AGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS KLAMATH FAILS. OREGON rtirSDAY, AUGUST 30, 194 Radio Singer 1 HORIZONTAL t.l Depicted aing inf itar II Entrance MLack of krtivlty IS Lefal point U Violent detonation 17 Written form ot Mlitrest I Diminutive of Lillian (Collection ot sayinfs 1 Exurtrd I Recruits (ab.) I And 4 Latin 10 Huntrr I I Apple center 12 Abstract beinf 16 Baron tab.) 19 Bitter vetch II Solar diik 20 Painful 22 Comparative suffix 21 International lanfuaee It Wriline tooll 21 Boundary (comb, form) 24 Touches lightly 2S Wicked 27 Prognostic 26 Heathen deity 2 Smooth and 2 Awiit (ab. unaspirated JO Myself 31 Palm lily 32 Half-em 23 Blow with the open hand 3 Walking stick it Italian river 31 Alleged fore 40 Jewel 42 Upper limb 44 Chemical suffix 45 Mistake 4 Follower SI Counter tendency SJ Angers 54 He la a S3 September tab.) VERTICAL 1 Metal rod 2 Notion 3 Hearken 4 Lieutenant (ab) I R 15 H S 6 7 16 7 i0 III i2 sr srsr YvX 3. u '-- VfJ- ST L-J "" tT tJ H9 50 Hill 1 1 li H 1 L from Ant This is your opportunity to own o modern American moster piece by James Edward Peck ot $5.00 down and $5.00 a month, for a limited time only. Collery Hours 10:00 o. m. to 6:00 p. m. 1227 Main Phone 9695 COMPLETE FRONT END, FRAME ALIGNMENT-a?. SIZE TRUCK, or passenger car. Omt seeders equipment Is the only COMBINATION axle and fnuste eqnipment Math mt Eigene. From passenger ears ta the largest tracks, we can de the job! For complete service, axle and frame alignment, trheel balancing, come in; it irifl save yon money. BALSIGER Main at Esplanade ELEVEN MACHINES IN ONE! ' Sew n' Save! with the amazing the world's finest sewing machine V Makes Buttonholes V Sews on. Bartons Sews,Zig-Zog i Embroiders y7 Dams yj SewslForward.ond Reverse v Monograms l eMerefce M'onrfieme Ceniee, Desk end Perfobfe nedsli. At little $2.14 per week after down payment. Guaranteed No Time Limit Sewing Machine Service and Exchange 321hotVoPhont 677i 34 35 Seem area 43 Pace 44 Sphere 46 River (Sp.) 47 Diminutive of Ronald 43 Individual 50 East (Fr.) 52 101 (Roman) 53 Exists Genus ot grasses 36 Heart Esteem Genus of true olives. Native of Latvia Measure of 41 42 Gent&i MOTOR CO. Phone 3121 mm Pit X" '" "J: A M Guaranteed by M 7 m V Good Housekeeping J I THE DOCTOR SAYS Vitamin B Important By MUMS P. JORDAN. Al. 11. Ii u now well known that there ' ta no liuiie "vitamin B" but rather a group ol several ditferrnl sub I stances which are different rhf m I irally and have different actions, j There are at lrat a dosrn separate i part to what Is known as the Vita i mm B complex. One 01 the nutot Important of ' these Is known as thiamine. Some j foods are particularly rich In thia mine. Including peas, bean, whole ' wheat, oatmeal, enriched flour and lean pork. In human brings whoi are deprived of enough thiamine in the diet, there Is a tendency to be come Iritable. depressed, quarrel some, unco-operative, and fearful. Serious deficiency ivf this vitamin produces a disease known as beriberi. Pres-to-logs Pre-Winter Special 1 UNIT 12 2 or more UNITS 11 DELIVERED We Give S & H Green Stamps PHONE 3681 Iff Yaden's ;"".al tst PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION 715 Jefferson Phone 4279 Hours: 9 to 12 PURPOSE: To aid the Physical. Intellectual, Social and Emotional Growth of your child. ClEBirtH M IN CL ID II: Mum, mmm. rhythm. liutrumMito. apprciaUon. crMilv iipreMieA. Art and era fix, mmI and f infer painting, nodvllnf leMdutf lo cvnmirv Lanffua arts. storM. drama titatlona, apch work. AetirttMa Icadinx to tha aoclal stud Ma homo unit, atoro play, one. NaUint Study btralth, mid mornlnf juko and crack rt. SMIX rt ixm il: lUpocialir doaitMd: L'nlvmitjr arbool Cpa Morka and toys, aand box. CAftErtX MKALTH AND SAFITT St'FEBVlllOM . OFCNS SIPTEMBEK ctk. Now open for Inaportlon and enrollment fltmitad. You mar bring your child la thla wock to aoa tha arhool. A lovely, clean ooirlroeunrnt. MUSIC SCHOOL All Ages Afteeaaoa weekly aad ail day Aalaray. Tiaao, vialia lnatructlon. Mudlmcnta and Theory. Marvaay taarki. with le ona for advanced atudonta. Teackrr help on harmony for credit throuch I'niveraity wnaton. Beat eaaste raadaaeaUle preotntad In proper aoquanca. Cerrect peyckalefVal aeareek with young chllirvn. O Atfalt keeiaaere taethed and hooka designed aapaclally for you. O Staaiea arraafed for Individual nccda. Mrs. Robert Dedrick, Director Certified and t year eiperienre rklic ffrkaal Teacher: Metre aa II mealarv GratJaaU Ulate t'ellete. At. C'Uae, Mlna.: A eel mm4 eleeal crefJIU Ckica SUIe, Caitf.; Private Sckaal Traialof aa etperleare. J&hHtn--t-' ',. mum,tmmmmmtmmmumimmttiik ajihiihr lata ii Doctors Find Body Odor on 13 Parts of Body Read bow liii soap witi pariiyinf ingreditnl f ets skin cleaner, fires longer aO-orer protection! It's true-though few people re alize this unpleasant fact! Bod; odor is not confined to the under arms. To guard popularity your daily bath must givr 13 parts of your body top protection. The cleaner you get every part of your skin, doctors know, the safer you are from "B. 0." (body odor). And by comparing' daily baths with different soaps they found one soap ifcts skin cleaner, protects you bril. Popularity is priceless. Doa'l erer lost it 1 Doctors proved Lifebuoy Health Soap with Its purifying ingredi I TrCDTTflV Gets Skin Cleaner...Stops"B.O." LifLiDUu I at No Other Leading Soap Can Another part of the vitamin B complex Is called riboflavin. Nat enough of this vitamin in the diet will slow the growth ot young ani mals and produce skin Inflamma tion and cataracts In rats. The symptoms In man Include Inflam mation of the lips, luftammntioii and reddening of the tuiutue. cracks at the corners of the mouth. In flammation of the skin and a par ticular kind of inflammation of the eyes. Liver, milk and cream, and 1-afy vegetables are considered the best sources for this substance In the human diet. Nicotinic acid mot to be confused with Uie nicotine In tobacco) Is another Important part ot this com plex. In man deficiency of this vi tamin Is called pellagra. In which condition there la weakness, loss of Se. th ent gets skin cleaner,stops"B.O." as no other leading soap can. It la more effective than any other leading soap against the "invisi ble dirt" that brings on "B.O." It cleanses and guarda all 13 trouble spots where body odor oc curs. Get that clean, cfron Lifebuoy feeling! Buy big NEW bath sii Lifebuoy at your store today. Somild-soCOOD for your skin I Lifebuoy la wihlrr, too . . safe even for a baby's tender skin . . . wonderful for delicate eomplrx iotttl Enjoy the rich, white lather from Lifebuoy's coconut oil. Make friends with Lifebuoy today. Another Fine Product of Lever Vrolhen Company. appetite and Indigestion, loss of en ergy and In the Inter stages, sore ness and ulcerations III the mouth, together with diarrhea. The best sources or nicotinic acid are yeast, lean meats, and liver. There have been extensive studies carried out on all of these but it la impossible lo mention more than a lew important points about these liucro-ting, Important, and complicated parts of the vita min B complex. The number of U. 8. torrst tires dropped 13 per cent during IDtg. IRRIGATION PIPE wetH i wills l!e.fet-ll !(!. PEYTON It CO. SEE KIMBALL'S GLASS SHOP r,..., i a.,k cqb iiifo GLASS ) an ! rwR "lv ra. is Always Parking In Rear Always HERALD AND NEWS COMICS lilF71 WW IW 11 JIW 13 ON voup wav VSJ Stri1 J wo-,k'v,1,vm1 JithiwS ..ev.Mt . t Th5 POSIES 14 FLAGRANT.. AN TWEV SMfiLL &0OO, JCO r-S . (Xv TKP?S MW'ST S. LETS MCPE TY MV LOCK.' Cvft fl I 1 IU. P'X ThV MU-ST HvVE 5f EN ) TV U. B A CCVT STAATT I PV'iONEZ TSTYlNcJ V TmAT.' ' I HrMTHEy'l?e OPC)NS MTA SA,UCEeS CUT I SCCTN3MST TC S.rv MrS r, V V , ,..-. BACK.' VE CE IN S CCM lafip im&M HAvBe X I lOXB TO. X UN. BE A 5000 WCWt!) fftOKA! THAI 5 tNOUOUl It T XHV. JAW '. 1 f tMAT W UU-AiB. JAM. ARA JUM Pipan MTU sov JAU. but TuEec' ot suefif.arTfe.rax W mao to &t sack amo watch ( fus CtDsrT ( Beauis how NiclAB' rxOM c?'acts WHL6TAV 1AM A.A. MfETSUGjlsCVWS NOU 0CWT Hf I NOV) TR TO COME aFTWtfll I WEAU AUy ACS 0 AM AlCOHOtlC '. TOMOHT FOB I AMO I HEL I TO Sf t 'JWIM4 WITH U9..BUT SOU Kk NOT (KNa HAKm'.J fTMassii if ? lA, WFm P j oSwlsr LaL XS !i$r wivv. ftvwii'L 9Jos f-r-. (otf, ,comig vsiwi ,1 cm, om cvtsor". J H kN i S ua oot owl f ) f , to wowv I 1 doo'.tw m- S Vr aaai S I'H mi. u. m as y n v 1 lr 1 -r.-f0 1 7Be IF,W' well, lOM.Boy.'-nioor, . .. J? Bovs. we HAVE TH( PISCA-BRIAL. 5 since we ve uetN I fsm Feat a few MADE 1 COME y -JV" ? a sumptuous feast lay down your. HEe! NOWIN' MMNUTFS.BEFORe '".r X ' LaAS-''-k OOS' WE MUST PeACTtcr , F- - ' ","--lJ,-rJ V BUTAULTMEeeSROCBWe- you MFori to toy vou Nevep V j I whv, voude vroaotr v9 wwnwT etcx oMe BoReyaj nO"5 H I place up wtth sbub to lost CUMMO OBCWCD THBT OLD BBQE ) WHSTT? I I A MONTH-M30 OOHT Ttmra Ntoi-rr? iy-r mdu rjtn ( r I a know b eHEVL LrvE To eliminate, glare caused by the brilliant aunslilne, many Miami Death sidewalks are tinted rosy pink. More t ten n 4000 persons died from raucr In Minnesota during FREE Drawing ttrpl. U Noun J 1st Prize .30 06 Rifle "tJ 2nd Prize Tire and Tube hrlv la ( I'k'i lltnat Nervlt-e. 11 Nili Sl e.nt1 till tmt iktt the met hll Ik Utl Ccc's Signol Service 71 Main Ht. I'hoit 909 ! f viPs tw law m, taa.' po cu ukbI f f ir a m.eAuRsO 4 f I 60TTA G6T ) - r-7 1 MV NEW I TMANX "T"-! PiTuNlA I I v rip of thW.'SZ, l"tA hat? i v eus y TT rrrr Wg Offer Friendly . Help With Your i ( MONEY PROBLEMS f Fast Efficient I ' LOANS ON Furniture Automobiles i , Your Signature MOTOR 3 1 INVISTMINT CO. ; 114 N. 1th Phane 111 f I i ai-tis a-) 1 w.'.;- ' .)..?. WEUL uve, O K. DOC MTTSB ALRttr- i;: Vw'- Bailey . SHU JAYHAWK GAS 213S South 6th "91" OCTANI ITHYL 30'co,. k, ii mi, ftr, I mmmmnmmmmmmunmuummmmmmamwmwmmmuuuuum fj but swj, epeHCv alTwrj, i enr too, 1 M THAT OOUW ON FOOO I AMO I 6UESSJ rVL 1 D POR A OCX DftVC YOU I GT TO KNOW MM, j AOONT evflN KNOW- J TORE LOfKJ- J