FRIDAY, SLPT. 23, 194? HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE ELEVEN CHURCH NEWS i - 1 Presbyterian Personnel Meet Sunday A confirm lur teachrra, olfl- eere did worker, covering tht field! or Clirlatlmi education, evan gellmn and church llnance, and In cluding ill "realiylerlen churches of till Klamath area,' will be held t tlx Klrat Frcabyterlen rnurni. math nd Flue alieet. on Huntley between 1 mid I )m. Leadership lor till conference In drawn Irnm the local area and from i far away M Hoeeburg and Leltavlcw. II la anticipated thai mora than 60 workers will b pre tnt to liu part. Tina conlcrence part of a nation wide prixiram la of vital linporlaiira U lilt work ol tlia churclita Ihia year. The rlmrrh school meet at t 4J a m. with leaderahlp provided lor all ages. Miirnlni worship will be conduct ed at II am. The service U great- ly enriched by the presence ol a lull rholr under the direction ol Andrew Loncy Jr. and eccompa tiled by Mn. (earge Mclnlyre The choir enrollment number between 35 and 40. . Those who sllll wlh to enroll hould see tha director. Kchearaal U at 7 50 p ru. each Wednesday. This week tha chmr will lng I Me anthem "l My Hhepherd la Di vine's by Haytlen. A soprano miIo rntllled "Holy Art Thou' by Han del will be auug by Mary I-ou Mon roe. Miss Monroe recently roinljii to Klamath rail. I mm Waahlnguin l Ittate cnlleira la miulc Instructor In Hooaevrlt achool. Brazil Minister Here Sunday Hey. John Knlenna ol Hinle Cain- erlna, Hra!l, will iiiiuairr . n Assembly ol Ood, 140 Oa. nuimay morning at 1 1 (Ml and Hunday eve ning at 7:30. Hev. Kolenda la min ister ol one ol the largest Protea lant cluircllra of llrexll. A eclal missionary aervlce will be conducted Tuesday evenlnf at 7:30. Mra. ICslher Harvey of Clonda District, U. P, India will be apeak lut. Mra. Harvey la mlaalonery of yeara of experience and will bring a moat Intereatlm report of India, aa well aa an evangellallc message Nazarenes To Stress Evangelism Kmphasl for October at the 1st Methodist Choir to Do Special Music The chancel choir of the First Methodist church will lng an an them entitled "Greater Love and Triumphant I-ord" by Hon en this Hunday, The anthem leaturea a so prano solo which wll be sung by Catherine illaium. The choir la under the directum ol l.amarr Jen en cnoirmaaler. Huiih Paul will be at the console ol me organ aa ac company. He will also provide the inciiiriuai inualo lor the aervlce ol worship which U held at 11 o'clock. The minister, the Hev. Martlndale Wood, will tpeak on the theme "Mom o! Ood," Inking hia aubject irom tne verae In the Epistle ol M. John which aaya. " Beloved, now are we Die eona ol Ood. and It doth not yet appear wnai we anall be. but we know that when we anall are Him we anall be like Him, lor we thai! tee Him aa He la." An -Ashram' or aplrltual rereat Mt. Laki Having Rally Day MT. LAKI, Sept. 23-A rally day program and promotion are ached uled lor the Sunday achool at :45 a. m. Sunday at the Mt. Lakl church. Rev. J. R. DeLap will apeak on "Tha Hour ti Come" at the regu lar worahlp aervlce, 10:46 a m. High achool and junior Christian Endeav or U at 7:30 p.m., Hunday. Choir practice will be at 7 30 pm.. Wed neaday. Promotions At Calvary The Calvary Baptlat church, East Main and Garden, will obaerve pro motion day thla Sunday during tht Sunday achool hour. A ihort program will be held rec ognising thoae being promoted. Sun day achool beglna at :4 am., fol lowed by the preaching aervlce at 11 o'clock. Special mualc will be presented by the choir. Training union beglna promtly at 6:46 pm. followed by the evening preaching aervlce at I o'clock. The paator, Rev. E. R Jacke, will con tinue hla message from the chart, "The Church". All are welcome. The Woman' Mtaalonary union will obaerve the "Beaaon of Prayer St. Paul's Subject 'Constancy' aomewhal after the order of the Church of the Naiarene. Garden and onea conducted around the world Martin, will be on "Evangellam. by the lamoua missionary. E. Stan as Heulember with Ita atreaa on ley Jonea. will be Uie order of the "Hack to Hunday School" drawi to day Immediately following the a close, t morning worahlp aervlce, for the A revival aerlea will begin October j nienibera and famlllea of the otfl 1 with Rev. II II. Hooker of Jaaper. ' "al board of the church. A potluck Ala., conducting. : """ " ""' " serveo. in uie aining Lay-vlalUtlon and peraonal evan gellam began laat Wedneaday at the cloae ol tne prayer x, mnr u ,.,.. , .... nlaht Draver aervlce. Dresentlng vg. Bervlcea for Sunday are, Sunday injian word meaning to come out rlou Phaaea of the lUte mission achool. :46 a m . worahlp. II a m. , at).rt ,rom atnK.Ung ,ffMlri 0 needa In Oregon. - - "any living ana meditate and coun- Lnve." evening youiu people a ser- wl ,, wuh wh 0(h ylre at B.46. evening evangellaltc Thrr oclock cJo,lnf nour aervlce. 7:30. At the evallgellatlc " meeting. Rev. leal Van l)e Orlfl, paator. will nieak on "The Truth We Will not Pace." Mid-week pray ! r.K,m of tne church alter which the i ,nr But" """" September 2 ! "Aahram' wlU be conducted In the t through 30. The omen of the WMU j aame room. will have charge of the Wedneaday Peace Sermon On 'Faith' "Faith In Onea Belf" will be the aubject of the aermon In the Peace Memorial Preabyterlan church, 4431 S. Hixth atreet, thla Sunday. Wor ahlp beglna at II a. m. with the Rev. Dwayne L. Proett conducting tht aervlce. During the cnurcn achool hour, "Rally Day" aervlce, featuring par UclpaLlMii b, all departmenta. will be held In the aanctuary. The theme lor thla aervlce la "The Bible Bpeaka Llitenl" The pre-achool and primary children will alng "When To Church I Oo" by Dorothy Weat and "Thank You. Pather" by Miriam Drury. The Junior and In termediate departmenta will lead In a reaponalve reading of "The Bea- llludea. Membera ol the aenior high through tht cooperative and com bined programa of church and home. 7tie film, "And Now I See." will be nown. Helreahmenu will be aerved and there will be competent tuper vtaion ol the children. The laat In a aerlea dealing with "What We Believe'' for the adult itudy group will be conducted by Hev. Proett on Tueaday at 8 p. m. The final dlacuaaton will deal with "Our .reabyterlan Belief." Church Women Resume Fall Council Meets leaaon-aermon thla Sunday at tht Plrat Church of Chrlat. Scientlat. Tenth and Washington itreet. Divine worahlp I held each Sun- department will preaent a program ' at II ajn. with Sunday achool howlng how the Bible apeak in te held at the aame hour down tht home. In the church and In the "' In tht church, community. ; Oolden Text of thla week leaaon- Of added Intercut during the hour i aermon will be from Lamentaliona The flrat meeting of the United Council of Church Women for the fall eeaaon will be held Monday, September 30. at 2 p.m.. In the Plrat Preabyterlan church. Mr. Brooke Cutter, preaident, will pre alde, and the program will open with devotional aervlcea conducted bv Mra. Addle May Nixon and par ticipated In by women of St. Paul a Eplacopal church. Mra. Earl Sheri dan will be tht aololst. Senator Phil Hitchcock will be Reality" wll) be the topic of the1 ,h :P" 'w the aftarnoon. At tne cioae ol tne meeting a atlver tea will be held, honoring Mra. Ralph Mort, itatt preaident of the United Council of Church Women. Tht offering taken at thla time will be In aid of the local pre- Christ Church Sunday Topic Reality Ident'a txpenat In attending tht notional meeting to be held In Log Anirelea In October. Mrmbera of the local council art requested to aerlouily conalder at tending the district meetlnga to be held In Medford. October 1. A aplendld program aa been arranger) for thla meeting and all church women are urged to make an tffort to attend. la promotion. Thoae wno are being promoted to a higher department will receive promotion certlflcatea. All teacher and officer of tht church are ur.ed to attend the area conference dealing with tht Chrla tlan Faith and Life Curriculum of the hurch achool. being held In the Plrat Preabyterlan church at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. On Monday at 7 p. m, an Im portant parent' meeting will be Friendly Helpfulness Te Every Creed and "area Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite M. Word and Sani m High rhoae 1334 :!, "Thou, o Lord, remained for- f ever; thy throne from generation to ' J generation." j Included In the leaaon-aermon will I a be the following from Psalm I 145:17, -The Lord 1 rlghteoua In I i all hi way, and holy In all hla i ; worka." together with the following i from the Chrlatlan Science text- ' book, "Science and Health With I Key to the Scrtpturea" by Mary i i uaxer Eddy, Ood U the divine' held in the aoclal hall. The meet- Principle of all that representa Him : Ing will serve to Introduce the aeo and of all that really exists " I ' ond year'a materials of the Chrta- A weekly meeting la held each ' a ttan Faith and Life curriculum of Wedneaday evening at o'clock, ! I the .'hurch achool to the parent and a reading room la open every , ( and show how they may aid In the day except Sunday and holiday at I religious growtn of their children 1023 Main atreet. 1 r First Church of Christ, Scientist A kraaek Tke ltiae Char. Tka rirat Ckeia ( Ckriat, tatMNat, la Oaataa. Him. 1Mb and Waahlngtoa Bervlcea: hunday Service, 11:44 a. am. Holiday School, ll:t a. m. Wedneaday Evening Meeting, l:H o'clock. Lotion-Sermon Subject Sept. 25 "REALITY" Christian Science Reading Room 13 Main St. RADIO BROADCAST - SATURDAY, 5:45 P. K - KFIW Subject, "PATIENCE and LOVE" Temple Sunday we will mn race. iiiu-r- - h 1 " J - . m -e- and praise at 7 30 pm, Wednea- 2CnOOI 7l45 day. Rev. Schulze's Sermon On Humbleness Service at St. Paul Episcopal church thla Sunday, tha IMh after Trinity, will be aa follow: 1 am. Crlrhritlnn nf tha ftnl Communion. "A Humble Deed Contribute II am. Morning prayer wlU be ' Oreatly" will be the aermon topic aaid. with a full choir attending. The rec4or. Hev. P. C. Wlaaenbarh. will gut a sermon on "Constancy". The regular Sunday achool alona a m. . Confirmation Instruction on the church taith and practice will atari at 7 30 p m. In the parish house October 10. All friends ond of Rev. Victor A. Schulte. pastor of the Zlon Lutheran church. Eleventh and High, in both of the regular aervlcea beginning at I 30 am. and 111 begin October at 9 43 '" 00 am. mis message - I second In a aerlea on the theme. "Insignificant Persona Who Accom plished Ureal Results" A pre-senrlce organ recital will be presented by Robert Btevena, or- Klamath Temple Sunday achool will convene at 4S. Round-Upper are asked to be on time as there will be special plana. "Pulling Down Ood Btronghold" Is the topic Rev. D. B. Anderson haa choaen fur hla aermon In the morn ing worship aervlce at 11 o'clock. Overromer group will meet at 30 pm. Fvangelutlc aervlce la at 7 44 pm. with Rev. Anderson bring ing the message. "Ood Barrier Acroaa the Rnad to Heaven." Station KFJI Baturday evening at 7:30 will broadcast tht regular Klamath Temple hour which will feature young people of tht church thla week. Is Your Home Ready for Winter? Let Drakes Winterize'Your Home Wifh Z0NITE . Asphalt 4 Cedar INSULATION ROOFING DRAKE II Spring LUMBER COMPANY Mr. Petrtrk, Manager Pbont Mlt We Are Happy to Announce We Just Received a Large Shipment of the New - PLYMOUTH - We can offer almost any body style, and in some models, a choice of colors. THEY ARE GOING OUT FAST COME IN TODAY! BUtMSS MOTORS Your Do Soto - Plymouth Dealer 6th and Walnut Phono 512 . , ., , I gamat. consisting ol "Andantino V"" mni,urau.. ,rf -andanle" bV Ba- heartily welcome to attend the cuuu aea. tha rector will be In charge of the Instruction. 3rd Sermon Jn Series At Brethren The third message In a aerlea on the Ten Commandmenta will be preached by Rev. Edward Lander, minuter of the Community Church of the Brethren. 4373 Bristol toft Hummers lanei at the 11 o'clock morning worship aervlce, Sunday. "Empty Religion" la the title of the sermon based upon the com mand "Thou shall not Uke tht name of the Lord In vain.' Tne church school convene a t 44 a. m. wuh rlaaaea for children and adulla. A nursery la provided for children up to 4 yeara of age during Uie morning worship aerv- j Ire. The community la cordially In. vlted to attend the aervlce and to Uke part In tha religious fellowship provldrd by the Community church. bv Durand and tl.te. For the offertory and poat lude. Steven haa choaen. "Theme In T" by Archer and "Featlled" by Mayer. A special anthem will be presented by Ihe Zlon aenior choir. The Zlon Sunday achool and Biblt clasa meet at tha regular time. 4 a m. A cordial Invitation to all J church la estended. 4 . . Child Dedication Union Feature The dedication of little Donal Rusaell Young will be at I pm. Sundar at the Union Ooapel Mis sion. Jil Commercial. All are wel come. Bible achool will bo at 10 a m, worship la at II am . and a young people meeting at 7 p m. Mr. C. M. Tlmma U paitor. FOR RENT kv WM a asaata Sewing Mochinog tale eiaasM ring Mochino Service tin ttll tkesle Wat TRADES and TERMS $ It,. YOUR CHOICE ' vff FOR $ 585 '41 Ford Coupe Radio and heater. Good. '41 Ford Pick-up Top notch condition. '42 Ford Tudor Sedan Good. . '38 CMC I'a-ton gtako truck. $ $ OTHER VALUES S S . '47 Chev. Pick-up Advance detlgn cab, 4-ipeed, radio and heater, very good. '49 International Pick-up Demonitra tor, gubttantial diicount. '40 CMC 3-ton Long wheel bote, Brownie. '47 EH Mack Like new. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE, INC. llth and Klamath fh. T7SS 9th at Pine Phone 3188 I DOWN holds your new Leather-Lined Zip-Coat on Layaway mm mm .mm mmmmm m a i' m mmmmm mrm h mmmm- m : :- M$;l: tT VA i ' A No wonder we're brogging oboul these cooti they're tailored ol rich, wonted gabordintt ond ihorlilini lobrici thai wilt retain their shape through itotoni to come. They're lined with wormttt chomoil leather that lipt in or owl lor year 'round wear. They're loih lontd to be kill at comfortable as they ore imort-looking. Yet, we're proud ol Hit qual ity, tht styling, tht volue ol these cooti ond you will bt too. Have yourt today! 10 lo 18. :4 4 -Am,'-' A V: COMPUTE BALANCE IN WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTSI