MONDAY. SEPT. 26, U9 PACE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Padres, Suds Tie for Fourth; Meet in Single Game Tonight osto.1, Yanks r " -pf-r- 1 If A 2m Happy Birthday, Dear Teacher For on half Friday night It looked Ilka Dale Daugherty wouldn't get hli birthday present, a win over Placer Junior college. In t n e clutches, costly fumbles or a slow down on the offense, would halt the Owls right at the touchdown thresh' old. But, wowl In the second halt the Hllltopper eleven sane "Happy Birthday, Dea Dale in spades when they final ly got their grid machine working on all four. The "four" mere, Ken Miller, Chuck Warren Jack Taylor and Vane MatoU all of them po tential scortn threats any puce on the field when they ' !j tucked the ball RED HI RD to their tummies and started to scamper. We might add the Owls were working on five cylinders. Dean Weekly wasn't bashful In the go de partment either. I went to some lengths to explain last week that the 31 to 0 white wash dished out by the Fort Lewis Warriors wasnt a true yardstick on the game and we still think it wasnt. Well repeat this week the Owts IS to pasting of the Spartans did swt half tell the foatball story on Modor't turf Friday Bight. In this writer's book, the Owls were at least five toorhdovrna bet ter than Placer and termed to mo tivate at will. Either the Owlirs ara lot better than I had them tabbed or Plarer'a advance raves were simply lot of -whistling in the dark." Backfield thrusts didnt dim the work of the Owl lino either. The forward wall was opening gapping holes In the Placer line for the Backs to gallop through. The defen sive work of John Paasch and Roy Dorfler at the wing posts no doubt went a long ways to erase worries lor Dougherty who got the best birthday gift he could receive to sec the Owls clamber back on the win cing train and show Oregon Tech skeptics that "the million dollar headache" on the hill also has a million dollar football team. The end positions were supposed ly Dale's number one worry irons the first of the season. My goeas would be he's thrown away the cry ing towels mi the penormaore ol Patch and Dorfler Friday night. Clarence Adams and Norman Bull were capaole fill-ins at ena. Strangely enough. Chuck Warren, easily worth the price ol admission with his twisting runs and uncanny change ol gears that left Placer would-be tacklers dangling In the air, didn't dent the score column Friday night. But there were few of the 3000 fans present who would disagree with the statement that the 160 pound whirling dervish was the sparkplug of the Owl ollense. It didn't come as a surprise, alter watching Warren on the basketball court last season. He supplied the drive that Ignited Tech scoring out bursts on the hardwood. Warren registered a neat 63 average on U mall -carrying jaunts. This denotes a lot fo lancy running. As far as I was concerned. Mil ler's 88-yard touchdown ran waa one of the highlights of the game and not necessarily from the standpoint 4 yards gained. But Ken faked the Spartan aafety man with some ol the best change-el -pace running I've aeen in a long time. Tne surprised Spartan could Just as well have been a scarecrow in unci, joes corn patch lor the chance he had to catch Miller. Miss in Clutch At this writing, we merely have a telephone report on the outwork lngs of the Pelican-Viking game in Salem. But KPLW Sporucaster Floyd Wynne tells me the Klamath boys didn't fumble once and drove deep Into Salem territory on several occasions. They seemed to lack clutch power but recovering Salem's tumble to clear the way for a score two plays later showed heads-up football. Remember, it's a rookie backfield Unit operating behind the strong Pelican line and a couple of more games should add polish. Don't Miss Ginger! Mack Lillard Is coming out with some promotional genius in opening his season's wrestling shows, now switched to Wednesday nights. He has four bouts lined up at for the armory ring. Seven of the con. teslants are well versed In the grap pling game. The eighth may not be at well versed but SHE doesn't have to be. 'Came she's Ginger, 400-t) o n d bear, that haa been thrilling eastern wrestling bugs for many months. Otnger will make her KP debut Wednesday night against a "puny" 200-odd-pound wrestler. If you miss this card, you'll wish rou hadn't. See Life Magasine, page 4, Kepi. IS Issue. ROPfcR HOPtR, your Ciliddea Dealer. "WW!' 111 tl 5 Mm. from Town I I ."M"'?i8i'l('s.Ma lie for Top PARNELL TAMES NY, 4-1 v The Associated Preas When Tom Yawkry, millionaire owner of the Boston Red Sox said. "Those darn Palookas of mine are going to be the American league champs," everyone thought It was a good crack. Well, those Palookas are tied with the New York Yankees for first place in the American league today, a position they expect to better by nightfall. Lefty Mel Parnell pitched the rampaging Red Sox into a flat-footed tie yesterday as he downed the Yanks. 4-1. with a neat four-hitter before a howling mob of 35317 fans at Boston. The Red Sox take on the Yanks in the stadium today with Lefty Maurice McDermott 3-4) scheduled to go for the Palookas against New York's Tommy Byrne US-7. A triumph for either party would weald lust about settle the issue. Following today's battle both trams will have five gamea left to play including two at the New York park next Saturday and Sunday. In between meetings the Red box play three gamea with last place Wash ington and the Yanks three with the pesky fifth place Philadelphia Athletics. While the Red Sox stiffened the Yanks yesterday the St. Louis Card inals loomed Into a commanding one and one-halt game lead over the Brooklyn Dodgers In the Na tional league race. The Cards beat the Chicago Cubs, 6-1. while the Philadelphia Phils slit the Dodgers, 3-3. St Louis and Brooklyn, marking time today, hare five and four games left to play, respectively. The Cards have three dates with the last place Cubs and two with sixth place Pittsburgh. The Dodg ers have two meetings with the Phils and two with Boston. Should the Cards win only three of their remaining five garnet it would assure them of no worse than a tie. providing Brooklyn takes all tour of Its games. S5TH WIN Parnell's triumph was his 15 ih of the season against seven de feats. It also waa Boston's ninth straight and their 31st consecutive at home. Parnell and Kinder, who has won 33 games, have accounted for more than halt of Boston's S3 victories. Allie Reynolds pitched well for the Yanks but not good enough. The Sox reached Reynolds for two runs in the second when Johnny Pesky singled with two out and the bases loaded. Reynolds hang oa gamely an til the seventh when Ted Williams ended the Yankee hopes with a tee-foot homer, hit 43rd. Into the rightfield seats. Johnny Peaky pre ceded Williams' lone hit of the game with his third hit. Harry The Cat) Brecheen tamed the Cubs on six hits and collected four of the Cards' 13 safeties. The crafty lefthander batted In three runs and was only ruffled In the fourth when Rookie Bill Serena homered. Ralph Branca started for Brook lyn and pitched seven brilliant in nings. Branca, allowed only five hita and fanned nine but a blister forced him out of action. BAVTA TAKES OVER Jack Banta took over and the Phils quickly went to town. Richie Ashburn beat out a bunt and raced to third on Gran Hamner's double. Dick Sisler singled both runners home to tie the score at 3-3. Del Ennis popped out attempting to bunt Seminlck. hitleas in three previous swings, then whaled Banta s first pitch out of sight to break up the game. In other National league games the New York Giants downed the Boston Braves, 3-3 and 3-3 and the Pittsburgh Pirates clipped the Cin cinnati Reds. 7-3 and 6-3. Bob Lemon turned tn his 31st victory for Cleveland aa be pitched the Indians to 7-1 victory over the Detroit Tigers. In other Amer ican league game the Philadelphia Athletics beat Washington. g-5, then bowed. -, to Dick Weik of the Senators In the seven Inning finale. The Chicago White Sox defeated the St. Louis Browns. 7-5, and then loot, 8-t, to the Browns. Major League LEADERS By The Associated Preas NATIONAL LEAGl'E Batting Robinson, Brooklyn, J43; 81sughter, St. Louis, 338. Runs batted In Klner, Pitts burgh, 133; Robinson, Brooklyn, 12L Home runs Klner. Pittsburgh, S3: Muslal, St. Louis. 34. Pitching Roe, Brooklyn, 14-5, .737; Branca, Brooklyn. 13-5, .722. AMERICAN LEAGL'E Batting Williams, Boston, .3 49; Kelt, Detroit, .342. Runs batted In Williams, Boston, 163; Stephens, Boston, 152. Home runs Williams, Boston, 43; Stephens, Boston, 38. Pitching Kinder, Boston. 23-6, .321; Parnell, Boston, 35-7, .781. See Life Magatine, pare 24, Sept. U Issue. ROPER Ji ROPER, your Gliddrn Dealer. HUNTERS' SPECIAL! Just show your deer tag, and STONE'S SIGNAL SERVICE fth and Fine will INSTALL your ANTI-FREEZE College Grid Scores By The Associated Preaa EAST Oklahoma 46. Boston College (. Massachusetts 19. Bates 0. MIDWEST South Dakota State 37. Morning side 20. Valparaiso 25, Defiance 0. Kansas State 55. Fort Hays 0. Oklahoma City 33, Arkansas A and M 8. Illinois Weslevan 43, Shurtleff 0. SOl'TH Louisiana College 0. Southeastern Louisiana 0 (tie). Kentucky 19. Louisiana State 0. Florida 13. The Citadel 0. SOITHWEST Hardin 33. Arkansas Tech 0. Arisona 40. New Mexico A and M 7. Baylor 20. South Carolina 8. Rice 33. Clemson 7. Southern Methodist 13. Wake Forest 7. Arkansas 33. North Texas 1. Oklahoma A and M 33, Texas Christian 33 tie). Texas A and M 26. Texas Tech 7. WEST COAST Minnesota 4B. Washington 30. Oregon 41. Idaho 0. Washington State 13. Montana State 7. Oregon State 27. Utah 7. UCLA 41, Iowa 35. Southern California 42. Navy 30. Stanford 44. Harvard 0. California . St. Mary's (Calif.) 7. Nevada 53. Portland 37. Whitworth 31. 8t- Martin's t. Oregon 41. Idaho 0. Vanport 3d. Tongue Point Navy Sutton 7. Whitman I. Briish Columbia 0. Pacific U. 33, Western Washing ton 13. Southern Oregon 30. Lewis and Clark 7. Llnfleld 33. Humboldt State . Oregon College S3, Whldbey Naval Air Base 0. Northern Idaho 20, Eastern Ore gon 12. Puget Sound 37, Pacific Lutheran 0. Colorado A and M 14, Denver 13. Santa Clara 14. San Jose 13 . Eastern Washington 29, Montana State . Idaho State 14. College Idaho I. Wyoming 41, New Mexico 14. PRO RESULTS By The Antedated Preta AU-Amerlraa Football Conference Buffalo 23. San Francisco 17. Cleveland 23. Baltimore 20. National Football League Chicago Bears 17. Green Bay 0. Pittsburgh 28. New York Oiants7. McElhenny Injured SEATTLE. Sept. 28 0P The Uni versity of Washington may have lost more than a gsme to Minnesota Saturday. The 48-20 defeat by a powerful Gopher squad may also have cost them the services of Hugh McElhenny, flashy hard-running fullback, for a while. The star sophomore, who gave Washington a brief lead with a 08 yard run back to score with the opening klckoff, hobbled on crutches when the squad arrived home yes terday. He sprained a foot severely on an end run late in the second quarter. . Dr. John Geehan, team physician, said it was unlikely that the sprain would be healed In time for Mc Elhenny to go against Notre Dame this Saturday. The husky fullback's long run, third longest on record by a Wash ington player, stunned the Minne apolis fans but stung the Gophers into action. Eight minutes later the score was tied by Billy Bye capping a 80-yard march by crossing from the three. The Gophers crossed Into paydlrt four times In the second period. By passed 22 yards to Ralph McAllster for one. End Bud Grant scooped In a blocked punt for another, and others came on McAllster's 30-yard run back of a pass Interception and an 88-yard power march. Washington picked up two count ers In tne second half, scoring once In the third period as Jack Beth cracked over from the one, and again In the fourth as Don O'Leary hit Dev Oossett with a 17-yard toss In the end tone. But Minnesota matched both of them. Thirty-five Huskies, practically FREE! r s ..V'" ' v I i n m i i mi ANOTHER HORSEMAN Elmer Loyder, Jr., is attempting fo follow in the flying footsteps of his fother, Notre Dome fullback of Four Horsemen fome ond later head coach. The 19-year-old sophomore halfback matriculated from Chicogo's Loyola High. Pacific U. Bounces Western Washington By The Associated Preta Five Northwest conference football teams saw action in non-conference clashes Saturday, marking up three victories against two losses. Most one-sided was Pacific uni versity's 33-13 shellacking of West ern Washington college. Touch downs In the second snd third quarters gave Western a 13-8 lead, but It was short-lived. Pacific bounced. back to score twice In the third period on Allen Olsen's 30 yard run and a 48-yard dash by Stan Russell, then pushed over two more tallies to turn the gsme Into a rout In the final frame. Whitman Jumped on another Evergreen conference opponent in dropping the University of British I .STANDINGS Final Standings W L Pet. Hollywood 100 78 .583 Oakland 104 83 .568 Sacramento 103 85 .545 Seattle s 93 JOS San Diego 95 tl Ml Portland 85 102 .454 San Francisco 84 103 .449 Los Angeles 84 113 J5 Yeaterday't Reaulia Portland . Oakland 3. Seattle 3. Hollywood 0. San Diego 4, Lot Angeles 1. Sacramento 8-1, San Prancisco 1-0. Saturday's Scores Los Angeles 7-5. San Diego 8-3 (first game 13 innings.) Hollywood 10. Seattle 3. Sacramento 4, San Francisco 2. (Only gamea scheduled.) New York Boston Detroit Cleveland Philadelphia Chicago St. Louis ..... 93 55 93 55 87 64 83 85 79 70 82 88 51 100 . 48 101 .828 .828 lt Ml 330 .419 .338 J22 Washington Sunday's Results Boston 4. New York 1. Cleveland 7, Detroit 1. Philadelphia (-0. Washington 5-4 (second game seven Innings, dark ness). Chicago 7-2. St. Louis 5-8. Saturday Retails Boston 3, New York 0. Detroit 8, Cleveland 5. (Only games scheduled.) NATIONAL LEAGl'E St. Louis 95 64 .838 Brooklyn 94 58 .827 Philadelphia 79 73 .523 Boston - 73 77 .487 New York 73 78 .483 Pittsburgh 67 83 .450 Cincinnati 60 90 .400 Chicago 1 Sunday's Results 8t. Louis 6, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 5, Brooklyn 3. Pittsburgh 7-3, Cincinnati 3-3. New York 3-6. Boston 2-3 (second game six Innings, darkness). Saturday's Results St. Louis 3, Chicago 3 (night). Brooklyn (. Philadelphia 1 night). Boston 6, New York 4. Pittsburgh 6, Cincinnati 6. the entire traveling squad, saw action. Minnesota poured In 42 men without lessening Its effective ness. COMFORT Unlimited ir TrutM Wemrrt "Aa comfortable aa ati 4d petit of el mms gerjrg the frtaai wearing one of our aew truawet rVrt topee) (Sarin; the war and mow available to true wearer. H yon are lootririg for (rueroriteerl mm fort yea, GUARANTEED! 8M Vai Lee Hendricks tour Neighborhood Druggist 3312 So. 6tb Ph. 4321 s)k 4 4wi: .jiS. l k : vVbf- X- v-7.".., aUa. i Columbia 8-0. The Missionaries t powered their way 68 yards on their 1 first five plays of the game to score. ! From there on out the two elevens stayed close to the mtdfietd stripe, I neither side threatening. Llnfleld scored twice In the first quarter In defeating Humboldt State college 73-8. A 58-yard run by Carl Wlckham set up the first counter and Jim Ltioto ran back a punt 53 yards for the second. Lewis and Clark suffered one league setback, a 20-7 defeat by Southern Oregon College of Educa tion. Two first quarter scores set up by a fumble and pass Intercep tion put the Pioneers in a hole that a 83-yard scoring drive In the third quarter couldnt lift them from. College of Idaho bowed 14-8 to Idaho State In the fifth contest. ; Eastern Oregon Loses, 20 to 12 PENDLETON. Ore.. Sept. 38 (JPi wo last quarter touchdowns, one on a 100-yard runbark of an Inter cepted pass by Substitute Bill Hoff man, gave Northern Idaho College of Education a 20-12 football win Saturday over Eastern Oregon. WRESTLING TICKETS GO ON SALE Wrestling tickets at a new low price go on sale today at Castleberry's drugs for Promoter Mark Ltllard's opening card Wednesday night at the armory. Feature attraction of the Wed nesday card is the appearance of Oinger the bear who will grapple with Oordon Peeler of Arkansas, for 15 minutes In the last attrac tion. In the opener Les Welch, who handles and trains Oinger. goes against Hillbilly Stocky Nellson In a 30-minute, one-fall bout. Other 30-minute tussles will show Al Szasz and Bill McEutn and Bob Cummlngs against Pierre La Belle. S'P 'v4aV' I VTiJ C? - --ol "Leadership means success. In the Army's Leadership Training School we'll help you develop leadership ability that puts you ahead assures you greater success as t soldier or civilian. Every man has a chance to quality. Those who do are trained in class and field instruction for executive positions." Never before hit the peacetime Army offered greater opportunities for leadership careen. For information on how you may become a leader and enjoy the miny other benefits of Army life, see your U. S. Army and U, S, Air Force Recruiting Office today! Post Office Building Klamath Falls, Ore. BEAVERS SLAP OAKS, 8-4, 9-3 Hv The Aworltlrd Press The Pacific Oiast lesgue ended in a tie fur four III place. Which meant that Sesttle and Sun Dlrgo play a single gnme to nlulit to are which giiea Into the 835.000 Governor's Cup playoffs. The playoffs start Wednesday among the four lop teams. The Padres will start Red Adams to night bnt the Ralulrra' choice Is unknown. The Padres beat lot Angeles 13 to 0 and 4 to I Sunday behind the effective twirling of veterans Jess Floret and Dirk Barrett. Floret' win was his 20th uf the season. Orestes Minoso wss big stlckmsn with three homers In the two games. Scuttle split a pair with the champion Hollywood Stars. The Stars took the opener In 10 Innings when Prank Krllrhrr tingled In the inning run for a 3 to 4 decision. Big Charley Srhans allowed but four hut In winning the second one 2 to 0. It was Srhans' 2T ,d win. Hollywood's flnsl pennant-winning margin aas five games over Oakland which dropped two to Portland 8 to 4 tnd to 3. Hal Saluman notched Ills 23rd win on his frrshmtn year In the loop with a seven hit Job In the nightcap. Bill Taylor. Oaks' rookie, got two home runs In the second game. He got two Friday night to give him a record of four homers in the only two games he has started for the Oaks. Third piace Sacramento won Its ninth straight game In dealing a twin loss to San Francisco, the Seals' I lih straight lots. Incident ally. Bill Wilson. Jim Tabor and Joe Marty hit homers to cop the first 8 to 1. In the nightcap the Sotons urd three pitchers. Each worked three Innings and each gave up one hit apiece In Inning I to 0. The Solons' lone tally was un earned. Rip Cops Dog Trials HELENA. Mont.. Sept. 25 Rip of Holly Hill, a black Labrador owned by Mrs. Mahood of White rock. B. C . and handled by Roy Oonla of MrKenna. Wash., won the open all-age stake at the Helena Retriever club field trials yester day. Black Laba dominated the wind-up of the American Kennel club sanc tioned trials. Second mas Duke of Treasure Slate, owned and handled by George Anderson of Billings. Nigger of Swinomuh, ownrd by W. J. Dahl of Seattle and handled by Roy Wallace of Deer Island, Ore., wat third. Fourth went to Grouse of Trabington. owned by Al Schmidt of Portland, Ore . and handled by Coma. Yesterday's Stars Bv The A mot la led Preta j Pitching Mel Parnell. Red Sox, i pitched Boston Into first p'.sce In American league tie with New York by beating the Yanks. 4-1. on nest tour-hitter for his 35th victory. Batting Andy Seminlck. Phils, clouted two-run homer to climax four-run eighth Inning rally that gave Philadelphia a 5-3 victory i over Brooklyn. For a few pennies per word you can advertise to thousands through 1 a Want Adt Phone 8111. "We'll train you for leadership and a successful career!" Sgt 1c Wra. L Burnett Fort Ord, California HORNETS DUMP ANTLERS; MAUN DRUBS UTASDIStlS W. 3 I 1. Pit. Malm . Henley Merrill Gilchrist CIllllKJUlll Harred llrart Bonanza I out) I IMKI I 000 1 0110 .IX HI .0110 n .000 Bly Week-end Hetullt Merrill 21, Chllouutn 7. Gilchrist 34. Hly 8. Malm I. Sacred llrart 0. Henley 13. Bonansa 8 i The Henley lloruru staged a 40-1 yard drive late In the fourth quarter ; Saturday afternoon to nip the Bo- j nauta Antlers. 13 to 3 Saturday night Malm walloped Sacred llrart. 19 to 0. under the lights mi the Merrill field. Drlbert Aram scored both times tor Henley, capping the winning I downfleld drive with a slash oil tackle to break a 8-8 tie. lilt speedy Hornet back skirled 1 end In the second quarter to give I Henley an parly lead. The con-1 version kick failed. Early In the j Itst quarter. Bonatiaa tied the score j MontanaStubborn ! Cougars Win 13-7 j Pl'LLMAN, Wash. Sept. 28 iPl I A supposed "breather" almost knocked the wind out of the Wash ' liif ion Slate college s football sails I Suturday. For three and a halt I quarters, the surprisingly stubborn ! Montana Stale uuliernlty eleven ' slugged It out on even terms, only tn bow grudgingly 13-7. I The WUC eleven broke the sror- Ing Ice midway In (hi third period ; on Marvin Cms' three-yard spring I aiound end. but sophomore Half- bark Bud Rnffler missed the con version. Haifa ay through the final period. Montana End Ray Bauer snuggled Tommy Kingsford's pass to his rhest on the W8C 38 and scooted scrota to knot the count. Bob Byrne's kirk put the visitors out In i front. Two minutes later. Bob Oambold j hit Don Paul with a pass good for 43 yards and a touchdown to give ! the Cougars their margin of vie ; lory, otto Koflrr'a try-for-poiiit i was good. 6)JT mr me w AT AT f M I Melrose Make eeaude... it has a mellow mildness ... an authentic, old-time whiskey flavor . . . that is uniquel Its perfect smoothness is proof of superb quality - for only in MELROSE RARE is every drop of whiskey 6 and 7 years old . . . blended with grain neutral spirits. There's no drink ' to compare with MELROSE RARE. tVJ 01 '2.50 rx RARE BLENDED WHISKEY. 90 "ronf. Thg ItfilRM whiskies In (hit prmtucl if! 6 vstn of mora old. 40 ttnishl whiskey, 60 tram neutral sptrita. 15 iliamhl whit.ev 6 vssri Old, 25 airtight whk,, 1 year old. Melrost snd Company, inc, Icsda. hurtl, MiryltSd. TROJANS but an offside violation nullified the extra pulut. The vltiory was mslly l "! Icy'. Dale Fleming, tenlrr, dl located his shoulder early 111 the game and will probably be out for three weeks. Dli k Meeker relieved Firming and playrd a bang-up game but fell off a hay wagon Balurday night and 3D stitches were taken In hli leg. Meeker may bt out for the entile teatnii. The Malm Mustangs scored In (ha first, second tnd third quarters in downing Hit Ho red llrart Tnijauv Halfback l.cnna!d Webber tallied twice on end sterna and Fullback Trii DrMrrritl cracked the line fur the third score. U of W Student Wins Fish Derby KKATTI.K. Sept. 38 l4t-Ptl Mr lui. a 30-year-old senior at the University of Wathlngtmi dental school, topiird more than inoO finalists In the tlsth annual IMOoO Seattle Timet city salmon derby yesterday with a 28-pound. 13-ounco I'akil M. Uhi and four other top con testants earn received a new car. GUN j REPAIRING 1 AND REBLUEING 3 4 4 Dene efficiently, speedily, and A to ewatemer's complete a lit- J ftrtlon. J 4 The GUN STORE 4 4 714 Msla It, Laaaaaaaaaa . fiKjOmpinyW w r 3 i imspi Melrose MT U I Ml 1 I