TUESDAY, SEBT. 27, 1949 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAue FIVE Midland Empire News Crescent Lake Interested Crescent Lake wniiirn tiea'd talk by Hie er-liuul nuir recently oil the subject ul clillilieii'a dlaes. Everyone Urns, part III til dlM'Uuliill which followed. Kr IrMlimrnU were erved by Mil Kleanor Kellh mid Mrs. llonnle Duller. lluiiarguraU at Ui home of Mi. Ik llisiller wer her mother and father, Mr. mid Mra. I'eieniir mid her sister liitverly. mid IiiijiImiiicI, II of Portland, 'llicy lieliicii cele brate Mn. lUnllrys birlluluy Fri day. Mil. Juhu lluutrr mid ton, Bruce. Irfl recently tor Lodl. Calif, lliuie will ci on Ui Watkoiivllle Ui enter a txy' tchoiil, mill Mn. IliniU'r will remain for nine In Lodl lo vlall relative mid friends. Mr. mid Mr. Porter of Olrll I.ukr lodge held open liotiM U My fare well U ill their friend In Uns vicinity. Th community reicrc' their leaving mid with them luck In their new home. IjmI week the Credent Luke MhixU received two turtrnu who have jual returned Ui tin country fruni lluam. Thry are tile grand son of Mr. mid Mra. Moody, depot acuta. Ilirlr InVier, In Kiiuisiry. la In ttie lr force. Bream of ao many tyulioon on Hi )liid. Mia Klugslry mid th boya, Darrel and dale, returned here to nuke ihnr hum with Mr. Klngiley s folka, Mr. and Mra. Moody. Crescent Lake achnol held an elec tion of officer WIUl Jack Thorpe. ureMdent; Involute Uulfer. vice president: Darrel Kltmiley. ecre lry: mid Dennis Duffer, treasurer. David Clfambera had th nm fortun to step on a nail, injuring hla foul. Mra. Art tavelt nud dauKlitcr, Nancy, left tor their home In Portland. Mr. mid Mra. U. Nearlng and children aprnt a, few daya In Port land with frlenda and relative. Mra. Mangle Nearlltg'a IMer hat arrived from Idaho Willi her three children to aiiend aom time here. Hlie u employed t the Crecent lke cafe. Mr. and Mra. Clyde Rltter aient few days In Portland vlaitlng friend and relative. Ikn Rlech ha been III at hla home. Mr. 8un Thnrtie and aon. Jack, mid Mra. Bonnie Duffer and chil dren wer business callera In Wrl fir lat week. Jack Thorp apent th week-end I th horn of hi grandparent. Mr. and Mra. Carl B Thorpe of rnrt Klamath. rred Dawson wa dliuier guest of Mr Jind Mra. Blaine Thorpe Saturday evening Mr. and Mra. Al Ooodaater had th mlafortun of their Jeep catch ing fir whll en rout horn troni Tacoma. Waali., wlier they vlallrd rcliitlve. Claude Itcillc k, son of Mr, and Mm. Lyls Krrilck, haa returned lo Portland to reaiini studies at the military academy. Mra. rliiMUi T'lionx wa the houae gupat of her mother-in-law, Mr. Maude Thorpe of Poll Klamath while Htteiidlng teachers' rneci Inua In Klamath Fall. Pied Dawaon apent two day In HoM-lnirg vlaitlng In parent mid friend. New fumlllea In Crescent Lkr are Mr. mid Mra. Gordon Aii and children from Teniieknee, who pl-in Ui iioike their home her a Mr. Ahlie'a parent, Mr. and Mi lUibrrt Johnnou, live here. Ahe I employed by the HP. Mr. and Mra. J. U, Miller and children of Portland will make their home here. Miller la new manager of the Crescent Luke cafe. Mr. Dorothy Clrlffln w caller III Kiuiene. Mickey Mi Maud la making hi home at the Ike Bradley residence. Mra. H McMaud waa a home guet recently of Mr. mid Mr. Hi ad ley. Mr. and Mr. Pete were buMne rallcr In Oukritlge. going up for medical aid for Peres. A pink and blue ahower wa given Haturday for Mra. Maggie Ne:.rlng Hintr were Mra, Jean Cham ber and Mr. Biimiii Thorpe. Htnnley Dealt of itlchinoiid. Calif. I laying at the home of Mr. mid Mr. Carol Duffer. India Will Ignore Space Ships NKW DKLIII. India' oV,A sug getlon thai the Indian constitution provld the government with pow er to regulate Inter-plunrtary trav el died Ilk damp rocket In the CMumuriii embly here. MoL rjiemhM kMii lhai f ! the ground a H. V. Kamath ar- gued that intrr-planetary travel wa scientific noihiiuv iim - I ported only tiy Najiiruddin Ahmel, no uiougrit in government ought Ul hav powea over travel between planeu and their satrlin a wll. Lw Mini.tr B. R. Ambdkar. who drafted the conatlulon now un der dlmruuion ended the debate by remarking that If the proposal re lated to matter unknow, the a aemlil wa wauling it time In dis cussing It. Non of the memoera wa prepared to explain how Inter planeuir travel might b erheived. Want Ad don't coal uicy pay! Westside The Lakeview Itellrf aoclety met t the home ot Mr. Wlll.rrt Wil liam Tueiday, Hepuiuber 13. Al Irndlng the meeting were, Uric Willluni, Klleii Ilu7.urd, Minnie Count, Thrlmii llopklii. Florence Hcollrld, Adn ficnniitt, Kva Mann Ing, Clnlktlne Adam, Prnncla Htev en, Pearl Hmlth, and the hoate, Knuna William, An oul-ut-town vlaiUir wa Mra. Connie O'Day ol Coming, Calif. I Ki-firMimeiita were nerved after . the meeting. j Mr. mid Mr. Wllhtrd William j made a nip to Klamath Pall Mon- day Ui meet their younget dauich-; tcr. Mr. Connie o Day. Mra. O Uny plan Uj rud Home time here with her parent. ; Vlklllng lor neveral day it the Ralph limner's home are Mr. mid Mr, Charlie Htearn and on ol Yub City, Calif. With them are, Mr. and Mr. Anthony Weber Hr.j of Oakland, Calif. Mr. Htearni W Riillih Itiiiner' lter. Mr. and Mra. Rollund llallford mid daughter. Piiuy mid Pauline. nd Mr. and Mr. Leone llallford of Vallejo, are vuitlng with Mr. and , Mra. Dlumond Newman and faun- j ly The ladle are both alalera ol ' Mary Ktta Newman. Hcv. Mmi will preach at the Wet lde grange hall Holiday at 2 p. m.' Everyone to cordially Invited. Mr. Raymond Johnnon ha r e ccntlv been III. Mr. Tony Weber penl Monday night vuiting relative al Aituia and altrmtliig a ladle club meeting The AMKX-latrd Women ol the Parm Bureau will meet al the home ol Mr. Herbert Htovei, Wednesday. Bcptember 2$ Mr. Anne Hprague. Lake county chMd kuperllileiulenl. ! will lead dtcuron on the topic Aid to Hchoot" All ol the ladle In the community are Invited to the meeting Mr. and Mr. Harry Kolb made a trip to Klamath Palu lo vuut rela tive on Prlday. Mr. Jimmy' Sutherland and daughter, of Ashland, Ore , were vuiting relative here lal week. Mra. Hutherland 1 a alter ot Leo and Run Buck, and the daughter ol Mr. and Mr. Charlr Buck. Hunday dinner gueiia al Mr. and Mr. Bill Hmidct were ner gratia mother, Mr. Mary Becralt. her mother. Mra. Stella Clark ot Klam ath Pull, her uncle, Evcret Ue crull, and Prank Alurrlon. Alio piepui were Mr. Hwaflord of Klam ath full, Mr, and Mr. Bill Bun det and aon, BUI. VIMlora al the Raymond Johnson home recently were Mr. and Mr. Kenneth Wllwn and aon from Eu gene. Mr. and Mr. Vic Brown, Poe valley, were Hulling here Prlday with Mr. and Mr. Richard Buck and family. Mr. and Mra. Ed Oarreti and family made a trip lo Klamath Pall on Haturday. They alo cuipped al the Chel Barum rancn In poe valley. VUllIng at the Clarence Vandlv era I an old friend, Bill NelMin of Hiattle, Wmn lie and Clarence worked together lor aeverat year when the Vandlvera' lived In Wan Ingtoit. Mm. Pearl Hmlth. Mr. and Mr. Merle O'Neil and family v lulled Hun day evening on the Eauide with relative. Mm. Pred Nelon ha recently been 111, but I much Improved. Mr. George Nelon who ha been vUlted hi aon and family, Mr. and Mr. Pred Nelon. accompanied Jack Blum to Klamath Pall Bat urday. He plan lo vlut hi ion, Hint NcImjii, al Tuleluke. Mr. and Mr. Chuck Htile vim ted lut Monday evening with the C. L. Orlsel family. Mr. Pearl Hmlth and daughter. Mr. Eileen O'Neil and children apent Tuesday evening vtMUng Mrt. Audrey Gnel and fiimlly. The Dry Creek Mother club held It llrat meeting of the seaww on Prlday. September 16, at the Dry Creek school house. Thoxe taking of fice for the coming yrar are Mar gie Haven, president; Mr. Dal Prakna, .vice prealdent; Mr. Bill Batman, ecreiary-ircuurer; Ellen Hawk, Glady 'I hompaon and Nancy Penlmore, eutertaiiiinenl commit tee. Mr. and Mr. Wilson Hank and on made a trip Ui Klamath Pail Monday. While they are gone Mr. Carl Peay 1 cooking at the Union achool. Mr. and Mra. Ralph Rentier made a trip to p.agleville, Hunday. Richard Brown 1 In the L a k e vlew noapltal. He became alrk the latter part of the week and 1 now absent from achool. Mr. and Mr. Ployd Reed attend ed the bull ale which wa held In Burn. Mr. and Mr. Leo Buck were vu iting Mr. and Mr. Ed Oarrett and children Hunday. Th Oarrett children vlslied their grandparent Mr. and Mra. Art Oarrett on Haturday night. Mr. and Mra. Herbert HUiver left thla week to attend a farm bureau Insurance conference which la be ing held at Balem, Ore. WeaUlde grange M met at the grange hall Saturday night. Harry Crow (agriculture committee chair man i read an article relative to varloua gra aeed. The grange voted to ponor a benefit glngham overhall dance at the grange hall September 22. After the meeting supper wa nerved by Mra. Pearl 'Ihompson. Mr. Bchammel, a no Mr. Edith Morrell. ! Margaret' to Sing Over Network ! NEW YORK, Bept. 27 lPr Mar garet Truman ha been booked a guet aoJolAt on an American i "Carnegie Hall." on December 20 i her first New York professional ilnglng appearance. The announcement of the broad ! cat, made yetrday, aald It will be Mla Truman's only radio appear- ance In 1MB, She Is starting on h concert tour of 27 cities next month. PUMICE TILE t.akritrr !( rv fkmlr rnt.a r " I slrnlb rkslslknl Ik kkklklkrk Tlmm Aluminum Window Mdd Seal Waterproofing t.old heal Plaster Bond New bin Pumlc lllock I"x"sl6- Klamath Pumice Tile Co. 'Permanent as Ih Pyramids" IMO Owens Phne 41 FOR RENT iy WMfe t atkOl Sawing Machinal iu Sawing Mochina Sanrica AM ms aaaaw wr rk till Friendly Helpfulness T frr Creed and Drs Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerita M. Word and Som Ki lllgk rtMtM Ull '-r ' i' ' COIWMIIA Willi, INC. C TACOM A, WAIHINOTON Distributed by J. Marvin Hilton Distributing Co. At Leon's -0 ' ' They're at a special promotional price . . . 200 for your selection. Come in Misses 10 to 20 and Juniors 9 to 15. DRESSES you will easily recognize as being worth much more. FAILLES . . . MOIRES . . . TAFfETAS . . . CREPES . . . O FROSPOINTS . . . O GABARDINES . , af .aaar . . taW falaW (o) It's a "give-away' at the price USE YOUR LEOH'S CHARGE ACCOUNT IP f A BRAND NEW, GRAND NEW TRAt ( Borden's cottage cheese V FRUIT SAIAP! J wsaous FRUITS I MX0 WITH CREAMY VfjC XA V eoftocNS r- ! -x VcOTTAGC CHEBSeIS nZ J - w, nnraens a lr w wv w . m IVsf c ljj V COTTAGi CHEESE W LfruiladJ iwicy htH ml poors, pocKt, cKor pinopp mtairfj with prize winmng xdti' Coftog Chm. djr f Babbit wp os qwkk m you con smock your (iptv Ask for ftordM't Cotlooe Chooso f rvH Solod of ymt flfxer! oowf FEEL SAFE! BE SAFE! BUY A SAFTI-TESTED USED CAR Look! See! Consider the small down payment on these cars: 1948 PLYMOUTH (Special Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio and beater, ll.ooa miles. 0fl rubber. Plym outh' best '41. H A t T I $500 DOWN 1947 OLDS riertes Conv. Coupe. One owner, radio and beater. New atop. A boney of s ear. TESTED yJ JJ DOWN 1946 CHEVROLET Fleetllne Aero Sedan. Chev rolet' deluxe ear In '4S. Radio and healer, one owner. Clean, good rubber. SAFTI-TESTED DOWN 1946 PONTIAC Torpedo I- Dr. Sedan. Been a town car all It life. Radio and heater. Clean, Al condi tion. SAFTI- t17C TESTED . J) 3 DOWN 1940 CHEVROLET Coupe. Good mechanical con dition and bods- (fOAA good. A bur at kpiiUU DOWN $442 1947 OLDS "" Serie 4-Dr. One owner, 2-tone paint, good rubber. Radio and healer. Clean. Can show aerrle 111 hi lory on thus ear. ttCAO SAFTI-TESTED J)jOX DOWN 1947 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Sedan. Ta-ton green paint. Clean and In perfect condition. p a SAFTI-TESTED P90 DOWN 1947 CHEVROLET Bosineaa Coupe. New paint Job, good robber. A good second car for family or bosineaa. J m a aa SAFTI-TESTED 4Oj DOWN 1942 FORD . I-Cjrl. 4-Dr. Sedan. Goad body, and motor new In '4s. Ford's economical ear In '42. HAFTI- TESTED kPZHi DOWN 1940 OLDS 7" Series 4-Dr. Sedan. On owner since IMS. White slds wall Urea, body perfect. Caa show serriee tO f C record sine 144) XHO DOWN BARGAIN TRANSPORTATION 1937 Ford Tudor $150 1936 Chevrolet Tudor new tire oil oround ........ $65 1939 Plymouth Tudor runt good $140 1939 Dodge Fordor o good '39 $225 1936 Pontioe Coupe best '36 in town $450 1940 Dodge Fordor good paint, good motor $565 1938 Plymouth Sedan marked down to $275 1934 Olds Fordor runt good. A buy ot $135 1936 Chrysler Airflo Fordor runt like a new car $95 Buy a used car from a new car dealer it pays to do so! DICK B. MILLER CO, OLDS CADILLAC 7th and Klamath Phone 4103 Shop Evenings Till 8 P. M. ir x&m j-p- w?m hyT ,0 349.7s. I New Design Speedier-Thriftier America's Most Beautiful Electric Range 1 Packed With All These NEW FEATURES NEW Rodiantube Unit cook faster than aver and use lass currant. NEW built-in Fluorescent lamp lights entire cooking top evenly. NEW higher bock panel protects wall. NEW tmarter-looking styling by world-famous Raymond loewy. NEW 6-60 Time-Signal has two speeds-one for stop-watch accuracy for measuring up to 6 minutes, another for up to 60 minutes. NEW switch knobs ore easier to read-no need to stoop, bend or reach. NEW storage drawers move smoothly, quietly on triple Nylon rollers. One glance and you'll know that here is America's most beautiful electric range-You'll be delighted with all its wonderful new fea tures, its new, smarter lines. All surfaces inside and out are of Lifetime Porcelain and there's the famous Cook-Master Oven Clock Control, Triple-Duty Ther mizer and many other Frigidaire features you should see. YERN OWENS' NEW Radlantube Unit Nw acfionlubUniti hav bean dtignd for speedier, mora economical cooking. They're flatter and wider so more heat ing surface comas In contort with uten sils. Tip up for eaiy cleaning. CASCADE HOME FURNISHINGS CO. 124 No. 4th, Klamath Falls fiOSFirst St. No., Lakeview