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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1949)
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1949 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE ELEVEN State Plans New Building In Portland SALEM. Bpt. MV-The Ute board o( control lias approved preliminary nhiXrhra nf llm lo-story state olllra biillillnii whirl) will lx bulll In Portland. Tlia building contains aquar (Ml, and mnat n( lla outer alia art Ussa. Morion H. Cain, arrhllarl, told th board ha hope th ii.ium.ano building can b built for II) a aquar tout. That U I SU a Miiari fool lau than last werk'a bids lor tha new hlaliwar olllr. bulMin in Balam, but Cain aald lha Portland bulldlni will be rheaiwr to build. On Htorr -- Tlia building ron.l.u of a one lory atruilur coverm; a whol block, pliu a nlne.nlory U-shaped bulklliif on Uip of that. Th bottom floor will Iioum tlia unrmploymrnt compeiuauon mminlulon. Thrr will ba itar to natk 10 cara on th blork. Cam aald it would be th first ix..r buildinii In Portland to contain olt-mrrel parking. FUNNY BUSINESS '. V'v-y vm I... , m Tj - , I WWIMSJ r "Don't take Supsrair it's down 15 point!' New Publisher In The Dalles THE DALLES. Hept. M in Oeorg Bkauawt, formerly with th Tacoma Tlmra. waa named publi.h r of Tha Dalle Chronicle yester day. II waa frneral manaier of th Taronta nrariper to year befor IU suspension few month ao. H succeed flooerl 8. Howard, president of th Western PubtlnltlnK company, Hrrlpiw league affili ate. Howard will drvol his atten tlon to varloua company acUvlllea. Doctor Reports Cold Cure NEW YOHK. 8epl 28 iJPy- A common-cold cur which worked K per cent of th lima. If you detected th cold within th tint hour, la re ported by Captain Juhn M. Brew ster, U. B. navy medical corps. The cur la not on druc. but al least flvr, all antlhUlamlnlca. Tliat U the drun you take for allerilc slierlugs. Capt. hrewster declared that 1 1 U possible to catch cold aarly nough. He aald that cold auffrreri know when one la beginning. Car Shortage Idles 1500 MEDKOHD. Bept 21 lPr-A bot car hnrtair la causing unemploy ment In th lumber Industry here. Pour mllle hav cut work to on lilft a day. Lumbermen aald about 1600 men are Idle. Pear grower and other farm shippers also reported trouble. Southern Pacific officials her aald the harvest season waa Min ing ahortagea of cara everywhere. Davidson Says No Candidate PORTLAND, Sept. VI lPtC. Gl rard Davidson, asked If he planned to run for the aenate, aald yester day "I think I have my hand! full aa assistant aerretary of the Interi or at till point." The subject cam up during a preaa conference. II waa asked If To Buy, Hell or Trade It pay to read th Want Adsl O SIXTH O STREET EXCHANGE ?. rriir. r(rr. rti ! Klifaiil FREE GIFT TO HEARING AID USERS fr mailmtira Warlrif t14 tffirl 1lT VOI MAM I Kile TbU 11 . Mil lb )( ! her hire, ml kwnrliiff !'. will rorciva r. on A lUlUr Jam- N T.fl AnnIiIM lit ft W Htmlh A. Tmttl4 4V. OriHi Wfien your Ford tmit H ottontion 1 Our tarvlc lapart kne 1 DRIVE IN TODAYI J BALSIGER MOTOR CO. I Main Fvlanade Ph. .V v. . .V ;" t ,i ilT, iiaiwTnj ft-J VTT - t "r A- ' a th rumor were true that h might aeek th democratic nomination to oppon Senator Morae, republican. Davldenn, her for a aerlea of talk on the Columbia valley admin istration, called th conference aft- ale to hold up action on river and er Senator Morae had lathed out at harbors project In th Norlhweat. th Truman administration's CVA i Morse said this waa don to prra plan. Morae labeled as "blackmail" sure the region Into local support of th president's request to the sen- 1 the CVA bill. Hav yM nogh BKny to 114 new home If lh on yaai liav should burn? If not, Inaura with Hans Norland kafora It barn. Ml Pin HL , ' l1.:.W..T'.'..A -.!, i . 1 ..... - J- i'ir rf isnianii i s aagatif'- ' '-'- ' J ri " I This i th young lady to call or $ee when ym want a telephone moved, a directory listing have any tervice questions. Meet a girl who knows the answers rv I - - In i .ir'J-wl i MfUii i si i ir !" 4 a? . r-' - ar a y 1. She'i a "Service Representative".. .and just aa tha Litld auRRCMta, ahe ia your personal representative in your telephone Business Office, Every one of our millions of customers in the West is served by a particular young lady. In the files of your own "Service Rep" are facta about your service. With this finger-tip information, ahe can answer questions promptly. ..and help us meet your needs. 3. It haa taken many, many people.. .scientists, man ufneturer, linemen, operntors, Service Ropreacntntives, re pairmen, to build your telephone into the valuable servant it is today. And as a team they're working to make it still more valuable. to keep your telephone a real bargain to day. And it is. After all, a few pennies still buy a call. 2. Her training is the kind that never really stops. For a. Service Representative must know the ins and outs of th telephone business to serve you best when you are chang ing your address, when you need information about a. bill, when you have a complaint. You can be sure she will always use her ability tnd training to help you get the greatest value from your service . . . and with traditional courtesy. Your telephone is one e . .1 or today s oesr Dargains The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Is everybody using "RPM"? ."T' fvS m& . fey W ' 1 ' . nltlf The oil that stops 80 of engine wear Maybe not everybody, but more motorists use RPM Motor Oil than any other brand in the West No wonder, for "RPM" stops the acid-laden moisture that condenses inside cylinders and forms corrosive rust. And that's where 80 of engine wear comes from. RPM Motor Oil stops that corrosion by covering internal parts with a moisture-proof film . . . stays on the job, even though your car stands idle for days or weals. Try "RPM" it's first choice in the West. We take better care of your car ")W ST IP 1 sy "vsj, A If I and wrteJdntaglJlTlOT! ThJ? itt D in with the It 1 H I IT ii HV B JU D JL T IN OUR HISTORY h utt hod to hoppanl Whon America I whrl And new, from Maine to lh west- presented with a car the New Hudson era Rockies and beyond, Hudson ranks first, that is obviously yoars ahead in styling second, third or fourth in sales among cars and performance, there's action every- in all price classes In markets of all sizesl I If II 40 YIAS Of NOINKtINO IEADHSHIP What a picture! Hudson sales for the first seven months this year over 30 per cent ahead of last year! Already more than 114.000 people have switched from cars of other makes to own a "step-down" de signed New Hudson! So why shouldn't we join in this surge of succera with the best dealt in our hittoryt You're invited to enjoy a Revela tion Ride in the only car that brings you the most of the four great things people want most beauty, roomi ness, road-uxrthiness, and all-round performance. Yes, it's America's 4 Most Cart For road-worthinees, as an example, Hudson's "step-down" design pro vides the lowest center of gravity in any stock car yet there's full road clearance! Result: the safest, stead iest, hug-the-road ride ever known! Come in, real soon. Bring your car along. See how much it will bring right now, traded in on a years ahead New Hudson! HUDSON A IEADEK IN RESALE VAIUEI National Automobil Dealer Association Official Uaed Car Guide bookaahow "ati'p down" designed Hudsona commanding top prices in th nation'a used car market. NEW HUDSON ONLY CM WITH THl STfP dowh oisian HERE'S WHERE TO COME FOR YOUR REVELATION RIDE ANDERSON AUTO SERVICE 632 WALNUT ST. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE.