1 1 I Vl 'win J in. I I III I II I I I Oregon Tech Family If V w ' .1 7 ' -' iff . r In ' IT -T.n l t-ti,' mll . ... ! Vf -M' r i x t r i , vQj '''' rsi . .'4 .- IkAs 10.. p m w v.. jun tin r . r H'Uh moat Orrfon Trrh aluilrnlm r"ln trhool brramrt . busy day. (.1) Farrrll hull la the biillilltiK where Churk uludlrt ' family fflr ) It In wllh the yaunf ( lilirk Wrren. (1) t'hurk, hl watrhmaklni omimo. (4) Time to rull out for another day. ' hnirhurk on the Owl football "quad, la equally deft at Iwiidlltu (S) A quirk eup of eoffec., piece of toast, a haaty (lanee at the Intrlrate tuola of a watchmaker'! trade. XS Keeplnit the the mornlnn apnrla pane, and he'a off for ela.i. (6) A parting baby'a "wardrobe" In lhape If part of pretty Jarmalne Warrerl'i klai on the doorstep of the Warrrna' rampua apartment. (7) Sleepy little Jeffrey, S monlha old, la the center of Interest. (8) Matchmaking, football, or chanclnr Jeffrey'i diaper Churk takes them all In stride. (9) The young Warrens, who came here from Ashland, have until June to call OTI home. Then, Chuck will complete his course. (It) Proof of Jarmaine's cooking two other baft players are regular dinner boarders. (11) Jarmalne occasion ally comes out to watch the team practice, but always la In the rooting- section at OTI games. (11) Farortt erenlng reereatiea Is a mean game of double solitaire. (Pictures and text by Wes Ouderian and Edna KiUmeyer)