WtuNLSDAY, i,LM . 28, 1949 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMaIM i-alls, OREGON PACE SEVEN THE MERCHANTS AND RESIDENTS OF KLAMATH FALLS ARE HONORED TO SALUTE THE ENTERPRISING CITIZENS OF ALTURAS AND CANBY THIS WEEK. ft ' T t I " ' - 1T- - "iiihh'H mpm-fwri o. m ll'p ' "nn t ft 11 son A rf sjrzi'jrt"? m Ai 7 Mil 7t g MMifMMVc? JAMBOREE COMMITTEE mokes early plant far the 60 Boy Scouts who are expected to leave from the Modoc area council for the big national jomborce at Valley Forge, Pa., thii coming tummer. Standing, Chet Homoker, jamboree choirmon; left to right, Charles Stark, chamber of commerce manoger; Harold Aihley ond Bill Ely, members of Homoker's plonning committee. Merrill Spud Ball Planned For Saturday MKHRII.L Plans ere completed (or the Mrrrlll elimination ball to be held Beturday In the community hell At thU time MerrtU'e candidate tur queen et the I3lh annual Klam ath Hanlll PotaUi festival October 31 and 23. will be chosen Irom a group of Imir attractive youni high arhonl girls. 1.11a Wlneherser and Mnnta Wat rn were rhwn br lha Junkir elasa and Rubr Irenbire and Vlnlnia Reeves represent the settlors. Tha lurky ralwtlrtale will b rhns. n nn Uw basis nt lh mini num ber of licaeu told U this ellmlna tlon ball. Dura, apr Danclnf la tram 10 till t with muale bjr Balrfy Fvena and his band. At. Augustine's Altar society will serve supper. Tha public la Invited and thou ho hava not already purchased ticket, may do an at tha door, and designate which candidate they are voting for. Arrangements for the danre. the eueen'e ball on October IS, and the fraud potato festival ball on Octob er tt are under the direction at Alonao Hortgea, Warren Walker, and WUIlam Falrey. learned on "unlmiwarhable authori ty" that the United Elrclrtce.1 Workers, the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, and the International Longshore men's and Warrhouermen'1 Union ill be expelled. To Buy or Sell Use the Want-Ada! The goldenrod la the itaie flower ,. Malo rb.iltlU of Nebraska. I V All Fire Insurance ratra are net the eaane. SEE LANPHEAR al afa.. 9 A MX of eiASSfs is w BETTER THAN THE MATERIALS AND THE WORKMANSHIP THAT 00 INTO IT. CIO to Axe Left-Wings? TANCOUVKR. C. Bept M .) Three Irft-mlng unions will be oust ed from trie CIO at the union na tional convention In Cleveland, a Canadian labor leader ald last alght. William Mahonef. western dlrert tr tit the ClO-affillated Canadian Congresa of labor, aald he had -, JTssfi em am in i Stylish "Dependable Eyewear" it created by skilled craftsmen, using the world's finest optical materials. Your today- weeks to pay. DR. ALVA CUSTER OPTOMETRIST, with offices at SiaitiQitL 71S MAIN STREET IN KLAMATH FALLS 1 a. -J 1 t I I 31 r.l ARANTEKD perfect O New net rebuilt er anrplua O Lightweight enly It enneea Central ferise eaay te handle O Grnvrne cewhlde rase and straps O Limited supply gel yonra TODAY! '' O Only 3750 (Plus Tax) Deer Hunters! Guaranteed Binoculars ... $5 Down, $1 a Week O i IS GUARANTEED perfect O New not rebuilt or surplus O Lightweight easy to handle O Leather ease and straps Inrludrd O Limited supply come la TODAVI O Only 3550 (Plua Tax) 715 Main Street Headquarters for Bousch & Lomb Binoculars SPECIAL CLOSEOUT! 100 Women's Coats LONG AND SHORT STYLES Late summer and early fall styles that ore desirable for year 'round wear. KLAMATH COUNTY TWEEDS, GABARDINES, COVERTS AND OTHER POPULAR FABRICS. All sizes and colors. Values . . . $29.95 to $79.50 Kto40ff , ONE LARGE RACK 0 ITS - Choice - Sport ond dressy styles in season's popular fabrics and shades. You'll find a style that you can wear for seasons te come ... shop early! 72 Price Downstairs Store Lace Cloths Columbia t Wilbarry brands. 54 k72" ond 72"x90." Reg. 4.98 and 9.95. Now 3.98-7.95 Muslin Sheets Pepperell red label colored sheers 81 " 108". Reg. 8.50. Now 6.50 pair Blanket Ends 100 s. fine wool. SPECIALLY PRICED 1.98 to 6.95 Rag Rugs 24"x46". Reg. 1.49 value. Now 98c ea. Muslin Sheets Lady Whirtenron brand. 81"x99" SPECIAL! 1.49 DRAPERY DEPT. 100-INCH HOMESPUN Colorful Bayadere stripes. Ex cellent for couch covers, spreads and dropes. Reg. 2.98 yd. Now 2.19 yd. ODD LOT DRAPERIES Assorted fabrics ond patterns. Values to 3.79. Choice 1.00 CLEARANCE! PANELS Royon ond cotton panels In colored dots ond all white. Special 1.49 ODD LOT Lace Panels Full sixe in sheer and service weight. Rea. 3.98. Now 1.98 DRAPERIES Fine quality draperies in as sorted fabrics and patterns. Values to 3.98. Now 1.79 YARDAGE DEPT. ONE LARGE LOT RAYON PRINTS Pin. sjaallty washable rayons In email florals, geomrtrle prints, and attlpea. Values 1.S9 to l.M Now . 1.00 MEN'S STORE MAIN FLOOR Special Closeout! MEN'S ALL WOOL DAY'S WHIPCORDS Woe. teal, and Oiford grey. Rrf. 1SJS ONE LOT, ALL WOOL OFFICERS' PINKS SLACKS 995 12" By Allen A. Bixee U-t. Reg. IMS ONE LOT. ALL WOOL OFFICERS' LASTICS 1095 In fereat (reen aU aixea. stes. 19M I SPECIAL SALE! MEN'S ALL WOOL SPORT COATS 1Q95 All aisea and color Rrc. MM to tSM SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE! Men's Knitted Athl. Shorts AQc AU alsea. Reg. SSc M MEN'S ALL WOOL ir FLANNEL ROBES Ideal tor his holiday fill. Wine, blue, (reen. Reg. ItJS SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE! 995 it Western Style Blue Jeans 179 Mrn'i and boyV aim. Excellent for harrest Rec. 1M B HOUSEWARES DEPT. DOWNSTAIRS BETTY CROCKER PRESSURE SAUCEPANS 1995 Rei. IMS . . . gale lata UNIVERSAL PRESSURE SAUCEPANS C95 Reg. 11J5 . . . Sale a 15" TOAST-A-STOVE -At Electric Pop-Up Toaster and Warming Oven . 1495 l-elertrlo burner. Reg. J 1.95 . . . Now Ar Stainless Steel Upper Bowls for Coffee Makers 925 Re. 3.55 ... New SILEX STEAM IRONS Comb, dry or wet. Reg. 21.95 . . . Now .. -fr Glass Vacuum Coffee Maters M N w "4? Ar Parchment Lamp Shades ..U5 1.95 Assorted eliee. Reg. ... Now Reg. MS . . . Now METAL VANITY LAMPS 095 With shades. Reg. 5J . . . Now eV 1 PAIR CRYSTAL VANITY LAMPS 995 Complete with ahadea. Reg. MS ... Now Mm Jmkk 512 MAIN ST. Juvenile Shop GIRLS' WHITE Rayon Blouses Round neck styles. Sites 3-4. Reg. 3.98. Now 1.49 GIRLS' RAYON Satin Slips Sixes 1. 4, . Reg. 1.98. Now 1.49 CHUBBIE White Slips Fine cotton slips in sizes 8Vi to U'. Rea. 2.98. ' Now 1.49 BOYS' AND GIRLS' ANKLETS Odd lots of broken sizes. Reg. 39c ond 49c. Now 19c pr. ODD SIZE GROUP SWEATERS Boys' and girls' styles. Reo. 3.98 Now 1.98 ART DEPT. Table Cloths Fine white Indian-head S"xlV 79 1" axt- Seg. MS NOW Luncheon Sets Paatel ahadea and white. aa 49 Reg. Mt NOW I Bernats Yarn Reg. 55c NOW 35c Grab-Box Special Assarted merchandise In yalnra from f 1 to Mt. .. NOW Box 25c A.B.C. Cotton Prints Short lengths In wide assortment of pattern. Reg. SSe yd. Now. 50c yd. Sale! Montag Boxed Stationery (Slightly tolled boxee) V at uee to MS 2 boxes 1.00