Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, September 27, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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ivfSDAV, sen'. 27, )949
l if A
I fflas SI
aral Naw. Starts Frlltar
Shot in the
Arm Needed
The Quarterback club. merlins
every Monday noon at the Wlllard
hotel, need a shot In the arm.
Attendance nan been drastically
dwindling alnce the club launched
1U lMt season. Possibly an attempt
to straighten out what may be wide
spread misunderstanding about the
club Jr 111 go a long way to put the
"Monday noon quarterbacks" back
on their feet.
It seems that
Interest hat
waned because
the majority of
think that the
weekly gathering
Is Intended sole
ly to get to
gether and girt
Coaches Bob
Hendershott of
the Pels and
Dale Daugherty
of the Owls a
large potion of
On the contrary the club mem
bers gather not to TELL the men
tors what should be done but rather
to find out from men hired to guide
the gndlron destinies of the t w o
schools Just why this or that play
didnt dick.
In fact both Hendershott and
Daugherty are all for the weekly
gab sessions.
The Pelican pigskin maestro went
on record yesterday as saying. "I
want the club to hang together.1
No, the coaches aren't taken to
task when they lose games nor are
they over-praised when their lads
pull a game out of the fire.
The sessions are merely Informal
conversations about, not only local
ball clubs, but other games through
out the country.
It's a fooball school with a purpose.
Red Sox
ame Ahead of
Sox Face Senators, Yanks Meet A's
By The Associated freta
The possibility was strong today
that, the nation's railroads and
not New York's famed subway sys
tem will transport the partici
pants in the 1SH9 world series.
New Yorkers hopes of a "sub
way" world series suffered another
rude Jolt yesterday when the tor
rid Boston Red Sox defeated the
New York Yankees, 7-S. to snap
their first place tie and move a
game In front of the floundering
Yanks In the American league race.
The dreams of a dime cla&sic
were Jarred Sunday when the St.
Louis Cardinals moved a game and
a half in front of the Brooklyn
Dodgers by downing Chicago while
Brooklyn succumbed to Philadel
phia. Both the Red Sox and the Cards
renew their pennant drives on
foreign fields today while the
Yanks are at home and the Dodgers
The Red Sox. riding a 10 game
winning streak, take on the last
place Senators In a tm; lit game at
Washington while the Yanks en
tertain the better equipped Phila
delphia Athletics. The Cards meet
the sixth place Pirates in night
game at Pittsburgh.
Joe Dobson il3-l! has been
ncminated to pitch for the Red
Sox against Senator Ace Rae Scar
borough tlj-ll. The Yanks will
send Vic Rase hi . 19-10. against
Dick Fowler U-10.
Big Red Munger 15-7 has been
picked to pitch for the cards
against lefty Bill Werle 11-13".
Both the Red Sox and Yanks
have five games left to play. The
two contenders wind up the sea
son in the stadium with single
games Saturday and Sunday fol
lowing their three-game series
acalnst Washington and Phlladel
! phis.
' The Red Sox outlook Is brighter
i than the Yanks. The spirited men
j of McCarthy have beaten the Sen
I ators 13 straight times. The Yanks
' have won 13 out of 19 engagements
I with the A s.
I St. Louis will have its work cut
: out beating Ralph Kiner and com
I pany. The Pirates, despite their
; lowly perch, have split 30 games
with the Red Birds. I
The Dodeers return to action to
morrow when they open a two
blocked off Pesky. Houk. a major
in the rangers during the war. was
the most enraged of the Yanks.
Ellis Kinder, who shut out the
Yanks in Boston Saturday, blanked
the New Yorkers In the last two
rounds but an amaalng catch by Al
Zarllla saved the game in the
ninth. With one down In the home
ninth Hrnrich whaled a drive to
right. Zarilla sprinted to his right,
leaped while In full stride, caught
the drive, tumbled to the ground
San Diego
Tip Suds;
Earn 4th
By The Aoarlatrd Press
Tile San Ulrgo Padres Join Holly,
wood. Oakland and Sacniiiiriilo in
the S3S.0UO Governor's cup playoffs!
of the Pacific Coast league.
The Padres cmne from behind lust
night with a five-run iiiinh iiiniiin
to best Seattle g to 6 The two!
teams, tied fur fourth place al the
season's end Sunday, pUynl a single I
playoff game for tiie rliihl to enter ;
the playoffs. !
The veteran Jess r'lurrs relieved !
Set Title
Bout in
NKW YOUK. Kept. 37 ir4'
Jim Nt.rrlx, prrM.teiil of I lie In
trrimdoii.tl Hoxmg club, mtrt
yrMei'i.iiy (lie poMiMmrd worlil
nmltllewrlulu tltlr Unit brtwwu
Chrtittplnn Jake lunuUtu hiuI
Marcel CVriUi, of Kitun-tt would
br nMl for (Mimrtlinv in Decem
ber tt pouible.
400-Pound Ginger on
First Armory Card;
Top Wrestlers Show
Organised maylirin opens Its sea
son tomorrow night at the armory
with a 400-pounci grappling bra.'
Michigan Can Tie Football
Win Skein by Getting Over
Army, Stanford Indian I Is
K'fc'W VfllfVf V-.i.i IT It.. t i. .
for the l'..rire. i.. noi.h h,. ji .. ...... . J ""."' . ".' " I "'"" w nas gone a gamcv
, " .. ; , urnimi ?.... urn ami Al Illy in Its
win of the year. The Padres big nest tao games. Muhlgnn ran tie
ninth iistffdssl h-(H l .. , .. .
but held on to the ball. Kinder " " I A"4"ik a d ... ., , , i, , " . T"m r"'"''"'e '""'"' "-
then walked Vo.1 Hrr hut Yank J I" " ""ri1 "rd ,or wlllUlllg streilk 3 . . .
men walked Yogi Berra but ank ln- bases. Orctrs Mmw. mii - ".. . ......
i u iuiu iu lie ii.e game. I m
Kainiers' centeritelder Bill Hainsry
then tumbled Mmosos clout, allow
ing another run to score and Miiiomi
Bauer filed out to end the game
The Red Sox opened the game
by scoring three runs In the first
Inning against Tommy Byrne and
Fred Sanford.
Young Mn-key MiDermott held
the lead until the fourth when the
Yanks moved ahead With a tour
run rally. McDermott almost re
ceived his walking papers In the
without a defeat but has been lird
Coaches Hrd Handera and Ivy
Williamson are off to good starta In
their new surroundings . . , Sand-
: ers has won his first two nmr.
Army's great wartime team. I with a UtU.A team that was kirkisl
feuturlng lav Warn-hard and tllenn 1 around plenty last yrar . . . Wil
Davis. won 21 in a row In llH4-4if i liamsmi't Wiusnnsin In.,. .,- ...
. . . Tile ll.tliret .IMlM.j.n a.rli.d M.-. ....... ,l l( . . - , . .. . . . . ....
ld Al H.n tTZ L, 7 ' Vl?"? b" lC"'"r"" ' ' '"" X' III. lliutger. won two i ..... dl.pla.ed Ihel, Ulenta la the
and Al Rosen ran Uie count up to iujo ihnmgh IB.'V-fifty vlctorlei i of nine. i m.-.n. s k-,.
lined up for the slar performance,
tlunl in Peeler, a mere 310-pound
limn, who has been showing his
wrestling wares III Missouri and Ar
kansas, will face the huge animal in
the 15-iiilniite feature, nouta start
al 8 30 p in.
"(linger ilhe brnri Is no bum,"
Priiiimtiir Muck l.illnrd said In an
nouncing his opening show. "He can
really wrestle and knows all th
The bear Is trained and handled
by 1 Welch, a grnppler himself,
who is lined in. with Tennessee Hill
billy HiiH-ky Nrllson In the 30-mln-utr,
one-fall curium raiser.
If Peeler ran slay with the bear
for the full 15-mlnulea, Welch will
personally award hint SI0O In addi
tion to hu purse for lit. scuffle.
All the perfurnier. Wrdnissday
The playoffs start Nun. mow night . -
With the champion Hollywood en
tertaining Sacramento and U.ikl.ii d
and four ties without a setback
second but Zarllla came up with a hosting the Padres for
ttcmendous catch against the right
field stands to Rob Johnny Llndell
ol a three-run homer.
No other games were scheduled.
the first
three games. Then the Stars go to
Sacramento and the Oaks to San
Diego for the rest of the four-out-of-seven
series. The winners meet
next week.
vnrna cat ,ha
By Hugh Fullerton j Braves of Boston.
A disputed squeeze play, that
Blocking Pays Off
Speaking of clicking, the Owl
came to life In the second, half of
the Placer game and emphasized
one very Important point, to wit,
out completely pays off tn robs of
yardage and touchdown.
The blockers were "delivering the
blows" for the ball-packers, a fea
ture that was conspicuous by its ab
sence In the first half.
Joe Not Bashful
Guard Roy Lundgren and Half
hack Joe Nichols were present a t
Monday's huddle and were Intro
duced to the club members.
Lundgren. when called on. had
nothing to say but Jolting Joe did
In spade. It seems Joe objected to
the R and N headline that read
"Bobble Paves Score." referring to
the Salem game when the Peli
cans recovered s Viking fumble on
the Salem IS yard line and. two
plays later, went over for the score.
"If we'd have started on our own
IS. we'd ha'e scored." Joe said
and he meant it That Is the sort
of spirit prevailing out Modoc way
and it s good to see.
Hendershott said the lads correct
ed all the mistakes made In the
Grant game, saw big league foot
ball Saturday when the Ducks and
Idaho Vandals went through their
paces. "They'll be ready for Ash
land Friday night," Hendershott
Ashland is noted for coming up
with "giant killing" performances
In the past and the Pels won't go
Into the game expecting a soft
Correction o n the Owl-Spartan
game. This writer stated in the follow-up
story that Placer blocked a
punt and took over on the Owl 30
yard line, the deepest they p e n e
trated during the game.
Daugherty didn't want me to give
credit to Placer .that should be due
the Owls Oregon Tech blocked
their own punt when the protector
backed Into the kicker.
Pound Drop
Cancels Scrap
LONDON, Sept. 27 MV-Promoter
Jack Solomons said today that de
valuation of the pound had forced
him to drop plans for a llght
heavywelght championship fight in
iMidon this fall.
NEW YORK. Sept. S3 (sfs Have
you noticed how the Yankee so of
ten play bad baseball when they're
up against a bad ball club Wed-
resday's game with the White Sox
was a perlect example) then come
through in the tough games?. . if
they continue that way. Casey Sten
gle's cripples shouldn't have much
more trouble. Five of their remain
ing games are against the threaten
ing Red Sox. . .the Cardinals' Nippy
Jones has become a prominent
member of the Ted Williams-B i 1 1
Veeck I-Dont Wear-Ties club. . .
the 1949 harness racing season al
ready has produced six heats raced
in two minutes or less, as compared
to IS all lot year. The Lexington.
Ky trots, where six of last year's
two-minute feats were recorded,
still are to come.
On the letterhead of the Demo
cratic state committee of Missouri
comes the following nooze: "Some
of the nicest fellows just seem to
slide downhill. Take Al Hermann,
now. He won eleven letters at Col
gate U. and graduates a president
of his class. Then he went with the
Boston Braves. Alter that he slipped
over into the minors. The Interna
tional leafeue. the Texas league, the
Eastern league. . . just one losing
team after another. Last week Door
Al hit bottom. He became executive
director of the Republican national
The I'nlTerslty of Texas, herein
after designated as TJ. T has Just
lande' a flashy T-fonnation quar
terback named T. Jones. To give
him a name, the Initial has been
lengthened to Tee." . . .Texas tans
claim that Tee suits UTs T to a T.
Mort Kaer Jr, son of Southern
California first All America toot
ball player 192 is a freshman at
S. C. and Chick Shiver Jr, whose
dad was All America at Georgia
In 1927 is an assistant football man
ager for the Bulldogs. . . Lou utile
start his 20th season as Columbia
grid coach thl week-end and Co
lumbia starts iu 59th season of foot
ball. . . Jail baseball practice be
gan this week at the 0. of Arizona
. . . over 3500 team already have
made reservations for the 1950
bowling congress tournament at Co
lumbus, o. . . m from now until
April the guys can devote their time
to thinking up alibis. .
climaxed a four-run eighth inning
rally gave the Red Sox their tri
umph over the Yank before M.156
paid onlooklers.
Bobby Doe it bunted Johnny Pesky
across with the big run. Doe it
dropped the ball down the first
line. Tommy Henrlch's throw had
Pesky beat but Umpire BUI Grieve
called Pesky safe. He said later
the Red Sox runner slid under
Yankee Catcher Ralph Houk.
The Yanks immediately swarmed
around Grieve like a bunch of hor
net, claiming that Houk had
Pl4c ! stretch-run slump aparently can j
keep Boston's Ted Williams from
capturing his third straight Amer- I
lean league batting title and hu '
fifth since 1941. ;
Officials figures computed through
Sunday's games gave Williams a i
3 listing, seven points ahead of ,
Detroit's Injured George Kelt, who
had 32.
Kell. sidelined for two weeks by i
a fractured thumb, will try to i
catch Williams this week-end in the ;
three-game wlndup series between f
the Tigers and Cleveland Indians I
at Detroit. j
The league s 10 leading hitters In-1
elude fire Red Box players. j
Other leaders Included: Dale,
Bat Slump
NEW YORK. Sept. 27 o-v Jackie
Robinson tmlny routinurd tn lead
the Nutionul league's Individual bat
ting parade, but the Brooklyn sec
ond baseman was bring pressed by
a couple of St. I.outs Cardinal
stars. Enos Slaughter and Stan
Kobuison dropped from .344 to
Slaughter also slumped, falling from
.341 to J3B.
New York
St. Louis
51 100
48 101
Boston 7, New York
t Unchanged 1
opening day cruads Indicate a other 30-inliiiite. one-fnll soirees
boom rather than a sagsing gate 1 aie Al Suss, muscular Hungarian
for the rah-rah snort . . . There J wrestler, against Hill Mi Kuin ol
were 97.3J9 in Michigan s espandrd ! Tesa and ll .iuls.inie I'lerrw La
stadium ... A crowd of (U.77 saw 1 Belle, of Canada, against Montana's
Soutlwrn Cal and Navy at Usi An-1 B"ti Cuiiimings.
grlrs . . . Ohio State had the big. Wrestling at the armory has been
grst opening day crowd Iu hlsU.iy cl.ed down lor several month, and
-W.510 to watch the Buckeyes l.illard la opening with new low
edge out MlsMjurl. 35-34. pri. . and a promise 01 tup talent
All-America ba.ks lited up to 1 Hhows have brrii switched from
their advance 110i1.es . . . North-1 Thursday to Wednesday night to
westerns Art Murakowskl dashed I avoid conflict with other event.
JO yards for one of hi. tram's slated lor Thursday night showings,
scores in beating Purdue. 30- .. . rankle Hiu,k s..,m J..
Carolina's Charlie 1CI100, juiilne hravvweiihl rh.n.pl.n. will
Jusllce scored one t,nh. k- . . . t .. . "
I down and fi...r.,i ... .... " 1 r...' - "ere.
, Mil,... tacked five point, to his ; ,h. Tar HeeU trimmed N. C. Si.,,: , TiZu ?Z. sal."., C'...Uber
, mark during the span and ranks 3-6 ;r J, asiieaer
i third, a point behind slaughter, at ' , Hut some' other barks got the big-1 ' ""
3J7. Brooklyn s Carl rurlllo climbed grr headlines . . . Like Knill MHko '
1 irom seventn to lourtn place, jump- 01 Notre Dame, who shifted from
Ing his average nine points from ' halfback to fullback and ptuu-he.1
1 jio to jii. acMsia mree touchdowns in the
Hounding out the top ten are fighting Irish route of Indiana.
Bobby Thomson. New York. .3:
! Whltey Lockman. New York. JOS:
1 Ted Klusewski. Cincinnati. J04. and
Red Schoendienst. St. I.ouis and Del
fcnnls. Philadelphia. -3O0.
Cougars Nurse
Grant Drubs
KVarJSf Dom Yesterday S Stars Grid Bruises
NEW YORK. Sept. 27 Out
fielder Cliff Mapes today found
himself the middle man In a boiling
controversy between Umpire Bill
Grieve and tha New York Yankee
over the squeeze play decision by
which Boston took over the Amer
ican league lead.
After Umpire Grieve called
Johnny Pesky safe at home on
SVshhv rsnerr's sni.seja hunt In the
eighth Inning of yesterday's game, irjrilh RprfclfinC
Mapes. a non-combatant, yelled: , " M" C VI jrl IU
DiMaggto. Boston. J14; Johnny
Pesky. Boston. J13; Cass Michaels.
Chicago. J09: Bill Goodman. Bos
ton. .304; Vic Wert. Detroit,
J03: and Bobby Doe it, Boston,
William last week surrendered
the leadership In hit to Mitchell,
who had 193. but the splendid
splinter continued to hold the top
In four other specialised depart
mentshomers with 43; runs-batted-ln
with 151: two-baggers
with 39: and run with 147. Dil
linger maintained the atolen base
lead with Is.
By The Associated Presa
FIELDING Al Zarllla. Red Sox
made two sparkling catches to
save Boston's 7-e triumph over
New York. Robbed Johnny Llndell
of a three-run home run In sec
ond Inning and tommy Hrnnrh of
a game tving home run In ninth.
PITCHINO Ellis Kinder. Red
Sox protected Boston's 7- trl-
umpn over New York with two
scoreless rounds of relief pitching, i Rntfler and Bobby McUulre.
PORTLAND. Sept. 27 ITS The
my s eight high schools yesietdsy
wound up their remaining three-
PUt.LMAN. SrpL 27 i-T Five Quarters of games started In Frl-
Washington State college regulars ! day night s annual kick-off jam
nursed a variety of bruises today as I boree 111 the stadium,
an aftermath of the Cougars' rug- Oram finished powerhousing
cd 13-7 win over Montana Washington with a 40 to 15 count.
But all are expected to be on hsnd , Roosevelt rolled over Benson, 27 to
this Saturday when WHO engages 0. Two other schools reversed liieir
Southern California In Los Angrlr... ! Jsniboree form, however, and came
Coach Phil Sarboe Itemised his ftom behind,
casualty list as follows: Cpt. Jerrv i Jefferson rallied to defeat Lln
Houghton. Ends Fran PoNfoot and coin. 27 to . and Franklin broke
Lavern Torgervm. Halfbacks Bud from a 0-0 tie to blank Cleveland.
Major League
H the Aswl.rrd Press
N A I ION AL l.HAr.lr.
AMI Kit AN I I At.l E
Hatting William. Boston, J4I;
Krll, Detroit. .341.
Runs batted In Williams. Bos
ton. IS. Stephens. Brsstnn, I5S.
Home runs Williams, Boston. 43;
Bephens. Btatnn. 3.
Pitching Kinder. Boston, 131,
131: Parnell. Boston. 25-7, .711.
' 2D tn 0.
All Fir Imuran
rail art nut Hit mum.
10lt Main Ph. STU
Football Cards
Schenectady, N. Y. Sandy Sad-
mer. rj. New York, stopped Proc
tor Henihold, J28, Oklahoma City
Brooklyn Tippy Larkin, 147,
Garfield, N. J, knocked out Hy
Meltxer. 145, New York 2.
PENDLETON, Sept 27 (vP) The
Pendleton chamber of commerce
was on record today as opposing
the Denver it Rio Grande Western
railway's petition for using the Og
rlen gateway Into the Pacific
Northwest. The chamber Joined La
Grande, Baker and Portland cham
bers in backing the Union Paclflo
railroad's objections to the proposal.
Ll 5 Min. from Town jj
Bows Out
SACRAMENTO, Calif., Sept. 27
t&i The Sacramento Solon base
ball club has come to an "amicable"
parting of the ways with Victor A.
Cookie) Devincenzi, general man
ager. The three majority stockholders.
President Ed Sparks. Vice President
George Klumpp and Treasurer
narry uevlne, announced last night
wiey naa oougnt up Devincenzi'
contract, which waa to have run
through next year. The settlement
wa not disclosed. Devincenzi drew
flS.OOO this year.
With the Oakland Oar- for 19
years as owner and subsequently.
uusu.Fss manager, ne came to Sac
ramento as a partner last fall but
sold his stock in March.
The stockholder Indicated that
Manager Del Baker woulf be given
complete control of players per
sonnel. Including the buying and
selling of talent, and all field operations.
How much did you have bet on
the game?"
Grieve said the Yank flychaser
repeated the remark in a runway
under the stands after the bail
game, the score of which was 7-4.
"There's never been an umpire
found guilty of anything like some
ball players like throwing a game."
Grieve commented.
In the cool of the evening. Grieve
said he still intended to report the
incident to President Will Harridge
of the American league.
"1 11 explain the Mapes Incident,
he said, "and also tell how I wa
pushed by Houk (Yankee Catcher
Ralph Houk and the manager
(Casey Stengel). I kept Houk in 1
there because he was their only!
catcher but any other day. you
know, both would have been out.
"The runner slid under Houk and I
that's all there is to it. Sure. I,
could have made the easy call, giv
ing it to the home club: but In my
heart, I know I mad the right
Associated Press photographers
cauffht the disn.iterf nlav Pit..r
show nlainlv .hat. VlaoHli'a tKmw '
beat Pesky to the plate. Whether
or not the tag was made before
he slid over with the run, is open
to discussion.
CHICAGO. Sept. 27 tJTy Pat
Harder and Charley Tiippl led the
Chicago Cardinals to a 3S-7 Na
tional Football league triumph over
the Washington Redskins last night.
There were 34.138 fana In Comiskey
park for the first league contest of
the season for the Cards and Red
skins. Harder and Tripp 1 each scored two
touchdowns. Harder also contri
buted a field goal and five points
after ' touchdown. Babe Dtman
cheff scored the orer Cardinal
Dixie Says
Ducks "Lucky
MOSCOW. Idaho. Sept. 27 iP
Oregon was "lucky" to run up tha.
41-0 score on Idaho last Saturday,
Vandal Coach Dixie Howell be
lieves. The Idaho chieftain Isn't dis
counting the ability of the Ducks,
but commented that "they were
lucky enough to Intercept seven of
our fumbles that set them up for
He admitted, however, that the
Duck squad It "the finest team I've
seen since the war."
if 1 -w Js sf :Var,-V'
MEHAMA, Sept. 27 (IT, Mrs.
Leo Wagner of Mehama says she
Is not malicious but she Is hoping
someone got stung. Thieves enter
ed her premises and walked away
with a complete hive of bees.
1 iyj 1121 mmm
L P e. ef Z1 S
tftii mwwrv v
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SVf w SLSnpip STW.IKlV ' '
$460 -Jwu2UV. P
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A whiskey of truly rare quality.
No more need be said than this:
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Tttket fiKik ( Hlml DiMlffr (iivrn
011. Dmlpc in dip per mi
tnn'ule tar cnm(itrtlAr. Klrrlrh
yntirArf room- liraJ ami liat 9 AI.I.I.!
I'vpt-rirnre the thrill of the.
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theliipiirlfimoothnewiof famous
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You'll finrl feature that mean
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lee rour favorite nunlrl at vour
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SBsWr (KM ll llMamiMS CtVIM
ftkM MrSiMl to isesa. lriAs Mills.
"Oal Aar'' analna nn man pm.tr
tiwai flaihins sn-slrsiina with gtaatar
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Corona, mod.li ( modarat. alrs roll.
Juir a Uw dollart mora
thon the oweif priced can I
LOMBARD MOTORS ' 522 So. 6th