Tl'KSDAY, DKCKMIlKIt IB. 1051 1IKRAI.D AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, 01(K(iON PAGE THIRTEEN A eiassiriiHl AHSKNAIj ) "f Cliiislina GIFTOCRACY if 3(mti tot I'lANo l.AMI'N, lirnmlv, iitiihl K)le Morgan rliilitfU, Planus l'r 1 1U.U j main r '). a vjmi iw.a.h Yiirsr ma mi run ami lirlngi fur (brut ma tlniall nmy (Iiiwm .l MHHtlli mi Iialanie LUt niluir Id r.a Main IHOK'AnT, ronioli tahiri. c altl' Klamath lunillm Co. Main I'hont MH AM, VtAU wottting i.m.lo.t I. iv lt a Rika. Pi.ituf fhali vox. in h i-ioNr.tu umrs. miii.y tVl Maul ('twin 741.! MW HAMMOND Chord oien He ran ly ll fvtii tliuuih he invar in hi III p a) t ( an v mil id a I ititrinnl I .nUU I' Mann Piano to 170 Nui III Vlii I'ltitn 1112 PARKM! riAMINAIfir It. new. ar alHtnal lid Um lighUr Ms niniilh Will) nut rfuin Hi 50. Utideioods t ain r. Hlu.p 1JT Main PIAHTIC hKAT lOVrilS, Wards bl tiualllv. "haran" wmm plaalli- faltfir lirMHant mUxa, latlan ami rlu( roup ;af)ft Oivra In lit moM tars. An htval ChrllMaa atfl MONTtiOMrny WAitn tnii anil Iiii t'hnne USD POKM3 EVERYONE WILL LIKE "MY MEMOIRS" by FHANK ELSWort lll PELLETT 10J3 IT 60 Main St. I AnOIIND-TIII! CAI.r.NnAll nmymtnl lor a our OlIT or-TOWN Irltmla will ha iraallv Hnnrnvad with a autMrrll)' linn to lha IIKIIAI.O a, NtWB A.k alxuil our UUl Carllllrala plan today. rhona 1111. CilVC prarllral lift (or C'hrlaimaa A founUla nr 1k. ptrt tiy riflr, Park tr or WiUrmin. vfiKiiiTa jiohttn orricr mippi.v Main Thona 1413 24 AFARTMINTS FOR MNT I tJil 'ltlvN (. ur' rior ntosiarn ua. tinlurniaiiad on Kat Ma.t I'liniia W7) tcA i' 'thivc r io tit huuia lor lain n r.iy. Phuna Kt. Klamath I ka" l-.M ."iwu"bi'"" IU,1,,:i" l.ou. IWiJ Urgon AvanuaLPMna 430 $ iM tftxini imFUirt par.lV iuriiinu htm M. Aiply SWT Av-lon. , V. Vent ur Iiva'room tmi, no b.'.atUtm la I r clilldran. L-li- to at oil fut n. lu ,, Xu a:i$ui I'nooi BM lr appoininianl i i. ilea riHJin um(iitiy ano i. ty luiituha.l amali hungalow. l.utuMtft.lti Iwat. Wil tut UUli-a fOU- , llm rnal 1 Phttn t" tXili Mir.M, ""(urtiuhad Utiaa" room apartmaitl 510 N. 7th. UM huti iT'lwo room"parimiiU. U ,u.piU. al.n mall thrra loom l.uua Wimki heal fllB lil' . 0(l liltNTV clean 3 '"room" apattmant : auuiop1. lairit-raUir. liIHa and air luiiluhcd. 1 nv ml. . , apaitnwni lath. altciru kitrhtit. Mar-Max Courl, Merrill uSt Udrim uniurnlihcd apaitmanl. iiaa aulpiwdCall S-ooU. lt Hltkfi" rwim lurninhcU court apat. nteitU 1431 Wall. AUulU. no pata. Pnona 7UM1. VAt'ANc'Tal lnoiiain. Clean, warm, fur mi had w toom apartmaitU Electric tna andr(ristrt"r TWO "and lour room apart man, tVOJ Mark.. PhnaM17. nm lUNIurniinVd bacitelor apart Natural hot water heat. Ciociric tlrirator and alovj combtnallon. Lin- roln Ap- 31P. E. Main. OH lil-NT, lurnwhad aparttranU in- nuira 5H Hlin NlVvT.V""dairaiad, prlvata bath, kit rnlta. HI earn neat, electric range 10 aelt Hex Arnta Apartmtnt. VAtTANCi 10 riom apartmani. lur ntihd. Adulta. 3:i Broad 24 HOUSES 'OR RENT AVAlVAmTor m'x ni(tnlha""leaa about January 13. Ihra bedroom horn, com pletely (urnUhed. Artulu pralarrrd. May b een a Ixiwell. jMione II107: i oil MKN iT inrc rtKtin lurnikiied fol- last-, M2M. At n urcnaro. "n hi" ufNT iwo bedroom duplex, hit- mined, clone In. Inquire 7.MJ Northlllh. MUPF.ltN fur milted three) rnonta, bain, oTVira porch. L'henew. Phnnea-n4. CI.KAHV'H MOT Rl. modern Iwo room rablm. Monthly rata. 3XiSBlhn. ONK ItOOM cablnT l.tfinta and w aler ftirnlihed. Acrou from Pelican achool. 0.111 Hank fit"'- . l:OR'Kr.NT. amall three room furnlaiveB !7uue on North tide, lo couple only. t in raitie and oil heat Ihone JtM4: V6hI1K.N1', irarte or" ftll. three room houa wiih bath, iurnUhed. Phone 2-M3B r OK "llKNT. inall ficmse furnUhed. fireplace, cloaa In. Suitable for woiKinf utile Phone BSan n)ie- I p m. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE TRUCKS (J DRIVE Movo Yourself SAVE 12 New Trucks for Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vpns BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8301 IUH KRNT franr aanders latest tyi euulpment Suburban Lumbar Co. llth anil Walnut I'hona 7700 CAB. TO"HAC!ie"n"7ir.ATr'.r. day week nr month. Earl Lamb, pnona 4073 or 770. SO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Tulelake Homestead Over 100 seres tinder Irrigation. Largs portion lias been leveled. Prlco $37,000. Terms. Boll of deep snndy loam. Located In Boll Conservation District. Sev eral reliable Irrigation wells In this area. Prlco $0500. JACK C. MACE REAL- ESTATE Tulelako Phone 2013 ii if rr'. 1 VZ-i HANDY DIRECTORY "CVl,- 1 V Jl In convenient, casy-to-find manlier, dozens of items will appear in this handy Gift Spotter daily. (Jilt items that are right for Christmas giving. You can shop at home in your houso slippers save precious time and priceless energy. Truly Your . . . CHRISTMAS SHOP-PORTUNITY Prince Uurdner BILLFOLDS Famed lleglntar MiKlel In all popular Irallirri IJI) lo 111 MILLER'S TOPCOATS All Reduced For Real CHRISTMAS SAVINGS $20 $34 $47 DREW'S MANSTORE A OIFT FOR THE BOSH Desk Pad Set (Jimp Poiture Chair Brief Case (leather) VOKIHTPl PIONEEH OKKICE SUPPLY 6M Main Phone 7413 All, S 1 WtO IM MinitOnH, ptrtut, what-not ahHvaa. Ktantalh ruinltur Co. Ml Main. Phuna xvi faSFSiiim-nin llArJbniRnTrttJMENTIl BVlmer. llnllon nuaarhar. Iyaway now for Chrtitmaa. Taima. Krla Morsan PIsium.. 10J4 Main I'hona J-O2U0. 30 REAL 1ST ATI FOR SALI BRAND NEW! Mills addition home with two lovely bedrooms. Hardware floors through out. Lots and Iota of bullt-lns. Large closets and automatic oil heat. On paved street with con crete driveway and floor In at tached garage. Will go F'HA. 10000. HOME and INCOME Almost new one bedroom and older two bedroom home on over one acre. South Mibuibs and on paved hired. Walking distance to Alts moni school. A good buy at $8000 with $1200 down. $500 DOWN Very nice one bedroom home on Mnutcllus. .9 of an acre lot with nice yard, fenced. Completely fur nished. Total price. $3000. More right In for 600, down. Balance $40 per month. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYL0CK Realtors Phone 2-3545-6440 1023 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 - , n . 3 Bedroom Bargain $6500 Dandy location on "i acre In the Shasta District. This cosy home features automatic floor furnace, concrete foundation, garage and Insulated cooler room. Nice yard with lawn and trees. You can't beat ll for the price. Reasonable terms can be arranged. AI Longmlre Joe Perry Eves. .6724 Eves. S332 with BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR 1037 Main St. Phone 306S Eves. 3421 ST. FRANCIS PARK Suburban two bedroom home only two years old, Oak floors through out. Electric hent, attractively ar ranged kitchen and utility porch, wardrobe closets, sprinkler system In front yard, conveniently located lo stores, school and city bus lines. FHA loan. Price $8000. ALSO South Subtirbnn four room house snd complete bath. Large utility room with double laundry traya. Approximately one acre good Irri gated soil. Lawn, shade trees and garage. Price $6500 terms. Call to day to see these homes. Anne Mnson-Saiesmnn-Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosley - Salesman - 2-0168 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 8. Otli Phone 7266 NEW HOMES or ,, William B. p0w ,11. phon. 0S2O. FOR SAl.R. resiat.rfifl Pekingese 140. Phon. 3320. 3200 Arthur. BE IN THE KNOW I Rend Her ald & News Classified ads dally Oct the latest Information on what's what in everyday business trends. t CRAND GIFTS Olve The Bert In I.uggrge SAMSONITE Completo Ney Shipment NOW IN STOCK MILLER'S "GIVEXMASTtKCoitij.S ALL THREE SPEEDS Good Selection UHLIG'S 102S Main Phone 6513 Your gift Is sure to click When you make II a movie camf:ra Bell Howell $79.50 and up DeJur . 10 50 and up BUD'S THOTO SERVICE 1031 Main Phone 3580 Music Box Xmas Cards for Kids Also assorted Xmns csrds-sll t'es 1 I A nPINKT PIANO from the larlerl lock In thla part of Hie ant Pay only aiu neiore t.nriiimaa. marl aniau pay. martU In January, louia ft Mat-n IM ann Co I W Worth Yth. Phon 71X2. IINlVKMHAL tA'h HiArtn, wairr tvp wiih motnr driven Ian. TiU ail cart. fi(B3 rarh. Ilh and Pin. Phone SIRS ' nit c amh CAH Mini tru! A Hammonfl 1 Hdii oraan tn your horn, l-ouu H Mann CUm Co. 130 WorUi 71b. Phonr 30 RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE TAVERN Ixvcated 111 center of town. Now doing fine business. Price includes all fixtures, equipment and stocx. New three year lease available. Rental $125 month. Excellent op portunity for young couple. $7350 takes all. AL SCHMECK REALTOR and IN8UriANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 or 6330 Here's A Real Christmas Present For Your Family ST. FRANCIS PARK Extra nice two bedroom home. Large living room, with llreplace, dining room. Large bedrooms, with cedar closets. Large garage with cold storage unit, plus storage space or shop. Electric heat. Bal ance of loan 946s and $50 s month payments. Don't miss seeing this. J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 11313 Main St. Phone 7531 I Claire Ellis Eves Phone 2-2659 Uy p Qt.nt phone 4SM W. W, Thompson, At Malln INCOME PROPERTY Self managed located In heart of business district. Income from two buildings located 'j on block with streets on three sides. Buildings well constructed, have long time leases. Except for portion used for hotel which la manager operated and could be leased or operated by new purchaser. Selling price $70,000 with terms. Shows excellent Income on the Investment. . Newhouse Real Estate 2060 S. Sixth. Phone 9832-5742 ROOM TO BREATHE Inside and Outside The real door to your happiness can be the door to this clean, at tractive, well-arranged two-bedroom home on Shasta Way. It's, Just far enough out of town to give you the feeling of being In the country, yet It's close to stores, buses, schools, etc. The large lot Is approximately 1-3 sere and the house Is surrounded by an attractive lawn and abundant shrubs. Plenty of room to prevent that feeling of being In a cne. $8450 with only $1500 down takes III In cludes elect rlo rsnge, oil furnace, and Is plumbed for an automatic washer. Better call right now lor an appointment to ice It I Don Klrkpstrlck, Salesman (Evenings Phono 9760) EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR 121 No. 8th Phone 8491 ,nufT6Ti3I,-AN'tr" !IortcTtV!r' Two s.tiny black cocker puppies would lov, to b, under your tr., Christmas rpornlnf. Exr.ll.nt peditr... St. months old, d!stmp.r shots, v.t.rlnary eh.rk.d and house broken. 4306 Anderson. Phon. 0175. V 71U. I Down-To-Earth IDEAS For Up-In-Thc-Air FOLKS IKOK A KKALLY UBKFUL- Oirr Pencil tsnarpciicrs Hlspllnit mor.hines Calenusr Pads Waste Batkeis Shop At VOIGHTB PIONKEll UJ-MCfc BUPPLY K Mln Phone 1411 FOR THE CHILDREN Portable and Table Model PHONOGRAPHS A sorted Sizes Colois Prices All Three Speeds UHLIG'S j 10'JO Main Phone 6512 FOR TOYLAND TREATS S1K)P AT YOUR COAST TO COAST STORES Still have s good selection of toys OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 103S Main Phone C248 IIAWfllOKNE BICYCUUi. liandaro and lank moels. btylea fur boya and S'rls from M.I OS to S72 Sf MONTCiOMERY WARO flh and Pine I'rione 3ISS MEITOV S MM VOVI VirWER li,.B fnlt.lenalh tnovlaa. Comolrta with three rrclt. SUDS. Underwood'! Camera Klw.p. 727 Main. TWO Mclean Chihuahua M2S Harlan Drive, rnont zwm BUTTONS' If 'TOnCHY' Two hiny black CorVrr puppin would lv to ba under your tree Cnrlttmat morn In. Fxrallanl pdlgre. 3 i montht, dlitvmpar anoia, vetarlnarv rhackad and nouaa DroKsn. ww Aiwwr- wn. I'hona 6175. 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ON THE LEVEL i Large well constructed home, close In location. Oversized living and dining room, wall to wall carpeting, fireplace, two large bedrooms and bath. den. beautiful kitchen and utility room, full concrete basement with excellent natural hot water well heat plus air conditioning set up for summer, garage, two extra lots Included. $18,000 with $0000 down, b percent Interest. California Avenue Do not miss seeing this well planned two bedroom modern home. Heavy construction throughout. Living room with fireplace, dining room, hnndv kitchen, nice bath. Wardrobe closets, part basement, new gas furnace. A really comfort able and attractive home. $8700, terms. HOT SPRINGS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION on this beautiful modernistic 3 bedroom home in fine location, large living room with attractive fireplace and picture windows, dining room, mod ern kitchen with dishwasher, cera mic tile bath. Indirect lighting throughout, automatic furnace, at tached garage, sun deck. Move In for Xmas. $19,500, terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204 JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3311 6330 DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME ? ? ? We have customers ready snd wait for HOT SPRINGS: 2. 3 and 4 bed room houses, either with of with out full basements and hot water wells. MILLS ADDITION: We have ready buyers for both 2 and 3 bedroom houses In both low and medium priced houses. NORTH OP MAIN STREET: We have a long list of Interested buyers for 2. 3 and 4 bedroom houses. Old homes will do. but must be well built and In good condition. YALTA GARDENS: Cash buyers for 2, 3 or 4 bedroom houses. As your realtor we will handle the entire transaction and place the money In your hands at the earliest possslble date. CALL US NOW I I I OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Homer Stiles Fred Scott Phone 5658 Eves. 2-2460 Eves. 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Blnce 190S 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 or 6529 homes rort sai.i EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don Ktrkpatrick. 8al.iman Ut N lt Phon, Sl FOB SALE, trad, or rent. Two bedroom house. Reasonable. Phona SMS. 46 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL f Up to $500 on youx auto On row salary or furniture up to $300 "Par Oar" loana a specialty - $10 US. $10 loaned till "pay day" or loniff-r 115 costs but IS cenu lor oni week No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. IIS No !Oth St. M-3M DON Mi INTYRE. Mgr. C Yean Friendly Service 30 REAL ISTri FOR SALE Biggest Little Ranch For Sale by Owner HO acres AIMkc clover land-rating uliiiou 1000 lbs. per acre i,ced bans or Itftl 600 grcr.s retuni. Price lor land only, ltl.600 net. which Is less than one year s crop. Luttlcnicn attention ! I I Arc you looking lor a top notch rca-onably priced place to carrv 6O0 head fat cattle compact Irrlualed meadow stvle? This I. it Jim ner ani- ma unit. Can you bcr.t it ' Check Western Livestock adds running 1 'JC0 to MOO per animal unit. Car- 1 lying capacity, counta. not acres. Well located With paved road available. F'ull particulars BOX I'll Klamath KalU or pnone Lon-lla I 2105 for appointment, MILLS ADDITION See this well comlructed 2 bedroom 1 modern horns today. . Attractive j kitchen, dining room and bain, t-o- cated on a good corner lot one block from the buillnc. Price $7150, ! only $1200 down. LINCOLN STREET Completely furnished 1 bedroom modern home, within easy walkin, distance of Main. Full basement, garage, well landscaped lot. paved street and sidewalks. Price $5550. Easy terms. CLOSE TO TOWN i 2 bedroom home, on quiet paved 1 . 1.. fi MlmiM u-sl frnm street, only five minute walk from downtown. Comfortable kitchen. dinette and living room. Partly fur nished. FM11 price only $-1000. Rea sonable terms. INCOME PROPERTY In Mills Addition. 3 neat clean houses, each on separate adjoining lot. Very good neighborhood, easily rented, steady income. Pull price only $12,000. Bee Uiem without de lay. fePEV EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Homer Stiles Fred Scott Phone 5658 Eves. 2 2460 Eves. 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1909 111 N. 0th St. Phone 45S4 or 5529 NEW TWO bedroom hem FHA con. intr-iAfl Httrfluiood fioori. lniulated. a! tached larage. automatic heat. Very low down payment. Monthly payment leu man rent, rnone ifw. i-ma tveiiinw 32 BUILDING & REMODELING HOME BUILDERS MAINTENANCE ROOF REPAIRING Rain or Shine REMODELING KITCHENS RESTYLED FIRE WARNING SYSTEMS To Save Lives and Property FREE ESTIMATES 3 YEARS TO PAY Phone 6808 9072 Ward's Sidin gs ARE Sound Investments They Increase the value of your home. They add much to its neat ap pearance They are made of quality ma tcrlal, all the way through They never need painting They save fuel through better wail insulation They last. FOU A FREE ESTIMATE Phone 3188 or 2-3005 "R. ROBINSON INSTALLER Montgomery Ward 9th and Pins Phone 3183 34 FUEL HEATING & SALAMANDER & HEATERS TROY V. COOK COMPANY 2040 S. SIXTH PHONE 4803 METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Ot Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Sprln St. Phone 4153 STANDARD HEATING OIL Stnv. furnac, lisht fu.1. enal, wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co. 835 SlarkaL Phona 51. LOANS Pdone J-JS37 8-71 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace HftflVV Fllpl tl7? Check and Fill 1 .Stem Hlirjiur.6c;ii pirkup ot dWi-.Br-d i Cliff Yarlena Sisnul rfrvica 3Wt So sth Phona mi .r t mjo tan ukkk.n staui-s gum on nat i ln Dl1 Cnona 1U.S1 or 2-tlioO lor orornul Sf'.'it" ... ..., u,, ' CUrr VAOE.?.? VICT i 33 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES ' j ilni?Jyi-'I1S, rl! barrel, front it rear t.giitt. Cherk- lendtd fnr-arm Ci-r.ered 'lhnJ '"JPJ' un red pi- car 7U TPADE. new Colt cal. buer- , on vour furniture needs during our De-autonetl,.- p:it-,l .lln 12 r.-,!. ronve.-rlnn I cetr Store wide tale. 15 per eent unit with shells and hiklrr. value si 15 - down and 15 months on balance. Loca- i Want good rifle of eual value, f hone ! Uon laves on mnrev. ; i 'Jn i LUCAS rURNITURE BOXKhS '" lw,hKt' , ,1 22. o.caon or phone IWcrtreen 1 i 1-1822. I dachshund iii.ra. CHAMPION aired; both text and colon al-o stud Inx&Yt, 17717 S Z. Oatflcld Road. Portland 32, Oregon or pftane f.V".--.-n 1.1522. STaAM&SK cat. pup, canary. Ke-naDie-4240 Shail Wav. DACHSHUND puoa. Cnamstonanip blood line. Available for Xmai. Call alter 3 pm. 2:5 Eberlein. Phnre KJiJi COIXIE pupa for aale. i week old at Xmat. Phore 30WJ. WKlMABANErt puoa for sale- Hunter f prlcei Phone BOARDING KENN'KLS Doe Boardtni by day. week or month Sanitary kennels Well ba I a nerd diet Clean Individual cudonr rum for each dot Doss nandled durtt mating. Will pick up and deliver vis, tor welcome Phon 5078 Merrill Rd Ft 7 Box 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY HOULIRY WANTED Cash paid for kny amount Top market prices fcr good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH PODLTR7 FARMS OH SALE, thormiffhhr-! Poland-China Diirs. Phone 6168. 5P0 Lakon B'vd. rOR SALE, turkeys, double-breasted tronza bens, dreued. -53 per lb. Pbone 3447. TURKEYS for sa e. drestcd or alive. 7304 Emerald St. Phorc 2-1952. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING SERVICE Phrne 5721 M C (Chuck) Warren. Rl 2 Box 522 WANTED colored hens Phone 4391 HIC;KEST prices paid for poultry boss anu uvwiocn. BIG V MEA1 MARKET Lafcevlew Junction Phone 482n 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED, childrcns outgrown clothing and toys. Used ladies and men's cloth ing. Describe article, nr.d prices. Write Box 452. Herald and News. A'E NEED CARS' Get top pnea now' Ro Motor Co 6th nd Plum. WANTED used bars cotton or burlap PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE WE are prepared to buy. for imrr.edi a'e ea-h. one piece or your entire house hold of furniture. If you have somethirc, to Fell call U5. We ruv ANYTHING SUMMERS LANE AUCTION MART. r"e-.. rr""1' lT-"1. WANTED to rent. Four bedroom fur nished house or two houses on same lot. Phone 2-2658. WANTED a bedroom unfurnished home. Adults. Close In. Phone Floyd Wynne. 7040. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow $100 Pn Onl $757 Mo Repay In 18 Installments UP VO S300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS rHK ITJEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to psj Locally owned New Cars financed at bank rates "WONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. iO years serving Klamath Ba-or. See "Chuck" Bailey Mgr. IK N 711) St. Phone S.12!- S-Ml MOT Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOAN3 $50 to $300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles (paid (or or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. UC 6-351 N-'il 107 No Oth Phon 7711 WILL PAY 7r; Interest on 111500 :or ono ytar, tiSOO property as security, nox 4J4 Heraldand New. 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE, fully equipped mar nine and welding shop. Lathes, mill machine planer, etc. . .Ill health forces aale. P.O. Box 535, John Day, Oregon. 51 MISCELLANEOUS 'OR SALI FOR SALE Davenport, bedstead, box springs with matching mattress, set of pil lows. 3 table model radios, 2 lame chests of drawers odd chairs, 1 end table. 1 ash stand. 1 light fixture, 1 White Electric Sewing Machine, Mrjiitzomrry Ward Deluxe Wash in Machine. 1-7 ft. Coronado re ' Iriaerator. odd dishes and etc. Lovely wall vases with vines 1 1 large round b?vel edge mirror. 1 U j In. special made window shade I igreeni. 60 ft. garden hose. rake. 1 hoe. snow shovel, loci box and ' hundreds of household miscellun- Mm Items. Will be open at 10 a.m. j unt I 6 p.m. Most Items are prac- tlcally new. See at 3018 Boardman - Avenue. SIX nay floor jimo. Ifire rinal.j ru.'i ! Pl with shade nct cloh. ilrp on I jwurn , turn oil. iun-aju-3!0 flol. !Oecmbcr Str.rc wl! prlca SI4.S3. LUCAS rUHNITUKE ICS T. Main 1 BAHY CilANU OlVno and hanrh. dark rnahoeaiv caac, S6S0. Terma. 2012 Etna WHI.K kNAMf.L tra.h burnaf UHI. five al. ran b.ue pa nt S10. Urfe o E. Yzrrtlry eolln lar.ip. coat siiu. fell " una nr.. pnona CJKNFRAL ELECTRIC uprlcht vacuum nenr. Tha ht tier maa inciudmi at-.aehmenta. twos. $15 down. M 23 per ,T -V".-oJ".k'1';' ",CS?!,I. uehments. ..M. 112 down. M par Lucas rurtNITUFE iw r.. Main kihuy. and reaaonabla. rUR SALc,, Luser plsloL S40. i-nona WE ARE now having our largest fi:r- IM E. Main For sale, twaT -. bes. like new. j i- rcss. Twin bed aoreads. V" . .,, o.:', eich. one winter coal, size " roR SALE, automatic washer. -none fiOM after p m. CARD tables for Christmas. A la fire asjortmeil. Eave money during our De cember Store Wide Sale. LUC'S FURNITUHE IBS E. Main WaCSTlNUHOLSE ranse WO, ISorge o'-i cubic toot refrigerator 173, nearly new wood heater S3S, Innersprlng mattress $30, tpr.ngs 10. davenport and chair $25. yout.i beds 120. Monarch electric range with trash burner S40, Tappan gas ranjre with trash burner S30. Tri cycles, hobby horse j. bicyclei and other suitable Xmat presents. HeascnAble. 3A0O Summers Lane. MR. and MRS. Dresser, Hollywood head tvard. n cht stand. Store wide Ut ber Sale price $10899, llfl.Oj down. i. Ji per tnon-n. LUCAS FURNITURE IDS E- Main LAD?F;S leather hand tooled pur-en ant handbngi. t?0 to 135. Phone 2-076. rOR SALE, bov's roller rfcate. Size 7 it. Very good condition. 112.50. Phona 2-1MV CAVALIER cedar chest. Lane nt. Regular price Mfl.75 during our De cember Store Wide Sal price 149-93. Terms. LUCAS PURNTTURE 195 E. Main SIX year baby bed and mattress, play pen and pad. stroller. Kenmora Iron er. Phone 2-0547. SPiNLT piano, used but very n.-e. S-KS term i. 110 down, $14.50 monthly, louia R. Mann Piano Company, 120 tfo. 7th. GIVE a Lane Cedar Cnest for Catiau mu. itrm'. LUCAS FURVITURE 195 E. Main USED Kimball Grand ptano. 1WJ5. Wj. down. 123.50 monthlv, Lnuis R, Ma .in nano uompany. iau no. in, 190 WILL buy a 12 guage model 2 Winchester that has everything. Solid rih barrel, front. rer fixhts. Checkered ! xtnr!nl for arm. Checkered Dlstol grip and recoil pad. AUo gun case goes with it. Phone Z-.iz.i3. LUCAS Furniture will be open until 9 p.m.. Frtcav. LUCAS FURNITURE 193 E. Main SEE our win tow of closcout electrical appliances. Mark Smith and Co. 133 Ea-t Mam si. kive n'sM-e mahoeanv bedroom suite, vanity, chest, full size bed. night stand and bench. Price $386.50 during our store wide December sale. Sale price 1249.50. Save 1137 cn this suite, lerm. LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main GOOD used ptano. S5 inches hin. S1M5. terms. S10 down. SS monthly. Louis R. Mann. 120 No. Seventh. FOR SALE. 7-pc. bedroom set. solid walnut, blonde finish. Call Malln 132. FOR SALE, baby bassinette and chllds lame Heel rocKlng norse. zoiw naeciiTir GIVE a table lamp for Christmas. Save money on your table lamo. durtnt our December ior wide sale. Over 75 tc ehoos. from. LUCAS FURNITURE 193 E. Main FOR SALE, used Wards relnjerator S95. see at Krca unmax. inone j-wm. FOR SALE, Red Fox fur coat. Slz. 1- Phone 3S98. 2223 Applegate, KA.VS- mnn- nn VOUr bedroom SUilt durinc our December store wide trie. 15 per cent down, payments 15 months on balance, noice over nunc LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main ALL Kinds of crochet pieces. A. C. Ken yan. 1903 N. Wantland. City. FOa SALE. 120 bow) accordion. 1190. Phone 8050. HOLLYWOOD reaHboard. two n-eht stands. Mr. and Mrs. Dreseer. Sale nrlce $154.95. down payment S23415, monthly payment Si 1.79. LUCAS FURNITURE 193 E. Main BOY'S CYCLE truck bicycle. Carry 200 oounds. Phone 3386 evenings. CHILD musical rockers. LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main FULLER brushes. Phone HGQ4 or 3bT7 XMAS TREES We take orders, plain or sprayed- Phone CLOSE OUT Choice mens or ladies four diamond set dial. 17 jewel wrist watch. One half price, value oB.yo, sale price aM.w. tax uiciuaca. RTCKYS JEWEL FRS Down Stairs Store Phone 3151 FOR SALE, black marble-too table. suitable for end, occasional or coffee table. Price $73. Call 2-1543 or see at 2.100 Ftlehn St. upstairs. i LANDSCAPING. evergreens. ahrubi ! and tree. W trim, spray and remove Icree trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY ! Phcne 4286 j ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type. writers, cash registers, desks, chairs ' files for sal. or rent ', PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY , T) Main Phnn. 74H STARK TREES. Phone 2-1735. CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phone 2-1167. -iOLKS who like food with the home .nade taste. . .like to shop at Juhnny's Sig Y Bakery, Merrill Lak.vlew June Mon. CRUSHED ROCK, blac or red cinders lor driveways, ynone roo. joe part. PUMICE BLOCKS, drain tile, concrete culvert pipe. PEYTON & CO. 835 Market - CLKCTROLl'X CLEANER and polisher ar.d supplies. Phone 7167 Tarkel Tweet. 9U UarkeL 345 E. Main cinders FIR bodr wood. Phone 9036. MONARCH electric stove. Uood condl- t'on. Phone 2-3131. OIL storage" tanks. Peyton and Co". B..3 Market. ADMIRAL REFRIGERATORS Fifteen percent down, no Interest or carrying charge for 12 montiis. Up to IS months to pay. Priced from 9196.95 to Wtt9.93. Ten models to ehoos from. Lucas Turnlture. 193 E. Main. GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld er, aaoi so. otn. pnone ONE Ansco reflex camera, with flash sun and case, new condition. tlOS. Call 2-3100. ADAM Schaf bungalow type upright piano. Flemish oak finish. Good con dition. Easy terms. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY II MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI ELECTRONIC organ, floarial si ftn1 A wonderful addlUon to a homt nr amall rhurrh for Xmaa. Terma. a.M) do-n. 125 monthly. Loula ft. Mann Pi ano Cnmpanv. 120 No. Seventh. OR SALE, baby crib"na 'I4vT MASON SAND fiirdirl. driveway rnaur: ial. Phone 4M7 W. H. tracy. APRONS for Xmas also baby play pan ss AUTOMOTIVI 2 DAYS TO TRY BEFORE YOU BUYI Thai's Dugan and Mest offer to you. Take any of these guaranteed cars out for 2 days then If the car doesn't suit you bring it back your money will be cheerfully refunded. '51 Plym. Suburban ....$2145 49 Stude. Champ $1397 48 Dodge 4-dr. sdn. ,...$1297 '47 Dodge 4-dr. sdn.'... $1197 46 Ford Tudor sdn $ 897 '48 Mercury 4-dr. sdn. ..$ 997 TV TRUCKS, ft '49 Dodge ',4 Ton P.U. . $1197 48 Ford Ton P.U. ..$1097 43 Chev. Ton P.U. ..$ 847 Also a. r 1949 DODGE Power Wagon and . . . 1949 l2 TON CHE. Cab & Chassis. . i A FEW CHEAPIE3 PRICED FROM $47 TO $197 DUGAN &jMEST DODG3 - PLYMOUTH - DODGE -Job Rated'' TRUCKS 523 So. 6th Phone 8101 Juckeland's Proudly Announce : That During the Month of December All of Our USED CARS are PERSONALLY ENDORSED To Believe It COME IN-SEE THEM DEMONSTRATORS 21951 HUDSON SEDANS Mechanically Perfect Prices Greatly Discounted 49 PACKARD "8" Sedan $1695 48 HUDSON (ClylO1? Super 4V 4-Dr. $ 1 47J $1495 $1495 $1195 $1295 48 48 47 "39 PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan CHEVROLET ffUQC Styline Cpe. v I I 7J S"r ' $1295 BUICK . 'Sedan' ' v. $195 COMMERCIALS me Docke Panel $ 595 1946 Ford V-8 V, T Pickup $795 1949 Int. KB-8 ... $3995 1950 Ford F7 wtag J $3795 19S 0 Ford F8 Air $3795 1948 G.M.C. - COE Tag. 2-sp. $3595 JUCKELAND'S BLOCK-LONG LOT llth to 12th on Klamath Ph. 2-2581 BEST VALUES! ; USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YUUK liuli; L)c.ALEiv f 8 Tth Phone TTti Vr a NEW or USED TRUCK . Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Tnck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK'SALES tltb and Klamath ?hone 3-3581 C0MP.LETE Radiator Service Cl-sEANlNG .FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main el Esplanade 1950 CHYSLER Windsor club coupe. Fluid drive, four speed transmission. Radio and heater. Perfect conditioo. Only SllnU. DIMBAT MOTORS 239 Main WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTOR 301 Main. Phon. 3579. -W. will sell your car for you." We buy and trad.l FOR SALE, 1950 Chrysler Newport. A Deautitui car. Has all tne trimmings. This car looks Ilk. new. S2395, DIMBAT MOTORS 239 Main Dodge pickup, practically new motor, battery and tires. Phon. $-3300. FOR SALE, 1949 rord 3 passenger coupe. 9iiip. yun wain. inone :Mirr. FOR SALE, 194S Chrysler Windsor four door sedan. Loaded with extraa. Only 25.000 miles. In Immaculate condition. $1493. DIMBAT MOTORS 239 Main '49 MERCURY lor salt or trass, fhon 2-I2S3. FOR SALE, by original owner. Iih7 Bulck Roadmaater Sedan. A-l mechan. leal condition, radio and heater. Walnut shell tires, seat covers, tarvlc. record available Price $1145. Phon. 4333. WANTED cheap model A for Junk! Phon. 2.00.T7. BOB ROSS GARAGE, 2001 Or.goa Av. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Brake relin. on all popular ears, $16.M. Wheel balancing, labor SI. 23 per whe.L FOR SALE, equity In 1950 lord nu." Iness coup. ExceUent eondltloo. Pbone 939. H NKKD CARSl Ost top price SWW( aose Motor Co. eta and Pluaa. v