1 III Tire ay's lews , What of M It you're tlttukUf or tlie nation (as every cltlaeuit-iiM, In these duys) here is outlftBAT need: LEADERSHIP. Glvo us lendoriilpviible. coura geous, aoumlly iidmI, ulrlo(tivl-leud-o( -political - atitct owe nation will have nollilni i pnr, we've laced crises bemt Ortive ones. We've passed tlir1i them salcly. Because ol lennif, (live them leadership ot thmiclii kind and It will bo found tlinlibtre la nothing wrong vvltb the lln.cnooii people. How shall we m audi leader ship? The people tlKinsWs will rutve to provide It. How? By iorRettlng ivll Itnl considers lions, class coiiloruoi, selllsh groun eonsldersWus, and voting more thoueliltult, more iiilcllt gentlv and morerRn.YERFULl.Y than they hnve vd tn th years In which our troiAa rnvo started. 80 much for tlitton. What ot the Kkiidft Bssln? Tills year, 186H I1I be our year of decision. We have gr undeveloped wealth. Believe I r not, we've only scratched III Mir face of even cur TIMBER reonrces. To be sure. It I.h the IfcVEH surface that hss . been wailched. We've Latlmmed the lootcetm irom our irgln limber alW But nil the tptalld whole milk emains. You've red oHtta process bv which Weyerhuwer will take while Ilr-wlio.se kre aland was never even lookd iim as rr source in the pan, and will make Irom It a product far belter Umii tile rouiih lumbal v sMWed Irom our virgin pine You've read that the ROTHS -ood ol the while llr tree nil make even BETIEK hardboui than Ihe clear Dart of the tree. Thus white fir kasDDED to our harvestubie and uuablo timber. You know, of curse, ot the pro cesses by which Hrrcules is con verting our old taiua Into valu able products. ti should know that lodsepole pin, always lu the past regarded asi wd tree that merely clutters land, may be among the mosl valuable of our resources. It has Hue loniiest fiber ot any of the Mmooda. No one yet knows how niAi that fact may mean to ui In III way ot luture development. Agriculture? listen: We have und titter In the Basin now arouNMM.OOQ acres of rich land. The Bum's potential Is 500.000 acres. Bdsr Keno. in the general area of tieka.. there la potential of 250.W teres more. That runs up III lotal of three quarters of a mtea Kcres of rich irrigated land. Is line huge upper Columbia project tavatern Wash- InRton. the poleiillil I only some 1 what more than) million acres. Power? : Listen attain:, ' The Klamath llht No, 3 power 'river of the entln Pacific Coast .Uyawrd only 11 tt Columbia, lis lower posslbllltlnlU Idle and un ised In an ercaUait Is suffering from a severe poor shortage. Power Is one olltie modern ES ' fcENTIALS lor dwlopment. Now listen onci more this lime . attentively: ALL of these glut resources, re sources that 1 littsllarenllv devel oped can make tl Klamath Fills a citv of metropttlan sue and of tne Kinmatn riv -ea.irr.inra one of the richest arm era the Paclllc 1 Coast, DEPEND UPON WATER. With water, the, assure lis ol a iulendld future. li Without water, ltt will be of fc value. I Listen agoln: I ir we don't UK our water. It VIM be taken am Irom us and transported to Ace where It WILL be used. Hit. Is the law of tne modern worK j How .hnll we icst our water? This Is the amy.: ' Put tt ALL to nm, 1 80 there Is the ttatllvnse of 1652 for the Klamath iintry. In 1952 we must GET SHRTED the pro cesses una tne pqr-ims mat win result in USTNOMJL, OK OUR WATER BENEFtMLLY here in our own area. iTime marchess. If we sit bv snd suck our thunb , the time will come when It wj be? too late. MOW Is the time if e-t In motion the forces that wiluve our water by USING it. : That Is why Hi fc-lll be our yenr 01 decision. ,ljejidayShot ljii!s Mother Washington ri a is-vear. M boy celebrate) lcv Year's by tiring his rifle, tttiiiriffton police ' aald Tuesday Mf block awav the mother of thit children fell dead of a btillcUuna. , Homicide Captmcrjnrd Felbcr Idtntnica tne wonm as Wra. Ollie Eiitep. 41. Captain Felbcr iid tlie youth vas being held ptl up a coroner's j Inquest Wedncsdai ,,s quoted the boy. as saying nc niRd Tils ,22 cni. ber rifle, ft glfU Ohrlatmas a year ago, throughift open window of bis bedroom. , Mrs. Estcp. dls) tjiej radio In 1 her living room aliiAck. away, top pled to the floor, captain Fclber 1; saio- Stork Leys (Off For lay The New YeanftnV fllrtht of Stork Airlines Ino.mit lliclf with out passengers in Amath Ba sin today. The only ponslbli(H((Vit reserva tion was coiicelle;li)tcn. an earlier third delivered i 7icj 6)4 ounce Vlrl at Klamath JW U Russell id AnnH Mac Bron V H3B Pleas it 81 , o'out 11:6!A,1. last night. Earlier In the dahA,ll hnva wnra cf A by Caesarian Vtlii to Willis .T,a Mary Berry cl California ive. ine rjoys, wii e pounds nd Hi ounces un,t founds 7!i iinces, become ll) leohie tax ducuons lor acrij Vsm, p.m. A wreck on the Southern Pacltlc branch Una at Malono aldliiR May a was Uils area's top news story ot ltMt. , As train wrecks 110. It really WIS not much out ol ilia ordinary. Hut Ihe cause ol it wan aeiimteiy snbotaxe . , . and the saboteur lias never been eauxht although railroad police, local oltletula and the Federal Bureau of InveHiluatloii have never cloaod their books on Hie case. , , Earlv that iiinrnlnir sn BP freluht ran onto a shurt spur, itreatly dam nxlns. a bin ninllet enitmo and 10 ours. Btx trainmen were injuria, none seriously. Someone hnd taiiuiered with a switch to cnune the fiolKht to run onto the apur. Who that someone was Isn I fo) Jti Mercury Dips Below Zero In I(F The now was crisp and "rrun chy" this morning, the sky was clear; it was almost the coldest night so far this season, but tt wasn't. The Herald and News thermometer-registered a chilling two below si about a.m. this morning. Meanwhile the CAA mercury at Ihe airport was ahouiug a compara tively warm tor warmer, anyway) plus lour degrees. Loweai temp recorded In down town Klamalh Falls tins season was three below on Die morning ol Dec. 10. Coldest spot In the basin this morning and perhaps t li coldest place In all Oregon wss Chemult, 7S miles north of here on U.8. 77. The Southern Pacific reported this morning temperatures dropped there to a minus 14 degrees. It was three below zero at Crescent Lake. At Grass Lake, south of here on the 8.P. line, the thermometer reg istered minus four degrees at shortly after t a.m. According to the Associated Press the only spot coming close lo Che mult's chill In Oregon was Bsker which measured 10 below sero dur ing the nlghl, Spokane and F.llens burg. Wash., both registered Ihe same minimum temperature as Baker. Temperatures ranged upwards to U above at Beattle, Bclllugham and Olympla, and 32 In Portland. The Weather Bureau predicted slightly warmer temperatures to day, with Increased cloudlneia over the Northwest. However, forecast ers predicted Ino early break In the cold wave. Know was expected to fall only In the high mountsuu. Suez Canal Battle Grows CAIRO. Egypt l Heavy night firing lor three hours between British forces snd Egyptian guer rilla fighters Inaugurated the new year In Ismallla, trouble spot in the canal zone. A British Army spokesman said the wild night battle begsn five minutes sfter midnight and con tinued to 3 a. m. He reported no British were hurt and said there was no Information on any Egyptian casualties. The British said the Egyptians using automatic weapons, fired from silt trenches dug on the Arab aide of the Sweetwater Canal. The British return fire came from a Bren gun carrier, rifles, snd mor tars. The flare-up came after Premier Mustapha El Nsshas Pasha again threatened to use force to throw 1 the British out of the canal zone, O.N JOB SALKM 1 Oov. Douglas Mo Kay, 111 most of last week with a sore throat, returned to his desk al the 81a te Capitol Monday. SLED DOG Tippy the dog must have a Husky somewhere In his family tree. The youngsters above put Tippy in sled harness yesterday and the small dog hauled them along with happy yips. Standing behind Tippy is Wiley Van DeGrift, 620 Martin St. On the sled are Kathleen Wood (front), Tippy's mistress, 513 Division St., and Freddie Joe Henderson, 2309 Home St. ' tap- known , . maybe It was a person with beet against the HP; maybe 11 was someone Just wanting to see a train wreck; maybe It wus some one doing his thesis work on trans portation sauoiuKo, a type or train Inn that could come In liiindy If Ilia United Hlntes Roes tn wsr iik-alnst , , . well, against the isbo teur's nalinii af sllrglnnre. Don't think tor a moment that last theory Is tar-fnlched, It lias been very much in the minds ot persons Irwostlunilnqr the wreck, und hasn't been dlNChaiiied. The yenr lofll did not produce much news of a really sensiitlonnl nature in the orbit of the Horn Id and Newtf, but It was steady and ollen tragic. The 10 best, lu reader Interest, appear to have been:' 1-The BP wreck. evie. a-i r.nu 11 Ps.ra KLAMATH t Al LH. tlKMiON. Tl KMIAY. JAM AHf I. IU lakalnaw Sill DOWNTOWN KLAMATH FALLS looked a little itatl tliii morning, what with traffic this tw.Ii'U ten I thl in lomrurl' son with the jammed street of the preChristma Uy. I'rgititally all downtown More rxJ ciffnea mtit led arxl starting Just bctore noon the principal activity wan huddling around radios to try in catch Ihe J-ol 1 iters Holiday Costs 436 Lives Itr The Aaaorlaled rrrsa Accidents had taken a toll ot at least 43s lives Tuesday aa the na tion celebrated the four-dav New Year's Day holiday, and there still wss about half a osy lo go. The traffic toll ws 382 snd still wss short of the 3i0 predicted bv the Nstlonsl Safely Council. Fires killed at, and a variety of acci- dents of miscellaneous nature killed 110 more. The miscellaneous total Included 1H persons killed In a plni e crash Saturday night In Upper N'ew York State. 2 mo Sri ' .......... ... .... J-Th Korean wsr, local boys drsd and wounded, mining or cap tured. 3- Record dry spell of last sum mer. 4- l''nrin prices and record farm Income. It-Auto wrecks, claiming ?! vic tims. Water Ihe continuing throul of diversion. 7.Juvenlle crime. 8-Tlio Itt.OOO-aure Morioo finest lire. B-Uenlli ot cancer victim Char line Dover, aged 5. . , 10-Dltappenranoo, probably some where south of here, ot un A1 force C-47 transport plane ' eight aboard. " The Korean war made ' . . In probably one ot to'' -.cy., Cold Fi on t mm Much Of Nation Today, Mountain By The Associated lre areat rnlrf nnurnl irrMthmn,,!,,, ilmn, s.rt lit a Northern and Central United Htai Tuesday In Ihe wake ol bliuards III the Rocky Mountains and North ern plains, rirlxsly leg in Ihe Great Lakes i.ilile-t and unsei vmable "heal" In the lower midconlinent. 'Ihe Weather Bureau said 11 False Arrest Charge Filed OREOON CITY 1 Tlie guard Inn of Charles fiplnk. Is, has tiled a 130.000 false arrest suit on be hslf of Ihe youth aralnal police lind neighbors. The sun. stems Irom 11 dispute over a driveway. Defendants are Sheriff Fred Renkseckcr, Deput" Blierlff E. J. Williams, Bendy City Patrnlmsn Clllton Mnssey, Orvllle Scheels, Mr. ana Mrs. Ed Schceli,, Paul Dove and Wayne Llmbsiigli, v .The youth claimed he was- held in jrii overmgnt Nov. 20. v Resksecker Monday iinld the rlls pute came about IhlH way. The Scheels fnmlly posted a driveway witn no trespassing signs. The Spink family, contended ! wss puoiio use driveway ami young (spin pnrKen 111s cor on It. nie Scheels called police and In the argument that resulted the youth was taken to Jail, Resksecker snld the boy was top young to have an operator's license. That point was not ralaod, iiuwdvui, iie sniu, WoaHher FORECAST Klamath Fulls and vicinity and Northern California 1 Fair Tuesday and Wednesday: con tinued cold. High both days 20, low Tuesday S degrees. Low lemp last night -1 High yesterday - jo Additional Weather Fags Five) RUN ON TWINS DES MOINES. la.. IFl Three sots of twin calves were born all within 10 days, on the Mnurllz Mud farm near Pilot recently. The calves were born lo three brown bulls and two heifers. In the Klaiiialh Basin, through mil Itury service enlistments, vull-ups and the draft, and In at least two (Ui.cn homes In a vastly mora tra gin way, KlBinalli county now lias counled 13 men killed In Korea so lur, and probably two dosen mors waiiutlcd. In addition, tne Commu nist prisoiier-uf-war list released lust week held the names of men living in this area. Lust summer's dry spell was a record-breaker, lasting 1"3 clays 1 Irom i' middle of May until Ihe tall ' ' beiitemberi In which no' ,c -cubic amount ol rain 4O ',h Kalis. O ' ,rs were high Mils fall, ,W j tO hnrl'V and 14 spuds, nO .over and beet prices. 'Ilia alue of crops grown In Ihe math Basin In lUol probably Pours Over Passes Closed would bimt strnris aands atxl ahara snow. V-l.irna n. inr esamnes. re- ,niit- li m uiri r--e.itna esw dsy mhl and Ihe lorera-t Ine weoneeoav morning is let rera to The raid we., whlrh gave niorn ng has gripped the eslero Dakota. BAD KTORM Colorado IoiikM lo free llsell from the grip ol one ol Ha inns', severe storm. A storm which ma rooned hundreds la believed In have taken at least two lives, and wrecked communications and transportation in some areas. In Ihe atate'a hard hit south west corner, onlv three ol 12 mountain passes were precarious ly open lo one way trslllc. As much ss 75 Inches of snow tell In some areas. Houses, even snow plows were burled. Manv towns were Isolated as communications lines snapped under the weight ol Ice snd snow. Rome airline flights and bus trips west out ol Denver were cancelled. Trains were run nlmi late. T .Two truck drivers were all but given uu tor lost In an avalanche. A third was reported swept away bv R thundering cascade ol snow. Still another escaped, Injured but alive. Plane Search Area Spreads PHOENIX, Ariz.,- W A search nrmndn, began covering a 24.000 square mile section of Central Arizona Tuesday seeking a due to the fate ot a missing military transport plane with 2B aboard, In cluding 10 cadets from West Point. A report of wreckage on Iron Mountain In the supcrslUllon range was proved unfounded Monday morning when clearing skies gave pilots the opportunity to give the urea complete check. So the air-sea rescue group ex tended Its search to a rectangular area, which Lt. John Jennings, pub lic Information officer at Williams Air force Bane, estimated to be about 120 by 200 miles. will reach 140,000,000, an all-time high. Car wrecks look 22 lives on high wsys and roads In Ihe county dur ing lltbl at postwar record. Klumuth's wstnr supply, ample snd lu danger from man rather than nature, was a continuing head line during the year and probably will be lu,. a number of years In come, 'Hie threat Is that a federal ugeiii-v may coullsculn water orig inating hers tor distribution In cen tral and southern Ciilllornla, Juvenile delliiuueiu'V and crime appeared to come near a postwar pea lu IU!I, cllmasi-d lust yea icrduv wllh Ihe senlrnclng ol slg irnagrs la prison for long terms fur slrongsrm robbery. Koiesl flies burned brightly In sll directions front Klsmslh rails First In Line For Marriage rnti vira o w a , -we J si ree --a tif 1 f er? .n 1 11. n u... u . - . . . . . . ism . r m A p Itr , tUtfcMt. -he IT. H w f ihs fra ISaiewwl t..r4 H --e p.. , ir,Tr..es 1,, M Ne T, T Re, I BraoNvst, wnn an rrt an ir eexw. oolite : : .r I 1 9 O'xJodiSptriaJl WHOOPS Still celebrating several hours after the now year arrived, Bud Murray, Herald and News machine op erator, gives co-worker Johnny Henderson a review o how he blew the whistle and rang the bell last midnight. 3. ... .... during the dry summer, but Ihe countv actually got off light. The 22,000-svre destructive blur on Ihe Modoc forest III July was the near est snd largest. Charllne Dover, i veara- old and suffering from ranter, died at Portland August n. Him was a Klamath Falls girl and Isle In MM had been tuken lo the hearts ol liwiil people who raided mole Ilian I (too lor her trealnmit and com fort after tier sickness bad Uen Ulagnosed. ' Tlie No. in alorv haui't been lln tshed yel. 1 iur dav allr "lir istniss an Air Koi C-47 plana litw over Klaiiialh Kalis, lad.urd In thai It was all right and idmg- aujih It Itasn'l b-n -n alnra. Alsuatd weie live military paMengeia and Uiree ciewuirii. US Sabre Jets Tangle With Red fviiip, a biiiiii 1 sisip a i"l a.- a - aM, Wta ie t 4 a V i W, ! H-4 MIt. II M a aaama kll Mlf m t a Suiti A Iv f u4 w a.b, e- a. as im atm l M tmfn l laeau l-imt i sat t -. .m ) f St t' uef 0Min tm w m tiff ,, - 'mrnit a.tll ff- 11 I- H 'mtif a Ma- t t' .- -n we aw kkM iwt.misrusl le tl r tf ea iw ntf at as ae estiiet jet bat. ir -. V Mk ti a Iff twve4 Wllh l"-w-4 iaiw ail'ifr asfae t traia 4 Ihe Itaimle lion) Government Cleanup Stil Vague t n ii imi ? w p n 1 -t 1 1 1 , r fir thin " to arte a j asntneal attnn a f,etHl ! 1rmwa a IM" an.1 amr mi tn hr. t"-.mfsfMw. j l- I "- ess wbest u. m han- eV -"' a m h, lm r) U-w is. aliittly a e't , I H ! sea U-l Th- rewi a,M M- e,a-esa HWH trr the "- riJ"""' ZZ""T1 a tMin oe4 e ae- " wo w . -.t e .. M tr-M as a arjse W "aawaaj aar sag i sjig ( bbi i in re p-e-e ffto. V tw iiswn mw an r-,r sm-v u'r e aasf 5; ,, m vH wm t m$ 0 --ei e .. Sp ra a a, no am mrt 'Sh . . . . . ... e- ;1 av.t ' fwe., rr as; e- e . .t -I w e ffe seae aHe ..s m1 Us w tirMe i lessee ar i rs Marr eisi era ft?;.? li t4 llNaZ "1 Several other too news events of Iha year, have been left out ol this tabulation. Among them: Lumber Industry advances made by Weyerhaeuser Timber company I nd Palmerloii Lunibei company, i Weyerhaeuser announcing plans tor a hardboard plant Ifre and Pal- nwiion bringing Pliilippliie nialio- kany In lor imlluil. Tlie death of Harold MiPheraen In a crop spray plane Clash on Ihe airport greuitds. Pallo( kln o tlie Klamath Anne lti ionguiife llophout. The ahuldown ot gambling which coualded nwely wiiir the appear rire on Ihe Wt Coast of avnator K'lauirrs (rnue Uiveuaalui jtiiiliillee. Tivo Hit -e tati xau a tH,w"t m .i I mi al tw h u ft a una. aast. M m4 auavase Tm 014, seas aa a matajw UswfaH anr hma tat SmiM Ut aisaa- - lev t 1. (. M si Sk4,l lMl.kHi -eMitiM XI k h toll Ka.M S4 MWSI OWest a u m si itM al aw tne , aarflaewtfs aiet t-n at mw 'Israelite ee ai(te4 al tra . Mial lite saam m Tan, Oiet faptnaMoa ie aule4 ' mi U (le-md the V I t.f ha Army Mat I ft Miiy adtwi )r Teat s lose up ta nana in 1 sv minute lithl srauut a Mai mju4 of aitaraing H"1 nnthl tt at t"n ei tne Veim 'loot lepiie the Iwilighi war, the tishih Army mmi. ue Commit ni 11 tnt I S4 men lai -. no rliui I yy killed. I 1 aovuded and 41 USeti prisoner. Art Robison Hurt In Wreck An ftoatexn. V a I or vest here haa been etieialint a rerare lor Bal-iaee Motor Compare. we . 1- ,.,. m, . ,..... M VI N eest af Csrlin. Nrv, e. i tn wnm.n was killed to the I lrr and rahl others inl-areal 1b, a,. n, was Mrs ! ,w p.ninw. j;, a llie. Mei Me .w ,. erlia-an hsr-t ml a h'er, petT IWirtl. li, . t .Ml r-rt. Mf, nMMW teste e- rwp,. 1.4 n.thV ftefw re-itf krreen rr AM ha a i,, it t (km an.vries T-e . aaK, ,H,H--n eereew-l irM -M Mf . , aw.a etre 1 tss,!T hew a -eersaw ael tlst . tw. -M i.ih ta a ae ar-al a I Yallan Rites On Thursday ' -. - - - - t t . 1 p. Ss. f, ..4 , ,,v Ires -CSZV.C eZT- mT--- ML .-.r. rTr.-rT.r - , wrs..T" r-eeJrT a a ame al fK SN te V-t R. Rer.1 ri--s lere Mr r C C'a-t Tie5 Mrs. I A M We-eser e KH.-r.ath fslH: iire er. ReryrSi ara"f e4 Ksie- arn rtl arsl Jr, Wsllsn. Tare. I er-wf hile-rew n4 eitht grrai ersevls1re-1 f-rie a ihe me.'tt e t t'st lai, Kl i'"m eaer h es :id here in a plane eras tn 147. Two Years For Spud Stealing Kenneth' Mar Anderson. S-rear old Coat Ousrd deserter, formerre ni Merrill, eslnecj tne dubious nis tinrtlnn of being the last person lo be sentenced In 1MI Irom Klamath County Circuit Court to Ihe Oregon State Prison. Shortly before court closing time yesterday afternoon Anderson was sentenced to two years In prison on conviction ot burglary, not in a aweiimg, He was nrre.iled Nov. 28, wllh Robert Dawley. 18, Merrill, on con nection with theft of 60 sacks of potatoes from a Oreat Northern freluht car at Adams Point. Dawley waived preliminary hear ing and Is free under S2000 ball. Anderson pleaded guilty In court last week to the charge. He also admitted deserting from the Cnast Otinrd in January of 1050. He was the 49th person to re ceive a prison sentence -In the county this year. ElRht persona received prison terms in Circuit Court yesterday Including six youths sent up for 10 venr; each on robbery convic tion and Douglas Dale Penning, three years for foi-Rery, following revocation of probation given on the charge in July ot last year. .- a ...... I .,1 , .... ....... . ,