HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMA1H FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1949 PACE TEN Railroad Men, Families Get Meeting Bid All railroad mm and thrlr fami lies are tnrlted to the quarterly clirtalon aalrtr nrftlni to ba held Thursday ntrht, October IS, at T:30 eckx-k in Veterans Memorial hall. There will be entertainment, prises and rrfmhments followlnc the meeting which Is sponsored by aarnrlaied labor railroad group. Main speakrrs will ba J. A. Mr Kinnon. Soulhrrn Pacific 8ha.ua dirlaton superintendent; Bert Mill, rr, loral chairman ot railroad order oC ronductora. and Jerry Rutledse. loral chairman of brotherhood ol railroad trainment. H. B. Bassett, Great Northern traveling car service agent of Seattle, was In Klamath Fall Tues day on business. On vacation from Great Northern are Switchmen O. K. Musgrove and Paul Leelinr. Conductor R. W. Baker and Engineers H. T. Davis and Carl Holm. TRANSPORTATION NEWS Elliott Told Resign Or Face Recall PORTLAND. Sept. IT Mult m.mah Registrar James W alrason has notified Sheriff M. L. Elliott that a recall election aitatmt him la assured unless he resigns In five days. The elections ottn-uil said the final check ot recall election peti tions revealed 34.0M were valid. This was S&34 more than necessary. Elliott has, under the law, five days in which to quit the office voluntarily. If he does not resign, then Olrason must order the elec tion to be held within 30 days. Klllntl's campaign manager, K. W. Brown, said the Idea that the sheriff would resign was "an ab surdity." He said "you and I know that no one respects a quitter." He added that the Portland news papers had not given Elliott a fair chance. Reformatory For Chiloquin Boy Robbers PORTLAND, Sept. M (-T h war-like aspiration of three Indian youngsters who stole gun and am munition fur an ambush hideaway a III have a chance tu cool In the reformatory The youngsters two surd U and la were sentenced yeaterday. They had admitted breaking Into a Chilo quin store Brptrmber 12 and rait ing olf their loot. The buys were arrealed In aaite briuh while pointing the stolen tuna at police who Irncard thrill tlmmitll tilt bruah lo a pin. and boulder hid den hideout. With them were two older youths, parolees from a Col- t orado reformatory. I I Testimony revealed the boys look llM worth ot merchandise Includ ing IU00 cartridges, rlllna. hunting knives and slacks of i lollies and food. Theae were cadied alxne Hprnsue river. Mobil, is th. only seaiairl In Alabama. m ' Henry Mather, formerly employ ed with Southern Pacific In Klam ath Falls, and his family are va cationing in Klamath Falls and Dorris renewing acquaintances here. Mather is now road master for Southern Pacific at Lone Pine, Calif. He it also getting In some deer shooting in California. William Hungate, SP roadmaster clerk, will start his vacation Sat urday. Hungate said he would spend one week deer hunting and take another week later for the Ud-fowl season. Marguerite Dunne will relieve Hungate while he Is on vacation. W. A. Carlton, signal mainten ance man, and his family are visit ing relatives In Oakland. Calif. Carlton works with Southern Pa cific Southern Pacific officials In town on business this week are J. A. McKinnon, Shasta division superintendent: K. C. Brunner. di vision engineer; R. R. Baymiller, assistant division engineer, and J. P. Weeks, office engineer. All work out of Dunsmuir. Another Southern Pacific con ductor made his last run Wednes day. He is O. O. Johnson, who has been working the Portland to Klamath Falls run on No. 10 Daylight. Apparently Sontnern Pacific I travelers have heard of the meals served on the Southern Pacific Day- light A fuU hall hour before the southbound train leaves the Port land station, the dining car does a land office business in breakfasts, according to the BP Inside Track. n ; JUST CANT STAY AWAY Bert Cotter, 73, who retired from conductorship on the Southern Pocific in 1943, was snooped by Photographer Wes Cuderion when he poid a visit to the freight office this week. Cotter itorted with SP in 1899, worked as a brakeman for four years, and spent the rest of his service os o conductor. His entire 43-year span on the railroad was spent on the Shasta division. Yell Squad Vacancies Filled At OTI OTT Ronnie Redman and Gar McClew were selected to fill the two remaining vacancies on Oregon Tech's yell squad. The squad Is now complete with Queen Pat Ward. Barbara Knodell and Kitty Decker and the two new members. Rerman and McClaw were chosen by popular applause at a recent student body meeting when candi dates tried out by leading yells. Tomatoes Thrive Despite Drought NOR WALK. Conn, M) Al though the summer of IMS was one of tfc dry est In several years, many home gardeners in this area have reported unusually good tomato crops. One small farmer attributed his success to spring fertilization of the sou with organio matter which, when plowed In, aided tn moisture i retention. IThy more people? buy Van Camp's than any other beans Richer sauce. ..more sauce gives them extra A V Ho! Ho! We Save You Dough! CORNED BEEF,..,,,. t.43c BEEF RIB STEAKS 49c FANCY BEEF ROASTS., :42c PEANUT BUTTER 33c MCP PECTIN 3 , 27c BORENE Soap Pwdr. ,...., 27c MAYONNAISE, , 63c PARD DOG FOOD 2,. 25c SWEET POTATOES 2,J9c A'e PALACE MMCISir 524 MAIN "WHERE YOU NEVER GET A BUM STEER!" HANSON'S Pv3AMEir 7th and Pine WE SAVE YOU MONEY ttH.OKU) iOOD Fryers 47c lb. Hens . 29c lb. PORK PORK Steak 49c lb. Roasts 39c lb. tOKMD PORK VITAL Roasts 39c lb. Steak 49c lb. Veal Breast 25c lb. Picnic Hams ... .,r. 45c lb. ) y-TMAKIS EVERY MEAL tt 9L a NCN,Cl 1wC.a. Oregon TAKf AOVAHTAOf Of THIS I I , 4SS-6S5 I 4 JLL L.23 iTHCTIVI rot ONI FUU WIIK a af Wsi a 1 fcVTQt iiisl PricM eilectlTc Thnrtday, Friday, Sa tarda yt Sunday, Monday, Tuttday, Wcdattday Sugar EGGS 1 Nttbora I Salad I MaarlBt I m H w B . . eoar H Dressing I JTc M CoSee Syrup ai"ij bum Tn. 35 Shortening a-rd Mm Trm 3 65c FAB tm WaAkaf 2J W Chocolate) Syntp 5e l-a. jw Salmon aims. l-ta Tta c 2 for $1 53 1 Cren Beam, Briargatc type No, 2s . . 15c Pork (i Beans, cm. white type, No. 2 is, 17c Sliced Beets, Rnby type, No 2 tins . . 13c Diced Carrots, Del Monte No. 303s . 13c Corn, Whole Grain No.2tlns,lSc Peas, Sugar Belle type, No. 303 tins, 12c Pumpkin, Custard type, No. 2 tins . 11c Catsup, Red Hill type, 14 oz. .' . . . 13c Apricots, Valley Cold type, lU.lt.. 15c Fruit Cocktail, Llbby's No. 303s ... 21c Peaches, Llbby's, No. 21 tins 27c Pears, Harper House type, No. 2)s . . . 27c Peaches, Castle Crest type, No. lis 23c Asparagus, Center cuts, No. 2 tins . . 15c Vienna Sausage, No. is .17c Corned Beef Hash, No. 1 tins ... . 35c Tamales, Calif, type, Buffets ...... 9c Plum Jam, Del Monte, 1 lb. . . . . 17c Apple Butter, Tasty type, 28-oz. . . . 23c Mince Meat. . . . . . .lb. 21c Apple Sauce, Old Fashioned No. 2 tin, 17c , Tomato Sauce, Garden type, But tin, 5c Strawberry Jam, lb. ars ... . 35c Deviled Meat, Is. '. '. 8c Tuna, light meat, is . . . "' . . .27c Dog Food, Hi-Tone type . '.' ; . '. . 9c Cranberry Sauce, Ocean Spray whole, 17c blended Juice o 0 46-oz. 35c . OUves, Ripe Pitted, taU tin ..... 27c Dill Pickles, Tasty type, qt size .... 27c Kipper Snacks, Ji.. ...... .lie Hershey Bars, Jumbo ban e . .17c 7 for 1.00 6 for 1.00 8 for 1.00 8 for 1.00 7 for 1.00 9 for 1.00 10 tor 1.00 8 for 1.00 7 for 1.00 5 for 1.00 4 tor 1.00 4 tor 1.00 5 tor 1.00 7 for 1.00 6 for 1.00 3 for 1.00 12 for 1.00 6 for 1.00 5 for 1.00 5 for 1.00 6 for 1.00 21 for 1.00 3 for 1.00 13 tor 1.00 4 tor 1.00 12 tor 1.00 6 tor 1.00 3 for 1.00 4 for 1.00 4 for 1.00 10 for 1.90 6 for 1.00 3.43 3.89 -.-..2.89 343 na.4it2.0l5 .4.235 MM2.95 .4.33 m.4m4.75 tmm 4 1.5.89 mm.h 5.89 m.4m4.75 m.4m343 m.4i785 .4S.7.85 .3.89 h4m389 m.4 b235 .4.4.75 -3.89 n339 .4.7.85 .3.29 71 11.89 .-.3.89 .4.3.89 .4u3.89 .4. 5.89 .4u2.89 regoo Food Stores 2410 So. Mi it. Wl tmtVI THI RI0HT TO 1IMIT QUANTITIIS .' 1749 Oregon A. Produce Department Trlct IffcHv fMmy ni SoturtJey Seedless Grapes Tokay Grapes 5C La. e7 Lady Finger Grapes ' Cc Urn tm wb m, a. m mt i i i I la, aw , Cauliflower Oranges ttmmmfmmmmamml JQc Mi m . toa 4 I. mmt ka aaa aw 1 Jonathan Apples MMw 169 ana. Mtl mi tmmt M 4 kaMk SM Meat Department ttf CfUctlv Friday no' Soturdoy TU wmm em Tm4 Imtm Wm ItvaM i.ujfciai mtm feat i M-tb. mitt. s4 iho rm tair t mlmUt Pujt mf Pork Roasts r r- .la, Bee! Roasts ta4 iM M 4 I Rib Steaks 39c 45' 55 Sirloin Steaks ,'. ecc Mr IKiii. a m mm-, ,, , IIamsv st a4a a k u-sa tmnm