FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 14 fACI FOUR HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORECON i? II ii 1 News TPTTA Notes PTA Council Starts York The Initial meeting of the Klam ath Council council of PTA for this year was held Tuesday, September 11, at Fremont school Following a short business sea akin, several Items of correspond ence were read by the secretary, Mrs. Richard Kranenburf . Included were letters received from Andrew Loner Jr. and Howard Miller of the Oregon Music association In which they expressed their appreciation to the parent-Teacher groups for the splended Job of housing over 3000 out-of-town students who partici pated in the state music festival held In Klamath Falls last spring. Mrs. Ronald Fisher, presiding of ficer, introduced Mis. Robert Dea ries who told of her plans tor a pre -school education center at her home, 116 Jefferson. Mrs. Earl Sheridan presented a eervtoa pin to Mrs. Frank Peyton In recognition of her services do ns ted toward PTA work In the past several reara. Announcement was made of a school of instruction to be held In Klamath Falls Tuesday, September 17, from 10 am. to 4 pm. In the women's psrlors of the First Meth odist church. Mrs. Helmer Llnd atrom. vice president of region 10; Mrs. Earl Sheridan, vice president ef region a. and Mrs. Ralph Herron, state visual education chairman, will be present to give Instructions and to aid in making each unit's work more successful. Altamont won the school count for having eight representatives present. The second council meeting win bt Tuesdsy, October 4, In the Fre mont auditorium. Roosevelt ! Members were given a cordis welcome by Darrell Potter, princi pal, at the first meeting of the Roosevelt PTA held ruesdsy after Boon. September 30 in the school auditorium. Mr. Potter told of forthcoming plans and the way par ants could help and then Intro duced the teachers, with corsages being presented to them by Mrs. Howard Dixon and Mrs. George Clark. Mrs. Robert A. Thompson, presi dent, announced the members of her board as follows: Mrs. Floyd Boyd, first rice president; Mrs. Arthur Reinhart, second vice pres ident; Mrs. Henry Perkins, third vice president: Mrs. C. H. Larktn. secretary; Mrs. H. o. Juckeland, treasurer; Mrs. James L- Brown, program chairman: Mrs. R. P. D nngson Jr., tea chairman; Mrs. A. B. Macartney, publications; Mrs. John Cox. budget; Mrs. Oeorge Flitcraft, room-mothers : Mrs. Howard Dixon, hospitality; Mrs. Edith Compton, publicity; Mrs. Lotus Soukup, sum mer roundup; Mrs. Clarence Hum ble. Founders' Dsy. The group enjoyed an excellent program consisting of violin solos by Mrs. Carl Qustafson accom panied by Mrs. Freeman Yount and a graphic and entertaining book renew, "Blllle Burke's Autobiogra phy "With a Feather on My Nose,' " given by Mrs. Len Buries. Tea was served following the meeting In the cafeteria by a com mittee composed of the entire board. Mis. Robert A. Thompson and Mrs. Floyd Boyd poured at the tea table which waa centered with a birthday cake for Mrs. Thompson. Room prises were won by Mrs. tlla Newton's and Mrs. Paul Deller s Summers Tuesdsy, September 10, wss the Bate of the flirt meeting of the Summers PTA group. Mrs. Fred Wolfrum, president, waa In charge Mrs. Edward Hewitt was elected secretary, replacing Mrs. Harry Lehigh who has moved to John Day. The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Estln Kiger, program chair man, who Introduced and presented corsages and boutonnleres to the following teachers. Mrs. Carl Tom lin, Mrs. yr. J. Stevenson. Mildred Peterson, Mrs. Wilbur Roblnette, Mis. Charles FalraU, Mrs. Richard Bttl Sped Ywr Good Motty t Htat tht Ct&bg Bfseoit Oft Hesse ts eod rJ. of give baft Oast rise hoot of she hstttf itv ae ibe Living; Zone; where tow tutlry s ft. Both'CircaUtio HesstasaUassMHewairwtimm r to w arm freer corner: of SjfTstf ysosj ewsv esjgaea SPARK xoum VMb htnimKttt Of VtMeff has Igaxo dark. See it todagt -VV ejHWGWfTtsaeATejl TWtssf Peyton tea Market Hannon, Mrs. Hro)d Ashley and Principal Richard Hannon. The principal discussed ichool In surance and answered many quae Uons about the new Fred Peterson school now under construction. Members who have volunteered as committee chairmen for tht currant year are. Mrs. Ksltn Kilter, pro gram; Mrs. John Nash, budget and finance: Mrs. Harold Ashley, con. greaa publications: Mrs Robert Fos ter, hospitality: Mrs. Harold New man, membership: Mrs. Edward Burke, publicity: Mrs. Ray Shell horn, room representative, and Mrs. Earl Tlchenor. study group. Mrs. Shellhorn has appointed tht following as room mothers: Mrs. Robert Hendershott and Mrs. Rob ert Emerson, first; Mrs. Wlllard Turner, second: Mrs. Louts Renn. second and third: Mrs. Deimer Heal, third: Mrs. Howard Kelllson, fourth; Mrs. Ray Crontn. fourth and fifth; Mrs William Rush, fifth. Mrs. Carl TomUn's first grade room won the traveling fish bowl for tht month of September. Mrs. Shellhorn was in charge of refreshments and was aided by Mrs. Richard Hannon. Mr. Christine Clark and Mrs. Donna Turner. Mrs. Charles Duggan and Mrs. Joe Meador entertained the children. Mi IMS The first meeting of the Mills school PTA was held Wednesday. September 11. with an interesting program presented by the program chairman. Mrs. A. O. Roenlcke. Principal Verne Spiers spoke on school policy. He stressed that a man has been deputised by city police to direct pupils and traffic at the East Main and Orchard crosswalk. Parents were urged to send their children to school by that route to help avoid accidents. He Introduced this year's teaching staff and announced that school enroll ment Is 64. Ruth Lobsugh led In the singing of three songs. Dedication of the new school auditorium Is set for October Further details will be announced soon. The PTA president. Mrs. Terry McCormack. welcomed new mem bers and teachers and Introduced her committee chairmen. The room count was won by Mrs. Southwell's first grade room and Mrs. Todd s fifth grade. Mrs. Bud Hansen wss elected vice president to fill a vacancy left by Mrs. Plcard. Refreshments were served by tht tea chairman, Mrs. Oeorge Oella gher. and her committee, Mrs. Keith Henry. Mix Raymond Brown. Mrs. L. A. Wslkley and Mrs. Stuart Day. Riverside Teachers at Riverside school for this year were Introduced by Don Ooldtng. principal, at tht first PTA meeting of the season. This year's enrollment of 1)7 Is Just about the same as last year's figure. Two buses are running this year to the Riverside district, giv ing more convenient service. Mrs. M. E. Ferebee, president, wss In charge of the meeting and In troduced committee chairmen who will assist her this year. They are, hospitality. Mrs. Hsgen Moore; pro gram. Norma Tucker; member ship. Mrs. Gordon Loo mis: and publicity, Mrs. Palmer Ounderson. Mrs. Gordon Loom is announced a special drive for PTA member ship, beginning September 20 and ending October S. Children may invite their par ents or anyone Interested to Join. The room that succeeds In getting the largest number of members will be rewarded with a party at the drive's dose. A cooked food sale was decided a a means to raise funds. The date will be determined later. Girl Scout leaders and other In terested persons were urged to at tend the training classes for Scout leaders at the Presbyterian church September 28. Ruth Larson Is to be Camp Fire WANTED! New and Used CAR SALESMEN Must Be Experienced Write Bos lei, Herald-News the FCICI AND TERMS HIRI eelMMC NTH & Co. Phone 1141 leader for tht seventh and eighth grades. Her telephone number Is 6334. The wish for a Cub Scout pack was expressed by mothers of boys In thst age group. Mothers art willing to assume the responsibility of being "den mothers." but the help of fathers Is also needed. Any one Interested may call Mrs. Fere bee at MM. The national PTA magaslnt Is available as la the PTA bulletin. If a copy of the bulletin Is desired, a chants of 36 cents will be made in addition to the 60 cent membership fee. A pre-srhool education center Is being conducted by Mrs. Robert Dedrtek. T16 Jefferson, and her plan was explslned at the meeting. Room mothers who have signed up to date are, first, Mrs. Reeder and Alice Olenn: second, Mrs. Logs den; third, Mrs. J. H. White and Mrs. J. Lewis York; fourth. Mrs. Oeorge Ferrell: fifth. Mrs. Father Hodges and Hasel Slegel; sixth. Mrs. Ounderson and Mrs. Moore, snd seventh. Mrs. L. C. Hornby and Mrs. A. t. Fttagerald. For the social hour, tea was served by the executive committee, Mrs. Olenn Reich and Mrs. J. H. White poured. Fairh aven A reception for teachers was the highlight of Fsirhsren's first PTA meeting of the year held Friday, September 16. Although there are no new members of the teaching staff. Mrs. Roomette, principal. In troduced each one for the benefit of parents new to the school Mrs. Bert Johnston presented each one with a corsage. Also In troduced were Mrs. Hodges and Mrs. Patton. cooks, and Mr. Cunning ham, the Janitor, also Important members of the school staff. A short business meeting wss con ducted by Mrs. Earl Kerns, presi dent for the second year. Mrs. Virgil Sdpptch. secretary, reported on the executive committee meet ing held September IS. The PTA will have a carnival Saturday. Oc tober 29 to raise funds needed for the year. Anyone Interested In helping plan the affair or who Is able to donate time Is asked to con tact Mrs. Kerns. Mrs. Mara reported that the Madras school principal sent his thanks for showing the children here for the music festival such fine hospitality. Members signed slips designating which committees they would like to serve on for the yesr. Committee chairman are Mrs. Lawrence Marts, membership; Mrs. T. O. 2 Inn. hospitality; Mrs. Tom Jamison, refreshments: Mrs. B. C. Johnston, parliamentary, and Mrs. Charles Mallow, publicity. The membership drive la now on with Mrs. Marts In charge. A leap frog la designating the progress of each room toward 100 per cent membership. All parents are urged to renew their membership as soon as possible. Mrs. O'Leary's eighth grade won the room count. The executive committee served refreshments. Altamont Mrs. Fred Oehnnan presided over the first meeting of Altamont PTA held last Thursday afternoon. Many frlenda and parents attended. The following officers were Intro duced by Mrs. Gehrman: first vice president, Mrs. Orvllle Ferrell: sec ond rice president, Mrs. Francis Davis; secretary, Mrs. Csrl Wllder muth: treasurer. Mrs. Nell Stewart; historian. Mrs. R. J. Arnot; parlia mentarian. A. C. Olson, and legis lation. A. R. Millard. Committee heads were Intro duced as follows: membership, Mrs. Ralph Daughterly: hospitality. Mrs. Paul Lee; publicity, Mrs. Ben Stone; program, Mrs. Csrl Kujsc: wsys and means, Mrs. Erhardt Blind; budget and finance, Mrs. Stanley Soran; magazine, Mrs. Charles Heaton; study group, Mrs. Everett Dennis; summer roundup. Mrs. A. C. Rusth; Founders Dsy. Mrs. Roy Wonser; room representative, Mrs. COMPANY PRODUCTS 70ASOLIMI UNOIAORIASI TRITON MOTOR Oil For Information I ' Union Oil Company IN- Ur J. It, Olodoskl. and bulletins, Mrs. 8. P. Thompson. The program opened with com munity singing led by Mrs. Davison and accompanied by Margartt Sheridan. A. R. Millard, elementary school principal, gavt a brief talk, and In troduced tht elementary teaching staff. A. C. Olson. Junior high principal, also spoke and introduced his staff. Mrs. C. L. Jones reported on the Questionnaires sent to tetchers by the PTA for Ideas on better cooper at! on between teachers and parents. Mrs. Beulah Elliott. Junior htgh teacher, read her essay, "Under standing Your Child." Two dance numbers were pre sented by Roberta Prultt and Judy Lee Prultt, accompanied by their mother, Mrs. Joe Olodoskl. Tht meeting wss adjourned, and refreshments were served by the eighth grsde mothers in the cafeteria. Peli can The first meeting of this year was held Wednesday. September 31. There mas community singing led by Mrs. Lois Llnd. Secretary and treasurer reports from last year were read. The resignation of the president-elect, Mrs. Dor Veatch, was presented and Mrs. Lewis Or rell. the first vice president, was elected to fill the president's chair. Mrs. Ira Zirkle was elected first vice president. The principal. Oerald Clemens. Introduced the teachers and Mrs. Griffith, librarian. The parents met with the teachers during the after noon. A room prise went to the fourth grade for the largest percentage of parents present. Membership. Hal loween parties and the program for the year were discussed. It was re ported thst purchased for last year as school projects were sweat shirts for sports participants, records and books for rooms and curtains for the teachers' room. Refreshments were served by the executive com mittee in the cafeteria. Fairview Members of the executive com mittee of Fairview PTA met for a potluck luncheon Wednesday after noon. September 14, followed by a discussion of future plans which will Include a rummage sale. Present were Mrs. Ruth Law rence, Mrs. Martha Powell. Mrs. Ines Brandenburg, Mrs. Chsrles Wsmstsd. Mrs. Florence Ollmann. Mrs. Arthur Dannelly. Mrs. Irene Oelger, Mrs. H. C. Arnold. Mrs. Martin Adams and Mrs. Jim Clark. Keno The first regular meeting of the year was held by Keno PTA on Wednesdsy evening, September 14, at tht srhoolhouse. Mrs. Darrell Wick, the president, presided at the session and Intro duced the new teachers. Mrs. Mor rison. Mls K ester and the principal, Mr. McAbee. Mr. McAbee gave a short talk on recreation In the school. Following the business meeting the members sdjoumed to the cafeteria for re freshments. Want A is don't cost they pay! Tkste tlte new 'BolieiiiicUi''f "It's the Talk of the Town" Distributed by Shuck Bret., Merrill THE APPOINTMENT OF BILL JONES As NEW CONSIGNEE in the BONANZA, BLY and SPRAGUE RIVER AREAS UNION OIL and Prompt Service Call BILL JONES Phone 21 34, lonanxa . ! ' y- fur 'SWEATER QUEEN' Georgia Let of Son Antonio, Tex., a professional model, holds tht trophy presented fo her after she wos chosen 1949 National Sweater Queen over 15 other contestants. In the background is New York's famed Empire State building. Ants in Pants Or Striptease? BARTOW. Fla, 8ept. 33 Ml A suspended Halnea City schoolteach er told the Polk county school board yesterday she lowered her shorts to brush off some ants. That was at a fishing camp, where three witnesses testified they ssw the 44-year-old teacher Mra. Aline Overstreet Intoxicated. Two other witnesses said they saw her take off part of her clothes In pub lic. But three witnesses agreed with Mra. Overstreet. She was not drunk, they said, and she lowered her shorts to whisk oft the ants. The board deadlocked two-two whether to clear her of misconduct charges. More testimony will be heard October 6. Fritnds Send Aid To Japan SEATTLE. Sept. 33 ll-v Nesrly five tons of clothing, shoes and soap left Seattle yesterday aboard the steamship Jeff Davlea. It will bt given to the needy In Japan. The contributions were received by the American Friends service committee from residents of five Northwest stales. It Is said that some stars reach a temperature of 500.000.000 degrees above aero Fahrenheit. All Fire Insurance rates are not the same. SEE LANPHEAR U Hit Main rb. 6S2 y 01 J f b'liielZi I m waiy-esp I .biLaet Girl Scout Board to Head Chest Residential Division The forthcoming Community Chest drive was the main toplo ol discussion at the llrst meeting of the fall of the Olrl Scout board on Mon day. Chft Hniiiaker gave the organ isation the assignment of directing the residential drive for funds, which will Involve appointment nt a chairman and approximately 300 workers, and a house-to-house can vasa of the entire city. Mrs. George Clark, Olrl Seoul commissioner. Btresxcd the neces sity ut making the drive a success and said that the chairman and chief helpers will be announced shortly. The names of several new volun teer helpers were announced by Mrs. L. A. Murphy and all were ac cepted unanimously, Mrs. Kny Car ter has tiilrn the chairmanship of tht program committee, Mrs. Gil bert Wallers will be radio chair man In the public relations commit tee; and Mrs. Robert Olson has been added to the bulletin commit tee. Chairman of the annual cookie sale Is Mrs. F, A. Boyd. New Leaden Mrs. Dorothy Ooehrlng, as nrgsn lsatlon chsirnian, announced that a fine new group of 71 leaders has been acquired, but that many more are needed and volunteers will be welcomed. A comprehensive training course la being started to help new leaders and others with experience or who might plan on taking troops In the future, according to the report given by Mrs. James Plnnigrr. The Klamath Falls training seoslon will begin on September 3d snd will be held on the following seven Wed nesdays st the First Presbvtenan church from JO to 11 30. Modoe Point and Fort Klamath leaders will meet together for their training un der Mrs. Hon Nell DrMers. as will Henley and Malln, under Mrs. T. A. DrMerritL Mrs. Arnold Oralapp, as staff and c a KLAMATH FALLS ARMORY TODAY & SAT. TODAY . 1:43 A l:IS SAT. MS 1:15 Precisely the same great cirrus that baa won the aerlalra ef Los Ange les, Sat) Franrlsre, Seattle. Chicago, and ether major ellles. Klamath HQ? LEO tiMscuDmciv opvuht rw lomei Y ALL ODDS THI REST TIT Vrie CRff AM of tie WORLD'S CHOICEST .C I "C O S JA LK M T Gen. Adm. Keata ..... 11.4 Inc. Tax Eeaervtd SeaU SIM. ft.4 Inc. Tas SEATS at the BOX OFFICE AND BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main A Esplanade, Klamath Falls rr-rV e Above All . .. Be UVC Yet, thot'i the Important thing I Be SURE of your brand... end you can always be SURE ef your drlniiil Mix with Seagrams 7 Crown ...and theft SURE fa stand out. ..high above all othml jafi-Seagmm's wv Sure Self rsm'1 7 Crown. BLENDED WHISKEY. K.I Proof. MH Grain Ntufrtl Spirt. Sirtm-Dlitllln Corporation, Chrytkr Building. New York office chairman, announced that the position of office secretary Is now being capably tilled by Mary Ilava, a June KDIIH graduate. Btie hat been In tht office since her sradu atlon. Leader's Meeting The president of tht newly formed leader s association, Mrs. W. W. Dewing, announced that the first meeting will be held Tuesdav evening at 7:30 In the chamber of commerce. An Interesting and e n lightening program Is being planned around an address and display by Mrs. Clem Bortls on the subject of ceramics. The programs are planned to help leaders conduct meetings of Interest to their girls. For a tew pennies per word you can advertise to thousands through a Want Ad I Phone 1111. 'Wonder walkers with a flair for fashion Here's a beautifully tailored shoe of butter-soft suede . . designed to under score your smort autumn styles. IW SMOf wJftW IHi HAU1M MiUCCUE': Buster Brown Shoe Store 33 Main ItlTOWAWATS ! SINGAPORE (JTVlnetestt Obs. nest towswsrs were found ka bid ing aboard Uit Interocean Lent 14.000-ton ship Ruyt whtn It ar rived In Slngaport. They were seat bark lu Hong Kong. The stows wart gut aboard by clambering up the anchor chain In Hong Kong and hid ing In tht chain lin ker. WIS) rTf ewHevevaeaaatL. wkXf 7 I Jng V green I una mml 'W . MAt