Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, July 30, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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Gary Anti-Vice Crusaders
Get Threats By Phone As
Mayor Raps Country Club
GARY, Ind, July M ( Gary'a
fight an sic settled down today ta
aa exchange of charge between city
fflrials and the entl-rlce crusader.
Dr. M. P. Avery, chairman of the
Oary crime commission, said three
members of the women's cltitens
committee, had been threatened by
anonymous telephone callers.
Tha women had been picketing
places suspected of harboring gsm- ,
bting games and prostitutes. Tha
pickets went oft duty last, night i
"One mother waa railed by a ma a
Fight Back
In South
CAXTOX. China, July if n Na
ttonalista shewed signs today of
fighting bark In the battle for Sontk
They reported "aggresslT aeUan"
had remtirrd the communist threat
from th east I Hengyanrrhlef .
,,ti"r .. -..
Hcnryang la about mile south !
f Chanraha, the prorincial capital. '
. uniciai accounu saia governmeni . ot uie country club. I sugeest that ward bound In a cruiser. The de.-k ' MacDonald His opponents said El.
forces counter attacked and recap- j the mayor present his riew of th sergeant radioed from police head- iiott was Inefficient and was dis
tured Lienhwa. po miles east of j affairs he mentioned to hu board quarters to ask If Manges wanted rupUng the sheriff s office.
- '
Teng Wen-yi, army spokesman, aald
i.iia k "'"i" :
i" ci' uie i aupij uucs kiru
guangsi ana nunan.
In Klangsi Hunan's eastern
neighbor the nationalists reported
they hsd blunted the red driv
aouthward towards Kanhsirn. SIS
miles from Canton. They said the
communists had been halted at a
point south of Tsiho.
my xapiure
Ab listed aa a gorenuaent awe- '
cesa waa recaptura Tungfen. H ,
Billea snath ef Nanehang. comma- '
rilut held rapital of Kiangst The I
zee-man red gamsan anrreoaerea. :
H waa aaid. Only Importance at-
inched t th action waa that It ,
hewed nationalist effort la die- j
lark the communist rear. I
A private telephone call from 1
Hengyang reported the reds with- j
drew from Chuchow today. Nation- 1
alisu reoccupied the town. Chu-!
chow, on the Canton-Hankow rail- ;
road, la 325 miles north of Canton !
and 35 miles south of besieged
Chang sh a.
No explanation was given for the
reported communist withdrawal It
la possible the nationalist effort to
cut th red supply line between
Kiangsl and Hunan la more real
than most people here were inclined
to believe.
The executive yuan (cabinet) ap
proved the reatgnatiea f Gen.
soeng Lnien. geyenter f Hunan,
It waa a polite way ef firing him.
Nationalists recently began ta sus
pect Cheng's loyalty. The farmer
chief of the general staff waa nr
a close friend and trusted associate
f Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.
Tax Appraiser
Visits In Klamath
Ray C. Schott, supervising ap- : to drought-bound New England it s
praisal engineer with the state tax ' more plausible than any aea-mon-commission,
spent the past three Iter.
daya In Klamath county on a rou- The TJSS Livermore. en route to
tne Inspection trip. Boston from Bermuda with 300 New
Mr. Scott checked over the present , England reservists, radioed first
land appraisal program being car- 1 naval headquarters Thursday night
ried on by the county assessor's : that she had sighted this:
office and aided County Assessor ! "Large patches of dust on the
Otis Meisker on plana lor a re- surface stretching aa far a the eye
appraisal ot all residence, business . can see."
building and lot evaluations for Real dirt the Livermore aald. and
Klamath county. i samples of it were collected for
Mr. Schott, accompanied by his '
wife, is returning to Salem by way
of Medford. Grant Pass and Rose-
Burg, checkng the counties along !
t, .'
1 the 1 wf f li ri
Snicwor 4- ss&i dOEL.MCREl ".VIRGINIA MAYO i " ssr -
5 lrTTllT 4 T www - I a !?SaCV '
1 II I I VII l I . L-l I ' I ' i v .'ii'iT
J ;7V: I nil' VX X : I "3 w .4 S
whe laid hee aha wraa stepping a
bunch of rigi and if aha went eat
to picket aha waa asking for the un
dertaker," the drnUit re peeled.
He aald the calls had been ra
ported to the federal bureau of
investigation. B. Howard Caughran.
TJ. 8. district attorney at Indianap
olU. aaid no action waa planned
because tha calli wera not across
state lines.
The doctor also took a rap at Eu
gene Swaru. mayor of this Northern
Indiana industrial city.
Swarta, who has bees ander Mr
frota the rmaadera, asked yesterday,
"How about picketing tha well-
know, cwuntry club fre,eted by
members ar the women rlUtena
ramniltee and tha (iary ertma eaas.
mission, where nearly all the TieJa-
tlons complained at within tha ,,,,
f Gary hare taken place and ran-
tinae t take place?
Witness, far instance, tha recent
party where the members were edl
fled by a strip lease entertainment
af the lowest sort aa a prelude t an
reenlnc'e artlrttr af IS limit poker
and J dire game.
"Let's bar no double standards,
The doctor's answer to that and
ha said he was making It as a ner- i
scmaj one and not as chairman of 1
uir sru-appoiniea commission was: i
"Mayor Swarti Is a member of the
country club. I am not a member I
u. uumwa. I
Mrs. Rnsaen Griffith, bead ef the
wwmena rammittee. ducked what
aae saia waa a eat fight.
Congress May
Be Illegal
WASHINOTO.V. Ju!w m kw
job's Rep. Walter Norhlad came up
today with the startling suggestion
that congress may be illegal. Right
now, that Is. I
Ana tne uregon republican also
said that all the bills passed sine
July 1 may be Told,
It's all because of shaky root
T1 house and senate moved out of
""lr regular chambers July I. to
!' wor1m,n "pair the roofs. They
Uv' n metUn " different
,rT?ft"?d P"d o section S.
L tonttltution. which
- - ' ..viwuiuuta U'C Rf.
sion of congress shall without the
consent of the other adjourn for
more than three days, not to any
piace oiner man mat In which th
two houses shall be alttlng."
Norblad told Speaker Rayburn
'mi. tnougn each house adopted a
resolution to move, neither formally
00 lamed the other consent. The
Oregonian urged that the error be
corrected Immediately to avoid the
possibility of someone challenging
the situation later and possibly
voiouix; an juiys legislation.
Atlantic Ocean
Proves Dusty
BO6TON. July 30 on The At
! Untie ocean is dusty,
j That's an official navv renort and
study by Washington experts,
Scattered around, too. were a lot
of sponges, the destroyer reported.
The navy s only explanation to
j date waa "inexplainable,
iV.l 1 X P.j "V
mm jf r, mm m m "v. v m -i mom . - :r '
mr- S; Pit M w MM k k. "V r W V VJ -)-- . m g) . S WUK lUUII UrtMTAJ HANI . . Vaa ! wWaSTIM if .
e. yv m w MX m -wg. -w. -V - Vafn , . . . aV w " ne --m AW aF - . . I ) , r
X.f , X
A at
1 gasasawsawuaeawnuw waaaaaw
1 - , - - . - 1 1 n
DIL16ATI Mo Ruge,
membir of the DAV has been
chosen OS deleaOte to the na -
I . i . r. -
la. u os on three
who will ottend from Oregon.
Ruoe is olso worthy president
J '
of the Froternol Order of
Some People Will
Steal Anything
July 30 IV
Some people will steal anything
rrom anvoodv.
Cite Police Officer C. D. Manses
had finished work and was home-
to out a screen door. I
-What for? replied Manges. "1
don t need a screen door. The sum-
mer's almost over
That a what you think." replied
the sergeant. "Your wife Just called .
and reported your front screen door !
was stolen.
the song hit
i$ "different
! . Z7-.s;r 7. 77ZZZ this MAN S' t n W W
Gary Cooper "Adventures of Marco Polo" I ?l L0' I I P'isTrf W 11
Confmuout From 12:30 P. MV- ' I " n f -.'? ' V .'
$4jiyffi if I -tx'arner BRs: (
AbjvrTKd MaJ Mllll I; nil II II I II I M "s35 h
, more inciLdin:"My Heart Bvt Faster I
Elliott Says
He Is Beina
PORTLAND, Julr iMarioa
U tMikrl Mliotl, Multnomah roun
I sheriff, opened his trim
against e recall movement last
nithl with a speech In which he
aaid he wan Mm "persecuted.'
The sheriff, who has made no
public statements for two weeks,
broadcast a radio appeal lover sia-
Hon KXLI for the voters to re-
fuse to siitn recall petitions. 'community 01 Km .
Be blamed -politician" and those I Daily has a traditional bet wilh
who had received political favors ' Vlnce Johnson, Pittsburgh Pt
In the past for the recall cam- ! Oasettei newspaper columnist thai
paign. asserting h had done no ; when th ::h day of July rolls
1 wrong.
opponenta accuse him of ly -
ln boul his educational hark-
,d w , d,r
, gel elected. I lllatl has admitted
, "' '"ipalgn statements about a
eoilege education and wartime ma
aervire were In error.
! rillott hinied that he was try-
' lng to uncover "shady deals" of
: ""m" administrations, and asked
if t ha a-aaa-ai II wvawrsat as It at f lanlnl In
If the recall were an attempt to
.stop his Investigations.
) He continued his feud with Port
j land newspapers, charging that
1 they were guilty of "misquoting,
misplacing and misconstruing my
j statements."
I His wife ala took part In Ih
' broadcast, trllini listeners that El-
holt's -integrity, honealy. eharae
trr ,d mor ,'tandlng
the highest plane."
The recall startrd after Elliott
suspended Criminologist Stanley
Kll l t D
PUEBLA. Mexico. July 30 ,v-A
truck taxing peasant to a weekly
fair was caught between two buses
last night, killing 17 persons and
seriously Injuring 33 others. All the
Coitinuut Shows SarursJay Stuieloy
AlGHTt xoM"Ce
- urtutuiftniirl . .
and clever!" Hear it and many
rhythms by Xovier
end his OrrKettro!
Waynesburg Cithens Pay
Off Sets Today As Rain
Fails To Materialize
WAYNESBL'RO, Pa.. July 30 tt
Waynesburg s rltlsens ruefully hung
up their linibrellas totiay and atarled
paying off beta they made that It
aouia rain aa usual on July at).
II almost always rains In Waynes
bun on July 39. But yesterday, lor
the sixth time In 11 years, tilers was
nary a amp of moisture.
Everyone watted for It all day
i 'on- A" no one waited tor ram
cloud mora eagerly than Attorney
jcmn M. Isaily. official "rainmaker'
! '" ,h little western Pennsylvania
around, tne re U be rain In
I burg.
Daily Imt him h.i irt i.,t,.. .
the S , .r yeT.rd
But Rainmaker Daily duin t give up
' through the whole aunnv Ha.
At nightfall he even talked the
city council Into ordering daylight
saving time suspended lor an hour
at midnight. That gave him Ji
hours to save his hat and an old
Waynesburg tradition. But It wasn't
HANUMJMt niusnuv
: - : i I
irAm .
-a -r.'T..X g4,-,,
Iammw UUIsniw linn linn... a
Vrr ' :h - s... IV action! 1A-..4
VL1)ik ..tr?-.? ' .rLl SSLaJaaSSalS.U, ' "' ' T"gV ,J laawas e V, VJ"
I -a . - - . " aaP r "7 I A - l m W w. - wa a
"I'm dog llred and discouraged,"
said Daily.
"People have been kidding me a
lot why I'v had phone calls from
all over th country."
Dally had plenty of support dur
ing his fruitless rain vigil. Home
3000 parsons crowded borons 11
t reel In a last minute "rain car
n.val." Hut they Joined Dally In
paying off debts at midnight.
Dally called tha rainless day "a
temporary bad break." "8ure." he
said. "I'll lake all comers next year
we'll havt a downpour."
Forest' Service
Old-Timer Retires
POim.AND. July 30 (."i-Newell
I. Wright, logging engineer for the
V. ft forest service, will retire from
the forest service tomorrow.
It was Wright who appraised tim
ber for siuh large land deals as the
Marys peak purchase on the Slualaw
national foreat, and directed ap
praisals for timber sales. Before his
promotion to logging engineer In
IMS. he was forest Inspector for the
I'mpqua national forest.
X -wr- , v DOOM CttH '
fsTainrvAiiAraiiiniif TnmTtir i TnrfiYT, dj-4 L
lAllt v r at . A
Police Still
Seeking Jail
BAt EM. July 30 UV- Pollce atlll
are on the alert for John Pinion
and Harvey liaison, two months
after the pair made a spectacular
eacap from the state penitentiary
They rllinbed over a prison wall
Memorial Day while a guard
pumped bullets at them. Bo far as
can be learned, no one haa seen
them 11 lire,
"cores thought they did at flral.
Classed as dangerous, the convicts
were reported In a dosen places.
and the search was energetic. None
of the reports was authenticated,
however, and gradually the active
search was abandoned.
Til watch goes on. though. The
private opinion of some offlrlala Is
lhat th two headed at once for
a hide-out In some secluded place,
and have not yet emerged. Police
throughout the state are waiting
tor Ilia break that may renew the
Pinion, a lifer convicted of kill
lng a slate policeman In the mid
Columbia river area, is regarded
as the more dsngerous. His part
4 r fAi : '9umiLKniv
;:-v;-x i Jk
POllTl AND, July 30 (Ti Then,
dnre Clavlnr MrClei van Jr., 17, Port
land, din lied Willi swimming lit
lha Columbia river near her yes
terday. usr mi
Continuoui From 12:3i
Enterlalnaaeal far
the Eallr raaslly!
ner, Benson, waa serving
lor armed robbery.
I niiTiswc mo uiu l
, y mill a iwj v