THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1949 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PAC6 FIVE WEATHER TMKAM VliAH uw. .yt.. ..'.r;JM-"" aim in wxirrraN OHHUONl Cloudy (.rmiiifi.t n' 'millions ilrt-v ..V'Z'TI U , II W..I..I. U. lh..t..ll' im,!. ..I I to n mil" " '"" tud.r MM Willi l. HiM ", Mnofll lll.M o" ""'J 5! i.vilr .' ..aily .Hi In n,i t,. 1. NOHTIIRHN rl.iril"NIA May ami r.i.uv mii iw "', I,." ..ul m.irnhi. """' v'r I.,...!... ":: . Iltu r..,..i. .....v .l,v ran. Mnni RIVrM VAII.gV Mll l... ,1 l.U and Inntalil ll' . V.;...l li.hl r.i" lml.1 '" '""' ".,,,;:v, wt. rii. halt rrliU; 7 llrlt. Houth Mm Raymond M. Itrrvr and MIm llasel Morrison Irft by mmr HuiKley It Ban Fran clsio wl.ere lllry will altrnrl the general convention of tht F.piscnpal rhurch thl werg. Mr. Bm I" inrslilrnl of the auxiliary of Die musluiiarv district nf Fastrrn Ore gon. lld MIm Mnrrlaon la Iht UTO urkrr l Ht Paul's parish. Tlirv rre )olnrl her by Ml. W. Harton uf Hrlld alios husband. llMmn ll.rtiin. hd Irft earlier with llishnu and Mm. William r. nrm limum of Philadelphia, for Ban Francisco. T Fugrne -Four members of the Klamath Falls Horoptlmlst club Irtt Tuesday for Kiujrne to assist In the organisation ol a Horoptlmlst rlub there, doing north er Mrs KU-uhrn Habn. Mrs Wilfred E 1 mm. Mr. ,Mn. Mnrahsll K Cornell hrr hi, ma In Portland today. Mrs. Finntgan til br remembered Ilia lormrr Myrtlp l.arsrn of till city ( hark Freaenlrd Tha box tup- par, card party and tianc pni eored by IOOF lodge Halurdiiy night, nattrd tha lum of t'Mi.M, which waa luriird ovrr to tha polio emergency fund Wliiailuy. Nor man Duffy, nolile Brand. prrM-nled Hit clin k Ui Mia. Paul Buck. Klam ath county polio chairman, and Mr.. Martha Hurd wa praarnt. It a tha aale of bora prrparrd by Mr. Hurd llrbrkah coinmlltr that hrouaht III mora than tlirre- fuurthn ol I lie amount. Mr, fluid dvlard. Aloha MrrUm Tha Alolia club of the Pant Matron of the Kaatarn mar will mart rnday at I p m. for a covered dih luncheon at the Maaonlc trinplr. In chance of the arrangement r ,r I I'"1!"1. Club prmldrnt, Mr. Charle J. Mar tin, and Mm. William UfWltt. The mrit duh. roll, and collra will be furnuhrd by tha commlttre. Mm. Phrlpa Invlten all pat matron and vuiltlng peat malron to attrtid the meeting. Ultima for the coming yer will be elrclrd. Nun Horn . Mr. and Mr. Don Hunt of Itirky point rout are par ent of a ton, their fifth child and aeroiid buy, born at Klamath ValU v hnapitHl J'uri,dy, Hrptember 27, The child wrighrd 6 pound 4', Cice at blrlhy Paternal grandpar- riii ar ur. and Mm. warren C. Hunt of Pacific Terrace. f ood Hale . - The Mother club of Hat red Heart academy will hold a cooked food aala Hunday, October 3 alter all maara In the academy auditorium, and coffee and dough mil will be nerved In the dining room. Ellen Ely I chairman of the food ale. Kugrn fanaral Mr. and Mr. Carl O. Arthur have returned from Kugrnr after attending tha funeral of Arthur father. Thoma J. Arthur, a frequent vlaltor In Klam ath Pall. The deceaaed la survived by hi wife and three aon. Hale Plana The Klamath Palli braiK-li of the American Aaaoclallon of Unlvenlty Women will hold a rummage aale Priday arid Saturday ' at 27 Main. Money derived from the aale will be uaed to finance a lorel arholamhlp given each year to a graduating armor girl. Itummaga Hale Premont PTA will hold a rummage aale October 7 and I at Ninth and Klamath nrt door to Uia Unique market. Wurarrv Oladv Planiiery, arc- Fremont mother are aakrd to arnd ond grade Inairuitor at Mill who rummage donation to tchool before; waa atrurk at an Intersection uie o uiorr a. oiirntng day of arhool. a found to be more rrlouly Injurrd tlmn I p.rk Mrrlln. C u b fV-ouU of I at flrat thought. Hhe Irft hrra tor pack 5 will hold their monthly meet- Brattle to real at the home oi a urn Priday at 7:30 pm. at tha Pint alatrr, but medical examination ' chrlatian church. Pack Inspection and X-ray proved a rrarkrd prlvia ! will be hrld. Parent of the boy which made aurgrry nerrsaary. Hhe : are alao urged to be present. will be off duty tor another month. ' achoul otflclala aald. 1 III Mr. Maurice Andrrvm. ; aecond grade teacher at Mill ummaa. Hale Tlie Molhem ! cliool. U III at her home with F.nul Albrecht and club of Kacrrd llrart acaormv -"" "" um hold a rummage aale in uie ounu- ; y ru, imiifi, auu- .... .,-, i v nrruuird bv Whitman ! 1 ute teacher. Ilouaa iural-Mr. ltd Pinnigan j Drug company, bid Main, on Krl- haa been a houae guest lor the pat ! day and Saturday of thl. eek. Kelurn. . I"-Mr. Earl Carlvm two d.v. at tha Prrd Olln home ! Contribution, of rummage may be and daughter, Lealte Jo. have i been on l-emont .treet. she returned to left at the academy. Mm. Jerry I "'" from the Klamath Valley Murphy la gmrral chairman. I "" "'" " """" i N Eldorado Leslie Jo a. born At Mretlng - Harold Aihlry. ' Hrptember 24 district clerk of the city achoola. t among tnos from Klamath Pall attending the Oregon Finance Of ficer association bring hrld thl wrek In Portland In conjunction with IT. League of Oregon Cltlre. WHY WE SAY ON THE Q.T. V V Can you krrn arcrrl well ihia ex- prraainn alill mrana jul lhal bill il alarlcil out a Lrrp il (Jl IKT (J. anil T. iM'inf; thr first and last Irllcr of the word. coaa t MMsat Hslwaii goa ,m wotia imii ia Scouts Have Roll Calls, Inspections Woodworkers Take Stands recovery program, called fur a U S, loreUn policy aimed at la.Min I ece, denied Rusmhii a,vrUom o! U. 8. mar-motifteriiiK ai "complete . lu lllifnutwiawl " mttiiiirA ilfi nmuia VANCOUVER, B. C, Sept. M , ,illon ,0 re,,,,,,,,, of .,,,,, A aevrn-polnt program on Interna- I Pranro Spain." and urged early tlonal affair.. Including plea, for In-1 peaca Ireatle with former enemy ternatlonal disarmament and con- I nation. trol of atomic energy, wa approved yesterday by tha l.lth annual con- OIOI.I TO HINO IN EGYPT ventlon of tha International Wood- CAIRO, (Pi Benlamtoo Oigll. worker of America. tha tamoua Italian tenor, will sing Other point In the program eon- at Cairo winter opera season ttiia defined Ruuia "abuse" of tha vr-! year, It tH announced hrr. to In the United Nation assembly, I Fair Condition Mr. Delphlne In Hospital Mm. Arthur Pred Lyman ol (10 Mitchell Is under ' nckaon of 202 Washington 1 a Roll call and Inapectlona have been the feature actlvltle of Scout troop and some cub pack In the Modoc area council during the past week. Troop 30 at Chlloquin. wa put! reaffirmed aupport of the European i To Buy or SeU Ue tha Want-Adal through ltd pace by Bob Penrod, last night. At the same time Con- 1 red Shetland took over hi new du ties a Scout master tor the troop. 81ielland i employed as a acrler for tha Indian forest service. Other Actlvltiea Other roll call activities were con ducted by Paul Tanner and Duane Alexander at Alameda' troop 4; Bill Kuykendall and Charle Bailey. Sacred Heart Troop 19; and Gomer Jonea and James Pinmger. First Presbyterian church troop 42. Tha district roll call movement now In progress 1. being held In conjunction with the national roll call program. Bob Lamott. Modoc county scout executive, said there still remain a number of troops and cub pack yet to be Inspected. He expect the activity to be fin ished some time next week. REMEMBER LAST WINTER? Yt, wa all do. Snow covered the garbogti con io that wo nod hard time disposing of food watt and garbage. Don't put up with that condition againt medical care at Hillside hospital ! patient at Hillside hospital. Her where she Is aald to be In fair ' condition Is fair, but she Is not condition. She is the mother of allowed to have visitors. Mm. Walter Jendraejewskl. Treatment Under medical treat ment at Hillside hospital la Carol Elltngson. 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mm. Walter Ellingson of Bly. N Visitors Stanley Pirser. manager of the Buster Brown shoe tore. Is showing improvement from a aerlou lllnesa at Hillside hos pital, however, he U still not per mitted to have visitors. Mrdiral C are H. R. Cullen of Biebrr, Calif ., Is under medical care at Hillside hospital. He la an em- OTI Students Pass Clock, Watch Test OTI Three mem ben of the McKay Delays Hiring Of School Expert SALEM. Sept. lPi Governor McKay instructed the state depart ment of education to hold up the I appointment of an expert to make ! a survey of the state schools. Yesterday, the board voted to hire T. C. Holy, an Ohio State university ploye of the Finney Logging com- , Oregon Tech clock and watch mak- i professor to make the survey i teiav ana Mnatai aaleaaai W as sraw rtn mKjA " pany. T Portland Mm. F M Cheyne nf I.'.-O Orchard Irft for Portland this wrrk for mrdiral attention. While there ahe will visit her aon. Milo Cheynt, and family. Visiting Mm. Walter Bower and children. Kelsry and Sua ar hrr from Daly City. Calif., visit ing Mm. Bowrr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Krlsry. 4U Clinton. tug and repair class have passed the Horological Institute of Amrrl- On Va a a llaaw-Ed Livingston.!" m'non m.n..rr of tha Klamath Falls' Tne ,hre- Hall. John Hog- k k f u'.r, Usui is on hi. o nd Bob Stapleton. are annual vacation this week. Rummage Sale Palrvtew PTA ; will sponsor a rummage aale Friday ; and Saturday at Cummin's Diesel ; storeroom, 9th and Klamath. The I sale will continue all day, both days. rooked rood Hale St. Paul'' Postponed The regular Worus Oulld will sponsor a cooked tood community club meeting has been sale at Emll tore. th and Pine. ! postponed from Saturday until all day Saturday. Tie public 11 . Thursday. October e. because of invited to participate. 1 the opening of deer season. Pledged "Skip Johnson, son nf Mr. and Mm. Marlon Johnson of 405 Upham. haa pledged Sigma Chi at Oregon State college. now certified watchmakers. The insti tute la a division of the national bureau of standards. IIF.LD FOR ORI.GO.N CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Sept. IIP) But Attorney General George Neuner ruled that the leglslatuie Intended that the survey be made by ita interim committee on the school system. NeuneT held that to hire an outside expert would be an : Ulrgal delegation of power. After conferring with Neuner. the governor ordered the appointment held up pending further atudy. I Oerald E. Oause. wanted In Pendle- t'anrelled The Rev. Harold Rob- j ten. Ore, on a murder Indictment, erta will not show movies in the Mt. was held here today by Laramie Lakl church Friday night as planned, county authorities. Bob Lemon got an early start In hoping to match his 10 shutouts of last In his second start he blanked the Browns on live hit. GENERAL O ELECTRIC DISPOSALL tS Tasoavstaaa so. .. JUST CaMM IT BOaVW TMC MAIN - The electrically optrtaad DupoaaJl shred all food waste irsrluding bone ipso toe penklaa, waad. ore carried down the drain and ovt of ahe host mtdielj. Yostr sink i slwljrt clean! '124 95" MO MOM A Jt BA6C There are no garbage awvrai rasn or garbaga odotg in the Diapoaall ecaaipped Isitdsan. The food weeto at goo before at can spoiL Dan't let Installation east bather yea'. Special 15-eay erfef InstaJlatioa east bather yea'. ea lnstallatlen. FYOCK'S 10th and Main GENERAL ELECTRIC STORE Phona 5400 cy.T....8w J. J. NEWBERRY CO. UNTING SEASON for 0m . -rTfi? While "epo" Ig out looking for the elu.ive buck . . . "Mama" need, look only a far at Newberry' to get her buck' worth! Reg. 98c GRANITE, 6-Cup PERCOLATORS IsleaJ far banters! Spec. Reg. 39c Ladies' Cotton HOSIERY Fall ehadra. All elaaa. Spec. 29c Pr. MEN'S OUTING CAPS Lined and wir-mufd 1.00 and 1.19 BOYS' HUGGER CAPS PUtd. tilth rgf-muff Nulloniillr famous Only 1.25 asvjf LADIES' FLANNEL GOWNS Buy now for the raid wrather ahead. Only 1.69 "SNOOZER" SLEEPERS For the "Utile folks". Siirs lg to W Only 1.29 Boys' 100 Wool Zipper JACKETS Colorful pi.. Id In altes 4-It, I.lnrd for ritra warmlh. Only 4.98 Boys' Zipper Lined Jackets Nrw and rr-prorrinrd wool. Hire. Io 11 Only 3.98 Ruby Dress Remnants lor drraura and hlnunrs. 4-.vard Irngth. Rayonii and Arrtatf rayon. Nrw Fall hadr. Only 1 98 Length Men's Cotton Plaid Shirts Colorful and long wearing. Klie HS-I? Only 1.98 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS rou will want for hi outdoor work Only 2.98 Tha tr you will want for huntlnr and outdoor work Boys' Buffalo Bill PLAID SHIRTS Ktnrk up now at this extra sprrlal price. All site, up In I year. Only 1 59 Your Convertible Cout 825 Moin Phono 4774 XS ep-.r; 'V . j a itarm in'n9 n aml out depending on the tceathcr r'C- Wool Worst ed9 of course! J n A & Gabardines , Black J Men's Wear Brown " if fe Sharkskin Green jV : !! :lf Fleeces Gray A'-t rv Boxy Wine I Fitted "Tan ' . , IT'S A I WONDERFUL STORE o o o o c o a e o o o t a o o o o o o o o o a I a o a e a o o o o o . o 1 1 1 8 . a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 a t . a I M . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I M 1 1 1 I