Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 27, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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    paqc roim
Mil l. JKNHINe
elaeaflla glae
to (or Iht bsnsfll of Uiom who lova to tl out In
th marsh and fields after them.
ITS been uggtd til around thai t pass our
Idea on to th new gam commission now, bafor
Hi quMllon of lh I MO season com up. l"v spoken
my pier twlr now. U anyone ls want to. Ill
On on auto Oema Commission, 134 a. W. Aldw
lliwl, P. a Bog 4IB. Portland (. Out nn. .
J t IK. l-al .. tale UU.
p7ees U e. H A seem
jfiiri' World Today
' giTaavnirTiosi at. w w
f earns
. i '! ' ! .13
," ti n? -m r"'
Exodus of iheWild fowl
at inn aihiison
THR tintlu ol th migratory waterfowl of a week
MO Sunday we. aiameUo ovarii. thrimiii
.Uvegeiie Uiat. Muted in ' on'
the tint gone Mrh prlng mid Wl ru br"
tn. first go.- yurtt .mm ,hti.
I on Saturday. "n. '""
I were million of duck d gees
I feeding In Ui siubbl field nd
; oiesdnw ol lh basin. Then, with
th bi( nowfll ol saturaay
night mid Sunday, lh bird be
Mil restive and were on their
wild y.
Ntm hv n many duck nd
VV V Be lwa SO ISIV in puvm
V "epplly "t" h
I ttubbl with no hunt to ur
I Uiem up tor neatly ix weeks.
U Never hav lh flocks left to H-
mullnoualy, M lh uww Mld
urn lh fxtln imund.
Don nhr. of lh Uti dt nnUonm monumwl,
who had nnrtrful vnt polnl to wU-h h
rmdiw. Mid ht Ui nwhl thai Sunday m not
)nt Dork rtr flor. but wi on itody flUht of
blntt hdln Ui rU to n rnr pum and
epn pondj at lh California rlr fWMa.
LOOKINO t II anohr way. brtim ua bark to
h( fraud of M Mil naon. Artually. Klamath
hint l-lay wwn. WU. add th halt
day on lrnibr I whn lh ammd halt ornd.
Than th bnya had chaiwa to wallow In v anow.
floundw throiKh th ka. fit ewaahmally to p4
lUwilw arivr hU dvard faaUwrfd brMhrm.
and rmwally haw a food outta. Attar that th
uwlr war inn and Uia www and lc t to b
n o)d atary. Anyway, rail It 10 day.
Prom th roanU Wllamtt and Columbia Mr
hnnUnc apot font wtrd ot dlaaaUafacUon alao.
ThUr renaannia It that th flrat aaaaon wai too
arty lhr: and. aVw lh Columbia, hatln dit
tarant aaaanna In Oraatw and Wahlnton (imply
HMVd th Mrrta l(W to th aM that waa tkwd.
Th latter maka anaa, from our xrrtanc whao.
Croton and California aaaaona dtdnl anatrh.
Ml not an iiy rhora to aaUaty hunhm In a auto
with th varied rondiuona that Orr haa. but th
rM m (ommlaaton amd to do worst tnrtaad ot
batiar with aach try.
atill ballara that hrat ronatdaratton ahouM ha
(iran to tha araa that auppon th moat dueka and
mh. and that th Klamath baain haa b handad
th dirty nd t tha Mirk. Cartalnly th train
ror ot tha Klamath baatn ftd axoro bird than
II th rt f th atahx
dwr tn mind, thotarh, that lnr' a naw root
Wilmton thatt wnrrylnt It raK now. Tow cant Mama
tham tor lh praaant tlaaciv LatH bop lhay ran
profit by the norrtbl awampla.
IP Rt tru that the aaaavn haa to b kapt op
bih tor waat of tha mountain araaa. and rant ba
kapt ofan ot tha ncht Hma bar alao ithotarh I
w-ont vourh tor thatv. than aenouaty i kind f
apllt aaaaon ti naadad. How about (oiray who) hot;
and dolrat n thia wwy:
Co th aaaaon In all ot California. Ornroa and
Kahmctn from th firm ot Octoiwr lhmh Janu
ary. Than haia ahootint only on tv or thra or
hoa many laj a wk tha paaara that ba n
tha durk omp win atand.
That w aaoh are wvatM hax a ro at hunttrar
nmatlma durtnc that tpan ot tuna, whan tha btnta
r at hand. Hatiraj mty anamata daya. or a day
or two k w. for ahoouraj wtaild mminuaa tha
a-iTnt ot human boomlr; to on an araa whan th
tarda had onm hv and raMn hob with both tha
btnta and tha huntirj.
At any rata, totn hav our lima at wt and too
hunting by the and ot Nevaanbar. barauat moat year
If Trraan np, anoaad fn. and th bird hav con
Oftar that.
otnahow, t M m ay from th Ma that th
!y ton for proracUra and toatannt tha ajuaxkwra
THIS U a (real day fur tha naaborn United mala
of Indonesia, whlrh to tklii over power from
Ilia IHilrh roramment In Baiarla and to tmbarkitig
on aalf-rule.
Hy Uia aam token If a day ot Billed emotlona
tut tha "mother country." alnra In thto tranafar Hol
land loaea a major portion of tha empire over ahlrh
aha had hald prldttul and profitable away tor mora
than three renlurle. Control of th fabulou rich
In oil and rubber and aptraa thua raverta to the
natlraa, allhouth of eouret Dutch Intareat attll re
tain their Inveatmeitta.
0 Tha Netherlandi Join Britain In exemplifying
J that the day ot empire are numbered. Tha
lima when the people ot on race ran ImpoM their
rule on another rare to all but gone. The Kaal Indlea
are following India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon
out Into the realm ot aelf -determination, and th
Imperial crown of England and Holland hav lot
the greateat of their genu.
True Hi V. . of Indonenia to to be a part ot
federated commonwealth whlrh to linked with Hol
land by the Dutch crown. However, th arrange
ment la very similar to that of the Brltuh common
wealth and Indoneela haa full sovereignly.
Th new government ha tha blessing ot America.
Th member ot th Indonesian government tor the
moat park are strongly anti-communist and aa things
now stand the nation may become a powerful de
fense ea-alnet tha red offensive for control ot th
Par Bast.
America's friendship haa been further emphasised
by tha manner In which tha Washington govern
ment raced against time and got a big shipment of
Marshall Plan supplies ay to Indonesia before
the new republic became Ineligible on assumption ot
power today. This shipment touted l3T.M0.0Od and
Included rice and textile.
Moreover. President Truman to expected to extend
diplomatic recognition to Indonesia almost Immedi
ately. Russia deliberately put herself on th out
with lh government ot the U. 8. of Indonesia by
attacking IU members In the United Nations aa
traitors beraus ot their settlement with the Dutch.
At a matter of tact th Indonesian minuter ot
defense. Sultan Hamengku Bowono. said that
he expected troubleenakers to try to mar the cere
mony of transfer today, and he waa providing armed
force to mainuin order. H dldnt Identity the pos
sible source ot trouble, but ft waa apparent that he
had communists In mind.
As for the Dutch and Indonesian troops, who only
five months ago www fighting each other, they ap
peared to have burled the hatchet. Chrtauaaa Day
thee old "enemies" played football against each
PITH tha km ot this rich Island federation
and fta population ot aom TT.0M0M, Hot-
land empire to reduced to a ceanparatrv whisper.
She still haa The Netherlands West Tndtea and
Surinam i Dutch Oulnai on the Atlantic toast of
South America. Th total area ot th Wanda to about
Ml square miles and tha rjopulauon to araroxl-
saa m. r hi srswc. mt. i am a a et. .
"Myb you could blatt mora bandit with your atomic
gun, but I'd do a natr job with my cowboy ,x-hootrI"
Boyle't Column
The Little Tree's Singing
Was for Spirit, Not Money
NSW YORK, i-Onr upon a
Christmas Kv ther wws a young
couple so poor they couldn't even
afford a chimney for Santa Claus
to come doait.
But they ware so In leva they
ditini reauy mind too much.
Let's see what's left in the pmy
bank." said tha husband. He shook
It. and out dropped a quarter.
1 "I'll buy you
1th It," he
-No. IU buy
you soma ptpe
aha said.
"Jlnnle bells, jingl balls. . , .
sang the proud tree.
The young all knelt and kissed
the tlntoil star. , , and the tree
sang on and on.
The next day th couple went to
'a rich relatives home tor Christ
! mas dinner. Against the wife's
III - tw
t So they had a
lfT) U ahowld spend.
m ' vney aarrea n
wishes, the husband took along their
marte tree.
After dinner ha put It on tha
Uble and said. "Listen f
Thera was a pause, and then lh
tree began so sing:
Jtngl bells, jingle bells. . . .'
Well, at first everybody thought
It was a trick there must be a
music box hidden somewhere. But
St 1 .t I H T MMM-JWt .K
fun quarrel 'itre. could really sing
And tha nrh relauv pulled the
young man aside and said. -Bring
that tree around to my offvre to
morrow. HI sign you up toreiher on
lft-rear contract, give you a 110-
Slia iMIII .Iwl K'll -nit lh.
SOT1 g should to for a i .
Christmas tree. I -m-hat da m smm- asrf ih-
They want to a grocery store, and .
tha owner said. "XXv X seed all my i ..,. . . ..
Christmas tree hours Mo -all ex-! ""' n
matoly Ml. Th area ot Surinam to U.14J square leapt that runty on on the floor I ff .rrQfLT.w
miha, and the population to set at IDIIH j there. You ran har It tar nothing i J -1 M
If nu ll lust take It awav." ! " '
At compared with th wealth ot the Bast Tndiaa.
the West Tndtea Wands are drab property Indeed.
Dutch Owiana aaay pros to be a treasur fteM it
and when the Dutch are able to derwlop ft,
Swrtnaat bea betweea British Ouiana and French
Ouian. and that wbosa area rexireaenta on ot th
WYirtdt swoet tobospttabsa spots. Holland, by th way,
aecwred Surinam frrea BAgiand in lent by tha treaty
of Breda. The Dutch gar New Netherlands iNew
Torki to Bntam tor th dearth Amenran colony.
tve visited the three Owlanaa and. bebrvo me.
there are few worse places than tha Owiana hmter
Vmd. aawy frcea th coast. It ccanpi isea wefl-nsyb
tnacreasible Jung) eahsrh k mfeaead with vary kind
ofdeath yw can laa4r1ne-otonous snakes, boa
ooruti actors which ran crush and aw-sHow a snan.
ampr bats, polsorsmst Inswru. pmsonoa water
powonous planu. And ther are aaeas Indians who
shoot pntsonou darts from blow pipes,
HceveT. m those rurcle ther arc various kinds
ot precious wood. grM and lasnonda, HnDand sway
cash tn handsvwneiT son dtstwat day anew ah haa
ovemiwe these awful haswrds.
It wws a thin, scrawny tree with
wood or a television sponsor would
la toad-
A Christmas Present for the Children
And Some Valuable Advice for Parents
v r,r ;dm as thts boe did when any I One the children know the role.
5rtWB nreweit tor , strarsyer aowexs them atij-ahec. ! let as learn ours. When we hear
yoa child. Flea deliver ft for me. : ,Th dash to a house, and the floor-1 srreams w should rr nmi. n
A boy set up a howl nrh as beS are Isnportantv What if now n are oTrrw fnnled. The safety
nty your boys aa produce, and and thee, a child mistake the mo- of th child rwsne firm, but cool
ran tip the crara to the neaTwet i eve What 9 acanetlmes children j beads will da snore
floorway. He put his Kncer on the ; t-;-e a Tabu alarm? It's the true I Snsnevrhere near at hand snay be
elonrhell. rieM It there arid evmtlroied j alarm that counts, I a Orvfl on the run. or an sbiobw.
xsTtTT"!1 th top o! hl eotce j avjwnis could add no more worth- ! hunrtng away. PnDow wither a
rL1irVMF!iL'a " B hile extra cumoulsr than to Im- Jtm can; gee. a fwd took, a oe
wjwwewone hy a atramrer on th jx, wt enrm on ttrls and I and th number ot the
iTL- . . bovi alike. Oumren are extra tax- J the trail; let others
It hVHwed that h mtSMtt preionsble where th woe of nth- H" wlK n n "
irTrJt'"l "" ehiJdren a-e concerned. Cauana Pond: yoa are there and you
rHTL !!!m, lean be taucht aw that almost the lm"fll tik what they need te
a JUTf 2" ,Cl IT1! ,nalkt child can rap (t.
and windoa-t la the Mock. The . . Keen vr a tw, -.. j. .
nelphbon. x a man hurrying aaay ' jJZZTZLZZSr .t " fleht. but Oor.Vvi, 7m of ecj I "ulu-bHisnn a,jr ineaaure to ret ..Tt lT
to an automobil. y-uc scheme. That some tmasn- ; v J? ,n . !f I ana-here tr, rh, , a weuran a bonus.
mTl OIH MJW BWIllta rskilsWWI 11 tJwialwqk " " ' "
coups, took WMnrty. The, spt CJ ?T. 7
the quarter oo Some cranberries and
; It knew It was no Bint Croshv.
When they tot homo, they strung "T. 'T . ".. m"
th rrarWne, and pcaxor. on ! "w.3f JL-. "
some thread and hunt them In far- ! V.""- J"
Uiva m i bm. trmm ini w, ik. '"" srwer. . . and loweT. . and
a- brano Ihey pained a siar maa "J wourrul. as tt
e- I are - -
Our first Chrtsunas tree toteth- "f'11'' J"n lto. . .
er isr.-t n beauufttl!" they said " "
and kissed. ' Oease
Ini, When morning raise, th wrung
Th heart of th huJ Chniima ! ple found the Bttle tree had with
tree anost bum with pride, mr4 oeernigM IU star had fallen
Vh, tf I could do soawethuit to nor among all Us needles,
retiay them," it thought. And then . branches were bare.
H remembered the carols It had ' asd the y a a a g sua
heard m th reds ta th grocer ' shakint It. "Saig!" But th
swre. -Oh. If I only had a ecace i liul sOent. It had rant
I could smt so them." ' "
It dersded so try. It little needles J And the young wire, vise far her
stirred mictiuly. and then fust yaara. put the tntou star away m
at th stroke at audnight a xnerry a drawer, and slipped bar arm
tmkle cam from its branches: i around her husband.
-mgle bells, jmtie bells. . , We hsiw had our miracle
Jianleucioujileraatotv Moral; To. cant axpert Santa
Why our tree is scars to CTsus to earn you a irvmg p.
said the husband. osBy on Deoo.ber MO?
. TlTnU''1 -t"
VOW at Ui nd ot Ui yar la a
good tlin to click up on a few
ot th tiling that may not ba Willi
us In Ui year to coma. Like name.
Tha newsroom gang got to checking
aiound Ui other dsy and found that
styles hav changed. Where very
thing used to b pin this or pelican
that Klamath now leads lh list.
Th clly-boosUr minded business
dun hav named 11 organisations
with th nam of lh town. Pelican
and rasrsda via for second plar
honor with tight spier and pin
la way down at th end of th list
with only four.
Seven years ago lh ration was al
most the asm, doing ovr a IM)
phon book w find 44 firms luted
under th Klsmath something or
oUier tag. six pelicans, two cascades
snd four pines. Wonder what will
b In style next year?
SEASON'S greetings card from
Uia order of the Antelope this
morning turns thoughts to far away
Hart mounutn and next July. Even
with snow on the ground and the
summer season fsr off tha card
brings with It a hint of mountain
fragrance and a memory of good
t'mea snd good guys. All th best
to all the gang.
THKRX Is good news on the county
financial fronts this morning. A
report from the stste director of the
bond sale drive tells us thst K bond
sales for the year hav exceeded the
same period of lMg by IMO OOO.
Oueas we're not all broke, alUious-ti
this past week-end put an awful
ci Imp In me, at least. Andy Collier,
tha county chairman for the bond
sales conies slong with the (nrour
arlng news thst sales ot savings
bonds In Klamath county tor No
vember totaled tyft30 as compared
tn in .. tn October A bargain
like you get In th bond to Just too
good to pass up. And th buying
public to proving It by slick mg to
their tuna and grabbing all they
TREK Parma In the slate ot Oregon
now total over two million acres.
That t a lot ct trees to furnish lum
ber for tha coming generations. And
m of th reasons why Oregon a
still the top lumber producing area
of th nation.
THE new Items plates are be
fanning to show up oo the streeta
In goodly numbers now. wnh their
slight chsnre In coloring ther give
tha impression ot bring out-of -state
Notion Todoy
We Could Conquer Cancer
If We Were More Civilized
WASHINGTON. Deo. 11 (1-Thlt
Is th day ahen guy Ilk m. who
hav to apin a dally piece for th
papers, know thai Christmas to th
wrong tlin to write about death or
Too much Christmas iplrlt In lh
air. Too many people Inurested In
other Uilnga So wa write brightly
about Santa rieua or we put livdy
rhyme togUier
Please xcu m till year. All
over America, 1 know, families wer
together this week-iid to light a
tree, xrhan presents, sing suligs,
relex, wish es"h other ll. and
feel full ot cheer.
It's wonderful Uiat It lie poena. But
first, to feel the cheer, Uiey need
good health. They need to hav in
side limn the driving sens of llf
and th knowledge Uiat Uiry can
uk part In It with vigor.
So good health to Uia bails of
real cheer. The cheer rings hollow
for the man who knows vigor Is
dinUnlshliti and his lit Is dwln
dlng. This y-ar I can understand
how tru that to.
A man In no office has cancer.
He's 3a. a veletan, married, with
two children, one 13, one t. He's
been buying a home In Uie woods
seven miles fri.m Waihlnglnn.
He's been happier there Uisn In
any home h ever lived In. Afier
years of paying rent, this wss his
own horn at l't. Or It would hav
been some yeais from now, when
he finished but log It.
Three months ago he fell III. And
a week ago the doctor told him
he's saturated with cancer. The doc.
tor told him he so loaded with
It that life fur him may be over
In another few months.
It's not a gad Christmas for him.
And the knowledge of what has
overuken him has thrown sadnest
over th a hoi ol lice a her lh men
are all good friends, with a warm
feeling of kliuhlp for on another.
I went to s-c him th othsr dsy.
H knew lit was being chewed
away inside turn. Ha had lost
weight until h looked Ilk th ghost
of a ghost. Ills right arm was
uselera. hi toft arm almost useless.
W sat In the living room ot his
home which he had been buying at
great sacrifice. Tlr sun wss shining
through th window, H had rut
down a lot of Ire to 11 sunlight
com through.
H had always been a tent! man
With greet patlrl.ee. He wa calm
and patient now, knowing what h
had and what the doctors told him
lay ahead fur bun.
Ha looked at tin bright window
nd through it t Ui bright Ur
ouield. stirring In th crisp wlntr
wind. "It's brsutlful oulald," ,
said. It was his wsy of saying:
That's th aorld out then, I luv
bang allv In It, but I may nut
b out in It much again.
Msny Mare
All over Amerlra this Christmas
there are people Ilk him. silting
In a mom. being consumed bv ran.
cer. looking M lh sunlight or tha
mow on a lai.. a tree, or His
house arroas Mia atreet, saying "i a
beautiful nutviile"
for them tills Christmas dosn I
hav lh availing It haa fur Uia
penpl blessed wills lh full vigor
of a healthy lit
Work Ir he'tig don on cancer, I
know, a lot ot aork.
But at this moment Hi world It
pouring Us greatest rlrhra into
prejiaratloiis for wer. or detrude
sgsilut war, depending on how yni
look at II.
And millions of prop) being m.!."
ry at Christmas will someday die
of cancer, ton. because the problrta '
of cancer hsn't been suited.
I know this las been said brfui
but It haa coin home to ma with
an even sharper realisation this
If Uie worul were little more
civilised, may a we cuuld pour mora
of mankind s cenlur Into solving ti e
rlddl of csnrer and making It poa.
slbl fur mora (eople to enjoy moi
Money alone Isn't Uie ansarr.
Brains and training er needed, too,
for cancer research. MeanwhO,
about joo.ooo k people a year in
this country r dying of rsncrr,
which to abuuV. &M a dsy, or 30
sn hour while jmu read this.
ni n strike
OTTUMWA. la. Dec. 21 ut-Bug
drivers went on tu-tk at 11 01 s ta.
her today, leaving this Southern
Iowa city of about IsVOOO persons
without public IrsniptarUUust.
Fast Finish
New Trade Records Recorded
As Business Year Nears End
i mm Uktva M ra.
IB . ass
; ajtWIaWBJ - e- ' a
!. ft(e mmm Mvt .
J fTIW Ce-WMfsbkbOM -
! rt M Bel aH
Veterans Pension Bill Being
Readied for New Congress
WaSHTVGTON. rc nifi-i before his cnmmlrsee bn text show.
rraooti biD tn the renal and aa I mt mot nt aa tnchnaana t push
insurance bill la the bouse are the i A. It would &vt Wnrld War n
ton prsnrtty rtnms tor vemrans la J erans U tr ach day ot serein la
the onnsTreswonal at sat up ssarttng this cwuiiL v ana a tor aarh day ol
a are from tnoay. actre seretoe miu anas.
A bonus bin Tor World War TJ
veterans at tn the baksrronnd. Fvetn
ttr strontreM snprvx-sers among ves-
erans' orrariix-norjs atm expect thts
But any benefits under the Ol
biS of nrhts, lite achnnltnt ar on-the-ynb-rnuning.
would be dedunad
The srw the alarm n not ? ! trir vsr-
Knttt BlA a MgvMto aa-V. aku w . , hhih mfi.T MMI1 WTCT 1IW
ro flerertloa ot . nereert almoat lJ -Tb"Utt
kvds a break. Lett be
Vn . TWi. , 1,.. -m. ta. -
passed a , . . . ' . '
Uinlarf m. Hill I. ' --r wousa pav S OT B
ertam. Before the amthervui tir oeror wiey stmre.
Wits the rwr had rvd se, lot ) Itowht
Iioenee nnmber unnoticed. Wlmeasea i tl woo dotiht the afflcavct f a
cntild yinlj- sarrec that th rwr eras 'vwirisTareiw yea try to recall what
a black ewdaa and that the man 1 of hev-omlng part J an area-wide
wwe a dark coat, a violent inremipttoa of the status
OiOdreai kMa , ouo sometfme came to your srrwi-
Thus children thenvaeleea eava fc h ' hill wamed and ran.
omeihlrai about the trow-in- waee . alarm cava culse approach St.
evl svw rlme which startle the i eannot always be sure where
e-ountry and b-wks out In tmanuci- uU,r"1 are. We eannot. lock
rated annas. Parent and au thorn ' 'mm " wauh. They must nlay
la know not where or when f lends : tw to ana Tmeri
W'lB arrlfce newt, nor how heinous '""neoi. which Is when ana Where
whelr aorv-oach will be. their enemies often lurk. We know
la wm THmtah when not od-itnM almm alws.es tn their path
fnlnrsrared with nambv-rwmby lent- " "aperulahie people, on the
oca. Yet Whether plttahX raoco- ' TOTM hoaMes, who need only
fan er the lowee. type rtl imcm. j 'rB e our little wards,
th tno sever administration of I Tt seems to me that our doer
law win not save Utile wlctims or I as parents is as impress the swream
seal the hearthrealrs that cunning and ooo-hen Oerense on awry
emnsal perverts hwee tn their walre. child mind; perhaps have drtlh
Tt win down- anme hut not atrip In ft and ask thai tewchers help
an A retter means of OXsvtlnr, an i tn our taak,
aha sou -re la neeOM. It miiat he The rmtv weatnnr. Ond tress a little
simple nefenae that a child ewa I kid is a lusty na f hirara. led
et up. This yamwtr -defeme leawurw htm to aw toa ta hh
w simple Indeed and eswtly tsutht. loan oefenee and teach him how.
,om wiaa twrwnt thotivht K ouv .We cannot aave them an but we
TihuMm ttaSea '-rwa aa many who wra lured toe
k about making that wrwUn to- nrmsree4 wwrua, or asked ta "takw
atrwOoa In wvwry home; That chD- a russ."
Growing Point In
The Golden Start
M."U,KfT. Oaltf. IIP, Now
rankaa second sxaro tn pnputatina
by the census torwaa. Caltfnraia It
proouorng ataastuw like thto;
l years ft haa trmreaawd fta 1
tteeexock almnrt rant a third !
TasssT than tm rountre as a whole, t
Rut Oalifomts, with a population
trnwlne Th time as Tern as the
res of the nation now trnpnrts snore
lleesnork than e-r.
. Ivan M 1. BsTrtrailttrral
eoonomw at the Tmtwrrslty of Cals
fomla, also nnres that nannt the
same period, Caltfomsa neear pro
duced emousrh tneat tor Itself, nnr
eieaarh chioarena Ir. the muMhlruea
tt atnriried awnw uist acrs and bexraa
hnpnrtinc them. Tt newer supplied
toaslf fully with milk, buttar. and
cheee. but at the aaune time nrn
dured a surplus nt e.anoiaaed and
drsad whole milk. Tuiktsa are the
only ltveatork product ta aurplut,
aaya lea.
al iHaaiasm s wsm a aMe Mae
WHk the Masxt Narksnd
sgaM. We asiiiasWa la
he bsxav t) Pto fat. rtmm
of both world wars. Now nt tip to
the senate to art,
There have been axtlmares that
over the newt has century the bin
would set the taxnayers back around
IXJW.IW, rvyi
One of Its mattar feature urtnulew
that any veteran would be cnnsuMr
M permanently and totally d Utah led
upon reasohmt at . He could
f t75-e -month penaina If be had
no Ornendero. and aa tnonme below
kisno a year, or C he had denmd
enta and an trt-nrnr he low g2Sftn.
Ovalrmaa tank re T-Mtatl tnld
a rejnnrtar the first bin the house
veterans' committee will eonsidflr
prnbably will he aa Insurance meas
ure rannormd he the AJafoicaa 1
tmn. Vemrans nf Poresya wars. Dis
abled American Ttlttiti and
The bin b cm the technical sua
and wouldn't apply to any trarnrm
oous number nt veterans, onmmll
tee nffiaato aauL
One raaann tlar organisations warn
It Is that Is would ere wetarans
with ttrviit exiinawtiad dtsxsbllltss aa
ewtra two years to avpply tor nr
relraoase Taatumal esrrvtre We H
atnwnca. The tlm runs nut at th
and t thai yaar.
Xankra has a bnma hin pamdrrsl
and ntntt th Ol oedururmx.
The VTW is bunking tor th
Kankua bonus bin and aripareatly a
more emhusuurtat about It thaa th
other veterans' orpaniaatlnna But
a VTW apnkesinaa. John William
son, said he doubts tt win be pushed
newt year.
"1 think the feeling Is," he amid,
"that we Just arext ready tor ft
at tha time of tilth annploymam
and production "
The bonus lor World War I aere
lo men was out Urmucfc during th
dt aamirm nf the 111
Williamson sard the ftavrsVtn bonus
I bin misrht msl around klOhV, nnriw
nr Htflfir, nnriJino atatratt sSimcjsX.
000 tor the World War I bonus.
WOODHTRK. Use 71 i in Three
boy trore the state training school
shaped yasurday while an aa out
ing at Silver Ores- PwU siasr park.
They were aull mtaamt today.
Thanusraiy skorsara
ass. aea r. a tastaay
KUtUATH FA Li A. Or. CTo th
Editor' I cannot ttgur out why
th oty council and police depart
ment do act eliminate the a-op
ssga raming out trosn under the
unoerpasa li s on a slant and cars
have so stop, and then try aa gel
started and slip and abda all ever.
Sauirdsy on car smashed bark
tnta another and ha la turn hit
the oar la the rear tt htm. It may
wea-k OK at summer but not wane.-.
I wonaer why th chamber of
inmaro and an th safety men
haveel spokea ot this haswrd. They
an may after a bad acoaent. And
tha haaard to after the snow axons
Why leave the snow piled up to
the middle ot Us street, eatpectaUy
out South Sana arhare tt to pushed
up on the censer ttlanat and left
until spring, but la the aveaaum
on warm day ft melt and runs
hank onto streets and then f 1 1 law i ?
Per eatery and Us general p
pearanor both, thee snjepesuona
should be carried out. Kern attam
ata tata.
test Shasta Way.
NEW TORX. Dec. Tf uTv A
strong finish tn retail trad power
ed a new upswing in commerce and
Industry last week.
Many Indicators of acuvtty wer
at the highest point sine early this
year; others compared moat favor
ably with the best performance
chalked up sine th current boom
let started: sull others broke rec
ord standing 10 years or longer.
At Use end at the sit biggest re
tailing days ol th year, virtually
every obaerver In Uie retail trade
ass confident volume figures would
show a new high. If they da. It
sill be th Itta year In a row that
new records have been set tor lh
country ' vast store buaineas.
While there was some disappoint
ment at the slow demand for spe
cial lines of merchandise, standard
Christmas gifts priced within th
means eg th avarag shopper hit
the Jackpot time and again.
Unreasonably warm weather In
Esstrrn states hurt Ui winter sports
trade but prosper u were excellent
that this merrhandlse would meow
wnh th first snow fsll.
Television sales, high enough to
brag taaps ot astotuahment from
veteran retailers, continued st a
high arret
-Soda w. Craig, head man In th
big Crosley division of Avco rnanu
ferturtng said TV business this year
had exceeded the fondest hopes of
the industry and th futur looked
rose from a her he stood.
The industry generally forecast
thst I floe soo receiver would be
msd and sold this year." he said.
"The number actually has reach
ed 1700 oot. . . . user has been a
tremendous sure la demand In th
last three months and It to probable
that tiioo.OOt more receiver could
have been sold la thas three
smiths had they been available."
He added;
Television will continue as lh
nslton's t astral g roving industry tn
the coming year."
Except for dwlndllnt Coal sup
plies thai kept railroad operating
executive sitting on tn Mg of.
their chair and a let of ordinary
consumers worried about becoming
cold, th buaineas psrtur wa dear
and sharp.
Th stock market anchored ttaelf
st another new high mark sine
th middle ot last The rant Amer
ican Telephone and Telegraph com
pany signalled clear aa fling far
bonds by announcing a new I3C0 -000
000 debenture tests for early
subscription. Railroad bonds hit new
highs for 14 on three separate
days and there was a sharp demand
for new municipals
On th Industrial front steel pro
duction was the highest since lh
middle of May at Ma per cent of
capacity. This compared with last
weeks Ml and at a year ata
when Christmas on Pndev cut Into
output. Tonnage this aeek was 1,.
Iki.100 against 1.7MT00 last week
and l 000 a year ago.
Everything appeared so rosy la
this industrv. notwithstanding soma
grumbling by rxsnsumers over th
Increase m price, that Camegie
IlUnou steel, th largest siegto pro
ducer, fired up lis old n-mch mill
at Us Horoaeteed works la order ta
add to overall output Th mill hsd
been out ot operation aiar 111
Charlie Read Saddlery
Froea Christ ana
Until Jan. 3
by LL Lombard
tirt UAur it
-c Tb"IC mm rm &'
-as- a mm m w wtmmT fl
TiBES ? out? Ticcs
522 5a 6