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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1949)
THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1949 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORECON PACE SIX By Reclamation Proven Pasco Unit PA8CO. Sept. 29 One year h passed mm the tint water was delivered to thr arid, unit; noil of the MOO-acre Pasco pump unit and food It vrosing. lush nd abundant, where nothtnir irrew before. And trie results of what 'an ener aetic (arnw ran do in one year trora "standlim start" have over ihot reclamation bureau predictions by 10 years. Water Iroin the Pasco pump unit. 13 miles northwest of here, is pumped from the Columbia river and lifted 38S few, to flow along 4 miles of. mala lateral canal. Liquid veins from the canal stretch out in every direction over some 94 farms. Test riof The area provides a good "test plot" for determining crop and water policies for the Columbia basin when the big Pothole East canal reaches this section. With this test plot as an Indicator, the project should be a huge suc cess. These, farmers got as far In the first year of production as the bureau of reclamation expected them to get In the first ten." Prana lin County Agricultural Agent Dee M. Harris said today. Good Example The 50-a ere farm of Jack Harris Is a good example of the water wonder. Harris sowed his first seed on raw land in IMS and now estimates his harvest profit at SSOOO. His crop in clude potatoes, rutabagas, corn. 'Mining Men ITour Mines barley, alfalfa and several acres of beans. "Never saw anything like it," says the satisfied Harris. will be held August 38-31. K(H KWH.L KENT ILL PLATTSBUROH. N. Y, Sept. SPOKANE, Sept. 19 i.-W-lVl. I J Wmp iT) Rockwell Kent, artist and gates to the Western division con-, mCrTIII W O flit 11 1 author, was reported in good condl- I '"e.u-e of the American Muting r Winnfr: ,.i!ri.,. . .-,.,...,. I coimress a tour ol mutes 111 rail inner appendectomy. Kent. . underwent Ith' pc"lc Narthwesi today. MKKKILLMrs. Anna Howard' the operation last night. I The formal meetings of the con- . ,j Mrs. Margurnt lUitley too i venlioii ended yesterday, j j,rst prises ill the Outline To Buy or Sell Use the Want-Adsl ' D. D. Moffatl of Salt Lake City White Satin sugar contest hrlrt at ! was elected chairman of the board 1 the fairgrounds September JJ. Each took first place In both the Jelly of governors for the Western clivl-1 first pure winner won 50 pouuos ol and berry divisions with plum Jelly I sion at the final business session, sugar. I and ranneq nectar berries. Trout are now being planted I n remote lakrs by lirllcuplrc Salt Lake City was chosen as the. Mrs ,!,.,, ol rsl , . lm,lg firi entries will be site of the l.V) convention which ,., .,.,,. -.., h, -.,.-,, i .. ... , .t,.i r,mt ahirh will IK'.irs. ami Mrs. Haitley took second 1 be held In Portland sometime 111 vulti ratinru penclics. Mrs. llailley' November. 4 wmt L "" ' " "' 1 HARD "TjH 1 WAT" Ad TO YCMJt SOAP M 1 ND WATB J I r More and more women like BREAD because it tastes better! ':" l tin HOLSUM TAKE HOME FLUHRER'S BREAD J . . H iXfitTl lit feftftlfsTeTTil On Page 9 4XK--HMJ--U-l HERALD NEWS NEW WHITE 2 picas. AC Jelly Fvre Oregon 12-oz. glut t ambler 29c Peaches Light imp No. !H Un 23c Tomato Juice Standby. tS-os. tin 29c Cheese American Pimento , , 2 H 69c Log Cabin Syrup .. Med. Un 57c Crackers l-lb. carton WINSTED CHOCOLATES 29c l-lb. . box 9x Tide Oxydol Duz igc Pkg. 28c CRISCO 3 ib. un 79c CIDER AOs Cat 70k MARTINELLIS Gal. J "7 W Grapefruit 23c Garden Na. I tin 1-GaL Jug Vinegar -69c QUALITY MEATS AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD Pot Roast Top quality lb. 49c Veal Steaks Shoulder cuts lb. 59c Veal Steaks 69c Round Steaks T-Bonc Steaks Rib Steaks Sirloin Steaks Grade A Steer Lb. 79. Lb. Bacon Squares ,.. 29c Pork Chops v. . 69c Deer Hunters! He have plenty of slab bacon at the right price. EE crlT S7cT king 1 1 Pt Jar 34c Apple Sauce r;,in 25c ITjgc Sanblest 1 lmlr- N.. t ti. Z3C w FRUITS and VEGETABLES Potatoes bag v. s. N. u S1.09 Green Onions P. 12c Apples Large extra fanrf box $3.59 Cabbage Solid head, green Ib. 4c Spinach cello pack 23c Yams. Sweet Potatoes 2 . 25c Klamath Falls South 6th & Shasta Way GRIGG'S-sCl Merrillj FOODS"""""! phone 109 THE FRESH-ECQ NOODLE ' THAT WON'T SLIDE L OFF THE FORK IT& NEW.' Boroen's C0IM6E Cheese Fruit Salad! a itv? AO Akin! II s vrniiii irirsiiu McAut arorCkc j.7A COTTA3e CHEESE MIXCO WITH TASTY FRUITS I IT& QUICKl JUST OlP OUT ANO 1 BEST SELLER AT CHOCEIIS EVEMrWNERC Try tht aelat feffM PWft-Sea.KM. HM-irvl CaHe-O. tUiill aaaa ITS HERE! Luacioutbiti of peart, peuchra, cherries, and pineapple misrd with priie-winning Borden'. Cottai Cheesel Al vcur food .tore now! Bonteri$ a 0TTAGI CHIIS" FRUIT SALAD la FEATURING SWIFT'S FINE FOODS KNOWN BRANDS - THEY HAVE TO BE GOOD SWIFTrsING 69c tie MAIt-IH OHII srt af l MKT 7 S wrrs White Star Tuna Fish MM rut Ha. H ua Tuna Flakes TWe Netiaa's Larfesr Seller 4-49c 8 - 95c Pink Salmon irff t ihi lAIICt-rtn 32 Pork & Beans Vsa Cs Beets, Three Sisters um. K . aa TIm an rta tK (Mirer to. Viffiia A4M 33c Pumpkin uaasr . -10e Olives fHOOUCT ti! Kocoto Figs 19c Corn M SStauw Crma .trie , t-lk. Ll s4 Ua CkMM SIWM r"98C Asporogus Speors P tin m a-ujl m Gerber's Boby Foocf, 3 cans ,123c wirr. rarMit st cnyrsta MEATS foa THC SIINTINO CAMP WIM kuats-rr. Ontw M . -U-a. rl rosy KIT IIAAH -. Ua . DCVrUD BAM h-tta TAMA LIS vrcm saisagi srAcHrrn a meat IS-w. Ua . VIAL LOAr I-a . Ua . rOTTtD StfAT K-tla hambi actas M-aa Ua -bank nana. K-a. ttn 33c l?c 23c 19c 24c 29c 9c 45c 49c Hunt's Pears He. IH Ua Sperry Pancake and $ ' name tiour 10 -. ta Syrup La-Sae Juk Grope Juice T Oariea -, Social Hi- 39c Navy Beans 5-b. bog ; 69' Rabbits Cat ae fae yaae aaaaaalaaak TO-. Ma rrttas itaa , w 37C .49c .49c Roasting Hens Stewing Hens ROUNDSTEAK Beef Roast . os u.48c ae t 59c l39c Sirloin Steaks Baby Beef Liver, . Sliced Bacon . h. . 29c Fresh Oysters A9 Skinless Wieners l-T7iiKrWW J Bartett Pears Appi6S - 'aaallua Apples w.2.98 Potatoes 98c 4-25c k u K.Ui t . Ha I Caas 89c Tokay Grapes 2 J 9c Cabbage Squash RWr4 r Umm , Egg Plant Carrots CUnt T. . QUICK ARROW SOAP FLAKIS Urce It-. pt(. I 7C SYRUP, Penick Light or Dark. 'S-lb.tln 29 FLOUR. Drifted Snow or Gold Medal - 50 lbs. 3 79 r-fC twirrs nooKniu' DUTTER u"67c WITHJHt KKH CUAMY HAV0 On Pas . naaLB.Htwf t 1 L.. . OltYDOL :5f NEW WHIJB hhppi rles .ffeelie. Fiioer tni Uhtwity Right reserreal I. limit aucntities. INDEPENDENT ROOD STORES Ho.1 122 North ?rh St. Ho. 2 1338 Oregon Ave. . No.3 South 6th and Hope Sfc.