WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26, 1949 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACl THRU '. f .- ' . ' ' 5 ' ?CP ) Affi j NOT IN THIS BOOK Carry Robertson, general supervisor of education in the city schools, checks an Associated Press story out of Houston, Tex., with the 1949 text of Magruder's "American Government" which Houston school authorities banned. The new edition in use In the Klamath Falls schools docs not carry the porogroph condemned by the Texans and only a few of the editions which mention the "capitalistic" opinion were around here, others replaced by the newer edition. Wealthy Peter Beatty Takes Death Plunge IXJNDON, (xt. It tat Tne honor able I'rter Hrally, son ol a lamed admiral and grandson of CliicaKO Inrrcliuiit prints Marsliall Field Hr.. pluiiitrd to 111 death today Irnm sixth flour window in Hie fashion able lllti howl. He hud )ut been told he iu go lug totally blind. The 30-year-old rare horse owner fell to the (round at the rear of the KIM. which Is In Piccadilly, In the center of London. Air. KIU lleatty, a handsome, wealthy aria torrat and friend of Aly Khan and Klta llnyworth, wan born with serious rye aifllrilon. He spent thousands of dollar for otieratlon both here and In America. "I am going up to the sixth floor to nee a friend." he wa quoted fta telling hi valet In the hotel lobby tin morning. Tall and dark, Bralty had been i described a one of England' moot eligible bachelor. He wa broth er of Karl Holly ana ton ot the late Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beat ty, hero of the battle of Jutland In the Plrat World War. ' III mother, Ethel, wa the only daughter of the late Marshall Field. Hhe died In 1932. tearing him fortune. r S . -L... J.. 5th I I g (Oct. 27th i"" s mm nn uuu n Houston Bans Oregon tans History Text HOUSTON. Oct. Sfl 1fWThe Uxt book "American Oovernmrnt," tued for arnlnr high arhonl civic classes, ha been banned In Houlon achonU. Only one member of Uie arhool board last night voted agaliul the ban after paragraph In the book wa cited. The book, written by Dr. Frank Msiruder. contain Ihl passage: "The United Slatea 1 called ft capitalistic country, but It doe not have pure capltalum. It ha capi talism tublerl to lnrrealng govern ment control aa our manner of liv ing become more complex. The country la rapllallitlc with strong aorlaUnUc and even communutio trends. The poiul system, power project, and puwrrssive taxea are oil of anctalUm: and public fee education and old age assistance are examolr of communism. . .to each arconllng to hi need." Magrurirr I with Oregon Stat college. Allyn Ic Bacon, publuher of the bonk, ha It main office In Bunion. Magrudrr wa not available here for enmmrnt. Jake Welrra. member of the atate textbook commission when Uie book w a adopted b y Houiton chool in IM4. ald the book la Uie mot popular text used by American arhonl. It la unfortunate for the para graph to be In the bunk, which he described a "otherwise excellent." he aald. Water aald he dor not know how the paragraph got by the commla inn. . The disputed paragraph, to which the Houston school official object ed, waa from Magrudrr 1046 edi tion. The book la republUhrd and changed every year. Oregon achool use hi 1R4S edl tlon. which ha the paragraph phrased differently New Louk Ilerea how It appear In the IMS edition, aa used In Oregon achoola: 'The United Bute Is called ft capitalistic country, but It does not have pure capltalum. It ha capl talum aubjret to Increasing govern mental control aa our manner of living becomes more complex. The country I capitalistic, modified by certain socialistic trend. Among them may be mentioned the postal system, public power projects, ! progressive Income taxe. old age pensions, and free public education. . Borne of these are so old and so well established that we seldom think of them a socialistic. ! It will be noted that between 1948 and 1948, Magruder dropped the 1 reference to some American Inatltu- ! tlons being communistic. IN KLAMATH FALLS Klamath Union high school stu dent of government use Mugrud- ers text, -American uovernmem. but the 1049 edition doe not carry the paragraph In question, accord ing to darry Robertson, general su pervisor of education In the city school. Robertson aald the 1040 edition Is the new book In use, but there may be some of the 104S edition In the chool but they are In the minority. The supervision checked the vari ous editions avllablr, and It was found that with each edition, word ing waa changed considerably. The full text of the paragraph under fire by Houston authorities, waa not found in any bonk available here yesterday. Building Workers' Contract Renewed PORTLAND. Oct. M (V- Build ing trade union and general con tractor of Oregon and Southwest Washington have renewed existing wage and working contract for 10M. The agreement covers carpenters, lr borer and Iron worker' union on projects of the associated general contractor. i A Joint union - employer an- Hae AlmOST nouncement aald Journeymen car- i wu' "'' prnter hourly pay Is 1210, struct ur- 1 rL.L.J U:m al and omamrnlnl Iron worker . UlUKCQ llllll 12 30 and reinforcing and rod men J 10. and laborers 11.10. The present contract expires Dec 31. Schulberg Seeking Job HOLLYWOOD. Oct. 28 (4uA man who onre made half-million dollar a year In the movies now is advertising for a Job. He Is B. P. Rrhulbrrg, wno be tween 1025 and 1032 was managing director of production Tor Para mount studios. Hr ran full-page ad In filmland trade papers vesterdav. citing his third of a century service to the films and addliur: "Industry loyalty Is two-way street." In one ad he said: "Some of my friends who are not top executive tell me that doors are rlosea be cause I have In my time talked bark to some of the big boy." Asked about hi financial statu. Schulberg told reporter: "I'm not broke. But I need to start being ac tive m business and rignt now. loo." Save $30 on the Average Size Room as Sears Reduces (he Price of Top Quality Reg. 9.25 sq. yd. Harmony House broadloom Our Finest Quality Belfast Reduced for This Sale square yard 9 Harmony House colon ... 9 Lovely Patterns 7308 All Wool Tufts per tq. ft. Now is your chance to have wall-to-wall car peting or that room-size favorite in Belfast Axminster broadloom. Take advantage of the big savings during this sale and get 27-in., 9-ft., 12-ft. and 15 ft. width broodloom that will wear for years. Prices will go back to regular at the end of this sale! Choice of mauve, ton, gray or green. Thick, deep pile closely tufted. Be teer. ft Community Call JIM. Cheat Volun- I FAMILY TRAC.FIHKS KUOICNE, Oct. 2 (P) Death of tree feller Monday near Florence was the fourth accidental fatality tn the same family In two years. Killed by a falling tree limb was A. B. Loyce Webb, 36, of Cushman. A brother, Eugene, of Florence, was killed in 1947 in ft motorcycle mis hap. About the same time, a sister drove her car Into stream near Florence and her two children drowned while she escaped, Want Ad don't cost they pay! For ae years. Hill atiaw or M3 rteh- ra HI, Fresno, has worked as a brtca laer, but In rsHenl years his health tailed. "I had awful indigestion--al-imnat blew up with aaa. I was terribly eonttlpaled -had duty epelle and pains i-fMildn't do a day 'a work. I tried all kinds nf medlrine but KAL.-O-DF.X really fixed nt up. ftlnca taking KAL O DEX Medicine I can Ml heartily without suffering. "I've completely lost that tired feel, tn and ran work hard every day ay ln bricks. lo mora gas. bloating, ditty spells sine KAlO-OKX made my bowels work regular as sun-up and sun-down. I tea) evarrone you can't o wrong taking KAU-O-DCX It coats so titlla and dues so much " KAL-O-nrx is s proven formuls with medicinal juices from S Great Herbs thai cleanse bowels, clear gas from atnnterh. act on sluggish Intee ttnaa and aa a diuretic on kidneys. Yctur money returned If you're not de lighted after taking KAL-O-DEX. Get a bottle today from your drugetst. Money Bsek Ciuarantee. Adv. VAW, NOTICE!' Buy Your Subscription Ticket Now for the CIVIC DRAMA FESTIVAL Tickets On Sale AT CHAMBER OP COMMERCE By O.T.I. 61)0 Inc. RraervMl A 40 I nr. RrMrvftd Ta Hrt L Tux McMat AM, a niiutiM i Mtmv BUY YOUR TICKETS FOR ALL 3 PERFORMANCES NOW!! Knjoy The First Orent Broadway Shows To Come to Klnmnth Falls. Brought Here By O.T.I. Hlndent Body I i I VALUES GALORE AT YOUR SURPLUS STORE! FOLDING CANVAS COTS 4.95 llrary Durable Corer. Hardwood Frame WRANGLER WESTERN JEANS HZ 2.89 Sanforised, shrinkage lea than 1. BLANKET LINED PANTS w.rm! 1.59 Ideal for outdoor wear. Reclaimed. 100 WOOL JACKETS 8.50 "Wool the Weal" by Portland Woolen Mills INDIAN TYPE BLANKETS oV 2.49 NEW OD ARMY BLANKETS .., 6.95 REC. OD ARMY BLANKETS lOOfe wool 4.95 AIR CORPS'FLIGHT BOOTS ttheep-llncd. Ree. . 6.95 B-15 TYPE JACKETS 514.95 PARKAS, 3-4 LENGTH Water repellent. Ree. 12.95 8heep or alpaca lined. ' PLAID WOOL JACKETS ske. , . 6.95 TACKLE TWILL JACKETS nem 15.95 Gray or taupe. Alpaca lined. Hheep Lined NEW AIR CORPS FLIGHT PANTS, 8.95 & 10.95 BROADCLOTH SHORTS Boxer or grlpper type. Pair 69c SWEATSHIRTS 1.39 We now have an excellent selection of ALL WOOL AND PART WOOL SOCKS priced at 59 69 89' 95c Variety of weights and lengths Oregon Surplus 920 Main St. Phon. 3663 n n 'Nl0 mr " y 1 - ' r i si i i una i r'.' w v -v ViryjC Compor. th Quolity, the Savingi! tsil )$k HARMONY HOUSE Carvex Vilton broadloom Reg. 10.95 sq. yd. This Sale Only Exclusive Harmony House design sold only by Sears. Thick, springy Wilton weave in "carved" effect. A real carpet buy in 9-ft. and 12-ft. widths. Over 10,000 tufts of all wool yarn in every square 'foot. Tone-on-tone patterns in sage green, heritage wine, valley rose, dawn gray, parchment beige, green, mauve, gray, beige, blue. MAIL TODAY! Scars, Roebuck and Co. 133 So. Sth Si, Klamath Fall At no obligation to me, pleaae hare a carpet ad riser call at my borne to assist la selecting the right carpet to salt the re en. NAME ADDRESS CITY DATE STATE. ROOM Lowest Price at Sears in Years! 1.49 Inlaid Linoleum We believe this to be America's greatest value in inlaid linoleum. Bright colors inlaid right into pattern refuse to wear and are spot and stain resistant. Marbleized patterns available in red, tan, green, blue. Cut from full rolls. No seconds, no remnants! sq. yd. New Deluxe Model Kenmore Cleaner Efficient . . Streamlined Reg. 54.95 ,88 5.9 down, S.M month (l iual carrytnf charge) Its powerful H H.P. eleetrk motor sucks op all the deep down dirt to make your house cleaning easier. Beautiful streamlined design with built-in light beam. Silent, easy-rolling ball-bearing wheel. Automatic rug adjustment. P5i 1 rT i iY" st , 1 Oregon Plaid Rug Long wearing fringed ends. Reg. 15. I4x3-ln. 1.98 Made to save! Rtrerslble scatter rug I ot new cotton fabrle strips. Blue, green, red. I4x3-liu Save on 6 New, Exclusive Patterns Lovely Harmony House Felt Base Rugs 6W Regularly 8.95 9x1 2-fr. Size Add an attractive felt bate rag to your kitchen, dinette r din ing room floor ... and at special low prices, Choice of cxrlor. Ruga lay flat, need no pasting. Baked-on enamel surfe to easy to clean. Store Hours 133 So. 8th -9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. . Phon 51C3