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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1949)
SATURDAY, SEPT. 24, 194? HERALD AND NIVVI. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGI ELEVEN JMWearyYan msav y Hugh Eulltrton NKW YORK, Hrpt. 34 11 Two o( tli loslngrst cliilx In pro Innt. ball til' Chicago lluriirla mid Nrw York llulliloga arrin lo be rimluf up villi ii' deals an well a a nrw namea thin aeaatm. , . th Hornets formerly ItoestrU have won llirrr of lour gamra ao tar on mora than thrlr Kital vlrtorlra lor Uu past two araaona. . .Hi llullilogs lormrrly Hi ItoaUm Yanka liav lost 1 1 v rxlilblton games to Western Nulliut al Irami rlulM by total ol 3 point and Irrl thry'll do somewhat better III league plav III the rant. .. In fart Coach Charley Kwart think two ol lua Inrklra Carl VoKrlanr and John Nolan an all-lragur ponalbllillra and that good atari lor any tram. Starting thr ID48 loolball araaon Coach IHalr Chrrry drrsed out hu U. ol Texas foothiill playrra in llaaliv whur nylon pant. .. North Carolina promptly bral aam oil tnrin. , . wlirn It hanprnnt again In III Oklahoma gam thr Unl horns diarardrd tli nrw garb and fimOied not a allrreasllll season. . . the Tran thought thry had rndrd th Jinx whrn thry got away with ; wearing wnitr Instead of oraniir in i th Oram Uowl, ao thry brought out th nylon again ui atart thr 1140 season against Traaa Tern. . so in th srrund quartrr Ilobbv 1)11 I o n hradrd lor thr goal. Bobby Close, trrh bark, mad grab lor him and ripprd the aral right out ol Dlllon'a tanry panu. . .Dillon Insist h wasn't brought down. . . It waa Just an mbarard pause but Ui Longhorna tlgur on going bark to thnr old orangr brltrhra whrn thry play Trmplr Saturday. Word Irom Chicago U that Lukr Appling, th lam' rholr. ran hav tli job ol managing th Whit Mux any timr h want It but hr doesn't want It. . . ainra In took ovr th Clrvrland Uarona. J I to llrndy haa mart ao many trartri they're railing him th David Hnr lira ol horkry. . . but Jim at ill thlnka llarum la aomrthlng hr needs mor ol on hia hrad. .. jscor on tor television: Urorg Miingrr, P n n football roach, plana lo wear a regu lar ault on thr brnrh Ihta tall tn trad ol tli playrra uniform h haa affrrtrd I o r aear. . . . .horrible thought drpt Norih Carolina haa; a sophomore- wmgbark nanird Hob 1O00 Oooi Oantt, who haa brrn do ing aomr lanry running, lmagtn what th publicity guya will do with th combination ol Ooo Ooo and Choo Choo i Johnny Pesky, In little Rrd Sox Inlirldrr. who haa hit only arvrn j horn runa In lour seasons, brltrd two in Important gamca against thr Yankee thu season. . . Prankie roach and T-quartrrbark ol an En. Pa, arml-pro loolball Inn thu araaon and haa tour other lor mrr Ororgia playrra working lor him. . .worn a rrporlrr waa drlayrd In an rlfort to Intrmrw Trd Where att, Indiana U. freshman roarh. h yrllrd acroaa th field: "Her, Trd. You going lo b hrr lor a whllr " .whrrrat Whrrratt ahoutrd bark: I hop ao. r brrn hrr a yrar and a hail and I Ilk It tin.' Wrestling Bear Will ShowHere Promoter Mark Llllard hlu high In entertainment Wednesday night. He haa a wrestling brar. Ulngrr, lined up to tent Oordon Peeler of Arkanaaa lor 15 mln utea. at th armory. Thu will mark thr first time Olnger, weighing In th neigh borhood ol 400 pounda, haa ap peared here although ahr'a enler talnrd parked house In thr EaU Th burly animal la handlrd and tralnrd by Les Wrlch. II Perlrr ran alay with the brar lor IS mtnutra. Welrh will personally present him with 1100. In lh ojsrnrr Wrlch. a grappler himself, will mix with thr Tannraar hillbilly Stocky Nrllaon In a 30-mlnutr, one-fnll affair. Al flrasi and Bill MrKuIn go al It for 30 mlnutra to onr fall In the arcond bout. Bob Cum mlnga will try to whip hand some Pirrre LaDelle In the third bout. The brar will appear aa the laat feature. K Veterinarian Opens New Offices Dr. Joseph T. Rlkrr, Klamath Palls veterinarian, haa opened oil ice In his new lnratlon on S. 8th street near th Merrlll-Lakevlew Junction. The animal hospital and the new home built by Dr. and Mrs. Rikrr are under one roof with connecting passageway. Cotuliurtlon Is pumice tile. The hospltnl haa two separate kennel rooms, bathing facilities, aurgrry and examination room anil outside runs; for boarding dogs. Box nulla have been completed In a barn for handling horses and cattle. Dr. Rlker hope to encour age owners of larger animals to bring them to the hospital for treat mem. The 1-bedroom home It bring completed this week. High-Riding Boston Bombers Divide With Lowly Hy Tlir Associated Prraa Tli Nrw York Yankrra, allowing alicna ol wrarlnraa, today tnlcr the Inlr ol thrlr only roadblock lo the American Iragu rnnanl the Boa ton Hrd Hox. Jo MiCartliy'a Itrd Hox. riding a aevrn-gamr winning atrrak, trail th Yanka by two gam. Ill Yanka hav loal two out of thrlr laat three atari to arcond dlvlalon cluba. McCarthy haa lili two 30-gam wliinrra. Kills Kinder and Mrl Par nell reaily lor tli Yank Invaalon. Kinder i23-3i la arnrdulrd to pitch Ui arrlra oirnrr today, with the Irfthandrd Parnrll ili-l to go Hiinday. I.rlty M Lopat 15-i haa brrn aelecteil to work lor thr Yanka against K inner with Alllr Rrynoliti ill-m lo match aklll with Parnrll. Pollowlng thrlr two-game claah In Huston the two roitlrndrra will men again In New York on Mon day to play oil a prevloualy poat ponrd game. Mranwhllr. I lie 81 l-ouls Card lnala and the Brooklyn Dodger re- Oregon High School Grid Scores Klamath Kail 1. Salem 0. La Grande 47, Ontario 6. Ashland 33, Redmond 7. Koarburg 14. Cxiillle 0. MarsnllrM 14. Myrtle Point 14 (llei. Grant Pasa 26. North Bend 1. Kerdsport 34, Florence 6. Pendleton 1J. Pasco, Wash., (. Wallowa 41. Enterprise 12. Curvallla 14. Bend 13. Junction City It. Independence 0. Albany a. Lebanon a u. Klmlra 20, Lowell 0. Cottage Urove 13, Bwrrt Home 0. University It. 61 Mary's 11 iboth Eugene i. Hood Hirer 35. Sandy 0. Katacada 31. Odell li Central Catholic i Portland) 6. Mllwaukle mei. Molalla 31. Htayton 0. Woodburn 27. willamlna 0. West Linn 6. Tlgard itiei. New berg 45. Forest Grove 13. Hillsboro is. Oregon city 0 McMlnnvlIle 35, Beavrrton 14. Banka 14. Amity 0. Mrdlord 47, Tillamook 0. Columbia Prep c Portland I 15, Pnrkroa 13. fit. Helena 18. Vernonl I. Rainier 20, Sraalde . Tule Claws Wildcats A rough bunrh ol Tutelak Honk' rra umrd KU a Wildcat footballers by a 44-It at Tulelak yesterday afternoon. Scoring at least once In each period Hi Tulelakers had eatab ltahrd a lt-7 margin by halltlmc. Pullbark Del ben Yardy put hu mates Into an early lead In thr conlrst, scampering around end for thirty yard and a TD. Th con vert kirk made li 7-0 alter the first minute ol play. Duane Keller cam bark tor the growling klttena a few playa later, booming over from the three-yard atrip. But the Honker homed bark In with two more tally trie before thr breathing period. Snarling at the hrela of (lie Tule lakers, the loral lads rarked up another payoff try Irom their op ponent 1-yard line to atart the third period, deadlocking the fray, 10-10. Prom that point, however. It waa Tulelak all th way. Thry racked up two more tourhdowiu and on conversion In th third period, and added on more major aortle In the final canto. 'Russian Roulette' Loser Critical DALLAS, Tex, Sept. 34 (Pi Ron ald Freeman, 15, lost in "Russian roulette" and hospital attendants said today his condition la critical. He ahot himself In the right temple yesterday with a revolver. A friend. James Grayson. 12, was with Freeman. He said Freeman took thr shells out. Then he twirled the cylinder a tew times, put three sheila bark and said, "Let play Russian roulette." Grayson said Freeman put th gun to hi temple and pulled the trigger. Gene Brarden of the Indiana brat every American League tram ex cept the Yankrra a freshman pitcher last season. The Yankee topped him twice. ? I IIANCK TONITE t EAGLES' BALLROOM-:. For Member and Their Friends A JL Muslo by JL f RIIKPIIKRD'S t F.AGLE-ODIANS aume thrlr pennant bids In the National league. The Cardinals, leading the Dodg- rra by a half gamr, entertain the last place Chicago Cuba In a night game while the Doilgera play host to the third place Pliilad-liilila Phlla under the light at Eubeta Held. Ht. l-ouli, Brooklyn and th en tire National league were Idle yes terday. The Yanka divided a double header with the last place Wash- C'EST BON! Soup's on, ond Marcel Cerdan gives it the fi nal check before title bout with Jake LaMotta of the Polo Grounds, September 28.. The Casablancan will attempt to regain the world's middle weight crown. Shorts Cougars Odds-on Favorite PULLMAN. Wash, Sept. 24 Washington State college was an odda-on favorite this afternoon to win Its Pacific Coast confrrrnre football opener from Montana Buitr unlverslly. The Cougars romped over the Montanana 4S-0 last year but were upset 13-12 In 1047. ELLEN8BURO. Wash, Sept. 24 is! Willamette's Bearcats, beaten 79-0 by Idaho In their season's curtain raiser a meek ago, bounced back last night to humble Central Washington college, 23-0. A lield goal a minute before the end of thr first half and touch downs by Oonawltx. Clabaugh and Warrrn in the second hall ac counted for the scoring by the Northwest conference club. Crntral. of the tvenrrren conference, has failed to tally In Its first two games HAYDKN LAKE. Idaho. Sept. 24 yC. J. O'Connell. president ol the Butte, Mont, Oun club and widely known Northwest trapshoot er, was under treatment today In a 8pokane hospital alter suffering a heart attack here yesterday. He was atrlrken shortly after arriving by car to compete in a shoot that got under way this morning. SPOKANE. Bept. 24 lPt Ooniaga university will open a 28-gamr basketball schedule November 29 against Central Washington college. Other toes Include Washington 8tatr, Idaho. Whitman. Whllworth, Eaatern Washington. Montana. Se attle university, Portland university and the Phillips 68 Oilers, who will appear here December 10. The schedule waa released yesterday by Athletic Director Archl P. Sherar. Floating anchored weather dromea ara suggested by the U. S. Coast Guard to be used Instead of vessels as weather stations In the Atlantic and other waters.. Econo my 1 th objective. Several New York counties are larger In area than Rhode Island or Delaware, c a KLAMATH FALLS ARMORY HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! LAST TIME TONIGHT FINAL PERFORMANCE - - I:1S TIUNSCtNOINaiY OPUIIMT NEW EDITION V ALL ODDS THI BIST TIT Grn. Adm. Urals $18 Ine, Tax Reserved Beat SI .10, ti t Inr. Tax iees i-ace Washington Iiittiun Senators, loelng the ten liming opener, t-l, but bouncing1 back to take th nighu-ap, 7-1. The arcond game was called after seven InnliiKs because of darkneaa. Hid Hudson's pop fly single, which dropped between Tommy lienrlcli and George 8tlrnwels with the bases loadrd and two out In the tenth coal the Yanks th first game. Lefty Jo Page who blew a 1-7 lead to Chicago In the ninth Inn ing Wednesday, came In lo protect the lead but again failed. The Yanks went to town early In the nightcap, scoring twice In the first round on three Wash ington errora. That was enough as Pred Banlord throttled Washington on four hit In bagging his seventh victory. Two night game were played. Virgil Trucks turned In his lath victory as he pitched the Detroit Tigers to a 5-0 flve-hlt virtory over Cleveland. Th Chicago White Sox downed th St. Louis Browns. 4-1. behind the lour-hit pitching of Randy Oumpert. College Grid Scores By The Aaaoriatrd Pre tAST Boston U. 33. Byracus 21. Oklnhoma-Boaton College post poned to tonight (Saturday rain. MIDH'KST Detroit 20. Tulsa 14. Western Reserve 23, Kent Slate 28 Nebraska Wesleyan 34. York i Neb i . Drake 42, Emporia iKas.) 0. Kalamazoo 13, Depauw 7. Mt. Union 3, Adrian 13. Northwest Missouri 21. College Emporia 0. St. Johns (Minn.) 32. Macalaster 13. Northern Illinois 40. Washburn 27. Co 21. Iowa Central 31 (tiel. Simpson 13. Upper Iowa 7. Superior (Wis.) 13. Eau Clair I Wis I g. St. Olaf 2t, St. Marv (Minn.) (. HOl'TH Georgia 42. Chattanooga 6. Washington A Lee 27, Purman T. Mississippi 40, Auburn 7. Memphis State 70, Tampa 8. West Va. Bute 13, Virginia Union . Oullford it, Hampden 8ydney 13. HOI THWKIsT Hendrlx 20. College ol Orsrks 0. FAR WEST Colorado Mines 12, Colorado State O. Southern Idaho 14, Utah Branch Agriculture 0. College ot Pacific 52, Lo Angeles Loyola 0. Whlttler 30. Santa Barbara . Willamette 23. Central Wash ington 0. 8 now 38. Hill Air Force Base 0. Pacific Fleet Destroyers 27, Brig ham Young 13. Lakcview To Fete Flyinq Farmers LAKEVIEW. Sept. 24 Lakevlew Flying Farmers will be entertained at the Lakevlew municipal airport Sunday. September 25. with a flight breakfast served Jointly by the Lakevlew flight of the civil air pa tio), the Lake County Aeronautic association, and the Lake County chamber of commerce. Don McNeil, chamber manager, said he haa received a letter from Claude Williams. Prlnevllle, presi dent of the Flying Fanner group, informing him that Invitations have gone out to the groups membership. A large visiting attendance 1 ex pected, and the three sponsoring groups request that loral residents turn out In numbers to help greet the visitors. The waffle and hotcak breakfast will be served from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The late starting hour will give Fly ing Farmer from the farthest Ore gon points time to reach Lakevlew lot breakfast. To Buy or Sell Use the Wsnt-Adjl NEW CAR BUYERS! from noir until September 30th, u-ith every new car purehaned, you trill yet FREE OF CHARGE A Hudson Radio worth $83.98 A Hudson Heater Come in today and nee how cany It In to drive out a ALU ffiffont ANDERSON AUTO SERVICE It Walnut "Your ffc f. "a MARION NABBED AT THE PLATE St. Louis Cordinols' Marty Morion (centei), attempt ing to score from second on Stan Musiol'f double off the right field screen, is togged out ot the plate by Dodgers' cotcher, Roy Campanello (39) who took throw from Right Fielder Corl Furillo. Umpire is Bill Stewart. Cards won 1-0 in ninth inning :r recent first gome of cru ciol series. The Burnt took the next two. Grid Slate Today Should Lure Upwards Of Million-and-Half NEW YORK, Sept. 24 OPy-More than a million and a half fans are expected to turn out today for the first big Saturday of college football. It's an outpouring such as the sport seldom sees In September, with five games assured of crowds In excess of 50.000 If the weather Is favorable. The biggest flock a capacity o! 7.000 is being counted on to at tend the meeting of Michigan, the mythical national champion, and Michigan State at Ann Arbor. Michigan officials say 100.000 may finally Jam into the enlarged Wolverine stadium. The day' Inlersectional head liner. Navy against Southern Cali fornia, la expected la lure 15.80 to Oil battle of apaetter at Lea An geles, Tha midshipmen lied Army SANDERS DENIES ALLEGATION THAT FORMER IOWA GRIDDER 'INFORMED' IOWA CITY. Ia, Sept. 24 tPi A former University of Iowa football player stood accused today of tell ing Hawkey gnd secret to an opposing coach, who promptly de nied the charge. Shortly after athletic officials re vealed the alleged plot laat night without naming the "Informer a two-year lelterman. still a itudent at the university, said he I the man accused. He is Jim Lawrence, formerly of Leavenworth. Kas.. who played cen ter for Iowa In 1M8 and 1947. But he declared his telephone calls to Henry iRed Sanders. UCLA head coach, were -purely social." In his statement he was supported by Sanders, whose Uclans play the Hawkeyes here this afternoon. Iowa President Virgil Haneher. commenting on the case, said a Yesterday's Stars Pltrhmg Virgil Trucks, Tiger, recorded his IStb victory aa he pitched Detroit to 5-0 victory ov-r Cleveland. Baiting Ed Malone. White Sox. banged out triple, double and two singles to pace Chicago to a 4-1 triumph over St. Louis. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT V. Varh TVrrv Vdllllff 140V . New York, outpointed Enrique Bo- lanos. 137 ix Angries. iu. Hollywood. Calif. Rudy Oarcia. 128. Los Angeles, outpointed Jackie Blair. 128W, Dallas. 10. Omaha. Neb. Baby Joe Walcott. 16Si, Omaha, outpointed Alvln Williams. 162 'i. Wichita 10. BED TO BED CELLE. Germany Pi A man In Bredenbestel near here bet f 15 that he could eat 100 boiled potatoes at on time. He lost. Hts stomach was emptied at a hospital and he swore he would never eat boiled potatoes again. X-ray pictures now may be taken through a piece of steel 10 Inches thick, with an exposure of nine min utes, using a 10.000.000-volt mobile betatron. Arab sheiks flavor thler tea with mint. AND "Weathermaster" worth 563.98 Hudson Dealer" Ph. 8168 .; .' f aod the Trojans drew with Notre Dam la let eaa nuptial last year. Notr Dame' Irish, a notch be hind Michigan la th IMS rank ings, are hoet at Sauth Bend t Indiana. This in Ira-state feud la a 58.M selUut. Southern Methodist' southwest conference champions play Wake Forest, th rugged Deacons from the Southern conference, before an anticipated 65.000 at Dallas. More than 50.000 are figured to watch Harvard and Stanford, two onetime grid greats striving to re gain the upper tier, tangle In another Intersections! feature at Palo Alto. Calif. Other games expected to draw close to 50.000 are North Carolina vs. North Carolina State at Chape! H1U, Northwestern vs. Purdue at "breach of canons" was Indicated He added that "moral turpitude or Intent could hardly be condoned and that "such a student would not be Justified In receiving a de gree from this university. Lawrence is a senior student Athletic Director Paul Brechler Issued a statement expressing regret over the Incident and saying "so far as we're concerned the whole affatr U dosed." Sanders said he became acquaint ed with Lawrence while he i Sanders) was coaching at Vanderbilt univer sity prior to going to UCLA this year. He said Lawrence made three calls to him at Los Angeles, and that the only direct reference to Iowa's foot ball team was when Lawrence BLAMATH ELS SCHEDULE trrtCTIVE CCTCCCC 3, 1349 SHASTA WAY 1 Is 1 X i if 5:40 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:C0 11:00 12:00 1:00 1:00 3:00 4:00 3:00 AM 6:00 625 7:2S 8:2a 9 25 10:23 11:25 IMS 1:25 MS 3:25 475 5:25 TH Mate Schedule Chang "8:00 7:00 "8:00 1:00 M0:00 '11:00 12:10 8:10 7:10 8:10 1:20 10:20 11:20 12:30 Oralis Wiard Hlsjht Sbaata Way In Otr.!ls Ward Omits Hass-Hesaadal Omit Hop & Homedal SHASTA WAT 4 SOUTH SIXTH 1 ! 6 00 800 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 1:00 3:00 4:00 3:00 6:00 7:00 6:00 6:00 10:00 11:00 12:10 AM PM AM Th Sunday and Honed ale. Returns .V- r-s,.-a-'. o Evanson, Clemaon vs. Ric at Hous ton and Vanderbllt vs. Georgia Tech at Atlanta. The feature game an Last night' program. Oklahoma against Boatoo eoilece, waa washed ant hy rain at Boston and was rescheduled for to night. Oklahoma's Sogar Bowl champ are expected to find a real scrap on their hands. Action went ahead elsewhere. Boston University rallied with two third period touchdowns to sub due Syracuse before 25.000 on the Utter field. 33-21. Georgia started slowly but picked up fast to whip Chattanooga at Athens, Ga, 42-8. Washington and Lee upset favored Purman, 27-7. Detroit came from behind twice to repel Tulsa, 20-14. In the Detroitera' first Missouri Valley conierenca football game. quoted an unnamed source as say ing UCLA "had better be prepared for a four man Iowa line on de fense." Sander said he laughed this off. telling Lawrence It was "a traveling salesman's story." Sanders added that coaches receive many calls, letters and telegrams from fans "advising" them how to prepare for future opponents. All Fire Insurance rales are not th same. SEE LANPHEAR 118 Main Ph. 8923 AlTAMOlfT I SUMMERS LAME SOOTH SIXTH 4 HOMED ALE li J it h 6 20 AM 6:50 7:30 7:55 6:20 6:45 9:30 9:55 10:20 10:45 11:30 11:55 12:10 PM 11:45 1:30 1:55 2:20 1:45 3:30 1:55 4:20 4:45 3:30 3:33 Wot Scaedul Cacao 6:40 7:00 7:40 8:00 6:40 3:00 8:40 10:00 10:40 11:00 11:40 12:00 J o X l; 6:20 6:50 7:50 8:50 9:50 10:50 1150 AM 11:50 1:30 1:30 1:30 4:50 3:50 6:40 7:15 8:!5 9:15 10:15 11:15 PM 11:15 1:15 1:13 3:13 4:13 3:13 6:15 Hoi Schedule Caaar 6:20 7:20 8:10 8:20 10:20 11:20 8:40 7:40 8:40 f:0 10:40 11:40 Nlat South Sixth Osslt Shasta SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SCHEDULE SOUTH SIXTH 4 HOMED ALE 4 7:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 PM 11:00 1:00 1:00 3:00 4:00 3:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 6:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 AM AM i n 6:20 6:40 8-0 8 40 9:20 9:40 10:20 10 40 11-20 11:40 12:20 12:40 1:30 1:40 1:20 1:40 3:20 3:40 4:20 4:40 3:20 3:40 8:20 6:40 7:20 7:40 6:20 8:40 6:20 8:40 10:24 10:40 11:20 11:40 12:30 Holiday South Sixth bus will condaaa around Hop and OB South Sixth. Onlraaf Shasta Way. Oakland Cinches 2nd Spot By Th Associated Pros On night after Hollywood clinched th Pacific Coast league pennant Oakland sewed up second place. The Oaka took a twin bill from Portland, 8-2 and 3-2, last night to make It mathematically Impossible lor third place Sacramento to over haul them. Rookl Outfielder Bill Taylor made hi Oak debut with two homers and a single, accounting for all tha winners' run In tha second gam. The alugglng of th young aocker, down from Bremerton In the western International loop, gave Al Oettel the nod over Vine Diblssl In a tight pitchers' battle. Th Oaks pulled tha opened out of the fir with a five run blast In tha last hall of th seventh and final Inning. Trailing 3-1 coming up for their final bats, th Acorn tied it up and then aw big Don Padgett blast on over th fane with base loaded to end It with flourish. The double-barreled heroics thrust the Oaks within mgamesof Holly wood. Th pennant winners eased up after winning seven atraUtht and Seattle carved out a 7-2 win. Charley Schsnx scattered eight hits. Includ ing Irv Noren's homer, for hi 31st victory. HI Rainier mates kayoed Glenn Moulder with flv run In the third. Sacramento assured Itself of clear possession of third place. Bob Gil lespie checked San Francisco with tlx hits for a 2-2 victory, th Sc ions' sixth straight. It was th eighth defeat In a row for the Seal. Gillespie notched his 17th win as his mates rallied for a pair of de cisive runs off Harry Feldman la the sixth. Los Angeles and San Diego wra fogged out at the harbor city. A crowd of about 550 fan waited an hour and a half for the pea soup to lift, but the management finally had to call it off and booked a double-header for today. ...AND DONT FORGETI w onfy genuine PACKtClIC gUTItlAlS Q - C- a..:- w IrK one aMcial from food ssaftriala. approved by Irma Harding. Imeraaixaaal Har vrucr's Hone Icoooaint. -Vri-r.TI'JI .C. IT J HOT SPRINGS 1 ii 8:40 12:44 1:40 4:40 6:40 li 8:50 12:50 1:30 4:50 6:54 AM PM OREOOR AVE. 4 CALIFORNIA n u 7:10 AM 7:20 7:40 7:50 9:10 9 23 9:40 950 11:40 11:50 1:10 PM 1:20 1:10 1:20 1:40 3:30 5:10 - 3:20 3:40 3:30 las War ALTAMONT i n 7:20 9:20 10:20 11:20 12:20 1:20 1:10 3:20 4:10 3:20 620 7:20 6:20 6:20 10:20 11:20 ii 7:40 9:40 10:40 11.40 12:40 1:40 1:40 1:40 4:40 8:49 6:40 7:40 6:40 9:40 10:40 11:44 AM PM