MONDAY, SEPT. 26, 1949 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SEVEN Oregon, California Potato Referendum Balloting this Week 1 I lot Ull ftlili h IlUtl potlllo groweri Id U9 Oregon and two Cal-! countlra will vote cm pin pMd nitmrtinvnU to tha rilhUiii Inlrml nmikrling urclrr tvrrnmg hr "' -if of potatoe hiumii in tlmt pKMhictlun mr uv lrrn dUtilliut rd to grower and. to on counted, the riivrliiiM hi whirl, the blloU are rturnrd mUnt be po.tmaikrd liol Ulrr Hum KriiUy, Hriit. 30. liny ThU amiouiKenirnt Wm inudi to day by William J. l.roaOhrat,, field reprrchlUva In Portland for the fruit ad vegetable branrh it t'HlM'i nriHlucllnn and markrlliiK adminUtrntion, who Mid thai mira roplr of the ballot and Instruction could ba oUtaiiml at the of I it ot the Agilcultutat CotiMTVaMori auo elation or al the nil Ire o( the county rilen4n agent in each county ( lectrd. Public llrarlnn Hie referendum follow j.iullf tiraiing al Mrrtill and l-lmnil. Ore., April ll-M. ltMU, and the ut aequant UHDA thai tha proponed amriulme nta be Step-In Coatdress! - - - Ul adopted, kiibjert to grower approval In a referendum. Tha amrmiuiriiu, propontd by the) Orrgun-Cullloinla I'utato cointnlt j lee, wind, BiltninUter the oidrr. I would piovlde for an adiulnUtrallve co in ii ill tea compowu o! aeven pro- j ducera and three handler, In lead 1 of the pirM-nl roimiuitre cimipoKad of nx piodurera and three handler, and would enlarge the present pro due tton area conijHiKrd of the roun tie o( IrM huU, c:ook. and Klam ath In Orrgoii, and Modoc and Hu kiyou countlrn In California, to in clude the two additional Oregon counilet of JrfferMin and Lake. J Another Itaue j In addition, undrr the proposed ! auirndmrnta to the order, the ad mitiuti alive committee would be! authorized to recuinmend regula j li'Mi by grade and ie u( any or j all varletle of table totk or wed. by either coiuumer or whnienale patki, or both, for any or all por tion of the produrtion area, during any periled of Ihr marketing jraftou 'lite committee rould aim recom mend that peclaj coiuideratton be given U fthlpuieni tor export or lor other ipecial purpc uch a tor llventiMg tred or relief dUtrlbutlnn o that all men out leu might be uwd to full advantage. IroUlon U made fir ea.abll'hiiiff minimum landard ot quality and maturity' at any time. The pntpoitrd amendment to the marketing order, in order to be. made eliecine. muii be favored by at lrat two-lhrd of the voters par- 1 tlripatlng In the referendum, by ' number of volume of production. I 7 r'J. - "Vl BOMHINGf a, l MANGE IK 4-1 Ilk. A r x.'--" ' lis l nirA j yv"V i 1 I : Qj u. s. s r. oo? wji J : W) I f0LI nPC aj'0"M'c iiVJ0-,J Russian I J''"AHKVTXV' I " BOMBING tX.- -VfC I "bange A'fy vv Af .m',c HIGH SCHOOL News and Comments y Flo Ann Parkin 1& MARUN MARTIN TH lht nw prlnrru look I Btrp nihl Into lh nfw rodtrtrrw iU th linf ilit mold your prrf.jr I'Murr Wid rnllar. tmnl plril uh lmiblr'tHinrlr1 bck1 Pattrni 90HJ (nmn In tires 14, Id. II. 30: 33. 34. 3. 31. 40. U. 8ll 1 takn 4, yartli 3-lnrh. Thi. ruy-tn-un paturn fives perfect fit. Complete. Illustrated dew Chart ahowa you every step. rlend TWrNTT-riVE rents In roint for this pattern to Klamath alia llrrald and News Pattern De partment, P. O. Iln 8140. Chlraso n. Ill Print plainly YOI'R NAMK. A.IIIIKIHH, ZONK M7.K. hTVI.K M JuJit out our Marian Martin Kail and Winter Pattern Bonk I Kmart, new clothea to sear at home, (lift Ideai be Hi' arora. Bend fifteen rents fur this book a frr Pattern I printed In the book new wrkit to arar lth your skirts and dre-rsl A-BOMB DELIVERY Disclosure of the Russian atomic ex plosion hos set off speculation on her ability (a "deliver" otomie bombs. Experts doubt that the best Soviet bomber believed to be a modified B-29 could strike torgets more thon 2000 miles from the most advanced Sibenon base and return. Thus, they believe U. S. cities are presently out of ronge. However, red planes could conceivably fly one-way missions of 4000 miles over the U. S., ditch in the ocean ond be picked up by ships Upper ore on mop shows present ronge of U. S. bombers. B-36's, ably to fly 10,000 miles without refueling, could strike any target in Russia and return. Cain Ponders i Race Against Magnuson WA8HINOTON. 8ept. 24 t Senator Csln IR-Wahi said today friends havt suitiented he realm hut senate seat and run next year for the seat now held bv Senator Mir nuson lO-Wa-hi. He said he will make no decision for months and will not conmder It If some strong OOP candidate cornea forward asalnst Mnoton. Mannuiwns term expires Jan. !. I 1861 and he la up for re-election next year. Csln s term expires Jan. 1, 1853. I The OOP stratexy back of et tlni Cain o resign and run against i Magnuson would be aimed at se- curing both senate seats from wasnington for me republicans. against Magnuson than could any other repuuwean. Cain aald In an Interview: "friendship and common sense necessarily dictate that I give the proposal my ernest consideration but It will be several months be fore I reach a decision for I must know the situation In the stale. "In the meantime, the Washing ton state republican party may de velop one or more candidates against Senator Magnuson that would make It unnecessary lor me to follow the suggestions friends. el me Don't mm food net ah op the Want A 4s every dayl It para I SEE LANPHEAR before you burn! !! Mala Pta. 2J Elections f class officers will be coming up in the near future, probably this week. The Junior class has already made nominations and the senior homerooms each selected one member tor the nominating committee for that class. This sen ior nomlnatliir committee will make their choices tomorrow and 1 "hi"f h" ? r'bUcM g over- to. ...ilnr.l.s, ..l,,. .Ill u k.U , WflO COUJQ 1 hurray for further nominations. I Cam'." unexwed'uirm Those suggesting It argue that I wain could maxe a better race lloaeeer, nominations from the a signed statement of the nominee, signifying his acceptance of the nomination. Out of the members of this year's student congress has come tha noon hour activity committee which will Investigate and plan activities for the noon hour. Bob Scott Is chairman of the committee and the membership Includes Ronnie Lowell, Don Mrlntyre, Rod 1 n m a n, Bsrbara Custer, Jesnette Rusteen and Alice Geary. The committee was first suggested and organized last year. dorn moat of the halls In the most strategic places. Cycle Couple Crash, Hurt A motorcycle failed to make a curve on the steep OTI road early flunday afternoon ai-d Injured t h e driver and his rompanion, Harold Hani. 301 N. Rrrs, and his 11. year-old wife Donna. The young people were en route to Klamath Falls when the ma chine left the road, hurtled a ditch and then tore through a barbed wire frnre before stopping in a field. Kaler's ambulance was called and moved the two to Klamath Valley hospital where Hani was treated and dismissed but his young wife remains a patient. Hhe received mi nor ruts, bad bruises and shock. Mrs. Haul s mother la Mrs. Helen Bmllh. clerk at the Oil campus store. The accident occurred at 1:18 p m. Man Burned, Wife Injured in Wreck HAI.EM. Sept. ?A i-fA Eugene motorist was thrown Into a pool ot burning gasoline and his wife In lured last night when their car atrurk a rattle truck iear here. Critically burned was William Mellor, 47, of 730 River road. Eu- I Demo Women's jWocus Meet Set Tomorrow Local observance of national Democratic Womini Day t o I morrow will be marked by a gath ! erlng of Democratic women at the j home of Mrs. Psul Buck at Wocus. A pot luck luncheon has been ar ! ranged for I p. m. Mrs. O. C. Tat ; man and Mra. A. P. Condrey. who ' attended the democratic western I states conference, will report on the event. The women will tune In to Presi dent Truman's speech at 3 15 p. m. i which Is being broadcast by KKLW . on the ABC network, commemorat ; Ing the occasion. Mrs. M. P. Leonsrd. state demo cratic vice chairman, wilt' be In Jai kson and Douglas counties t o I morrow, attending a luncheon o f I democratic women ot Jackson coun j ty and visiting a newly organised group In Douglas county. gene. He was thrown Into the gaso line which had spilled from a tank knorked from his car by the Impact. The truck waa driven by Harold Whltls, Seattle. ! 'Dutch' Bergman's Death Reported Prlends here have learned of the recent death ot Mr. A. E. i Dutch i Bergman of Huntington Beach. Calif. Mr. Bergman has vls..ed here annually for the past 15 years and has many friends In the community.. A son, Bobby Bergman, 's making his home with his mother, Mrs. Harry Martin of Merrill. The second Uauc of the Krater . came out today for the subscribers : only. The subscription campaign is j still going on and w-ill continue un I til at least 700 subscriptions are I sold. Staff members are canvassing homerooms and a booth has been I set up In the main hall to sell the I Kralers during noon hour. Another committee consisting of 1 Keith Donahoo. chairman, and Max ! vin Ncrseth and Harold Howard has been appointed for Investigation of waste material. So far as It ran be concluded, this committee will place the waste receptacles that a- Willtam Moxley s first year Suan. Uh studenu have begun the course by learning all the Spanish strjt names In Klamath Palls and tran slating them. In addition they have learned moat of the common Span ish words used by everyone, like "patio" and "corral." Second year studenu have written themes about their activities this summer, all In Spanish and the classes have seen several movies about Mexico and South America. Tod u if 'h bun ill Itoittlvtl Wltiskeyl Pebbleford KiMiliM-ky Sfrniglit Ilourliou Whiskey Bottled in Bond 100 proof PEBBLE ,; a&KVS&f FOR RENT tt VMS tsaata Sewing Machine! Lais M-t Sewing Machine Service Ai gseksaes ttis Ikuu Sit rhaa hqt. fj pint enjoyed Im limm Amerlemm home m arm W" tM s-U .''. . . 1 I st astii t I tr fmaf StBBLEFORb 'JLis rT?V1l I THE STIAIGHT WMISKtY DISTIllINO CO. OF AMERICA, INC., N. T, C. Mold flavored gelatin In an right inch square pan and when set cut In cubes: serve the cubes as a salad on a bed of shredded greens with sour cream dressing: or serve as dessert In sauce dishes with soft custard sauce. See Life Magailne, page J4, Sept. ! Issue. ROrtR ROPER, your (.llddrn Dealer. BWSWWsWWSBSWHPSaWWSWSJWWBSSWMRiaWWSBl I use only genuine packaging maierials! Approved by International Harvester Home Economist, Irma Hardiof. it FOR COMPLETE TRUCK SERVICE ALWAYS THINK OF JUCKELAND TRUCK sM-.v' visssWfc.'s. 1 If h and Klamath, Klamath Falls SALES & SERVICE, Inc. Phofi 775S mm 0U MagNAUCiIITON s IMPORTED o?. . . . WllitUUWII' $470 ll OUASl pin M pisa roii( h6" -. Yei...of all Cansdisn Whiskies, MacNAUGHTON'S itsnds out! Compart its lighter, smoother quality iis finer taste. MacNAUGHTON'S can t be duplicated. Its ever-increasing popularity proves its incom parable qualify. w5?i Jttitfcf ftleriteff ens) RrttttJ Nnfr IAS tufMrrtilew a the ,( V.f)l V Kfnmna for JOIIM MmtMAVUnmn CO, Mimlrntl, P. f 'ananta CANADIAN WHISKY, A HIND, Is.S U. i. fOOf tCHINHY IMfOUt COttfOIAttON, NEW YORK, N. V, MacNAUGHTON'S A (IEN0 s esoouct o cansm J Wten a tamps a daisy.... . . watch it vanish ihcUr Packard's famed "self-controlling" Limousine Ridel Until you've experienced the silent, gliding restfulness of this roomy Packard -you're just not up-to-date on fine or comforts! Packard calls it the "Limousine Ride" because many of its advance ments were first developed for the magnificent Packard Limousine. But the first and foremost secret of its superiority lies in Packard's costly "self-controlling" suspension system. "Self-controlling" means it compen sates automatically for changes in load and road. "Self-controlling" means it Delivered here New lower Packard prices begin al 2537" Sltlt tn4 lotml Uxei. if y. tni u hilt ttdtuMi (3 tbaun thou I, txtr. Price J SM 'rry iligbtly in tdjoimut rM iersu Irmmportdtto tbirgti. combines relaxing smoothness with firm, level-keeled rosdahility. "Self controlling" means it won't develop "baby-buggy bounce" in its later years! ASK THt MAN WHO OWNS ONI Packard LEE HUFF MOTOR CO. 603 S. 6th Sr. Klamath Falls, Ore. Liomis Fun (Frolic Pelican Theatre, Sept.27,28,29 The fastest 90 minutes you ever spentt I. L-y wmry l It IB VS.' II Tickets now On Sale at Tha Gun Store TIESOAT Student Night Curtain. 1:3 Sc witn anv . student body card WED. THl'RS. Curtain. :15 (irneral Adm. Ralconv . . If Main tloor . I S' Reaenred . 2.40 (Tag Inc.) W.OS-- o9" it0' 14 Acts 'nc'u"n9 snappy show tunes, sparkling comedy and minstrel show. Proceeds will buy glasses for local needy children, and will go into the OTI student loan fund. V