PACE EICHT HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, '949 Fire Permits Still Needed In Fremont Fire permit are still required In the Fremont national forest and all hunter must obtain permit be tore entering in are. Official notification at any change will be publicised, the forestry o t tloe advised today. Weather rondiuona are such that fire uanger still euMr throughout the area and this week-end' In. flux of deer hunters Is expected to Increax the haxard. IV renf Thinking Ranger aald Uiat some people misinterpreted nun tint stories to mean that the forest are clear and no permits are required. Thu u an error. The Summer lake rim and Lake view loafing area fire closure will also remain in effect unul camplire permit are no longer required. Per mit for the Fremont area ran be obtained from room 331. post office building. Klamath Falls. j Rogue River national forest closure will be lifted effective at midnight tonight, Thursday, September 3. I KF Men on Union Committees VANCOUVER. B. C. Tim Sulli van, Hal Orlger and Alvtn Hillman. all of Klamath Falls, have beeu placed on strategic committees a t the 13th annual 1WA-C1 convention In session here. Gelger and Hillman are members of local 6-13 In Klamath Falls and Sullivan, who Is president of d 1 s trlct council No. . IWA-CIO, U a member of local 6-7 at Bend. Crew Checks Small Fire Near Keno A small lightning fire which flared up as a result of this week s storm was located and trailed ln early this morning by a Klamath Forest Protective association crew. The blaxe, which covered only an eighth of an acre, was located about three mile northwest of Keno. J ax Grange Joins Henley ln Protest I MFD FORD. Sept. S iV- Another j (range added Its name today to those protesting against State ! Grangcmaster Morton Tompkins. The protest originated with Henley ' grange action.) I The Jacksonville grange No. 700 condemned the proposed purge ol 33 stale legislators, and Joined with ' the Josephine county grange in ' nominating Victor Boehl. Orants ' Pass, as state grangemaster. The grangers declared that the state convention's proposal to purge legislators who voted lor a bill lim ! lung the Initiative and referendum i was "contrary to the principle ot ' the grange and promoted pressure : politics." I Rav Sanders, placed on the i Brave inactive list with a broken j wrist, hit X for Hartford. Conn, I last season. 8 FARM FRESH PRODUCE Medford Spinach .... 25c Celery . 8c Danish Squash - 2. 15c Eat-Mar Eastern Cranberries- 29c YOU'LL LIKE OUR MEATS Swift's Branded Beef Pot Roasts .b. 49c Swift's Premium Picnics Cooked and fruited. . lb. 59c Fresh Perk Ham Rolls Ideal for routine lb. 67c Delicto Braised Short Ribs of Beef J9c Oriole Sliced Bacon ... 59c NEW WHITE On Poge 9 2 pkgs. I 745 with Coupon Porter's Fresh Egg Noodles illets "r 29c Tanipbrll's Tom. Soup JL 19c mter Lake ar Lost Elver Butter 69c Hunt's Van Camps Pork & Beans S&W Baked Beans New England Style ... S&W Brown Bread . Kerr's Boiled Cider New England Style . :8-ot. can lg-ox. can bottle Tom. Catsup i 29c 2 large can 49c 33c 24c 59 c S&W Glace Fruit Cake Mix 49c Old Manse Syrup ... 69c Kleenex J pkg. 27c If 9 Carton ef It packs aa fa Kleenex p. p. odc Dinty Moore Beef Stew. .. . 43c KYP Enameled Shelf Paper .-rt. 59c Many colors to choose from. KYP Heavy Waxed Paper KYP Baking Cups Assorted colors Fancifood Wild Rice FREE DELIVERY Dial 3129 or 8840 IM-fL roll 39c 2 Pn- 25C lt-ox. pkg. 129 ALL b the complete new de tergent that trim Bp with -tomatte washers for top effleten ey. Try remarkable new ALL and are the thrilling results. What's more, this complete de tergent Bare yon money! 1420 ESPLANADE Your Most Thoughtful Grocer ' PHONE 8840 9 FOR WOW f I MlSCMMANNlS I ft r f XI ' r" NEEPSNO Tss)(m V T3 errs all yvcrre it? l I ecu6s SK56 Lsy IrECIPES, TOO. WHEN V - (JA5T IS EXT A- V j PiSSOtVEP 1 PACKAGE SAY- Buy 3 packages ot a time. When you want it there it is, ready for instant action. 3 times as many women prefer FLEISCHMANN'S YEAST Forgot Several I Little Things BRISBANE (V Otic-legged John ' Edmund Page. 33, drove a truik ' through Brisbane on night. He says I he cant remember the drive. Bui j the prosecutor In the police court, I JogBed Page's memory when he de. j scribed the drive lo the magistrate. The prosecutor got the slory tram a policeman who chased Page a , truck on a motorcycle. During the ! chase. Page: Pa.'ard a train, gra.'Jng the front cabin. Paucri a stationary tram on the wrong side at a speed of be tween (W and 70 mph. Ignored a slop order from the pursuing police man. Overtook two cars driving side- by-slde. Knocked another car o(f ; the road. Passed another stationary i yam on the wrong side, lilt another rar off the road, til ruck allll another ' car and capsttrd II. lilt the rear of a siatolnary truck outside the Bris bane Hospital. Pureed the atallon ary truck Into a car III flout, which was pushed onto the footpath. Waa thrown out of his own truck by the Jolt. Landed en his Head. Wns taken to the hospital. Page pleaded guilty to a charge of dangerous driving. He was fined I ICS. To Buy. Sell or Trade It pays lo read the Want Adsl Phones Easy To Get Now The days of a long walling list for telephones ar paid, C h a r I e s j Heavey, nmuniirr ot the Klamath i nltli-e of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph said today. Uenerally, a new telephone ran be Installed without a walling per. lod wlihln the city llmll. Outalrt the city bounds, Imtallatlon.aom. time I mm difficult, reiulrlnf adillllimal time. t'hulc of service la still Imltrd, but Hi situation It graduall taslng off. Neavry aald. r Jut now llirr ar 1(1 Bol tl. phoura out of the Klamalh rails rhaiige. a record lor thla area, All nrw subscriber are coiitliulng to gel live digit number binnliif with III number "J." SWIFT'S PREMIUM MORRELL'S PRIDE CASCADE BRAND HAMS 591 Beef Cc Pure Pork Cc -Sausage Sirloin AQc Pork AQc Steak Steak T-Bone tQc Center Cut CQc Steak 3 Pork Chops 3. Veal Af-c Pork Roast 0-. a wlk. Roast A RED HOT SPECIAL! SMALL WHITE FANt V LUNG (.KAIN NAVY BEANS RICE - .25c STANDBY PUMPKIN Fancy. Buy (ere ml tint for Foil O O C f pumpkin pies. No. 1 Tin ! DEL ROGUE TOMATO JUICE IC-o. tins 2,. 45c SWIFT'NING 3-lb. can 67c GIANT SIZE GRAPENUT FLAKES rarksgt of Foal Toaatlet ibif: 23c STANDBY RED SOUR PITTED CHERRIES Cilre plea that home-canned flamr. Na. t cant far 2,. 57c aa aft . WlooBooS Kwlft'a PARD Dog Food 3 29c KlTT Strawberry PRESERVES i ib 37c loot IVORY SOAP Personel Sis 5c Men' jotted 6oves of HI-HO CRACKERS b 29c SUGAR 10,. 89c Meat and produce price ef fective Friday and Halurday; grocery price effective Thursday through Wrdneadar. A One Stop Store to lorv you bolter! Moi, produce. groceriei, hordwore, in loct every deportment in the Big Y P hoi price thot ere geared to ave you money! Stop ond hop ot the Big Y ond SAVE! EXTRA FRESH HIGHEST QUALITY Potatoes KUmath XO 39c Potatoes N. 85c Celery 15c LARlii: SN'O-MHITE III: ADS Cauliflower .. ..ed 19c Poors luriint 22 !- 69c (inlttrn rli I ! rhftnrr? Peaches 22 -. $7.29, tlwtutlfiil ro lur. fancr I. Tokay Grapes 5c Hweet. highly colored asfHHMoHaasTaasiTaaafafas iilU Ltl? I PVijTiH On Poge 9 NEW WHITE o nko iin OltYDOL HUNTER'S SPECIALS! Potatoes XT:.. 2,.2?c (.'ANAS II IKQM KI.AMATH roTATdtlt. Cocktail Sauce "NaoeeUe Ho. IOC Pork 'N Beans sW.'Te 2tr45c Mor Beef, Veal EST?- 35c Instant Potato 27c sri:m irs n nntivn t I mini rr: Spanish Rice 'HZ, s. , 19c I RAMO AMERICAN Spaghetti , 2 ,29c MARLO Chili Con Carne N. , . 29c MARLO , Beef Stew .rV,., 65c hPtl.UWAY VirNNA Sausage 13c ARMOl'R'8 CANNtD Milk Tan Tins 10c MADE IIV MAXHII.L HOl'SK ) Bliss Coffee ,h 49c Corned Beef h,., .,. nttc Ui FT. ROLL j Wax Paper lrt 21c III M.RY JACK PANCAKE Flour 10 ,H, 89i (OLDEN ANCHOR Tuna Chunk No. Hire 29c MF.CO Ommmm Ashland (Irown, rears no. r ii 25c O IP) MERRILL-LAKEVIEW JUNCTION OPEN DAILY 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. PHONE 4620