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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1949)
Pace ten HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON IUKSPAV, SEPT. 27, 14 S X 1 J u s None JlV sr Better!! Ai Chuck Boilcy Soys: ' JAYHAWK GAS 2135 South 6th "91" OCTANE ITHYL W. Offer Friendly Help With Your MONEY PROBLEMS Fast Efficient LOANS ON Furniture Automobile! Your Signature MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. 1th 11 Stoto Boys Chosen For FFA Band SALEM. Sept. JT lAS Two Future Formers of America boys (mm Ore- ' lion have been chosen to play m the FFA band at the organisation's I To Buy or Sell Use tne Want-Ads! I national convention Hi Kansas City. I October 10MO 13. j The) m-r J nek Hunks Jr. Os wego, who play the clarinet: audi Albert Paul Micka. Malm, a trombonist. SEE KIMBALL'S GLASS SHOP P"""."".r,'" FOR AUTO GLASS Alwoys Parkinq In Rear Always RECAP YOUR WORN TIRES Instead of Trading on New Ones SAVE V2 OWE GUARANTEE OUR TREADS TO STAY ON FOR LIFE OF RECAP NEW PENNSYLVANIA TIRES, 1 2 & 1 8 Months (sUArmntr ALEXANDER & YOUNG Gal. ! Ill N. 1th i - - y tm So-t"1 '"n WM j HERALD AND NEWS COMICS I I -i!iii!!iiii!isiiiiii'i I -t i :. . ses. ' 3 ;gtri-ix-i r-uir- i " i if ' a.iis, lr. W--l fr SORRY. &UT THAT " T"!!T?!?rC'.-! fvWsTSA H?e....TRlrV f3 ANT ME Alt7 t jCT Hi WHAT THE TEST MOEDl ( sxerT feV.y-f!5 ""$1 TO SET IN ON A 7" TM' MINP OF A gOBUl fTS A 1 t-l77 La-? CHILWEN-S TICKET," pTHItK-Y, (iwsuiT. j . I i- 7 J','-- 1 7 v.v kot ? a suv . i irrrn v iTW cSMNAaEerri lJl O-. i , aptitufe, H'i 3Ps-- tVkl i yj 1 r Stock Market Levels Off NEW YORK, Sept. 37 (rCv-The after price dropped traction to around a point. In late trading (elected luue showed sign of comlnc back. Most of the. damage waa done In the morning when a short burst of selling flattened price. Turnover was at the rata of around 1.100,000 share for the full session. Growing signs that sire llabor and management negotiations war getting nowhere fast In current contract talks tended to frighten off buying support. A dividend reduction helped lower Union Oil of California. The slock opened 2 lower at 30 and later extended the decline. Also lower were U. 8. Steel, Gen eral Motors, Chrysler, U, S. Rubber, Sears Roebuck, American Can, In ternational Paper. Standard Oil iNJi and Quit Oil. Lockheed waa fairly active at a higher price. They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmy llado rfjdE SCES OFF DUTY IN AM HOUR.. A SHOWEf?.. -i rIV t-3 J'MAP,UH., VORB EVESe I American Can I Am Power Li Am Tel Tel Anaconda Hendix Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Calif Packing Canadian Paclfto ... Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler . .... M'i .... ll ... H-r, ... a' .... .... 27 S .... 31'. ... 34 .. 13 . -.. 3(Ti 33 81 . VSnr'OfciLl-r'soAP.-uM.. ) , I wti nix snatvw irwfttl -ii tamn imim CAPS HIMSELF FROM HEAD TO TOG ILANG! CLANG f VOU GUESSED IT! OUT THEY 60l vr -v wc ituuur . V. ."'''-- flMMC A TTlUVPlJ WHE(?E'S MY PC0T5 ? HEyf ti WAIT FOR 71 ME If Comwiih & Sou 6 FTJOM tCO WfTH A De'ED SPIDfcg. rrweje ceatv tmins to chabm UCV CUT OF HIS CCMA., 7 K " I lv3SE Vk'E P. Cr BUT AS lc-4 VL ", SOKJU-YOU Y JO.JAN! AM0TM6 WE XT fY SABA POPPf t UP FBOM T I ICNCW SWE WAS MErfil ATTHS NKSMTI HCABDHMkA PBIVE Lf (UOVMERE AUP STARTEP CONTEMPTIBLE A-A. MEETING IN, AFTER HEP WORKED TUX TELLaj HIM SOMETHING BuTOH, EASY.' AUD CAME HOME I LATE WITH AN ALCOHOUC- fti PUT WE PPOVE HER TO I MAYBE SHf PLAH- WITHHIM! HS Jr I I , . YOUa HOUSE PKOHT& HZO fXt ME TO WASN'T WITH A 'A ' T kj, .7 i a arj, SUSPECT THEMi. SARA? ' rK SSK r1STil T HOPEorOftEB HEAVENS, EA4C, AIHAT HAVE I PONE. ) MO WOKDea 64 5 ' 0IS4OSTE0 WfTH MCJ HE PlPtTT KUCW HOVV SHEMACC THIN6 LOO I I WHEOE Sue SPENT 1 KTMOSi TWO EVESHU6S, But it A4Wr iwth w.'.c. -c r -A ORlftrA'.WMitl j WPK0 KtVrt W( it -i ViWO II v 104Br MA MfcViCt. INC. 1SS5L 11 S T.w w&m t yr . SO IP A k IS REALLY WARD UP FOR. DOU6W, ME CAsl HELP HIMSELF FROM TiJE . 6UCKB0AR0 COLOSSAL' INVtNTOf4 SslCE T"E CHOC nALr I 'lu. take Tone to a customer.. f Voo KID0(rJ6? wuem m I Better. fSEE? wipe CXKEN REPAY EVpsJ THAT NUT5 is 200SmacS I iDue $200 Icfficux. k. WV . MUX? A YEAR.? , yCOMM6SI4. Dot' rtM-SSSfb ' . ' Trf MWf o. .1. si. tiyict. wc t. r 1, t .i ;,rjar y. btnyjup ? Cons Vultee Continental Can Crown Zellerbach ... Curtis Wright Douglas Aircraft ... Uupont de Nem General Electric j Genera! Foods j General Motor Good year Tire Int Harvester , Int Paper Kennecott Libby Mi N A L . .. Long Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator ... Nat Dairy N V Central Northern Pacific Pac Am Pish Pac Gas ic Elec Pac Tel Si Tel Penney J C Radio Corp Rayoruer MARKETS and FINANCIAL FTjEg: It'. S3-. 37', 7:. ..... 0 . S3-. 37'. 43'. 13 3S M MS 4'i 33 40', 13-. 34'. 10', l 1J-. 33 . ..... .... &3' ll 34 1 ia 3S ..... 37 ;. ... 40'. 41 87 i 31 -s wy 11', iJuly 11-. ! STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by The Aiaurlalfd hm Hrptember S7 Mind. IS Rails 15 1 III. ttKtork Net change . D I D 4 O I l Tuesday I0 34 g 41 M I Previous day SI W0 41 1 64 4 Week ago to 3 33 3 40 9 J Month ago 0 4 32 40 7 S3 1 Year ago SOS 43 0 Sl M Reynolds Metal Richfield Safewsy Store Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Standard OH Cal StudebakeV Corp Sunshine Mining Trans-America Union Oil Cal 29 Union Pacific SO United Airline 13 U S Steel 33 Warner Bros Pic 11-, Woolworth 45 LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 37 1P1 (U8DA Cattle: Salable SO; calves ST! trade opened very draggy: few steers ateady: canner and cutter cow steady-weak; one lot common steers 17.00: few can ner cows 10 0O-11 00; SOME WHEAT HITS RECORD CHICAGO. Sept. 37 '4'' Mom deliveries of Wheat tmiftied new seasonal highs at the board of trade today. The December, Marrh and May contracts reached new highs all up around 3 cents Anticipation of new flour business, combined with the aimmune ment ol a 10 cent advance in family flour effective tomorrow, induced buying. The rash market waa also a factor Irs the advance. Spot tradrts called the market around a cent higher. At the finish wheat waa I', to 3'. higher than yesterday close, December 13 19'.-'.. Corn wa '. lo IS higher. December SI IS1,-',. Oat were S to 3 cent higher. December 47 :. Rye wa 1 to IS higher, December 14S',-14S. Soybean were I1, to 3 cent higher. Novembrr t3 37',-3 37. Lard waa 3 to cent a hundredweight lower, October S1L Wheat Dec. ..... March .... Olen 3 14 ... 3 13'i . 307 isa. BOND AVERAGES ( emptied bv The Aaaorlaled Preaa heptembee S7 t Hails Hind. let'UL IS lor. 1SI.. Yld. Net change unch. unrh. D I D .3 D I Tuesday 90 7 1038 104 3 700 111 ft Previous day 90 7 103 8 104 3 "0 3 1118 Week ago 90 4 103 7 104 3 70 4 111 7 Month ago 91 3 101 9 1 04 1 70 1 111 Year ago 90S 100 9 99 9 83 3 106 1 good 140-160 lb. 118 00-50; good 330. medium sau- ' S00 lb. sows S18S0-1800: good and sage bulls 17.60; Monday slaughter ' choice feeder pigs 130 00-33 00. and feeder steer 50 lower: range ! Sheep: salable Soo. holdover SOU; cows weak: canner and cutter cow 1 market slow; lew sale weak; odd mostly tedy: load high medium tou S001 lld choice but mostly and low good steers 2410; about S loads medium 33 00; one lot good good lambs 830 SO; common and medium grades tl8SO-l8 00: good ,,n. .nrf mH,,.m 1 around 70 lb. shorn feeders 817.00; 1. n uuj rn .aw, tvuuiiuu uuhii 16 00: medium cows 14 00-&0: some law good at IS 00: several loads good feeder steers 20 00-2100; no early sales calves. Hogs: Salable 250: active: butch ers steady: sows 1.00 higher: good and choice 180-340 lb. butchers 31.7S; good sows 16.00. ward to S3 00. CHICAGO. Sept. 37 IAP-USDA' Salable hogs 9600. rather slow, mostly steady on butchers: weights under 190 lb. scarce and strong; sows fully steady: top S30 3S for sev eral lot choice 330-260 lb.: bulk of bneep salable 1300; no early sales; j good ,nd cholc, 200-330 lb. Monday lamba active, 35 lower; ewe ' 8190-30 00: 180-190 lb. SIS 35- 19 34 steady; several loads good and frv iso-170 lb. SIS 50-18 00; good choice lambs 3300; medium and good ewes 7.50-9 00: common mostly 5 50; good feeders 32 00. , PORTLAND. Sept. 37 CAP-USDA) Cattle: salable 300: holdover 600: calves salable 50. market slow and uneven: partial clearance at weak to 50 lower; holdover mainly com mon and medium beef cows with few steers: very few steers aoid early: odd lot low-medium grades 819 00-21.50; few common 815.50 18 00: cutter and common dairy type steers and heifer 81100-13 50; few common beef heifers 814 00-16 50: medium heifers 817.00-19 00: canner and cutler cows 810.50-11.50 few to 812.00; common and medium beet cows 812-50-14 50: few young cows 816 00: one good heavy sausage bull 817.75: scattered lot common medium sausage bulls 814.00-16.00; good vealers 821.00-23.00; good 330 lb. calves 820.00 ; 465 lb. 81800: common and medium vealera 813.50 18 00. Hogs: salable 135: market around 25 lower: good and choice 180-310 lb. 821.25-50 : 250-370 lb. 819.50; BUT VOU WERE SWW TH TROMPS IN THAT "JUNGLE" WHERE VOtj ftMO ROCKY LIVE WOULD BE OUR CUSTOMERS" lF -V , i I ll v-, J B "-t tsifcfcM!D v . 1 f l i oont Be eirrroNHoes, mv cmld- ) . I I APE NOT" THE PEHNS-ESS Jf PCTK 1 E KMOW ALL TUP Ofiri Bv,r, V. . I I VOPE-THT-.V MesS.Y RETIP6 ON WSJOT? I i-K POOPIT fJY THEM- i - I - ' - A R WR Um STRETCHES OF TM6- )hfS.''V F" r SEE LANPHEAR before you burn! 1018 M.ln Ph. 6931 and choice sows under 360 lb. 818 3. 1935; 375-425 lb. 91735-1825; 450 550 lb. 815 50-17 00; odd head heavier at 815.00. Salable cattle 5500: salable calves 500: generally slow but mostly steady; choice steers and heifers scarce, fully steady: top 834 00 for load choice to prime 1400 lb. steers; ovist high-good and choice fed steers and yearlings 828S0-32 5O: medium to average-good grades 819 00-28 00: load common 925 lb. graasers 817 00: few choice 1000 lb. fed heifers 829.75: most good and choice heifers 825 00-29 00: good cows 817.00-18 50; buik common and medium cows 814 00-16 25; canner, and cutters 811.50-1400: medium and good sausage bulls 817-25-19 00; bulk medium and good vealers 924 00-37.00; top 828 00 on choice vealers: load good 350 lb. Canadian stock steer calve 822 00. Salable sheep 2000: slaughter lambs steady; top 833.35: paid fur choice Washington; most good to choice native lambs 822 25-23.00; cull and common 815 00-19 00; ewes strong; two loads closely sorted choice Washington ewes 81000; most native ewes 69.50 down. HANHK1.L Horn at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Palls, Ore, September 36. 1948. to Mr. and Mrs. William lialuell, 3018 Ore gon, a boy. Weight: pound 4". ounces. COMBS Horn at Klamath VaU ley hospital, Klamath Palls, Ore, Hrptember 36. 1949 to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Combs, 1433 Oregon. boy. Wright: pounds ounce. j KOWAI.IH tVirn at Klamath Valley hospital. Klamath Palls, I Ore . September 36. 1949. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kiwalls. 35.ll ' Urttle. a girl. Weight: 7 pounds ft I ounces. FUNERALS HANS Ml. 1 Tli funeral service lor the la! Hans Lee. who pd away In this city on baturday, September 34. will lake place from the chapel of Wards Klamath Puneral home. 938 High, on Wednesday. September 38, 1949 at 1:30 p. m . Rev. Selmer JacuoMin of the Kirsl Covenant church officiating. Commitment service and Interment In the Kene cemetery. Friend are respectfully invited to attend. LEGAL NOTICE hUlll Or As.HglllHI.NTt HOT 1 1 K TO PHtlfKNTY OWNtHt m rnot'inrr II Al HUW rM Ml 1. 1 AMI rUH THC tOiT Uf IMt'KiiVlNO. IUITH TWtiJIM Hrttrtxr imom thk noiTiiCAiir I.IMK (r MAIM ftHET TO TtIB NitllTIIWUT LINK or Kt-AMATH AVrNl.K, KNOWN AS lUl'IIOVK. MKNT VfttT NO. I Til AT TlirV it a v it rwrsTV iiav rnoM the riHtr I'lBi.H'ATioN or THIS Nor li r IN H'HIt H TO VUM AT I'l.H A TION TO PAY THE AHt wrr in rr.n lytAU annual I N H r A I.I MEN! Wlir HtA. lh Ciwnms CtmneH ml ih in ol K Isi ma 1 1, riu. Orfutt. n4 br Ofdlltoni fault- XtoptXl tWpl II, mt. (x-Urrl I'M pttrpurllnfUKd Maiai PORT1.AND. Srpt. T7 t C-ih ' pirr-l o( rra,'p,.Ftrir (.wn4 u't 1 in4Miif, inf a prpirHnng,lf thatt f I roe. I of impritvutf. ftsuih Twlli I -lfspl from I her uiitotial lit mt Main ttrt la ih nnrihwaaat Hn of Klamath ' Avvmt. U tu nmft fullir and In dalail i whemn nn 1h plana and pavlflraliont .if lha city Knginr on fil wilh lha j Pnlica Juitsj of sunt Cily in tha matlar That tha prtpafir an fmin4 hern ft I 4 and I labia, and aMat a aforaaaitl ia tha prnoariv that It within lha bound - a of lha rrsjiowina doxriplsofi. ia HiBh 2 Id1, 2 15 S 7oa 1 8 Low 7 U l4 2 13'. 1MS ClnM 2 Itt't-H 2 IS 2Mt. 1 Portland Wheat Oism: Osls No. 3. 38 lb. white. 854 50; barley No. 3. 45 lb B. W 853 50. Cash Wheat (Bid): Soft White and soft white excluding Rex. and White Club, all 83 17 '1. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 82 17S: 10 per cent S2 17S: 11 per cent 83 19: 13 per cent 83 31. Todays Car Receipts: Wheat 113. barley 45. flour 7. corn 3. oat 3, millfeed 30. POTATOES CHICAGO. Bfpt. 27 AP-UH)A PoUKnrx, arrlviiU 121. on trark bill: total U. 8. ihlpmrnt 1170; luppltri liberal, demand ltRht, market dull and ftilKhtly weaker; Idaho Kiihnet Burbanka 3 00-90, aUndnrds M30; MinneMta-Nurth Dakou Red Rtver Valley BlUu Trlumpha I2 2S-3& washed. Red War ban UbO wiuhed; Wash inn ton Ruaaet Burbanka 3 75 4 10; Wiaronmn B 1 1 Triumphs 12 00-W, Chippewa 92 00-10. Sorority House His Downfall SEATTLE. Sept. 27 t.VA Uni versity ol WaAhliiRton aludent nul- ' wit nt inning at tna mnal wtrlr eriMr of lot 4 block f Canal Ad union tn tha Lily of Klamath Fall. Oftrgon lhanra northaa an lha anuth. aat Una of Mam Btrtl tn that north. rat rornrr nf lot II blnrk I of aald t anal Addition thanra acnith on tha al Una of aaid lot ti and lot It nf td ht.wa 1 in ih north Una of Klamaih Avrntw Ihanra swulhwsMt long irsa nrmMt nf K Jamil h Avfnua in lha moat atNitharlv cotn-r nf Int 13 nf aatri hlorfe I. Ihanrs) north waat on ami I h t t ima of lola 13 and 4 in airf blork I ! tha polnl of beginning Thai lha dor at of cup liana baa bran maila up at provided by aaclUm ana of lha Charier of aald t'lly and oa low will ba found a li.l of tha nsn.e, of tha own.ri .lime pr.rparly baa ba,, W anae4d (. mt,.rmmmlA .... . which liana hava baan dorhvtad, aa b " prnvioao, tisgalhar aMU aam liwi til vnt uiina omin till UIHV IV aaaaw a . football Rames next fall, opening I IO ASiOflO I with North Carnllnn'a powerful for- ASTORIA Sept. tea at. Vyiinpci riui on ocpi. aid nrftin, lha dasM-riiiiion nf lha prnparly of ownar and lha total am. ..mi an aM again! aih i-fir prnparU and lha onar and ho.dr Iharaof Hefrrn.-. u rwrahy marta to lr len dnrhat f((r d-tail daartipllnn of aar l..t. part nf ,tl. him h or pa real of acra- Pfrt8jflr an aaaaaaad turlhrr nntira u harahv glvan lha a brain concussion yesterds, I CX";.? Ji when he fell from a ladder propiied '"nnm u n.,w du. nd nm.. and w. w ariingurni imm snd after lha ill r.llnn ,, tf. (rm lh, .,, V, ? ' -'. "Wl'-'lnn ol Ihls Bollc. Tl """"'lion lll b rnaaa lh 2.1 day or sVptrmtwr. 14 The onn ol pmiwrlr araaued sloreMid must rlihvr pay In roth or n.. and Ills wllh n Vollra Judia I If". "."' :"v on or alor lha 13 dsr 7 .? h"" '" "is Jrom iiw fi, pubiir.iinn nl inn nolire, Ihrlr mporlivs spallrallno. lo p. ... , " lo leu equal llulall ttsnrd l,.r mo, rollowi,,! i. h drwrlplioa of ine proprrly, name ul ownar. and emoiml ?,...i'n ."" " propartv l-'og K ir,'L "' Klamaih TalU. Klamath O.imlv Orraoo lo-wll' lA.Vai. SIIIIIIION . . . rr aaiirrtv ol Uil , J. K Me- agnlnst one ol the campus sorority houses. The student, Danel Alexander. 18, waa attempting to whitewash the word "Ire House" on the Kap pa Kappa Oumma sorority house, his lamer explained, He was taken to the hospital after the accident covered wlln whitewash. The prank la a traditional pro cedure al the campus on pledge night. I Huge Log Taken FASHION CLEANERS Ph. 5563 129 Ho. Tth IRRIGATION PIPE l-anrrala Irrlrallaa pipe pota lha walar whara ymm waol II whan yaa want It wllk llnsrr'llp aaolral. arvTftu a rr ii r ret ivrsi at sw. V 8 SB Markal Bl. Tal. MS " Klassaia PsMl 37 A Doiii- Ins llr log 10 tret In diameter one of the largest ever cut In Clalaon county was floating in Blind i slough. Uidny. I The log, which contained alwut I 7000 board feet of lumber, was cut I down about two years ago and brought out of the woods last week by the Onat Creek Logging com. i pany. If Fre Pick-up A Delivery! Q In Today Out Tomorrow J 4-Ifour Hpeclal Service f Skill Gare Beyond Compore ivr. I'Unvvr Shop imivi: i. (Af Greenhouses) anil ). th Phiin 8188 ere Deliver? Howeri by Wire i terlor committee. The conlrsri. in ciune projects al Prosser, Wash Westland, Btanfleld and Vale, Ore! CONTRACTS! OK'II WASHINGTON, Sept. 37 II1-A house-passed bill lo authorize re. vision ol repayment contracts on six small reclamation project wa a p. proved yesterday hv the senate in- Funeral Designs Our Specially fzznnr FLOWER SHOP i 4 IOMAIN plHrfcr- hi .: jzhehz: Iram ; ' HHftVA K I I'y0 JK1 of Lot I, SI. L. snrtniM Wr.larlv I, Thnmaa . A. C, Kaball '". ;;ri oi tM a. a. c rsaii . Pari nl l.oi J. M. narnum 4, riorritre M narntim 7'.-'-"-s. riorrttra M Hnrmim .......... J. F iirroro M ll. rill, fit T. riorenre M ll.rnum 5. Allra Villi. S. A lira Vll ' 10. A llr. Villi. I. 1 K MrAnrtrews" ZZZZ a, Jlrorso Mrfnlhim , I. (.rnra. M,('um I. (,.r. MrCollnm 1.1. r..ia,, i ki.ors. MrCol. Amassl 8 10411 as os 1S4 a lias? M 14 1S4 S 411 IS 14J l ana its I. .n 11 aoi sa 441 l i n 101 41 ino II 111.79 1. K. Mr. Inm IS. Vv. Marly ' 18. J. K MrAnrtrawa ft... J. 3 T Mamlr. j. i r M.r. 4. J. r Matiitra " I I. A II ..,,,, r. C. Oruhb 4. Uval nrrt,r Mor 1. Iival nrd.r Mno.a IS. Loyal Order Mooas 1JSS latisi I 444 St ani sa 441 IB Ml OS .131 m 441 I on! sa I, .lit so Tolsl A..a.imanl lit sis of) Thl. nMlr. i. piihll.harl br sitlhorllr liio r nmmnn Cnunrll puraiiaot la rllon Jiio nl ihe I h.rl.r of the Cllf of Nrll, n ..inain ran. n.a..n I'd al Klamaih rs'ii Oregon, lh 41 day of hr-nlaitilir I04S I; M AlKfHMAM P'llua Jurlaa ol the rW 4 a aa a. "!;"'""' rail. Oragoa. 8 S4SS si-sa-Ha. ant.