PACE SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10, 1949 Keei Instrument Answer to Previous HORIZONTAL S Juncture ir.M R7 Greek letter IfMlP . . musical Instrument 8 Unit It it a initrumenl 12 Bark ISDunj beetle 14 Atop 15 Burmese wod ' tprite ' ISFree 11 Heavenly body It Near SOSer.oug SI Accomplifr) 23 Aquatic bird 35 State V Organic , compound 28 Unmarried woman ?Two (prefix) 50 Italian river 51 Exist S5 Hebrew deity SJ Tore S5 Ceremony 38 Otherwise 39 City In Oklahoma 40 Pa rent 41 Ridiculed 4? Rhode bland (ab.) 48 Likely SO Mediterranean vessel 81 Rodent 81 Belgian river 84PoM - weapon 85 Current in Arean ' 68 Old VERTICAL I Decorated ' 3 Whipped 3 Cereal train 4 Comparative tutrix 8 Scent Midda T Gaelic language Abstract being 10 Musical studies 11 Give ri 16 Note of scale ending 0 Enrolled 21 Meddled 24 Birds 6 Musical instrument SJ Remunerates S4 Past 36 Hatangue Si Revised 45 From (prefix) 4.1 Harvest 44 Vadir bird 45Half (prefix) 46 ("Kit of (prefix) 49 Beverage M Equip 53 Ream (ab ) 55 Tantalum (symbol) i i J It I 15 jo 17 I 14 I. 10 it T 1 1 1 Ik !l 3 1 a 3 !Ll id 54 IT - - il m i5 ik 47 so "a 35 I I I I I I I I to Father-Son Team Keep Up Fast Signals Poland Shipping To Switzerland OYDNIA, Poland Hi Poland la aendlng goods to landlocked 8wit aerland by water. The ministry of shipping aiinounced an agreement with a Dutch concern nierntlhg be tween Dutch and Polish porta which is to carry Swiss-bound cargnee. The Dutch vmarla will take goxls from Polish porta to Amsterdam. There carvoes are to be translup- DKNVER. Colo. l Pavsengera on the United Airlines' flight from Denver to Cheyenne have noticed iped by transfer to vnaela operal a i.-nm mr oru.w inrm wincing in 0n the Rhine river, big headlutht in the night. Pawn-1 gers on the 8 15 p. m. Colorado and Southern between the same two towns hae on more than one oc casion spotted the huge airliner flying parallel to the track, syste matically blinking the lighta on its wings. Tins has been going on for three years now. Poland Produces Penicillin Cat Knows Best When Weather Hot CHICAGO i4 -During a heat wave a kitten squlitned Into a liar row apace between two buildings In suburban tllenn Kllyn. Ita crlea at tracted a crowd. When all else failed, a fireman extricated the rat with a hook attached to a long pole. Two daya later the kitten was bark In the same trap. A police THE DOCTOR SAYS Polio Symptoms Differ The ens nicer of the train and the pilot of- the plane are father and. son. The bltnk-blmk of the lights ; quate WARSAW. Poland ,T Poland's man. using the aame tool, fished It first penicillin factory had started production In nearby Tartiiomln. Government officials a a Id Polish workers and technicians had "com pleted and assembled the Inade- la 64-year-old Clarence Chapman's way ol saying "How re you. boy r to his airborne son. 31-year-old Capt. Leroy Chapman. Occasionally the senior Chapman tancies-up his nocturnal hello b y lighting a red railroad flare and holding It out the wmdow of his cab. in right proud of my boy." Clarence says. "And I Just like him to know the old man s still up and around and on the Job." penicillin manufacturing eouiunienl delivered by CNHRA Health mimstrv officials also said slstance to Polish scientists who wanted to produce crystalllred penicillin." AGREEMEMT KEEN VENICE. Italy. Aug. 10 -Premier Alclrte de O.isnert said Tuesday a full agreement with Yugoslavia to settle the adrlattc question la possible. He made the comment In an In- An annual output of 1.500 000 bl- terview published today In the inde- cyclea is credited to British cycle pendent newspaper II Oaettina I manufacturers In normal times. WrrffHi S Trad and Sov at A These A V Tim Stotiont V E 6th Market 1 3c 2996 So. 6fh 3c I To Buy or Sell-L'se the vwnl Ads! Drain TiU ftvltl rti Tit rwu Ptyton & C. MS rht c Trl. . B )! tm BICYCLES The world's finest 8.M U 818J TRICYCLES W.lOS ERECTOR 8ET4 Tavlor-Tot ltab Walkert POOLE'S Bicycles and Sporting Goods 8a. :th Tlie most lninrtant atep In com bating pullomyclttla la to make the dlagnnsta aa soon aa possible ao Unit treatment ran be begun promptly. This la particularly stiff It-ult because the first symptoms often resemble ttiose of an ordinary cold or mild Inlectlon. Paralysis does not aet III for aeveral daya aa a rule. No two patients who contract polio show exucily the aame avmptoma. The best results from treatment, therefore, require Judgment, skill and experience In order to chouse those methods best suited to the particular victim. Not only la med ical care Important, but good nurs ing, physical therapy and other treatments are necessary to get the beat results. out again, tint within 48 hours It was In the tight spot again. Chief of Police tee llrierton made a per sonal survey of the situation. He peered In the small opening, felt a cool breexe on his face and rlll ! off reacue work The kitten, he de- llpiula Weir Equipped elded, wu tn the most comfortable Many hospitals are now well place In the neighborhood. equipped to handle patients with I polio. Much of this has been made Oreat 8alt lake. Utah, contains j possible by the funds made avail some eight or nine Islands, the! able to them through the NatlonaJ longest being about 14 miles In Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, length. i to which ao many generous-hearted rltitena throughout the country have rontribulrd. The muscular paralysis which cornea on after the first few days of the disease Is accompanied by painful muscle spasms. These can be greatly relieved by hot wet packs, properly applied and by nursing care. The skin teuderneaa which la also so common Is also helped by such treatments. At the time when the disease la acute every el tort has to be made to keep the muscles In the best possible condition so that they will respond to the later trealmenia and training lied rest U. needless tn say. Important as are the other measures like plenty of fluids, which are used for any Infectious disease. Medical science Is constantly In vealtgatlug the methods of treat ment used for polio and trying to devise better ones. Several drugs nd many other methods have a place In the treatment of the arule Illness. Aa yet, however, a aure cure fur all vlrllma of the disease ha not been dlacoyered. I Note: Dr. Jordan la unsble t answer liiduldual questions from readera. However, each day he wilt answer one of the moat frequently asked questions In his column.) Ihe Doctor Answers Quest lull : Is It true that parent who have brown ryea cannot have a child with blue eves. This statement la not true. Many people with brown eyea carry a gene or hereditary fartor for blue eyes. It Is thoroughly possible, and Indeed haa happened many tlmea, that two bruwn-eved parents have only blue eyed rhlldren. HEALTH DISTRICT f BAKER. Aug. 10 ig'i A two- county health district haa been fotmed here to Include Union county, according to County Judge Charlra E. Ilolul Haker haa been without a county health doctor for aome lime. The new district will share a doctor and nave neaoiiuariera in own priw and LaClraude, Judge Ilalrd aald. The At. Je river In Idaho la the hlgheat navigable river In ths world. HERALD AND TTT7 NEWS COMICS ., ' : ' ......... , MI!lltol!Vf hotookA r CO-.n utfns us cur now that! (cm mv i ri;p V- I We&tS? JL'S HrHv5 t-45-r Miaiijsatlaia.. t f.t V. ' 'l 4tUt Vt's Thtsg telephone men will toon make a damaged long distance cable carry calls again. Come along and tee how it't done, THEY GET GOING FAST WHEN TROUBLE STRIKES Telephone repairmen's big job is keeping your calls moving :.. v. "t &L r. 'A . '- r.r. v . iveViaM 1 if, "' ' ' ' lJLS FS 1. When omeone'i ditch-digger bites a chunk out of a long distance cable and it happens now and then repair men get on the job fast to fix it. Back at a test center, sensi tive instrument located the break and splicers hit the road. Almost simultaneously, many long distance calls carried by the cable were routed around through other cities, over different cables, to get them through with as little delay as possible. 3. A warm "hello" from the folks back East means a lot and we make sure you can talk to them whenever you wish. Keeping service reliable makes your telephone a more valuable servant just as keeping rates as low as possible makes service a bargain today, A local call still cost just a few pennies . . . and you can call New York or anywhere on the East Coast at day station rates for only $2.50 plus Federal tax 2. Service restored ... the hundreds of tiny severed wires have been spliced temporarily and, even as the workmen stow their tools, calls are again speeding through the cable. Later it will be permanently spliced without inter rupting service. Such fast repairs are made possible by planning ahead for emurgencies, so trained people can be pulled from other jobs on short notice . . . part of furnish ing reliable service to you. Your telephone is one of today's biggest bargains The Pacific Telephone andTeleiph Company USM WWAtTw-WATCM Hl ( VIPE t AIN'T Tw-WATCmI fTiSlTrToIieTVi A PASTIN' 1 R-BiSHT, BOSS NEVER BEEN J HIS LEPT, Ml tiHT AN' HIS msm usyBil 1 I'M TAKIN.'an HiT SO m4L BUM LIFT THIS ROUNO OT THRU KANPIy Tl VS ANV fSa 1 YOU WATCH... J TTAlfJl' 1 J?v: IiV" ' i EI.W; THrJ r5 aaAJ I SC?W IN THE 0 K-LOCK vpu VE- LF. 1 ITrwELClC- f CHMBEH DEVISED FJTfe Tve -VCT 1" P V T5THE fZ!TLSl-r t 'mmTtB JfsfvS a (hear Pfp U I5 iGSV r f:ifes2 mMm i&yii&:- ' i -r toop-inAV6 l f W I 5 i7(ift' FViwtOTMtn I f wow pktplbV TTr a rbo Lim c f batmaio uit fc. I. J ; j i -- wAv,MCy! wnt TMiwa; DAW fOtt CATMV. V US l CTlV Alia.ll .9 l4l. . I VCVt 4V SMt pewoiN "T y ..TH.r-B iV-TAl I vTTS V MOTMK! J IT WITH JASi I I ' pTljlJ- ... iC r'f1i J "l v. e.w. A4 VV ew wy NOT oav vdwvi I'm va ? or cy a VJAiTKM. ,s Vvv. W I VfKVO TO. T M .1 xvV,.Too. t OSA. WHO tfsVVV K.U Pi T -vH vnvu TO. . i ,r ' Twl rii J: lJiSh -.MV6V . WS, TO I.MtN I A. Rut 1 casit PLAY Thbn swhcm H . IT QTllt.l C.. i.- 1 J a. gtoow our y peaCTiCAL ui.c a SWEET All ASMOOf ' Sop.I 1 WT TUiPrt Wf'tL PpaCTce I HO On wiruiN MiLli' tour K ' BUT ON THE GTU SlDC OF TUB ISLAND I Au. MAMDS TO 7. f I . .... . 1 1, urfT.ikf I I I r il .cnniuk . . I I ' s , I w .c w?u"w: J I najMr ' e 1 . . j "' r . . - e. 4 ..,. .-11 I S1AFFT TOO lT . - J 1 1 V' T. . r W-jv,M' orown ?vv' --n-riiv- ' '.,-. 5 fc?Sp . r i7 t 1 t- - i uv t..wa r-rmj v-- y PT-Tiiyi LIGHT e? TH-SMOP, ARC OTTTtV RUT WETW WAPB B40UQH -'jjil i'lffijji W CPE I LUO-V PG N HB8 1 V W TW-T MOOS OCT, TOO- f 1 0 LOMQ A IMS VW SeL Vjtl Ml1! V sbp T. BArar-ro jp hbtb to C6T 1 ! I nor B oa-rr wj otorv orirt r , Close To ho( cmo kesp our iJ 1 . J I NOEO UP WITH TWO. TPINa I, V CWfT S TO FA MM t 8 VM PfTV60-CWO. Willi. J l 'THii.ou'x '. -jrH-oc Jfs-rr; eLTt. out -mar n 'I il .-?.-s:,gr. tTT-ra -r- --7T -r-- -r. -Ii . , 1