbery of 72-year-old
26-C-47 air force craft disappears
with eight aboard.
280feather stalls hunt for miss
ing C-47.
- . . ... .... ,
k ..... v- 4rra ;
sr.ftj vv;" 1 i
Four Held On
Theft Charges
BAKER W A mnn and three
youths wore held hero Monday on
bin liltnv and larceny rhinites.
A Three Days'
Cough Is Your
Danger Signal
Crcomuhion relieves promptly because
it goes right to the seat of the trouble
to help loosen and expel germ laden
Khlcgm and aid nature to molhe and
cnl raw, tender, inflamed bronchial
membrane. Guaranteed to plcaie you
or money refunded. Creomulslon hni
stood the test of millions of users.
nlrnil Ciaikl, Clurt Coldl, Acuta IkkcMIIi
Police Chief Fred Hunt snld Law
renco Call Bniinbinigh, 32, Con
tlncnlnl, 0 wits ucotinrrt of tiiklng
SMISU In biii'gliules at four UiihIiiosh
llo wua Duvltl Sutliin, 17, Lai'17
Hniltli, IH, mid Menvln N. Slrf1tnil,r
III. were I'lnii'itcil wllli nine burglar'
lea in which llicy ubtiiliicd only 132,
1949 Chev. 3A Ton Pickup
4 Speed Tronimission
95 Rubber, on exceptional
clean pickup.
A Real Buy At... H 265
Main and Broad
ON GUAM with the U.S. Navy are Maurice (Mickey! Kosano,
21, formerly of Henley, and Donald Griffith, 23. Tulelake.
Rosano. a graduate of Henley high where he was student
body president, was listed as "personality of the week" n
a Guam air station newspaper. The two men enlisted to
gether in August, 1950, and have been together ever since.
Maybe New Teaching Ways
Have Some Merit After All
I'm readv to take sides in the
battle of new school teaching meth-
I ods versus the old. I'm qualified
for an opinion; I'm a product of
the old and my six-year-old daugh
ter Li being subjected to the mod
ern methods.
If Susan's experiences in her
first semester of school are typical
of the new methods I'm altogether
on the side of the moderns.
I had to be shown. For the first
few weeks after Susan started
school I was pretty disgusted with
her progress. It seemed she was
doing nothing but coloring little
mimeographed pictures and play
ing. Now I know her teachers had a
method in their apparent madness.
Soon those little colored pictures,
of plants, animals and various ar
ticles were to be the means of
teaching Susan a lot of useful things
. . . And making her enjoy doing
her work as she profited.
I realized then the whole thing
was a cleverly planned niechod ol
The little groups of pictures be
gan to carry spelled-out numbers.
The teacher would tell the young
sters to color "rabbit No. 1" or
"chair No. 3" yellow, and so on
through several pictures.
It all boiled down to the fact the
children were learning several
things at one time . . . And en
joying themselves as they did it.
Mere s wnat tnose ume coiorea
pictures appeared to be , accomp
lishing: 1 1 Teaching the children to iden
tify obects: 2 teaching how to
spell the words; 3) teaching num
bers and how to spell them: 4) TWin? World War II Imnnrtx nf
teaching the youngsters to receive j bananas were cut sharply by trans
and follow Instructions. portation shorluacs with the Unltod
Then, as the semester progressed, states getting only about 24 million
the instructions became a bit more '"stems."
involved . . . Now the younsstcrs
were being taught to reason.
I remember a picture of a
Christmas tree covered with large
and small oranaimmts. The teacher
had told the youngsters to "color
two big ornaments yellow, three
small ones blue, one big one red,
two small ones green," etc.
The evening Susan brought that
paper home with a gilt star pasted
on lt for good work, she was proud
as punch.
IThe little stars are another clev.
er idea. They're given for top
grade work and mean a great deal
more to youngsters than a mere
grading mark. It's a shining hour
for Susan when she can greet her
mother and I with "another atar."
Of course, there's a good deal more
to the first grade schooling than
merely coloring pictures . . . But
those pictures and their clever use
are apparently the backbone of
launching the youngsters on their
school career.
As I said, I think this new method
is far superior to the maimer in
which I was taunht.
However, I do think there should
be a major change in high school
instruction. I don't remember ever
hearing anyone else with an idea
for such a change as I have In
mind . . . Mnybe it's a rattle
brained Idea. I'll write a piece
about lt in Uie next day or two arvj
see what you think.
About 65 million acres that used
to produce feed for nearly 27 mil
lion horses and mules have been
released from this production by
the coming of farm machinery.
"91" Octant Ethyl 31c
2135 South 6th
Users Get
Owyhee Unit
WASHINGTON W Operation of
the 100,000 acre Owyhee project
in Malheur County of Eastern Ore
gon will be turned over to water
users Tuesday.
Secretary of the Interior Chap
man said Saturday that under
terms of a new agreement, water
users of the area, will be respon
sible for delivering water and op
erating the project except for the
Owyhee dam, reservoir and a main
dam tunnel.
The bureau built the dan. on the
Snake River In 1936, Since Its com
pletion, the bureau has been de
livering water through the project's
Irrigation system. Users paid a
rental rate. . .
Rough Rider Theodore Roosevelt
maintained the last extensive pres
idential stable ; of horses in the
tlnited 8tates.
More than 200 new vims diseases
of crops have been discovered in
the last 40 years.
17 Barlev price onpns nf ? 013. i
21 Klamath Falls in 100th day '
without rainfall. ' i
, 22J-Clmriene Dovcr d(M c
in Portland.
25 Ringling Bros. Barnum and
Bailey circus in town.
29-Vernon Haley's hereford wins
Rotary 4-H beef championship.
28-Jerrydean Bagley, 3. dies
"em burn" "ceived in playhouse
31 Kenneth Bickers, 2, killed In
auto wreck near Diamond lake. I
,,?'-"!',5' Frank Hibbs. Jackson-!
ville, killed in auto wreck on Ore
gon 66.
fowl " tMtiS 1011 01 watcr'
2 Herman Erin Binder, 43, dies
in auto-truck crash on U.S. 97! :
Mh0Sls 6how s"8ht open
ing day attendance increase. I
m7. ,Robcrt' Wood reported
missing n action over Korea. i
8 Barley price up to $3.25. i
.ZT , Aned.v'he Halpern, 40,
and James Milton Black, 62, die
after auto crash near Henley. ,
icated. 6"""J'
Th"?11,' Tisei as t0 Wilt of
Klamath Falls murder.
12 Pfc. Walter J. Mongeon re
ported killed in Korea.
12 Gems cantu rf lTat, Wait tu.
ball crown.
16 Flames raze old Ewauna
box company location.
v,',67J.ayB,''8c,0! Seaberry, 49,
killed In Poe valley auto wreck.
18 Barley price reaches 43.40.
21 Medford man, James E. Ed
wards, Claims he W klrlnnnrri
here, two St. Paul, Minn., youths
8th & Klamath
Phona 4878
B8 V"8B
Values to $9.95
3 5
Values To 11.95
Only 688
Values To 16 93
Only 1088
Dress .d Street
Womens VI V J J and
Values To 13.95
Sites 8'2 to 12 U'i to 3
Values to 88 if 88
7.95 NOWO cmd f
odel Shoe Store
with increased interest
and BAM safety . . at the
United States National Bank
Qi on savings deposits up to any amount
JO Deposits made on or before January 10
draw interest at the new rate from January 1 .
on Certificates of Deposit
270 Deposit a certain amount of money, leave
it tor tnrec years and then at the expira
tion of that period collect 2V2 interest
per year.
These higher interest rates are effective
January 1, 1952
I. H. THOMPSON, Mam,.,
1. D. MSRRITT, Auhlanl Mmx,,,
Mm C. OFFIIID, Anhlenl Mom,,,
OSCAw I. SHIVI, AioM Mono,,,
Mtmb.r F.rf.,t,l Dtpotil Iniuranei Corporollo