HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28,1949 Historic Old Alturas Has Stable, Thriving Business, Sleek Cattle r supporters of Prim Minister Jw aharlal Nrhrtu "secular govern ment program and a leading op ponent ol "communal poiitirs. me Indian practli- of basing political tactions on religious and rarll com mutinies. sia' leading agronomist, who d Clare Uial It Is based on the prin ciples of Mlchurliilst biology. In nest method ol tree planting Involve th planting In a small clrcl of a number ol seedlings. It j Jvw,flsrJ;jA.si-e if FASHION CLEANERS r.. Ph. 55631 Is claimed that within this group ol mm constituent Assembly he seedlings tiler U no conllct and 11 He. 1th nas been a leader of the bloo which has pushed through constitutional guarantee fo religious and racial minorities In India and was among th first to applaud Indus decision to reamin In the Commonwealth. that thy ast each other In mu tual deiense gmst their enemies I weeds and grass. Experiments j have shown, papers declare nere. i that Ih survival of tree seedlings Is much higher In "nest planting'' than Is th cas with Individual. By BILL JENKINS OW Country! It.r ' There (till lot of It If (t round the Alturas country. You find that 'Nest' Planting Aids Russian Forests . MOSCOW (At Russian' in put ting Into effect their large toreata tion program are relying heavily on th "neiit method" of tree plant ing. This method was proposed by Academician Trofnn Lysenko, Rus planting. out when you drive through. Pick-ups, tome carrying th scratched. painted or burned brands o( their outfit, are lined up along the curb. High heeled boot beat a staccato tattoo on the street ol this bustling little city across the California line. Lush green meadow extend up to the very edge of thi town of nearly 4000 person and aleek Hereford gram along the Three Flag highway that cut through Alturea. While cattle ranching i still the major Industry ol the area, the amok from lumber mills rue into the ky from the two mill in Al turas Itself and from the mill In Canby, a few short miles to the north. Free Pick-up 1 Delivery! Q In Tody Out Tomorruw 4-lluur Mperlal Hervlr Skill M Care (i laird Polala Wholewheat DONUTS Dalicioui Mople Bart We Cater to Special Orderi Wholeiala-Retall Pur a few pennies per word you can advertise to thousands through a Want Adl Phone sill. S-T-O-P SIS I. Main fhong 6491 Beyond Compare A 2c Per Gallon PACE EIGHTEEN it r J i rJi mi I mill .-1 V I.TH.W.IH'1.11 i"- ' . I 1 11 mb1! ri" rr - rf-ast' "w" m h "N- rvsN -oj THE history of Altura goes back to th early days of the West and 1 well filled with torle of roaring adventure in Indian fights, cattle feud and the rigors of life In the raw and untamed West of th latter JU1 GCIllUI?. First settlers at the site of what te now Altunu were three brothers. Presley. Carlos and Columbus Dorris. who took up adjoining home atead In the area In U70. Presley had seen th Pit River valley be fore, in 184 while on duty with th army during the Mexican war. Impressed by the possibilities of th new land he brought his km with i him to carve a new home. To aid them In their ranching work th brothers built a crude but strong bridge acros the Pit, which wa for many year the only cross ing of that stream. Within four short years a small but ambitious settlement had grown up around the bridge site. The village was known a Dorri Bridge, and contained a general merchandise .tore livery ; SALUTE DAY visitors in Alfuros ond Canby' last week were table. hotel and In 174 a room wa added to the store building k ... . ;,. j i i , to house a post off.ee. Thi structure burned In ti but was replaced , Startled by the red painted faces of many of the youngsters with a building of native, stone that is MtU standing and in use. j on the Alturos streets. It was freshman initiation day at Mo- , . , doc Union high school. Here three seniors load up the pop g for the freshman reception. Left, Jim Souther receives o case iz AT thti time Dorri Bridge wa still In Siskiyou county. That county i 0f soft drinks from Jim Austin. Kenny Austin is in the back- O covered the entire area now embraced by both 8lskiyou and Modoc ' QrounH J the long, hard trip to Yreka. the county aeat. and agitated for a dlvl Drin TiU tmt flals )rl Tilt iUe Peyton t C. Tl. ft l Htawatik l-t.ua SHORTY'S ASSOCIATED SERVICE ? ft. Ith rh. mi 'SEE KIMBALL'S GLASS SHOP F0R AUT0 CLASS Always Parking In Rear Always HERALD AND NEWS COMICS ton of the area. On February IT. 17, an act of the California legis lature created Modoc county. The town of Dorri Bridge was decreed a the teat of county government until otherwise provided by law. In 1S76 a community vote changed historic Dorri Bridge to Alturas. Altura I an Indian word meaning "Top of the Mountain" and I liter ally true In this case. Altura lies In the center of a high plateau and the ground slope away from It to the east, south and west Fort BldweU. to the east in Surprise valley, wa created In 1865. . in th area which offers hunting during special season period and serves a a tourist attraction at all time. ' j Speaking of tourists, here one that keep the Modoc County chamber of commerce busy. Tourist passing by always mark th old offices of the NC and O railroad. Thla old structure, now cut up Into private offices and apartments, was built many year ago and follow the general outline of the missions scattered throughout California. People driving through spot the high old bell tower and the bells In II and helped to hold down the depredations of the various Indian tribes, and en write back to the local chamber "If the bell in that abandoned Including Modoc. Piute and an occasional invasion bv the Shoshone. ; mission aren't being used is there any chance that we might buy on More ranchers brought their herds into the area and started th estab- , 'hem?" llshment of thi Inland cattle empire. ln C,UJ ,ct 0,1 lT one of the bells Is made for actual use. the others being dummies. And the one that 1 In use Isn't for sale. Tough j luck. EARLY day cattlemen drove their cattle a far as Marysvtlle. Cotton- I wood and Anderson to reach railroad where they could ship. There are still many resident ol Alturas who took part In these drives and who can tell vivid tales of the rugged trips. In 1909 the first railroad reached Alturas. a narrow gauge line which ran to the city from Reno. This road was taken over by the Southern Parifie when thev nut ln thir lln fmm A t.ira in T v new. thus putting Altura on a main line railroad. , i ,,?n "l th ""mJon ervtr ' ta her report to leader of the Present dsr Altura 1 a living symbol of this slow but .teady ; I1" U?"1"" the county will re- : extension group. Joan Howell ex- , v. . . .UUKa .luMtiwuini revision Ol -HClUb a clearer conception of their duties work and Invited those Interested In Officers of Home Extension Units Get Special Traininq growth. The cattle Industry, always one of the most stable In the United State, tended toward strong growth rather than a boom growth and subsequent drops ln business and population. There are no empty Industrial building In the city today. Store and shops do a thriving business with assured demand for the goods and services of each. as leaders as a result of the In-' that ohase ol vouih wnrk n .. struction offered them on "Officers' her office for more Information Training Day." ; Members of the county committee There to Instruct the women on Present at (he all-day meeting wer their dutle and to explain the pro-1 Mr'- 0mson. chairman: Mrs. ' rf the mo that "boom" peeped overthe horiion. The Pickering ant .tate leader of the home exten-' of Mr. Percy Cook. Mr. CUude Lumber company announced ln June of MS plans to build a 1.000. 000 slon ,u, and MlrT oltfn home Williams, historian: Mm. Frederick mlU unit ln Al uras which would supply employment for some 1500 'extension demonstration agent. Markw.rdt. Aalea House- Mr. E -men when completed. In October of the sameear the Southern Pacific i . ... . . , ., .... j Lahoda atww- .h ii i k. told their plans to make Altura. . division Joint on the Portland to ' ."rjr- "M ' Webtt oubl Klamath Fall line. , ,sion staff, and Mary Glenn, home "eoer. pupi.fwy- , The news spread and the oooulation of Altura oared from 1500 to " mmnJ comm,IlM- r. Kay; T 'ZJZP?JZrL?J! .' TrK , STth"; LTeSr ST Priest ' Madras vusaau uwwuu psawu uuuu. l"w iiuwta wwiv uuiit III MTC Hiwu, vut lliriC . . l j . I . . wa an utter lack of planning or foresight. Consequently the city was ' JJg ' v "" UD UClegatt Th .tat hoard of he.lth nVni.nrixI th.t th. rit. Im-rm. """" Mrs. Mark and sanitation facilities. The lumber company threatened to move to ! ,. the Pevu"on 01 another site for the same reason and demanded paved street on top ; amra rfqu"''mfnl- oi mat. ine aty went out ana spent over f300.ooo to do this. caught snort a far a lacume were concerned. The water system wa , . . . . , . . t kew DELHI iPtA Jmuii nn.. were In sorry shape. , ..-.hi ...., .. .. ...Jj Indian delegation to th. imni v.. Hons Oeneral Assembl at Lag ,8uccess. Th Rev. Father Jerome De Souza. principal ol Loola Col leg at Madras and a member of the Indian Constituent Assembl b THEN came th crash! ' pKI' PtrmlM10n 01 Pope, ha . I The mill had been buill and machinery ordered but It never came. nome extension unit's acceptea nis second governmenui . m.i. .i . . . . . ' rullT dar mt?tmaT a kih w.lsnmint in ffrwinaT tn tnin k hum uc wu iQuoMra naruj uj un awn oi ncicTinf tna t u " " . ; . i . . V" i Tne znpetlnK fu oDened bv ir 1 recoenizd u on ot tha kixmMt w. irh LMTison, chAirmap. At the Fairhaven bankruptcy for the company. The depression changed the BP'S plan and the promised division point never materialised. Alturas wa ln the hole. And no ready cash to get out. But again the aggressive spirit of the citizens came through. They paid off the debt at 65 cent on the dollar and squared away for future growth. Thst that growth came steadily 1 pointed out in the spacious, well- MiliinnH crhnnla anil In a i mmtv .vnanHowl hi.lM. i.ihm Mill- Into their own. adapted to a smaller scale operation. Smaller scale but I t'T;,- PercT Cook Mr"' A1 ateadllv arowlnc. Todav huir lumber truck roll alnn. th. hlshwan In - teady procession. snort business meeting, members decided to start sessions at 10 a. m. and close at 3 p. m. Reports of the homemakers' camp held this sum. ! mer were given by Mrs. Lee Holll- AKE a look at the area around Alturas today: The following chairmen were ao- polnted. 4-H club. Mrs. Hsrold Schlefersteln: standard units, Mr. Roy Cook: hospitality and mem bership. Mrs. Robert Hurlbut and Mrs. Ed Thompson: finance. Mrs. Percy Cook and Mrs. Lee Hollldy: publicity. Mr. Hans Zlehnert. and Mr. Clari Williams: recreation. It draw trade from a number of smaller towns In that area, such as Likely. Canby. Adln. Davis Creek and Lookout. From the Surprise valley area to the east com the people of Cedarvtlle. Fort BldweU, Lake City and EagleviUe. To the north and west of Altura He a half million acre wilder. ness appropriately called the Devil's Garden. An area of lava rock and ! Mr- A1 Holliday: ACCW, Mr. Putt sagebrush but pocketed over the entire area with beautiful valleys I Roberts. and meadows wher rancher have taken up their trade. i Project leader for October will It wa ln thi area some 40 or 50 years ago that the once-famous Mr' Holliday and Mrs. Schiefer Triangle ranch reached it heyday. It waa one of the storied ranches i A potluck luncheon was of the period and at one time supported not only a Urge operation with erved t noon, all the attendant building and stock corral nd what not, but operated Those present were Mr. George Its own store and school and had a post office located there. McDonald, Mrs. Paul Talley, Mrs. To the south lie one of the richest pasture and hay area in the inompson. Mrs. Harold Schl. West. Both the 6outh and North Forks of the Pit river flow around Oil area along with creek too numeroua to name that offer water to Irrigate the land. Rancher grow enough hy on these and other area that they never have to ship cattle out of the country for th winter montns out teea mem on home lots. Also In the south, slightly east of Likely, lie the biggest- bed of peat mos ln th northern hemisphere. Thi peat I mined during the dry summer month and counties carloads of It (hipped to the south for use by nurserte and other place needing it aid to the soil. To the west lie vast area of pumice toll, now o highly prized ln the making of pumice blocks for building. Many firms ln the area are engaged ln manufacturing the bricks made from th pedal and, which 1 mined on an open pit bast and is so pure that little need be done but to (cratch off the sagebrush and larger rocks. To the north and east is found a deposit of a peculiar sand called Peril te. , pERLITE Is a gray colored sand which when heated with a pedal r process expand and form the basis of a new lnsultlng msterisl. A fairly large deposit of this Is now being worked and shipment are being made by truck and rail. In the air transportation picture Altura stands high a a "probable" for feeder airline service via Bonanza Airline. Bonanza. If and when the case la reopened, has applied for service from Phoenix to Klamath Fall with several Intermediate stop. Altur would utilize th war time army field built aeven mile north of loan for thi ervlc. Th field was built a an emergency landing strip for B-20 and haa more than enough runway space for any commercial ship now operating on thi rout. One feature of the field I tht ln taking off to the south from the time the plne' wheels leave the ground th actual flight may be made downhill for the next 36 miles. In the city of Altura they are getting under way with it I1M000 civic Improvement project which will see greatly expanded service for wter and wge ystema. Thi entails the sinking of everl new wells t strategic point around the town and an extension of sewage faclll tie designed to give adequate aervlce both now and In the future should there be an appreciable growth of the city. The hospital I currently being enlarged by the addition of a 25 brd unit, construction of which Is expected to be completed In the next fw months. An eight-bed unit I also going up In Cedarvllle. These are financed by a three-way dlvlnion of the expense by federal, state nd county fund. IJUNTINO nd fishing in the area is considered some of the best in 1 the state and thoussnds of hunters flock to th fields and stream for a crark at deer and duck and gees, not to speak of the eager Walton who com in search of fish. A larg antelope herd Is located I ferstetn. Mr. W. E. Davison. Mrs. Karl Fredrich, Mrs. Merlyn Mlkkel sen. Mrs. Claris Williams. Mrs. Hans Zlehnert. Mrs. Lee Holliday, Mrs. Percy Cook, Mrs. J. Roufs. Mrs. Roy Cook. Mrs. Robert Hurlbut, Mrs. Clinton Myers. Mrs. Al Holli day. Mrs. Lee Holliday, Mrs. Kleth Rice. i SALUTE DAYS SPECIAL! FAMOUS EAGLE SUITS for men Originality uaUty Individ uality ... these are all yrare In an EAGLE Mil. Hand Ullorr ed for greater flexibility and cam Tart. Careful hand-detailing Insure I a 1 1 a g sty! line, smoother fit and softer drape. Fabric ar distinctive sea 50 drtiftis . . . designee! O far WEAR! RUDY'S 600 MAIN rrcoteuFrv-) 7K ushU agcx.) XCCT (tm , euie eses ano Kt J vcu do not) 7 f I.TM v" V Gl0t J" Siiit BSjj IjjlllriL flllBii 1 T ... J a...-,- - .1.1 I M I I I ' l- - fTv.ANTA BE SURX ) 7h f ' T HELMET AN' 1 ( ''A, C-W" S- ' ''L' THI PARACHUTE V I I OOfiOLES l all tN I rTTT ' Fl r-StY .Jl G-VvVJICK'S ON Vv V IMPORTANT, , 1 ( rrfZk T Y H 1 1 Wmyl rXl KH MEAN E MEAN 0 ILL Nl fV aassiii I -f . A a. - - WU'LL STOCMNSET him jJ AND PERMIT 5UCH j I TAKH tT , ;J TTri 17JI AND REMOVE M AN- TV WAY I RASE.' 5A5 I JU5T KEEA j f I I 1 I LjZj ftSEI IT ALL NOW.' Y TILL MIM HOW VwN 1 MOT TMATHHtAeTUAUy I MtAN- I eM OOXIMO LIKB A LOiT V wnam I PLAYED SHT V g6Ll AUO I'D LOSE J -ALL FOR UeKJMtZ.tm I iOUL itZi6 mill XJmiiHl' Ji LoS I ! eLBVER.ANOvVxeNA EAwK I SAUSV Vrr UN'LATTERIN) TO Mlf5MlLAMC ' ' s i TL CLjTj VMM tvl ( j OOft CVK, j vsvt I oset'. I NEW CAR BUYERS! From now until September 30th, ttlth every new ear purcluiHed, you will get FREE OF CHARGE A Hudson Radio worth $83.98 AND. A Hudson Heater ' Wealherm aster" worth $63.98 Come in today and nee how eay It In to drive out-a A'lilV lludnon ANDERSON AUTO SERVICE 32 Walnut "Your Hudson Dealer Ph. I1M jutt wepe rsyins MB Inoe6ATe, VOu realize iMat rVl rwiii uf TwJii:L ; .? THtM two bucks k -f I vi L,r joi sAoe(or -J c'VJJ llZ. i s ST ' rwe crash o L V . , rSiMrt V ' ' l: no' I AuW vwj thtv wtuTV' ' r ' wojl, noaertXf nl aTrJr Y ' n oo - e asj tw boms T Hsvevou T "7 oaolv Tustt prom -rxeip own cTrTw tmv o B Tw'tii I tJic. , tHjrtGli- SPFtO MV I VW TBVTEO A RtVOLTINq CUUMWV Me.Ste. "TO WDe- WTM! COT VoomTvV I aSJSS HKiHl